Hire Writers for quality content

With time being so precious, I decided to see if I could Hire Writers for quality content.

One of the sites that I came across was Hire Writers so I put in my request for an expert write to do a review on HireWriters.com and that is where I met caleb.

Become a Freelance writer or hire one

HireWriters.com Review

by Caleb, An expert level writer at HireWriters.com

 I am a writer on HireWriters and have written dozens of articles so this is a review from someone who has actually used the website and knows how it works.

 HireWriters.com as it Relates to the Client

 HireWriters.com is a content site that pairs writers with people who need to have things written. The process is very simple for both writers and clients (clients are those requesting articles). As a client, you fill out a quick profile and connect to your PayPal account. As soon as you have funds deposited into your HireWriters account you can start requesting articles. There are four levels of writers (see below) that you can submit your request to. The higher the level, the better the writer and the higher the cost.

 All it takes to submit a request is fill out the request form. You can choose the level of writer you want to write, the category of the article to be written, the timeframe, the pay, and give any special instructions. There is a minimum amount you must pay but you can choose to offer more if you feel the article content deserves more time or expertise. The default timeframe is 24 hours. If you need to have it written sooner you can request it done in 6 or 12 hours but the cost goes up to put a rush on the article.

 The overall style and quality of the writing will vary based on the person writing the article. You will submit the article to a job board, where every writer in that level has access to it. The first writer to accept the job gets the job. As a client, you never have to worry about paying for an article that you aren't happy with. You have the ability to ask for a revision from the writer prior to acceptance or you can just reject it. If you reject the article, you have no access to it any longer. If you really like the article and want to give extra thanks to the writer, you can leave a bonus payment. You can also favorite the writer and request articles from them directly. Similarly, you can block a writer that you do not like so that they never see any other requests from you.

 Writer Level and Price Structure

 There are 4 levels of HireWriters, the price shown is the minimum amount the client must pay. The writer will receive 81% of the fee, the other 19% goes to HireWriters.com:

  •  Beginner – $1.85 for 150-300 word article
  • General – $2.90 for 150-300 word article. Requires 3 articles and a minimum rating of 4.
  • Skilled – $3.65 for 150-300 word article. Requires 7 articles and a minimum rating of 4.1.
  • Expert – $7.00 for 150-300 word article. Requires 14 articles and a minimum rating of 4.6


HireWriters.com as it Relates to the Writer

 As a writer, I really like the HireWriters platform. I like the variety of articles that I get to write. I have written blog posts for clients WordPress sites as well as others. Some clients request the article to be written specifically for SEO and provide one or more specific keywords that they want to be included throughout the article. Some clients have very specific requests and some have more general requests.

 Signing up is very easy on HireWriters.com. They require a simple grammar test and then want a sample article. It took them about three days to approve my article and allow me access to the article requests. I am a pretty decent writer so I was able to move through the requirements pretty quickly to get to the expert level. As a writer, you can't really make that much money unless you are at the highest levels of content writing sites like these.

 One of the downsides to this site is that once you've selected “accept article,” you cannot cancel that acceptance. You must complete the article in the given period of time or you will be penalized a couple dollars and received a bad review and rating from the client. This means I have to make sure I have the time and understanding to complete the article. I understand though why they have included this requirement. It gives the clients a higher assurance that the article will be completed when they need it completed. This is the only thing negative I can say about this site and it really doesn't bother me that much.

 I have had several clients come back to me with direct article requests. This is the ideal situation for a writer and a client. The client can know what style and quality of writing they will receive. I make slightly more per article (the client pays the same thing) and I don't have to worry about someone other writer taking the article before I have a chance to see it on the job board.

 There aren't a huge number of jobs that come up on the expert level so it's not like I can work full time on this site alone. But enough come through that I can usually make $30-$50 per day. My guess is that as I continue to build a larger base of clients that like my work, I will have more work coming in over time.


 I would highly recommend HireWriters.com to any writer looking to make some extra income. I would also recommend it to anybody needing content to be written. I can't speak for other writers on this site, but I know that my clients have all been very happy with my work. This is evidenced by the number of bonuses I have received, my rating (which is given by the clients), the positive feedback, and the repeat work that clients have given me.

Above review written for TonyLeeHamilton.com by Caleb Kohl 

I, Tony Lee Hamilton would also highly recommend HireWriters.com and Caleb to anyone who needs quality content written on any topic.

View more on the pricing structure below:

New Article Prices:

Writer's Skill Level:150-300 Words300-500 Words500-700 Words700-1000 Words1000-2000 Words2000-3000+ Words

Rewrite an Article Prices:

Writer's Skill Level:150-300 Words300-500 Words500-700 Words700-1000 Words1000-2000 Words2000-3000+ Words

Facebook Fanpage Post Prices:

Writer's Skill Level:15-50 Words50-100 Words100-150 Words

Poetry Prices:

Writer's Skill Level:25-50 Words50-200 Words200-400 Words400-600 Words600-800 Words800-1000 Words1000-1500 Words

eBook Prices:

Writer's Skill Level:~ 5000 words (about 10 pages)~ 10000 words (about 20 pages)~ 15000 words (about 30 pages)~ 25000 words (about 50 pages)~ 35000 words (about 70 pages)~ 50000 words (about 100 pages)
Categories Uncategorized

469 thoughts on “Hire Writers for quality content”

  1. Hire Writers for quality content – we are all inspired to your Content. thank you so mutch for that. That’s Really Best Review Of Ever Seen, Really Help Million Of People.This article is very important for ordinary people We Love Your Review.Thank you so much for showing that thanks tonyleehamilton

    Hire Writers for quality content – we are all inspired to your Content. thank you so mutch for that. That’s Really Best Review Of Ever Seen, Really Help Million Of People.This article is very important for ordinary people We Love Your Review.Thank you so much for showing that thanks tonyleehamilton

  2. This offer, Hire Writers, is news to me as I have never heard of them before but I am very intrigued! It seems like a great resource for online bloggers and marketers to outsource some of the writing to professionals or amateurs looking to become professional writers. The pricing model seems very fair as well! I will have to check out their services soon. 

  3. Hi Tony! I have to say that although I love content marketing, it gets very time consuming  when I am working on a new project. For example my new website needs  another 25 articles written which will tie me up for  quite a while!

    This writing service sounds really good and the pricing seems extremely fair. I would certainly  consider using a service like this to relieve some of my pressure and free me up for other tasks I need to be doing in my business. BTW: your personal recommendation at the end of your post really is really helpful!

  4. hey Tony lee hamilton, this was a very nice article and it was really an eye opener for me, Writing good articles is really tough, and this opportunity is really nice. Everybody knows how important a good article is, I would definitely sign up and use this for my articles. thank you so much tony, I really loved this.

  5. Thank you for the thorough review (Great job Caleb!). I will be looking to outsource some of my articles in the near future, so it is nice to know there are options out there. My question would be if the writer makes an error and you don’t catch it prior to posting, can you still correct it on your end? I would assume yes, since you purchased it, but I wasn’t sure.

  6. Hello Tony again!

    Funny that you posted this because I’ve spent the last 2 weeks finding the best platforms to get paid to write. I’ve already bookmarked a bunch of them (Upwork, MoneyPantry, EatingWell, etc…). This was an awesome article. How long have you been writing? Could you possibly recommend any more sites for me to check.
    I have bookmarked your site and will refer to all your other blogs. Thank you!

  7. I have paid writers to write articles for me multiple times on the platform and they did good jobs for me on the platform It is one of the best sites to get your job done. and their pay isn’t as cost as other platforms, they don’t charge too much. with my experience with this site I highly recommend it.

  8. This is great to know. I was wondering if something like this exists, and it does. Review is providing all necessary information for anyone who wants to earn online by writing. I’ll bookmark this text definitely and check out HireWriters site. Thank you for detailed insight on topic that is becoming really popular these days – ways to earn online.

  9. Hey Tony

    This seems like a great place to get some articles written that are at a good price. How long have you been with them? I think I’ll try them out sometime. Maybe you’ll be the one writing them who knows?

    The site looks easy to navigate compared to some others. Upwork usually costs more for the same amount of words. Very helpful link and article

  10. Hiring writers is something that I have considered so I can focus my attention in other directions. The article prices seem pretty fair to me and it can keep the content flowing on my sites while I tend to other matters. I may also consider becoming a writer for the platform as extra money never hurts and I do enjoy writing and doing research.

    Thanks for providing the information for HireWriters I am looking into the site and I plan to use the services in the future. Instead of letting one of my sites go dormant, I will utilize HireWriter and get the content flowing again to keep the site relevant and recent with new posts. 

    While I never considered doing this before, this post has made me change my mind about outsourcing article writing. Most everyone knows that quality content matters most of all and the fact that I don’t have to accept the written articles has me interested. Having to pay for a less than desirable content article wouldn’t be fair and HireWriters seem to agree.

    Thanks for the information, I’m joining HireWriters and getting to know the site today.

  11. I think it’s a great idea to hire people writing for articles to achieve your goals. Also, writing quality contents is very important. At least I don’t need to worry on what mistakes I made, and also the quality. As the price and quality writers table shown on how much you will need to pay, we also have a choice to hire writers. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

  12. This gives some outstanding insight into the world of blogging, freelancing and writing in general. I was aware that you could hire freelancers for various tasks, but had never thought or considered hiring out pieces of work.

    People are busy these days and content is important. I also enjoy writing, but sometimes you need something in a day or two and just don’t have the time. Maybe you have some free time, but are having a block. Either way this is a benefit to all parties involved.

    Thanks for the info!

  13. This website seems to offer a great way to make some extra money if you have writing skills, at the same time also perfect for people who need content for their blogs or websites.

    There are times where I struggle with ideas on what type of article I should write next. Freelance sites like Hire Writers  give me more than just an answer- they offer up solutions! It’s very easy as well so far in my opinion; just go ahead with hiring writers instead of trying hard on making your own material which sometimes takes more time than its worth.

  14. Hi there, 

    Great article here. I liked the way you categorised the different levels of writers based on their ratings etc

    This is definitely the correct way of identifying good writers because not all writers are good and most of them use either automated AI or copy and paste which I personally don’t believe in. 

    The way you have given all the pricing details is so clear and detailed. Thanks again!

  15. I enjoyed reading about your article on hire writers. I feel that this would be an amazing site to be apart of if you were looking to make a quick buck but also if you were looking to hire someone to get a few hundred words out there for you! Thank you for writing a review on this site and what value it can add to everyones life.

  16. Overall a good informative post. It really shows that you are engaging with the audience as you should. My main criticism would be on the theme. I have seen this theme way too often and it is a bit boring, but that is only my own opinion. Also, you did put the same image twice and it would be good if you can add different ones. That is however, completely up to you. However, a well written piece of work. Well done for that!

  17. I researched the issue recently, this is an amazing website to make money if you have writing skills, a solution for people who need content for their blogs or websites, like me. I have already ordered 10 cheap articles. If you have no idea how to write an article. I’ll buy articles from Hirewriters. It’s something I can’t wait for, although I can’t spend much.

  18. Definitely this is an amazing website to earn money if you have writing skills but also is an amazing solution for people who need content for their blogs or websites. Sometimes you have no more ideas on writing an article.I have been buying articles from Hirewriters lately and I’m very satisfied! It’s a great thing.

  19. I was actually looking for writers for my website and I feel that I have come to the right place. Which is great! The article helped with the prices as well

    I will definitely check out hirewriters, can you recommend any other websites for writes which i can look at?

    I will definitely come back to read more articles and bookmark your website.

  20. The review of this article on hirewriters is very good.  It is a content site that pairs writers with people who need to have things written.

    The 4 levels of writers feature the higher levels with the better writer and the higher cost.  The person who needs to have the article written chooses the level of the writer, the category of the article to be written, the time frame for writing the article, pays for the article and provides any special instructions for the writer.

    You pay a minimum amount for the writer but you can offer more, if the article content deserves more time or expertise.  The default time frame is 24 hours but if you need it sooner (6 hours or 12 hours) the cost goes up.

    The platform allows writers to make some extra money and enables the person who needs the article written to complete that function.  If you like the writer’s work, you can request them for additional work or if you did not care for their work, you can request that they not write articles for you in the future.  This is a platform that I might utilize in the future.

  21. I’ve heard about hirewriters but this is a first time I got a relevant and proper review of the site. I’ve actually tried this one myself a few time ago when I was stuck and didn’t had any ideas on what to write. Their payment scheme also looked great , where you can get articles written at low price.

    I loved your review keep posting more 🙂

  22. Hi, Tony! I stumbled across this older article of yours, and I think that HireWriters could be an excellent solution to automate some of my blog to allow it to be more passive income. I’m wondering whether this is still a relevant platform, given the popularity of Upwork and Fiverr within the past 4 years since you wrote this blog. I’ll be looking into it!

