Blogging for beginners, learn how to make money writing a blog.

Having digital marketing skills is not only critical to those working in the sector but to entrepreneurs as well. Even if you are past your early startup days and you have got a marketing group, the most successful leaders have a working knowledge of every aspect of the networking business and can also provide knowledgeable management of digital marketing operations. Blogging for beginners, learn how to make money writing a blog with affiliate marketing classes 100% online.

One of the best methods you can use to train in digital marketing is through an online digital marketing course. A good training course will assist you in building the skills you need to become successful in internet marketing pretty fast and also boost your career. In this post, we are going to review Wealthy affiliate, one of the best digital marketing training courses you will find online. We are going to take an in-depth look at what the course provides, how you can earn from it, and whether it’s worth your investment.

What is Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate refers to an online platform that allows individuals to learn affiliate marketing by providing all the resources you need to launch a profitable online venture in any niche. Wealthy affiliate isn’t just a platform or a community, but both combined. It serves as a single bundle that contains all the resources you need to launch an online business from scratch, whether you are a beginner, an entrepreneur, or an advanced marketer.

In addition to the affiliate marketing coaching and training, it also offers domain registration, keyword research tool, website security, hosting, and support. When you sign up for the Wealthy Affiliate platform, you will receive the necessary support and training to help you succeed online.

Wealthy Affiliate’s founders Kyle Loudon & Carson Lim

Wealthy Affiliate was founded in 2005 by Carson Lim and Kyle Loudon, two popular Canadian entrepreneurs. The duo established the platform with the main aim of assisting individuals in launching their online businesses. Carson and Kyle have developed the Wealthy Affiliate program into a big community of approximately 1.5 million entrepreneurs and marketers, and it’s growing each day. Kyle Loudon is responsible for the training while Carson Lim works with the technical team. The two co-founders are incredibly active in the community and are always ready to provide you with assistance if you get stuck anywhere.

How Does Wealthy Affiliate Training Work?

Every person is given the liberty to pick between two wealthy affiliate training depending on one’s interest or passion. The two include the Affiliate Bootcamp and Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC). A description of each is given below.

1. Wealthy Affiliate OEC

It is a training that is meant to help the trainee take a niche or their interest, passion, or expertise, and then build their website based on the selected niche. It is composed of 50 lessons. These many lessons are delivered in five stages. Every one of these lessons is aimed at helping the learner get through the entire process of developing a profitable digital business in any niche.

Stage One: Getting Started

The basics learned here include navigating the community, completing an account setting, and view the much one would get after an upgrade to the premium account. One learns to:

Create personal money goals

Choose a niche

Build a personal website

Make the website SEO-friendly

Develop enchanting website content

Setting up the website menus

Explore “low hanging fruit” keywords

List Elements

This initial stage is engaging and straightforward, which allows one to get a personal business website running within a short time. It also involves nine tutorial videos running for a total of 2 hours & 51 minutes.

Stage Two: Getting Traffic

It is during this stage that one learns to get enough guests to view the content on the site. During this lesson, you should learn how to:

Select and buy a domain name that is easy to brand.

Transfer the website to a newly acquired domain name

Understand more on pursuing SEO keywords

Select appropriate images to enhance your site content.

Post the site within the WA community for constructive criticism and comments

Set up personal domain-specific email accounts

Enhance your productivity through the production of more blogs.

Learn about selling the Wealthy Affiliate program and make a blog post.

This stage is more of building on the previous lesson with more repetition of the same points and focusing on additional details. It also involves nine tutorial videos running for a total of 2 hours & 27 minutes.

Stage Three: Generating Some Income

After you’ve managed to get enough traffic to the website, it is an opportune time to turn it into income. There are several ways through which that can be achieved, as described below.

Study the “customer purchase life cycle.”

Learn about promoting Amazon products

Locate affiliate discounts and choose the suitable ones

Insert affiliate networks to your site pages

Make use of the power within product reviews.

Display payable Google Ads

Use Google Analytics

This stage is more of the technical and vital aspect of the entire course, for it entails hitting the dollar signs on the personal website. It also involves five tutorial videos running for a total of 1hr 22mins.

