Top 10 MLM Gateway Review YouTube Videos

I am a member of MLM Gateway and have even in the past been an upgraded member.  Not only am I no longer an upgraded member, I’m also not active at all on the platform.

The online communities that I do recommend can be found at:

Watch the Top 10 MLM Gateway Review YouTube Videos below while keeping in mind that I don’t recommend the site.

Top 10 MLM Gateway Review YouTube Videos

MLM Gateway Review 2020 – Does This System Really Work?

MLM Gateway Review 2020 | Does It Really Work?


Don't use MLM Gateway Review before you see this


Why I love MLMGATEWAY ?: My Review

MLM Gateway, Social Media For MLM. My Results From MLM Gateway And Get Free Leads!

What Is MLM Gateway? Is It A Scam? – Honest Review

MLM Gateway Affiliate ?MLM Gateway Reviews?? How to use MLM Gateway

MLM Gateway The Top Free Traffic Source


As I stated above, I have utilised this platform & wasn’t impressed.  Therefore, I don’t recommend the MLM Gateway community to direct sales, network marketing nor affiliate marketing friends.

After watching the Top 10 MLM Gateway Review YouTube Videos above, what are your thoughts?
What, you didn’t watch them all?
How can you possibly comment without looking at a variety of opinions by others?
Visit the home page at for the sites that I do recommend & they’re not multi-level marketing sites!

213 thoughts on “Top 10 MLM Gateway Review YouTube Videos”

  1. Hi, Tony! It was really interesting to read your thoughts about MLM Gateway and watch these videos. I appreciated that you were transparent about disclosing your prior use of MLM Gateway (even being a premium member) but that you’ve since decided not to use their platform anymore. That really spoke volumes!

  2. I checked out a few of these videos and came to the conclusion that MLM Gateway is a flawed system. I got the impression that entrepreneurs who sign up, become part of the leads pool. After hearing that it is possible these members also have their own programs to promote. I wondered why would they be interested in what I have to offer? 

    When I hear the word FREE, a red flag goes up because nothing of value comes free. So if it is free, then the chances are the quality of the leads will suck. 



  3. It’s a lot to watch all the videos, but I’m not interested in MLM, so I don’t understand what I’m saying. The ones I heard seemed convincing. I don’t think that’s one of your ideas. In some of the comments I noticed that some people appreciated the show. Here it is: it all comes down to personal taste. Thanks for this information.
    I watched the MLM Gateway Review2020 video which is useful.
    I saw how to register.
    $ 20 upgrade is a lot for me.
    I signed up for Rony Singh’s YouTube channel.

  4. I tried to watch all of the videos, but I’m not interested in MLM, so I don’t understand what they’re saying. Those I did hear seemed really convincing. On the other hand, it isn’t one of your ideas. I read through a few of the comments and noticed that some people seemed to appreciate the show. So, I guess it all comes down to personal taste. Thank you for making this information available.

  5. Nice summary and page of videos. I would however recommend you write more in your reviews. It`s good to have some videos as you have included but there is hardly any text and many people like reading. There are a lot of people who like videos to but when looking for reviews a lot of people including me like written reviews .Good work though and all the best to you.

  6. Without the author saying that he would not recommend the MLM Gateway, the 2 hours worth of videos was turnoff enough. Each video was offering a sales pitch with a minor description of what’s really being offered. The videos all gave off a feeling of “your surprise is coming.” each commentator was pushing the sale.

  7. From what I heard in a few of the videos provided on this page, I wouldn’t go the MLM Gateway route. Just my two cents. I wouldn’t call it a scam, but I wouldn’t recommend it. 

    I would, however, recommend WebTalk Social as you mentioned at the very top. WebTalk Social is also a community (more trusted online from the research I’ve conducted) of like minded people that would definitely benefit you on your journey to become a successful affiliate/website host. 

    As always, great information, Tony. And thanks for the article on Gateway Affiliate. 

  8. I love this post, such an honest review. I especially like the recommendations Webtalk Social Media looks particularlyinteresting and have my eyes on signing up for it when I get to grips with Wealthy Affiliate. It’s nice to know that there are people looking out for you as there are many scammers out there.



  9. Hi thank you for the videos that you have put up here. Very informative and we have mixed feelings from those reviewers. Most of them are trying to make it big time but I seriously doubt that they will. MLMs by defaut have a big problem and that is recruitment. This makes you dependant on others. Not a good business model. Thanks for your feedback on the program.

  10. Tony,

    What I admire about your MLM Gateway Review page is that you post the review videos and then allow us to be the judge. In the first video with Rory Singh, one of the red flags that he mentions about this company is that there is no mention of who runs the company. Companies need to be transparent so that is always going to be a bad look.

    When Mr. Singh ran a whois domain search to find out who owns the company, that information is private as well. On top of all of that, it is an overseas company, which is also worrisome. Not that all overseas companies are scams but adding that on top of the aforementioned concerns, definitely worries me. He also went on to say that all of the reviews are “sugar coated” meaning that they only tell about the good aspects of this site and leave out any of the bad aspects. 

    Honestly in the second video, as soon as it started and he started showing the stacks of one hundred dollar bills, I stopped watching because that just comes off very dishonest to me. If he was making that much money, wouldn’t he just keep this to mimself? One would think so.

    I don’t care for how the people in some of the videos like to brag about how much money they are making or about driving the car of your dreams. While that could happen, it probably isn’t going to be the typical results of using this program. 

    Thanks for the informative article and videos.

  11. Honestly, I’m not in mlm companies. There must be an honest one out there but I haven’t found it yet. MLM  gateway just seems like one of the bunch. And you can see the same tone throughout the videos. All I can think about is in this type of venture for someone to be on the top of the pyramid others need to be at the bottom. I appreciate the effort of rounding up these videos so we can get an idea of what MLM gateway consists of. Thanks!

  12. Mlm has not really been an area I want to dedicate too much of me into. However, seeing all these that you have shared here I can say that this is rwlaly amazing too. Thanks so much for sharing all these with u all and it would definitely be worthy to tey it out with us all. Thumbs up to you all for sharing this with us

  13. I’m aware of MLM Gateway and will admit, not much of a fan.  Unless I see a flurry of thumbs up from the affiliate marketing experts I trust, I will be honest that going near MLM isn’t something I will likely do.

    Now, with that being said so I say MLM Gateway sucks?  Nope, I’m just saying it’s not for everyone.  It all boils down to doing the research, then cross-referencing and find out what really works for you and what doesn’t.  At least with the MLM Gateway reviews, it does give a bit of insight.

  14. Hi there Tony,

    I rule of thumb from my Dad, “Follow the trends, but take your brains along. If it is too flashy to be true, it definitely is not true” . The flash cars and flashy houses in review video make MLM far fetch. Looking at the positive side though, lots of lessons to be learnt. I have not personally used the MLM gateways myself, but i do believe that out of the eater, will always come something to eat. While i don’t believe in the gateways, i believe lessons can be learnt and applied to online entrepreneurship environments.   

  15. Good day, Tony,

    In MLM Gateway review on YouTube, different fellows use keyword headlines and those videos to highlight community setbacks of MLM Gateway, indicating that they are losing ground in the go for it market. I’m a member of one of your recommended communities (Cash Juice), and it’s been quite beneficial in increasing organic traffic. As a result, your reviews and recommendations receive unambiguous confirmation and trust. I anticipate similar high-quality feeds from your blog.

  16. Digital marketing is one of those business opportunities that seem a slice of cake when done properly but difficult if you take a gamble. I personally have learnt one or two things from digital marketing and my best advice is you require a lot of research before getting on this train. I haven’t tried MLM gateway though heard a lot of folks talking bout it.

  17. Thank You for this review..

    i am part of MLM & affilliate marketing industry. Unfortunately not all companies are legitment & it does give bad names to people. Hence why so many people are sceptical for all network marketing opportunities.

    Thank u for such an informative sites on this company. 

    Ill take some time to watch all the video links above 

  18. Gateway is not really my thing right now it seems to be that there’s not enough training They didn’t mention much about support Watch the videos and they kept telling you how much money you can make or how much traffic you can get But they don’t explain in detail how the program works . What I mean by that Is Did you have to make a  Capture page I’m sure it works for other people But they don’t show it enough proof on how it works

  19. Hey, Tony. The MLM videos were interesting, and it looks legit from the onset. It seems like a lot of work, but if your products are good, then there’s always that chance to earn some money or scam people out of theirs with big promises too! I know many friends who have started on this road before, and they’re struggling because their product is not selling well enough yet, even though they put in so much effort into making them worth something one day (or at least trying). Not my thing either, but you’re helping us all be informed about potential moneymakers or scams – thank you for doing what nobody else will do! Much love to yuhs bruh

  20. Thanks for pointing out you are no longer involved with the MLM Gateway community – that helps me to avoid becoming involved with that business.

