How to Think and Grow Rich

How to Thank and Grow Rich The Legacy

Countless individual money publications on racks today guarantee to educate you to invest much less, conserve extra, spend far better, retire earlier, leave financial debt quicker, and address almost every economic dilemma in between.
However possibly none claimed it better than a book released in 1937.

Napoleon Hill, a Terrific Depression-era author and also former advisor to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, talked to “more than five hundred of one of the most effective men this country has actually ever before known” to figure out the key to their good luck. He covered all of his insights in a 200-page plan as well as released “Assume and also Expand Rich,” which took place to end up being among the very popular books of all time.

Do not expect to locate any type of stock-picking or betting advice in it. Despite Hill speaking with some of the most renowned entrepreneurs of his day, none of his searchings for included any especially hard-to-attain abilities. His entire facility is helping individuals conquer the emotional obstacles that keep them from riches.

” Wishing will not bring treasures,” Hill creates. “However wanting treasures with a state of mind that ends up being a fixation, then planning certain methods as well as indicates to get riches, and backing those strategies with perseverance which does not identify failure, will bring treasures.”

In one passage, he sums up 6 actions to transforming a desire for wealth into “its economic matching”:

First. Deal with in your mind the specific amount of loan you prefer. It is not sufficient merely to state “I want lots of money.” Be definite as to the quantity. (There is a psychological reason for definite- ness which will certainly be described in a subsequent phase).

Second. Identify specifically what you plan to give in return for the cash you want. (There is no such fact as “something for nothing.”).

Third. Develop a precise date when you intend to have the money you desire.

4th. Create a system for carrying out your desire, and also begin simultaneously, whether you prepare or not, to place this strategy right into action.

Fifth. Write out a clear, succinct statement of the quantity of loan you mean to obtain, call the time restriction for its purchase, state what you intend to give up return for the cash, and also describe plainly the strategy through which you mean to gather it.

Sixth. Review your written statement aloud, twice daily, when just before retiring during the night, and when after arising in the morning.


It appears fundamental, however if you in fact compare this to just about any kind of personal money guide available, you'll discover specifically the very same basic steps. They simply come with a great deal even more bells and whistles.

If anything, Hill's publication is a pointer that a person of the only methods to accomplish real wide range is to understand that usually our feelings and also our mindset are what maintain us from being successful, and that it's our job to come up with a strategy to conquer them.

” When riches take the place of hardship, the change is typically produced through well conceived and also meticulously performed strategies,” he composed. “Destitution needs no strategy. It needs no person to help it, since it is strong and callous. Treasures are timid as well as timid. They need to be ‘drawn in.'”.

World's richest woman Gina Rinehart is sustaining a media firestorm over a post where she takes the “envious” middle course to job for “alcohol consumption, or smoking cigarettes and interacting socially” rather than working to gain their own fortune.
Suppose she has a factor?

It had little to do with cash itself, he informed Service Insider. It was about their mindset.

The middle class informs individuals to be delighted with exactly what they have. And also on the whole, lots of people are soaked in fear when it involves loan.

The average person has been brainwashed to think wealthy people are fortunate or unethical.

That's why there's a specific pity that comes with “getting wealthy” in lower-income communities.

The world class knows that while having loan doesn't ensure happiness, it does make your life easier as well as much more enjoyable.

Average individuals believe narcissism is a vice. Abundant people believe narcissism is a merit.

Typical individuals assume selfishness is a vice. Abundant individuals assume selfishness is a merit.

The abundant head out there and also try to make themselves happy. They do not attempt to act to save the globe.

The problem is that mid class people see that as a negative– as well as it's keeping them poor.

If you're not caring for you, you're not in a placement in order to help anyone else. You cannot offer just what you do not have.

Ordinary individuals have a lottery game attitude. Wealthy individuals have an action attitude.

While the masses are waiting to pick the ideal numbers and praying for prosperity, the wealthy ones are fixing troubles.

The hero that mid class individuals are waiting for may be God, federal government, their boss or their partner. It's the ordinary person's level of assuming that breeds this approach to life as well as living while the clock maintains ticking away.

Ordinary people assume the road to treasures is paved with official education. Wealthy people count on obtaining details knowledge.

Lots of world-class performers have little formal education and learning, and have generated their wealth through the procurement and also succeeding sale of details expertise.

