Affiliate Marketing in 2019 for Newbies & Veterans

The below article was written by a 3rd party writer that I hired, are you ready to start earning an income with Affiliate Marketing and writing a blog? Newbies and/or Veterans are welcome!

Recently, affiliate marketing has become one of the booming businesses in the global scale. It is a chief source of online income for every proficient blogger. As a matter of fact, more online businesses are getting involved in affiliate marketing and therefore, bloggers are obtaining more opportunities of making passive incomes. In addition, many businesses work with affiliates hence majority of marketers have a tendency of using the affiliate marketing networks to find offers. The main purposes of the affiliate platforms include: summing up offers from different sellers, creating search engines for affiliate marketers and handling administrative duties of handling an affiliate network.

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based such that the business rewards the affiliate for each client who has been brought as a result of the affiliate’s marketing efforts. Since its inception, affiliate marketing has rapidly grown. In this e-commerce activity, online retailers usually pay commission to external websites for the sales made from the external’s referrals. A blogger only becomes an affiliate of a particular organization then create income by sharing links, banners, posters or any other information intended to attract readers to the products and services of the affiliate company. Therefore, to promote the company’s content, you as a blogger, ought to be involved in as many marketing channels as possible.

Who is Tony Lee Hamilton?

Heard of Tony Lee Hamilton? A favorite of most online businesspersons. I have been in the industry of affiliate marketing since 2009 and this might be the reason I am familiar to most internet marketers. However, this is not the beginning of it all. I had a life before venturing into my current field. I studied at Eastern Michigan University and then worked in a Moving and Storage company as a dispatcher. I also served in the United States Army which has a great influence in my current occupation. At the moment, I don’t wake up every morning to report to an office as an employee. So, I am a stay-at-home dad. Nonetheless, I am not limited by my environment. Thanks to Wealthy Affiliate Marketing. I have received a good cash inflow since 2009 through affiliate marketing and have also gained a great wealth of experience in the same area. As a result, I have been able to help many other online writers and bloggers improve their Referrals, Website Traffics, Revenue income and Social Media Presence. I have great offers for friends from any corner of this planet who intend to start a business or have already started one and are looking for ways to grow it. With the wide range of online services I offer owing to the experience I have in the field, I can tailor you a plan for your business depending on the location and how fast you want the business growth.

Some of the things I have been helping my friends to do basing on their demands include;

a) Building and hosting websites – Undoubtedly business website contributes a great deal to business growth and it is one of those things you require if you need quick results in terms of profit from your enterprise. I have assisted several friends in building websites for their

business and even keyword Search Engine Optimization(SEO). The outcomes from their business are just amazing.

b) Writing articles for websites- you only need to submit to me the images or videos and expertise and I will do the content creation for your website or even social media page irrespective of the area of your business.

c) Gaining website organic traffic- I am able to help you gain more organic traffic to your website utilizing the keyword search optimization engine.

d) Online income generation– Many people around the globe are making money at the comfort of their homes while working online. The ways of enjoying residual income online are numerous and I have the best options and training for you depending on your needs and availability.

e) Generating leads and referrals- This I do for myself on various proven platforms and also for my friends globally.

f) Growing social media presence-21st century presents unto us social media that has proven to be one of the best platforms to grow one’s business and am more than willing to help you increase your presence on the various platforms as I have done this for many friends.

g) Learning about Affiliate Marketing and website monetization– I assist newbies in promoting their businesses, websites and even blogs. I also aid many friends especially the newbies and amateurs in monetizing their blogs and websites.

h) Growing direct sales, multi-level businesses and Network Marketing-I can help you grow your business by sharing with you myself utilized methods, sites or platforms that have proven effective both for me and my other friends.

i) Promote guest blogging- I also assent guest bloggers to post on my website in order to give their businesses or websites more exposure.

With my assistance as an expert in internet marketing, regardless of your business interest, you can choose a preferred direction for your industry in any available niche. Anyone can earn an income from anywhere. Isn’t it wonderful? It does not matter whether you are

a newbie, an amateur, or a super affiliate marketer. I've got you covered.

You can contact me via an email at Or via the social media platforms.

Digital Marketing VeteranTony Lee Hamilton Digital Marketing Veteran Crushing it 10X

Curiously one may ask, why digital marketing veteran?’ Of note is that I am US veteran. However, I now specialize in helping friends start business from scratch and even grow them to new levels via digital marketing. Below are some of my recommendations to you in this arena;

a. Developing a rapport – this involves cultivating an audience having specific interests. Once this is done, you can direct your campaigns to this specific niche which in turn increases the likelihood of you attracting traffic. Henceforth, you can market a wide range of services and products

b. Look for your personal brand – Because you cannot run out of products to promote, you have the ability to choose the products that you believe in. Ensure that the campaigns focus on valuable and quality products. This will enable you to achieve a remarkable conversion rate as you simultaneously establish a reliable personal brand.

c. Review services and products – Look for the specific products that can be categorized under your niche. Then, depending on the rapport you have created, let your readers understand why they will benefit from buying the goods you are promoting. Your content should therefore be well articulated to improve the conversations between you and your readers.

d. Rely on different sources – Do no focus on one email campaign instead, spend time reaching out to your readers on e-commerce platforms. Search across the cross-channel promotions and check out the wide range of marketing strategies to settle on the one that your audience can easily respond to.

e. Be careful in choosing campaigns – Even though your marketing skills maybe up-top, poor products will always generate a very low profit margin. Therefore, before settling on the products you want to promote, take some quality time and study the product’s demand.

f. Be updated – Be careful to stay on the current trends so as to gain a competitive advantage over other websites. You are likely to gain benefits from more than one marketing techniques that are always created. Be up-to-date on the new strategies so as to guarantee you of always increasing revenues.

