John Crestani Super Affiliate System, is it a Scam or Legit Program?

In the dynamic world of online entrepreneurship, one name that often piques curiosity is that of John Crestani and his acclaimed venture, the Super Affiliate System. Billed as a transformative gateway to the lucrative field of affiliate marketing, this program has stirred quite a buzz in digital spheres, casting Crestani as a beacon of hope for aspiring affiliates. Yet, beneath the surface of high praise and tantalizing promises, there are murmurs and whispers, casting a shadow of doubt on the legitimacy of this seemingly groundbreaking system.

Is Crestani's Super Affiliate System a genuine conduit to financial freedom or merely an elaborate facade? The debate rages on. An enigma wrapped in the glossy sheen of successful marketing, the Super Affiliate System continues to intrigue, entice, and confound in equal measure. While some hail it as a revolutionary blueprint for affiliate success, others perceive it as a carefully crafted mirage, a potential scam that capitalizes on the dreams and ambitions of unsuspecting entrepreneurs.

As we embark on this exploration of Crestani's Super Affiliate System, we remain mindful of this contentious backdrop. We delve into the intricacies of the program, seeking to unravel the truth hidden amidst the cacophony of opinions and speculation. Join us as we journey into the heart of this digital mystery, endeavoring to discern the reality behind the hype and conjecture.

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Structure of the Super Affiliate System

Unveiling the design of John Crestani's Super Affiliate System is akin to peering into a multi-layered blueprint of digital marketing. The program, meticulously crafted and neatly organized, presents an expansive realm of learning opportunities, carved into 16 comprehensive modules.

Each module in this edifice of knowledge serves as a stepping stone, equipped with a main video and supplementary follow-up videos. These educational tools range in length, from concise 5-minute bursts of information to more in-depth 25-minute tutorials, culminating in an impressive 50 hours of content designed to empower the digital entrepreneur.

Here are the 16 modules of the Super Affiliate System Pro, each with a brief explanation:

  1. Introduction Module: This is a welcoming module that outlines the basics of affiliate marketing and provides guidance on setting up for success​​.
  2. Affiliate Networks and Finding Your Niche: This module covers the steps involved in affiliate marketing, how to choose your niche, and how to avoid common mistakes when choosing an offer​.
  3. Sales Funnel and Website: It discusses the importance of a sales funnel, the difference between website, lander, presell, squeeze, funnel, and common mistakes on presell pages. It also provides information on how to sign up for Clickfunnels, how to create presell pages, and how to register a website​.
  4. Solo Ads: This module focuses on how to drive traffic to your presell sites using solo ads. It also guides users on how to set up a Udimi account and how to create a solo ad on Udimi​.
  5. Google Ads: This module explains the benefits of using Google Ads and introduces advanced advertising tactics. It provides practical guides on setting up a Google Ad account, creating a Google Display Ad, and setting up conversion tracking​​.
  6. Youtube Ads: This module focuses on the potential of YouTube video ads, and it guides users on how to set up a YouTube channel and create a YouTube video ad​​.
  7. Social Media Ads: Here, social media advertising opportunities are discussed, and guides on how to create a brand and fan page, set up a Facebook Advertising account, and set up an advertising campaign on Facebook are provided​.
  8. Finding Effective Ads: This module teaches the affiliate research process and the elements of a good presell page. It also guides users on how to find and rip presell pages​.
  9. Creating Great Ads: It covers copywriting, how to get attention with headlines, and how to add urgency, scarcity, and social proof to your ads. It also guides on how to use a swipe file​.
  10. Analytics and Split Testing: This module covers tracking and testing, and it guides users on how to set up a split test in Google Ads, set up a split test in Facebook Ads, and track sales in ClickBank​.
  11. Planning Your Strategy: Here, common setup mistakes are discussed, and it guides users on how to plan their Super Affiliate System strategy​​.
  12. Accelerating Your Outcomes: This module focuses on how to accelerate your success, and it guides users on how to request a coach and navigate John’s Youtube Channel​​.
  13. Troubleshooting Lack Of Results: Here, strategies are provided on what to do when not getting results, and it guides users on how to analyze data​​.
  14. Scaling Your Business: This module covers scaling basics, high-ticket affiliate commissions, when to hire help, and how to raise capital​.
  15. Certification Exam: This is a test module that checks for mastery of the entire course content. If a user passes this exam, they will be certified as having completed the course.
  16. Extra resources: This provides additional resources to help students put what they've learned into practice. It includes note-taking guides, handouts/worksheets, quizzes, and other supplementary materials

The structure of the Super Affiliate System is akin to an intricate tapestry, each thread representing a different aspect of affiliate marketing. From registering a website to creating effective swipe ads and managing social media accounts, the program provides a thorough and detailed roadmap to navigate the labyrinth of online marketing.

However, the Super Affiliate System also has its peculiarities. Despite the wealth of content, there is an absence of a search function, making it somewhat challenging to revisit specific lessons quickly. This feature, or lack thereof, adds an element of exploration and discovery to the learning process, necessitating students to chart their own course through the wealth of knowledge.

