Adzbrick Review, Airdrop Token Scam or legit Cryptocurrency?

Since you are involved in the cryptocurrency mining, you would have come across the word adzbrick or simply known as ADZB. It is the etherum token. It is mined just like bitcoins, only that it is used for ads purpose. Ads are very useful for any business and you must know about adzbrick if you want to transform your online business. Airdrop is one of the companies behind it.

What are AdzBricks?

It is simply described as a cryptocurrency. The price is put at 0.004642 and the markup can reach $0. The price is not static, it keeps changing.

It is that cryptocurrency token, which is often issued for the ethereum platform. The cryptocurrency is a blockchain based advertisement, and it focuses on making huge sums of money through the internet advertisement industry. It has plenty of features that make it attractive. This ethereum based token can be used for different products, as well as future products. Furthermore, it is also used for purchases and sales. The adzbrick token is earned and it is by viewing advertisements. The system works the same way miners earn bitcoin through mining. Currency that is generated is based on ecosystem viewing ads. When you view new ads, you can generate a revenue known as tokens. The more ads you view, the more token you make. Mining token is the process that token is generated.

When you generate the tokens you can use that for other purposes such as buying of advertisements. You can buy it from the Airdrop website. Presently there is a plan to make it a worldwide affair. This can be used to purchase different kinds of ads ranging from banner ads, login ads, as well as web traffics and so on.

The most interesting thing about the system is the ability to earn through the compensation plan. Once you have an account with them, ads would be issued to the account and you have to view those ads to earn tokens. When you earn that token it is not a waste because you are going to use it for ads as well. Payments are accepted in ADZB.

Any investment you make in this is worth it because the market price is always on the increase. It is one of the profitable cryptocurrencies in the world today.

How does AdzBrick work?

Before you know how it works, you must get the most important concepts about adzbrick token. The first thing you need to know that it is for the etherum network alone.

It simply involves mining ads and when you do that, the reward you get is new tokens, which are generated. First and foremost, you need to register an account where the generated token would be sent to. These tokens are only generated when you view the ads. When you view more ads, you would be compensated with more tokens. So there is a huge reward for working harder here.

The process starts by opening an account with that platform. You can start as a free member which means that you are not expected to pay anything to start mining ads.

Since you register with the platform as a free member, you are entitled to just one ad for one day. Since you are a premium member you can view much more than that. To qualify to view more ads on that platform, then there is the need to stake ADZB token. That will equip you with more mining powers.

According to the platform, during the process leading to the launching of the system, every member would be regarded as a free member, and as such earnings are only through a free membership. However, the situation is going to change when the system is launched. To earn more token, members can buy ADZB and that is going to increase their mining power.

This is how the system works

Step one

You must register an adzbrick account, and you can do that on the website. The registration process demands key information from you such as your name and your email address. Furthermore, it demands that you create a login username as well as a login username password.

When you have registered an account, it is not active until you confirm the email address by clicking the link provided.

Step two

You have to chat with their Telegram bot and click on start after that. You must also pass the Captcha test to get started with the system.

Check on Rules and do tasks.

There are other platforms that you can join the system such as telegram, Facebook, Twitter and so on. You can click like Facebook and so on.

Check on Wallet and you do that by sending your ETH wallet address to the system bot. Furthermore, you can check the balance at any time by clicking on the Balance.

To earn more from the system, you can also use the referral rewards for the benefits that come with that.

Who owns AdzBrick?

The system is owned by a group of marketers. These have extensive knowledge about the internet marketing industry since that has been in that business for almost a decade. Furthermore, the owners are people who have worked with top brands on the internet. They are into pure marketing and advertising business and they were looking for a system that can do well for advertisers.

The owners use the system to deliver targeted ads to people who are going to benefit from it. The ads are available for all kinds of businesses and it can serve any kind of product. Since you are engaged in online business and you want that business to be promoted to the end of the world, then Adzbrick is the best option to promote that business to all parts of the world.

It is the ad ecosystem and it is meant for publishers and advertisers. This helps such people to get the best ads about their business and this is taken to all parts of the world.

The owners of the system put the price of the token to just 10 cents pending the time launching would be done.

Is AdzBrick similar to Hashing Ad Space?

Since the inception of adzbrick, there is an assumption that it is a carbon copy of Hashing Ad Space. The fact is there are lots of things in common between the two systems. This is not surprising because once there are innovative ideas that attract money, it will not surprise anybody when others emulate such systems and make money from that as well.

It is a copy of Hashing Ad Space. They are almost the same thing, but there are a few variations of the system. The only different thing is the differentials in payment on direct referrals. The business concept is almost the same thing. Hashing and Adzbrick share things in common and that they are both involved in the advertising business.