Crushing it 10X

I came up with this phrase deriving it from two of my best mentors’, books that is Gary Vaynerchuk’s “Crushing It” and Grant Cordone’s “The 10X Rule”. Gary who is a genius in social media and can predict the moves of his audiences accurately insists on hard work, patience and appreciating the process both in his books and speeches. Grant being a great coach and mentor in various fields ranging from sales to work ethics says for a given goal to be achieved it takes 10X what we usually expect be it vision, effort and every other thing. Currently, the duo are my favorites in the Digital Marketing industry.

Having known how the name of the website was developed, you must be eager to know exactly what goes on here. As a newbie who desires to grow your business irrespective of the field be it sports, music, fashion or any other business opportunity you may have in mind, will be a very useful website. Why am I saying this with such as a great confidence?

Let me mention just a few reasons:

a) The expertise knowledge that I have gained within the 11-year period I have worked in the Digital Marketing Business; I will now make them available to entrepreneurs like you on the website.

b) The platform will also allow me to personally mentor 10X more friends who can then be able to legitimately earn from online business and you could be one of these friends.

c) I will be Crushing It 10X now as I help friends increase their search traffic at extremely reasonable costs. Being a member at any of my top four recommended sites grants you an added advantage as you will enjoy a great discount.

d) Again, this website enables me to effectively share my four best recommendations that have been great tools for most successful affiliate marketers who now get great reward for their work online.

e) I will also be doing one of the most important things for anyone who is a member of the Wealthy affiliate, whether a guru, an amateur or a newbie which is training on how to increase following.

Crushing It 10X community is open to anyone who is teachable and has the willingness to take on anything that one has to do in order to become a successful online worker. It is in this generation that almost everyone’s life revolves around their work but the joining the Crushing It 10X Community will grant you the much desired opportunity of planning your life and letting your job fit around it as you work online. However, it is not like the scams that make people think they will sleep poor and wake up stinking rich. In fact, for you to achieve your goal it will take 10X your time, your energy, your vision and even your focus. This is why the Crushing It 10X is dedicated to help you get to the top as a newbie or even amateur in working online.

How to Crush It 10XDigital Marketing Veeran Crushing it 10X

Hashtags – When hashtags are well-used in social media platforms, businesses in home-based arenas will gain a high audience. When business opportunity hashtags are well utilized in social platforms, businesses can be very powerful. The hashtags tend to be more powerful even than keywords in a website post. Regardless of what industry you are in, your keywords ought to attract your visitors to make them interested in what you are sharing. The types of hashtags used will sometimes determine the level of competition you are in.

Keywords – there exist business opportunity keywords that can generate high traffic to your business. You can utilize the different sites that can enable you know the best traffic keywords possible. Some examples of highly used keywords are: Entrepreneur, earn money online, network marketing and work from home. Keywords attract traffic.

Wealthy Super Affiliate

Wealthy Super Affiliate empowers affiliate marketers from all over the world. It is highly ranked with independent authority bloggers among the “go to” platforms for online entrepreneurs. This affiliate marketing gives you numerous opportunities and benefits to enjoy as you work online. Though the list below is not all-inclusive, it outlines the most outstanding ones.

a) Wealthy Super Affiliate gives you the opportunity to transform your ideas into high profit margins. You will be able to begin your business from more than 1 million profitable niches.

b) Here, you will have the opportunity to build beautiful and profit-ready websites without the requirement of any special design skills. Take less than 30 seconds to create a revenue-ready website. The website’s design will totally be dependent on your preferences and needs. Secure hosting of the website and allow yourself to progressively grow with Wealthy Affiliate.

c) Learn the strategies of attracting traffic. Since you will have access to more than 4 billion prospective customers, you will be taught on how to get relevant clients for your website. Members from Wealthy Affiliate have been noted to have their own Google Rankings and a very large online traffic. You will not be an exception.

d) Earn and earn large amounts of money. The revenue sources in Wealthy Affiliate are never limited. As a matter of fact, if you have a huge traffic, you can instantly sell 600 million revenue products. This is possible as you can promote the best products throughout the world via the affiliate programs. You are to settle on the products and services that can easily be promoted on your website. It is cheap. No capital, shipping or support is required.

It is 14 years down the line since the inception of Wealthy Affiliate. These have been years of growth and helping people all over the world. It was created with the objective of helping bloggers monetize their blog with affiliate marketing. Since its inception in 2005, WA

has since been an online platform that has gradually evolved and innovated. So far so good, the 14 years of experience has helped more than 1.5 million budding entrepreneurs to fulfill their affiliate marketing dreams. Having had 750+ training updates per year, the platform has progressively had 155 system improvements in the recent years. Every day is a day of innovation in WA. This is a good foreshadowing that tomorrow will be much greater than today. The goal is to make other newcomers experience similar benefits like the present members.

The focus is not just being a super affiliate but being a wealthy super affiliate. You might have just started or you are thinking of becoming a wealthy super affiliate. The journey may not happen overnight or in a fortnight. Wealthy Super Affiliate is not one of the get-rich-quickly platform. It allows progressive growth. It is not scam.