Stage Four: Leverage Social Media

It is on this phase of the course where you learn on alternative ways of maximizing your site traffic to ensure more viewers get to see the Google Ads and affiliate offers. This training entails the following:

Use of Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook to send out personal blog posts

Management of blog comments

Using Facebook cleverly to initiate discussions

Get the trending Twitter topic to attach within your posts

Using Google Plus as the tool to share blog posts

Learning the use of the Wealthy Affiliate social community

Discovering the appropriate social media platforms to use and the right time to use it

This phase is quite significant, for it majors on other ways of creating traffic besides the Google keyword search option. It is somewhat a shorter lesson with a total of five tutorial videos, going for 5omins 21secs.

Stage Five: Enhancement of Content Writing

It is highly essential to have compelling content development and writing skills for this business type. Product reviews, as well as engaging information, are some of the ways to attract a loyal fan base that purchases your products. It is in this phase that you should learn how to:

Efficiently write content

Convert the site traffic into more purchases

Ensuring that viewers read and connect with the site content

Strategies for long-term success

Scaling-up the business

Analysis of sample successful site conversions

Ensuring the created content is visually attractive

Use of webmaster tools for site tracking

Creating an annual plan for personal site content creation

Getting ranked and indexed in Yahoo and Bing

Looking into ways of outsourcing your content

Though this stage appears more of repetition, it contains some essential pieces of training. It is also accompanied by nine videos, which totals to 2 hours 7 11 minutes.

2. Affiliate Bootcamp Training

The Affiliate Bootcamp Training is an excellent experience. It is specifically meant to suit internet marketing niche learners better. It is made up of seventy lessons. These lessons are then subdivided into seven stages. Each stage is made up of ten lessons that are supposed to help the trainee in the process of creating a profitable site within the internet marketing niche. It offers a great way of exploring this niche.

At Wealthy Affiliate, every learner usually becomes a part of the digital community where you learn about affiliate marketing. Also, people interact and share knowledge amongst themselves. One is always encouraged to pose a question when in need of help, and the social community is glad to help with the answers.

It is a community that has transformed many lives, changed their mindset regarding making some good income online. It is also a place where people get the much confidence they need to launch their online businesses from scratch.

The Process Of Selling Wealthy Affiliate

There are seven stages of this feature of Wealthy Affiliate. Strangely, most of the same lessons are reiterated. However, these lessons have tweaks for the learner to understand ways to push Wealthy Affiliate’s community with your affiliate offers. This lesson is meant to teach you ways to:

Stage One: Build a Personal Site

This phase is a close resemblance to the initial “Getting Started” part. It has eight videos, totaling to 2 hours & 33 minutes.

Stage Two: Getting The Keywords and Content In Order

This stage is more like the second level of the pieces of training but gets into more in-depth and focuses on marking the Wealthy Affiliate training in specific. It includes six videos, which add up to 1 hour & 22 minutes tutorial time.

Stage Three: Using Social Media Platforms

It is almost exact to the training undertaken within the third phase, though with some specific tweaks. It entails six videos that add up to 54  minutes & 14 seconds.

Stage Four: Go Visual

It is at this phase where the significance of viewers is emphasized. The training majors on ways to improve the site reviews precisely on the Wealthy Affiliate platform. Charts and graphs are also the primary features of this stage. The most beautiful thing about this stage is that it covers the process of making simple text-based graphics for personal websites.

Stage Five: Acquiring More Referrals

This stage repeatedly features a discussion on content creation, but factors on the key areas to focus when writing. The tutor suggests of using content frameworks to abridge the entire article writing process. Writing should be based on the idea of enhancing viewers’ engagement and remarks. More so, the people commenting also need to be converted to sales.

The tutor mentions on use of YouTube platform to add on personal site traffic. Also, there are specific ways discussed on how to undertake keyword research for this option. The tutorial features the creation and uploading of videos to YouTube for quick indexing and displays on Google for the viewers to click and engage with.

Stage Six: Google, Yahoo, Bing, And PPC.