    I have not found MLM to be very helpful.  However, on your home page, you show many ways to develop a business, as well as your favorite ways.

    You have several ways to become involved in real business opportunities there – starting here would be good for anybody beginning a new venture online.


  21. Thanks for this Tony! I really enjoyed gong through every one of them. For those of us in network marketing or in multi-level marketing profession. We are always on the hunt for new ways to build connections, generate leads, and close sales. After going through this, I think this platform is truly built on the foundation of helping members grow and scale.

  22. Your posts always include so much data and assorted angles and this allows me to make up my own mind about the topic.

    After seeing a few of these MLM videos, I got the point. It’s great that you provide so many in case someone needs that amount to have the “ah ha moment” and not pursue that path.

    What do you recommend for people who easily fall for such things?

    Thanks again!



  23. I’ve never been a fan of MLM. I really can’t see the difference between MLM and pyramid schemes. They’re basically legal ponzi schemes. I remember reading a book that I thought was pretty good, sorry I can’t remember the title. There was a chapter on MLM in it and the author was saying really good things about them. One thing he said that a lot of other people say too is that because MLM companies don’t advertise direct to the public it keeps their costs down so they can sell their products to the MLM member for cheap. But I have never found this to be true at all. I couldn’t believe the prices I had to buy some of the merchandise with when I looked many years ago.

    You don’t actually say why you don’t like MLM Gateway though. Why is that?

  24. I have commented on many of your articles and here is another good example as to why I check out your posts. Gateway MLM will be another that I can avoid. Basically if you are not satisfied with something then I really look hard at it to see why and although I do not completely rule them out because you did not like them, your opinion sure weighs in pretty heavy. I like it best when you give some info as to why you did not like them, this one didn’t have much of that.  I did watch a few of the videos.  Having 10 videos to choose from is great.  After the first few I get the idea and unless it’s a great product I do not continue on to watch the rest. MLM schemes have never worked out for me.  I see they work for a lot of folks but must be it’s not the path the Lord has me on.  Take Care and Thank You for your review of MLM Gateway. 

  25. I watched a few videos and notice that MLM Gateway is a way for Network Marketers to do business with one another and generate free leads.  It kind of reminds me of Traffic Monsoon although that was an ad clicking site…MLM Gateway gives me the same kind of premonition that it will go bust in a few years time.

    Personally, I like to join programs that have a solid structure and also longevity in the online world.  Only then do I tend to trust and want to work alongside them.

    As you are not with them now, it seems my premonition is correct and they seem to be rather shady, if you ask me….

  26. Hello, again Tony! I’ve been through your posts a lot of times now and I just want to thank you for providing us with compilations of videos that would help people in their decisions. I don’t usually find MLMs as a good source of income. I haven’t seen a single positive review about it as of now. Thanks again for giving us a reminder!

  27. MLM Gateway looks like a legit platform, only one review is against it the rest of the people thinks it works. Yes, it looks like these people are using “referrals” to promote the platform. The compensation looks very good.

    I like the idea that you can join for free as well as that the system work on credits and it looks like it isn’t that difficult to get the credits.

    The other reviewers mentioned that this platform generate “buyer” leads and again it sounds awesome. Also there are like minded people on this platform.

    However, they all have their own businesses so why would they join my business? What will I have to do to get the free “buyer” leads?

  28. Hello Tony 

    I would like to thank you about the information that you have provided to anyone who would to start an online business. The one that caught my attention is Zyia Active wear. what got me interested is the way you explained everything about Zyia and all their products, when they started and how long they are in business and also the way they operate their business. you did not do like any other people who tell you about the money side of the business, and don’t tell you about the problems that you can come across on that particular business. You mentioned the good side of Zyia and also the bad side, giving a person to choose whether he/she is taking the business.

    You even mentioned that some people will make money on this business and some won’t, because of the high standard of the competition Zyia is facing. That means whoever want to distribute Zyia products will do it eyes opened, and have a plan in place to tackle any problems that may come. You also made it clear that the company does not have major advertising, which alerts anyone considering to become a rep that they have no backup, they only rely on the training provided by the company. It means whoever take the business must have a good plan to promote the products.

    Thank You

    All the best


  29. Hi Tony:
    Thanks for the in depth article on Zyia, I have been looking at the company and their products for a week now; and this information you posted is helping me make a  better decision about whether to join them, or find another product.  From your article it’s pretty apparent that customers really like Zyia’s products overall. From the pictures posted from various customers; they all looked pleased with their Zyia’s products. And the fact, Zyia supports women entrepreneurs goes a long way to help with brand awareness and social media promotion. However, if there is one area of their operation that concerns me, it’s customer service. Not getting back to customers, or ignoring their requests will have a big impact on the bottom.

    I am going to work with them because, they offer a generous commission schedule, their clothes are well-received and they have a solid marketing and training department, Thanks Tony for the helpful information.



  30. Hi there, MLM Gateway is a social media site for Network Marketers. This company dedicated to finding MLM leads so it means that all members who are representing MLM opportunity have a lot of incentive to get people to sign up.

    According to MLM Gateway, the goal is to help online network marketers to build their business.

    This platform offer a variety of different ways to connect with other MLM professionals, all MLM members representing different products in different states and regions, with different target markets.

    MLM Gateway claim that their platform makes a great resource for beginners in network marketing.

  31. Hey Tony Lee Hamilton, I really enjoyed This your video youtube compilation, it was very interesting and I enjoyed it very well as well I watched all ten videos. This was very good to me, and it helped me understand it very well instead of searching everywhere on YouTube for review videos, I really appreciate this, big ups to you.

  32. Hey Tony

    Thanks for these videos, I watched 3 of them and dont see the problem in at least trying this out, ut will be a great free traffic source and its free. The only challenge here for me would be to keep on this platform constantly as Im busy creating content and focusing on WA community this MLM gateway will take more of my time so I need to develop a plan. I say its exposure and networking that will all help toward my online business journey.

  33. Hello Tony, thank you for sharing these amazing educative videos. With so many seemingly genuine scams allover internet, Its better to be careful and that is thorougly reviewing the before jumping in too fast.This is why i applaud you Tony for guiding us through what we should really expect from the money making schemes out there.

  34. Tony Lee, our friend, MLM Gateway is a now. We can sign to become a member, it is all free, and we can earn credits inside of the system. We pay to become a member of the day. People see our profile, and we can then generate business. 5 credits means reaching people or ‘money’ to pay to be featured. It does look like forming an e-mail list is a large part of earning money online, so that this is all great, but people still click on the links we have on our page when they see us being featured, so that they may still add funds to our affiliate journey. We understand that you don’t recommend the platform, and that is because you got disappointed with its performance. 

  35. Thank you for your review of the MLM Gateway. I always trust your recommendations because you have tried many different platforms and know which is the best to use. I watched two videos, but they said it was a good platform for free leads and making money. The best part is you can sign up for free to try it out.

  36. Hi, I like the plan of your site. Especially the accounts, so many of them. That is wonderful. Only one video’s associations give off an impression of being broken, yet I’m confident that will be either wiped out or fixed. Nonetheless, by and large, it looks shocking. I can tell that you have put loads of work into it.

  37. MLMs are SOMETIMES scams. One needs to be very careful. Some take advantage of people at their weakest moments, like after a tragedy or when someone is struggling financially and emotionally to get by on an everyday basis.

    MLM schemes can wreak havoc in the lives of those who join them because they’re often sold under false pretenses–the promise that one person will become successful enough so as to be able to retire off his/her earnings while also being encouraged not just to sell products but recruit others into this same scheme for MLM’s benefit alone.

  38. Thank you for posting a variety of reviews on the MLM gateway.  One of the videos would not load for me.  I wonder if the video has been taken down from YouTube? I am intrigued to now go to your website to see what you do recommend.  Thank you for the information.  

  39. Lots of great videos and many opinions based around MLM which certainly gives a very varied viewpoint on what others have come across.

    Certainly from all the information here it is not something that I would want to be part of but I do always “ere” on the side of caution as I have tried a number of products similar to this before so would not want to do this again.

    Thank you for giving us your opinion but also giving us the information of others all in one place for us to forma our own opinion.



  40. Yes, I’ve seen a ton of reviews of MLMs and there isn’t one that I would join. I believe that after you have sold the program to family and friends, you are actually then out of a job.  Nobody wins with MLMs except at the highest levels and that is why I run screaming from the lot of them.  I do see that this is the third Tony Lee Hamilton review I’ve seen from you.  I would MUCHLY review your OWN words rather than that of a paid writer.

