Webtalk Beta Offline, Will it Return?

Update 7 August 2023 – Direct quote from RJ Garbowicz = “Once we are done building all of the new features we are going to do private testing with testers under NDA. It’s hard to place a timeline on it at this point. We still have about 4-6 months of development work to do before testing and final optimizations.” “It will be a new and improved Webtalk. The most important aspect is the upgrade to our code framework, which will allow us to build new functions in days vs weeks. That requires a major overhaul that is taking 4-6 months and it’s very difficult and expensive to do with our platform online to active users.”

Webtalk has been offline for over a month now, will it ever return? When visiting Webtalk.co we're taken to their blog that posted 2 articles on the 29th of June…. One of the blogs talks about the Beta Phase being a success with over 13 Million Users to Webtalk from 138 different Countries in the 5 years since launch. They also mention that they've paid out hundreds of thousands of dollars out to members/affiliates with the rewards program in that time. I must admit that before the end of June, I have been paid by Webtalk monthly…… When I private messaged R.J. about June's payment, I was told that payments will now be paid out in WTC and/or to go towards Premium Membership. What's WTC? It's a new crypto coin that Webtalk plans to launch in the next phase. What about those who've paid for the yearly membership, will the past month be reimbursed and/or got towards another month added on?

I've even heard that some friends on the monthly plan have been charged while the site is down, have You heard anything about this? I private messaged RJ, the Owner/CEO of Webtalk via FB messenger a week ago asking when the site will be back up and he has yet to respond to me…… The 1st time that I messaged RJ about the site being down was on 24 June and he responded to me on 27 June, this was his response “We have an AWS outage. They made some configuration changes that broke our platform and we have been working to get it resolved. We’ll be making some social media posts soon.”

Below content is also what is share at the Webtalk Blog Post on 29 June 2023

“That said, the revenue that we generated during our invite-only Beta was not enough to cover the costs of operations to maintain our Beta.

As a result, we depended on financing from private investors to both cover the costs of Beta operations, and to fund the development of new technologies for our v1.0 release.

This week we decided, after some recent technology glitches that caused outages, to simply sunset our Beta due to the costs of repair in effort to apply all new investment funds that we raise into the development of our v1.0 software.

We have already invested over $6.5MM developing our technologies, and we plan to invest several million more to complete our v1.0 platform prior to its official release.

Our goal to provide end-to-end relationship management for our v1.0 release remains the same, but our mission statement has changed. Our new mission; create safety and prosperity for the world through verified data.

Fake data/users online leads to more crime, fake news, and poor quality business relationships.

We believe the world is ready for a more trustworthy community that will lead to a safer and more prosperous future for our global community as a whole. Our v1.0 rewards program will have many new financial incentives offered to our members who get verified.

We here at Webtalk want to thank you all so much for supporting our beta community. You all helped us tremendously to improve our technologies that have led to what we believe will be a world-changing v1.0 release.”


What you can expect from our new v1.0 community….

  • Up to 100X Faster
  • Get faster page and content upload and download speeds
  • Introducing Verify
  • Monetize your content
  • Referral rewards
  • Gain more followers
  • Be discovered for more opportunities
  • Free premium “Talkmail” messaging
  • Introducing Webtalk Coin
  • Next generation cryptocurrency
  • Introducing Rewards+
  • Earn more rewards
  • Introducing Flix
  • Video sharing service like no other
  • Introducing Groups-On-Demand
  • Creating and joining groups has never been easier
  • Introducing Pages
  • Showcase your businesses and brands
  • Introducing Webtalk Ads
  • Launch your own targeted ad campaign in Webtalk
  • Introducing Webtalk Credits
  • New platform to purchase and share credits
  • Introducing Webtalk Swag Store
  • Get awesome custom-branded Webtalk gear

Please subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates about our v1.0 release.



All PRO customers will be given credits for EVERY DOLLAR you spent during our Beta that you can use to purchase Webtalk Coin, Webtalk Premium Features, Webtalk Swag and any other product or service offered by Webtalk during the v1.0 release.

Click here to read our PRO Customer Credit blog


Your entire downline will be migrated and made available in the v1.0 release


All of your account data including profile data, photos, videos and news feed posts will automatically be migrated and made available in the v1.0 release”

Webtalk Verify?

Hopefully we'll all have the chance to see if becoming verified at Webtalk will be as beneficial as they say that it's going to be. I had enjoyed my time at Webtalk in the past 4 years as it has indeed helped me to improve my business as well as traffic to this website. View my recent articles by clicking here!

