LiveGood scam or legit home based business opportunity?

Have You heard of the new Health & Wellness Multi-Level (MLM) Company called LiveGood?

Their Mission is according to their Simple Mission Statement is “To Help People Get Healthy, And Stay Healthy Without Having To Spend A Fortune To Do It.”

They also mention that 92% of people are deficient in at least 1 or more vitamins or minerals & that we're not getting enough nutrition, fresh air or exercise and must be supplemented by nutrition

Clicking on the blue links below will open to a new page…………

Ben Glinsky ~ Skinny Body Care

As You read about Ben Glinsky above, you'll notice that it says he has over 20 years of experience running successful nutritional supplement companies……… Why no mention of him owning Skinny Body Care?  Might it be because they went out of business & were shut down sometime around 2018. Compensation plans for both LiveGood & Skinny BodyCare have levels that are Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum & Diamond…. Coincidence?  In addition to the 2 companies mentioned above, Ben also owned MyWorldPlus, ProWealthSolutions & Home Wealth University, have You heard of them? The screenshot below is from the website  In my opinion, leadership matters & I would have a very hard time joining LiveGood considering the track redord of Ben Glinsky, do You agree?

LiveGood Affiliate Compensation Plan


1. Weekly Fast Start Commissions:

For each individual you refer to LiveGood who becomes both a member and an affiliate for $49.95, you will receive a $25 commission paid the following week! Additionally, if any of your enrollees recruit others, you will earn extra bonus commissions up to 10 levels deep. Weekly Fast Start Bonuses are awarded for the first month's membership and the $40.00 affiliate sign-up fee. You'll earn $5 for each new member and $20 for new affiliates you refer. Many people join as both a member and an affiliate, which means you'll receive a total of $25 the next week!

2. Matrix Commissions: 

By securing your position in LiveGood, you are assigned a business center within our rapidly filling 2×15 Matrix. As more individuals join LiveGood weekly, they are placed in the matrix BELOW existing members, following their referrer. The earlier you secure your spot, the higher your position in the matrix. All percentages are based on the monthly $9.95 membership fees. Commissions for those joining with a yearly membership will be paid over 12 months as $9.95 per month.

Matrix Commissions and Matching Bonuses are paid monthly during the first week of each month, reflecting the previous month's Matrix volume. Note that the first month's Membership is included in Fast Start Bonuses only. Matrix volume begins accumulating from members' second month of Membership and onwards.

Example: If you joined LiveGood in January and had 50 members in your Matrix that month, you would not receive a matrix commission for January, as only Fast Start Bonuses are paid for first-month Memberships. Assuming all 50 members remained active in February, your first Matrix commission for those 50 members would be paid in the first week of March, corresponding to their second month of Membership in February.

Suppose another 100 members joined your Matrix in February, totaling 150 active members. In that case, the Matrix commissions paid during the first week of March for February's Matrix volume would include all 150 members (50 paying their 3rd-month Membership and 100 paying their second month Membership).

In this example, all 150 members were in your Matrix during February, but you were only paid for 50 members that month since they paid their second month Membership. The other 100 members' first month Memberships were included in Fast Start Bonuses. If you notice people in your Matrix you did not receive Matrix commissions for this month, it means their first month of Membership was covered by Fast Start Bonuses. You will earn Matrix commissions for those members in subsequent months.

3. Matching Bonuses:

In addition to the potential $2,047.50 or up to $16,383.50 you can earn in your personal matrix, you'll also match 50% of the matrix commissions for everyone you enroll, as well as a percentage of the commissions for those people enrolled up to five enrollment generations deep, regardless of their position in your matrix. For instance, if you have 10 personally enrolled individuals each earning $6,000 per month in their matrix, you will match 50% of their matrix earnings. This means you will receive a $3,000 matching bonus for each person every month, totaling $30,000 (10 people x $3,000 each) in commissions just from those 10 people alone. This doesn't include your matrix earnings or potential matching bonuses from hundreds or thousands of other people in other generations!

As a Platinum member, you will also receive Gold and Silver Generation Matches. So, someone in your 2nd Silver generation could also be your 1st Generation Gold and 1st Generation Platinum, enabling you to receive a 10% 2nd Generation Silver Match, a 5% 1st Generation Gold Match, and a 5% 1st Generation Platinum Match on that person's entire matrix!