  23. Thank you Tony, this article on hire writers inspires me. I was looking for an alternative to Fiver and a way to begin my freelance career, and this might just be it with the smaller client list, where I could get some kudos and experience under my belt as well. So pleased that we have come across your blog post!
    I already clicked through and joined up. Thank you so much again for all of this helpful information!!!
    Many Blessings

  24. I like your review. Hire Writers seems like a great option for someone who really wants to offset the work of making content. This would work great if they had an affiliate referral program in place; maybe they do. Either way, your review is great, there’s plenty of content that makes it informative. Great job!

  25. Hello, I believe I should try Hire Writers. I think it’s fantastic to have people create articles for your websites or I, writing for them; it benefits both parties. And I feel it contributes to the development of a solid community.
    I see that the prices are reasonable, which is excellent to know. If I were to order an article from Hire Writers, I would specifically request content for SEO. It’s fantastic to be aware of ie Writers 🙂
    If there are any penalties, I believe this is a serious website. From my perspective, I would require extensive training in order to successfully produce content for others.

    Thank you very much.

  26. Interesting article, Tony. I’ve known about this process for awhile, but not this particular platform.

    Out of the platforms like this that I have come across (sorry but I can’t think of a name to compare), this seems to pretty straight forward and to the point. I like how you have included every price range for any “subject” of writing offered. This is a very comprehensive and educational article about the benefits of using or working for HireWriters

    Whether you are the employee of the customer, this seems to be a good platform to use.

    Thanks for the information. Great article. 

  27. Hey, thanks for this wonderful post. I liked the way Hirewriter is categorizing the level of the writers based on their ratings! That is a real way of identifying good writers because not all writers are good and most of them use automated stuff which I personally don’t believe in. So yeah, the way you have given all the pricing details is so clear and detailed. I am going to check them out and would surely use them for some of the intricate posts that I am planning to create in the near future. Thanks again!

  28. Quality should never be underrated. Hence, having right writers will be a better one. Hence, that you were not talking about the cold back to my you are doing it is only one once a lot good thing we have shared sir ooo e be na me won dey talk be am a good one of her to n not be in Ilorin his life has after the firs covid it was is a great you.

  29. The very interesting idea I had had never thought about outsourcing contentment writers as I am only new to affiliate marketing but definitely a topic I will be looking into a bit more great site easy navigation great information relating to the great topic idea. I like the way you have fully covered every subtopic relating to the topic as well. I think there will be a lot of interest here with all the new people starting in Affiliate marketing nowadays.

  30. writing quality content is very important because it is something that has a lot of role to play in online business and i really take it seriously to create quality and helpful content and i really appreciate this recommendation because it will help to make the job stress free and i am looking forward to hire someone soon

  31. Greetings,Tony.
    As a marketer, you probably don’t have a lot of time to devote to writing all of the time. As a result, it’s advisable to engage a hired writer. I’d know Fiverr, but the pricing is nothing compared to hirewriters, who charge significantly less while still providing excellent service. Because of their tight regulations in providing clients or customers happiness, I believe they are more client friendly, based on your review. In comparison, on Fiverr, authors can be rude to clients, and the Fiverr support service says that’s normal and does nothing about it. This post deserves sharing.

  32. Great article, and thank you for your review. I agreed with you and I had a good user experience with Hirewriters so far. If you’re looking for good writers all you need is just make sure to select the Expert writers and you won’t be disappointed. I have been with Hirewritters 2 years and I still using it

  33. Hi Tony. I thing I love about  this is that you don’t have to worry about making mistakes. Finding someone who speaks with your voice and stays out of the way while effectively telling your story, is gold. A good ghostwriter knows all the available ways to get published and will direct you with care. That’s why I think its a good idea to hire one if you don’t have enough time or good writing skills

  34. I have an application with these people as a writer.  I haven’t heard back from them yet but considering I already help many people as it is with their content with an “English teacher” mentality to begin with, then it only makes sense to join a team such as HireWriters as one of theirs.

    I already know many people struggle with writing!  It’s one thing to come up with creative content, but it’s another in knowing how to present it properly.  Most people fail in this regard!

  35. Hello, I was wondering if you have any experience writing about gaming or your website only writes for certain topics. Because I have been in the market for someone that could write about gaming and now I came across your website. If you do I would love to look into your website further. 

    Thanks Mason

  36. Hi Tony,

    Your post about hiring writing for quality content came just at the right time for me. I plan to start a business where I provide professionally written articles to clients who run blogs and websites.

    Hire Writers looks to be an excellent place to outsource my work and make money on it.

    The advantages of “hire writers” look to be many, most notably the variation of the writers’ skills, thus allowing me to provide different options to my clients.



  37. What a great article and something that is so relevant for me.

    I have never been a great writer so stumbling across this is like winning the lotto!

    In your opinion would Hire Writers be better for me than say Fivver?

    I see the pricing within hire writers is very good and what is going to get me to try their service.

    I like the recommendation you have given here Tony and cant wait to give their service a try.

  38. Very good way to write content. Although spell check was an issue I had before but than after few revisions the final content came out better. Content writing is time consuming as it needs originality and online research. This is a very good system which I was looking for so I definitely give it a go in one of my projects.

  39. This is really a wonderful article about – well, a writing service.  Of course, there are two aspects to the site you’re discussed – the first is the writer, and the other is the person trying to get something written.  

    These look like competitive prices for an expert writer.  There also seems to be good compensation for the writer as well.  For example, writing a full-fledged ebook of 100 pages by an expert writer would cost about $1250.  On the other hand, a 1000 word post like we use at WA might cost only about $20.  Considering the time it takes to research and compose good content, it might well be worth hiring expert writers to get more content for your site, in order to rank the site higher.

    The site is also wonderful for people who are stuck at home in the COVID situation to write content and make some money instead.  

    I went over to their site to check it out and was impressed with the service.  Thanks for letting me know about this place!


  40. I’m familiar with sites like Fiverr for hiring writers, but I haven’t heard of this site before.
    The way I see it is that unless the content on your site is really generic, you’ll want to stick to one specific writer.
    Not only will this allow him to gain more expertise regarding the topic of your site, but it will also allow the content of your site to be written by someone who writes professionally.

  41. Hi Tony,

    Being a writer myself, I find this to be a fantastic site. I have actually never seen such a breakdown like the graphs you provided showing what a writer could make, especially in the different genres an individual could be writing in. 

    Thank for you making such an opportunity known for those of us who would like to pursue his field of art.

    From one writer to another, I thank you.

    ML, Sammy

  42. Tony- I am so thankful for this information!  I have 2 websites I write articles for.  I’ve hired writers quite a bit- and have paid $40-$60 for each one.  The pricing for this service is just fantastic!  My goal within one year is to get to 10,000 words on one of my sites. This would be a bit difficult to do on my own. Now- after reading your post, I will be able to afford to hire writers.  I know this investment will pay off. This service is better than hiring writers from Fiverr.  Thank you so much!!

  43. Wow – Amazing – From reading your article I am for sure going to go to Hirewriters website and check out all that they have to offer.  I see you wrote this article in 2017 and it is now 2021 – I am hopeful they are still there.  Going to go check – be right back. YES they are still online and going strong.  Thank You so much for your review and all the time you took to add the pricing.  I will continue to read more of your reviews. I like that Hirewriters offer so many ways to write.  Facebook, Poetry, various word count articles – I see on their site they offer even more than what you speak about here.   I will sign up for Hirewriters very soon.  

  44. Hi Tony, After looking at a number of your web sites and articles within I think I can see what you are trying to achieve. 

    Your activities cover a huge stretch and this gives you the opportunity to provide a large range of products and services. After reading others comments it shows you are very well respected in your role as ,ultimately, an advisor of a broad range of topics. 

    Your personal mission of building a Christian camping ground reflects your strong moral character and unselfishness. You bring the passion of that belief equally to all the other tasks that you have in hand. In a nutshell people have got to know you very well and have the utmost trust in you because they know you will not abuse their trust. 

    I would suspect this has taken a long time to build but that you are now starting to recoup that time back.

    Your websites, while not being perfect have a continuity and feeling of familiarity about them that if you were to change the style or layout of them you may lose readership.

  45. I am tech geek and a solar energy promoter. I have solar installed on my home, and I found your article and review on the products thorough and technically informative. However, I feel most people will be challenged to understand the specs for these portable solar tables. I would have liked to have seen some of the applications for these portable solar boards. It sounds like they are designed for RV, mobile homes or camping sites. However, just looking at watts and volts don’t tell you what devices will work well, and which will need bigger systems.

    The panels are made from high efficiency monocrystalline solar cells. They are encased in a metal frame with an easy-to-use solar controller. The three support legs make the unit very sturdy when deployed. I have seen better controllers, but this controller is very easy to use.

    I was glad I learned more about the different types of photovoltaic cells and which are best in this type of application. What makes me feel really comfortable is the fact Newpowa has been around for over twenty-five years and still maintains an 80% efficiency output

  46. Once again, you’ve provided a lot of valuable information here Tony, thank you. There are more new sites and platforms popping up all the time, it’s hard to keep track of them all, let alone have the time to sort through which ones are legitimate. This site seems to be similar to Fiverr, just a little more specialized towards writing specifically – however, they seem to have slightly more economical pricing. Good to know, I may look here in the future if I ever get to the point I can’t handle all my writing myself.

  47. Hi Tony! It’s such a coincidence that I stumbled upon this post of yours. I was thinking of outsourcing since I do not have that much time recently to write. I really like how you included the pricing as well. This gives me an idea of how much I could be spending and this could help me budget my expenses. Thanks!

  48. Tony — Very good information that many of the blog content contributors will benefit from.  I know I will keep this group in mind for writing content.  My experience with hiring someone else to write is with FIVERR for a recently published cookbook. It was more $$, but also included pictures, layout, and design.  For content writing, I will likely use HireWriters.

  49. Hi Tony,

    This is a very interesting post.  I think it is rather genius to use a hired writer to write a review of the HireWriters platform.  Even more ingenious is the writer, Caleb, was probably hired through HireWriters to write the review of HireWriters for you to publish on your site.  Bravo!

    I found your (Caleb’s) review to be interesting, informative and very descriptive of how the HireWriter’s platform works for writers and the clients purchasing the content.  That being said, I would spend a little more effort with proofreading for spelling errors, grammatical errors and basic small mistakes which may turn off some of your readers and possibly hurt your rankings with the search engines.  Otherwise, I love your content and find this article to be very helpful.  I will definitely consider using HireWriter’s in the future.

    Take care,


  50. Tony Lee, our friend, is now talking about HireWriters, which is this platform, specially designed to put those in need of articles in contact with those who can write them. There is a table with minima prices, so that the writer always gets something for their work. Writers get ranked based on their level of knowledge. Trade happens through Paypal, and authors have 24 hours to produce, and deliver the piece. It is possible to get articles in shorter time, but the person in need of an article then pays a bit more. 

  51. Hi there, HireWriters is a new content writing service that acts as an intermediary between clients who want website content written and freelance writers.

    Hire Writers have a large and dedicated team of experienced writers to create wide-ranging website content and articles.

    If you want to earn online and English is your first language, you can join HireWriters for free and have access to hundreds of paid writing jobs and earning money online.

    If you want to make money writing or you are probably a website owner looking for website content then joining a HireWriters is a good place to get started as an online writer.

  52. I think the mistake many people make is thinking that writing is an easy job and almost everyone can be a writer, this mentality drives most people to wreck. thank you so much Tony Lee Hamilton for this amazing opportunity, I never knew there was something like this online, I was surprised and this is a huge eye opener for me

  53. From my viewpoint, I believe that you have an extremely point by point site structure, educational with all the lauds that you have added to your site. Everything is faultless, and you do have loads of pages and posts inside and out. Generally speaking it is a flawless construction. I can perceive how much difficult work you have placed into it. In any case, I’m certain that it will payout for you. Pleasant work.

  54. HireWriters(dot)com is a place where you could find the best content writers to hire on your team! They have very competitive rates and are experts in their field, meaning that they can produce high-quality work for customers of all types, backgrounds, or industries. The website also has some useful articles about how to write well – this should be helpful if you’re struggling with coming up with captivating ideas while writing!

  55. Hi Tony,

    This is interesting. Do you know if there is a big difference in the skill level between General and Skilled writer, for example? How about the beginner level, would you recommend it at all? If I hire a writer I wouldn´t want to do any correction work, so I´d rather pay more.

    Thanks for this information. Marisa 

  56. Thank you so very much for this review.  Prior to now my outsourcing has been limited to Fiverr and UpWork.  I’ve noticed others looking for writers so I hope they notice this.  The prices are excellent for those needing writing services.  Often a blog can use a writer to leave the writer with more time to work with their business.  This is an excellent opportunity.

  57. Tony, I believe this is the second time that I have been on your site. The reason that I even, mention it is because you don’t forget this experience at all.

    Your skillset is AMAZING!

     You are truly a veteran and your work is impeccable. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the options with hire writers and they do offer reasonably affordable pricing for the services that they are offering. 

    I know I will be back to visit your sites again, I was enjoying browsing the options that you have available, and I am nulling some things over in my mind.

    Congratulations to you on a job well done!