  41. The videos and concept of the business is interesting, but as one mentioned, it seems as if it would be challenging to get another individual in the same line of business to join you.  I would question if it is better for the individual business that is already established, or for someone still trying to get their business started. It seems as if it would be a good tool for anyone that is still trying to get their business started and may need some connections, so I could see how it may be good in that sense. Overall, it seems like a interesting system and since it is free to join, may be worth looking at. 

  42. The insights and information provided in the reviews are very detailed and thorough. This is an extremely valuable tool for anyone who is truly wanting the facts. Many reviews are vague and or biased in some way. These reviews are just a sample of many other very insightful and useful reviews.

    Many people are probably considering the MLM gateway social network as an option for their online business endeavors. The most important topic for discussion is that this platform was used for a length of time before determining that their program was not in the best interest of many people. Very critical and important information and insight.

    Every online entrepreneur should be doing extensive research to find out credible sources and ort scams. This is an essential website to add to your favorites. The reviews here are a clear indication that the research has been well conducted. Additionally, The reviews have credibility and first-hand knowledge which is an extremely valuable tool for anyone’s decision-making process. Awesome!!

  43. Hi Tony! So glad that you have done a review for MLM because I have tried it in the past and failed because I wasn’t consistent enough within this industry. It seems to me that you have to pay for upgrades within an MLM company, is this still true? I think there’s definitely scope for this though but needs serious research into the companies before investing.

  44. When I first started learning how to make money online, I also learned about MLM from some posts. I almost got cheated for it, but fortunately I didn’t lose any money. I personally think that the youtube video you showed in the post is very good, but it has not succeeded in arousing my interest, so now I will not consider joining any MLM, because it may not make money, but people who really make money , Maybe the people at the top of the pyramid, or some members who joined in the early days, only they are really making money.

  45. after watching the first video half way through, this guy hasnt told me a thing about it other than how much money he has made and how much you can make by promoting MLM Gateway but told me nothing at all about what the site is acttually about apart from the fact that you can upload a profile photo and fill in your profile description. Sounds like a pyrimid scheme with nothing to offer besides commission for promoting it. Everyone promoting nothing. 

  46. Never heard about MLM before. And sounds like it’s not my cup of tea either. Getting other people to commit to your business it’s not for me.

    The first video doesn’t sound very assuring. Didn’t like the second one from the start, showing money already looks like a fake story.

    Obviously, it’s hard to say it works or not, but I didn’t find it attractive for myself

  47. I think it’s awesome that you put in multiple videos with both positive and negative opinions of the MLM Gateway program. Personally, I dislike most companies that use multi-level marketing tactics because there’s a fine line to walk. If done wrong, it becomes a pyramid scheme and the company is easily shut down. Focusing too much on MLM also leads a company to offer low-quality products if any products at all.

  48. I like the way you presented your Mlm article. Also, I like MLM companies because we can make money out of it if we can work smartly. However, it is not easy to get money because people are not willing to join your team as they want to see your progress before they Join you and This is why you don’t recommend it

    I see you have Experienced with MLM and if someone wants to join Mlm ,do you have another article talking about how to get people to join under my MLM team? Thanks

  49. I don’t think I even need to watch all the reviews. MLM is NOT the way to make money in sales. It is always a pyramid, with the top couple of people making all the money. The bottom line, whether you watch the reviews or not, is to AVOID MLM! I do think it is interesting, though, that you provide all of these other opinions to back up what you are saying. The verdict is in! Thank you for sharing your wealth of experience in Digital Marketing so that everyone behind you doesn’t have to make the same mistakes the hard way. Thanks for sharing your expertise. God Bless!!

  50. I think that I have to agree with you on this one, Nothing about this MLM Gateway sood out to me, and I could not really see the benifits of the system, I can convince myself to subscribe to a system that wont have any effect on my business, there are better platforms out there like Webtalk, I think I will stick to that.

  51. This is great information you provided through your videos. MLM Gateway is a scam in my opinion does not work and just a money racket. Have had a bad experience with this company, where they charge your card every month even after you cancel the membership. Recommend anyone thinking of joining this MLM company, watch the videos shared here.

  52. Thank you for this post and for sharing your views after trying it. I have learnt the hard way to check several different sources before buying anything or buying into anything for my business. 

    There are far too many scams around and it seems they are increasing as the amount of businesses online increase.

    Not impressed with the videos, especially the one counting out the money at the start and definitely the one in a grubby room who then went out and about. Too over the top. 

    This video doesn’t work. “What Is MLM Gateway? Is It A Scam? – Honest Review.” Just thought I would let you know.

  53. Hi Tony
    Thanks for sharing MLM Gateway review. Many times it’s very useful to go through the reviews before attempting any program as it saves a lot of your time and energy apart from hard and resources. After going through your review it was easy for me to decide my action plan for MLM gateway.
    Thanks and regards,
    Gaurav Gaur

  54. This is interesting to see here and I value the way you have given the overview out here for us all. Personally, ifeel the way you have given these views here can only make things better for us. Mlm is never my thing and how you have given the view here even makes it more better for me. thanks so much for this here

  55. Hi Tony, did not watch the videos, as I do not believe in MLM, having been involved in it over thirty years ago, I promised myself never to return, the reason is simple, I value my friends and family, so would not involve them in MLM.

    Seeing your comments I think that you are of alike mind.

    Wish you success with your other interests.

  56. Hi Tony – I have never heard this and learned a lot about it through the videos – its great that you are connected to professionals that work within the network marketing – that’s a bonus as you can grow and expand your knowledge which in turns helps improve and expand your business. There really is no negative reviews here!

    However, with such a large network it can prove somewhat difficult to stand out with so many members promoting business opportunities and it seems there are some expenses involved if you do want to expand further, and with your conclusion of not being impressed, I will have to agree with you too:)

  57. Multi level marketing has always seemed fishy from the get go.  I personally cannot see myself going into this sort of marketing. This seems like one of the multi level marketing programs that I’ve seen with positive reviews. Others seem to bash the concept entirely. This is awesome content. This is where it’s good to learn from people’s experience as a time and life-saver.

  58. Sometimes it’s good to learn from someone’s experience like yours. Since you said that you’re not satisfied with the program then it is because there is nothing beneficial or of a value. I went back and watch some videos, though not all. But then my mind is off when it comes to anything MLM. It’s not as if it’s bad, a scam, or something. But it’s just that it’s not for me. Although it could have helped more better telling us about your experiences as to why you stopped being a member.

  59. This is a very good review site I really liked the one about click bank they sure have changed. You say you are not affiliated with Gateway any more why did you stop? You sure seam to have a lot of information about them but your site and this article is jam packed with videos you need more content to explain what this is all about The lay out looks just great 

  60. After going through your articles it has come to my attention that MLM gateway should not be used for obtaining leads. MLM gateway does not seem like it’d be useful to gaining leads in the MLM business I was involved with. On the other had, after checking out we talk I was intrigued and will be using it in my business!

  61. Hi. Thank you for the Top 10 MLM Gateway Review YouTube Videos. It is good to know that you have used the program before and you were not impressed. After watching the videos I was about to ask you your thoughts but I am glad that I know know that you have even used it before. I honestly did not go through all the videos, I skipped a few and when only to those with eye catching titles. I have never used MLM before and for now I will stay away from it. 

  62. I am guilty as charged.  I read that you no longer use this platform, so I skipped the videos and went straight to your review at the bottom.  I guess, I am platformed out.  Not looking to get into anything new as my plate is definitely too full as it is.  Thanks for the information tho 🙂

  63. I watched three of the ten videos you attached to this article.
    In all three, people were excited about the MLM Gateway.
    I, on the other hand, am not in favor of MLM systems, basically because you primarily work for those in the system above you. You can be successful in these MLM systems if you have a wide social network of people who are willing to follow you. However, they will not necessarily be successful themselves, so I could not recommend such a system.
    Thanks for the interesting videos, I will watch the others because I am interested if there is any negative review.
    Friendly greeting,

  64. As i entered onto the sight my first thought was what is this about ? I was not clear on the significance of telling every one your opinion of the MLM way to think and who they should listen to . I get your opinion matters and things about other sites can be super stressing there are hundreds of thousands of sites on the web . What keeps the people to want to come back to you when all they see is do not do this site ? I looked past it and saw different videos some for some against but still nothing i would desire to return to ! I guess were I’m coming from is I want to see what does work and how it makes a difference to me and others. Telling me do not use this only tells me” you do not like what they teach or portray” I get that but we all think differently as well learn differently . Some one else may see what you saw as the open door to success . I guess i need to know what can we get from you with substance to cleave to? I am not trying to be harsh cruel or uncaring to what works for you . I just would be more inter active to you showing me why it has made you decide to break away from this as well tell me more about what does work . People love how to verses the don’t do that . 