To sum up, the architecture of the Super Affiliate System is a reflection of Crestani's vision: a comprehensive, albeit slightly unconventional, educational platform that provides a solid foundation in affiliate marketing. It is a journey of learning, a voyage into the vast ocean of digital commerce, with each module serving as a lighthouse guiding the way.

Community and Support

The Super Affiliate System provides a robust network of mutual support and interaction, often referred to as a community. This collective of learners is characterized by a shared interest in affiliate marketing and the common goal of mastering the strategies taught within the course. The community serves as a haven where individuals can connect, share experiences, and seek guidance from peers. This dynamic ecosystem is conducive to collaborative learning, fostering an environment where members can offer insights and support to each other. In essence, the community serves as a dynamic forum for idea exchange and mutual growth.

The support structure within the Super Affiliate System is also noteworthy. It comprises various elements designed to aid learners in their journey through the course. One of these is the provision of weekly live webinars led by an expert, Ilya Gurman, who has been highly praised by students for his effective teaching style. These sessions offer real-time instruction and present an opportunity for learners to have their questions answered directly.

Furthermore, the Super Affiliate System offers a support system that emphasizes personalized attention and guidance. This includes the ability to request a coach, offering a more tailored learning experience. In addition, the course contains numerous ‘show me how' videos, designed to provide step-by-step tutorials on the various applications and processes involved in affiliate marketing.

The community and support structure within the Super Affiliate System could also be seen as a scaffold of assistance, enabling learners to climb higher in their understanding and application of affiliate marketing concepts. By offering a blend of community interaction, live instruction, personalized coaching, and detailed tutorials, the Super Affiliate System ensures that learners are well-supported throughout their journey.

Pros & Cons of the Super Affiliate System

The Super Affiliate System comes with a mixed bag of both advantages and disadvantages, as indicated by various reviews and user experiences.

The positive aspects, or upsides, of the program are numerous. Firstly, the course provides comprehensive and in-depth training on affiliate marketing, particularly focusing on paid advertising strategies. This renders the course a valuable resource for those aiming to master this particular aspect of online marketing.

Moreover, the program's support system is well-regarded and frequently praised. The support team appears to be efficient and responsive, enabling learners to promptly resolve any issues or queries they may encounter during their educational journey. The offering of lifetime access to the course material is another significant plus. This ensures that students can revisit the content at any time in the future, enabling continuous learning and reference. Additionally, the weekly live webinars are another notable perk, providing students with up-to-date insights and real-time interaction with experts.

However, the program is not without its drawbacks, or downsides. One primary concern is the lack of substantial success stories from students. While some students have reported positive experiences, there is a notable absence of significant success narratives that could attest to the course's efficacy in helping students achieve substantial income from affiliate marketing.

Furthermore, implementing the strategies taught in the program appears to necessitate a significant outlay on advertising. This could potentially increase the overall cost of the course for students, particularly those operating on a limited budget. The platform's interface also lacks a search functionality, making it challenging to locate specific lessons or topics quickly.

Another negative point is the perception that the course promotes a multi-level marketing (MLM) type approach. This could potentially deter some learners who may be wary of MLM strategies.

Finally, there are concerns about some of the marketing tactics employed to sell the course, including the use of fake scarcity to encourage sign-ups. There have also been criticisms about the quality of some of the downloadable resources provided in the course.

In conclusion, while the Super Affiliate System has a host of benefits, or pros, there are also several challenges, or cons, that prospective students should consider before deciding to invest in this course.

Additional Insights, Pricing and Refund Policy

  1. Course Structure: The Super Affiliate System is organized into 16 comprehensive modules, each comprising of a main video and one or more supplementary videos. These modules cover a range of topics from setting up a website to creating effective ads​.
  2. Community Access: As part of the package, students are granted entry to a private SAS community. Although the community consists of over 5000 registered accounts, the primary activity seems to be introductions from new members​​.
  3. Weekly Webinars: The program provides weekly live webinars led by Ilya Gurman, who is highly esteemed by the students. These webinars cover specific topics each week and have reportedly helped many students enhance their revenue and improve the profitability of their campaigns​​.
  4. Product Promotion: Although students have the flexibility to promote any products or services of their choice, it appears that many students end up advocating the Super Affiliate System training itself. This could be because most of the ad swipes provided for students within the training are designed for promoting the SAS​​.
  5. Upsells: The course doesn't seem to have many upsells. The only notable one is The Inner Circle, which grants students access to former and upcoming calls with John Crestani for an additional cost of $250​​.


The Super Affiliate System is priced at $997, which offers lifetime access to the course. However, this price does not include the potential additional costs associated with implementing the teachings of the course, such as ad spend and the upsell for The Inner Circle​.

Refund Policy

The refund policy of the Super Affiliate System can be somewhat ambiguous. On the sales page, it mentions a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. However, ClickBank, which handles the sales of the course, has a general policy of a 60-day refund period for all its products. Given this discrepancy, it's advisable to consider the refund period as lasting 30 days.