There is no limit to the number of people you can match or the matching bonuses you can earn!

Matrix Commissions and Matching Bonuses are paid during the first week of each month for the previous month's volume, starting with your second month, as all initial orders are included in Fast Start Commissions.

4. Retail Commissions:

Each of our life-changing products has a Member price and a Retail price. While most people choose our incredible membership for just $9.95 per month to benefit from Member pricing, some may prefer to purchase at Retail prices.

As a LiveGood affiliate, you will earn 50% of the difference between the Member price and the Retail price whenever one of your referrals makes a purchase as a Retail Customer.

Retail Commissions follow the same payout structure as Fast Start Commissions. Unlike one-time Fast Start Commissions, you can earn Retail Commissions unlimited times whenever a Retail Customer places an order. For example, if you refer a new customer who opts for the Retail price of a product at $24, and the Member price for that product is $16, the difference between the Member and Retail prices is $8. Therefore, you would earn a $4 commission at the 50% level for that person's purchase.


For affiliates interested in marketing products to Retail Customers on a larger scale, you can earn additional bonuses on all generated volume. In fact, you can earn up to 100% of the difference between the Member price and the Retail price on all orders placed by your referred Retail Customers.

Influencer Bonuses are awarded solely based on Personally Enrolled Retail Volume per month, regardless of your rank. For example, if you accumulate over $25,000 in Retail Customer Volume in a given month, and the Member Pricing for that volume amounts to $17,000, the difference between the Member Price and the Retail Price is $8,000. In this case, you will earn 50% ($4,000) in Retail Commissions, plus an additional 40% ($3,200) in Influencer Bonuses, resulting in a total of $7,200 in commissions for that volume!


Affiliates play a significant role in our company's success, and we aim to reward you further by enabling you to partake in the total sales of the entire company. Upon reaching Diamond rank, you will be entitled to a share of 2% of the company's total sales every month!

Diamond Pool:
2% divided among all qualified Diamond-ranked members

Two percent of the total sales from memberships and product sales are evenly distributed among all eligible Diamond-ranked affiliates and paid out with monthly commissions.

LiveGood Rank Qualifications:


  • Must have 2 personally enrolled active members.


  • Must have 10 personally enrolled active members and a total of 20 active members on your team, or have 3 separate enroller tree legs, each with a Bronze-ranked Affiliate, and a total of 20 active members in your team.


  • Must have 30 personally enrolled active members and a total of 100 active members in your Enroller Tree team, or have 3 separate Enroller Tree legs with a Silver-ranked Affiliate and a total of 100 active members in your team. Alternatively, you can have 100 active members in your Enroller Tree team with no more than 30 from any individual Enroller Tree leg.


  • Must have 100 personally enrolled active members and a total of 500 active members in your Enroller Tree team, or have 3 separate Enroller Tree legs with a Gold-ranked Affiliate and a total of 500 active members in your Enroller Tree team. Alternatively, you can have 500 active members in your Enroller Tree team with no more than 150 from any individual Enroller Tree leg.


  • Must have 3 separate Enroller Tree legs with a Platinum-ranked Affiliate and a total of 2,500 active members in your team. Alternatively, you can have 2,500 active members in your Enroller Tree team with no more than 500 from any individual Enroller Tree leg.

*Active members are those who maintain an active membership for the current month.

$2,047.50 without referring anyone? Do You also find that hard to believe?

LiveGood Products:

  • LiveGood promotes Health & Wellness products through the MLM structure.Bio-Active Complete Multi-Vitamin For Men
    Bio-Active Complete Multi-Vitamin for Women with Iron
  • Vitamin D3 and K2
  • Ultra Magnesium Complex
  • Complete Plant-Based Protein
  • Organic Super Greens
  • Organic Super Reds
  • Healthy Organic Weight Management Coffee with Mushrooms
  • CBD Oil
  • CBD Oil – FOR PETS
  • Essential Aminos
  • Factor4 – Advanced Inflammation Management
  • E3 – Energy, Endurance, Electrolytes
  • Instant Youth
  • Ageless Skin Serum
  • Daily Essentials Pack
  • Lean Body Pack
  • Ultimate Wellness Pack
  • Skin Care Pack
  • Maximum Energy Pack
  • Everything Pack

That's a pretty basic product offering and the prices aren't bad considering & depending upon the results. Results matter in my opinion.