Your time and resources are the basic and necessary resources needed in this online business opportunity. Signing up is not enough. Showing up is what is of importance. Once you show up, you can get your residual income from anywhere around the world. Affiliate marketing is not like network marketing, Direct sales or multi-level marketing. It is unique in its own way. This does not necessarily mean that the aforementioned platforms are illegal or scam. No! This just means that affiliate marketing has some advantages over the other business models. It uniquely allows its members to carry out their work from home or wherever around the globe provided you have a strong internet connection.

The work of the affiliate is quite simple. It involves searching for a product that the audience enjoys and promoting the product. This in turn earns you a profit from each and every sale that is made. The sales you make are usually tracked through affiliate links from one website to another. Being a large industry, affiliate marketing is now well-known as the chief residual income source for online business opportunities. Since many more e-commerce businesses are getting involved in affiliate marketing, affiliate platforms are emerging and more bloggers are encouraged to sign up in this form of marketing. The businesses working directly with affiliates tend to rely on the affiliate marketing network. Even though the affiliate marketing platforms require some payment, they serve a cherished purpose in affiliate marketing.

WA Websites

For a business to generate high traffic, it must have a solid foundation. With a website, a business can flexibly influence its audience and get feedback from the same audience. The WA website is not an exception. It is among the greatest websites in the globe. Integrated website tools for management, analysis, ranking and security ought to be a consideration. Building the websites has never been more fun elsewhere other than Wealthy Affiliate. It is easy and fun. As a matter of fact, you may not know how to build a website but within seconds, you will create one using your own hands and own a niche website that is visible globally. This is only possible in Wealthy Affiliate. The website that once was a dream to you will come to reality in a short period of time. Regardless of the website type that you desire, a few clicks on your device will guarantee you of extremely beautiful yet simple-to-build website. Note that website security is a huge factor that is considered in Wealthy Affiliate marketing. A defense line is created against any form of unwanted attacks that can occur in your website. Your website will always be monitored on regular basis by providence of full redundancy, backups and regular snapshots. In case of any suspicious activities, immediate response is applied to avoid attacks.

Interested in Joining Wealthy Affiliate?

Would You want to become an official member of Wealthy Affiliate? The steps are easy and quick. Open an account and add a profile picture and a short bio about yourself. The updated information will be edited by the WA’s professional team. These steps will take you very few minutes. When done updating your bio and the other steps are completed, members of the amazing community will begin checking out on you to know you in an all-round manner. This is a well-trained and experienced team that have been trained to work 24/7 and meet your every need and question at any given time. It is at this point that you will appreciate the warmth of the awesome community. Your role is to convert the visitor. The affiliate sends the most targeted traffic to you so as to increase your chances of conversion. The risk is then shared between the advertiser and the affiliate.

This type of marketing is also known as performance marketing since its sales employees are usually rewarded. The employees, also known as digital marketers, are payed on commission basis for each and every sale they make. They are sometimes paid incentives depending on the exceeding performances that are above their normal performance. Basically, the affiliates are not usually employed by the person whose products are being advertised. Affiliate marketer offer very minimal influence on a probable prospect in the conversion process. This is once the prospect has been directed to your website.

All global countries are eligible for a Free beginning account except some few ones. Members from Wealthy Community are from 195 countries. The countries not eligible include Kenya, Pakistan, Philippines, Bangladesh, India, Egypt and Vietnam. Required information include: Full name, email address and the desired username (13 characters or less). When this information is received, your account will be created with a password. You will then be contacted to go through the details after which authorization will be given to you to become a Free Starter Member. If this password is not likable to you, you can change and input your preferred password. With this, you can always login into your account any time.

You can remain a Free Starter Member as long as you want. Even though this is okay, it is more beneficial when you upgrade to a premium member. The team of well-trained and experienced tutors provide you with the finest training for both seasoned veterans and newbies. If you have been thinking about writing your own blog, you can monetize and earn an income. Newbies have an opportunity to monetize their blog with affiliate marketing and the community’s assistance.

No experience is needed before joining WA. The organized trainings begin from the zero point and it is assumed than no one has experience. Research in WA community has actually showed that, among the current successful members, most begun without technical knowledge or experience on e-commerce businesses or blogging. Provided you have an idea; you are a potential wealthy affiliate.

In Wealthy Affiliate, the forms of payment include PayPal, Visa and MasterCard.This is particularly for those with having premium memberships. If you are anew member, you can decide to start with a credit card then change to a PayPal on a later date. You will be the CEO of our billing. Choose the payment methods that is suitable for you.

Every blogger asks the question, “how quick and how soon can I get my success in Wealthy Affiliate Marketing?”. You have the answer! The answer to this all-time question will greatly be determined by how passionate you are in this performance business and how aggressive you can be. This therefore means that there are different levels of success in WA.


Wealthy Affiliate Community

Even though an online business may flourish in all aspects, the most challenging bit in such a business is obtaining an orientation platform especially for newbies. Help ought to be timely and effective. Expertise and professionalism is therefore a major aspect in this case. It is only in WA community that you will be able to network and create life-long relationships. Join the community and create business relationships. In a day, thousands of members network within WA and build networks that enable them to share insights and grow businesses together.


WA community is the most helpful affiliate marketing community in the world. A community that genuinely cares for you, working 24/7 to ensure that your every need is met. It is a platform of well trained and experienced teachers who make learning a fun activity.
Teacher who are willing and able to help you in all capacity. Uniquely, WA community offers the many-teachers-one-student service to its members. Being the biggest Internet Marketing community in the entire world, WA community prides itself in being the number-1 choice
for majority of online business marketers. Even though the community is big, every person in the community matters and therefore, a sense of being valued is felt by the members. You will have the opportunity to connect with people from different countries of the world and some even from your native country. Differences in languages, color, tribe or nations is never a hindrance in WA community. The average population is 800,000 + people from 195 countries across the globe.