  65. Wow-what a great review. I really like the choice of your videos, because they really give great information about the MLM gateway. I also appreciate your honest opinion on the platform, because you have been a member of it and I think it is important to have made some experience before recommending something to other people. Thank you for the review I will definitely incorporate your knowledge in my next choice. Take care, Sergej

  66. Hey, I work online as an affiliate marketer and I am glad this article was written to warn others about useless programs, that just scam people into taking their money. I have not heard of them before this but good to know.

    Great review and some other great information in there too.

  67. I am not really a huge fan of MLM but I respect those who actually put time and effort into it. I come to from a developing country and seeing what it has done to people and how people have struggled to be a part of it has taught me. So many of them usually have the same techniques but different offers. I have not heard of this one before, but thank you for bringing this to my attention, I love the information you share. 

  68. Hello Tony! I’m actually part of an MLM company and have been buying their products for over 40 years, I do receive money back every month and that is nice but I don’t actually like the  of the business model for most MLMs. That said I did watch 3 of the videos to get some idea of this platform and it is such a hard sell. thanks!

  69. Hello Tony really good website  I really like the websites that review other products such as MLM because it’s important for people to get the true worth of something before they buy it. I don’t think MLM is for me personally but will be useful for someone who is looking to purchase it.

    Again great website and very easy to navigate around It. Well done!

  70. hello dear this is a great article so please I don’t care what other people say about the is website one things I know is that I will never ever forsake this site, it has helped a lot of persons to actually get what they ant it is a platform which I very promising , thank you for this wonderful opportunity you have give me today.

  71. Hello tony…MLM gateway is a“support website” but it does have MIM compensation plan. This is a red flag for any tools company. Although, It is Not technically  a scam, but like many affiliate type programs surrounding the network marketing profession it is set up to take advantage of newbies, and those Looking for Fu Fu dust.

  72. Hello there, Thanks alot for sharing another beautiful piece of information. It’s always a great pleasure coming across your articles because it is always very educative and informative. After watching these videos, I think that This MLM Gateway is a platform that I am not covinced about so I will probably chill with welathy affilaite.

  73. Hello there, Thanks alot for sharing another beautiful piece of information. It’s always a great pleasure coming across your articles because it is always very educative and informative. After watching these videos, I think that This MLM Gateway is a platform that I am not covinced about so I will probably chill with welathy affilaite.

  74. MLM gateway is a“support website” but it does have mlm compensation plan. This is a red flag for any tools company. Although, It is Not technically  a scam, but like many affiliate type programs surrounding the network marketing profession it is set up to take advantage of newbies, and those lookingfor Fu Fu dust.

  75. I’m actually part of an MLM company and have been buying their products for over 40 years, I do receive money back every month and that is nice but I don’t actually like the structure of the business model for most MLMs. That said I did watch 3 of the videos to get some idea of this platform and it is such a hard sell.

    I think we would both do well to avoid this platform and stay with affiliate marketing. Much cleaner.

  76. Nothing to sale and no education? That’s a red flag for me. In fact, any review that starts with “here’s the money I got with this system” is a bad sign. I do not think that MLM Gateway is a scam. But it’s too close to a Ponzi scheme. The system works only if it attracts new paying subscribers.

  77. Tony, thanks for sharing the mlm gateway review videos. I could see why you stopped your upgraded membership and why you are no longer active on this platform. I believe for a system to work, the structure and system has to be replicable and offer more value. I know in one of the videos, a guy mentioned that mlm gateway is the Social Media For MLM, well I’ll rather use other social media sites that helps me get more quality leads and sales.

  78. Good choice of videos that review MLM Gateway. I have never been a fan of this company either and wouldn’t recommend it to anyone in 2021 as something to become a part of. It would be nice to add your own video giving a review of this company. You could also think about adding small summaries under each video too.

    Good stuff, Tony.

  79. If an MLM company doesn’t provide an actually product or service and the only thing you’re pushing on your friends and family is to sign up for this company and you too can make money selling the idea of making money to their friends and family then it’s a Ponzi scheme. You should gain something other than a commission from any real corporation otherwise it will eventually pop. 

  80. Exciting as always. thanks for sharing, so many video to actually watch and learn from, all of it just for one to be able to conclude if some of it are legit of it they are actually scamI don’t like MLM businesses,. . It is very nice of you to share this information here, it is very enlightening and it’ll be very useful. it’s always hard to make money from MLM, Thanks so much for sharing this article. Really appreciated

  81. Very interesting videos. I heard before about MLM gateway platform and to be fair opinions were mixed. Thank you for gathering all this info in one place. I go through videos and I don’t believe its worth spending time and money on this platform. Maybe its not a scum, but with so many legit and confirmed opportunities its just not worth the risk.

  82. Hey there! 

    thanks for sharing, so many video to actually watch and learn from, all of it just for one to be able to conclude if some of it are legit of it they are actually scam

    but according to one of the video a particular guy was making emphasis on how great the platform was and says not much people knows about it of which I actually agree with the last statement

    but no knowledge is lose and there is nothing bad in trying out a few more new thing you’ve never come across before 

  83. Hi Tony.  LOL  I love your comment “What?  You didn’t watch them all?”  Watching 10 Top 10 videos can be very time consuming but if you are truly dedicated to doing your research on a topic and making an informed decision, it may be worth the time and effort to watch them all.  Of course, it is also possible to go down a “rabbit hole” of research and never make a decision!

  84. Good day sir, I’m pleased to come across these reviews. I did not know about MLM Gateway before and it seems to be a wonderful platform. Whenever we wish to invest in online businesses or investments companies it’s always wise to get equipped with everything about such; how they make money, their founders and how legitimate they are. Thank you for always sharing these important posts.

  85. HI there!  Amazing review videos! These videos were very helpful I really learnt something from going them. MlM is a  great platform. It’s a good thing I came across these videos. It’s always a pleasure going through your articles. It was an exciting experience going through this. Thanks for sharing! 

  86. I don’t like MLM businesses,. . It is very thoughtful of you to share this information here, it is very resourceful and it’ll be very useful. it’s always hard to make money from MLM, Thanks so much for sharing this article, it is a really nice one and I really love the idea of you making it very understandable and simple

  87. Very interesting information, however, it would be nice for the information in the videos to be written out along side for people who might not want to watch them. although now i know not to use this community which has saved me some time as i’m always looking for new platforms to use 

  88. I have watched all the videos, they were all detailed information am glad that my life has taking a new turn, these videos I have watched MLM, if followed siligently, all the videos we’re details and setlving, online is now offering opportunity to people like, can’t stop looking and watching.

  89. Hello Tony! Grea Job. I can only imagine how much work you put in getting this review together. This is my first time hearing about MLM Gate way. Well I watched one of the videos and that was enough for me, I really am not into Multi level marketing for now, Completely focused on affiliate marketing

  90. MLM gateway app has stirred and shaken up users across the Internet. There have been rumors and speculations about an MLM gateway scam. It was uncertain, but there were rumors of MLM gateway UK as the original location. You have really healed so many bad business and I’m certain that a lot of people will be glad to see this review. 

  91. Thank you for all these that has been shared here and I think that a whole lot is to be learnt from all these here. The fact that you have shared all these is even a read in enough for me to consider all these here because there is so much more to focus on. Thank you for sharing

  92. Thanks a million times for sharing this video on mlm lead time the post as been very useful and an eye opener, this is the first time am hearing about the mlm gateway leads, but this review as thought me more about it, I will love to try them out any time soon and give you a feed back. 

  93. Thus u life with what we want wish I could jalapa to I can I just dey o fine with me to be there nsys. Because I aw that they put me on some kind of check high is very wicked and I don’t know why something like that should happen to me when all I did was give the right comment where it was sneezed.

  94. Hello Tony, Thanks for dropping another great opportunity. MLM gateway app has stirred and shaken up users across the Internet. There have been rumors and speculations about an MLM gateway scam. It was uncertain, but there were rumors of MLM gateway UK as the original location. However, after conducting additional research about the company. I hate stress and this articles will be my prime concern. Thanks once again main.

  95. Wow, mlm gateway is indeed a very great platform from what I’m seeing and for how long you’ve been in the platform, I’m definitely looking for a way to join now, I really enjoyed going through the video compilation and it was really nice especially the second video, I stopped at the seventh and bookmarked it to continue later

  96. I love how you utilize dozens of other reviews on this product to inform and thereby reiterate your own — that’s very clever! I think that you are doing your visitor a major league justice by beginning and ending your article with your opinion. It is also very helpful to provide other alternatives.

    Above all, you let the evidence speak for itself and that’s why this piece is every effective.

    If you used more evidence and presented even more sides of the story, I think that that could really boost this.

    Your review is very organized, procedural, and thorough. Well done!