At the same time, the masses are encouraged that master's degrees as well as doctorates are the way to wide range, primarily because they are trapped in the linear line of thought that holds them back from greater degrees of awareness … The well-off aren't thinking about the means, just the end.

Typical individuals wish for the great old days. Wealthy individuals dream of the future.

Self-made millionaires obtain wealth because they agree to bet on themselves and also forecast their desires, goals and concepts into an unknown future.

People who believe their finest days lag them hardly ever obtain wealth, as well as usually fight with misery as well as depression.

Typical people see cash through the eyes of feeling. Wealthy people think about cash realistically.

An usually clever, well-read as well as or else successful person can be immediately changed right into a fear-based, scarcity driven thinker whose greatest monetary goal is to retire pleasantly.

The top quality sees cash wherefore it is and also just what it's not, through the eyes of logic. The wonderful ones recognize cash is a critical tool that presents choices and possibilities.

Average people generate income doing things they don't love. Wealthy individuals follow their interest.

To the average person, it appears like the rich are working at all times. However among the most intelligent techniques of the top quality is doing exactly what they love and also finding a method to obtain paid for it.

On the various other hand, center class take jobs they don't enjoy, since they require the money as well as they have actually been trained in institution and also conditioned by culture to stay in a straight thinking globe that corresponds generating income with physical or mental initiative.

Typical individuals set low expectations so they're never let down. Wealthy people are for the obstacle.

Psychologists and also other mental health and wellness professionals typically advise individuals to establish reduced expectations for their life to guarantee they are not let down.

No one would ever before strike it rich and also live their dreams without big expectations.

Average people believe you have to DO something to obtain wealth. Rich individuals believe you need to BE something to obtain wealth.

That's why people like Donald Trump go from millionaire to nine billion bucks in debt and return richer than ever.

While the masses are infatuated on the doing and the instant results of their activities, the wealthy ones are finding out and also growing from every experience, whether it's a success or a failing, recognizing their real benefit is becoming a human success maker that eventually produces exceptional results.

Average people think you require cash to earn money. Rich people use other individuals's cash.

Linear thought might tell individuals to make money in order to make much more, the wealthy typically aren't terrified to bet their future from other individuals' pockets.

Abundant individuals know not being solvent enough to directly afford something is not pertinent. The genuine concern is, is this worth acquiring, buying, or seeking?

Ordinary individuals believe the marketplaces are driven by reasoning as well as method. Wealthy individuals know they're driven by emotion and also greed.

Spending efficiently in the stock exchange isn't practically a fancy math formula.

The rich understand that the main emotions that drive economic markets are fear and also greed, as well as they factor this right into all professions and fads they observe.

This expertise of human nature as well as its overlapping effect on trading provide strategic advantage in building greater wealth through utilize.

Average individuals live beyond their wealth. Rich individuals live instead below their own.

Here's how to live below your means and also use the secret wealthy people have actually made use of for centuries: Get rich so you could afford to.

The rich real-time below their means, not since they're so wise, however since they make a lot cash that they can manage to live like royalty while still having a king's ransom socked away for the future.

Typical individuals teach their kids how to make it through. Wealthy people teach their children to obtain abundance.

Wealthy Moms and Dads educate their children from an early age about the realness of “riches” as well as “have-nots,”.

Individuals state parents are teaching their kids to turn nose up at the masses since they're inadequate. This isn't really real. Exactly what they're educating their kids is to see the world via the eyes of objective truth– the way society really is.

If kids comprehend wide range at an early stage, they'll be most likely to pursue it later on in life.

Average individuals let lack of cash bring great anxiety. Wealthy individuals locate assurance in riches.

The factor wealthy people earn more in the long run is that they're not afraid to admit that money can fix most troubles. The non wealthy sees cash as a relentless needed wickedness that should be withstood as component of life. The world class sees cash as the wonderful liberator, and with enough of it, they have the ability to purchase economic satisfaction.

Ordinary people prefer to be entertained than enlightened. Rich individuals prefer to be informed than captivated.

While the rich don't put much supply in enhancing wealth via formal education and learning, they value the power of discovering long after college is over.

Walk right into a wealthy individual's residence and also one of the initial things you'll see is a comprehensive library of books they've used to enlighten themselves on ways to come to be more effective.