This can serve as leads to people involved in businesses. This simply involves earning more money known as token and you do that by watching ads that are sent to your accounts. Furthermore, the two methods involve ads purchase and having them displayed to other people to see. The most important thing is that the ads are displayed to people who need them.

Members of the two platforms have options available to them when it comes to ads to watch and to display. These ads are available in ad minter, banner ads, as well as login ads. They are both ways of making money on the internet and they come with a wonderful referral system. They involve the use of cryptocurrency. Depending on the level of your membership, the number of ads that you can watch in a day varies. You can watch a single ad daily and you can watch more than that. These suggest that the two systems are the same thing. The difference as pointed out earlier are in the areas of reward, especially the direct referral reward program. These two concepts are the same.

AdzBrick Compensation Plan

When you mine ads, you are compensated by the adzbrick token that you receive. The compensation plan for a free member is not the same thing as that of the premium member. Premium members are those who spend the cryptocurrency to enable them to view more ads in the accounts. This is used only in that network.

The compensation plans are as follows.

Every person can register an account as a free member and this means that you are qualified to view just one ad in your account daily. Since you want to view more ads, which means that you want to earn more money you have to stake ADZB tokens. This qualifies you for more minting power. This simply implies that you are going to become a premium member. opening more earning opportunities from the system.

To increase your mining power, buy a staking package. The staking power you have is not an investment. You are holding it to earn more money by viewing more ads. Every staking pack that you get is there for one year and after that, it will expire and the earnings from that would be returned to your account. Since you like you can renew that and the best way to do it is to stake another pack.

Earning through referrals

To earn more, you can refer more people, your earnings can increase dramatically when you have more referrals. The system allows you to earn a ten percent referral commission. This is based on the referral's staked amount. As time goes on, it is possible to reduce it by about fifty percent, but that depends on the ads such as referrals purchased.

Is AdzBrick a legitimate CryptoCurrency on the BlockChain?

Adzbrick is a legitimate cryptocurrency on the blockchain. It is 100% legitimate, and there is no scam associated with it. The system earns money through legitimate ads viewing the business. The system depends on the targeted ads. Ads are sent to people who need them and when you view the ads you will get rewarded for that.

Furthermore, the system is completely sustainable. This is because the cost is not much because it is affordable. Moreover, the system is easy to join.

Most importantly, you discover that the system does not break any law. Anybody who wants to become a member can do so and nobody would be forced to join. It is available to people who need it worldwide.

To show that the system is not a scam. It is not a Ponzi system and it is not an MLM scheme as well. It features detailed analytics for the advertisers. The system does not promise to make money quickly or becoming rich overnight. Since you can make money at all through the system, you must work very hard for that.

It is not meant to fizzle out overnight. The designers have the issue of sustainability in mind when it was conceived. This has been here for quite some time.

Furthermore, to show that it is legitimate, users can earn money and they are usually paid in the adopted cryptocurrency which is AdzBrick token. Besides, the token can even be exchanged with other cryptocurrencies. This comes with a standard payment which is the ADZB. The truth is that nothing is hiding about the system and it is extremely difficult for anybody to label it as a scam.

Most importantly, those behind the system are known. They have earned a lot of reputations when it comes to this kind of business as they have spent at least eight years. The founders have extensive knowledge about how the online system works. It can be said that they are passionate about helping people earn money through the most innovative system.

Click on any of the blue words below to open the popular article in a different tab:


Adzbrick Airdrop token is not a scam. The cryptocurrency is legit. Since you are looking for a perfect way of earning ads money you can consider this system. It is reliable, and you have a lot to gain from the system. Most importantly, this system is one hundred percent legit.

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I am not a representative of this company nor do I recommend or endorse it, the above is based upon internet research only.

90 thoughts on “Adzbrick Review, Airdrop Token Scam or legit Cryptocurrency?”

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  2. Hey Tony 

    Thank you for this report on AdzBrick . I didnt know about it but my eyes are open to unlimited opportunities. Thank you for also confirming that it is legit. What I like about it is that, there is an opportunity to explore the system for free before making some monetary commitments. This is helpful to people who are still on a research phase of online opportunities.

  3. This Adzbick review is pretty interesting, it is great to see that there is transparency in their business, I recognize companies will take a successful model and emulate it. I am glad it got your approval and I agree its sustainable base on its business model, thanks for bringing this to my attention going to sign up and see what happens.

  4. Hi Tony,

    This article as added value to me because I heard about ethereum but not as detailed as your article. Your article as give me more assurance and confident to venture into cryptocurrency, am a bit released then because I don’t want to lose my hard earn money to any cryptocurrency business. I will do more of it with the help of your article.

    Thank you.


  5. Honestly this is interesting. I really need to check this out on my websites, from what i peruse on this article it is like paying it forward system to be able to get ad space. I have been kind of skeptical about cryptocurrencies, but seriously i do have to check this one out.