Inquire from anywhere about the team that makes stuff to happen and you will be given the correct answer. Wealthy Affiliate! Driven by online projects that enhance the way bloggers carry out their online business, the team works passionately to ensure every dream is
achieved. Through the latest technology, designs, marketing strategies and external supports, the community continues to grow on a daily basis. Services and products becoming better every single

Help is always at hand. In WA community, the idea is not “we are all competing” but “we can help one another”. For this reason, whenever you need help, you will get it instantly. In connection to this, the average time to get an answer on the question you have asked is 1.8 minutes. One question can bring about 32,000+ community interactions per day. This makes it evidence that it is possible to compete with billionaire marketers. You will get expert coaching with a personal touch. Isn’t it awesome?


Everyone has that one hobby that is exciting and motivating whenever it is thought about. Interested in Books, Fashion, Style, Movies, Cosmetics, Video Games, Fitness, Personal development, Health and wellness, Investing, Finances or even Sports? Worry no more! The list is actually longer than this. Any hobby may lead to a business idea which may in turn create a prosperous online business. Those who do not have any idea in what they are passionate about will as well be sorted out. This is all about Affiliate marketing.

Sharing to 4 million plus internet users on the products and activities you are very passionate about or want to learn about. What are you still waiting for? Do not wait any longer. Try out Wealthy Affiliate. An endless online business opportunity with no risks. Membership is free with no credit card required and no registration fees. Visit or the official website of Wealthy Affiliate Marketing and be among the millions giving a review concerning this website. Just a decision away from beginning your own prosperous internet business.


The above article was written by a 3rd party writer that I hired, are you ready to start earning an income with Affiliate Marketing and writing a blog? Newbies and/or Veterans are welcome!

70 thoughts on “Affiliate Marketing in 2019 for Newbies & Veterans”

  1. Tony Lee is at it again, providing such honest and helpful methods to earn online. I started out operating, buying and selling to run my business but you introduced me to affiliate marketing. I am starting out with it and see where it entails much less hassle . It works for me also because I love writing. The best thing about Wealthy Affiliates is that you can work in a niche that you are interested in and expand it in so many ways. Thank you for the information

  2. Hello There, Thank you Tony Lee Hamilton for sharing this informative and educative review article. It really is helpful. This post is centered on affiliate marketing in 2019 for newbies and veterans.Affiliate marketing is one of the best online business anyone can do. All one needs to do is have prosper and enough knowledge about it. Thanking you for enlightening me more on affiliate marketing

  3. Affiliate marketing is one of the best online business anyone can do, it’s very easy and as well technical in its own little way. It depends on the level of dedication and hard work to make it successful and it’s very advisable for newbies to learn about the background knowledge of affiliate marketing before diving into it.

  4. Affiliate marketing is a big wave big only in the past year but also in this year that we are in. There is such a big tendency for a person to make a very good amount from it just like you. Even you have shared your own journey into his business which is very inspiring and also pushed me to want to get gold as well. Thanks you helping a newbie like myself on all o need to know about affiliate marketing

  5. Hi Tony! this is an amazing review you have got here.Thanks for sharing. I am a lover of affiliate marketing so i fell in love with your blog post immediately I enjoy seeing how Affiliate Marketing has changed and evolved as well as which strategies or elements are steadfast over time. I know this is 2020 but i still learnt a whole lot from this. It is a good one. Thanks once again for sharing.

  6. Knowing the right thing to do and the best approach to doing them is the best way to go about things here. To be very honest, I really appreciate all you have written here. Affiliate marketing is the way to guarantee financial freedom and doing it rightly is the way. Thank you for writing this post out here. Thumbs up to you for sharing this post with us all. Thanks

  7. I know that it’s 2020, but seeing content from past years is always a good read for me. I enjoy seeing how Affiliate Marketing has changed and evolved as well as which strategies or elements are steadfast over time. I actually already am a member of Wealthy Affiliate, but I found it helpful to go over your points here to make sure I’ve hit all of the basics and am maximizing my account. Thank you!

  8. Hi,

    this post is packed with information. I seem to be doing an online course just by reading your site. What else do I need if we have it all here to crush it 10X? Wealthy Affiliate seems to be a good site but I think I will first take advantage of all your experience and content before joining them so that when I do join, I may not be a newbie.

  9. Wow! Interesting that you have given a very well detailed overview of what affiliate marketing is all about and how to really maximize it here. Well! Since it can always be applicable no matter the years, this is a Great post.

    though I am already an affiliate marketer, getting more information and going over the basics is really a great thing I must say.

  10. Hello there, Thanks for sharing this awesome article I know it would be of great help to the public as it has been of help to me. Overtime many  online businesses are getting involved in affiliate marketing and therefore, bloggers are obtaining more opportunities of making passive incomes. I was really a Innovative idea as it has really been of help to all.

  11. Hello Tony! this is an amazing review you have got here. If I had access to an article like this 2 years back while I was struggling with my blog, I would have become a guru in affiliate marketing. Thanks for sharing this with me, I hope it helps others as it is helping me now.

  12. Very informative article. I know when you create a business it sometimes takes a couple of months to be successful, I do believe affiliate marketing is a great way to make money, however, I don’t know know how long it takes before you make some money. 

    By reading your article, I can see that this is a good way to generate some money and it does not matter if you are a veteran or a newbie, everyone can be part of this is just a matter of investing some time. 

