Top 10 NutriCellix Review YouTube Videos according to my Google Search

NutriCellix launched on New Years Day & I was introduced to the company prior to that by a friend. After taking a long look at the opportunity and researching the details of the products, owners etc…. I decided to pass. I also wrote a review from my research and have written a few others since then as well. Below I will share links to the articles, the NutriCellix Review Facebook page that I have written and shared as well as the Top 10 NutriCellix Review YouTube Videos according to my Google Search today.

Previous NutriCellix articles written by me:

Top 10 NutriCellix Review YouTube Videos according to my Google Search

Introducing NutriCellix: Manage Your Weight With DNA-Personalized Supplements

How NutriCellix Differs from Traditional Business Distribution Models

NutriCellix Review by Digital Marketing Veteran Tony Lee Hamilton

Nutricellix Review – Legit Produced Based MLM or Huge Scam?

NutriCellix Review Page #1 at Google, YouTube, Facebook, Yahoo, Bing etc…..

Nutricellix Brings Revolutionary Direct To Consumer Business Model with Cathy Wilkes

NutriCellix Founder & CEO, Bo Short, Discusses their Direct-to-Consumer Business Pricing Model

NutriCellix Science: The Ground-Breaking Science Behind the NutriCellix Weight Management System

How To Eliminate Regrets by Bo Short – NutriCellix CEO

The Science of NutriCellix & The DNA-Customized Weight Management Technology

Final Thoughts

There really aren't very many YouTube videos about the NutriCellix opportunity or their products.  As a matter of fact, besides my articles that I shared above, I only found 4 other review articles.

Did you watch all of the Top 10 NutriCellix Review YouTube Videos according to my Google Search that I shared above?

Which were your favorites?

I'm not a representative nor am I a customer for their supposed DNA based weight management system that launched about 10 months ago.

After watching the videos and/or reading the articles above, what are your thoughts?

211 thoughts on “Top 10 NutriCellix Review YouTube Videos according to my Google Search”

  1. A review for your site.
    This site has a lot of information I have been through all the links looking at the different openings finding lots of interesting articles and videos but did notice some of the videos would show not available I don’t know whether they’ve been taken down or not.
    You might want to look at some of them in your links and also not looking through all videos so I take it they’re all very interesting.

    The old links you have very very interesting write-ups and videos.
    Within each new opening the page is laid out well and has plenty of interesting links to use for people that want to learn and know about nutri sellicks whatever it’s called a weight loss program.
    I could use something like that I’m 19 and a quarter stone like that was after the pandemic staying at home for that long I went into nibbling when fed up food was the answer, this program this program could possibly do me good but I’m not here to sign up I’m here to review and so far I have no criticism with your site is understandable and set out very well.

    Earn with Multiple Sources of Passive and Residual Income 100% Online!
    Is a very good-looking page and was very surprised to see it very nice touch, the site links within that page all lead to where they should go.

    About Tony LeeHamilton.

    Another very good-looking page a lot of links on it they all work I opened each one as I went along so well done there.
    So onto your become healthier page the supplement Centre different bits and pieces to read more link works well collagen link works collagen x Hera excuse the name I can’t say it, yeah that works, ingenix that works, as well liquid collagen works.
    All in all a very good site all links work well was nice to look at full of information videos and links lots of links didn’t read the buttons they worked.
    I can say very well done Tony nice site.
    Ian Jackson

  2. I’m not a fan of any companies “upper management” being involved in lawsuits. I know that this is almost 100% unavoidable when you get to the huge corporations we see today… but seeing that type of publicity surrounded a program like this just doesn’t look like a very safe opportunity. 

    Hopefully, by now NutriCellix has become a “safer” program than it was expected to be when it was first talked about it. But, I’d have to get more up-to-date information. 

    Thanks for the article, Tony. 

  3. Hi, I saw your website. It’s really amazing how you describe the product review and how DNA can customize the weight management system. I am just suggesting you add some more words to the content and add some images it will give some uniqueness. All the best for your site and do well.

  4. This definitely sounds too good to be true. This is unfortunate because by promising all of these easy weight loss goals, people can easily fall for them. I believe they are taking advantage of those who not know any better to make money. Anything other than eating properly and exercising that claims fast results as this should be disregarded. Especially when claiming to base it off DNA. I like that you provided your opinion even if it’s against the article!

  5. Very nicely done. I like the layout and the style of the site. You have definitely provided more than enough information on the product. I believe it also helps that you have professionals informing people of the product. I believe anyone watching these just may make the decision to purchase the product. Great job and good luck with it. 

  6. NutriCellix just doesn’t seem feasible to me! Bo Shorts speaks of an assembly line with over 200,000 different prescriptions for supplements based on your DNA. This kind of reminds me of the controversy with Elizabeth Holmes where she had promised to be able to test your blood for all of these different pathogens and diseases with just a small sample of blood.

    She scammed a lot of investors and in the end after the investigation into her company, it was found that blood results were being fudged and in some cases all together fabricated. Her idea was great but it seems that Elizabeth bit off more than she could chew.

    I think that Bo Short has done something similar. Everything that he is saying goes against traditional knowledge of weight loss. Yes, your genetics (DNA) does play a role in weight loss or weight gain to some extent. However, it doesn’t matter what DNA you have if you never exercise, overeat or don’t get enough sleep, you will most likely gain weight. If you do the opposite, generally you will lose weight. 

    In fact, even if you don’t exercise at all but drop your daily caloric intake significantly by eating wholesome low calorie, high protein foods and mix in leafy green vegetables, generally you will lose some weight. It probably won’t be tons that of weight, but you might lose a few pounds or so.

    In conclusion, losing weight via a supplement based off of your DNA while possible seems total unnecessary in my honest opinion.

  7. It’s interesting that these videos offer a “revolutionary weight loss alternative” but the general theme in the videos is that they don’t really say much else. And if you can’t even find many more videos then the question stands : is this product to good to be true? It seems so especially with the lack of information and the very pushy marketing. Thanks for taking the time to search for the vids.

  8. Hi, Tony! I’m a clinical psychologist and expert in weight management research, so this article was of great interest to me. I’m pretty skeptical about the efficacy of these supplements, because the science is fairly new and weak to support them. Overall, dietary approaches based on DNA don’t seem to work, so I would also probably pass on recommending these supplements to my patients.

  9. This is interesting indeed. I had not yet heard of this product. The whole concept of DNA-based weight loss is so intriguing and can probably benefit many people. You seem to have a good knowledge base about this topic. Your site is simple and clean. very easy to navigate. Good stuff!

  10. Hi, after reading this post, I believe NutriCellix is a nice choice for me and appears to be promising. For me, the last video explains things better. I had no idea what NutriCellixor was for, what they were sailing, or what you were looking for in people before then. But now I see that it’s all about weight and overall wellness. This is what I got from it. But I’m curious if NutriCellix is available everywhere. Is there any danger for individuals who decide to invest in  NutriCellix? Is it safe to inform others who might be interested?

  11. I loved the amount of detail and care that you put into your article, and I found your insights about this weight loss product really interesting. This article made me wonder if it would be possible for me to lose stubborn belly fat, and if so, how long would it take? Thank you for the article, It will help me pick a solid goal path going forward.

  12. Hi,

    Great website! Me as a NutriCellix virgin have no idea what it is haha, for me it would have helped to see a little introduction to your subject for people like me but I guess people who google this already know about it so don’t need an introduction haha. 

    X iris

  13. Wow! Lots of information to absorb in this blog and thanks for putting it out there. I did not watch all of the videos, but the ones I did watch were informative and especially the one by Jesse Singh and how he approves of NutriCellix. I did read a couple of your other blogs about NutriCellix and I have to agree with you about this program’s potential to be shut down by the FTC. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts.

  14. Are there any side effects to this ?Is it okay for me to take it if I only want to lose 5 to 10 lb?I do need to lose some weightTo maintain a healthy lifestyle Do I take these once a day or once a week ?And what exactly is in this Product.

  15. There are certainly a lot of weight loss programs out there, and it is very difficult to get behind the hype and into the real results.

    Proper nutrition and daily exercise are very important for your longevity and long-term health; of course, you can not get health from a pill or dietary supplement.  Keeping a proper weight is also very important, however, and there are certainly a lot of sites offering help in this regard.  

    I enjoyed looking over your site – I have not heard of NutriCellix previously.  We know that by analyzing on DNA it is possible to determine many hereditary diseases and many which can impact weight loss and dietary results.  For example, having metabolic syndrome will result in insulin resistance and the need to have a low carbohydrate diet.

    Thanks for the information – likely I agree with you and will pass on this, however.


  16. Well although I haven’t personally used Nutricellix, just from the reviews I have come across, I do not think NutriCellix a scam. They seem to  have a good business model. I also admire the idea of a compensation plan which in my opinion seems to be  fair .  Thanks for posting those video reviews Tony. 