  58. First of all, thank you very much for sharing this post on hiring a writer as it came to me at the right time when I am looking to outsource my writing. HireWriters definitely looks like a worthy investment looking at the quality of content and pricing. 

    It also makes sense for the people who are into content creation to look at HireWriters as an alternative option to make some money. It may earn you some money as well as improve and may perfect your writing skills. I like the way Caleb has presented HireWriters and himself in this post. It’s a simple, and honest review. 

  59. I had some articles that I had written when I first got started.  Some barely reached 600 works.  I hired this company to add content to my existing articles.  The writer did a wonderful job. Most of us are not great content writers.  If you are then great, join hirewriters.  But like most of us, we need help writing contents for our website and posts.

  60. It’s beyond reasonable doubt that content is king. Besides anyone on the internet is either creating or consuming some content. Time being a limiting factor, it can be very time-consuming to create content, especially for a big website. I agree that you can outsource quality freelance writers like Caleb to deliver your awesome masterpiece content on a regular basis. Leave the writers to do the writing for you. According to your budget, you can either get high quality or not that high-quality work. So watch out!

    I will definitely share with my friends!


  61. My website has grown to the point where I will need to hire writers. Caleb is an incredible writer, and the content he provided for you is top-notch. Rarely does one get to see the actual costs for hiring a writer and the inside scoop? I had no idea that you could hire a writer for your Facebook posts or ebook publications? The information you provide in this article is priceless.

  62. This looks like a good platform to get writers to write articles for you, you will just have to make sure that their style of writing fits with what you have in mind for you blog or website, the rates are also fairly good prices so it wont cost you too much to get the content, thanks for sharing will consider them in the future

  63. A really great project idea. Writing content is a wonderful important talent that no one can master, and there is a great demand for it during this time, and I see that it has a great future or is one of the important jobs in the near future
    And the method of setting the prices is very appropriate, but what if I do not like the writing, is the amendment done for free?

  64. I thought this was an excellent review of hirewriters. So much so that I am now thinking about giving their service a try. The prices seem reasonable and go by skill level and I would enjoy seeing what someone else would do with the content I need written. If I enjoy it I will use it again, and again with no problem. I am so excited, I can hardly wait to get started.

  65. This is an awesome review on Hire Writers. I am someone that could benefit from Hire Writer both selling and buying services. For now, since I have the time and don’t have much money, I can write pretty much all my articles myself. If I need extra funding, I might look to write for Hire Writers. But as every one of my blogs grows, I’ll definitely have to outsource in the future and that’s when I’ll look back to Hire Writers and hire some people.

  66. This is a wonderful article about hiring a writer. I’m a person who doesn’t know how to write articles well and I didn’t know that someone can get a writer from hirewriter. Since I need more content for my website, I will visit the website and see if I can get a writer. However, how do you know that the content given is unique in front of Google and Human Being if  google does not want duplicate content Thanks

  67. Sometimes, writing can totally be a pain in the ass. Why is that? Because we can be occupied with other things that also need our time and undivided attention on our websites. Though outsourcing our work may not be necessary at the beginning of your website creation. But when it starts expanding, your focus will not only be on article writing alone. Our attention may be divided to things like SEO, PPC, social media marketing, the design of your site, etc. Those will occupy your time that you may have little left for article writing.

    Hire Writers definitely seems legit. People selling our time back to us that’s super awesome!

  68. Hi Tony, thanks for sharing this wonderful article! I have first heard of Hire Writers and interested to join it too! It’s amazing for those who have free time and writing skills! And the payout is reasonable too! This would be a great opportunity for me to earn extra income, thanks again for sharing this useful information! 

  69. this is a simple honest review by caleb. it is succint and straight to the point. the other platforms that write content for people also are mostly credible and do what they say . you must be careful though in assigning your work as you can get a bad job if you only look at the pricing structure in choosing your writer

  70. This is an article after my own heart! I am a professional proofreader by trade, as well as a freelance writer, and I am affiliated with HireWritersDotCom! I promote this business on my proofreading services website. I have not hired any freelancers from hirewriters yet, and until I found your review, I hadn’t considered becoming a writer for them myself — but it may not be a bad idea! Finding new ways to make extra cash online is always great. Thank you so much for this thorough review! It really made my day.

  71. This is really good and I appreciate what has been shared here with us all. To be honest. This is amazing for me to see. Hire writers is amazing as a place to get quality writers that can deliver quality contents for us. Personally for me, I see this would be amazing and I can sense that a lot better can still come from this here to us all. Thumbs up to you for sharing the information here with us all.

  72. Hi Tony, having read this article very carefully, I find that I have a number of points to make,  first of all it is a very interesting article, using a company that I not only have never heard of but never thought about contacting. OK I have been known to use Fiveer but only to design DVD covers, never content.  Suppose that I am lucky in that I am able (usually) to write content without a great deal of trouble.  Yes the research can take time, but I feel that is part of the learning additional information curve.  Thought that the prices were reasonable, but could not see myself using this company, unless I had a major problem on the content.  In closing, however, feel that there are people out there who would be more than happy to have someone else write their content.  So a very  useful and helpful article. 

  73. This is very helpful Tony. I think the pricing is affordable and not very expensive. I would love to engage when I grow bigger in Affiliate Marketing but for now, I am still structuring and building my Health website.I presently work with a diabetic writer. Do these writers have different specializations, for example, someone who can write on cancer? If so, then the company is very powerful. Many thanks for sharing this and hope to do business with them in the nearby future.

  74. Hi Tony – what a great article. Believe it or not but I have been recently trying to sign up to being a freelance writer or something similar and finding it challenging to find decent or reliable one’s. 

    Hire Writers seems like a good place to start for me with incredible opportunities – I couldn’t do this full time but its good that you don’t have to and work at a steady pace… I am definitely signing up and will be using your link later today as your articles are extremely helpful to me – You’re amazing!

  75. Hi Tony

    I have heard about content outsourcing and its been offered to me by one of my affiliate marketing friends. I guess this will help me in making a decision and the costs are important as well as I intend doing 3 websites.

    This will definitely help me as I grow my business


  76. Sometimes, writing can be a pain in the ass. Why? Because you may be occupied with other things that also need your time and undivided attention on your website. Though outsourcing your work may not be necessary at the beginning of your website creation. But when it starts expanding, your focus will not only be on article writing alone. Your attention may be divided to things like SEO, PPC, social media marketing, the design of your site, etc. Those will occupy your time that you may have little left for article writing.

    Now here is the solution – to look for a legit website that provides a quality service. I have outsourced my work on Hire Writers and I received a good job. I will encourage others to do same.

  77. Hello Tony

    Thank you for you recommendation for the website on writing writers for quality content. I can see that the pay structure is quite good. It is something that I may consider doing especially in the line of making money by writing quality content for those who might need it. This is a very great opportunity for me. Thank you

  78. Thank you for sharing this great site, I’m sure it will be very useful for my business, the prices seem to be fair and this service can save a lot of time. I really hope it would meet my expectations and my life turns easier very soon. Thanks again and good luck. 

  79. Being a blogger myself, it is really nice to see a site that solves my biggest pain point — time. Finding the time to make quality articles is hard. I have so many different responsibilities and writing takes up a big chunk of my time. I will definitely be using hire writers, because the other sites like it that I’ve seen are either too expensive or take too long to get to your article.

  80. Thanks for the HireWriters review, Tony! How I wish I could write for you like Caleb!  I have a garden and build my own blog, hoping that I’ll wake up someday and find that I have hit the target at last. Every struggling veteran blogger needs a side hustle, and freelance writing is one of the adventures anyone can explore to make a lot of money. Writing comes with passion, so no one can venture into it without being passionate about it. Thanks.


  81. Hello. I myself am very interested in your site since I have recently decided to publish some books on topics that I am passionate about. I found it laid out nicely and easy to understand. My only question is how many other competitors are there for this type of work? Also how long has hirewriters been in business. I am always nervous about paying for something online. Maybe a few reviews at the end of some clients that have used them would be good since Caleb is a writer himself. Possibly some reviews from Caleb’s work. 

  82. While the process is very simple for both writers and clients you said, which will connect the writer and the clients at the same time with just 1 click. But, ofc is a but. You also have connected your Paypal account and have some money inside in order to pay and benefit. Thanks

  83. Hello Tony , Thanks alot for sharing wonderful😍beautiful piece of information. It’s always a great pleasure coming across your articles because it is always very educative and informative. To be honest, I was in that position, but I did not think twice before I had to pay someone as soon as possible. Thanks man

  84. Thanks for thisTony. Hiring a website content writer will make your web copy more unique and engaging while optimizing it for search engines. Getting a reader to come to your site once is great, but getting them to visit your site repeatedly will help generate potential clients. I will share this article with my friends.

  85. I love this! As someone who is new to the blogging world, I will definitely be checking this site out. I have been looking for ways to freelance my writing to not only gain more experience, but to also make connections with others who might want me to write for them. This looks like the perfect opportunity to do both.

  86.  Thanks for thisTony. Hiring a website content writer will make your web copy more unique and engaging while optimizing it for search engines. Getting a reader to come to your site once is great, but getting them to visit your site repeatedly will help generate potential clients. I will share this article with my friends. 

  87. Hi there! Amazing review! Thanks for taking time to share this amazing article. Going through your articles is never a waste of time. This platform hire writers is an amazing one. Your explanations were clear and easy to understand. Before reading this I knew nothing about hire writers,but now I do. thanks for creating this awareness. Kind regards

  88. Hello , Thanks alot for sharing another beautiful piece of information. It’s always a great pleasure coming across your articles because it is always very educative and informative. To be honest, I was in that position, but I did not think twice before I had to pay someone as soon as possible. Thanks once again Tony.

  89. Thank you for posting this, I am learning a lot from your posts because I take time to read it and digest them. the details too help me know whether to embark on the journey of writing or not because i am struggling with it. being an immigrant and raise with British English has put me in a kind since moving to the US. so i am working my way through understanding that not everybody in the US will see the difference and still now that it is English. thank you for this as it has helped my confidence in applying for digital jobs like this. thanks a lot

  90. I love this article and it’s very informative too. Creating quality content is quite a time-consuming process, good research and patience are key though. I am quite curious but do they give a set time for beginners to submit their content, as I am sure that beginners do require a little more time to produce quality work?

  91. To paraphrase what’s all about in the Hire writer. Is a content site that pairs writers with people who need to have things written. 

    While the process is very simple for both writers and clients you said, which will connect the writer and the clients at the same time with just 1 click. But, ofc is a but. You also have connected your Paypal account and have some money inside in order to pay and benefit. Also depends on how much money you have not your account. As much as you have as better the writer will be. Hmmmmm 

  92. Thank you for this! It is just what I needed. A site that writes high-quality articles without breaking the bank. So many places want to charge 100 dollars for what this site does for half the price. I am excited to look into this more. Do you know how high the quality of work the “general” level is compared to those on the “skilled” level?

  93. Great article you have Here and quiet an informative one too. Content writing is something that’s mostly time consuming, which will probably take a day or two, even more than two day for beginners. And that’s the key part of any affiliate website. Am curious to find out like how many revisions can you make at hire writers, for you to be satisfied with their work?

  94. Really informative and useful article.

    I am thinking of hiring a writer for my Blog so this was helpful and really opened my eyes of what I should do.

    I was looking for something like this and I am glad that I found your article.

    You gave me all the information that I needed I want to thank you for that.

    Looking forward to seining more posts like this from you.

    Have an amazing day and all the best in the future


  95. Hi there,

    Thank you for this article about hiring writers for your website content. I have considered hiring writiers for my website content before but found that the content quality was fairly low and I didnt want to put it on my website. Thank you for this post though about hiring writers for your website content!

  96. wow, this was really an eye opener indeed, because most people do not see the need to get a writer when they could just find a way to get something done not knowing that there is quality in good writing and it is very essential to get the job done well. i would definitely use this platform for my writeups in the future

  97. Hello there 

    HireWriters is a content site that pairs writers with people who need to have things written. The process is very simple for both writers and clients (clients are those requesting articles). As a client, you fill out a quick profile and connect to your PayPal account and after these you are good to go and ready to earn

    thank you so much for sharing this article with us it has taught me more and actually have gained a new knowledge about something pretty nice 

  98. Hello there, Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful piece. It is well constructed and detailed. This happens to be the very first time I am hearing about. Hiring writers is a good opportunity for us late. You will be making money without typing whatsapp things. I really appreciate your kindness for dropping this article here,

  99. Good review of this site, which I don’t personally use, but certainly writing for money is a good skill and theraputic as well.

    The link to Hire Writers, shows they are protected from online attacks, so how would you contact them. I agree that most people can’t stand the thought of writing words and would much prefer to have someone do this for  them.

    The prices for writing articles seems favourable and payments are good and shows how lucrative this area can be.

    I enjoyed the article

  100. Awesome review on Hire writers. I’ve read a couple of platforms that links writers to content vendors online but not so many of them are great. I believe hire writers is different seeing that they have a good structure in place and a progressive payment scale.