    What have you faced on those eleven years of working as an affiliate marketer, I mean, the most difficult part?

    Thank you

  13. After reading your article I have benefited greatly.You disscuss in your article about Affiliate Marketing in 2019 for Newbies & Veterans.You also said Wealthy Super Affiliate,How i joining here, How i working here etc. I think your article is an informative article. After reading your article i have learned in this topics clearly. So, Thank you very much for sharing your guideline article.         

  14. This was very informative and inspirational. Thank you so much for sharing, 

    It’s great to read that there are people who have been at this a long time and have been successful and can offer so much in the way of help and support as well as paid for services to help with content of our own sites.

    I agree about Wealthy Affiliate, it certainly is a huge learning curve for me but I’m enjoying it so far.

    It’s great to know there are veterans like yourself out there that are happy to share their knowledge and expertise.

  15. Thank you for this most informative article. It is great to see another happy Wealthy Affiliate member and read about how this platform has helped others.

    I agree that Wealthy Affiliate is one of the best places to be when it comes to learning how to generate an income online, and the best part is that you can do this selling just about anything. If you love fishing, for instance, you can open a fishing site and sell anything related to fishing.

    If one is enjoying one’s work, one will keep working hard to make their business a success, and this is one of the reasons that Wealthy Affiliate is so successful.

  16. Lots of information in this post, I had to take my time and reread some of the areas and subjects covered. Affiliate marketing is most certainly not dead, it is bigger than ever and likely it will continue to grow over the coming years as more and more people shop online versus heading to malls and brick and mortar stores.

    Having said all that, you lay our some of the attributes that a successful affiliate marketer must possess and also mention some of the platforms that you must prepare to work on, and one includes your own website. That can be done on any number of platforms out there, and the cost is low to free.

    There are advantages to having your very own piece of real estate (i.e. domain and an independent website that you can park on any host’s server) as well because that can provide the cornerstone of all the other activities and platforms that you may participate in or use (i.e. LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, etc.). 

    All in all, you have presented a strong case for networking too. From your own forum, you have started to the community that you have available on Wealthy Affiliate, these are important to build a name, brand, trust, credibility, and authority. This is as important in the affiliate marketing market segment as any other. 

    I enjoyed this wide-ranging post on the state of affiliate marketing and reading about your position in the marketing segment. Truly it is a great area to get a business up and running without spending a lot of money. Time is still required and work while spending that time. 

    If you have the guidelines from others that have walked the walk before you and they are willing to help you out (and many are), and you use the guidelines that are found within platforms like Wealthy Affiliate, you are setting your self up for success. Thanks for an interesting read today!       

  17. Hey Tony,

    This is really an informative and useful article. I have just joined Wealthy Affliate and still learning a lot from this platform. In my opinion WA is one of the best platforms to earn money online. Moreover the training programs of it helps a person so much to become more successful. I liked that you have given so many informations about it. I have come to know many things from your article. As more businesses are getting involved in affliate marketing the opportunities for marketers and bloggers are increasing rapidly and that’s a great news. 

    Thank you for this helpful article. I will be looking forward to get more articles like this from you.

  18. Thanks for all of the great info on internet marketing! I’m pretty new to the affiliate marketing scene, so getting advice from a veteran like yourself is helpful. Developing a rapport with your audience is something big that I’ve been trying to focus on. It’s nice to hear that their are regular everyday people out their who can work hard from their computer at home and make enough money to support themselves, not just earn themselves a little extra spending cash.

  19. I am following you (Tony) for nearly 2+ years and you have loads of experience in internet marketing.

    Thanks a lot for the very comprehensive and thorough post on Affiliate Marketing. I must say I found your post highly uplifting & educational. I can tell you I have taken some great insights from your post.

    Indeed, Affiliate Marketing is one of the best way to earn money online and Affiliate Marketing WORKS! Your post can be used as an Affiliate marketing guide and blueprint. This post is going to save a lot of people time, effort and money. With nearly 4 billion people using internet I believe Affiliate Marketing is the way to go.

    Affiliate Marketing has made Businesses Millions and Ordinary People Millionaires – Bo Bennett

    I have added the books “Crushing It & The 10X Rule” in my “To Read” list.

    I am with WA for more than 2 years (Since November 2016) and by just following their training I became a full-time Affiliate Marketer working from home (Since December 2017). In my experience WA is the best place to learn about Affiliate Marketing.

    Great information, you have really given a lot of value here.

    Much Success!


  20. Hello Tony,

    Great and informative post. You may not remember but some months back I contacted you about Instagram and you sent me a video to help me with that. 

    Crushing it 10X I clicked on your link but it did not open. Is there another way to find the website? I am very interested in learning how grow my social following so that I can promote products in time as you spoke about.

    I would like to contact you via WA private message to discuss things further if that is ok with you.

    Thanks again for the great information!

    Proud papa of two,


  21. I learned so much from the article.  

    I am a new affiliate marketer in the field and have struggled for the past 2 months trying anything I read.  

    Do you have any suggestions on where I can go for a more organized approach to monetizing my blog?  

    I have heard of the Wealthy Affiliate and Income School were both suggested by a friend of mine.  

    I see you covered some of WA.  Any thoughts of Income School?

    Thank you for your post.


  22. I just got into affiliate marketing and I hope to leverage it as time goes by. What I was careful about is promoting products in my niche, that I myself would use. That becomes easier to recommend it.

  23. Your website is designed to help others broach the affiliate marketing business. You offer help in two ways. The first being the done for you approach. And the second through Wealthy Affiliate. 