” The non wealthy  read novels, tabloids and also enjoyment publications.

Average people believe rich people are pretenders. Rich individuals simply want to share their time with similar people who have vision.

The negative cash attitude poisoning the middle course is just what keeps the wealthy associating the rich.

Wealthy people can not manage the messages of doom as well as gloom, this is commonly misunderstood by the masses as snobbery.

Identifying the top quality as snobs is one more method the center course finds to really feel better bout themselves as well as their picked course of mediocrity.

Typical individuals focus on saving. Wealthy people focus on earning.

The well-off concentrate on exactly what they'll gain by taking dangers, as opposed to ways to save what they have.

The masses are so focused on clipping coupons and also living frugally they miss out on significant opportunities.

Even during a capital crisis, the rich turn down the nickle and dollar thinking of the masses. They are the masters of concentrating their psychological power where it belongs: on the large cash.

Ordinary people play it risk-free with loan. Wealthy individuals know when to take calculated chances.

Leverage is the watchword of the rich, Every financier loses loan occasionally, but the world class understands whatever takes place, they will always be able to gain more.

Typical people enjoy to be comfortable. Rich people find convenience in unpredictability.

Essentially, it takes much intestinal fortitude to take the risks necessary to earn it as a millionaire– a challenge most middle course thinkers typically aren't comfy dealing with.

Physical, emotional, and psychological comfort is the primary goal of the center class way of thinking, Top quality thinkers find out at an early stage that becoming a millionaire isn't simple as well as the requirement for convenience can be ruining. They learn how to be comfortable while operating in a state of continuous unpredictability.

Average people never make the link in between money and also wellness. Wealthy people recognize money can save your life.

While the center course squabbles over the virtues of Federal government Health Care and also their business's health insurance plan, the incredibly well-off are enlisted in an extremely elite “store treatment” organization.

They pay a considerable yearly subscription cost that guarantees them 24-hour access to an exclusive physician who only serves a small team of participants, Some affluent communities have applied this method as well as require the doctor to stay in the neighborhood.

Average individuals believe they must select in between a terrific family members and being rich. Wealthy people understand you could have everything.

The suggestion the wealth must come with the cost of family members time is only a “cop-out” The masses have been brainwashed to believe it's an either/or formula, The abundant understand you can have anything you want if you come close to the difficulty with a mindset rooted crazy as well as wealth.

How to Think and Grow Rich The Legacy

Think and Grow Rich Summary

Think and Grow Rich is just one of the books I have seen most often on the recommended reading listing of individuals in the here and now day that have actually attained terrific things. Guide was created at the payment of Andrew Carnegie and based on interviews of 500 of those who background currently bears in mind as the best men of the very early 20th century, including Henry Ford, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Theodore Roosevelt, Wilbur Wright, as well as W. Howard Taft. Very first released in 1937, it has now marketed more than 70 million copies, giving it the difference of being the all-time bestseller in the personal success group.

I'm mosting likely to warn you: this is just one of the weirder books that I've checked out. Nonetheless, provided the pedigree of those on whose recommendations this book was based, in addition to those in today's age that have actually recommended guide, I took care not to dismiss anything out of control. I absolutely do not agree with whatever, yet it stands to reason that uncommon success must originate from unusual thoughts and also actions. If several of this advice seems a little “around,” or as well intangible, ambiguous, and also ephemeral to be useful, remember that it's coming from, and also put on hold judgment up until you have actually checked it on your own.

1. Wish: The Beginning Point of All Accomplishment
It may be stating the noticeable, however growing abundant starts with the wish to do so. The wish talked about here is not just wanting, but is an intense, melting obsession, which must be coupled with both a strategy as well as persistence in adhering to the strategy. The writer provides a six-part technique to ensure that this is the type of wish you are beginning with:

  • Fix in your mind the precise amount of cash you want.
  • Establish precisely what you mean to offer for this loan.
  • Establish a certain day by which you intend to get this money.
  • Produce a system to obtain the cash, and also take the initial step instantly.
  • Put the 4 products above into a clear, succinct sentence explaining each component.
  • Read the declaration out loud twice daily, in the morning and during the night.

The principle here is that need has methods to “transmute” (transform) right into its physical equivalent. This is the beginning of the essential concept of guide: that the subconscious mind acts under the surface area to accomplish what it is directed to complete.