  6. Thanks Tony for introducing us to a legit platform. Free membership is always welcome on any platform, although I guess you’re going to need to upgrade to get better returns.

    As an affiliate marketer I am also interested in the potential returns you could make on referrals to the site as well. I don’t fully understanding the mining aspect so I’m going to do further research to get a better idea of what is involved. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I must say a very big thank you Mr Tony for reviewing this brand I am really into crypto currencies and I plan to acquire as many as I can keep and I think mining is one of the best ways to acquire them. I would run some more research on AdzBrick and hope I works out well.

  8. Hello Tony, Thank you for this article review post. I am not so much a believer of digital currency as I don’t think a lot about it however it’s becoming harder and harder to ignore so finding out about AdzBricks has given me a better way of learning more on cryptographic/digital money. This seems liek it could be a good one but for me it’s interesting when thinking about it used with some different types of payment processors. It feels a bit daunting to dip my toe into it but I am going to try it out.

  9. Thank you for the introduction to Adzbrick which is completely new to me.  Thank you for highlighting the importance of advertisements & Airdrop. The fact that this is a legitimate programme as you describe is really helpful to know, thanks to your advice, I think I will now look to open an account with them.  I´m assuming you have an account and use their services?

  10. Thank you so much for putting this out here for the benefit of the general populace, it will help people be aware of these products that can help you with mining. I’m not a very big fan of mining crypto currency but I deal with it, so it makes it important to have a reliable airdrop token to help you send.

  11. I think that I personally like the idea that they really put together to do this one here which is a likely thing to go up in the Future. I would have loved to know if they shared this one as airdrop some years ago on months too because this can show whether it not it would go the distance.

  12. Hello Tony, thank you for another review! This is interesting and I enjoy reading your review. There are plenty of cryptocurrencies plans to choose, but how to determine a legitimate one, reviews and user experience does help a lot. I think I will sign up for free membership for Adzbrick first and see how it goes.

  13. Cryptocurrencies are meant to stay, it seems to me. The FIAT currency are for history, even the dollar. That said, no surprise about a cryptocurrency for Ads purpose. This could be in interesting and helpful for those who are starting in an affiliate marketing. But, I hope it won´t turn out later to be a ponzi scheme. I say this, because of the value of the cryptocurrency, which is too low. I wonder how much time it takes to have a decent amount of ADZB crytocurrency to have enough Ad to escalate an online business.

    I have found this article very interesting and useful to save some money on ads to enhance revenues. But I still won´t go with it, since it is an early business model.

  14. I enjoyed learning about ADZBrick. There are so many cryptocurrencies out there and to be sure, it is nice to have a good review of what each is about and if it is a legitimate entity. I am thinking ADZB will be at least one that I will be signing up for the free membership.

  15. Thanks for this article I have heard of ADZBrick but never looked into it very deeply. I am often concerned with programmes that ask people to view ads to make money. I wonder if people just click on an ad and don’t really read it, so the ads aren’t very effective. I would like to know the effectiveness of the adverts and the ROI on them.

  16. Tony, I don’t know if it is my naivete, I can hardly doubt your reviews and recommendations as far as digital or online marketing is concerned. It’s like my approach is if Tony Lee says it I believe it. Well, honestly, I haven’t heard about Adzbrick Airdrop token before, talkless of knowing if it is a scam or not. As usual, I have found the review very valuable, because all it boils down to is that you are offering the readers the usual legit online business opportunity to learn and grow.

    Your conclusion based on your research and maybe the first-hand experience is that the cryptocurrency is a legit platform, that is reliable and 100% and has been over a decade in operation. It is beneficial for earning ads in any kind of business.

    I have taken note of this great review. Thanks for sharing this.


    Adzbrick Airdrop token is not a scam. The cryptocurrency is legit. Since you are looking for a perfect way of earning ads money you can consider this system. It is reliable, and you have a lot to gain from the system. Most importantly, this system is one hundred percent legit.

  17. This is the first time I hear about Adzbrick but going through your article it seems a bit complicated especially if you are not in the loop and you just want to start making money online. And I am sure that when people read about cryptocurrency many will turn away as it seems that for some reason a lot of people tend to stay away from such platforms.

  18. Unfortunately, before your article I have never heard of Adzbrick as I know little to nothing about Ethereum crypto currency but your article ‘Adzbrick Review, Airdrop Token Scam or Legit Crypto currency’ has helped me understand Adzbrick and how it works. I think, speaking from previous currency, the best way to deal with these various platforms that offer services for crypto coins is to be cautious. 

  19. Adzbrick is a very great platform that can really be for a lot of ting. Though this is really like my very beginning to all of this but I find the information here to be every great in every aspect. If I can, I will try very best to ensure that a lot more can be put into making all these worthy. Thumbs you all here and hopeful for more

  20. The competition between Hashing Ad Space and AdzBrick is key to keep both platforms from turning into scams and keep improving the services. I would invest in AdzBrick based on the review. For me it depicted all the major aspects that one should look at when willing to invest in such platforms. 