LiveGood Mission Statement:

Final thoughts about LiveGood:

While I am not saying that LiveGood is a scam, I am saying that there is no chance that I will join!

Are You promoting LiveGood? Would You like to change my mind?

What products have you taken so far?

How many friends & family have you recruited?

Have you been paid yet?

$40 to become an Associate + $10 per month = The LiveGood Owners are going to get rich!

It's my estimate that LiveGood will be shut down by 2024

The LiveGood PowerLine does seem to be exploding but as I see it, the main mission is to recruit others who pay the $40 then $10 per month… for what?

Still haven't joined yet but want to? View the video tour here.

Comment below with your thoughts……..

For the reason of full discloser:  I'm not an affiliate nor a customer for LiveGood & am in fact a customer & affiliate for Isagenix.

Clicking on the blue links above or the image below will open to a new page…………

22 thoughts on “LiveGood scam or legit home based business opportunity?”

  1. I’m also not a member of LiveGood, Tony and do not intend to join. It seems like “everyone and their brother” is already a member. That saturates the market on a company that focuses on earning primarily by getting others to join, NOT from selling products.

    I agree that with any program, there will be those who are extremely good at getting an audience and a downline, but I disagree with Larry who says that “even the little guy can earn with LiveGood”. That is untrue in the same way that it is untrue with almost all programs.

    Most who join have just never really learned how to market successfully and MAY (I say MAY) lack the skills to ever be good at it.

    Let’s face it, there are always skills. Take playing the piano – some are excellent, some are good enough to enjoy it as a pastime and some (like me) always will stink at it and never be good, not matter what. I can’t even play chop sticks!

    Maybe network marketing is the same way. Everyone wants to try it because they think it is “easy money”. But it just doesn’t work that way.

    Okay, so are we still talking about LiveGood? LOL

    • Hi Marsha, thank you so very much for sharing your thoughts my friend
      and I definitely agree with your assessment of both LiveGood and the Network Marketing Industry.

  2. I have been a network marketer since 1980 (Amway) and have actively (at least attempted to) to build successful businesses through the years. While I believe that network/affiliate marketing is an excellent model to create additional income sources, it’s fairly obvious from the studies that have been done recently that huge majorities of people involved in this industry (99%) do not succeed.

    You can say all you want about these people not following the “script”, not putting forth the effort, not believing in the “plan”, etc, but bottom line is that something is inherently wrong with the industry as a whole. From my experience, those individuals who have the God-given ability of gab and a charismatic personality are the ones who achieve the high levels of any of these companies. According to every survey I have reviewed, when less than 1% of the members make a profit and over 95% will quit within their first year, something has to change.

    The potential for success of the “average” non-experienced network marketer when the upfront cost is $300-$500 and monthly autoships and product requirements (quotas) are averaging $100 to push over-priced products (everyone has access to better pricing online these days), then failure is not only imminent but destined.

    This is exactly why LiveGood is succeeding. You can call it what you want…momentum…timing…gimmich…whatever. It’s working. Over 30% of members are making a profit and ranking up. That’s unheard of in this industry. Of course, time will tell. Yes, top “winners” are still those with a strong network of followers or downlines moving over with them, but, NOW the “little guy” finally has a chance to build a profitable business with residual income potential.

    All I can say is that I joined, signed up 7 people, but already have over 200 in my downline most of which came from the “spillover’ feature. Say what you want….it works….and, the products do, too. But, it’s NOT about the products….it’s all about being a membership club….just like Amazon, Costco, Sam’s Club, Planet Fitness and on and one. You can continue to watch from the outside….or position yourself now to take advantage of the reality of LiveGood.

  3. I’ve been a member and affiliate since mid-March of this year. I made my Affiliate fee back within a couple of weeks, so the first month’s membership and affiliate fee paid for themselves. I’ve used many of the products and can say that I am very happy with the Super Reds and Factor4, probably the two most popular products. They are high-quality products that are much more affordable than comparable products you can find elsewhere.