2. Belief: Visualization of, as well as Belief In Achievement of Need
Certainly, the subconscious mind have to think that something is feasible in order to act on it. Confidence is an interesting principle, but in this context the author specifies it as “a frame of mind which may be generated, or produced, by affirmation or repeated instructions to the subconscious mind, via the principle of autosuggestion.” He takes place to insist, “Repetition of affirmation of orders to your subconscious mind is the just well-known method of volunteer advancement of the feeling of confidence.” It is by this practice that you can encourage your subconscious mind to “translate that impulse right into its physical equivalent, by the most useful treatment offered.”

The author attributes both excellent and also unwell lot of money to this technique. Simply puts, someone that lets himself think unfavorable things has actually interacted to his subconscious to act upon those adverse beliefs and also translate them right into reality. Somebody that neglects this method, and enables his subconscious to go where it will, dangers being established for failing by the operation of the subconscious that will certainly proceed regardless.

If you resemble me you're obtaining very unconvinced at this moment, so allow me illustrate with a practical example from outside guide. It has actually been well established that purposely preferring to exhibit confident body movement when you are in reality not feeling confident will really make you confident. (See Amy Cuddy's TED Talk on the topic here.) Different experiments have revealed the natural technicians of this procedure, with the release or inhibition of certain neurochemicals (testosterone, cortisol, and so on). The point, nevertheless, is that an aware option affects your subconscious, which in turn straight and right away triggers an adjustment in results in the outside globe.

The writer recommends “deceiving” your subconscious in a similar method– by acting as if you have actually currently attained whatever it is you are instructing your subconscious mind to do.

3. Autosuggestion: The Medium for Affecting the Subconscious Mind
This is another one of those words that probably seemed unusual to Napoleon Hill's contemporaries, and also most definitely appears unusual in the 21st century. Basically, autosuggestion is the technique of connecting to on your own using your conscious mind for the function of convincing your subconscious. As people, we can work out full control over exactly what reaches our subconscious mind (with our five senses), yet most individuals don't frequently work out that control.

The author asserts that exercising this control requires both aware interest, and the blending of emotion (a word the author makes use of interchangeably with “belief” or “confidence”) with just what you inform on your own. He provides recurring visualization as the very best approach of completing this mixture– actually picturing the appearance of a certain amount of money, continually in time. Eventually, this will hint your subconscious to “hand over” particular plans to start making it take place.

The author advises that two times a day, morning as well as evening, you shut your eyes, say aloud the quantity of loan you plan to acquire, when you plan to get it, as well as how (generally terms) you mean to obtain it. Additionally, he competes you should create this declaration down, position it where you will see it in the early morning as well as during the night, as well as dedicate it to memory.

This is the core of guide: integrating need with faith to efficiently auto-suggest success to your subconscious mind. The occurring phases include various devices for efficiently using this method.

4. Specialized Understanding: Personal Knowledge or Observations
In this chapter, the author lastly makes a realistic assertion– that basic understanding itself is worthless in building up riches. You should have details understanding and also skills (how to repair a leaky faucet, diagnose a condition, develop a financial design, and so on) in order to include worth as well as be paid for it. While this is a commonly misunderstood principle, it should be evident to any individual that general education and learning does not correlate with riches; instead, certain expertise applied to specific jobs is exactly what actually brings about cash. This is among the central styles of among the other classic books concerning wide range, Rich Papa Poor Dad: Just What The Rich Teach Their Kids Concerning Cash That the Poor and Center Course Do Not! In Rich Dad Poor Father, writer Robert Kiyosaki contrasts carefully his highly educated yet monetarily inadequate daddy with his friend's papa, who lacked distinguished official education but spent his life structure specialized knowledge and also expanding rich at the same time.

Certainly, you do not necessarily have to have the certain knowledge in your own head; you can likewise simply make certain to have accessibility to those who do. Nevertheless you access to specialized expertise, the application of imagination to that knowledge is just what causes the concepts that then bring about wide range.