This is among the best lessons in this course. The lesson teaches a person on using PPC in Bing and/or Google Ads and quick indexing on Google, Yahoo and Bing. It is more of creating a closer identity for the more natural tracing of the content by the public. This stage features a discussion on Bing's Webmaster Tools as well as the Google Search Console & is regarded as the force behind Google, Yahoo & Bing accessing and showing the posted content and posing it for the public to view.

Stage Seven: Boosting PPC Campaigns

Just as the name suggests, this section features an in-depth study of using PPC for effective campaigns and converting the keywords into sales. The tutor hints on using target keywords to ensure that you beat with SEO. It is more like harnessing the power of SEO to charge up and avail more engaging content, as well as rank levels higher.

How much do you need to join Wealthy Affiliate?

The Wealthy Affiliate program has only two membership levels. It provides you with a starter membership level, which is entirely free and a premium membership, which goes for $49 every month or $359 every year if you pick an annual plan. Let us look at both memberships in great detail.

Free Starter Membership

If you pick the free starter membership, you will not have to register for a free account with a one-day or 14-day trial period and later pay for it. Nobody will ask you to pay anything, and you do not also need a credit card to sign up for the wealthy affiliate platform as a starter member. Therefore, this membership is a great opportunity for you to learn how the wealthy affiliate platform works without spending a penny.

You will get access to the initial phase of both of the Affiliate Bootcamp and Online Entrepreneur Certification training through the free starter membership. These free lessons will help you understand the fundamentals of making money over the internet through affiliate marketing. You can utilize the free membership to ascertain whether the Wealthy Affiliate program is the best option for You and whether you are willing to do all the work that’s needed. It is generally an opportunity to get a feel of almost everything inside the Wealthy Affiliate community and determine whether you are ready to build a lucrative online business.

Premium Membership

If you are serious about making some good money online, you will eventually upgrade to the Wealthy Affiliate’s premium membership. As we mentioned earlier, it begins at $49 every month, and it’s incredibly less if you go for the annual package. If you decide to upgrade to the WA premium membership within your first seven days after registering for the free starter membership, you will only have to pay $19 in your first month and $49 in the following months.

If you follow the Wealthy Affiliate training thoroughly and keep taking all the necessary actions along the way, then your online business can start paying you a lot more within several months. This training is put down in an easy to follow manner, making it easy to understand even by beginners. Apart from the coaching and training, the paid membership provides you with access to all the necessary tools that you will ever require when launching and managing your online business.

How The Affiliate Program Works

The entire business of wealthy affiliate is based on assisting other people to become affiliates, which is quite natural to have their affiliate program. That is the reason both Carson and Kyle understand the many expectations of the affiliates. The Affiliate Program of the Wealthy Affiliate is one of the most profitable affiliate programs in the network marketing sector, which is delivered via the most advanced technologies behind the scenes. You’ll get all the training and knowledge to promote it immediately you join the affiliate program offered by Wealthy Affiliate.

As we saw earlier in the previous section, there is a complete training course known as Affiliate Bootcamp training containing 70 lessons divided into the seven phases just for assisting you in understanding how to market this program. You will not only be getting the coaching and training to market this affiliate program but all the resources that you will require, including web hosting, keyword research tool, marketing links, banners, creatives, etc.

On average, you have the potential to make $121 in commissions by marketing the affiliate program of the wealthy affiliate to other people. The commissions that you will make will be recurring, which means you will keep earning these commissions for all your referrals for the duration they remain affiliated with the wealthy affiliate platform.

Is Wealthy Affiliate Program Worth It?

This question is quite common and is often asked by the individuals who are considering signing up for the wealthy affiliate program but are not convinced about its authenticity. In my opinion, the Wealthy Affiliate program is worth giving a try. The people who have signed up to the platform and tried the WA training are undeniably going to like it, and those who are not will look at it more critically. However, you will have to work quite hard during the training and even after the training to realize the actual results and also launch a profitable and successful online business.