    I have been involved with MLM/Network Marketing/Affiliate Marketing since I was introduced to Amway back in 1978. I absolutely love the industry and the fact that it gives the average person the ability to start a business of their own without the enormous investment traditional businesses require. Some MLMs charge way more than others to get started, some charge way more than others for products, and some require monthly auto ships and/or a certain amount of sales to maintain rank. LiveGood is changing that, much to the dismay of more traditional MLM companies. That is why over 30% of its affiliates have made money with LiveGood, as opposed to less than 10% of the average MLM company.

    Will it last? No company is guaranteed to remain in business forever. Many get sold and are never the same. Some are listed on the major stock exchanges, most aren’t. The thing about LiveGood right now is it is in massive momentum, it has great products (personal endorsement, tried them and love them and what they have done for my health), and its business model just makes sense once you’ve seen it in action. I hope it stays around for a long, long time.

    I’m not even trying to change your mind about LiveGood. A wise man once told me that “a mind convinced against its will is of the same opinion, still”. I’m a sorter, not a convincer. Continued success to you, Tony!

    • Wonderful Ray, thank you so very much for sharing your extensive knowledge of LiveGood as well as the MLM, Network Marketing, Direct Sales Industry…..

      You’re welcome back here at anytime

  4. I’m already with a company that I like so I didn’t join Live Good. I was wondering why they called it an affiliate company when it is really a network marketing company. I know someone who quit because of that. Also, they say you don’t have to be on autoship but you are paying a $9.99 fee every month. Well, I do wish everyone who joined much success and I hope the company can stay in business.

    • Yes Maketta, I agree my Friend & believe that they’re deceiving people in many ways……
      Much more damaging than pretending not to be an MLM & I certainly don’t have an issue with Multi-Level Marketing.
      There are many more reputable Health & Wellness Direct Sales, Network Marketing Companies including the 1 that I’m a part of.
      The $9.99 plus $50 to get started is just 1 of the reasons that I believe that LiveGood will be shut down by the end of the year as a Ponzi Pyramid Scheme…. Which Wellness Company are You currently with Maketta? I have many Friends who do promote LiveGood & I wish them well but have no faith in the LiveGood “opportunity” mainly because of their lack of leadership at the highest level as well as their emphasis on the recruiting & money with almost no focus on the products!
      Thank You for stopping by to read and comment on this article Maketta, you’re welcome back to this website anytime my Friend!

  5. Hi Tony, thank you for your honest and detailed review of LiveGood. I appreciate your insights and warnings about this company and its products. I recently saw a lot of advertising for LiveGood and have some doubts about its legitimacy and sustainability.

    I think there are better and safer ways to make money online than joining LiveGood. Therefore, I have decided not to join this company or buy their products. Thank you for saving me time and money.

    • Wonderful Pablo, thank you for taking the time to view and comment with your thoughts.

      You’re welcome here anytime my friend,


  6. LiveGood is a legitimate home-based business opportunity that offers a range of products and services. However, like any business opportunity, success is not guaranteed, and it’s important to carefully evaluate the company before investing time and money. Based on my experience, LiveGood provides training and support to help its members succeed, but it’s up to each individual to put in the effort and build their business. It is important to consider both positive and negative reviews, as well as any red flags or warning signs. Ultimately, the decision to join LiveGood or any other home-based business opportunity should be based on your personal goals, values, and level of commitment.

    • Thank you for sharing your thoughts & experience with LiveGood……’

      So, you’re a customer as well as a representative for the LiveGood “Opportunity”?

  7. I will not join either. When I have to recruit a lot of people to earn, it is a no-go for me. Yes, I understand why they do that and want as much people in as they can get. I did similar jobs many years ago and the products have been good, but you could not earn much by just selling. If you wanted to quit your 9 to 5 job you had to recruit people. You had to recruit a lot of people and start to build a huge team.
    Thanks for writing the detailed article.