  21. Building your business around crypto is really certain tongue wild and so many people are always looking at that line of business and seen it will be filled with competition from all the business owners to get along with. I really wish to see all these business get better and then, I’ll get involved 

  22. I don’t like to be the first to always launch of invest into a business, though someone has got to be the first but it can be very risky to so that, many time I’ve fallen victim of this kind of thing and  not willing to be a part of it again. Thanks Tony for making this known to us, it’ll be helpful.

  23. This is very great to see here. This adzbrick is actually very worthy to see. Honestly speaking,what they offer here is really not that great. Though ads are great way to fun marketing but then, not using them the right way would only make the marketing efforts look pathetic and underwhelming. Thanks

  24. Hi,

    People need to be aware; I would not invest in cryptocurrency; I believe in a currency that I recognise; As this is safe enough for me; To prevent disappointment from scammers and thieves wanting your hard-earned cash. People should only get involved if they have researched and feel happy to go forward.

    Thanks again.

  25. I have recently started becoming interested in Crypto currency and invested a bit in the currency called CRO. Thanks for sharing this concept of ads in Crypto as well. I like the concept of mining ads! The whole crypto concept is new to me, but I am liking it. Hopefully once I learn more I can look at investing in crypto ads as well.

  26. This is an extremely fascinating audit on a digital currency. As regular a jewel from Tony.

    While a great many people bargain in Bitcoin and Eutherium while the lesser realized monetary standards are not exchanged generally. In any case, bite the dust to immersion in the market, the lesser realized monetary standards really are more unstable and accordingly get you greater returns. I have been utilizing IQ Option and thought that it was a great stage.

    Adzbrick Airdrop token is unquestionably not a trick. The digital money is genuine and I have checked it against the rundown of cryptos on 3 significant trades.

    Much obliged for a decent article TonyLee.

  27. Hi Tony,

    Thoroughyly enjoyed reading your review- Adzbrick Review, Airdrop Token Scam or legit Cryptocurrency?

    I have been quite skeptical and full of doubts about cryptocurrency so far. But your review has once agaijn spiked my interest to reconsider the world of cryptocurrency. 

    I will definitely do some more research on Adzbrick and will come back to you and I am sure you can help me out.

    Thanks for your fantastic review.

  28. I joined hashing ad space so when you said that Hashing and Adzbrick share things in common and that they are both involved in the advertising business, i understood instantly. the difference is not much but i do not think i would want to engage that now. thank you for the information.

  29. I am currently investing in 3 types of cryptocurrencies, etherum is one of them and I also invest in bitcoin and bitcoin cash.  Anyways, It is refreshing to see that Adzbrick is not another scam or bad product. I love the fact that it is easy to join. This will be a perfect platform for me to earn a little side income. 

  30. Wow never heard of Adzbrick before but I have always been so skeptical about cryptocurrency, not because it doesn’t  work but perhaps I have always fallen into the wrong hands. One day I bought cryptocurrency expensively and it dropped like crazy to the extent that the company stopped mining it, and that’s how we lost a lot of money.But it works for some.

  31. Unfortunately this is my first time hearing of adzbrick so I don’t know much about it but from reading this concise and well detailed article I would say it is definitely something worth checking out. Cryptocurrency really is a fast growing market and the earlier you can purchase before inflation in exchange rates the better. I definitely think it’s worth checking out. 

  32. ADZB token reward system is a good way to market opinion and word of mouth towards someones  existing site or a brand new site to produce reviews/ comments. hands down good  way to draw attention for ranking. in my opinion id take it into consideration and try it out looks legit to me.

  33. Wow! This is really interesting to see here and I have to say that I admit all you have shared and they are very well worthy enough for me to get into. On the overall, this is a very great post to see and I value it a lot more better. Thank you for actually sharing it out here about adzbrick. thanks

  34. Hi Tony a great article which gives all the sides as usual. I have an enlightened view about Adzbrick now. Having ads is a great way to drive traffic and sales, this seems to tackle that aspect in a great way. It’s wonderful to learn that this isn’t a scam, thank you for tirelessly informing us about new and existing programmes all the time. It really does help

  35. Hi Tony, thanks for writing a review about Adzbrick. I’ve tried to join the cryptocurrency group discussion and heard about the platform. However, I’m still skeptical about this platform at first. After finding out the legitimacy based on your article, I’ll try to check it one more time. Thanks for the information.

  36. I am not familiar with digital marketing but for sure got informed at your website. I noticed that the images can be smaller, but the structure of the website is very organized. I like the fact that a list of all posts are located at the end of the page. I for sure going to do the same on my site.