    I however think the pay out is a little low for the writers. My personal opinion though. For people that requests writers, it’s a great deal no doubt.

    In all, I’m definitely checking them out.

  101. Eventually i would like to hire someone to write some of my articles for me. Once i start to build my website, this information is going to be very helpful for me. Hire writers sounds like something which could very y beneficial for my site.. I will be bookmarking this page for future reference.

  102. Hi there! Such an amazing article!  Wow prior to this I have never heard of hire writers. Com. Thanks for taking time to share this. Because I learnt alot from this. I must say it was of great help to me!  It’s a good thing I came across this article. Thanks again. I will definitely give this a trail. 

  103. Hello there, Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful piece. It is well constructed and detailed. This happens to be the very first time I am hearing about. Hiring writers is a good opportunity for us late. You will be making money without typing whatsapp things. I really appreciate your kindness for dropping this article here,

  104. Hi Tony, this was an excellent review of Hire Writers by Caleb Kohl. I’ve just retained a professional writer and am delighted with the results as he also advises me on SEO and Marketing but this company sounds great. I appreciated the insider view and the listing of costs.

    This is a great way for someone to make money if they are good writers.

  105. Hi Tony ,

    Thank you for this post .It is really interesting .Personally ,it is the first time i hear about this site .I have heard about other platform like that but not this one and the prices looks pretty good .I have a big projet comin up ,a bunch of text i need to write ,i am going to visit this site to see if i will get a god deal there .Thanks for sharing this Tony

  106. This is so cool. I never new such platform existed. I’m looking at it more like an alternative source of additional income. Not sure though how good would the deal be here, especially if you are not native English speaker so in general it would take you a bit more time to write anything. I guess from a client perspective it’s a good thing too – allows you to focus on other stuff while you have someone do the work for you. Just need to be lucky to find someone reliable.

  107. Wow, this is a fantastic looking site! I have saved it as it seems like the perfect way for me to earn some money, I am a pretty decent writer and can write at a pretty fast pace. I wouldn’t say expert as honestly, my grammar kind of sucks. But practice makes perfect. Thank you for the recommendation. 

  108. I have used HireWriters three times and have been very satisfied. People do not go to the expert level that much simply because what you get at the skilled level is just fine. I have compared it to the general level and there is a difference. Sure, the second level is not bad. But I would not recommend it.

  109. I am getting to the point where I need someone to write an article for me. 

    By now I was managing the entire website but it is time to outsource some work, and in my case, (I am sure it is a common thing) writing the article is the most time-consuming part. 

    I am glad I have to stumble upon this article regarding HireWriters. 

    So far the only site that I checked was fiverr, but it is always good to have more options.

    So just wanted to stop by and say thank you for your effort. 


  110. Hello. Good day. I love this article on hire writers for quality content. This is another way to make cool and legal money online. With this good and experience writers will be have the opportunity to earn more money online rather than depending on on their daily or monthly salaries alone. With these we all are making money together. Thanks so much for this lovely article.

  111. Hello Tony, I’m still new to the online business and I have to admit that it’s really good to see what you have shared with us all here. I like how Hire Writers is helping out writers and providing an outstanding service for the publisher. Hire Writers sounds like an excellent platform to connect writers with those who need posts written.

  112. This is a very good one to see here. The thing is the place of hiring the right writers will always be the best of for our sites. To get things started, I like all you have shared here. I personally feel hat if I follow through on this that we have here, I will dfunitely make a lot more through here. Thanks so much for this

  113. Thanks a million times for this wonderful and amazing post, I have been some one who love to talk on ideas for the betterment of the society and the world we live in, but have not been able to do so cause have not been good with written of articles, but with this I will be able to do so perfectly.

  114. Thank you for this insightful review of Hirewriters.  For those seeking writers for quality content at a very reasonable price, this is indeed a very useful and convenient platform to use.  You can choose the type of content you want and the different levels of writers.  On top of that, you can provide specific guidelines you wish the writer to follow/comply with.  Meanwhile, if you are a writer, this is an excellent platform to leverage.  Great article.

  115. Ah, hire writers seems like the perfect place for me to be able to actually become a good writer and make money from writing for epioel too. That is exactly what I should be looking to do there so that I can make money. It seems like they hey a good amount of people who patronize them so I should give it a go.

  116. Thanks a lot for sharing this amazing article, it Is a very resourceful article  and it’ll be very helpful to a living people. Hiring a writer makes it easier for you to get more certified and quality contents that are gonna helpful you in whatever you want to use it for. Thank you for considering to out this out here

  117. Wow! How lovely! Hire Writers do seem like a great place to hire expert writers! Only from reading this Article, one could tell the writer is an expert. Hiring writers is a great idea although that would be for when one is stable enough to pay people to do some work for them for more efficiency and to save time

  118. Wow, this is really amazing, it is really good to hire writers as I just learned here, it makes your work more epic. I never knew anything like this existed though. Thank you Tony Lee Hamilton for sharing this important piece with us here I really appreciate it and I would definitely share this with my family and friends as well. Thanks

  119. I appreciated knowing that I could apply to the Hirewriters website, a content site that pairs writers with people who need to have things written.  

    I am a writer and I can certainly keep the HireWriters website  in mind for my own use.  Certainly, a good platform for any writer looking to make extra income, or anybody needing content to be written.

    I would say that it’s probably more helpful for a client desiring to have an article written than for the writer who is going to write the article, considering the low pay levels for the writer.

    It was good to see get an idea of their price scale for ebooks.

    Thanks for a well-written article.

  120. The general style and nature of the composing will shift dependent on the individual composing the article. You will present the article to an employment board, where each essayist in that level approaches it. The principal essayist to acknowledge the occupation lands the position. As a customer, you never need to stress over paying for an article that you’re not content with. You can request a correction from the essayist before acknowledgment or you can simply dismiss it. In the event that you reject the article, you have no admittance to it any more. In the event that you truly like the article and need to give additional gratitude to the essayist, you can leave a reward installment. You can likewise most loved the essayist and solicitation articles from them straightforwardly. Likewise, you can obstruct an author that you don’t care for so they never observe some other solicitations from you.

  121. I will definitely think about that to hire a professional writer for my blog. The quality content is absolutely number one for success in blogging. Thank you for sharing all the details and recommendations, this post helped me a lot. If we hire an expert, we will have more time to spend with family and friends which is great. 

  122. Interesting. Seems like a nice side hustle. I wonder what kinds of topics normally come up? It mentions a “variety” but no examples… I wish there were some, and I might look around a little more to see if I can get more information on it. Nevertheless a great article with lots of information.

  123. this platform is just the platform i have long been looking for, after jumping from one place to the other looking who and how to benefit the world from my writing skill and as well earn like some of my colleagues do, coming across this website has just wipe my tears away, thank for sharing this very important information.

  124. Hey there!

    The piece you shared there is highly appreciated because it is very helpful. I believe Hire writers platform is an amazing avenue for good writers to easily get gigs and for clients to easily higher quality writers for their brands. HireWriters has really made life easier for buyers and sellers of writing skills.


  125. Where do I start with these guys?. Hire writer is a nice platform, I have been buying articles from them since last, and their price is grate compare to other platforms but I have one issue I wish could tell them to change, you cant regulate who is writing your article because some of their writers are not that good, expect you have hired private wriiter 

  126. Hello there, thank you so much for sharing this. this is a very awesome piece and a very detailed one. I’m really happy I came across this.  Reading about hire writer for quality content sounds exciting. Hiring quality writers to help us out in our website is very important. I think I’ll definitely give content writer a try

  127. Hi Tony, thanks for sharing! Time is indeed precious and I’m glad that you’ve shared the opportunity to outsource some writing with Hire Writers! I am really shocked with how affordable the pricing structure is for these articles; I really do need to check them out. I appreciate you sharing the grid on the pricing structure – might use some of these for guest blogs! 

  128. This reduces competition with products being sold on popular online shops such as Amazon. l will be happy to try out these products and see how it goes. The opportunity to make money by distributing the products. So having quality contents on your site will give you more edge and there will be lots of people who will be coming to your site for the love of it. 

  129. Hello Tony,

    I am a blogger, currently running 3 websites – a personal development website, a product review website and one which focuses on helping kids with special needs. Running 3 websites simultaneously is not a one person job and therefore I was thinking for hiring some content writers from a long time and coincidently today I came across your blog post.

    Upon reading your review I think hirewriters will completely fulfill my requirements. I really like that they have 4 levels of writers to choose from and you can also the writher the timeframe and category which you need.

    Thankyou for this review. I will definitely give hirewriters a try.

  130. Hi Tony

    Thanks for dropping another really nice article. For the prices stated there, I think this is the best advice I have gotten in a while. It is very perfect to hire writers instead of killing yourself that may not be so good on it. I never expected that the price would be this cheap. Thanks alot once again.

  131. I like a lot that there are writers who would read my text and edit it. I am very glad that there is such a site, I am delighted with the collection and everything probably exists in several degrees and different payment is all extra meaningful, I would like to try to write something so that they on the site to process.

  132. Platforms like HireWriters are very important especially when they provide excellent services at affordable prices. Some of us who full-time employed do not get enough time to work on our sites and platforms like HireWritters can always come to our rescue. In my opinion, the platform is very affordable even if you opt to expect writing. Thanks for sharing this writer’s review of this wonderful platform.

  133. This looks like a great opportunity both for those looking for good content on their site and don’t want to stress themselves in writing and also for those who would love to make money by writing quality articles for others. It is like a win-win for both ends, i am definitely going to use this for my website in the long run of my journey 

  134. What a great service to know about! I have bookmarked the page for future reference. I’m a stickler when it comes to the quality of the content that gets published on my site. I demand the best. Still, it will be good to try this and see what comes of it one day.

    Thanks, Tony.

  135. It is very important that we consider hiring quality writers to help us out with the things we need to do that involves writing and all because we need to make sure we get good contents that are of high quality to help us with the things we need to use it for. Thanks for sharing this with me.

  136. Wow thanks for dropping this knowledge on us Mr. Lee! I had no idea there was such thing as a website that I’m able to hire writers and make my articles for me. However, the prices are a little bit expensive for me, around $25.00 per article. For now, I’ll stick to writing them myself. Thanks! 

  137. Wow, I thought I could only get writers on freelancing sites like Fiverr but this is far better. I just built a website and sometimes it’s not easy for me brainstorming for contents to put up there . But I think this strategy of hiring writers is a brilliant one. And also it’s not expensive. Thanks for sharing this

  138. Though I have never hired a writer for content creation I heard that it is always better to get content creators for your website to boost chances of creating quality content which in turn benefits the website directly. I like the overview of all you gave here in regards to hire writers and I will consider them when creating newer content.

  139. This does sound like a good site for content writers to work on and also as though a person seeking quality content will find it.

    We all know that content is very important nowadays for bloggers and in most businesses. Visitors to our sites want articles that are informative and hold their interest. I imagine that a good writer could look at your site and get an idea of your style and write accordingly. 

    Thank you for sharing this Tony, it makes for interesting reading and much food for thought.

  140. This is a good one on hire writers because we all know that we cannot always write everything and sometimes we might just be needing to reach out to some writers that can help us to buid that good website that we really want. All in all, I think you have given a good information here and I should also like to use this.

  141. Content being the bread and butter of affiliate marketing it becomes extremely important to find the best writers. Your story about Caleb is awesome. I like how Hire Writers is helping out writers and providing an outstanding service for the publisher. Hire Writers sounds like an excellent platform to connect writers with those who need posts written. Looking at the Hire Writers Price Information, I see that this is a very competitive pricing model that will both pay writers fairly and help acquire the best talent. This sounds fantastic and I’ll bookmark your page for reference, thanks!

  142. HireWriters, from all indications, sounds so amazing. It sounds like a are haven for those who have a blog or website but need someone to help write some an article or any content that is of high quality. I am happy to be reading about this. Thanks Tony for sharing this on your website.

  143. I went through your article and I was surprised how affordable the rates are.  I haven’t yet registered but I will soon do in a couple of minutes here.  This is actually what I am looking for.  I don’t have enough time in putting together the requirements and steps for research and writing articles with all the other things I have to work on in building an online business.  With this, all I have to work on is finding the keywords for the topics I want to write about.  This is pretty cool.  

  144. I don’t any experience with HireWriter, but I have used IWriter before. Seems to be similar, but you have less than 24 hours to write the article. I might take advantage of using HireWriter now that I know it exists and as I get bigger and start expanding. More production and more efficiency!

  145. Interesting, I have never heard of this website. I have heard that is possible to hire writers though but always thought it was expensive. I checked the prices on your review here and honestly, I was surprised. This is a great way to get good written articles, especially if English arent your native language!

  146. Writing can really be a difficult task especially when you’re trying to do it on a professional level, thank you a lot Tony Lee Hamilton for sharing this amazing opportunity here, I was really shocked that there’s an opportunity such as this on the net. I’m definitely grabbing this opportunity because it’s so good, and I also shared it with others close to me

  147. There is a person out there for anything you want to do on the web.  Sometimes I get so overwhelmed that I would love to hire a writer to write some of my content.  I have two websites that require my attendance every day. This is something that I will be looking into.  The process is reasonable, and the turn around time is great.

