The most Awesome Internet Community!

234,954 Connections at WA,

Are You and I connected there?

Published on 12/17/2016
For additional information  Click Here

I joined Wealthy Affiliate on 18 June 2015 so tomorrow it will be exactly 18 months or 1 1/2 years that I have been a member there.

I was actually surfing my Favorite traffic exchange when I found WA, or maybe WA found me!


I have been earning an income online since 2009 so I wasn't new to internet marketing but I had not realized then how much that I didn't know and what amazing things that I would learn.

I have always been the type of person who believed that we should learn new things daily but I can sincerely say that in the 1 1/2 years that I have been with WA that I have learned more than the past 6 years combined!

Being connected with almost 240,000 other Friends who also are looking to earn an income online has been a tremendous learning experience.

I highly recommend to anyone who either hasn't yet joined Wa or has joined and not truly gotten involved, get involved and find out for yourself that what I say is true!

View my profile at WA here and see for yourself the potential that the platform has to enhance any business and provide not only newbies but also Veterans and everywhere in between skill levels with a great learning environment.

Tony Lee Hamilton Wealthy Affiliate

Take the Free 7 day tour (No credit card or Paypal information needed) and get involved as I offer a money back guarantee if after the Free 7 day trial that you decide not to become a Premium member there.

Thank you, Friends, for taking the time to view and comment here on this Press Release.

Friends who are already with WA feel free to also give your testimonial in the comment section below.

Talk with you soon Friends,

Tony Lee Hamilton

Internet Affiliate Marketing Veteran

Tony Lee Hamilton Internet Affiliate Marketing Veteran

2 thoughts on “The most Awesome Internet Community!”

  1. Hey Tony,
    I used to be a member of WA 2016/17…used to follow and read all your posts. It’s been a while since I deactivated my membership at WA,.. have learned a great deal out there but didn’t give it enough time to make it work 🙂 I do earn online from revshare which doesn’t require much time online and I like to keep it that way for a while but would love to have something similar…do you have any recommendation?
    Thank you for your support.
    Best regards, Sara

    • Hey Sara,

      great hearing from You again my Friend.

      Take a look at these 2 sites:


      as they are my top 2 recommendations Sara.

      Talk with You soon my Friend,



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