  97. Thanks for the heads up but you lost me at MLM. After being introduced to affiliate marketing I will never be involved in an MLM program, I just don’t want to rely on recruiting people.

    If you have tried it and it is not for you that is good enough for me Tony, thanks. 

  98. I was looking for a article like this and I am glad that finally I have found the right one for me. You really explained everything in detail and that is a big plus. Thank you for providing this useful information and I will definitely browse through your website a lot more. A lot of useful and and informative information you have given us. I am saving this page and I will be back for sure to see more information like this.

  99. Haha thank you for the article my guy! Before this article, I had never really heard of MLM before. Thanks to this article, I now know what it means. However, I don’t think I’m going to take any part in this style of marketing. I’d rather do a proven style of marketing that I have fun with.. affiliate marketing! 

  100. First of all, thank you for sharing this excellent article with us. You always have interested reviews and videos, and you helped a lot of people about growing their online business and increase their income.

    Everyone should hear more about the opportunities they have of making money online.                                                            

  101. Hi Tony, I can honestly say I tried to watch all the MLM gateway videos but couldn’t. I have seen this far too many times as there are hundreds of MLM companies out there trying to con people like ourselves who want to make some money from marketing. It is the age old recipe of drawing in people to part with their money with the promise of doing all the hard work for them and paying them lots of cash. It simply does not work. I can certainly see why you are no longer a member. Well done for pointing out the errors of their ways.

  102. Hey there!

    I would say thank you for providing that awesome review on top 10 MLM Gateway. This is because it stands as a guide in helping one decide which MLM Gateway is best to use. The YouTube videos shared are very explanatory and easy to understand. It is good getting this information from an upgraded member of MLM Gateway like you.


  103. Hello there Tony,
    Great job you did here. I have read numerous blogs & articles but I haven’t heard about this MLM Gateway. I would not recommend it personally for evryone on a long’ gtom brnh. I will rather stick will wealthy affiliate methods. Thank you very for this great opportunity to score sadness.

  104. This is a good prospects for everyone since it will be good for like minded network marketers as a result of the traffic and it is also good if one can meet people directly for business opportunities. But still you have to contact people if they are members of MLM. Despite your comment I believe they have a great prospect but not well cultured. Thanks for the enlightenment.

  105. Hello there Tony! The YouTube video reviews are great tools and provide a lot of insight. What better way to hearing about various companies than from those who had firsthand experience. I also have had some experiences in MLM but have not been successful at it. Thank you for compiling all of this together and saving many people a lot of time.

  106. YouTube has been a very good means of making money off the internet when you know the right steps to be taken and I had seen so many that I’ll love to go with and so far I’m impressed by your contents. My son is willing to grow his youtube channel and it would be a pleasure ti introduce him to this so her can see how it works and get better with time

  107. Hello there, thank you so much for sharing this. this is a very awesome piece and a very detailed one. I’m really happy I came across this. Watching all these videos on top 10 mlm gateway review. I just knew now that I never for once venture into it. and having slight thought of doing it. Thank you very much sir for the review 

  108. Network marketing promises quick money in a short period of time. Some are legit companies while some are not.

    Thank you for this review that allows one to make an informed decision. Hearing from those who have been in it helps a lot.

    I love your honesty. Some would just promote either way but for you, you give a balanced review. What is your take on Alliance in Motion Global? Is it a good MLM company?

  109. MLM has never been my cup of tea, though combined with the right programs, it can be super useful. I think it just gets confused with MLMs that don’t actually have a product and just kinda rely on pushing referrals down the pipeline. Some are confused with profit sharing models, in which you share a sum of a sale, as well.

  110. Hi Tony! So glad that you have done a review for MLM because I have tried it in the past and failed because I wasn’t consistent enough within this industry. It seems to me that you have to pay for upgrades within an MLM company, is this still true? I think there’s definitely scope for this though but needs serious research into the companies before investing. 

  111. It’s good that you sift through the countless opportunities online and let us know which ones are good. And which are not so good. It saves people a lot of effort and time.

    I think your website is doing a great service to aspiring and existing online business owners. Keep up the great work!

  112. Hi tony! I haven’t tried a single MLM platform in my entire life maybe because it has always had a negative impression to me. The compilation has given me at the very least some sense of reasoning to believe that it does and may work at some point especially to those who have been there for quite some time. Thanks for compiling these reviews! 

  113. I am glad to have come across this post today as you have shared a link to your top recommendations on it and that is what i have been hoping to find ever since as it will serve as a guide for me on the long run of my affiliate marketing business. I am happy you shared an honest review about this platform and i am going to go with you on this 

  114. Thank you for sharing this here andi really value the review you have shared here. What has been shared and the reviews here are well worthy and can make the difference for us all. I think that this is like the best out there since you have the list here and it encompass virtually everything here and that is just perfect to see. Thanks

  115. It is a good thing that youtube is very open to everyone as it’ll be very helpful in ringing the time if the reviews of different products to it’s potential customers. This Is really help because the rate at which people get scammed will greatly reduce ans all teach more about 10 mlm gatewaya. Thanks

  116. I don’t really think MLM gateway is a bad platform, it does sound good but since you were a member and you left because you were not impressed, I believe something isn’t going the way it should. And also you didn’t recommend MLM gateway to affiliate marketers, as one I think I’d better shy from it

  117. Didn’t expect to see you share some reviews online about MLM because I know that many bloggers like you here don’t usually share information like this on the Internet. It’s some really good stuff to see you write something like this though and also give us the links to the YouTube videos. I should be looking to watch them for sure. Thanks!

  118. I must commend you for the efforts and energy you have put in to search for, compile and share these Top 10 MLM Gateway Review YouTube Videos. I have learnt a lot from watching these YouTube review videos and this has been a great learning experience for me. Contents like this are what I like sharing with my friends.

  119. Thanks a whole lot for sharing and compiling these 10 video reviews on MLM gateway, they were really helpful and also were easy to understand. Though I didnt watch all of them I really enjoyed the third video because it was detailed and also very easy to understand as well

  120. Thank you for sharing this even though you are no longer a member. It allows people to make a decision based on what they feel right for them instead of just trying to get sold too. I’m curious though, what was it about this particular MLM that made you not want to use it anymore?

  121. Always lovely to hear from the horses mouth how things are going with a platform.  That way you’ll put a face to the write up.  I value the way you have simplified this here about the reviews and the fact that there are multiples of them. Asin,you can get to access MRE than one review and get to see it from various views and what it is really all about. I’ll watchore videos and do more research about it.  Thanks 

  122. I agree that it is probably better to post your MLM opportunity on a platform such as this, rather than posting it on your other social accounts like FaceBook, or it will seem like you are spamming them and you could get banned.

    I didn’t find much in the way of negatives about this company watching these videos. I however did enjoy the fifth video on your list as he gave some awesome advice on how to communicate with people within the platform. I just battled to hear his name at the beginning as he said it so fast.

    I think everyone here is promoting their own agenda, so you need to have the gift of the gab if you want to bring them over to yours.

  123. It’s cool to see that you provide other opinions along with your own as an authority in the field of online marketing.  Many see the words MLM and run in fear instantly.  Since you said you weren’t impressed I’ll take my business elsewhere but it’s cool to see that you respect other opinions and take multiple sides into consideration for your reviews

  124. Hi there Tony. Thank you for this great post. I have heard about MLM gate a way before but have never really thought of joining, most likely because i lacked guidance. As you know there are lot of scams on the internet out there that are sabotaging good businesses hence without you could crush without guidance. Now that you have informed me, I might as well be part of it.

  125. Not a big fan of MLM, but one thing i have to say is that they sure know how to promote themselves. I tried to watch some of the videos, and some do sound very convincing. MLM mainly focuses on recruiting and building your downlines. It’s one of the many ways one can generate some income, but it’s not for everyone. Thx for sharing Tony!

  126. Hello Tony,

    Thank you very much for sharing your website. I have gone through the videos you have shared and found it very interesting. I honestly did not know about that platform and am wondering about the costs of it. It is good to know that there are many platforms where people can benefit in this Pandemic period. 

    Thanks again for sharing,

  127. I tried to watch all the videos, but it is hard for me to even comprehend what they are saying as I am not interested in MLM.  I must say that those which I did listen to sound so convincing.  On the other hand, it is not one of your recommendations. I read some of the comments and see that some like the program.  So, I guess it all come down to individual preferences.  Thanks for sharing.

  128. Hi Tony, 

    Just a quick word on this one as I am not too familiar with MLM. I am just learning the world of online marketing but intrigued by the way you articulate the reviews. I am just trying to figure it all out.

    I have not watched all the videos so I am not sure if my comment will be what you are looking for as far as engagement but I have had enough cookies for the day. I am going to go through some of the leads you have generated here to explore the online marketing niche.