    I am familiar with Grant Cardone. Who isn’t with all the commercials he airs on the radio. I was not familiar with Gary. You brilliantly combined their two slogans to create one for yourself. Brilliant! If a reader wanted to take you up on your offer to set the business up for them, how would that process work? Would they need to send you an Email? I think making this clear would be a good thing for your potential clients to know.

    Your segue into Wealthy Affiliate was well done. The interest you created using the skills they would gain was superb in generating interest. I clicked your WA link and noticed you had customized the WA landing page. I am curious how you did that?

    Overall this appears to be a great website to attract the curiosity of potential clients. Sharing your life’s goals was very personal that I feel would appeal to people as that set you up as a good dad that most people could relate to. 

    All the best to you Tony. 

  24. Hi, I want to thank you for this article. As it gives much insight on affiliate marketing, where to go, and the importance of keyword research.

    As I am just getting started in affiliate marketing, I can agree with you on what you stated about wealthy affiliate. I highly recommend it for anyone, beginners or veterans. I have been a member since the beginning of February this year and I learn everyday.

    I am able to watch myself and brand continue to grow and like you stated, you have no obligations, start as a free member and see if it is for you. The community at WA is unbelievable and is like another family. I want to say thanks again for this article and I highly recommend it.


  25. There is always something to learn about affiliate marketing. I have been bogging for a long time and am always learning something new. Great post on this subject. Very helpful!

  26. This is a complete guide for Affiliate marketing, a guide that i really needed. Thank you so much for the information, it is great, love it.

  27. Awesome post that will open a lot of people’s eyes that this affiliate marketing do work if you put passion and dedication to it. You have helped many friends in the past and it is great to trust someone that made it happen in the first place. I should use the Crushing10X a little bit more. 🙂 

  28. Awesome post that will open a lot of people’s eyes that this affiliate marketing do work if you put passion and dedication to it. You have helped many friends in the past and it is great to trust someone that made it happen in the first place. I should use the Crushing10X a little bit more. 🙂 

  29. Hi Tony,

    I am new to the blogging world!   Your site gave me so much more information about the streams of income that can be created with what I am working with.  Since I am new, I have been trying to stay focused on what is directly in front of me and so I haven’t ventured off into the Real Online World Of Income Strategy’s.  

    I can see that you have a lot to offer in this business and I am so grateful to have found your site.  I will be following you closely. 

    Thank you again for sharing so much of your knowledge!


  30. Hahah, this is very fun and interesting to read.

    I love it! Very motivating and this will help people get acquainted with affiliate marketing before they start. People should know and start to realize that affiliate marketing is like the next best thing online.

    Earning a full time passive income is not impossible. In fact thousand of people are earning a full time right now as we speak. Awesome article.

  31. Hello. Affiliate marketing is the easiest to start and also you can work on your own pace. The sales might not come along, it might take from 3 months to a year (and according to the time you work) . But once they come they might snowball or become regular.

    Once people know you and you offer them something useful, they will come to you to find it. Of course you must like what you are writing about and  researching about new ways to increase your income. What’s the point if it’s no fun.

    Wealthy Affiliate is a good place to be. People are very active and willing to help you. 

  32. Hello,
        Thank you for this very informative post.
    As I was reading it, I couldn’t believe I missed a key part in my social media endeavors….Hashtags!  For so long I’ve been posting my notifications and linking back to my recent articles, yet never thought of using a hashtag.  Talk about egg on my face.
    I do tend to rely on a single source and really do need to reach out better to my readers.  Thanks for the reminder!
    I’m actually already a Wealthy Affiliate member and I just want to let you know that I agree with everything you have to say about the platform.  It’s top-notch for sure.
    Thank you again for this post.  It gives me a lot to reflect on and even slaps me across the face with the obvious things that I still missed, LOL.

  33. Great post on affiliate marketing! I like how you introduced affiliate marketing and then tied in your subject matter, Tony Lee Hamilton, you! Writing in the third person is an effective way to get your point across. Your list in regard to helping others is commendable. You really did well spelling out the services that you offer and on that note, thank you for your service! This post sends a very positive message. Wealthy Affiliate is such a great community and you explained it very well. I am interested to see more of your posts. Great work, thank you!

  34. Affiliate marketing is a growing industry indeed, especially in the US, Canada and the UK region. Elsewhere, especially in non-English speaking country, it’s still challenging to run an affiliate business successfully. I guess it’s probably due to the lack of training, lack of language-specific keyword tools and lack of brand marketing in that specific region. Most people in these regions don’t seem to do that much of online reviews and are quite comfortable shopping directly from their local eCommerce sites. 

    It would be interesting to see how this trend will change in the next few years. 

  35. As a fellow veteran I can completely relate to you wanting to help people. You were able to find a way to help yourself first, which allowed you to help others in the process.

    I am interested in gaining a passive income so I too can be a stay at home dad. Working from home and being around my family would bring me the greatest joy. Bringing to light the idea of affiliate marketing as sparked my interest.

    You have a very detailed plan on how I can accomplish my life goals through wealthy affiliate. Sounds like the next best thing is for me to sign up. Thank you for your continued service.

  36. Affiliate marketing as you say is a booming business, but it’s important for people to recognize that it’s not easy and takes a lot of work.

    Something I struggle with in affiliate marketing is taking consistent action… I’d say a majority of this is because I’m a perfectionist I spend to much time trying to perfect each article. Do you have any tips on how to cure this?