    For the amount of comments I can see that the topic is very common and you will get a lot of exposure. Not many people have the love to write about digital marketing as i see you do.

  37. I have seen so many business for your site and I have been involved with a lot of them and made gain from it. From a closer look at at this, I completely trust your judgment, and I know that you are saving all of us a lot of time and prevent us from disappointment in case we venture into something that is a scam. I would keep my finger crossed for more business ideas.  Cheers

  38. One should be very careful with the way people are manipulating this use of crypto currency, it is a very good idea to invest in it but there are scammers out their who want uses these means to steal your money. It’s good that we have this at our disposal, it’ll help me and other decide well .

  39. So another ad site where you are paid to read ads, but this one for some reason seems to be different. I wonder how much one can actually earn here from reading ads, or would you also need to refer others to make it worth your while, which is normally the case.

    Although this system really looks worthwhile to check out, I don’t want to divide my time up to thinly, and I am going to keep concentrating on the affiliate marketing side of things until my profits are more consistent.

  40. Thank you for sharing this here. 

    Honestly, it feels very good to have this here and being able ti know that crypto can be earned through it. Getting crypto these days is not an easy tals and for what is worth, I value all you have shared here and thank you so much for sharing with us all. 

    Thumbs up

  41. Wow, this was really interesting. From what I read, it is kind of like paying it forward to be able to get ad space. It really a neat concept that I will have to check out for my website. I have been kind of weary about cryptocurrency but I will definitely check this one out and try it out if I like what I see!

  42. I got acquainted to this a while ago but didn’t know if it is real or now but after going through what you have written here, I think it’s very good and I should be able to give it a go as well. Happy to see the information you have here about this adzbrick too. Very lovely stuff and a good make money opportunity as well.

  43. I am still a bit leary when it comes to crypto currency such as bitcoin.Though I am still learning and researching more.adzbrick got my attention because of the ad marketing potential from an affiliate marketers angle this looks promising though leary still. We have had view ads for clicks in this world for many years and most have just been a waste of time.Adzbrick is looking a bit different in that the owners are known and have been in the trenches for awhile.Might have to give this one a shot.

  44. Awesome to know that it’s legitimate Tony!

    For some time now I’ve been somewhat intrigued by Ethereum, I have a few friends earning solely from trading that, and its a new market filled with potential. It’s a great thing to know that they’re open to affiliate marketing too! You mentioned that the tokens can be exchanged with other cryptocurrencies right? Do you happen to know know what cryptocurrencies it can be traded with?

  45. Thank you for sharing another great review.  The information provided her is very useful and can really benefit online business owners.  I am looking for ways to advertise my site and AdzBrick if one I will definitely try.  I am fond of the idea that not only will it help me promote my business but will also give me another avenue to earn money.  I will definitely consider joining this company as I have bookmarked the page.

  46. I think this might be one of the most affordable cryptocurrencies I’ve come across yet.  There seems to be numerous benefits to this opportunity where you can earn money and exchange your profits with other cryptocurrencies.  I like how it’s not promoted as a ‘get rich quick scheme’ because that is always a turn off.  Nowadays cryptocurrency is gaining traction and popularity and working hard for what you earn is an opportunity worth exploring.  Thanks for sharing an opportunity that could add value to those with online businesses (or maybe those thinking of starting one)!

  47. Thanks for yet again another thoroughly researched and detailed review. Returning to your site is a pleasure indeed, Tony., because I completely trust your judgment, and I know that you are saving all of us a lot of time and prevent us from disappointment in case we venture into something that is a scam. I am considering giving Adzbrick a go because I already have some experience with cryptocurrency. What a relief to know that they are fully legit. Thanks, Tony, for presenting your readers with completely unbiased, honest reviews, and please keep your great work going!

  48. Thanks for sharing another way to make money online, as well as be able to advertise to others in the program with AdzBrick and AirDrop Tokens.  The time involved with the program to earn bitcoins seems a bit much for me at this time.  Thank you for your review. It allowed me to make an informed decision for me right now. 

  49. Hey Tony ,I really like your reviews as they are not biased, thanks once again for the AdzBrick review it is indeed very informative and you also did a great job by adding the videos as they come in handy in making your review understandable and enjoyable.You really never disappoint when it comes to your reviews

  50. I am still a bit leary when it comes to crypto currency such as bitcoin.Though I am still learning and researching more.adzbrick got my attention because of the ad marketing potential from an affiliate marketers angle this looks promising though leary still. We have had view ads for clicks in this world for many years and most have just been a waste of time.Adzbrick is looking a bit different in that the owners are known and have been in the trenches for awhile.Might have to give this one a shot. 