    Thanks for all the information you have given here.


  129. Hi Tony, I watched three of the videos and they were all quite positive about the platform. It was clear that they are all active on the platform and hopeful of the possibilities it offers. One was hopeful that he was going to be using the platform to find clients among people who are into MLM opportunities and two others who seemed to be more hopeful about earning income from referring other people to the platform. I have to say I am not sure what grounds you have for not liking the platform. Of course, there could be problems that I am not aware of. Personally, I have no interest in MLM or signing up for any such program. I would wonder at the value of a large crowd of people all trying to sell each other the same kind of opportunity. But as I say I don’t really understand the ins and outs of MLM so I may be missing something. Thanks for sharing. Best regards, Andy

  130. I have to be honest with you, Tony. I did not watch all the videos, but I decided to comment. I hope you still find my comment useful. MLM business is clearly is a scam-like (to be nice about it) strategy that captures the attention of so many newbies trying to make passive money. I agree that this type of business is not meant to last, and ultimately the advantage is always for those in the top positions while it lasts. Again, as usual, you nailed it! Thanks.

  131. Hello Tony! from my experience, MLM Gateways has a very powerful advertising platform. If you use it correctly, you can sometimes even make more money than you spend on the ad. Plus, I’ve personally seen several commissions and even business partners in my primary business, from using their advertising platform. thanks a lot!

  132. I have read about this company a few months ago. And personally, I do not like MLM gateway. It just milks money from its users through downselling and recruiting with a shady product to sell in return. But I heard that its platform is easy to use and the customer chat support is live 24/7 which is commendable at least. Seems like if it somehow present itself as a legit company, I might try to join in.

  133. Hello Tony! from my experience, MLM Gateway has a very powerful advertising platform. If it is being used correctly, you can sometimes even make more money than you spend on the ad. Plus, I have  personally seen several commissions and even business partners in my primary business, from using their advertising platform. thank you for sharing this wonderful piece to us.

  134. Hello Tony! from my experience, MLM Gateway has a very powerful advertising platform. If you use it correctly, you can sometimes even make more money than you spend on the ad. Plus, I’ve personally seen several commissions and even business partners in my primary business, from using their advertising platform. thanks!

  135. Hi Tony,
    I am happy that you did not recommend MLM Gateway. The reason is I never liked multi level marketing programs.
    I did read through and watch a video but I am not impressed with this program so I would not join it or recommend it.
    It’s just that there are so many scams out there especially when it comes to multi level marketing programs. I feel it’s best to steer clear of programs like this so I do agree with you.
    Thank you for your honest article on this program!

  136. Hello there!

    You just provided a pretty nice review there. In my opinion, since you have been an active member of the platform for a while now till date, I believe you should be able to provide a trustworthy evaluation on the mentioned platform. Also, your knowledge in the platform makes me believe I can rely on the recommendations you provided there.


  137. Hi again Tony! Thank you very much for sharing this review on top 10 MLM gateway YouTube videos. I like the fact that you’ve made it know that you don’t recommend this platform. I for one do not like any platform that operates multi level marketing and I’m happy to see you don’t too. It will save me the stress of giving it a trial. 

  138. Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece of information without. I must say I really enjoyed going through your review as it contains important and valuable piece of information one needs to be aware of. I don’t thing the MLM platform is efficient and I don’t recommend the MLM Gateway community to direct sales, network marketing nor affiliate marketing friends.

  139. Thanks for your honest in this article Tony regarding MLM. I am not convinced by the platform after watching the video as i think there are better paltform out there which can help provided solid leads. I jsut think some of the informtion in the videos is over hyped with not a lot of substance. 

  140. I am definitely not into MLM operations. Based on the discussions above, this scheme would be a challenge because it doesn’t provide a doorway to find customers who are interested in my product. All the contacts here would be looking to recruit, just like I would be looking to recruit. Also how come it it free to join, but you need to pay $25 ? This platform is not for me. Thanks for the information

  141. I have run a few Multi-Level Marketing MLM businesses over the previous three decades and they can offer a great business opportunity. If I was to offer any advice it would be to do your research. Check out the business first. There are a lot of scams out there. it is often buyer beware.

  142. I do not think MLM Gateway is for me. I don’t think it completely discloses of how it works and would be a waste of time. It leaves me feeling like I would not make much money at it. I prefer WA because of the tremendous support that is available 24/7. 

  143. I want to start by saying I’m really impressed for such a nice article thanks…I am a member of MLM Gateway and have even in the past been an upgraded member.  Not only am I no longer an upgraded member, I’m also not active at all on the platfotm.The online communities that I do recommend can be found at:

  144. Bless your heart for taking all the time to review all of these different affiliate marketing sites. I don’t know how you do it, my head would explode. so thank you for being the one to look into all of them and join them for us so we don’t have to make the mistakes and spend the extra money. 

    The first video in the sequence of videos was interesting because the guy who was talking about MLM gateway said that the leads generated by the program are leads of people who are also trying to promote affiliate sites. I understand that a lot of sales come from people like us, but I feel a program that can provide leads of people who are brand new to the affiliate marketing scene would be of the most value. I just feel like we are all on the same sites and then we’re all trying to sell to each other and sometimes it gets really frustrating. 

    On a side note, the guy in the second video starts off by playing with stacks of money that he has placed strategically on his desk. That’s always a huge red flag to me. It reminds me of those videos on Facebook of the guys standing next to a Ferrari saying “if you join my email list an pay for my course, you too will be able to purchase this ferrari.” (Which in all honesty the guys probably just valeted the car for it’s actually owner and thought it a great opportunity to shoot a facebook video!) Obviously, that’s me being a bit sarcastic but I think you know what I mean. 

    Anyway, thanks again tony.

  145. Thanks Tony for this wonderful article with you and the to field I have a great weekend too like better not be unfortunate but u know if there was no grammatical or spelling and grammar school resume for the bath room with the right to ask if you are highly celebrated the best way of getting the same thing as

  146. Personally, I really don’t like MLM companies. Not all of them all schemes but most of them you’ll be losing more than what you’ll be gaining. You can see it in other MLM companies. This one seems like just another promising life changer that will only leave you unmotivated. It’s so important to do research on platforms like this one so we can have a clear view of what they offer and what other people are saying about it. 

  147. Yes MLM gateway view is good but not good enough for a beginner or a starter who just going into the online business because the video doesn’t not have a deeper explanation on how a beginner will go about, gateway view is good for those who has experience about the online trading. 

  148. Hello there, thanks a lot for sharing this beautiful piece of information here with us. I must say i really did enjoyed going through your review as it contains valuable informations one needs to be aware of. I have made it a priority to stay far from mlm and their schemes an and i have adhered to this belief ever since

  149. Thanks you Tony for sharing videos about MLM gateway, it is really helpful, thoughtful and insightful, an hearing about this for the first time and am sure it true and no scam, but I will love it more if you can give more details about the MLM gateway wand how the membership works.

  150. Thank you very much for taking your time to provide us this great review on MLM gateway review. I went through all the videos and I am not interested even knowing it is a great opportunity and i will not competely recommend to others. I am just sticking with wealthy affiliiate and ignore some noise in the online platforms. Nice work Tony

  151. I’m not seeing the value of this platform.  MLMs generally hold a periodic cost (monthly, quarterly, etc) so if all the people who are on this platform already subscribe to an MLM, they would have to be willing to ingest another cost in order to join mine.  They would also have to have the time to build on another business.  Since most MLMs are time-consuming, money-sucking pits of failure, it’s unlikely that I would get many (if any) hits.  As for commission?  I wouldn’t actively recruit anyone to this site.  The small amount of money earned wouldn’t be worth the break of trust with that business associate.

  152. Though I wouldn’t want to get involved in any kind of Multi-level marketing business, I appreciate your effort in bringing these videos together to review the top 10 MLM gateways, Tony. 

    I’ve been able to choose and ignore programs according to the information I read in several reviews. It’s better to live on recommendations like this than falling scam victims or going so deeply into a program only to find out that it’s more of a Ponzi or Pyramid scheme. I’ve gone far already now in the business of affiliate marketing and recently gained more insights into getting the right traffic through the numerous traffic exchange sites you’ve reviewed on your site. 

    Thanks again!


  153. Thanks for this Top 10 gateway review. I like video reviews because it looks more realistic and easier to understand. I now know the best product to use when it comes to gateway. I am glad I came across this post today and I look forward to reading and watching your other reviews. 

  154. Definitely not something I would want to get into… doesn’t seem like a sustainable way to earn money online. It seems like too much hard work for a small reward, for me there are much better ways to drive traffic to your online business. I also don’t like companies that are not totally transparent and not knowing who owns or runs MLM Gateway sets alarm bells ringing…

  155. Another program that I will be avoiding. Thanks, Tony, for bringing this one to my attention.

    I’m not a fan of MLM anyway. I find that even the honest programs usually are overpriced as they rely on paying multiple levels of people. For me, affiliate marketing is a more direct approach that works.