  17. It seems that I am becoming a very big fan and maybe number one commenter on your posts.  I had not heard of  NutriCellix.  It does seem like an interesting concept to weight loss, but maybe just as a customer, and I guess that is if they stay in business.  Once again, great research and review.

  18. Hi there!

    Boy, there are just too many types of weight-loss programs these days…this seemingly being one of the latest ways.

    It really is hard to tell what is true and false, what works and and what won’t. While health is a major issue these days, one must realize the simple truth that a proper nutritional diet and proper exercise for you body is the best way to go.

    Great that you are bring up topics that make people think and question.



  19. It seems like this product should be approached with caution. For one it is very new. It was only launched on New Years Day. They seem to be doing a lot of promotion on YouTube and I know there has been a lot of misinformation on this platform recently. I would also have concerns about sending my DNA to some company that has not yet been proven as trustworthy. What are they going to do with customer’s genetic information–how will they protect provacy?

  20. To begin with I’m in the “health & fitness for senior citizen” niche. just like you if given an opportunity i would pass. 

    However I think it’s a good opportunity to make money for those who just care t make money.

    I would pass because i know the body if looked after very well has enough healing and fat burning potential than we need in such “exotic” methods

    Please tell me more just in case i change my mind and become their affiliate or … something 

  21. Interesting topic!! People today are looking for new ways of making money (seeing that this is something that drives our life, but we must not forget also other important things) and having a website which gives advice and recommends some good activities is important. I myself am looking for easy way of making money – online the better, as I can spare a lot of time this way – but it’s easy sometimes to fall into tricky systems. And also dangerous. Thank you for this input! 

  22. DNA based weightloss products…the mind boggles…

    I can just imagine the amount of research that has gone into these products…and what can they come up with?  Even supplements have only a 45% absorption rate into the body when in pill form.

    The best way that the body loses weight is through eating half a plate of protein and half a plate of a mixed salad.  The plate can be big or small.  But if you add avocado, it is really filling.

    An example could be roast chicken and an avocado mixed salad.

    I have a friend of mine who lost 20 kilos doing this and also walking 2 miles a day.  She is in her mid-60s…and cannot digest supplements well.  She does not take medication for anything either.

    No matter how good Nutricellix is, it is still a supplement and is a secondary option to food when it comes to absorption and nutrient value.

  23. I have tried a lot of methods for weight loss before but I don’t believe in taking supplements to reduce weight. I believe that the most effective way is to make sure that the calories you are eating are less than the calories you are burning. And of course, exercise. However, it seems like these people promoting NutriCellix are sure about it. Just take note to do a lot of research supporting the claims if you want to try it out.

  24. Christina:
    You may still be on the fence about NurtiCellix, but after reading your informative article and some other reviews, I will definitely not be getting involved or recommending NurtiCellix to anyone.  As you state in your review, the owner of NurtiCellix, Bo Short has a long history of starting MLM companies and then leaving or letting them languish. It appears his biggest success was his Amway (Quixtar) business in 2001. Otherwise, Mr. Short has made his living as an author and speaker.
    I agree with you, the biggest red flag is sending out DNA kits to gain new customers. In today’s world, it’s just not safe to be sending your DNA to a new and untested company. I think this will slow the sales process of NurtiCellix products and make it less enticing to purchase. And let’s not forget, there are a ton of diet products on the market today!

    Also, the cost and expense to set up a NurtiCellix MLM is a bit on the expensive side:
    DNA Analysis Kit = $100
    Core AM/PM = $129.95 or $109.95 autoship
    Prime AM/PM = $129.95 or $109.95 autoship
    Prevail AM/PM = $129.95 or $109.95 autoship
    FIT Vanilla = $69.95 or $59.95 autoship
    FIT Chocolate = $69.95 or $59.95 autoship
    SURGE = $49.95 or $$39.95 autoship

    Yes, you have to purchase DNA kits to send to potential customers, who when they receive the DNA kit in the mail, must follow the instructions, put the saliva sample into the receptacle, package it, and ship it out. That’s a lot of work for a product with no track record. And I feel the autoship orders will slow down sales even further. There should be an option to purchase single orders.

    Overall, after watching the videos and reading other reviews, this feels like a get rich scheme at the expense of the buyers. I think we would be better off cutting back on our calories, doing a little exercise and saving some money by not buying an unproven product.

  25. I don’t know if NutriCellix is ​​a revolutionary product or not. All I know is that this is one of the most profitable niches on the Internet and a very large sales area.
    This is what has focused many companies to produce products that help regulate and reduce weight and fat deposits. We know from everyday experience that there are such products on all sides and that the choice is very large. In order for someone to break into the top ten in this field, they must have a very high-quality and innovative product that brings something new to weight loss programs.
    Based on the videos Tony found on YouTube, it’s hard to say if that’s what a good portion of people who want to lose weight are waiting for.
    It’s hard to say if it’s something new because there’s no real practice about the product. Is it good? We can say that it is or is nothing special because there are tons of similar ones.
    In all this, one thing is important that it does not cause bad phenomena in people. As for its use, it is clear that with a little advertising and addressing the target group, it will find its customers, time will show what it is about.

  26. I don’t know if NutriCellix is ​​a revolutionary product or not. All I know is that this is one of the most profitable niches on the Internet and a very large sales area.
    This is what has focused many companies to produce products that help regulate and reduce weight and fat deposits. We know from everyday experience that there are such products on all sides and that the choice is very large. In order for someone to break into the top ten in this field, they must have a very high quality and innovative product that brings something new to weight loss programs.
    Based on the videos Tony found on YouTube, it’s hard to say if that’s what a good portion of people who want to lose weight are waiting for.
    It’s hard to say if it’s something new because there’s no real practice about the product. Is it good? We can say that it is or is nothing special, because there are tons of similar ones.
    In all this, one thing is important that it does not cause bad phenomena in people. As for its use, it is clear that with a little advertising and addressing the target group, it will find its customers, time will show what it is about.

  27. I watched some of your video’s and am still not sure what you want It looks to me like you need some content to explain the video’s and the product more. I went to google for Nutri Cellix   and I would not buy this program I think you need to look further and use more content and then all the videos.

  28. Hi there, NutriCellix is MLM company that offer health and wellness supplements. They use a DNA testing kit and claim that they help you to provide you with the best supplements for your fitness goals.

    NutriCellix is a weight management system that is apparently customized to your DNA and making it easier for you to lose weight.

    NutriCellix FIT is a meal replacement shake to weight loss. NutriCellix Fix is available in chocolate and vanilla.

    If you are interested in health and wellness and are looking to lose weight, you can use NutriCellix.

  29. Wow, this was really nice. I have heard little about nutricellix but not in this much detail like i did right now, this was really amazing. And I appreciate it so much,  I watched all 10 of the videos and I really enjoyed the first one, it explained the basics about nutricellix very much well and also unbiased. This was so apt and also very educating as well.

  30. When it comes to weight loss all one needs is common sense and discipline. Exercise regularly and eat more healthy options at meal times and just drink that 2L of water !  You dont need a scam to do it guys … its about will power and why does his cost so much to join, I dont like this at all.

  31. I do see that you have made an incredible site. It looks ceaselessly enlightening. Notwithstanding, I would propose adding truly more substance and some more pictures to it. Or then again obviously evidently certainly irrefutably enduringly maybe some connected records would be sufficient other. Regardless, wrapping, it looks exceptional and standard, Simple to consider and appreciate. You appeared.

  32. I really don’t know what to make of this weight management product because I have not personally seen any evidence that it works, but the people who are promoting these supplements seem pretty sure about them. If you’re going to try one out for yourself, be sure you have sound research supporting the claims – if not, stay away!

  33. The first red flag about this company is the MLM part, I tend to stay away from MLM companies because the products are extremely high cost. The products offered do not know much about even if they are only vitamins, besides there are many vitamins lot cheaper that do a very good job. As for signing up as an affiliate, that does not guarantee income maybe only a small percentage every three to six months. MLM companies stay away from if trying to earn extra money, not worth the effort. 

  34. I didn’t know what NutriCellix was before reading this post andI still don’t.  Frankly, if you only rely on videos, your post won’t fly. If we hear your own words, thoughts and opinions based on your reading and video research and here the summary with good background knowledge and maybe a video or two, it would be a better article.  So, what do you think of it after watching all of the reviews?  What exactly is this product?

  35. I’m not quite sure how I feel about this NuriCellix product.  A couple of my family members tried this product.  One of them had really good results for awhile, then it’s like it just stopped working for some reason.  My other family member on the other hand had no results at all while using the product. Now, I don’t know the in and out’s of how diligent they were using it, but those were their results. So, in my mind it’s a confusing situation.  Even though I have never used any kind of diet supplements before, I definitely don’t think that this a good product to use since it doesn’t have any steady results behind it.  Your post was informational and very thorough.  Thank you for the insight.

  36. It’s definitely a great affiliate group for any online business person to subscribe to. Theres always plenty of interesting products to promote.. I’ve been affiliate marketing for years yet i still always seem to learn something new from these great articles each time. Thanks again for another great post tony.