  148. I myself was a member of this website during college to make a bit of extra money.  The amount of content created on the internet everyday is immense and some site somewhere is gonna need a bit of help producing quality content consistently.  It is definitely a good resource for someone running a website based around SEO as eventually the site and content will all begin to pay for themselves.

  149. Thank you for this post Tony. I really like and appreciate your review about hiring a writer for your online business. I think this can save a lot of time if you want to focus on pumping out solid content with the help from these experienced writers. I didn’t know there’s such thing out there, but i’m impressed just by the various types of ways and possibilities in the industry of internet marketing. Very interesting read!

  150. Hello Tony,

    Thank you for sharing your website. I liked your review about hiring a writer. That is a very good opportunity for those who need a hand with writing. You’re right in writing posts, time could be an issue but if we find a good writer who meets the need then there shouldn’t be any problem. The price chart was incredibly detailed and very well explained.

    All the best!

  151. I learn something new today. I always knew we can get people to write for us but I don’t know where to find them. And I think it is great that you found Caleb who I assume has a writing style that suits you. I would like to try hiring a writer too and see how it can offload some of my time, but to find a writer whose writing style may suit me is perhaps more difficult to find perhaps. 

  152. A very big thanks to you for opening my eyes to many possibilities.  As a writer, I’ve always wanted a medium to express myself and make money while improving,  I will definitely register and start writing.  I also like the fact that you get reviews from customers,  that way you know when you’re doing a great job and you also get more clients and higher Pay. Great job guys.  

  153. Thanks Tony Lee, this couldn’t have come at a better time, I was recently looking into hiring writers, not just yet but some time, and with this post I am able to see a rough guideline as to how much it can cost as well as the process, which judging by what I have read, seems quite simple. I will take a note of this so when needed I can revisit it!

    Thanks again

  154. Very interesting article, I am not at a stage yet where I can afford to pay someone else but when I am I will be sure and have a look at Hire Writers. They seem to be the real deal and are fairly cheep also. It seems like you have found a good writer in Caleb.

    Ultimately I want to get to that place where I have a good permanent writer that I can trust to write good articles for me, thanks for the heads ups.

  155. Hi there Tony! Oh wow, I did not know there was such a program such as Hire Writers.That seems like a very convenient option if the client has a busy schedule with another job (other than the online business). I guess something I am curious about is if you hire a writer, how would they know what to write about? Would they have to do their own research to write content or would you provide them with the resources?

  156. Hello Tony thank you for sharing this with me. In my opinion, hire writers are very necessary in a promising establishment or that which has grown big so as to ensure quality and consistency. I hire content writers sometimes because of the nature of my job and so far, they have been helpful, it was really an amazing read.

  157. As someone who constantly needs to upload content to a site, I find this idea very interesting. The prices seem reasonable, although I would need to test it myself to make a decision.

    However, realistically, how much time does it take to find a suitable writer? Whoever writes for me must be familiar with my audience and my writing style. If I ever hire someone, I’d like the relationship to be long-term, since I think that hiring different writers would be a mess.

    Thanks for sharing. I just bookmarked this for future reference.

  158. Hello there, I don’t know why I never thought of something like this, but it sounds like it could be invaluable in order to save time, and still get quality out there.  However, I would definitely will find  someone who’s personality at least meshed well with mine.  I wonder if there’s a way for us to do some kind of interviewing. Thanks for sharing for sharing this awesome article.

  159. Hey, Tony. I think the text is great. The idea is phenomenal. The good thing is that there is an option to hire writers who have different levels of writing and that the price is based on that. Another great thing is that there are writers who write different content. Not everyone needs a writer who can do everything. Thanks for the detailed prices so I know what I can afford.

  160. A really good insight in to how to used skilled writers and leverage the content which you can write on your website. 

    I have used the website which you have recommended and you get great value for money with the content which is provided and it saves me a lot of time focusing on other areas of the online business. 

  161. The topic is unique.it means it addresses the content creators. so people related to the subject is attracted to the article. that is the power of the topic. After the initial capture, the viewers are going through the content. that is the aim of the website creator.all this is done by the topic that used. so it is a good choice. 

    Inside the content writer aimed to focus the viewers in one single place to hire writers if they need it. that is a very good tactic instead of making it so complex. So the topic was successful to fulfil the writer’s final target.

  162. Hello Tony! Thank you very much for sharing this with me. In my opinion, hire writers are very necessary in a promising establishment or that which has grown big so as to ensure quality and consistency. I hire content writers sometimes because of the nature of my job and so far, they have been helpful.

  163. I have been asked to contain my comments to ‘discussion on the topic’. In that vein my comments are as follows:

    1) I thought that this topic is very timely in that due to the pandemic numerous people have lost their jobs and are migrating to online environments. These digital spaces require quality content however not everyone has the capability to deliver same. So having Writers for Hire at different experience levels augurs well as an outsourced resource for these new virtual workers.

    2) The overall process of both hiring a writer and the benefits of being a writer are clearly articulated. There is no doubt on the engagement of a writer or on what constitutes performance acceptance by the client. The ability to decline if the work is not satisfactory augurs well for the attractiveness of this service (it’s akin to a money back guarantee).

    3) I suspect that there could be a high need by foreign native speakers for this service. This could be an untapped market if not already being addressed.

    4) The ability to select the skill level of writer, quick turnaround time and very fair pricing all support an attractiveness for this service.

    5) The only thing that I did not immediately see is a guarantee or NDA that spells out that the IP of the final article is 100% owned by the client. I assume however that this would be in the fine print. 

    Hope this is helpful


  164. WOW!  This is great information!  I write blogs but there are times that I don’t have the time to write or my creativity is blocked.  I have heard about hiring writers but I had no idea it was so economical.  It’s certainly a boon for those who want to earn some money in their spare time, or just for those who want an outlet for their creativity.  I’m off to check it out right now!!  

  165. Hi Tony! Thank you very much for sharing this article on hire writers for quality content. I’m particularly interested in this because it’s something I always wanted to know of. I found the topic information to be very helpful as it provided an insiders look at an option (for hiring writers) for people who cannot or simply do not have the time nor energy to write their own blogs. Thank you for this 

  166. thank you for sharing this wonderful piece of information with us. I must say I really did go to your review and this contains valuable piece of information one need to be aware of. I think I would highly recommend HireWriters to any writer looking to make some extra income. It is a nice website that enables writers to do what they do without any stress

  167. I would love to use this platform. I find myself not having enough time to write like I would like. Long ago I did use something similar, but I was very disappointed. In fact, I don’t think they are even around any more. The writer I used was awful to say the least. Anyway, thanks for the information, I will definitely check them out. 

  168. Hire Writers is a content site that pairs writers with people who need to have things written. The process is very simple for both writers and clients (clients are those requesting articles). As a client, you fill out a quick profile and connect to your PayPal account. As soon as you have funds deposited into your Hire Writers account

  169. Hello Tony, thank you for recommending the HireWriters platform. 

    I just register as a client. Is it possible to use the same email address to register as a new writer? 

    I have questions to ask you as I don’t find the Q&A page on the platform.

    1. How much is the minimum deposit as a client? 

    2, How to check the writer’s work as a duplicate article?

    3. What is the limit of giving keywords for an article project?

    Thank you for your time to answer my questions.

  170. Hello there!

    The article there share a very unique and great initiative from the HireWriters website. This platform will make it easy for writers who are struggling to get gigs, easily connect to clients that can buy their articles. With a great platform like this, the writer and the client are certain of getting what they deserve, there will barely be reason to make complaints.


  171. Hey Tony
    What a fantastic article! This is so chock full of useful information, I cannot wait to dig Deep and start utilizing the resources you have given me, Your exuberance is refreshing. I like the idea of getting writers to help out on content, the pay is way less compared to what help it would bring
    After which I am glad to share this

  172. Thank for this great piece of information, hirewriters is good and can help present documents and other information well and most people are to busy to get there jobs done but with hirewriters you can get your work done and it can help others out there looking for writers, hirewriters is the best

  173. Hi, I like the simplicity of your site. There were a lot of videos. On the topic of marketing, I am new and don’t know much from what’s good and bad. I come back to it on an on and off type of relation. Now it’s going to become more permanent since I’ve been put out of work. Bills still have to be paid. It was an interesting but brief read. I’m more of a reader than a watcher. Perhaps in the future, you could include a little more information in a written format? It could potentially gather more people’s interest for sure.

  174. Wow.. Thanks Tony, as a writer I really like hire writers, it is very intriguing to have something like this and brings innovation and funding to writing. I also have friends in my environment who I think hire writers will be so beneficial too. Thank you for sharing this and taking your time to keep me informed always. 

  175. Hello, this is a very awesome piece and a very detailed one. I’m really happy I came across this as the information I’m getting from here is standard. Thank you for enlightening me doh I never knew about this I now know more I will take out Tim to always tell people a bit of what I know about tony lee Hamilton

  176. Hi Tony…..thanks for this wonderful information pass from this article …..I’m really really happy over such effective writing from Caleb …he did a very good job ….there was no grammatical errors, all the marks were perfectly placed ….I really love writings like this…the paragraphs were all well placed all informations were well explained in details…it’s a good one 

  177. Hi Tony,

    Considering that my time is limited, I am not thinking of offering my services as a writer on the Hire Writers platform (although it is a good opportunity to earn a side hustle income), but to use their services to create more articles for my websites.

    As you recommend Caleb Kohl, I will give him a chance. He did a great job with your review. Thanks for this information.

  178. I am incredibly impressed with Caleb’s work on this article! I did not find a single grammatical error or punctuation issue. I may try Hire Writers. Thanks for this article and for sharing information about one more excellent job opportunity! I believe that today is very much easy to make a living working from home. 

  179. Wow this actually sounds great, especially going to keep this in mind as my blog fleshes out over time.  I don’t know why I never thought of something like this, but it sounds like it could be invaluable in order to save time, and still get quality out there.  However, I would definitely want to find someone who’s personality at least meshed well with mine.  I wonder if there’s a way for us to do some kind of interviewing.  I love that there are four levels of writers.  I think I’d actually go with a higher level just because I do take content very seriously.  Wow, the prices aren’t even that bad!  This is pretty awesome!  Even to get an expert to write a 1000 page article – $32.40.  That can pay off big time if your site is bringing in traffic and you’re monetizing off ads and affiliate marketing.  I’m seriously gonna look more into this.  Thank you.

  180. To be sincere online business is not a joke as it provides different  opportunity on work to do on the internet. Hirewriter also sound good. I think it helps those who have multiple tasks to carry out so they can assist in that area. Thank write, and you buy depending on what you want. Thank you for this wonderful review article on hirewriter

  181. Hello there! Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful piece of information. I’ve gone through it and it’s a really detailed one.  I find it very helpful as it contains valuable information one needs to hold on to. For me I feel like it’s best to higher content creators and writers because they’ll have more engaging stories and interesting ones. This is a good idea.!

  182. Thank you much for sharing this post about hire writers, have aways have ideas in my head, but have not been a good writer myself going through this makes me understand that I do not have to write my articles myself I can just give the idea to hire writers and get what in want in time, and also save time of my busy schedules.  

  183. Thank you Mr Hamilton, this looks industrious. I love the idea I would grow my digital marketing skills like I have always wanted. My challenge is that most often than not, I loose interest mid way. I hope to try HireWritters and I hope it turns out good for me and I don’t stop hall way in

  184. So far I have really enjoyed what I have seen her and its very good to see such data from a site all at once because you can make use of it. The more we network, the more we learn, and the website he describes sounds like a good place to start selling your own writing.  I would have felt more connected with the author had he shared about his passion for writing.

  185. this seems really cool . Hirewriters could be the best writing site out there, but they at times freeze your account for no reason at all. I think they should improve their communication since I believe their support team is not very accommodative .apart from this problems i think they are okay.

  186. This appears to be a guest blog review. Great idea to ask for guest authors. I had not considered doing that.

    I found the topic information to be very helpful as it provided an insiders look at an option (for hiring writers) for people who cannot or simply do not have the time nor energy to write their own blogs. The more we network, the more we learn, and the website he describes sounds like a good place to start selling your own writing.  I would have felt more connected with the author had he shared about his passion for writing.

  187. Thank you for this subject to light. I had no idea that a company like this exsisted, I thinkm that I will inform my wife about this one. She is looking to get away from working at walmart, her job is killing here. She needs to find something that she can do while sitting down, but also be able to get up and move around from time to time. Plus she is really good at typing and has damn near perfect grammer skills as well. This may be just what she needs.

  188. It is very  true that not everyone has the capability to read and write as smooth as we all want or know but this has given it an option to be able to hire someone to do your content writings for you and you pay them based on your agreement. This is a good article to have and it’ll help a lot of online businesses.