5. Creative imagination: The Workshop of the Mind
Mr. Hill divides creativity into two theoretical types: artificial imagination, which merely repositions existing ideas right into brand-new ideas, and also creative imagination, which creates something from absolutely nothing. Transforming need right into loan calls for specific plans, which come most often through synthetic imagination. The author discounts the suggestion that riches originated from hard work; more frequently, he competes, treasures of much have come “in response to definite needs, accordinged to the application of precise concepts … when a developer of suggestions and also a vendor of suggestions got together as well as operated in consistency.” The suggestions that originate from creativity are the pressures that trigger points ahead into being. You have to include creative imagination to specialized understanding to expand rich.

I ‘d suggest you take a look at James Altucher's Daily Practice for a much more in-depth overview on the best ways to exercise your “suggestion muscular tissue” and end up being a concept maker.

6. Organized Planning: The Crystallization of Desire Into Activity
This 6th action towards riches needs a partnership with a team of people for the function of accomplishing your strategies– the “master mind” that will be reviewed later on in more information. To prosper, you need to be sure to make up these individuals in some manner, consult with them a minimum of two times a week, and maintain consistency with each individual in the group. Supreme strategies are essential for the growing of riches, as well as only the capacities as well as creative imaginations of several individuals will enable the production of strategies that are perfect, or as near so as feasible.

This process of planning must be constant as well as consistent, given that failure will certainly often come before success regardless of your best efforts. You have to pick people who are likewise persistent. Additionally, you must establish the qualities of a leader if you anticipate to lead such people in any endeavor.

This is the lengthiest phase of the book, and in order to avoid obtaining shed in the details I will refrain from listing the 11 qualities of leaders that Mr. Hill offers, as well as his 10 major sources of management failure, 30 root causes of failure in life generally, as well as 28 questions you need to be asking on your own each year to gauge your progress. There are any kind of number of insights within this listing, however absolutely nothing significant that isn't already discussed by other authors on the subject of success. The takeaway here is that you ought to be in the routine technique of taking into consideration these matters and also producing organized plans to address them.

7. Decision: The Mastery of Laziness
However, one reason for failure attracted attention to the writer most of all others in his analysis of successful and also not successful individuals: the absence of decision. He asserts that without exception, all successful people have the practice of making decisions quickly, and of changing them gradually. People that have no need of their own are greatly influenced by the viewpoints of others, as well as are not likely to succeed. Terrific accomplishments originate from daring choices.

The capability to make a decision swiftly originates from recognizing just what it is you desire, and also it is that capacity that specifies leaders. As the author states, “The world has the habit of making room for the guy whose words and also actions reveal that he understands where he is going.”

8. Perseverance: The Continual Initiative Necessary to Cause Confidence
The addition of self-discipline to wish is the basis of determination, which should be applied to the other concepts in this publication in order to expand abundant. Determination is a state of mind that can be cultivated by having definiteness of purpose, need, self-direction, definiteness of strategies, exact expertise, participation, determination, and behavior.

9. Power of the Master Mind: The Driving Force
In this phase, Mr. Hill dives even more into the need and also power of the master mind reviewed earlier, discussing both the economic and “psychic” attributes of having such a team of people to support you. The financial is simple; as talked about previously, the combination of experience and mental capacity is a significant economic advantage. Nonetheless, regardless of the pages dedicated to discussing the psychic feature of the master mind, that particular part is harder to determine.

I'm directly hesitant of the author's conversation of exactly how “the spiritual units of energy of each mind form an affinity,” and also I'm not able to convert the concept in such a way that resolves with contemporary scientific and mental understanding, as I have been able to finish with earlier ideas. Nonetheless, there are abundant instances of the master mind at work, from the earliest annals of history, to the starting daddies of The U.S.A., to the PayPal mafia of modern-day times, which highlight the sensation that Mr. Hill attempted to define.

10. The Secret of Sex Transmutation
Just when you assumed it could not obtain any weirder, this phase takes the reward for a lot of unusual title. Really, the concept is fairly straightforward: since libido is one of the most effective human desire, the working out of self-control to redirect this compulsion from physical expression to one more efficient purpose or creative outlet is a very powerful tool. As the writer puts it, “When driven by this need, males develop keenness of imagination, nerve, will-power, determination, and also innovative capacity unknown to them at other times.”

Without defining any kind of names, guide asserts that particular guys of great achievement credit score the capability to work out “sex transmutation” for their success. I'll leave you to contemplate the clumsiness, political incorrectness, and also accuracy of this principle without more remark.