  37. Thanks for your Nutricellix video review, Tony! Go figure it’s a network marketing company! I watched these videos and it confirmed by thoughts just from the sound of the name of the company. The $59 membership fee is nowhere close to what other similar MLM companies are collecting from members. Of course, an average salary earner wouldn’t find it difficult to pay.

    It offers a cheap DNA swab test and manages everything about weight loss. DO they have their own labs and what not? Seems super sketchy to me

  38. So often in this industry people are desperate for a quick fix and get caught up in scams. It is refreshing that you offer a range of reviews in the one place in order to allow people to make an informed decision about a product such as this. However, I also feel with products such as these people will also have already decided on the purchase regardless of reviews.


  39. Great article and interesting videos about the product ‘NutriCellix’ and intriguing for those that are looking for weight management. 

    There are many courses and products out there for this specific topic and many of them do not work, so even with this product, its important to check that it has been tested and checked well with proper tests conducted. I’m always reluctant when it is fairly new on the market and its good to check out other reviews, many thanks:)

  40. Hi @ Tony Lee,

    Another interesting review from you on Nutricellix.Although not so much information is out there in regard to the product, the supposed DNA  Weight Management System intrigues my mind. It would be more intriguing if there were tests done to prove the claims put forward. Peer-reviewed journals would be better references as well. Until then it’s a pass for me as well.

    Great article though. I will definitely share  with my friends!

    All the best,


  41. Thank you for the information you gathered on this company. The videos seemed informative, however, it seems very new and not a lot of track record on both the company or the product. 

    It makes sense for them to create a multilevel marketing opportunity to try and spread the word about the product but those types of companies also do not have the best perception due to a lot of scams out there currently and in the past. I would also have passed on the opportunity and I think I would wait to try the product until there is a more proven track record of the company and the effectiveness of the product itself.

  42. This was pretty interesting. I naturally gravitated to the last video and the second video, because I’m a bit of a science geek myself. I wanted to learn more about what was in it and how it was different on a formulated level. It would be interesting to see someone blog about their experiences with it and give it a solid review. The personal customization approach sounds interesting. The company should do some tests and try to publish their results in peer-reviewed publications. If their work is peer-reviewed that would definitely grab my interest. Overall it seems like an interesting idea.

  43. Thanks for sharing multiple YouTube reviews that each have their own opinion. Like I said in some of my other comments on your website, it’s always good to hear multiple perspectives before making a decision. Personally, I would have to try the product myself and see the results. Although I am a little skeptical as the product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

  44. Nutricellic product is nice. It will be profitable to you if you will partner with company, since your friend has induced to them, except according to your research you Are not satisfied with it. It was produced for nutritional wellness and Weight management. It works on individual according to their DNA.

  45. I really find the reviews hard to believe LOL.  Anybody can make a YouTube video and say what they want.  Then again, some are better then others at marketing a product.  I am not a fan, as I am really not good at it.  I would have to use the product and believe in the product before I could ever consider marketing it.

  46. Thank you for doing this research. It is very important to talk with your doctor before trying a weight loss program. My favorite video was the one you shared showing Jaaxy keyword results and the results for your pages in Google Search. The NutriCellix product is one to be avoided until more research is done.

  47. These reviews are simply amazing and I think it would take a great deal of thought to actually make them work the best for us. Really aqmzing is what we can do and I value the proposition on here and how to actually avoid it’s. I do not think the product lives up to the hype built around it in the beginning. Thanks

  48. Doing research diligently on any product or services is very important. I know of NutriCellix and their weight loss program before now and I don’t find it interesting especially the fact that they require my DNA for a weight loss product based on it. Well, I’ll pass on this and won’t recommend any person I know to be part of this.

  49. Good day Mr. Hamilton, I am pleased to meet you once again. I am very happy to come across these reviews of NutriCellix. Managing our body weight is essential, and this can be aced by knowing the right activities, correct meals and relevant supplements. Thank you so much for sharing these important videos, I have learned much from them.

  50. I have already read some of your reviews about NutriCellix. I think that technology and development still need to make some progress in order for this idea to be really effective and satisfactory in practice, without any side effects. Science is constantly evolving, so I believe that in the future, interventions and procedures that are unimaginable to us today will be possible. So far, however, I do not trust this method.
    I didn’t watch all the Youtube videos, I watched three, including yours.
    Friendly greeting,

  51. Hello tony, Thanks a lot for sharing another beautiful piece of information. It’s always a great pleasure coming across your articles because it is always very educative and informative. I actually love this review. I watched all the videos more than once and I am glad I have equipped myself for the platform.Thanks tony lee for sharing this with me

  52. Hello Tony! The problem I have is my DNA says I am supposed to be overweight. It is not terrible but after diet and exercise, really watching what I eat and calculating nutrients and calories. I am still always about 10 lbs over what the doctors says.

    thanks for sharing with me.

  53. My thoughts are that if someone has found a way to convince people that something works, people will try it. I personally stay away from weight management products and services. I have suffered enough from some of them in the past. I don’t even want to remember. But if it leasees anybody, I cannot stop them but I will advise doing your research just like tony has done and advised. thank you Tony.

  54. My thoughts are that if someone has found a way to convince people that something works, people will try it. I personally stay away from weight management products and services. I have suffered enough from some of them in the past. I don’t even want to remember. But if it leasees anybody, I cannot stop them but I will advise doing your research just like tony has done and advised. thank you Tony. 

  55. this is an amazing.. Thanks for sharing. i am going to share it with my friends as soon as possible. i have a questions from where did you  get this idea?  i didn’t know about it before helpedutriCellix ,you provided a lot of link that are helpful.  i am going to watch  the videos  again in order to get into the idea more

  56. this is an amazing.. Thanks for sharing. i am going to share it with my friends as soon as possible. i have a questions from where did you  get this idea?  i didn’t know about it before helpedutriCellix ,you provided a lot of link that are helpful.  i am going to watch  the videos  again in order to get into the idea more


  57. Hello there, Thanks alot for sharing another beautiful piece of information. It’s always a great pleasure coming across your articles because it is always very educative and informative. I actually love this nutricelix review. I watched all the videos more than once and I am glad I have equipped myself for the platform.

  58. Hello there Tony! Thanks a bunch for sharing this article! You have really outdone yourself on this one. I fond it extremely helpful!. Truth is Nutricellix is a good platform in my opinion , aside for the problem of selling drug product which could work normally, I think it is an okay platform over

  59. It’s the first time that I hear about NutriCellix. I see that this is because it is a new product launched recently. It’s good to also see reviews from YouTube. 

    I am constantly interested in weight management products and it was interesting to check the reviews about this product. Managing your weight with DNA-personalized supplements is not a new concept for me. There is science behind it. 

  60. Hi Tony

    My first time hearing about NutriCellix. Like I always say, your website has taught me a lot about many opportunities available on the internet that I know nothing about. it has also warned me of seemingly opportunities that i should stay away from.

    Your reviews using videos is actually informative. The DNA based weight management sounds quiet interesting as it is a new concept, but after going through these videos I am very skeptical about the whole thing and even scared. 

    What are your views Tony? Is this a scam?

  61. Hi there! such an amazing article! thanks for taking time to share thus detailed and informative review on Nutricellix. these videos were very helpful to me, your explanations were so easy to understand. i will definitely share this with friends for more awareness. i will surely be on the on the look out for more articles like this.

  62. Quite an interesting concept, does the tech to make this kind of product actually exist? And if so what kind of cost is attached to it?  I am just not so sure how reliable this company is as the founder’s identity is not known. It does seem that they have a good history though. 

  63. Have you tried the product? do you know it? if you promote a product you have to create the condition to buy it from you, you have to add value by deepening or responding to the doubts and uncertainties of those who approach this product for the first time. Do you make a research on this product and maybe compare it with others .. why they should choose this?

  64. Hi Tony, I watched all 4 of the videos and all it did was make me more skeptical. The health and weight loss industry is so huge that everyone wants a piece of the cake (no pun intended) but none of these videos show or can explain the DNA link to their products working and I can’t see how they could deliver such individually designed weight loss products to thousands of people.

    This is just another weight loss promotion that I think will disappear as quickly as it arrived. Not for me.

  65. I don’t know how old is NutriCellix, but it seems to be pretty recent. If I understand well, there is no product to sell inside the system and no education at all that is given. All the money comes from new customers. The other thing I have noticed is that the co-founders are a direct marketing experts. But I see no scientists names. NutriCellix feels like a big marketing empty box. But time will tell.

  66. DNA specific supplements sounds like bs to me. I know why doctors have to take blood test to tell if i’m Vitamin D deficient or if I should be eating more greens to avoid getting skervey but I just can’t see how my DNA is going to tell people I should be eating more bananas.

  67. Thanks for your Nutricellix video review, Tony! I didn’t initially realize it’s a network marketing company not until I watched these videos. The $59 membership fee is nowhere close to what other similar MLM companies are collecting from members. Of course, an average salary earner wouldn’t find it difficult to pay.