    • Thank You so much Chris for taking the time to read & comment with your thoughts about why you won’t be joining this “opportunity” either.
      You’re welcome back here at anytime Chris,

    => The Latest and the Hottest MLM Program in 2023!
    => Earn $2,047 Monthly Even Without Invites!
    => Hundreds and Hundreds of Marketers are Joining Daily!
    => Launched Just before the Year 2022 Ends
    => With UNMATCHED Quality Health Products
    60%-70% Lower than the Competitor’s Price
    => Powerful Global Single Powerline System
    (You Have to Lock-in Your Spot ASAP)
    => Affiliates are Paid in 6 Ways!
    1.) Weekly Fast Start Commission
    2.) Matrix Commission
    3.) Matching Bonuses
    4.) Retail Commission
    5.) Influencer Bonuses
    6.) Diamond Pool Bonuses
    => Free Personal Website for Affiliates
    => Advanced Email Marketing System for
    Automated Follow-Ups
    => Receive Earnings via i-Payout E-Wallet
    => Pay Your Membership Via Credit/Debit Card or Crypto
    Here’s the registration link:??
    Registration fee: $50
    Join our Facebook Group here ??:
    #mlm #networkmarketing #mlmbusiness #networking #livegood

    • Thank you Vijay for sharing your thoughts and that you do promote LiveGood.
      I won’t be joining but others have and may still……..

  9. Thank you for reviewing this! I was really thinking about it! But it REALLY is an updated MLM. This was so scary for me and not something that I was interested in participating in. The way you laid all the information out was great! Congratulations on looking into this! I was terrified to look as I was scared they would show up at my door! Great article!

    • Yes, I agree and would never become involved in this company or their “leadership”!

      Thank You for stopping by, reading and commenting.

  10. I joined 1/11. Enrolled 2 family members and made back my money the first week. I’ve got a few spill over. Many fake pre-enrollees with fake outlook emails. Probably the competitors checking it out, it’s just random letters with their email/name. I’ve only made posts on social. I don’t do email marketing or buy leads. I don’t do messenger because I’m a sucker and buy everything people pitch me on lol
    I since enrolled a couple more close friends .
    I did read your article. He does tell his story and mentions Skinny Body. We have a couple of those products in our products. In our Zooms he’s pretty transparent of other mlm’s he was a part of.
    On products the day I joined I bought the Everything pack for $219 it was $40 shipping to Alaska . Shortly after they rose that pack to $299 so I got a deal! They since opened up new shipping methods and prices are cheaper to ship worldwide now. If we ask for things they do their best to implement. I feel like we are all part of a team with the owners in building this company.
    I love the products. I didn’t change my diet or exercise and lost 10 lbs right away. My guess was from the coffee ( I was surprised it taste good ) unless it’s from me drinking 1 less Pepsi too because I’m drinking the reds, greens, and aminos. The Pet CBD was useful because my pup lost her whole nail jumping our fence. She loves the chicken flavor. I take CBD before bed and it helps with the back & hip pain I usually get from sleeping. Or maybe that’s the Factor 4. Either way I’m feeling better now in my knees so I’m just now starting to work out with my daughter. I’m hoping for a body transformation and when I get ripped will start really promoting my results. I’d love for you to be apart of my journey ❤️My knees would pop and swell so I wasn’t exercising outside of my janitorial. Now that I can lift weights and bend my knees ect I’m excited. I’m 53 and reverse aging ?
    So I’m happy with the products. It’s well worth the $9.95 monthly because I’m quitting another mlm I stayed in just for personal products as I hate being forced autoship most of my extra stuff is beyond expiration with young living and Melaluca (I have 2 of their $120 vitamin packs I need to throw away, my fault, I take responsibility, but it happens a lot to forget to order and a back up order goes through with these other companies, so it’s cheaper to pay $9.95 and not have to worry about changing a back up order)
    I’ve joined dozens of mlm’s mainly for product packs and got turned off by the icky pressuring up line. Not just my sponsors but the tag teaming and all the groups they pressured us to join. So I never promoted them. This was the first I’ve actually wanted to stand behind publicly. Please let me know if you ever change your mind. I’m building slow because my 2 family members aren’t into marketing so I swap out their links and doing work for 3. I’d be grateful for any referrals and am offering a free suite of 10 automation extensions to anyone that joins my team to help us grow.
    Tony gave me permission to post my your link, thank you Tony ?

    • You’re welcome Sonya & thank you my friend for sharing your experience.
      You haven’t changed my mind but just in case anyone else reading this article and comment wants to, they can click on your link to learn more and take the LiveGood Tour.
      Talk with you soon Sonya, you’re welcome back here anytime,


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