  189. Hiring writers for your blog or website is a really amazing step in the right direction. This gives you time to focus on other things that matter to you. It also give you time to think about the business blpart of you brand and you may now have more time to create other passive sources of income. I recommend this to anyone that has a blog and wants more sources of income.

  190. I am incredibly impressed with Caleb’s work on this article! I did not find a single grammatical error or punctuation issue. With she’s like these, particularly Fiverr, it is common to get low quality work.  I like the option to select an expert level writer and that the levels are earned through merit.  I am actually going to check out this site to see if I can do some writing for them.  It seems like it would be easier to build a good reputation on this site as opposed to on fiverr as it is hard to get jobs with no prior reviews. I love how you credited the author here too. Is that a requirement or are u just a good person? 😉

  191. Hello there, thanks a lot for sharing this beautiful piece of information here with us. I must say i really did enjoyed going through your review as it contains valuable informations one needs to be aware of.  I agree with you on this one. Hiring writers for contents helps you have better content on your page hence driving traffic and giving you more Oge visitors. Good idea

  192. I may try Hire Writers. I have had nightmare experience when hiring writers. I am an excellent writer, but I’ve outsourced in the past thinking I’d free up my time. But in the end, it wasn’t worth it. First, I love writing. Second, no one has your voice. My voice when writing is distinct and when someone else writes, they’re using their voice. That being said, when I’ve used writers, I’ve always used a minimum of 4 star writer.  Anything below that, you’re taking a stab in the dark and you’ll likely get poor content.  Hire Writers seem to function like all the other article writing platforms. I’m glad you can ask for revisions and that if you don’t like the article, you don’t have to accept it. Great review.

  193. Is a writer company offering witing services. Hirewriters offers writing services to his customers. And rates depend on how many words the document has and where the document will be publish.

    After customer fill out the request form, he/she can select the writer level, what category the article should be written, how much time (or deadline) the document shold be ready. Most were done in 24 hours, but sometimes some documents were required to be ready between 6 to 12 hours. the price goes up to accelerate its completion.

    All it takes to submit a request is fill out the request form. You can choose the level of writer you want to write, the category of the article to be written, the timeframe, the pay, and give any special instructions. There is a minimum amount you must pay but you can choose to offer more if you feel the article content deserves more time or expertise. The default timeframe is 24 hours. If you need to have it written sooner you can request it done in 6 or 12 hours but the cost goes up to put a rush on the article.

  194. It is a no trainer to fill your website with substandard contents that are not worthy and are less and less in delivering what can be counted to be worthwhile. I really value all that has been shared here and the fact that so much mire is being offered here. I think I can say that what you have shared here us the best for us all especially if you do not have the technical know-how to get started

  195. Ah, this seems really good and also the right thing for me to do at circumstances like this where as a content creator, you cannot have time to do everything yourself so it would be good to hire a person to wrote for me and you have shared with me a good place where I can find the right type of writer.

  196. Thanks Tony for this. I have a lot of friends who are writers, in fact my girlfriend is a writer and she has been looking for a platform like this where she can get clients to write for. She has been a freelancer for quite sometime now a it’s been difficult getting client. She’d be happy to jump on to this. 

  197. Hey Tony, thanks so much for sharing. I was wondering where to have my articles to be written, and Hirewriters .com seems to be very good. If i need an article to be written using this platform, I’ll probably opt for an expert. I know they are expensive, but at least it’s better to have a quality content, instead of having it written from a “Beginner” level, and not being totally satisfied. I’ll definitely have a close look at it.


  198. Hi Tony;

    I read your post about Caleb at Hire Writers from two perspectives. First, I used to work as a content writer, so I was interested in how this particular platform works. I never worked for them. It looks like another good place to try out as a freelance article writer.

    The other perspective was as someone who owns websites now myself. You’re right that creating content is time-consuming and it’s nice to be able to outsource it. This is definitely a place I would consider to get posts written for my blogs. I’ve actually paid more in the past than the prices quoted here. The rating scale is convenient to determine the quality that suits your needs and budget for your content. Personally, I always go with top writers because I hate having to do a lot of editing afterward.

    I’m glad you shared this. I will add it to my folder of resources for my website development.


  199. Wow thanks for this article and for sharing information about one more excellent job opportunity! I believe that today is very much easy to make a living working from home and this seems to be very much a great opportunity! I have never joined platforms like this, and will definitely do that now. 

    Thanks Tony, 

  200. Awesome article on HireWriters! I struggle with coming up with content everyday and at some point it is going to be worth my time and money to outsource the content creation. Now I have a place to go when I decide to make that transition! Thanks again, this article helped with a future worry that is now solved!

  201. I was looking at your site. I like the idea of having writers help me. This was very informative. I never knew what fair prices would have been for this type of service. The website is nicely designed, and it was easy to find information. What do you recommend the length of an article to be indexed by google? Is there any way to get ahold of you directly through the website?

    To Your Success,

  202. I really like the layout of the information and the ease of its delivery (writing style).  I particularly enjoyed how the information was presented for both potential writers and those seeking them for hire .

    I was so intrigue that personally I will be looking into signing up as a prospective writer , I already added their link to my favorites lol. I further appreciated the breakdown of the fee structure and the transparency of the breakdown it provided.

  203. Hello.

    Thank you for sharing this amazing product review, personally this is the first time, to hear about this platform, through my experience as a content marketer who as both learning the secret of freelance this site is so useful to work with on how they provide payment through levels

    Thank you for sharing

  204. Thanks for your honest review of HireWriters, Caleb! You have given me a great insight towards making more money as a writer and I am going to utilize this opportunity at once. I have heard about HireWriters once or twice in the past but didn’t take any action on it. I think I must sign up to the platform in earnest and start exploring this opportunity to boost my writing revenue. Thanks again for introducing this opportunity!

  205. Great, great recommendation, especially for website and content creators like us. Unfortunately they are currently not accepting writers from my country, but I will consider paying someone else to write my content once my business is scaled to a bigger size.

    However, your recommendation led me to search the web for other writing opportunities, and there are a few which have caught my attention. Thank you for pointing me in this direction!

  206. Hi there, I want to thank you so much for posting all the pricing here!   Not only for articles but for re-writes and eBooks as well. The costs are very reasonable and make the idea of hiring a writer achievable.

    It’s nice to know that you have found a certain writer that you like to work with. I would like to get to that point in my online marketing business as well.

  207. You know, I never thought about hiring a writer for a post, but the pricing is not bad at all.  A lot of my posts kind of follow a “blueprint” where they follow the same order, and provide the same type of information.  Would I be able to have this done when they write for me?  Can you tell them “how” you want it written?  If so, then this is something I am  most definitely interested in.  As one post can take me quite a long time to finish. 

  208. My major reason for always hiring a writer is that there’s a fine balance between writing for search engines and writing for actual people (the latter always overrules)—but good content writers know what it takes to win over readers and Google, at the same time. Content writers will often work on the structure of an article before they start writing.

  209. I’m interested know more about HireWriters and about Caleb. I could see the prices are reasonable and affordable. What I am not clear about is the difference in writing and content between Beginners and General writers. Are the works of Beginners of less quality? Or is their category based on length of experience in the field?

    Thanks in advance for the answer, Tony.

    God bless,


  210. I have heard of other companies that will write articles for you, but I have not heard of Hire Writers.  I’m glad you had this article done by one of the writers at Hire Writers (I thought that was pretty clever) because not only do they know all about the company, but you even get a little sample of this writer’s work.

    Also for someone like me who has a blogging website where I write a lot of articles, this will surely come in handy!

  211. Very helpful post. Im glad i found it where i was looking. I always though content writing didn’t make people a lot of money but now that i see the experience behind it im a lot more confident its something i might consider to do in my near future  and if my business gets going then ill know where to look to hire a few content writers.

  212. HireWriters, why didn’t I think of that? I’m spending so much time on one article which will take me a day to finish and another day to proofread, edit, and publish so like you, I’ve also been thinking of hiring someone to help me with my articles and a freelancer is actually a great idea! Definitely giving this a go, thanks for the recommendation 😀

  213. This is just what I need to read today. I’ve started a couple of online sites that I need a ton of content for and I’ve been looking at cost-effective outsourced writing solutions. Hirewriters seems to charge very reasonable prices and I wondered about the quality of the output. It seems that if I opt for the expert tier I will be working with a highly qualified writer who will hopefully produce work to high standards.

  214. Tony Lee you seems to be posting all the information I had needed, some currently and some a long time now, I’m not a professional writer and I do all the writing myself, sometime it is vey overwhelming cause is 2 sites I’m having and that takes a lot of research and then I still have to write, I was checking out some writers and price, never really knows how it works. I certainly do have a pretty clear Idea, Thank to Tony Lee to the rescue again, thank you 


  215. This is truly a great review.  I researched the company after reading one of your articles that mentioned them.  I tested their delivery on some of my articles.  They are great.  I had some articles that I had written when I first got started.  Some barely reached 600 works.  I hired this company to add content to my existing articles.  The writer did a wonderful job.  Thank you for sharing this Tony.

  216. Thank you I am going to look into this, I am glad that they have levels to match the individual budget, it’s cool that you can get an article sooner than 24 hours. getting the quality work before it’s paid for is an A-plus. I think it’s holding you accountable once you accept the work. job well done.

  217. Tony’s review about Hirewriters for quality content is a wonderful piece and a great resource if you are just starting out as a writer or an online business entrepreneur.  Most of us are not great content writers.  If you are then great, join hirewriters.  But like most of us, we need help writing contents for our website and posts.  I think Hirewriters is a great solution for this if you are looking for quality content in your website.  

  218. This review is very detailed and direct. Writing a quality content comes with its own challenges. Another challenge is getting a trustworthy and skilled writer or a platform that will link you with a professional writer to help write the content. From this review, Hire Writers seems to be a safe haven for people who need the help of professional writers, and is recommendable.

  219. Thank you so much for posting all the pricing here, not only for articles but for re-writes and eBooks as well. Costs seem very reasonable, and make the idea of hiring a writer enticing.

    It’s nice that you’ve found a certain writer that you like to work with. I would like to get to that point in my business as well.

  220. Hey Tony lee Hamilton, the hire writers platform seems very nice. Hiring good writers is a very nice thing to do, as you get good content at a very low price. One major reason why I like the hire writers platform is that you can select the level of writer you want which is very reasonable, as some people need better writers and some people also don’t have much money 

  221. Look at yourself as an unneeded extra in your audience’s lives, pleasant but no longer needed. Given our size we can find those with particular expertise and thus focus on very specific groups of topics. Also by catering exactly to a medium-sized group, the saturation point where everyone is a writer or needs one is far beyond our numbers.

  222. Hmmm, curious.

    I’ve never really considered outsourcing writing, I guess I’ve always considered that if I didn’t write it then it wouldn’t really be mine as everyone writes differently. But this was an interesting read, Caleb did a good job of explaining the pros and cons of the linked site.

    It even gave me ideas for another potential earning opportunity at some point in the future. Another site I shall definitely bookmark for a later date to look into and examine more closely.



  223. What an interesting review Tony! I’m so interested in this Hirewriters platform as it will reduce the tounds of articles I will have to write next time. Your reviews are always fantastic and useful and I know a fact that there are many good writers out there who are willing to help with an affordable price as you distributed above

  224. It is amazing to have see several articles from you Tony, relating to situations of life. For the short time I have been on this platform, I have been exposed to new knowledge about things. Having to know that writers can also be given an opportunity in the Wealthy Affiliate platform means that there is room for everyone in this platform.

  225. Caleb seems to be a very good writer. I like the concise style, and the pricing is beyond reasonable. I’ve often considered hiring writers in the past. I’m sort of a self-described control freak, so just couldn’t get past that fact about myself. I have hired others for small jobs from Fiverr in the past and had excellent results, so I know that these sites can be excellent resources.

  226. I have been thinking to hire a writer but I have never seen one platform with prices that I could afford. But this one is just perfect. I can also see that Caleb is a good writer, he did a great job with this article.

    So, I need to have my content planned for next month and head over to hire writers to see how we can work together. how long does it take to receive the post?


  227.  I think this article is enough proof of just how effective and useful Hire Writers is. It is very good if you can write your work and contents bug yourself but not everyone can do that which is why the opportunity of being able to hire a content writer can also be appreciated. I would like to know how to do writers job. Great link,thanks.

  228. Hi Tony, Thanks for putting together the helpful charts to show what one can expect to pay for writers with different skill levels at HireWriters. I have looked into other services but have usually found them to be too cumbersome to navigate to be worth the trouble. I like that there is a “rewrite” an article option — a good idea to keep content fresh and up to date!

  229. Wow, this sounds very interesting. I really like the idea. Hire Writers looks like the real thing. The good thing is that these people know exactly how to write depending on what content you need, whether it’s a new article, Facebook fanpage post, poetry etc.. Not only is it a great idea for those of us who need someone to write a meaningful and well-conceived text, but also for people who have good writing skills to try something new.