    It offers a cheap DNA swab test and manages everything about weight loss. I think it’s worth giving a try. I’m excited at the various membership levels and ambassadorship positions incorporated into the network. Thanks.


  68. This is an interesting concept, and I think I could be persuaded that the technology to make products like this actually exist… though I can’t imagine how expensive it could be. (Doesn’t DNA sequencing cost a lot???) I’m always wary of companies that don’t share who the founder is, though. Strange that they seem to have a good history despite that. To each their own. The product is not for me, though, as I have no extraneous weight I need to lose.

  69. Tony, 

    I did not watch all of the videos, I just didn’t have time to allow it. I am grateful for what you have shared and what I have seen seems to be real. The problem I have is my DNA says I am supposed to be overweight. It is not terrible but after diet and exercise, really watching what I eat and calculating nutrients and calories. I am still always about 10 lbs over what the doctors say is morbidly obese. 

    I guess I just have to live with it, and people have to take into consideration that not everyone is the same. That is where the DNA might come in useful if this works. Even if it doesn’t they will continue to buy it. I will stick to diet and exercise and keep the 230# of lean muscle on my body. I am big-boned too! At least that’s what grandma always said.



  70. This is an interesting concept, and I think I could be persuaded that the technology to make products like this actually exist… though I can’t imagine how expensive it could be. (Doesn’t DNA sequencing cost a lot???) I’m always wary of companies that don’t share who the founder is, though. Strange that they seem to have a good history despite that. To each their own. The product is not for me, though, as I have no extraneous weight I need to lose.

  71. Hey tony lee hamilton, thank you so much for the vidoe compilaton on nutricellix, it was really educative and i enjoyed watching every bit of it because i have been hearing people talk about this platform a whole lot. i could not even pick a favorite from the ten videos list

  72. Hey tony

    I have so many people who have seen some everybody benefit of this product and I have to believe that it will work out fine Very interesting videos. With so many scam sites with only goal to drain money, everyone, especially beginners have to be very careful what they invest into so as not to get scammed or anything

    and by the way thank you very much for you time 

  73. There are so many diet fads, scams that eat away at people’s hard earned income and seeming eternal desire to be healthy, fit, slimmer, and all the others one can think of. Based on the several videos I watched and review articles online I read the consensus is still not a definitive yes or no. As such my verdict will be for anyone that is interested to do their due diligence and be mindful of their finances, remembering that a healthy lifestyle including healthy eating and exercise starting now can change their lives, maybe not instantly but in time, if work is put in. 

  74. Very interesting videos. With so many scam sites with only goal to drain money, everyone, especially beginners have to be very careful what they invest into. To be fair I’m not convinced to Nutricellix platform and I don’t believe its worth spending time and money on it. Thank you for putting all this info together, it convinced me to add them to my black list.

  75. Hello Tony, thank you for the assistance with this article and so many of us have so much to learn from here and I’m happy to be here seems things that can be helpful to me. I have so many people who have seen some everybody benefit of this product and I have to believe that it will work out fine. I’ll share with more people and have more of my friends see it was well

  76.  I am so glad that I stumbled upon your page and saw this.

    I really enjoyed your content in this post and I would like for you to post more content like this.

    Keep up the good work and I wish you all the best in the future.

    Interesting article I must say, thank you for sharing that with all of us.

    Wish you all the best in the future

  77. Why do you think you passed on the product when your friend told you about the opportunity? I had never heard of DNA based weight management before reading your post. As someone who is always trying to improve their lifestyle, learning about this was very interesting. I think they have a good basis for a weight loss system but your review makes it helpful in understanding the pros and cons of this system.

  78. Hi there Tony!This is very beautiful! I love the timing of this article! I have cameby multiple reviews from you on Nutril Cellix. It is a good platform tho. My only problem remains that their products are way too pricy for been customized and still giving same products to people 

  79. it is really understandable and I lie it cos it’s resourceful, thanks for sharing, I’ll share this article with some if my friends and I know it’ll be if great help.It’s very thoughtful 9f you to share this article here and I’ll share ut to my people to.I’ll share this article with some if my friends and I know it’ll be if great help.

  80. Hello Tony, Thank you very much for sharing this beautiful piece of information. I personally think that the biggest thing working against NutriCellix is just how much competition is in this space, with countless other brands vying for your time and dollars when it comes to nutrtional supplements. I don’t think it is a scam athough I am not interested.

  81. Thanks Tony for sharing about the nutricellx YouTube review, I have heard of this from different online adverts, but not too sure what it’s all about and how is been use. Going though this YouTube videos as shed more light on this product and I will love to try it out so as to stay fit.

  82. The
     product seems to be the main thing but the website
    does not offer any of the information about the owners but 
    , which I believe was created for their
    affiliate members does have the company owners bio information on it
    which I find strange. Either
    way, at least the information on it which I
    found to be a good thing when I research MLM companies. With
    that said, this is all of the information I have about the company,
    let’s move on to the products offers.

  83. Having access to a lot of reviews such as this would help in making the right decisions and helping to make it tight way. I lime all that you have shared with us and for the truth, I will like to keep it that way and ensure that I can make the beat use of it all here. Thanks so much for the details shared here too. 

  84. Ha, this is not bad at all. I’m happy to learn about the different nutricelix videos that you tell us about and about all the different information that you also added here about it. I think it is a good business that I can join in on and make some very good money from too. Good stuff all around.

  85. Taking in pills to lose weight is definitely not my cup of tea. Especially one that claims to modify my DNA! That freaked me out. And I won’t recommend such products too. You can’t really know nowadays on YouTube whether one is giving his or her genuine opinion, or that person is just out to get commission.

  86. Well First off! Thanks for the awesome piece. From these videos, I think NutriCellix is okay. But their products for me are a little bit shady! Why will I pay $100 for a DNA Analysis Kit if I’ll only get the same products everyone has? To me, it’s just a ploy to get more money out of your pocket.

  87. hey tony lee hamilton, I really enjoyed going through these video reviews on nutricellix. I previously thought I knew about nutricellix until I came across this review and found out there was so much more to it. Though I could watch only eight out of the ten videos here I really got to enjoy the few I watched and they were also very interesting especially the second

  88. Thank you Tony, once again, you’ve made my search easier. There really isn’t much video reviews on NutriCellix, but these ones you put together here will help give me a head start on my venture into becoming a NutriCellix  Ambassador. Just like I commented on one of your previous posts, I’m skeptical when it comes to Health and Wellness products. But your help in researching the legitimacy of NutriCellix has made me interested in trying it out. Thanks

  89. Hi Tony.  Thanks for the review videos.  I would strongly encourage anyone trying to lose weight to make sure they do their due diligence before trying this product.  I actually call this a scam, BUT, I do see plenty of red flags.  As an affiliate marketer, I pride myself in providing in-depth, HONEST reviews, and I see that you do the same.  Companies and “opportunities” like this do not help those that strive to truly help others as opposed to just make money off of someone.

  90. It is ideal to take in something from your site. Today I viewed your video. You are a genuinely veteran in advanced showcasing. I am profoundly intrigued by the achivement you have. Every one of your articles on NutriCellix are positioned in the page 1. Two of them involved No 1 and 3 positions. I have been attempting to rank my posts in Google. It is so difficult to arrive at this level. I can see that you utilize all devices you need to advance the articles you composed. As I see, you additionally do a cautious keywork research before you composed the artilces. There are countless things I can gain from you. I will surely return to your site frequently.

  91. It is nice to learn something from your site. Today I watched your video. You are a truly veteran in digital marketing. I am deeply impressed by the achivement you have. All your articles on NutriCellix are ranked in the page 1. Two of them occupied No 1 and 3 positions. I have been trying to rank my posts in Google. It is so hard to reach this level. I can see that you use all tools you have to promote the articles you wrote. As I see, you also do a careful keywork research before you wrote the artilces. There are so many things I can learn from you. I will certainly come back to your site often.

  92. Haha thanks for the article my guy! I’ve read up on Nutricellix before, and have just watched the videos you presented me with. However, I’m still not too sure if I want to buy into it. I like to do as much research as I can so I know if a product can be deemed worthy of buying or not. Can you do a Nutricellix review yourself? That’d be helpful! 

  93. Nutricellix has always had such a strange presence on the internet since it appeared.  I learned from this site actually that the best thing to do when researching a company like this is to look into the founders/creators of the business.  Understanding their history and past practices can tell you a lot about what they’re going to do in the future

  94. It is so amazing the number of products that come on the market claiming to help people not only with whatever issues they have but how they can help you to make money at the same time as well. We should however approach these programs with caution because many of them are no more than than a pyramid scheme. Thanks so much for giving your input on this program.

  95. Sounds like another “lose weight while doing nothing” scam-product to me. People who are desperate to lose weight are easy targets for predatory companies looking to promote snake oil products through the use of “scientific-sounding” words like: “DNA-personalized supplements.”