    Another thing that I’m learning is that if something doesn’t work, try it with a different angle, and never give up…. But I do have one question for you.

    How long did it take you to be successful and what was your first affiliate marketing venture?

  37. I totally agreed with the introduction. Affiliate marketing has really gained popularity in the online marketplace and social media. It is a means for online business or stores or organizations  that are not well known to known to people and draw appropriate customers to these businesses, stores, companies and organizations.

    It also helped these companies and more to boost their business and income. I will say, it serves as an advertising center for businesses or products they promote. Your story is like the story that says it’s never too late to start something new. Age is not a factor. And wealthy Affiliate has provided that system for many out there that they too can start to do what they love online 

    Building a website for your business is a tool for you to reach people that you can’t reach in this world but your service through website can reach them. Also, getting traffic is paramount for a successful online business, which is great because you are doing that for people. 

    Thank you for these helpful points you have listed under DMV. They are crucial for one as an affiliate marketer. I love reading this article so much, it’s an eye opener. Thanks again 

  38. Hello Tony :),

    This is really an in depth post and i love the fact that as a affiliate veteran you have created not just a post on how to start from scratch as a newbie but also the tools required to be successful if you take action. thanks for a great resource and for the encouragement. Great post

  39. Hashtags, yes, I’ve learned that they are very important, and seo keywords. I wish I knew it years ago, but at least I’m learning now. And focusing on being a wealthy super affiliate is awesome, and to write about your hobbies, or what you constantly think about is also a good idea. How many good quality posts in a month do you think is enough to succeed? I know it’ll still take a while, but I’m willing to show up everyday and do the work, and good work. Do you think maybe 13 or 14 good quality posts a month enough, too many, or not enough?

  40. Hi Tony, I love your post, in some ways I identify myself with you just because I have embraced a totally different career way passed my 20 s and 30s…much later I should say. I become a member myself of Wealthy Affiliate and if it wasn’t for them I would not be where I am today. Still learning but with so much knowledge that previously I did not have.
    I still struggle with social media I have never liked it but I know it is crucial for an online business and slowly I am getting there. I guess just reading your post one should feel motivated enough to continue in the right direction the marketing world!

  41. Congratulations on an effective and timely post on affiliate marketing. Many people have doubts about their ability to nurture an affiliate website with the goal of earning income from it. You make is all sound very possible and spell it out in no uncertain terms. As a WA newbie, I can’t help but be excited about the possibilities. Being a writer and published author myself, I find it very easy to write posts on almost a daily basis. I almost have to hold myself back from writing too many, too soon, if you can imagine. In the first ten days, I wrote 12 posts and seven of them have already been indexed by Google, so I’m on my way. I have to give a shout out to Gary V. the author of Crushing It, as I have his book. He was way ahead of his time. I especially liked how he would take youtube videos on the fly and post them just as they are, from wherever he happened to be.

    Thanks for writing this and inspiring me to keep on keeping on. An excellent post!

  42. This is a fantastic outline for anyone new to affiliate marketing. The power of hashtags have jumped out at me, which I haven’t mastered yet, unlike my new knack for finding and utilizing low-hanging-fruit keywords thanks to the Wealthy Affiliate (WA) platform. I will endorse WA to anyone since I’ve personally used the platform and have learned more in just a few short months than I had in years of searching for information on how to make money online from home. It has become the ultimate timesaver. 

  43. After reading your post now I want to crush it 10x. I am still a newbie at affiliate marketing. Even this is my 10th month in, I really haven’t invested my time in studying all the basics. Thanks to your post I am now more informed.

    My worst enemy is myself. You name it, procrastination, day time job, depression but they are all just excuses. I will try it harder and push myself out of the comfort zone.

    Great job on your instagram followers, I wish I have as many followers as you on Instagram. I am currently working on the engagement with my followers.

    I have to say that Wealthy Affiliate has been keeping me up to date with the latest technique on affiliate marketing. I really enjoy that live training with Jay. Also, the people in the community are so well informed and so nice. They eventually spare their time help me out with my questions.

    Thanks again for writing such an informative post and share your story.

  44. I enjoyed reading this article and one of the main things I took from it, is it doesn’t matter what stage of life you are at, if you are interested in affiliate marketing you can start a business. This is a great summery of the services available to help people starting out, or refine their skills further along the business timeline. I’m also a member of Wealthy Affiliate and have built 2 website-based businesses through this platform. Even though I have a marketing degree, I’ve learnt so much through this platform. One of the main challenges with online marketing is keeping up with new developments, and I find the community so helpful with this – it’s a wonderful opportunity to share and draw knowledge from community members from all over the world.

  45. Hi Tony!
    Firstly, congrats on your efforts. next, I liked the article a lot. Although you didn’t write, it explains well many important factors and shows the way of making online business anyone can follow, which is affiliate marketing.

    It is a great way to start, grow and maintain a successful online business. Your post will help any reader to understand better and to find one of the best affiliate programs online to start with. 

    I can only highly recommend Wealthy Affiliate as well. I am a premium member and enjoy it every day.

    Thanks for sharing your experience and showing the “goldmine” of the affiliate marketing business, the best online marketing community, and platform. 

    I wish you much more success.

    Best regards,

  46. Hi Tony,

    Great article and l like the phrase ”Crushing It 10x”. 

    The proliferation of the internet has simplified the process of building a business so much so that many people believe their chances of success in affiliate marketing are diminishing, but the stats have otherwise, shown exponential growth in online spending.

    The affiliate marketing business dream is far from over and one thing l have learned from running an online business over the years it’s that persistence trumps a new business idea every single time.