Alternate Affiliate Marketing Courses

  • The Authority Site System 3.0: This course walks you through building a new authority site from scratch, covering niche selection, site build, content creation, and link building. It's designed even for those with no online marketing experience​.
  • Fat Stacks Bundle: Created by Jon Dykstra, this is a large course that combines all his mini-blogging courses. It reveals how he's built a large portfolio of niche sites that earn $80,000+ per month​.
  • The Affiliate Lab: This is a series of courses for affiliate marketers who want to learn the ins and outs of SEO and create a serious affiliate marketing business. It's taught by Matt Diggity, a top SEO master online​.
  • Income School's Project 24: This course guides you in finding something you're passionate about and turning it into a successful blog over the course of 24 months. The goal is to replace a significant portion of your income with your blog by the end of the course​​.
  • Multi-Profit Niche Site by Doug Cunnington: This course aims to help you build a niche website and monetize it via affiliate marketing and display ads. A niche website focuses on a specific topic​.
  • Passive Income Geek: This course covers everything you need to know to build fully-monetized niche websites. The beginner-friendly strategy involves finding underserved topics that are easy to rank on Google, then earning via ad revenue and affiliate marketing​.
  • Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing: This course is a step-by-step guide to creating and making money from your own successful affiliate marketing strategy. It explains all of the ins and outs of creating and implementing your affiliate marketing strategy​.
  • 1-2-3 Affiliate Marketing: Based on 23 lessons across 5 distinct modules, this course guides you in choosing the right products to promote, picking the best platform for sharing your affiliate messages with your audience, and staying legal when you're promoting affiliate products​​.
  • Launch Your Blog Biz by Create and Go: This is a beginner-friendly blogging course that guides you on starting and growing your blog to make over $1000/month. It covers setting up your blog with WordPress, publishing content people love, strategies to drive traffic, and all aspects of monetisation
  • Digital Worth Academy: This course is a coaching program that offers a step-by-step guide to creating profitable websites from scratch. It's designed to teach students how to build high-quality websites, generate traffic, and use SEO strategies effectively. It also provides software and community support​. 
  • Legendary Marketer: This is an enlightening and instructive conduit that imparts knowledge to learners on launching an internet-based venture. The curriculum delves into an array of subjects including digital promotion, lead procurement, sales techniques, and product evolution. The education is tailored to facilitate learners in building and enhancing their online promotion businesses.
  • Pageviews to Profits: This is a well-rounded tutorial that offers a roadmap for converting page visits into financial gains. The tutorial's aim is to guide learners in augmenting their website visitors and effectively monetizing them. It explores various tactics including Search Engine Optimization, social media advertising, electronic mail marketing, and affiliate marketing.
  • Commission Hero: This tutorial furnishes an exhaustive manual to earning income via affiliate marketing, with a specific focus on utilizing ClickBank. The curriculum is structured to educate learners on choosing suitable products, employing Facebook for promotional activities, and designing compelling landing pages. It imparts strategies to grow the business and generate impressive income.
  • Savage Affiliates: This tutorial presents a robust training scheme for those aspiring to generate income through affiliate marketing. It furnishes strategies for constructing a prosperous affiliate marketing enterprise from the ground up. The curriculum covers a spectrum of subjects such as identifying a niche, building a website, SEO methodologies, and email marketing.
  • Wealthy Affiliate: A tutorial and community striving to educate individuals on generating online income via affiliate marketing. It proffers two primary instructional pathways: the Affiliate Bootcamp, which centers on instructing learners on the creation of a website promoting Wealthy Affiliate, and the Online Entrepreneur Certification, which educates on the creation of an affiliate website in a non-MMO niche, such as canine training, swimming pool maintenance, or website hosting.

Summarizing Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the Super Affiliate System is a program that might be valuable for those who are ardent supporters of John Crestani and have a desire to learn the foundational elements of affiliate marketing via paid ads. However, one must tread cautiously. Several warning signs are associated with this course, including the scarcity of substantial success stories from students, and the need for a considerable advertising budget. Additionally, the style of the course may give off multi-level marketing vibes that may not appeal to everyone. The absence of a search functionality also makes it difficult to locate specific lessons within the course. Some have also expressed concerns about John Crestani's past and the various dubious marketing tactics, such as artificial scarcity, used to sell the course.

Furthermore, students of the Super Affiliate System can promote any products or services they wish, but it seems that a majority end up promoting the course itself. This may be due to the fact that many of the ad swipe files provided within the course are geared towards promoting the Super Affiliate System. The course does contain a significant amount of downloadable content, but the quality of these resources might not meet the expectations of most students.

Therefore, one must carefully evaluate their own circumstances, financial situation, and learning preferences before investing a significant amount of time or money into this program. Despite the potential benefits, such as the highly praised support and the inclusion of weekly live webinars, there are several factors to consider before deciding to join the Super Affiliate System.

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