    There is no shortcut to managing your weight. If you are overweight or underweight, a supplement isn’t going to help you. You must take an objective look at your relationship with food and work from there. Do you eat because you’re stressed/unhappy/anxious? If that’s so then there is work for you to do within.

    A supplement won’t do that work for you. It’ll just make you feel like you’re doing something while relieving you of your hard-earned cash.

  96. Wow,

    Its amazing to see how this supplement work, most importantly am so interested in how the system operate, am glad when I saw the offer by NutriCellix supplement, so part from, enjoying a very healthy life, I have the opportunity of earning as much as I can through this platform, there are but few of these opportunities out there, I won’t let this go for any reason.

  97. This is a great post because there are much information about NutriCellex. Reviews are always interesting for me, to learn something new and hear others opinions. I have watched all of the 10 videos, my favorite product is NutriCellex fit shake witf vanilla! I love vanilla and I think this is great!

  98. This is a great way to review products! I love how you introduced the review and then used video reviews. I especially like how you add questions at the end of your reviews. It gets people more involved. I was very impressed with your genuineness and honesty when you informed the readers that there was not much information on the products and business. 

    Thank you for another great article. 


  99. Hello there!

    It is amazing that you took your time to make research and provide those top ten YouTube videos reviewing about NutriCellix. Sometimes people would need visualized informations to get a clearer picture of something and make their good decisions from it. This videos will make it easy to know all about the program.


  100. My thoughts are that products like NutriCellix take advantage of people to make money, yes it might work for some people but so does a good diet and exercise. I understand that you can make money from it but I think there are better options out there for doing this that are more genuine.

    Just my thoughts

  101. I’m surprised this isn’t a bigger thing. I believe if the internet grasp and talks about it a lot it as either a) a scam or b) it works. This DNA weight loss program seems to be middling the ground. I think it will take another year for people to make up their minds about this and it’ll either take off as a product people put hopes into that may ‘ work, or it’ll collapse as everyone screams scam. I don’t belive they have the power to do what they say they are going to do.

  102. Hello Tony, Thanks for dropping another honest review. I have gone through all the videos and My say is Nutricellix might not be as great as people may see it as. Whoever might be interested should always learn to make proper reaseach before joining. I will stick to my wealthy affilate. I personally , I’m not ineterested.

  103. Hello there, thank you so much for sharing this. this is a very awesome piece and a very detailed one. I’m really happy I came across this. Learning about top 10 nutricellix reviews really sounds interesting. The review videos was very informative. I would really love to try one of the nutricellix on how to manage weight loss with dna supplements 

  104. This reduces competition with products being sold on popular online shops such as Amazon. l will be happy to try out these products and see how it goes. The opportunity to make money by distributing the products. But with a very good online course to out you through will be very good options for you to go with and I’m cool with it 

  105. Thank you for the NutriCellix review and section of videos. Custom DNA weight loss based weight loss products sounds quite exciting and the products are scientifically tested. l am also glad that they are only sold through network marketing by distributors. This reduces competition with products being sold on popular online shops such as Amazon. l will be happy to try out these products and see how it goes. The opportunity to make money by distributing the products is quite interesting so is the compensation plan.

  106. Thanks for sharing these reviews Tony. As you mentioned there aren’t many avenues to find reviews on this platform and product. And I for one am quite uneasy about trying things out first without checking other peoples’ reviews, so I’m glad you compiled this article and line of reviews for us. It seems that if this product really were to work, there would be a Lot of people jumping to get onto this! I think my best bet would be to actually try the product before I could promote it, so I will have to take a closer look! If this is real then I will be happy that you led me to check them out! Thanks, as always for your information, Sophie 🙂

  107. Very well written, Tony. I love the videos as well, I do have a question. what about if this is a scam? do you know if this is liegt? Thanks for the post, It’s wonderful to see what you love to talk about. I look Foward to more from you. Have a great day.  Hope you’re doing well. 


  108. Thank you for sharing your article about the new revolutionary weight loss invention. I found all the videos very detailed and very informative. I listen to it really carefully and found everything was mentioned there was making sense. Unless we do not know our own body, we will never be able to loose or even gain weight. Nutri Cellix is the same as they examine the DNA of the person and produce supplements which control your DNA to loose weight.

    All the best!

  109. Hi there. These videos on the review of nutricellix has been very helpful. I think nutricellix works the magic, with the outstanding result seen so far, this will solve a lot of challenges people face, the science behind the product has come up with such a wonder, that is such a miracle to behold. This was an eye opener. Thank you for showing me 

  110. Once again, you’ve proven to be the digital marketing veteran. With modern advances in science and medicine, NutriCellix Review is the next generation thing, and this review helps to know more about it and it’s uses. I’ll read more on this, watch videos, bookmark this and all that so when arguing with people, I’ll have facts: 

  111. Thanks for sharing this information on Nutricellix. So often in this industry people are desperate for a quick fix and get caught up in scams. It is refreshing that you offer a range of reviews in the one place in order to allow people to make an informed decision about a product such as this. However, I also feel with products such as these people will also have already decided on the purchase regardless of reviews – good or bad.

  112. Nitrucellix is sadly a scam that we all should know about in order to able to avoid being scammed or being ripped of our hard earned money, it is very important that we watch these videos, It is very thoughtful of you to share this article here, if is very nice and interesting one to read through, 

  113. The reviews you have made here about the nutricellix is just perfect to see. I just feel like a lot more can be focused on and how to really make the best use of it. I like the fact that you have provided so much about nutricellix here and also given so much offers to see what other reviewers have to say about it. Thanks

  114. You must have really gone through lots of digging to fish out this videos and make your research since you said there isn’t lots of information about nutricellix out there. Thank you. Nutricellix might seem promising and I like the fact that those in charge are known but for now I don’t think it’s my area

  115. Ah, this is some nice stuff again to know. I feel it is very wonderful that you can go-to Google to fetch us some of the very best videos on this nutricelix so that I am join in on it. Everything here is some really lovely stuff and I think the okssi iluru that I have to make money from it is greaflu increased with this video that I have watched.

  116. Thanks for sharing these top 10 Nutricellix review YouTube videos according to your Google search. It is very nice of you to still compile these amount of videos even though you clearly stated that there not much review videos about Nutricellix online. I did get to learn a handful from watching these YouTube videos.

  117. Nutricellix might be the best breakthrough in weight loss programs, but right now I am not sold on the idea of  the products being so personal that it lines up with your DNA. I am also not sure that I like that business model and would wait a few years to get more reviews and hear of successes. Thank you for the introduction

  118. Thanks for putting this together. It’s great to have reviews like this to help everyone determine what is a scam and what is legit. Personally, I don’t really believe that all these weight lose products actually work well. It’s hard to say for sure if NutriCellix is legit or not, but over the years we might find out.

  119. I think I commented on one of your other NutriCellix review pages and my opinion stays the same. It seems like be a standard MLM full of recruiting. I prefer good old whole foods and eating right over taking a supplement anyway. I don’t feel right about trying to sell supplements to others when I am not willing to take them myself.

  120. Thanks, Tony Lee Hamilton, thank you so much for these reviews on the nutricellix I couldn’t watch all 10 videos though, I was able to watch just seven videos. I really liked the second video because it was detailed and also straight to the point and also explained a lot of things while keeping it simple as well reviews like these are gold in times like these when scammers are on the rise

  121. It’s so  kind of you to take out your time and write about top ten nutricellix,  it’s very detailed and helpful how you are showing the jaaxy keyword search and results. It is a great tool to find good keywords and get a good ranking on google. also it has become very easy for me  to get lots of information on a topic I’ve been interested in.  

  122. It is an interesting product; thanks for sharing. I had a little browse and I see lots about the earning potential, but am not seeing much about the product itself (in terms of solidified facts). Personally, I’m skeptical of all weight loss supplements/plans and I don’t see any reason this will be different. For me, their clips just aren’t convincing.  

  123. What I’m seeing here are the company founders talking about how to make money selling a product and why people need the product but very little about the product itself or how it works.  It obviously doesn’t get any better after a person signs on, leaving affiliate marketers to read ingredients off the label in an attempt to sell a product they know nothing about.  And the logistics of creating millions of orders of this stuff on an assembly line where “no two bottles are alike” simply doesn’t make sense.   BTW, didn’t Bo Short get shut down previously for creating just such an “opportunity” to sell another product that didn’t do what he claimed it did?  

  124. I would not like to immediately state whether I agree or disagree with this, but I think that if someone wants to try this product, they should be well informed about it. As a doctor, I know that insight into someone’s DNA is forbidden because it brings many ethical issues into question. DNA reveals a lot about us and we need to be careful who we entrust information about. I would advise everyone that if they want to try this product, they should first be well informed about what it is and what kind of company produces it.