    We are moving into digital marketing and to be sustainably successful you need to adapt and change with the trends.

    Starting an online business today is much different from it has ever been. We need the right mindset, knowledge, tools and a community to support each other and a good mentor. l was taught by Wealthy Affiliate and now running my own online business (affiliate marketing). I do not hesitate to recommend WA to anyone who wants to start an affiliate marketing business.

    Thank you.

  47. I’ve been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for one and a half years, and one of the things that I like about it is how many of the members have been members for years. It looks like Tony has been there for a decade, and I know of a couple of other members who have also been there for at least that long. If a program isn’t genuine, it normally goes out of business fairly soon.

  48. Hi Tony,

    An amazing post on affiliate marketing!

    I have recently been invited to an MLM by a friend. (How else would one know about these things.) But I am not social goer, so I was recommended to do research on affiliate marketing instead. 

    Thank goodness I came across your post; a lot of my fears have been put out. Wealthy Affiliate seems to be a nice place to get support for a passive income. I am keen to be part of a community that I’m comfortable enough to develop a great brand.

    I’ll be sure to apply the Tony Lee Hamilton 10X for myself. Thanks for the great advice!

  49. Hey Tony,

    Thanks for providing this information in to your background, I’ve been involved in internet/ affiliate marketing part time now for a couple of years. I make a reasonable amount of money from it; but have never managed to earn enough to quit my day job. I see you recommend Wealthy Affiliate, I’ve heard a lot of good things about this system, I think I’ll sign up for a free account and see what it’s all about.

  50. You are absolutely right about the use of hashtags in attracting visitors to a profile on Instagram. I have been making use of Instagram for several weeks and one thing I have learned is that the use of the right hashtag can put your business in the eyes of a lot of people in an instant and this is really powerful and if I dey say, it is faster than the use of keywords in ranking a website.

    Although I do not have a lot of experience in affiliate marketing but I can say that I really love this line of business and I know I would benefit a lot if I stick to this website and your 10X crushing it website. 

  51. This was such a great read. I’m a big fan of using hashtags. I didn’t start using hashtags until much later on, from the time when they were introduced, and I’m still impressed with how they can encourage engagement, interaction etc. . .

    Do you have any method on finding out what could potentially be the next big hashtag or finding hashtags that have a high chance of going viral (becoming highly searched)?

  52. Great article you have here. I enjoyed reading every bit of it because it was so captivating and informative that I couldn’t leave till the end. You  totally crushed every part of it.

    I gained some new insight about hashtag and I fully agree with you on wealthy affiliate being a world of opportunity. I’ve been a member for 6 months now and the experience has been awesome so far.

    I would love your help with monetizing my site since am still new to affiliate marketing and need all the help I can get.

    Thanks once again for shearing!

  53. Online and affiliate marketing is really very exciting these days. Many different companies and platforms out there to use but it all boils down to the simple steps laid out in your post. I am a newbie but I found great information in your post. The content you have created will be able to help anyone wanting the right information on starting an affiliate marketing business.  Thank You.

  54. Thank you for this information, I for one know how valuable it is! I recently started with Wealthy Affiliate and I have been very impressed with their platform. Their website hosting and creation tools are just the beginning and the training is top notch, especially if you’re a beginner like me. I’ve found the community is the biggest asset, even with all WA has to offer. Everyone is so helpful and comes with knowledge in their own area of expertise. I hope others find you message inspiring and move on to their future too!

  55. After reading the full article, I find it to be somewhat impressive. A well-written autobiography of the author of the blog and then a description of what you are offering. One suggestion that I would offer. When you come to the description and promotion of Wealthy Affiliate, there should be more Call to Action words in it. 

    When I started WA in Sept 2018, I knew nothing about writing or affiliate marketing. Since that time I have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge and am learning really how easy and fun it is. 


  56. I have been looking into various forms of affiliate marketing over the last few months, as I own a blog and I’m not yet earning any sort of income off it. 

    This Wealthy Affiliate community seems like a great place for a beginner blogger like myself to learn the ropes of marketing online, but I am a little worried about the workload and the level of education. Would you say that affiliate marketing is a hard subject to learn, or will it suit most as a educational subject?

  57. Hey Tony

    Wow!! I like this post!

    Wealthy affiliate is a great place to be. What I love the most is the endless possibilities you discover with the trainings. It is the place to be for anyone who would like to become an accomplish affiliate marketer. With the possibility to host a maximum of 25 websites free of charge. 

    And I agree with you this is a great fit for veterans, you guys learn discipline. So when a veteran commit to wealthy affiliate, your hard discipline can take you to success. And with hard work and discipline you will achieve success.

    So please join wealthy affiliate and you will never regret it!


  58. I have always wondered about affiliate marketing. People talk about it as if its the only true way to make money online. I know that can’t be true but perhaps it could be the best way forward… that is why I find this article interesting. For me, the whole social media aspect of online marketing is a minefield, and I think if someone can find a ‘guru’, a trusted one, then they can just follow what they do. But I think pretty much everyone needs a helping hand!  I feel like you know what you are talking about so am going to take some time to peruse your website and see what I can learn… 

  59. Great article! I am working on making money through affiliate marketing myself, it seems like a great way to do so! This is if you put in the work and can get up and running. I would defintley class myself as a beginner affiliate marketer. I liked the information on keywords in this article, as they are so important for your website ranking, however, they can drive a lot of traffic to your Instagram and other social media posts. I notice when I have many popular and relevant keywords in my Instagram posts, they do much better!


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