WTC Webtalk Coin? Is Crypto still a thing? Do You have any Bitcoin, Ethereum, AstroPup Coin or any other Cryptocurrency?

What does Webtalk say about the New Webtalk WTC Crypto Coin?

“As a thank you for your support during our Beta, we will be providing all PRO customers with FREE WTC (Webtalk Coin) upon the launch of Webtalk v1.0.

Every dollar you have spent as a PRO customer will award you with an equal amount of FREE WTC.

ie. $1 spent = $1 in FREE WTC

You will be able to:

  • Spend your WTC to purchase premium features, advertising campaigns, Webtalk swag, and more
  • Sell your WTC on major cryptocurrency exchanges
  • Hold your WTC to earn revenue share dividends (WTC holders will earn dividends as Webtalk reaches certain revenue milestones)

Coins will automatically be made available within your Webtalk account at the launch of Webtalk v1.0.

Included will be the amount have spent to purchase your PRO services over the lifetime of your account next to the number of coins, the value at conversion (credits to coins), and the new adjusted market value base on the market demand.

More details will be provided at the launch of Webtalk v1.0″

Will Webtalk come back?

I sure do hope so & I also believe that RJ should make it up to the loyal members who have stood by Webtalk for the past 5 years…..

What about Learn with Webtalk Legends?

Are You a Member with them?

Do You promote the Webtalk Legends Coin?

As far as I know, Webtalk Legends & the Coin aren't endorsed by nor officially a part of Webtalk….

Want another option for an Excellent Online Business Sharing Community? Click here to learn more!

What are your thoughts?

Comment below with thoughts, questions and anything else my Friends!

Click the image above ~ Pre-launch started July 26th!

12 thoughts on “Webtalk Beta Offline, Will it Return?”

  1. Want to thank Tony Lee Hamiltons since l was in the Hospital with valley fever so did not know and when got back from the hospital had to go to the bank because Russia had been trying to hack my account they almost did wow anyway that is when l find out everything payment did not go through so they left me a message to go to the bank so l did then send a message to Webtalk with my new bank site this has happen two times to me l did tell jeff about this what happen now see l see Webtalk is closed got me so scare then fine out from Tony Lee Hamilton that they be back 3 to 4 months so please have patience with webtalk all the team Leaders now everyone finding out my box was full so post and l knew they be back at first thinking hmm but just did not know and now do know for sure God bless our team members from around the world Thank you Margarita Z https://get.webtalk.co/traveltheworld Free Join
    Webtalk Founding Member

    • Thank You for stopping by, reading & commenting Margarita my friend…..
      Hopefully Webtalk will return and also repay all of the money that they’ve wrongfully charged while the site isn’t available….
      It would also be nice if everyone with pending commissions owed would be given the option to be paid in cash as previously promised instead of being forced to accept the upcoming Webtalk coin and/or to be used in order to upgrade.
      OnPassive (which I never did join) is holding people’s money ($97) and only issuing credit towards purchases which I find to be very sketchy and not at all on the level.
      I also no longer recommend empowerlife…..
      You’re welcome back here anytime Margarita my Friend,

  2. Looking forward to the promised new features in the full release but fearing the damage done by the long beta followed by going offline could restart the whole membership to day one. The need to have something online again by end of year or they stand to lose the faith of even loyalist like me.

    • according to RJ (the Owner/CEO) all of our information, connections, posts etc….. will still be intact when the updates are finished…..
      I was a member since it’s launch about 5 years ago & was very shocked when it went offline.
      RJ had posted about the site losing money and the possibility of it going under but I still hope that it returns…..
      I’ve been informed by many friends that they’re still being charged membership fees….. I was a yearly member most of the entire time that I was a member.
      Thank You Andy for sharing your thoughts and concerns my friend!
      You’re welcome back here anytime,

    • Thank You Sig, Yes I do hope that it returns as well my Friend.

      I asked RJ via FB messenger about a week ago when Webtalk would be back & he responded to me today saying that as of right now, there is no date set…….

      I found that response to be less than encouraging……

      Hopefully things will be set right & it’ll be better than before.

      Thank You again Sig for reading and commenting!

  3. Thank you Mr T… I’ve been wondering what’s going on with my link as I’ve been trying to login as well .
    My gear has changed I honestly didn’t understand a lot if things…now I’m going one day at a time.


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