  51. Hi Tony, thank you for sharing this information about Adzbrick. My personal opinion is that the fact that you are getting paid to watch ads is a bit weird- it reminds me of lab rats just following the next treat. It makes me a bit sad that people get paid for watching ads these days. This is the first thought that came to my mind. On the other hand, of course everyone who wants to make money on the internet must advertise their business in one way or another and this seems to be a way of getting that traction. It ist good to know that these kinds of things are out there (I did not know), but I am still a bit skeptical at this point. 

  52. Really quick, I think I should inform you that some of the videos are no longer available; just a quick heads up on that! But, honestly, I recently discovered this platform. Reading this article really clarified the intricacies of Adzbrick and what it’s all about. I’m glad to know that it’s not a scam haha but yes! If you wouldn’t mind updating those videos, that would be very helpful on my search journey, thank you!

  53. Hello Tony Lee Hamilton, thank you for sharing this informative and educative review article. This post is centered on Adzbrick Review, Airdrop Token Scam or legit Crypto currency.  This is my first time of hearing about this platform. After reading this article, I fully understand what Adzbrick is all about. Well  I’m glad to know that this is no scam 

  54. This is a very confusing area for me to understand as there are so many businesses that work on cryto currency. You have explained here that this is not a scam nor an overnight success which means that if you put the work in then you will earn money. For this very reason alone I think that this is a good business to invest in if you understand this market. Can I ask if you are paid in cryptocurrency is it easy to turn into cash?

    Thank you 

  55. Good article on AdzBrick. A great overview and quite detail understanding on the business model. It is interesting the fact that it is developed by people who has been working in this area. It is also interesting to see its competition, in whcih you provide information about AdzBrick and its similar to Hashing Ad Space.

    I’m still not sure about these business models, but I will refer this article to people who are into cryptocurrency and I’m sure this will be a consideration to join.


  56. Cryptocurrency and I have learnt so much from it and I will also have to wait for the next few weeks and adzbrick.

    Review the email 📧 and I will be lyk the email to the point of contact for the betterment of the above mentioned subject matter as I have not been able for any of the uk to the point for which I have been considering making ads for people 

  57. Crypto currency is another best thing after gold or even better than gold due to the high volatility that comes with it. So, getting any platform to be able to mine or get it for free is always a welcomed idea to me. This adzbrick actually makes sense to me and most especially, the fact that they offer a unique means to generate the coin is good. 

    I will definitely consider checking them out right now and start getting my share from it

  58. . And it is the first time for me to see about this cryto thing you said here. It’s good to learn new stuff just like the one you have shared here on your website. I’m always glad to learn something new from the internet and gladly, you have just shared something worth learning.

  59. Cryotocurrency breaks grounds by the day and it’s no news seeing some other smaller platform coming up into dealing orb bitcoin since we all want to make money at the end of the day and he happy about it. But while this is on careful not to fall in the hands of a scam site and getting to see that Airdrop Token is a legit site and one can make money from it give some so much joy that some people can still come up with a true means of making money. Great idea and I look forward to taking my shot at it.

  60. Since the bitcoins company grew so much I became very interested in everything that had to do with cryptocurrencies. I have to say I had never heard of this one, but after reading your post I thought I might search some more about it.

    Thank you for giving me this new information and I hope to see more of your website with content like this!

  61. Cryptocurrency is definitely not my thing at least for now. But from what I read I can see that you can earn tokens by watching advertisements. I do not if I am correct but that sounds funny. Watch ads and watch more ads to get more mining power (I guess more cryptocurrency). Very detailed but too complex for me.

  62. What I understand is that both the users and advertisers are on the same platform. Advertisers will pay to get their ads shown and users will get compensated once they view the ads. My question is that, how big of a user base do they have…. 

    The system can work but was just thinking whether there are a lot of people joining to earn money from it..

    I do have a couple cryptos so maybe I’ll give this a look. Thanks for sharing this article

  63. Hi, Tony.
    Thanks for sharing your review on Adzbrick – Airdrop Token, which is same as Cryptocurrency.  It seems a good option to watch one advertisement in a day as a free member and earn 0.10 USD in the form of 1ADZB token. Like that it would be 30 ADZB in a month and these can be utilised to make advertisement for our own products on the internet. A smart work indeed.
    Warm Regards,                                                                                                                        
    Gaurav Gaurs

  64. Dealingwith crypto currency is a bit of a risk to take and it’s actually worth it if the right channels are taken to achieving it. I’m not a big fan of airdrop and I mostly don’t encourage it, but reading this, I can see that there are some good in it that I’m yet to know of. Thanks for sharing this educative article.

  65. Hi Tony, Thank you for this article. I am not really a fan of cryptocurrency as i don’t know much about it however, learning about AdzBricks has pointed me in the right direction of learning more on cryptocurrency. This looks like a really good one, but for me, compared to some other forms of income like affiliate marketing which is easy to start, this looks cumbersome.