  125. I have seen Nutricellix featured few times in an article and I think I won’t give my trust to them. It is just that even though they have this DNA weight loss product, it just seems shady to say the least. And I dont want to think that their product might be unsafe to use. I have watched too their clips and I am not convinced to join them, it is like they are just relying on recruiting people in the company instead of advertising the product.

  126. I did not watch all the video that you have listed here but going through 2 videos it done not clarify DNA based weight loss science behind Nutricellix Product. One of the video talk a bit about eating right and exercise so isn’t it what you are suppose to do to lose weight. So, i am not sure when company claims it a  DNA-based science for wieth loss. 

    I am little skeptical about it. Even if it is DNA based product, are they customizing their product based on individual’s DNA profile. And if they are, then are they ethically approved to collect the DNA information of their customer? It sound little suspicious to me. Thank you for the review. It got me thinking!

  127. Hello there!

    The reviews there are super amazing. I have come to know a few things about NutriCellix and I keep desiring to know more and more about them and their brand. The top 10 NutriCellix YouTube videos review provided there are deeply appreciated because they were really helpful and broadened my knowledge.


  128. Hello Tony , I know that there has been some talk about this company because it just recently got launched and I decided to take a look to see what it’s all about. However, after doing some more research I found out that Bo Short is the founder & CEO of NutriCellix and when it comes to products, they have very unique ones that are geared towards weight loss. Thanks for this piece 

  129. There has been some buzz about this company because it just recently launched and I decided to take a look to see what it’s all about. However, after doing some more research I found out that Bo Short is the founder & CEO of NutriCellix and when it comes to products, they have very unique once’s that are geared towards weight loss.

  130. So as I understand, every potential customer needs to pay $100 in order to take the “specialized” DNA test before they get access to the products?

    That honestly sounds INSANE. Never in a million years that looks like a sound decision to make, even if the products are worth it (which I don’t think they are).

    Did you have any personal experience with the products, or perhaps someone you know?

  131. Strange how the Nutricellix website doesn’t talk much about who owns the company. One really has to search for that information.

    The good part about buying from Nutricellix is that you can try their product once-off without having to go onto an auto-ship, which a lot of these types of companies expect you to do. I just find that the products seem hellishly expensive, and I am sure there are products that are just as good that you can get at a pharmacy for half the price, probably because there are no downlines to pay, so that is mainly why I don’t normally buy from these types of companies.

  132. Hi Tony and thanks for these updated videos. I did watch some of them but they got very repetitive. At least now it looks like there is some more information available about the Nutricellix products but still nothing that gives any insight at all into the DNA related science that they claim is behind how the products are supposed to work. I did listen to the interview on Mission Matters Business video and I checked out the website mentioned by the interviewee. There is another video there that does give a more thorough explanation of the products and how they are used. The claim is that the customized Nutricellix products switch on your fat-burning genes. But if you listen closely to the short 3-minute video on that site, you will hear that part of the Nutricellix program is a powder shake that replaces a meal and I think it was the mid-day meal. They also talk about sensible eating and exercise. I am still very skeptical. On the other hand, if the program gets you to reduce your calorie intake and exercise, then the chances are that you will lose weight. Whether any of the weight-loss can be attributed to DNA-based science is likely to remain an open question. You would think that by now there would have been some medical peer reviews of this range of products. I remain skeptical. Thanks again, Tony.

  133. Hi Tony! Thank you for sharing this article on top 10 nutricellix review YouTube videos. have heard for the first time form your reviews about Nutricellix, and watching these videos now, it is amazing how this product is a personalized one for our DNA. I think it’s very unique and I’m happy I got to see it via your website

  134. Hello there!

    The reviews there are super amazing. I have come to know a few things about NutriCellix and I keep desiring to know more and more about them and their brand. The top 10 NutriCellix YouTube videos review provided there are deeply appreciated because they were really helpful and broadened my knowledge.


  135. Hello there! Thank you for taking the time to find top notch YouTube reviews on NutriCellix. Customers have a right to know whether the product they choose to invest their money in is genuine or a scam. If it is a scam, the organization shouldn’t even be in the business and should stop wasting people’s time. I think the best bet in healthy lifestyle living is still hard work through diet and exercise.

  136. Thank for sharing these YouTube videos about the NutriCellix Review. Lovely review on Nutricelix and its great to see you put a guide at the top for those that are only looking for a singular point. The idea of a weight management MLM is something I’ve always been intrigued by but I don’t particularly like Nutricellix’s direction. 

  137. Thank  for sharing those YouTube videos about the NutriCellix Review, it is very helpful and an amazing product. With modern advances in science and medicine, NutriCellix Review is the next generation thing, and this review helps to know more about it and it’s uses thanks. A lot for sharing about this I will love to try it out someday.

  138. Hello Tony thanks for this wonderful article with you and your family you have any questions or concerns please visit our frequently to our notice this email and any attachments is intended only for the best way to work with you and your family and the videos and pictures of the best way to work on the type of award winning products

  139. Thanks for sharing this beautiful piece of information with us. I must say I really did enjoy going through your review as it contains valuable information one needs to be aware of.I think nutricellix works the magic, with the outstanding result seen so far, this will solve a lot of challenges people face, the science behind the product has come up with such a wonder, that is such a miracle to behol

  140. Hello, This is a very interesting read, I’m really grateful that you took your time and energy to write us this article. I have never heard of this before until now, and I’m so certain that this knowledge will stick with me forever, I will also be sharing to my friends and family. The nutricellix videos were helpful enough for me to figure out how they operate.  Thank you for always keeping us informed on important subjects that would make our lives easier.

  141. I think nutricellix works the magic, with the outstanding result seen so far, this will solve a lot of challenges people face, the science behind the product has come up with such a wonder, that is such a miracle to behold.

    How that is not just a medical solution, but also an avenue to make earning for those who can market it, makes it more exceptional.

  142. Hello, this is a very awesome piece and a very detailed one. I’m really happy I came across this as the information I’m getting from here is standard. Technology is power being able to apply it fully to a business is even remarkable. I lean allot from the platform. Thank you so much

  143. Hello there, thanks a lot for sharing this beautiful piece of information here with us. I must say i really did enjoyed going through your review as it contains valuable informations one needs to be aware of. The nutricellix videos were helpful enough for me to figure out how they operate.

  144. I am in Awe right now, I really have to thanks you Tony for getting us to see this beautiful piece, I myself am in love with science, this really was beautiful to watch, it is so exciting to see these kind of things, the videos went in dept to explain just how unique ones DNA driven functions are, it really as educative. Thanks

  145. Thanks alot Tony for taking your time even in your busy schedule to do a review about NutruCellix. I have gone through your submission and I think it is not much of a bad idea to join but I will rather just go very far with my Wealthy Affiliate classes before considering any other platforms. Thank you once more 

  146. Hi Tony, it’s interesting that you share the results from your google search for the top 10 NutriCellix Review YouTube Videos. Sounds like there isn’t a whole lot of outside information about the company outside of the insight you’ve shared. Is this to be taken as evidence that it’s something that hasn’t lived up to it’s own hype? Seems like at this point there would be more information available if it was overwhelmingly a success?

  147. I can see that the back office is similar to other programs I’ve joined.  But I do believe that what’s most important is whatever we choose to follow, we stick to it and don’t get pulled into Shiny Ball syndrome.  It does seem to be shiny ball type of product. Thank you for the knowledge you have shared with us all. 

  148. Thanks Tony for sharing reviews like this with us. I personally prefer video reviews to written reviews. I first heard of nutricellix about a month ago. A friend of mine was actually persuading me to join the platform and normally I told him I’d look into it. I am actually glad I came across this post today. 

  149. Thank you for these amazong video compilations. I think it would really go a long way in helping me decide on whether i should ventureinto the platform or just look else where. I have been skeptical about it for a while and i am happy i got to fine out about it today. I recommend that people watch the second and third videos first, it was quite more interactive than the others.

  150. I’m a kind of person who doesn’t like anything that is shady, it must be clear to all and transparent. Since there are other legitimate platforms, why will I be disturbing myself about a deal that is not transparent with sweet promises that will be difficult to carry out. Thank you for the reviews and even the videos

  151. It’s good to have reviews that’ll point you to the right direction about products and how you can make the best out of then. Nitrucellix has been around now and a lot of people are making reviews mostly about how bad it is and that it is a scam, these youtube videos are very elaborate and they are understandable.

  152. Hi Tony, I have heard for the first time form your reviews about Nutricellix, and watching these videos now, it is amazing how this product is a personalized one for our DNA. I think that the fact that they offer this specific product and services to the people personalized the loss weight therapy is the key to their success that, in less than a year, the company is growing fast. On your site, your readers can find all the helpful information about this company and this product. Your reviews and youtube videos are a useful guide and give a detailed overview of Nutricellex.
    Thank you for sharing.