  230. This is great. I’ve been looking for a good place to become a hired writer. I wasn’t impressed with Upwork and other sites just weren’t geared towards article writing. This is exactly what I’ve been looking for. Something geared directly towards content writers and creating a platform to connect them with websites.

  231. Hey Tony, thanks for your Hire Writers for quality content article! I have been on the lookout for a good website that can connect me with quality writers. It can be a challenge to find quality writers that can create articles that doesn’t require editing. I will have to look more into Hire Writers. Thanks again for the article Tony!

  232. This is interesting. Thanks for bringing awareness to this opportunity. I consider myself an ok writer and probably should give it a shot, however I tend to take longer than I should when writing articles. Sometimes It’s because of my job, other times  it’s because of  procrastination, and then there’s the fact that I may just feel like pacing the floor while brainstorming instead of sitting down  staring at a computer screen, therefore I am not entirely sure that I would make the cut. I suppose I can still try.  

  233. This program has used only once. Purchased a 1000 word document on ClickBank product and received an article that was copied from other sources online and some of the words were spun using a spin rewrite software. It is best to research and gather your research to write your own blog articles about Clickbank products. I value and signup for lots of programs to test and then write my reviews. I will be sharing your blog article with my followers. 

  234. The internet has made everything so easy and simple that we don’t have to leave the comfort of our homes to find writers for our work or project. There are a lot freelancers who are writers that are willing to write with an affordable amount but of course depending on the content and time limit of the work. Thanks for sharing this information with us Tony.

  235. Hi again Tony! I am versatile and open to many business plans but solely on digital grounds. I am a part time blogger and something I agree makes people attracted to your blog is the content you drop. For someone like me that’s doing other jobs together with my blogging, there may be no time for me to create good contents. So hiring writers for quality contents is something I would really consider doing. Thank you T

  236. What a fabulous blog post! I love that an actual writer works for Hire Writers wrote about this website and how it works!  Do you know if these writers just write articles, or do they also put together ebooks? I’m considering in the future offering an ebook on my website, but want to outsource the writing and editing if I can.  



  237. Wow, what a great program. I didn’t realize you can get content written for such a low cost. Great job getting someone from hirewritters to write this review. I would have never considered this program had you not gotten Caleb to write the review. I will consider this option in the near future. Great article

  238. Thank you so much for bringing Hire writer resource to my attention. I am thinking about hiring a writer for my blog and was wondering whether to use them or not.
    But your article made it clear and prizing is really reasonable. And it smart if you have this article written by someone you hired thought Hire writer. I am pleased with your writer and I am sure there are others that can be as good as your writer.

    Thank you for recommending it.!!

  239. Completely interesting. I’ve been considering almost contracting somebody to assist me to make substance for a whereas, but overseeing two destinations and continuously keeping up to urge. HireWriters appears like a great opportunity at a reasonable cost, I will eventually grant it a chance, much appreciated for the review. I truly just like the way you’ve permitted one of the scholars to put his encounter down on a page so others can see the method, and the cost structure you’ve included is truly valuable as well. HireWriters I just better for me than iWriters Great review Tony. 

  240. Hello Tony, I believe if you have got an already successful website then Hire Writers could be a good asset and surely a time saver. I guess someone like me, I have not gotten there yet with my sites, it would place out to be costing me much income than I am currently earning with my own blog-post. Having said that, it is something I definitely hope to be able to make use in the future.

  241. I’m an affiliate marketer, so it’s not every time I get to write articles as my website is expanding. Sometimes I would like to outsource my work to have time to develop my website and make other improvements. This is what made me to find a service for this purpose and that’s how I found Hire Writers. I’ve used them, and most of the writers I’ve worked me are good. So it’s okay to use them.

  242. Hello Tony, hello Caleb, I think this article is enough proof of just how effective and useful HireWriters is. It is very good if you can write your work and contents bug yourself but not everyone can do that which is why the opportunity of being able to hire a content writer can also be appreciated 

  243. There are several avenue for making money. I’m just getting information about this. Hiring people to write  while they get paid. This will help in saving more time. Collecting ideas together without wasting resources. Online platforms like this are really wonderful. Thank you for sharing this information here,it’s highly appreciated. Only lazy minds won’t grab this kind of opportunity

  244. I will surely be looking to hire writers for myself to see how I would be able to make some o the best out of my blog. You really explained very well how to be able to write some quality content and I love it. I would be looking to try what you shared out. Thank you very much!

  245. Hello Tony Lee Hamilton, thank you for sharing this informative and resourceful article. This article is based on hiring writers for quality content. This article is really important especially for people who find it difficult to write contents for their website ,business or presentation. Caleb did a nice job and I would recommend him to people who might need his skill

  246. Hello Tony, it’s really nice to see this article and I’m happy to be here. Sometimes I get stuck on my writing and need a break but I know that I need to make some content so I know this will come in handy. Caleb did a great job and will look him up to write my articles. Thanks for sharing

  247. Hello Tony Lee Hamilton, thank you for sharing this enlighten information, I love this because it’s a such a great way to make extra residual income online , and I’m definitely going to have better look at this , I now know where to look if I need an article written , hire writers is the perfect option, I find this article very interesting and highly informative, I find it really helpful.


  248. This is really good to tsee here. Being able to make the very nest use fo a writer that has the expertise to get us quality contents while we pay for it. It can be the best way to get ourslef to be more free In what we do and also give us the right edge that we need. Surely value this here and it makes so much sense to see here. Thanks

  249. It is very good if you can write your work and contents bug yourself but not everyone can do that which is why the opportunity of being able to hire a content writer who can provide you with a very good quality of content is there and this will ultimately make your content valuable.

  250. Hello, there are many of us who are talented for business and presentation, but we lack a little creativity to get the written content to reach people. Some people really have that talent, and as the saying goes, a nice word and an iron door open, and a frozen heart melts. It’s not bad to have help like HireWriters

  251. Hi Tony!

    This is amazing! Also decently priced. I have bookmarked your page and will use it very soon. Sometimes I get stuck on my writing and need a break but I know that I need to make some content so I know this will come in handy. Caleb did a great job and will look him up to write my articles. Thanks again.

  252. Hey Tony, amazing stuff you got here, im 1000 percent sure that the online community approves. I’ve heard of HireWriters from you and an online friend of mine, he  seems to highly recommend it, i feel as though this would benefit the bloggers and other online business who are doing other things so they wouldn’t have time to write. Thanks Tony.

  253. It is very nice that in this case you can be our personal mentor.I love this. This is such a great way to make an extra income!, Interesting! I might try offering my writing skill in this site. I love writing and I think it would be a good source of additional income.I’m considering requesting articles from this site, too.That is business. So in an appropriate time I will certainly join in.Let’s Go!, You Will Win.

  254. Thank you Tony for this info, as a marketer writing content is what I lo e doing but I discover I find it difficult to finish all my jobs. I will check hire writers to see if I can get a writer. I hope I find one like Caleb. One who won’t need supervision and that will deliver quality job 

  255. Hi Tony,

    Interesting, very interesting!

    As online entrepreneurs, we are indeed sooo pressed for time! It would be nice every now and then, to have a professional Writer write your content, while you attend to other aspects of your website(s) and business in general. I just wonder in my case if I would be satisfied most of the time with the product! 😁😁


  256. As a freelance writer, I would steer clear of these types of websites. They don’t pay a living wage. However, if you need some content FAST for your own website, this could be the way to go. Many of the writers are of good quality and living in countries where the cost of living is lower. You may have to proofread the articles and change up a few words to match your branding and target market. Many Indians do speak English but tend to use different vocabulary for some things. 

  257. I am a user of hirewriters and this webpage endorses using hirewriters. There is a clear and smart price structure breakdown and some good narratives included from actual writers on the platform. This will give potential customers more comfort in knowing, what the actual writers have to say. The grammar used and experiences of hirewriters by Tony is very genuine and attractive to those unsure of whether to use the service or not, it should definitely help them to make their minds up.

  258. Wow! I love this. This is such a great way to make an extra income! I am definietely going to have an in-depth look at this. I must say Tony, your are a gent. The amount of ideas you have given me, to earn extra income, is truly humble of you. Really appreciate the hard work you put in. Writing has defintely become more than a pastime for me. I love expressing myself through my writing. On the flip side, if I ever want an article written, I can use ‘Hire Writers’ for that. Thank you.

  259. Great post, Tony! Well, as a writer myself, I can totally relate on to this. There are times that I usually run out of idea and having a writer’s block. So what I do is I hire writers across various sites. I heard about Hirewriters in the past and haven’t tried them. I think they have a pretty much decent website and the first thing I look for a website is something that is of ease to use. And to thinnk that levels of writing varies to payment, I assume that is a good policy. Cheers.

  260. What a great concept this is, we’re all busy these days and writing content sometimes can take hours. Hiring a pro would mean I could get on with all the other things I need to do. 
    The prices look reasonable and I like the levels of writer, something for everyone’s budget.

  261. Interesting! I might try offering my writing skill in this site.  I love writing and I think it would be a good source of additional income.  Most importantly, I would earn from doing something that I truly love doing.  Are there categories or what I mean, can I choose a particular field of interest from which I am willing to write? Or available job requests come all at once?

  262. I use hirewriters for a couple of my web properties.  I can agree you can find some awesome writers, but also some really bad ones. Once I find a great writer I save and invite that writer to any jobs I have. You can get some excellent content written for very low prices compared to other places like Upwork etc. I would also recommend hirewriters.

  263. Tony, have you checked out the reviews for HireWriters? I did not like what I saw. In your defense, you did say the style and also the quality is dependent on the writer. I appreciate your honesty.

    I like the idea that I can block a writer that I don’t like his or her writing style, etc. This is a neat feature so that one does not have to be annoyed by seeing communication from someone you don’t wish to do further business with.

    Thanks Tony and all the best.

  264. I’m considering requesting articles from this site, too. I have requested similar requests from other sites like iWriter, but given that HireWriters require more stringent process of fulfilling clients’ requests, I think the quality of articles coming from this site supersedes those of their competitors. Also, I noticed that they do not easily accept writers from outside the USA so that means to say that they are making sure that the writers they hire are native English speakers. So, that’s great for us, people needing articles for our sites.

  265. As for me, hiring a writer, will be something for a near future. I can see the potentiality on hiring writers for my old posts. I see it like an investment, but after aggregation some more backlinks before. This information is valuable to me. I didn´t know that there were several levels of writers. 

    Thanks for the chart, it makes sense the different levels of investments hiring a writer. I can understand that once making the deal, there is no returning back from what you said. That is business. So in an appropriate time I will certainly join in.

  266. Hello,

    I generally don’t like this kind of platforms to write because I’ve had a bad experience with a French one where my rating was lowered without any valuable reason. Also, I believe that you work a lot for minimal remuneration. However, it’s a good side business money that can help you when you have some difficulty. Thanks for your review!

  267. wonderful Tony, 

    I’ve never heard of hirewriters dot com before but your review have exposed everything that I need to know before giving it a try. I think I like it and I’m going to give the writers there a try to see what they can offer me.

    thank you always for your reviews.

  268. I’m truly surprised with this review. I have been writing my articles ever since I started my website and I have to admit that sometimes I get too drained to even attempt to write something. I have gone weeks without any motivation and this platform seems like a legitimate tool to help anyone with their development. I’m surely giving Hire Writers a try and see how I feel and how it can collide with my website and my writing style. 

  269. The prices for the articles seem very reasonable hiring a writer is something I’ve considered sevral times because of the time spent realy adds up sometimes and cuts into time with family I will more than likely hire a content writer for  atleast one of my websites in the near future another great article tony with helpful information I always enjoy reading your content   Keep up the good work and keep the quality content coming 

    All the best ,


  270. This is nice to see information from another Company I had to jump out get me a writer as I was just to slow writing my own articles and the writer is doing an exhalent job and in a way better timeframe. I like that you give a review from the writer’s perspective this gives more incite as to how they are doing. Thank you for this review Tony.

  271. I thought your article was quite informative!  I did not realize that such a website even existed!  I personally do not like writing but cannot afford to have someone else do it right now, but I certainly will keep it in mind if my situation changes.  As far as me writing for someone else, I don’t think that will happen any time soon!

  272. I am currently looking for writers to help me with my content on my website, and I am using Freelancer. Prices are similar as to HireWriters. I will keep in mind this website for my next project, so I can make a comparison between them.

    Do you have experience with Freelancer or UpWork What is your thought of them? 

    Thank you!  

  273. Hello Tony,

    It was a very important article when I start reading the article, and my hope is to venture into the business to generate income for myself, the article is straight forward and easy to understand, but to my surprise when I tried to sign up my country was not listed for me to be a hire as a writer. I will still give it a trial next time.

    Thank you.


  274. I have really enjoyed reading the information contained in this article, it is very well written and extremely easy to understand. I’m not looking to earn any money from writing posts but I am looking for a writer to write posts for me. You are exactly who I have been searching for. You write in a very conversational style that would suit the subjects I normally write about.

  275. Wow, it looks like I know where to go now when I get to the point where I can pay writers. People in the blogging world really do need to get away from the low quality of Fiverr, Elance, and Upwork.