    I really appreciate that you searched and compiled this list of videos to help each person decide for themselves.

  156. With affiliate,there is opportunity to learn and earn, no imposition, you work at your own convenience. No stress,work at the comfort of your home without looking for people that will register under you before you can enjoy the benefit therein. Thank you for sharing this wonderful article, I hope to come back for more. Cheers

  157. Nice one Tony, I would for sure take your advice on MLM. I am very grateful for this review. Lots of people would also see this and be more equipped when navigating MLM. This is fantastic. I’m also not shaken about the review because I was never really a fan of MLM.

  158. Thank you Tony, I also commend you for allowing us go by our instinct but giving us pointers to guide us accordingly.

    MLM is new to me, I am channeling all my energy to being the best digital marjet8as I can be so I would just stick to that and why I am excited about digital marketing is that it enables me work in my own pace.

  159. Really there is nothing to compare with affiliate marketing. I am not saying that MLM is bad but Affiliate offers more dynamic and outstanding offer. With affiliate,there is opportunity to learn and earn, no imposition, you work at your own convenience. No stress,work at the comfort of your home without looking for people that will register under you before you can enjoy the benefit therein

  160. Personally, I’m not a fan of MLM businesses so I don’t waste my time bothering about which one is good and which is bad because they all have the tendencies of being bad at every possible way. These reviews are very good and they are very understandable to watch through. I’ll share this around.

  161. Hello there! Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful piece of information. I’ve gone through it and it’s a really detailed one. I find it very helpful because it contains valuable information everyone should hold on to. Even though many are not scams, they may be very difficult to embrace for a variety of reasons. Global Moneyline, Wealthy Affiliate seems to be outstanding platforms.I hope to join global money line soon 

  162. Thanks for sharing your honest review Tony. While it is very true that no one training platform or method will work for everyone, and it does seem that some are finding success with this site, I will say that the name alone throughs up a big red flag for me. As you have mentioned at the beginning, your community recommendations are far more reliable.

  163. Thank you fir sharing all these here and i think this is really worthy to see here. I think what has been shared here can be the difference in all for us all. Mlm gateway review here is great and anything that has to do with mom generally si not what I want. To associate with at all. Thanks so much for what has been shared here

  164. God she was o it was h k i be us to do some days she’s not m to cold in m of this Kroger on the market in the mp k like LL be looking out my life like I know  my love life like this is kow what like to give you the heads up on the platform and I will let you guys should come and pick up in my.

  165. Hi Tony,
    You have a lot of experience and have been doing this for a while now, hence I trust your review and judgement on these types of businesses. Even though many are not scams, they may be very difficult to embrace for a variety of reasons. Global Moneyline, Wealthy Affiliate seems to be outstanding platforms. I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate and will be looking into Global Moneyline soon.

  166. Hello tony, i come to trust your review about some certain services, to further understand why you didn’t recommend it, i watched the videos. 
    my observations are that the peoples tried so hard to paint the better part of the MLM Gateway without really talking about the downsides so much. I normally like to know what i am venturing into, both the upsides and the downsides, and they didn’t quite impress me about that. Thanks.

  167. The company members were all very picky, but only gave me a very superficial review The experience of the company was disappointing, as many of the members were very low paying, and most of them had a limited freedom of choice in their search and promotion They were also very uncertain about the company’s motivations and satisfaction The company was also very well organised and managed, although I found the management methods to be almost non-existent They were very strict on how the company was run and my only real interaction with the company was to complain The profits of the company were questionable, with the increase of new members being less than 2% I only made a small profit from the company, the majority of which was lost on the company’s advertising

  168. Hi Tony, Thanks for sharing the information (and video reviews) about this program that you’ve had personal professional experience with at some time. Many people will run immediately when they see (or figure out) that an “opportunity” is actually some form of MLM / pyramid business model. It’s good to see that the approach of walking away and / or leaving is still a wise move.

  169. Thanks for the heads up. Not interested in MLM programs either. But can confirm that the programs you recommend CashJuice, WebTalk and MOneyLine are great for both newbies and experienced entrepreneurs. 

    It seems to be so many programs out there and it’s been a journey discovering which ones are working tho. Grateful to have you as a consultant 


  170. Yeah, this felt like a proper waste of time even while 2x-ing it. I mean, I don’t think I would ever pick this one over something like that CashJuice. Plus, many of the videos to me felt dragged out. They could have been far more concise and to the point. It felt like youtube algorithm pleasing. Non-sense.

    Also, personally, I’m not a fan of this format. I get what you are trying to do. But from a pure user-experience, I believe it’s terrible. I want to know your thoughts or even just your comments on the video. I mean, that would truly bring value. This doesn’t really. It’s not like we can’t find any of these videos on Youtube anyway. And it feels you’re kind of just being lazy.

    Don’t take this personal. This is something that has been on my mind for a while. I’ve just kind of left it out to not hurt your feelings.

    I hope you’ll take this for what it is. Constructive criticism. Keep up the work. Cheers.

  171. Hello Tony

    Thank you for giving this recommendation of legit program, But personally I know all MLM are developed equivalent but they differ depending on their functionalities as well as as the amount of their stability relying on the requirements but also thank you to give me these video reviews, I have also get many things of this platform MLM Gateway. my self I always keep these factors in thought and also most of the time I definitely discover the best trusted MLM on the market.

    Thank you for sharing

  172. I’m steering clear of MLM Gateway and MLM businesses full stop. I just don’t like the business model, as so many of them seem to put more of a focus on recruiting people who buy products themselves, than selling to the public. The best community that I have found online so far has been the Wealthy Affiliate community. I get so much help and support for my online business there.

  173. I watched the videos.  I must admit that I stopped the one that had no narration because I didn’t want to read subtitles.  I appreciate the detailed explanation of the mlm gateway program offered in one video which included screen shots of the program and how it is used.  This is another program that I am going to check out as an affiliate marketer.

  174. I understand what you are sharing in the post.  It has always been my goal to start off small and grow big.  Find a simple way to earn a few bucks a day and watch it grow.  There are many big programs that you can join later, start off small for now.

  175. Wow, thanks for your perfect review of the top 10 Multi-level marketing gateway videos! I have seen people who joined the MLM Industry and earned a great fortune from it. As a matter of fact, there is this young female entrepreneur from my home country who tried out network marketing few years ago and has become a successful network marketer today. I have started checking out the other platforms you recommended one after the other.

  176. I like the fact that you get credits for any activity that you do and you can even use those credits to push your own activities. So, I think it is a platform that is worth trying. Thanks for these top 10 YouTube videos that gives a review about MLM Gateway. I did learn quite a lot from these videos. Well, MLM gateway seems to be quite ok. As for the platforms you recommended, it will be nice to check them out.

  177. Thanks for sharing all these MLM gateway video reviews Tony. I have to say that all most of the videos that I watched are not really a. Review but it is a clickbait so that they can promote their referral links. Just my opinion. I think I am just going to stick with Global Money Line and EasyHits4U. 

  178. I have heard lots about MLM and im not sure if its my way to go but i know a lot of people who are a bit iffy about affiliate marketing that would rather go with this type of work instead of that. I will definitely share this with others and i thank you for such a great post. Have a great day !

  179. Is this MLM the same as the offline business type because when I hear about these types of business models I stay far away and would tell others to do the seem also because it seems that you invest so much and get very little in return sometimes nothing. I believe there are much better ways than sinking to MLMs.

  180. Interesting, I’ve heard of a lot of MLM companies before but MLM Gateway is something new to me. Though the title itself screams doubt what with that big MLM word on it, I think it’s actually a pretty decent social media platform especially for MLM junkies. It might be a good place for like-minded network marketers from different background to get together.

  181. This is a wonderful one. Getting money is not easy but the most difficult is getting the best platform so that money, resources and time will not be a waste. A legitimate and genuine platform have alot to offer and they don’t need too much stress as their products and services advertise for them. Thank you for sharing this here

  182. MLM gateway is full of people who are in MLM companies who don-t want to join your opportunity. All they want is for you to join there program. Yes there is a free and paid opportunity with this program, but why would you want to sell this to people when it does not do what it says it does? I would not waste my time with it.

  183. Hello Tony, thank you for sharing these videos about MLM Gateway in your article ‘Top 10 MLM Gateway Review YouTube Videos’. It was refreshing being able to learn from so many different points of view and perspectives which made it easier to gain an overall understanding of the platform that was being discussed. 