  66. Thank you so much for sharing with us a wonderful and informative article. The main theme of this article is Adzbrick Review, Airdrop Token Scam or legit Cryptocurrency? It is truly incredible that you have illustrated this topic so well in your article. I have learned a lot by reading your article and gained a lot of knowledge about AdzBricks. Of the points mentioned in your article, I like How do AdzBrick works? I also agree with you that AirDrop Token is a legitimate company from which anyone can earn money by crypto mining.
    Finally, I enjoyed reading your article and so I’d like to share your article in my Facebook group if you are happy with me.

  67. Thanks for that overview, Tony.

    I’m having trouble with the whole area of cryptocurrency, as I have been scammed on Forex trading, and it all seems similar to me. As I read through reviews like this on various alternatives outside of Bitcoin, it is definitely confusing, but I can see there are some legitimate programs out there. 

    I’m hoping to look into this further when I have a little more time, but definitely putting on my list to investigate further. 

  68. AdzBrick, cryptocurrency, block chain, oy these make my head spin! These are tricky and technical topics. Thanks Tony for putting them into easy to understand language and helping me learn more about another opportunity out there. 

    I really enjoy how each of your posts detail specific steps to look into and get into a product. And also I appreciate how thorough you are as you introduce your readers to each topic. Thanks again for another good post.

  69. Considering the fact that this is legit enough has given it credibility and the fact that they pay too. However. The prices sis quite cumbersome and not that easy considering the price gotten on it which is not worthy of the stress involved. Rather than get myself involved in all of these, I’d prefer to just stay clear and focus better on other alternatives to making better incomes. Thanks

  70. I can tell that this had so many insights. But it feels kind of above me right now. I’ll need to reread the article a few times to make sure I’m fully on the same page.

    But overall, it does feel like somewhat of breakthrough technology. I mean, mining like cryptocurrencies but only with advertising. Viewing ads generate tokens which are the revenue which in turn generates the potential to buy advertisements that provides exposure and all the good stuff. But it sounds like becoming a premium member is pretty much a must. Otherwise, the limits I feel are just too strict to get any real value out of this. That said, is the system not officially launched yet?

    All in all, feels really thorough. But as I said, I will have to reread. Cheers.

  71. Tony,

    Thanks for all the reviews about the various programs you have highlighted. As an internet marketer, I am open to different opportunities to earn income but I do like to do due diligence before I join any specific system. There are a few other sites that are review based but they are primarily for marketing a particular program and may not provide objective information. I see you have many programs and tend to give relevant info. 

    I read through a couple of the reviews and they were helpful so I will bookmark and check back with your site if I am interested in a program and you have reviewed it.


    David Brahim

  72. That’s cryptocurrency for you. The price is never static and always keeps changing. I people that invested in some cryptocurrency programs in the past when it was a really big deal and they lost their money. Of course it is still a big deal now but the risk is so much. This is why if one is able to find a good program that can help with this way of investing it would be really amazing. Having said that, Adzbrick looks enticing but from this review, it seems there are still some questions that need to be answered before anyone decides to invest in this,

  73. I found that TAGZ is a scam. I also invested on their platform and after they kept asking me for kyc I got suspicious and did not invest more. They did not give me my investment (50,000 €) nor profits back. I reported the situation and got a settlement claim (Investments + profits + damages).
    Now before I do anything with my newly returned wealth, I am thinking of minimizing the damage. Does anyone scammed by TAGZ had to take a loss? No! Because we have help. I would probably have lost my investment But I want to minimize the damage now I have successfully received my claim to withdraw my investment

  74. This reminds me of the surfing ads days and it turned out those werent so great except for a couple of jewels in the rough.  While Adzbrick may not be a scam I dont think it would be something for me.  Now Im not saying it is a bad company, Im just saying thats not the route I want to take.

    Thank you for a great review because its great reviews that help us make informed decisions.

  75. The volatility of crypto currency generally put me off with all these airdrops but the thing with this is the fact that it can be used to leverage on getting Kore network and reaching out to a larger audience which sounds very appealing to me. Getting token to run ads and developing better. I guess thats a risk I would be willing to take for my business growth

  76. It appears that there is a market for cryptocurrency, here it is AdzBrick.  So, you watch an add, you get tokens.  You then use those tokens to buy targeted ads that go out to people.  You get money for making referrals.  I will take it for granted that it is not a scam, but it looks like a difficult way to make money, and cryptocurrency value are very volatile, meaning you likely put a lot of effort into making this work for you.  I will stay with my current mode of business, advertise for cash.  The article was very well put together and logical, which is needed to get to an understanding of a complex subject.

  77. A very interesting concept to say the least this AdzBrick! As someone who invests in crypto, this was intriguing to me. While I would not personally dive into this side of the crypto world, I am sure this review and the information provided will be useful to some. Keep up the good work.