  276. I love the idea of hire writers, although I get more ideas and inspiration when I’m writing for my website, so I personally would find it very strange. However, it reads like a very easy process, maybe something I would do if I was very busy and did not have time to write about something. 

  277. Hire writers  is a great resource center for both clients who need freelance writers for various projects. And also creates a job opportunity for writers who wants to accept writing projects from clients. 

    And from Caleb’s detailed personal review of the site and its services, it is worth it for any one’s who is looking for a way to earn additional income. I think, this might be a good option.

    I also, like how Caleb provided the levels of writers and their charges based on word count, and urgency. I found the rates reasonable. This is a very good honest review, but what I found interesting is how much per day Caleb makes as a writer. I thought, that writers of his level should be taking home daily from $100 – $250. Surprisingly, I’m wrong.

    Tony Thanks as usual for always providing your audience with valuable information.


  278. This has been so helpful. Great article about hirewriters you have stated all the information needed to know. I think  I will hire a writer from now on as the prices you have showed are lower than I even expected them to be.  is there any other writers company/website that yoy can recommend me? thank you

  279. Hi.

    I am also a decent writer and I would also like to become a freelancer so that I can earn some side income. However, Hire writers is just filled with so many people I wonder how someone can sell themselves to their client. A very nicely written article that was easy to understand, thanks for the tables too.

  280. Hi Tony ,I’m newbie and I don’t  have skills for writers but I willing to share or recommended this opportunity to other have skills for being writer..  and get some extra income, I think it’s big help to other to for daily life and to  enhance their skill for  being a writer.. thankyou for sharing..

  281. I am not sure if I would like to write as I am challenged to do my own blog writing.  However, it may be a site to consider to get the odd post written on my site.  I may just look into this Tony.  Thanks for sharing this site and all the detailed information you provide on price points etc.

  282. Hire Writers is a very good site to know about.  I like the fact that there are differences between the skill of the writer and the pay rate.  However, what I’m not sure about is the difference between a skilled and expert writer.  Is an expert writer of Phd level?

    I like to write and would consider myself a general writer who has lots of experience in a particular field.  That way, I can really write from a knowledgeable perspective.  However, I would not class myself as an expert writer. Also the thing that puts me off becoming a hired writer is that there are deadlines to meet.  

    I tend to go with the flow, and set my own schedules.  But the young man who wrote the article is doing well and I’m sure that Hire Writers is profitable for people who are full time hired writers.

  283. For quality content, you must hire the writer. And the best platform to hire a writer is Hire Writer. Anyone can work on this platform in two ways to get quality content or join here to earn money as a writer. I definitely try to write my own content myself. But in the future, I will write down my contents with an experienced writer. I will also try to achieve a little bit by joining the platform. Finally thank you so much for sharing this informative article with everyone and I would like to share it in my social media group if you agree with me.

  284. Hey Tony-Lee; you are indeed a helpful person, much online business people might have become overwhelmed with the everyday task of writing when they could be relaxing and would do well with a writer like Caleb.

    You not only tell about Caleb but have him present his work in writing for all to see. That was very thoughtful. I am sure that many people have gained from this article.


  285. I have hired writers before though Textwriter I believe it was called.  This was along time ago when I had started by first website and it helped me get content out for sure.   I have been doing all my own writing since starting my new site, but I’m going to check into Hire Writers as some times there is just not enough time in the day.  I’m glad I found your article.  

  286. Hi Tony, Thank you for this page. It has some very interesting information. I like the concept of hire writers and may even use their services in the future. It might even be fun to try out my hand at writing some articles for people, especially if I could make over 50 dollars a day doing it. I like how you used someone that actually uses the sight to help you with your review, it helps to assure the reader of the authenticity of it.

  287. I get how hiring a writer for some websites and topics are a really good idea, but I wonder if it would be possible for me. My websites are a bit unusual for most. Are there certain categories/topics to choose from or can I request an article about anything? It would be awesome to get in contact with someone who knows both about your products and your writing style. 

  288. I am so glad I saw this! I am a writer and I absolutely love writing. I think that I would love to sign up for the Hire Writers platform. How much time do you get to write an ebook? 

    The prices look good, on all levels, so even if you can’t make a full time living with that, it is still a nice extra income. I will definitely look into it. Thanks for this indepth review!

  289. Hi Tony,
    I am a ‘Newbie’ I am not at a level that I need to hire; Writers for quality content. However, I can see how a service; To hire people in the future might be a possibility. Tony, I am a bit confused; There are four levels of writers that is possible to hire; Why are there different levels of writing?. The better the writer and the higher the cost; I thought writing, is writing?. So, why would anyone want to write poorly in the first place?. As I said, I am a ‘Newbie’; I thank you for this post; The information could be priceless in the future.

    Thanks again.

  290. Usually, I write my own articles, but I found that for quality posts, it would definitely be better to hire someone to write them for you. Like when I would want to post something more on the technical side in my niche. For example 3D printers, I know nothing about that and it goes way over my head lol. Thank you for mentioning this company.

  291. Thank you tony for sharing this idea with me. I can actually take up the job as a writer and also focus on my website. I have already saved this post so I can sign up with hire writers and also share this opportunity with my friends who I think will equally treasure this opportunity. Thanks!

  292. I’ve looked at this option before and am glad that you have included a review now about it. I love writing and could probably get some jobs through them. However, with my current websites, I actually need to hire other writers who are capable of writing good material that I can use with very little editing. That would save me so much time that I could then use in other ways.

    I’m going to check this site out a bit more and will probably give it a try this time. Thanks for the information!

  293. I found this article very illuminating. The charges I feel are very reasonable. Writing is very personal to me. I would find it challenging to hand over that responsibility to another writer. When writing reviews, detailed research is necessary. Is that part of the writers responsibility when doing a review? Or does the client need to do the research and provide the writer with the results with directions on how to structure the article?

    If that is the case, by the time I have done my research and structured it for the writer, I could have written it myself. 

    What about if I wanted an article about teaching someone about SEO or Keyword Research? Will,a writer be able to tackle that will little input from me? Often I use links to expert sites, internal links as well as affiliate links to material within Wealthy Affiliate.

    Is the form I need to fill out have spaces to add things like these? 

    I am still a novice affiliate marketer. I imagine when I start to earn significant income I will need help to make better use of my time. 

    Can you give me any guidance on my approach Tony? Here is where I feel a little disappointment because I cannot depend on you to answer my questions. You ate too buys, so that is understandable. 

    If a article or book exists that gives guidance on how to help a writer without spending a lot of time I would like that. 



  294. Very good review. Hire Writers seems like a great platform for those who are established in their niche and would like an extra hand with writing articles. It also helps the writers with building a client base and getting their name out there. Seems like a good way to generate some side income, although expert writers with a large client base may be able to make full time income from doing just this alone.

  295. Thank you for your information. That is always what I have been thinking: to hire content writers for my website. I think it is really cool and cheap. You can find good writers on HireWriters. Your post describes HireWriters from clients and writers’ perspectives.  Although I am not going to be a writer for them, it is a really good way to explain their services!

  296. Whoa! All the time I’ve spent looking for work online and I didn’t know this existed. Totally in a sign me up mood now, it looks like a simple and easy way for any blogger to make extra cash. 

    As a writer, I have looked at many writing jobs but they all have so many loopholes to jump through and so many people jockeying for the position. Before today I have written articles for clients alongside others writing articles where only the best article gets picked and paid for, those who don’t get picked have wasted their time and effort. 

    The site you are sharing works on a much fairer system. 

    What a brilliant idea. Thank you for sharing this, I will definitely look into it.

  297. I love to write for my own blog, I have never even thought about writing for other people! This is a great idea, unfortunately it says they are not hiring new writers at this moment, do you know how often they add new writers? I would love to join the website, even if like you said it is not a full time gig, it is something that I enjoy doing anyways. Thank you for the information, I appreciate it!

  298. HireWriters looks like a good platform for both writers and publishers. As a publisher I appreciate content sites that all you to request a rewrite. From experience it can take a couple of attempts sometimes to get the article right. However it does depend on the writer, because you can get writers that get it right first time and every time. 
    Not every writer is a fan of content sites like these because the pay is very low. However, writers can nonetheless do quite well when you factor in bonus’s that can be earned regularly from clients that want the same writers for their projects. This offers writers greater potential and incentive.

  299. Wow, This is really cool! Now that I’m doing a ton of writing, this is a great resource to have for some extra side work. I knew these were around because I thought of paying for content before but I never really considered being the writer for hire until now. Thanks for the heads up Tony, keep in touch!

  300. Hire writers seems that a great option to consider when you need assistance with content. Some people get too busy with life to maintain their online business and need assistance. This is a good article. You gave a nice breakdown of what it offered.

    I love that the response time is 6-24 hours. That is quick. Plus, the prices and options are really decent. This is a good platform to consider, whether to get assistance of make extra income. Thanks.

  301. Your article describes both sides of hire writers.  I hadn’t look into the compensation plan previously so your article was helpful there.  I didn’t not know that once an article is accepted you cannot turn around and say no.  This is a concern because its possible to find out that one does not have enough expertise to write or that what is wanted isn’t reasonable.  Your article inspired me to go to the site.  At this time they are not accepting more writers.

  302. This looks like a very good platform for writers. I’d actually argue that your negative is a positive – it incentives the writer to finish a project and make him deliver the article.

    I see the issue elsewhere and that is quality control. If the article you receive going to be worth the money you paid (ie.e expert). Sure you can give a negative review for the writer, but you’re still stuck with a useless article.

  303. Hiring writers for quality content seems a big deal. Writers are my most urgent need in business right now. At the moment i think this website has not started making money but i do hope so soon. I will definately visit you again when am ready. Most people have said that this hirewriters website and its nowonder have now seen your post on the same thing meaning its really legit.This is quality resource and thank you for sharing this. 

  304. This is a nice explanatory term on how HireWriters operates and their prize list being given out.
    I will have to book-mark this page at any time in the future if i got some work to outsource. I’ve got to let my colleagues know about this if they got work to be outsourced too. Thanks for bringing this through.

  305. It’s better you seek the help of those in the field of freelance or content creation to help you write your contents in order to be able to get the best of you know you’re not so good at it. There are some certified websites that you can check for recommendation and it’ll make your work easier.

  306. Hello Caleb, thank you for this detailed review and informative article about HireWriters. You give me a full panorama of the process, prices, terms, and everything to know about the application and the job to do. I’ll keep notice about it, and I’ll keep in mind this site to apply the day that I will need some outsourced content for my websites.

    Thanks again.


  307. The reason why it is good to hire quality writers is because when one does, one is able to get good and quality content on their website. What you wrote here is a really good one and I think that it would be a very good thing to be able to blog with good writers too because the workload on me will reduce.

  308. This is a very nice overview of what page Hirewriters has to offer, and very helpful for anyone who may not feel capable enough to write well, or simply don’t have enough time.
    But I have a question – if you order articles through their site, do you have to name the author of this article? Otherwise, you pay for the article and the article is yours, but I just don’t think it’s right to sign under an article written by someone else.


  309. Hi there, thanks for introducing Hire Writers. It is really amazing to have such service especially in this jet age were time is so precious and requires so much management. Writing is one thing I cannot actually seat down and write so much. In end I will need someone that offers the service professionally. I am glad that their rates are categorized.

  310. I’ve always looked mainly at Fiverr for hiring writers but HireWriters seems to be a legit option as well. It’s surprising I’ve never come across it but I’m glad it’s on my radar now!

    Do you think there’s a wide range of writers that would be able to accommodate the needs of different niches? Something such as the sports niche (basketball, basketball shoes), is that a reality, or it’s mainly outsourcing for marketing, make money niches and so on?

  311. Hiring writers for quality content seems a big deal. At the moment , website has not started making money but i do hope so soon, and may be the I could start hiring. As long as i know the site, piece of cake. I will definately visit you again when am ready. Most people have said that this hirewriters website and its nowonder have now seen your post on the same thing meaning its really legit. Thank you for sharing and will meet you again soon.

  312. Writers are my most urgent need in business right now. Thankk you for recommending hire writers atleast I know where to start when I research.I also love the fact that their prices are reasonable and affordable. I still have to be confident in the process of screening the writers to get one that is relevant to my parenting niche.

  313. I love the idea of outsourcing tasks so that you can focus more on the things that matter. 

    I believe in the “work on your business, not in your business” a quote from the book The E-Myth by Michael Gerber.

    I love how you broke down the pricing in great detail and I will consider this for myself in the future.

  314. Hi Tony

    Thanks so much for sharing a great article to read to learn more about how to hire writers for quality content, as I keep working to create new content for my website, I was wondering if the time to hire a writer is now, so I was looking for some information about where and how I could find a writer.

    Caleb’s article is well written and he explained really well how the site HireWriters dot com works, after reading Caleb’s review on the site, it will be easier for me to start working on it and articles price look affordable. This is a helpful article to anyone who is looking to take their online business to next level! 