  184. Network marketing lead generation is easy with MLM Gateway. Every member can meet experienced people in network marketing. Our system allows members to share their business opportunities with one another, promote their website to our visitors, publish business announcements and run free banner advertising campaigns. Thank you very much for sharing this with me .

  185. Hello there, thank you for sharing this article on top and 10 mlm gateway review YouTube video.this is my first Time of coming across mlm gateway and with this videos I easily understand what it is all about.i don’t think I would be joining this platform. Thank you for sharing this informative and enlightening article,I really enjoyed it

  186. Tony Lee!, the great digital Marketing Veteran it’s been awhile, this article about the reviews of the MLM is really helpful to me, because you were a member , that’s the the Gateway affiliate, that you even upgraded to the premium level, yet you were not impressed by the way they run their things, with your judgement and reviews, I won’t even open a link to it when next I see it, thank you!

  187. Hi Tony, thanks for another great and detailed article. Anyone who wants to be educated about the MLM Gateway is certainly in the right place. What I was able to see from these videos that you mentioned is that MLM Gateawaz is not a reliable company, although a lot of people praise it. There are people around me who are divided when it comes to MLM Gateway, so my advice is that everyone who is interested in this topic should inform themselves for themselves, because in that way they will see the advantages and disadvantages of MLM Gateway.

  188. Tony, I have also been a “member” of MLM Gateway and don’t really recommend it. It’s not particularly social, and it is not a traffic exchange. I’ve found that everyone who is a member is not looking for opportunities. Rather they are the same as you are. They join because they have an opportunity that they want others to join. True, you can be an affiliate of MLM Gateway, inviting others to join and making a commission if they become a paid member. But is that fair, if the program doesn’t otherwise work to provide business opportunities?

  189. Ah, you didn’t give one but up to ten  reviews online about this MLM gateways and I feel it is a good one. I have not watched it all because it seems like most of them are actually saying the same thing but it’s good stuff and I think I should probably give it a swipe and see how it would be able to work for me.

  190. Hi Tony, thank you very much for listing all of these videos. My friend invited me to join MLM Gateway since he promised me a huge amount of side income. It’s hard to find legit reviews, so I’m glad you’ve compiled all of the trusted reviews. Just by watching the review by Rory Singh, I’ve already decided to not sign up for this program. I’m checking other videos as well, but it seems my decision won’t be changed. Thanks

  191. Thank you so much for reviewing the top ten YouTube videos on MLM Gateway. I didn’t know about this MLM company before but I learned a lot by watching your videos. After watching your videos, I realized that these companies can’t benefit people just by making money through MLM. So I would say those who will join these MLM companies can join with a little understanding of everything. I would like to share your article in my social media group to let people know about this MLM company if you agree with me.

  192. Top 10 MLM Gateway Review YouTube Videos, is a great place to check out the best videos on this program. The plan of checking out some MLMs has been on my to-do list for a long time. And I will come around to subscribing to a few soon. But I wish we could have your views on all of these videos Mr hamilton. That helps us to make up our minds. We need your reviews. 

    Thanks for these selected YouTube reviews, Tony.

    Wishing u well.


  193. Hey Tony 

    Thank you for compiling the article and the videos. I am curious for your reasons to part ways MLM gateway and not recommending it . What I pick from some of the videos which is very concerning is that it is not clear who the founder is . I will always prefer to know the mind behind the concept and their track records.

  194. I too am an MLM Gateway member, and my results have been less than I had hoped for. The key to MLM Gateway is you have to produce new content continuously. On the MLMG playform they call it “business announcements” as opposed to blog posts, but it’s the same thing. And most of the time the people who contact you are just wanting to get you into their biz opp!

  195. This is a very superb review about top 10 MLM gateway. Since i believe every of your judgement about every online product out there and you don’t actually recommend it for network marketing, direct sales or affiliate marketing, then i wouldn’t make use of this platform or tell it to another. Thank you for putting this through though.

  196. Since this is an MLM business model, then I won’t even bother signing up since I’m not a fan of it in the general sense. Even if I don’t get to talk to or convince someone to join, yet, it will be very hard to make money, and it may take a long time. Also, it’s not guaranteed and this business is not under our control. This is not what we want to get involved in.

  197. Although I got irritated with most of the videos flashing out cash. I know making money online is not that easy. It takes work. But something unique caught my attention, they are doing MLM without having to talk to somebody rather they use email funnels, this is a good way around it. You don’t need to beg family members to join your network. But I wish they tell the truth of how long it takes to get to work for 1,000 USD before flashing it 

  198. Since you don’t recommend it for direct sales, network marketing nor affiliate marketing then I won’t use it or recommend it to any friends and family either. Your judgment is trustworthy as most people have seen over the years as you have a lot of experience with these things. Thank you Tony.

  199. As someone who isn’t a fan of MLM in general (although I know some of them have great high-quality products), I wouldn’t expect much from the MLM Gateway. I’m glad you’ve confirmed my feeling about it as you are a role model for many, Tony. It’s so hard to decide which way to choose and what programs and platforms to join nowadays as there are so many. Some of them, like Wealthy Affiliate, are amazing and provide big value, but some just create a system which is not very helpful. Thanks for sharing your reviews.

  200. Hello there, Thanks alot Mr Tony for sharing this awesome article with us I know it would really be of help to a a lot of persons as it has been of help to me. I really like the list of reviews and I hope to watch all of them and get the best out of all of them.

  201. Hey Tony lee Hamilton thanks for sharing this article, I have never heard of this platform before hand, the videos were nice also, I watched all ten of them,  I enjoyed the third one most because it was explained properly and easy to understand. Though I am not a fan of multi level marketing, this platform actually seems nice 

  202. MLM gateway is a new one for me and one that I have not come across before. But as I am not a fan of multi level marketing companies and the business plan they use, I would not support them. 

    So MLM Gateway to me is a platform that I would not use, nor explore any more or recommend to anyone else. 

  203. This is a great selection of videos covering MLM Gateway that you have compiled here Tomy.  This is a very handy resource. I was interested to note that you are not active on this platform now. The fact that you have used this platform and it did not work for you speaks volumes as I respect your opinion in this industry. Thank you for the advice.

  204. Thanks for sharing all these videos. I have found good opportunities here on your site. But this is one I won’t join.

    I feel that with the basic membership, we don’t achieve much. And I am not whilling to pay a monthly fee of $24.95 to upgrade membership to premium. I’ll give them a pass.

  205. I have to say that I did not watch all the ten videos but from what I have seen. It is a good place to be for any online entrepreneur and I think for the free account also you can get a good exposure.

    I like the fact that you get credits for any activity that you do and you can even use those credits to push your own activities. So, I think it is a platform that is worth trying.


  206. Good day to you at this time of your day Tony Lee Hamilton. Thanks for these top 10 YouTube videos that gives a review about MLM Gateway. I did learn quite a lot from these videos. Well, MLM gateway seems to be quite ok. As for the platforms you recommended, it will be nice to check them out.

  207. After gathering sufficient, appropriate information and putting the information to test, and having good results, MLM is just a no go for me no matter what the brand may be. Affiliate Marketing is just a great way to make money online for me and in most cases, most affiliate products come with tools to market the product making one not feel the struggle to sell. Thanks for sharing videos about MLM Gateway. 

  208. Thanks for this videos, they are really helpful and they are always available to help people make good decisions about the business they are going into. Mlm companies are not really my choice of business and they are always very hard to make money from. This will help a lot of people make massive sum of money.

  209. Hi Tony! Thanks for dropping this Top 10 MLM Gateway review. I’ve gone through all the videos and yeah, we all know how MLM works. I’m happy to see that the people in the YouTube videos are satisfied with it. However, I do not like MLM, I prefer affiliate marketing. I don’t think I can ever get involved with MLM. Thank you for not recommending it, it makes my decision easier. 

  210. Hello there Tony, thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful piece of information here with us. I must say i really did enjoyed going through your review as these videos pass out valuable informations one needs to be aware of. I am not a fan of MLM platform so i don’t even think about joining. Thanks also for your recommendations 

  211. Hey Tony,

    From my research mlm gateway platform basically offers an opportunity for network marketers to connect and explore business opportunities available, it is a platform that will help you target individuals interested in your business opportunity, MLM Gateway is the right platform for you. The ability to engage with target members saves you time and resources that could be used contacting parties not interested in your business.

    Thank you.


  212. Hello Tony, thanks for sharing this wonderful information about MLM gateway. I have been in the dark about this business and now that you have shared these videos I feel well informed about it and its really good to be here. So many people haven’t been able to see these videos and I hope to share with them. Cheers

  213. Thank you for sharing this here. Honestly, I value the way you have simplified this here about the reviews and the fact that there are multiples of them. Asin,you can get to access MRE than one review and get to see it from various views and what it is really all about. Thank you somuch for sharing this with us.  


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