  153. Good reviews you have here and i would say that this is really good to see here. You see, all that has been shared here is well worthy and i think that I can bare to live with them all. This is necessarily worthy to see here and thanks so much for sharing g this with us all. Thumbs up to you and I will tey my best to share out

  154. Hello Tony Lee! This is a very detailed article on Nutricell. talking about NutriCellix, I am not a fan of this type of product. DNA based weight management system sounds very strange to me. Maybe I would change my opinion if I would even try. However, I am not attracted to it. Thank you so much for sharing 

  155. Happy to be able to read the reviews that you have helped us source from the internet on. All this different YouTube videos about that nutricelix. It’s a nice thing to know much more than I originally used to know about it. Lovely to learn this and I would be looking to be a part of the company.

  156. Thanks for sharing more information to learn more about what is NutriCellix, today one of the best way to find accurate information about anything is watching a few videos and finding a good list of videos to learn more about NutriCellix has helped me to know more about it. I always come to your website as I know you always share accurate and valuable information to help many to work on their online business. I’m also a member of Wealthy Affiliate and it has helped me to create my own website!

  157. Thank you Tony,

    Your reviews are so informative and especially when you combine them with all these videos and separate articles. This is an amazing company for me but not in a good way. Right from the founders to the products initially it sounds so good. However, when you get into the detail and a behind the scenes look at businesses of the past you just start to feel uncomfortable. 

    My experience within the health and fitness industry teaches me to look after our bodies in a natural way and you will achieve so many more health benefits. This product is geared for those people wanting a quickfix which does not exist.

    Hopefully with these reviews a lot of people will stay away.

    Thank you


  158. I have read some of your previous articles about Nutricellix, and I would not join their program. I also am not convinced of their science backed products, since making products that are based on a person’s unique DNA is a very complex process, and I don’t think that this is something a company should be advertising. I don’t know enough about DNA research, but I know that it’s not that simple … I do not have much faith in this company. 

  159. Hi Tony, I read your previous NutriCellix articles, and I will say over and over again thank you for the information you have been giving to your audience. 

    However, talking about NutriCellix, I am not a fan of this type of product. DNA based weight management system sounds very strange to me. Maybe I would change my opinion if I would even try. However, I am not attracted to it. 

    Thanks for the review 

  160. Hello Hamilton! I think I like the fact that When a Customer is on the SmartSave program (wholesale pricing), their referring Ambassador will receive thesame amount of cash income as though the product was sold retail. The CV will be adjusted when utilized in thecommission engine for other bonus calculations. Thanks! 

  161. Thanks for the top Nutricellix YouTube video reviews, Tony! I like the fact that Nutricellix is in charge of weight loss system and so many people have benefited immensely from it so far, but I haven’t found it interesting to engage in multi-level marketing. A large percentage of people who have been in the MLM Industry got frustrated and never wanted to return into the business model in their lifetime.

  162. Lovely review on Nutricelix and its great to see you put a guide at the top for those that are only looking for a singular point. Very well written and even has a video to go with it. I will definitely be sharing this with others and going back to this page myself. Thanks very much.

  163. Thanks for sharing all of these YouTube reviews Tony. While NutriCellix sounds good in theory, the company raises several red flags by claiming itself to be a miracle weightloss cure. It doesn’t help the CEO has been caught up in several money stealing scams before. It’s always best anyone looking into a money making opportunity do their due diligence and research it thoroughly before committing to it, otherwise you may end up with several thousand in the toilet.

  164. Hmm, the whole DNA thing is always so fishy to me. I can’t say that I like it or that I would be on board with it. Especially since I am personally someone who likes to do all his fitness stuff by doing the hard work that nobody likes to do. Nonetheless, the DNA things trips me up and I am unsure about NutriCellix despite the good things I’ve heard about it. Thanks for this review

  165. Hi Tony,

    Over and over again, I keep researching about MLM schemes to see if I could ever change my mind and be positive and comfortable about them. I am unable to change!

    Today, I have gone much deeper into the research and found the facts and figures, and it seems that MLMs have actually been disastrous for more than 3/4 of people who ever participated in them.


  166. I’ve seen your review of NutriCellix before so found this post quite interesting in that you included video reviews by others. It just confirms my belief that this program is one I should continue to avoid. It doesn’t seem like a product I can actually endorse and certainly not one I will be using.

    Thanks for following up on this with reviews by others. It does help to know that the concerns I have are not unique to me.

  167. Hello Tony

    One of the things I like when I going to decide the platform to work with is “sure things” one of my first priority I have done on my research is to find who is the owners and their operate of the specific company that is the requirement for me to get involved in anything and that is all I see on many of your review.

    Thank you Tony for sharing

  168. Great video compilations Tony, I see two of your videos are within that top 10 Google picks, congrats! 

    The idea of a weight management MLM is something I’ve always been intrigued by but I don’t particularly like Nutricellix’s direction. The owner himself has a multiple other MLM companies so it gives me the impression that he might not focus much on this business of his, either that or maybe he’s trying to do some money laundering.

  169. Hi Tony,

    Out of all the videos you presented I decided to check yours out. The takeaway for me was one can use a hot topic to write reviews in a blog as well as a video and have a shot of ranking on the first page of the search engines. I felt is amazing that the founder of Nutricelliz, Bo Short would post your video. I get the impression that you beat them to the finish line in ranking high for this brand. I wonder how they feel about that. 

    If I was them I would pay you to promote them.



  170. I have not heard of NuriCellix before, so this is all new to me, I was wondering Tony why you passed on NutriCellix? Being that you have written many posts about the product, it sounds like a pretty good product through the videos that I watched in this post. Anyway great job with all the video reviews here, very informative on NutriCellix.

  171. Hi Tony!  Thanks again for your article/videos.  The video I like the most is yours.  It is short and sweet but this is exactly how I investigate products or companies.  Personally, I would stay away from this company. I would definitely not base my decision on any CEO – NutriCellix CEO Video – Thanks again!

  172. I came across this article while I was researching NutriCellix after someone in my network mentioned it. It’s helpful to see all the information in one place. I think you were right to pass on joining this company and I’m planning to do the same now. It’s still a relatively new company and unproven. I think there are more robust ways to make a side income or a full-time income online.

  173. Thank you, Tony, for your continuation of truth sharing. I learned years ago that it is truth that make you free. However, often there are times that truth is gained from exaggerated claims such as the ones in these videos. I have read your articles on this company. However, your one-minute review in this bunch of videos is informative and eye opening. Thank you so much for sharing

  174. I would love to get the latest update on  this product , I will do a quick google search . But their claims of tailor made products is concerning  and it does not sound sustainable and reliable. I think everyone desiring to be part of this company should do due diligence in terms of research, especially why the FTC 

  175. Hi! A product that is exclusively made (as in personalized) for you and you alone sounds great.  But it is too promising that it’s hard to believe it will ever be true.  Imagine, having each client undergo DNA testing and after that creating the diet product for each one of them.  How much would it costs to purchase that product?

    I personally believe there are still less complicated means to weight loss than going through all these. And I would prefer that. Thank you.

  176. I agree with some of the things said in the video’s such as there is no one thing that works for everybody. Everyone’s metabolism is different. I feel that the idea is a good concept, but i’m not sure i would be comfortable sending off a sample of my DNA. You just don’t know what they will do with it. I really do not think i could be comfortable in sharing this with others. if i don’t believe in it, it would be impossible to get others to.

  177. Top 10 NutriCellix Review YouTube Videos according to my Google Search is yet another of your good collections. I am sure it took u a lot of time to get these classic reviews together. But, I do wish that we could also have your opinion on the program, as you are the one we know, and respect and trust. But that said, I think the reviews are amazing and one can easily tell whether a program is worth it just by seeing your collections.

    Thanks and Regards,


  178. I have had my fair share of NutriCellix reviews and my thoughts have not changed throughout my time watching all of these videos. I still can’t personally understand how this company will determine what your body needs depending on your DNA. How is it that they have that sort of equipment and are so far ahead in time to get to those conclusions? Maybe I will never know, but all I do know is that I would never give out a part of myself to a company that I don’t trust.

  179. Hello Tony, I welcome and appreciate this page where you have posted videos commenting on how to rank on Google using Facebook business pages. I confess that NutriCellix as a brand using Human Growth Hormones is not something that appeals to me, so I would struggle to promote this brand.  Thank you for collating the videos together in one page, it is most helpful.

  180. Hello Tony, I appreciate you posting the videos and how to rank on Google using Facebook business pages.  I have been struggling with maintaining a healthy weight and appreciate any new ideas to try.  After COVID I spent a lot of time working from home and eating, but recently I have been commuting to work and seeing my weight go down again. 

  181. It is very nice and thoughtful of you to take your time to carry out a google research on the top 10 review videos of NutriCellix and share them with us on this article. I enjoyed watching your own review video and learnt a lot about NutriCellix from your video. All the videos you compiled on this article are great.

  182. I have come across NutriCellix before and I do not like products that involve the use of human growth hormone. I am very skeptical that a weight management program that is based on your DNA, is going to be effective. I don’t see any reason why I should do that. Some people may which may be all right but I can’t see why I have to pay a fee to get my product customized based on my DNA given the fact that they will keep my DNA and information – yikes weird hey. Thank you for the very informative article on NutriCellix.