11. The Subconscious Mind: The Linking Web link
Specifically attending to the main topic of this book, the writer advises us that routing the subconscious mind by means of the various other principles discussed throughout this book is something that could be done only with practice. To expand abundant, you must continually draw upon the positive feelings, instead of enable your mind to emphasize the unfavorable ones. Faith can not exist together with worry.

12. The Mind: A Broadcasting and Finding Station for Idea
In this chapter, Mr. Hill restates the principles discussed previously from the point of view of the brain's duty in the process, however doesn't supply much beneficial product not previously gone over. Provided scientific research's limited knowledge of the brain in the 1930's, this is to be expected.

13. The Intuition: The Door to the Temple of Knowledge
The intuition is specified as “that section of the subconscious mind which has actually been described as the Creative imagination,” through which “you will be warned of approaching threats in time to avoid them, as well as alerted of chances in time to welcome them.” The writer's flowery language about the “Universal Mind” as well as “Infinite Intelligence” is possibly best summarized as just what we call intuition. I ‘d advise Blink: The Power of Reasoning Without Believing by Malcolm Gladwell for a more contemporary and also medically informed writing on the function of intuition.

Mr. Hill after that takes place to explain a thought workout that takes the principle of visualization an action additionally. Instantly prior to going to sleep, he shuts his eyes as well as photos a council of consultants, which for him consists of men such as Emerson, Paine, Edison, Darwin, Lincoln, Burbank, Napoleon, Ford, as well as Carnegie. He has picked each man for a particular trait that he wishes to copy, and functions as the chairman of this undetectable council.

Guide defines the imaginary interactions among the different therapists in wonderful detail, which offers the perception that the writer takes this workout really seriously. He maintains that this practice is the best means to direct the sixth sense because of the method which it impresses the subconscious (through the auto-suggestion concept discussed earlier) with particular features that he wishes to imitate.

14. Ways to Outsmart the Six Ghosts of Concern: Cleaning the Brain for Riches
Because belief could not exist side-by-side with anxiety, one must grasp worry to expand abundant. The writer divides fear right into six kinds, which in order of frequency are the anxieties of destitution, objection, illness, loss of love, aging, and fatality. Due to the fact that fear is a state of mind, as well as since you have control over your mindsets, you could opt to exercise your will certainly and eradicate concern, worry, negativity, and alibis that we make use of to excuse failing or absence of action (if I only had a much better education and learning, or even more time, or more cash, and so on).

Think it or not, I've actually removed a bargain of the crazier elements had within this book. Ideally this has had the impact of giving a summary of helpful sensible actions, but you may intend to read the book on your own to see just what you can amass from a few of the even more ridiculous material. (Napoleon actually suggests you check out the book completely at the very least 3 times.).

While I might rule out every one of Mr. Hill's guesswork and decoration to be legitimate due to contemporary clinical understanding, I think there is massive worth in the key concept of the power of the subconscious mind. Given that the writing of this book, scientific research has validated the author's insurance claim that the subconscious mind routes even more of our life than we understand. To my understanding, the sensible action in this publication for using that power are the very best readily available.


4 thoughts on “How to Think and Grow Rich”

  1. I am sitting here reading your article and shaking my head in approval.

    It’s amazing how many people are waiting for something great to come their way to make life better or worse yet, waiting for the government to take care of them.

    It’s fascinating to watch entrepreneurs push forward in life to make their own way and not wait for handouts.

    I may have not picked up on the main point of your article but you just hit on some really important points that separate the doers from everyone else.

    • Wonderful Rick!

      Thank you so much my Friend for sharing your take on how we entrepreneurs make our own way and do what others won’t do.

      Stop back by anytime Rick, you are always welcome here.


  2. This is a good list of advise on mindset.

    Though abundance comes from many different places, rather than in wealth alone, there is definitely something to be said for pursuing the best.

    While most folks will readily complain about their financial situations, and gripe about the wealthy or those who have reached more financial stability, there is much more value in learning from those have succeeded and developing similar strategies.

    The freedom that abundant finances can bring can and should result in freedom throughout all of life, where we can provide help and generosity to others without any limits.

    • Awesome Jordan!

      Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts my Friend.

      Please return and share as often as you would like to Jordan,



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