  78. A legitimate Cryptocurrency program is hard to find. I think this is the first review I read about a legit one that is not a scam. Sounds good that the founders are veterans and known figures. I am not into cryptocurrency so I do not how this works. Can you convert your cryptocurrency easily into real money with this system? What if you want to take your money out and stop? How is the support on this? I feel there are still to many questions about this program for me to consider it at this point.

  79. Cryptocurrency or BTC mining and advertising are interested in me, which you have explained a lot of things that many people can understand about it while they read it on. the thing is that it is very difficult to find a genuine company on the internet because I have more experiences in this case. 

    More than thousands of the companies have already betrayed the people and at this time, I don’t want to explain here more; if you are really want to know you can follow adzbrick’s link once, But I love your contents which you have afforded to make known the people about BTC business, so its an absolutely fine. 

    The content of this page is very good who are interested to achieve the knowledge therefore readers can spend the time for own comforts.

    Thanks for sharing good content related to BTC. love it. 


    Jeebey Pakhrin

  80. Wow, Ad business with compensation in cryptocurrency? If I heard ir right, this business model is a defining step for next level online advertisement. I was completely new to it and unaware as to how it works. Your clear review and steps of how it works has enthused me to try it out myself.

    Never heard of it but very logical kind of business model. Definitely worth a try and there is no risk to trying – you can join for free.

  81. Amazing review on Adzbrick. I agreed with you that it is not a scam. The registration and onfirmation process are very easy unlike and this is very encouraging. The fact that the ads are not selective but available for all kinds of businesses as well as it can serve any kind of product even makes it more attractive and the mining is not as difficult as Bitcoin. Thank for the amazing review.

  82. Hi, I have been learning about all these coins. Bitcoin and Eth are the most popular, but there are so many. And there are some with great potential. AdzBrick seems like a good option to follow and get involved in. 

    Banks and the power they now have is being disrupted. It’s normal to expect them going against crypto. But I wouldn’t expect normal citizens taking sides with the disrupted.

  83. Thank you for your post. It is kind of you spending your precious time, investigating the money-making programs, and sharing them with us. 

    The program sounds solid. It use cryptocurrency as tool. It is possible to earn through the compensation plan. With your account, ads are issued to your account and you just need to view the ads, then earn token. You could use your token to advertise your own business. 

    Since it is based on ads activities and the activities are always increased, the market price of your cryptocurrency is always on the rise. It is nice to see that this is one the profitable cryptocurrencies in the world. I am definitely going to join such program.

  84. This is a very interesting review on a cryptocurrency. As usual a gem from Tony.

    While most people deal in Bitcoin and Eutherium while the lesser known currencies are not traded commonly. But die to saturation in the market, the lesser known currencies actually are more volatile and thus get you bigger returns. I have been using IQ Option and found it an awesome platform. 

    Adzbrick Airdrop token is definitely not a scam. The cryptocurrency is legit and i have checked it against the list of cryptos on 3 major exchanges. 

    Thanks for a good article TonyLee.


  85. Hello there! This review means alot to me at the moment. This is the third time I am reading a review of this crypto currency and for me, it’s very reliable to invest in it since the market price is always on the increase and who knows; someday it might be valuable as Bitcoin is. Thanks for sharing this with me. It’s helpful!

  86. I had not heard about AdzBrick or Airdrop, (one of the companies behind it), before, so it was interesting to read your review about them. 

    Block chain currencies like bitcoin and etherium have been very volatile, so I would be worried to be investing in a system like AdzBrick. It appears to be a crypto currency that is not very well known, so the possibility of it being very volatile is even higher than with the more popular and well know ones. 

  87. Hello there,thanks once again for putting out a very extraordinary article and I know it would be of great help  to the public as it has helped me. If there is one currency I love; it’s crypto currency and I must tell you it take a lot of affirmation to get into the crypto world as a lot of things  do happen within it very easy world with numerous number of coins….but o er time airdrops has really been a way to get free crypto without spend any of you own money….and one can later decide to hold or sell of the coins and make some money.

  88. Thanks for this review on AdsBricks Tony, it sounds interesting. I would love to know if you made any money through this system yourself, either while during this review or as a regular source of income? 

    I personally stay clear from cryptocurrency and everything to do with it, I’m rather dubious about cryptocurrency. 

  89. Now crypto currencies fascinate me, coming from a financial background as I do, and with a dislike of certain banks, articles like this intrigue me

    I’ve nver heard of AdzBricks previously, but that is quickly answered in the paragraph which explains how they work and which element for want of a better word, of blockchain they belong too, which if memory serves me correctly is the least known of the BTC currencies

    Inteeresting that it is compared to HasingAdSpoace which I was recently enquiring about, but concldued that it wasn’t for me.

    Do you have any AdzBricks or Hashing Ad space yourself?, as its not quite clear from the post, which it has to be said provides enough information for someone looking at this venture to make an informed decision about.


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