  183. All the video reviews are great, but I especially enjoyed your video about how to rank on google page 1, it’s very detailed and helpful how you are showing the jaaxy keyword search and results. It is a great tool to find good keywords and get a good ranking on google. 
    As to Nutricellix, I’m not sure if it’s a good opportunity. I would try their products if I was given a sample to see if they work but wouldn’t consider it a good business opportunity unless someone provided me with very detailed information about their products. 

  184. If you ask me, Nuticellix is all about a business model than providing a solution to human problems. Admas interview i the fourth video is so obvious that the focus is all about a business model. Also, you will see I Jesse’s line of thought, the model’s founder disconnect from it. This is a show of lack of trust in the product as far as I am concerned 

  185. Hello Tony, Thanks for sharing this awesome article I know it would be of great help to the public as it has been of help to me..I have been following NutriCellix products for some time now and they really seen to have a very good array of notable products..i would definitely check out those videos and hope to see some innovations.

  186. As you mention, they are very new and it might take some time for a fair number of reviews to bubble up. In checking, I noticed that the domain was only first registered in August 2019. Scam? Everyone likes to overuse that word today. Will it help anyone with anything? I doubt it for the amount of money one has to shell out. As a little warning also, supplements like this may interact with other medications. I have seen that with other products in the past.

  187. True, there’s really little information out there about NutriCellix which triggers the “is the product legit?” question. Honestly, with so little information about the product and most of the videos being from their crew, I would not recommend the product as of yet. Maybe after some time, it will pick up its user’s rate and one will get a piece of much more diverse information from different perspectives. Nicely organized article. 

  188. I was not aware of Nutricellix. I am a bit skeptical when it comes to messing with DNA, etc, however after watching your videos, I was pleasantly surprised. This is definitely an interesting weight management tool. I hve been in the fitness industry for many years, so advancements like this really intrigue me.

  189. hello tony,thank you for making available this review of nutricellix review vidoes on youtube according to google.personall,i would like to find out more about the platform before i can decide whether to opt in or not. this is my first time of coming across it and your videos have done a great job with enlightening me. thank you

  190. The way that NutriCellix has created their business model is very different than anything we have seen to date. They are doing what companies like Usbourne Books and Forever Corp had done years ago. They signed up thousands of independent distributors who purchased their materials. Then when demand increased they raised the prices to retail causing all but the dedicated distributors to quit. Usbourne eventually went bankrupt due to these practices but Forever Corp is still around today and still run by one of the original owners…..

  191. There are serveral things I like about NutriCellix. I see thay have potential to scale up.

    I admit that when I first heard about NutriCellix I was skeptical. All this ADN customisation seemed like a scam to me.

    But now that I have been digging deeper, it starts to make sense.

    I will continue reviewing them. Thanks for this compilation of videos.

  192. Hi Tony, I’ve heard of them before and the DNA concept doesn’t appeal to me at all. I absolutely loved a comment from one of your website’s visitors called Adyns68, where she says that if Nutricellix promises to use your INDIVIDUAL DNA, (and we all know that everyone’s DNA is different) then they should also offer DIFFERENT products top each of us, not just one product! Very to the point, hehe! Thanks for your post.

  193. Hey Tony lee Hamilton, I enjoyed watching your video review compilation, these things are very necessary in a world where there are a lot of scammers and platforms. The second video was actually my best, because the explanation was straight to the point and easy to understand. It was my favorite of all ten i watched 

  194. I have quite a lot of people that have introduced me to nutricellix , I couldn’t join then because I had no good knowledge on what’s its all about because I really love to do my research before I get into any program, and i I’m really glad I came across this article , it very detailed and highly informative on what nutricellix is all about and i think I’m finally going to join the program, it was really thoughtful of you to share this amazing article.

  195. I have come across NutriCellix before and I do not like products that involve the use of human growth hormone. I am very skeptical that a weight management program that is based on your DNA, is going to be effective. 

    The founders of NutriCellix have previously been involved in a pyramid scheme that was closed down by the FTC, so I will not support another venture that they are involved in. 

  196. My friends have also introduced the Nutricellix opportunity to me as well but I always make a promise to myself that before I commit to any program, I have to do my due diligence first. I am glad that I read your opinion first. I have to say that their DNA weight loss is too far fetch. Personally, I will not send my DNA just for the sake of weight loss. I don’t think that I have to watch the videos to know that I shouldn’t join. 

  197. Hello Tony,

    From my online research on top 10 nutricellix review youtube videos, nutricellix is a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) company that is in the supplement niche. Their gimmick is they use DNA testing to give you “personalized” supplements. This company is actually owned by Lacore Enterprises which owns another DNA supplement MLM called Uforia Science. NutriCellix is a legit pyramid scheme.

    Thank you.


  198. Hello, I’m glad I came across this post. I’ve heard of NutriCellix before but haven’t had a chance to try it. As a doctor, I know that different DNA affects different ways of gaining weight , but what I do not agree with is that in this way individuals gain insight into our DNA and in that way they can see a predisposition for different diseases and dysmorphisms. That is not ethical. I definitely think that whoever would like to try their product should get a lot more information in order to know what to expect

  199. I think these videos are biased. Clearly, Nutricellix is not a good product. Does it have a DNA based weight management system? I do not believe it. I think they are only saying it to attract customers.

    If it was the case then they would be working on the individual products, everyone will have his own product. Because my DNA is different from your DNA, so why should we use the same product?


  200. I watched most of the videos and I have learnt a lot from them. But I must say that I don’t have that feeling or conviction to patronize the company. I don’t see any reason why I should do that. Some people may which may be all right but I can’t see why I have to pay a fee to get my product customized based on my DNA. I don’t like this. And how will I trust my DNA with a company of sort. Well, I don’t feel uncomfortable with that.

  201. I’ve peruse through a review about this lately and well, can’t say if they are scam or not but the claim of giving out product solely based on DNA test alone makes me loose sight of the product. I’ll rather eat a balanced diet regularly and do some exercise daily rather than selling my DNA. Who probably knows what they’ll do with it?

  202. Thank you Tony for sharing these videos which I’m sure will familiarize a lot of people with the platform NutriCellix and give them insight into what it’s all about which will be very helpful for them. It’s good to sensitive as many people as possible to NutriCellix because 8 feel like the company and its products are controversial. 

  203. Wow, thank you very much for compiling all of these videos, Tony. I’ve heard about Nutricellix since my friend bought their products. Initially, I’m not sure of their quality. There is just so many weight loss products scam out there, so I’ve been skeptical of them. I will send your compiled review to my friend to judge whether it’s worth the money or not. Thanks

  204. Good to see here and it makes so much sense to have come across something as great as this here. I really like all what this offers and it makes a lot of sense seek g this here. This nutricellix is actually an I tersia g one to me and surely I am more interested by this. Hence, it makes so much sense to me. Good one to see here and surwly, thoughtful of you to share

  205. Hello Tony, have seen some of these products and I have always stayed away firm it because of the fear of making use of something that is not safe for me and that’s why I have decided to search to get all the needed information about this product and so far I am happy you have shared more light on the whole issue

  206. These are very nice reviews online about this nutricelix and I think the reviews are all good. It is a good one that Google can give us some nice recommendation like this to tell us which of the reviews fr the paltform is the best. I would love to join so that I. An make money too

  207. Thanks for sharing this video reviews about nitrucellix, it’s very helpful and it is a good idea to share it because it’ll be a lot of help to so many people out there that are yet to discover what nitrucellix is all about. I love the idea of youtube reviews videos, they are always more interesting and fun to watch. It’s good that you shared 3.

  208. Thank you Tony for sharing this view with us. I have heard of Nutricellix from you in the previous articles I have learnt from. My own judgement is that I do not believe that this platform is entirely legit because of the many draw backs. Plus I have many many doctor friends and I haven’t really heard anything about it. I believe there are other legit ways to manage weight than this 

  209. Since NutriCellix is not reliable then people should watch out for them. Don’t be carried away by what you stand to gain and forsake all the red flags, which is pointing at something. Any business that has a questionable reputation is a no go area. This is surely helpful. Thank you for sharing this wonderful information here

  210. I was very impressed to see ten review videos on YouTube’s NutriCellix. The products of this company are of very good quality and those who have used them have understood. Also watching the videos mentioned in your article will give a good idea to those who want to buy new products of this company or join here. Finally, I will say that you have read the article and got an accurate knowledge about it which I did not have any idea before.

  211. Hello Tony Lee Hamilton! Thank you very much for this article you shared with us on top 10 Nutricelix review. I’m particularly happy with the part that you always add video clips to the reviews, it makes it easier to understand, thank you. This is The first time I’m Hearing of nutricelix and of course I have a deep insight of it because of your detailed review. My favorite video is nutricelix brings revolutionary direct to customer business model with Cathy Wikes. Thank you 


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