But if you decide to commit yourself to the Wealthy Affiliate program, then there’s no reason it will not work for you. The platform has helped many individuals transform themselves into incredibly successful online entrepreneurs. It is not only loaded with comprehensive affiliate marketing coaching and training, but it will also provide you with all the services, tools, and support from different industry experts. The Wealthy Affiliate platform is specially designed to work pretty well for beginners who’ve got no skills and experience in networking marketing to be quite successful in this sector.

Before trying this business opportunity out, I am sure you would like to know whether the Wealthy Affiliate is a legit business opportunity or a scam. Nowadays, it’s pretty easy to find yourself in a scam if you are not keen on spending your money on the appropriate products. In my opinion, the affiliate program offered by Wealthy Affiliate appears to be a legit opportunity to help you launch your online investment from scratch and not a scam.

Affiliate Marketing for newbies

Click on image above to learn more!


Wealthy Affiliate has been in operation since 2005, which means they have been around for quite some time. However, they’ve never increased their prices, even though they add some new features every year. Wealthy Affiliate platform has never been as advanced or helpful as it is nowadays, and the “assist and be assisted” community is bigger and more vibrant.

It appears that the best income opportunity in Wealthy Affiliate is to market the affiliate program offered by Wealthy Affiliate, which has a model that is incredibly beneficial for Wealthy Affiliate creators. The platform teaches affiliate marketing. Therefore, it only makes sense for it to also have in place an affiliate program for both paid and free members to sign up so they can earn some money by referring other people to their training program.

The best thing about the affiliate program of WA is that they have got a feature for the recurring commissions, which means you can earn some cash as long as the people you refer to the program remain paying members. Besides, you can also get 3-digit commissions, which can considerably boost your income.

Furthermore, there’s an incredible free trip incentive that you get to enjoy if you get at least 300 sales in one year. Finally, once you become a Wealthy Super Affiliate by getting 300 sales in a year, a lot of opportunities will open to you, and you’ll get to work pretty closely with the founders to build your own business. Therefore, if you have been putting off signing up for the Wealthy Affiliate platform, then now is the right time to join this vibrant community.

91 thoughts on “Blogging for beginners, learn how to make money writing a blog.”

  1. I really like the way you broke down the process of blogging for profit. Your steps are quite accurate and you’ve outlined them in a very easy to understand format.

    WA is indeed a very solid program that almost anyone can navigate and learn to use. And it works, if the user applies the steps and does the work.

    So many programs for online earning are not worth the time to learn and some are complete scams. WA is one that I can heartily recommend!

  2. A very valuable review. I think you have covered almost everything that there is to say about Wealthy Affiliate in the easiest manner. I really do think that Wealthy Affiliate is a great place for online business people who have no idea where to start. It is a platform for beginners, intermediates as well as advanced marketers.

  3. Blogging is one of the most lucrative online business you can be a part of  and that is because it has the  tendencies of making you as much as possible if you’re dedicated to the business and you are very consistent with it. It is good that this article is very detailed, it’ll serves as guidelines.

  4. This seems like a good post to me about how blogging is really cool and how beginners can do really well while they are involved in blogging. I also have to add that it’s sweetgtye way you’re able to swaggerly give us some nice ways by which bloggers can make their money with ease. Definitely, making money into my account will be easier with this.

  5. Of a truth, writing or creating an article has been the hardest thing so far for me. When I started as newbie to affiliate marketing, I’ll stare at my screen for some time not knowing what to write despite having knowledge of that subject. Sometimes in frustration, I’ll just close my laptop screen. But not until I became a member of Wealthy Affiliate. Right now, I can proudly say that I can write a 500 word article non-stop when I’m seated typing. Wealthy Affiliate is just a great platform especially for beginners.

  6. Hi Tony,

    I like writing and I have some helpful information I want to get out to people. I joined Wealthy Affiliate and I learned very quickly how to get started building a website and getting my information out. I am actually really amazed because I had absolutely NO prior experience at all. 

    I wanted to see what your article said about Wealthy Affiliate and everything you said is completely accurate. For anyone reading this… you have nothing to lose, just try it and see. 

  7. Excellent platform from where you can learn everything about blogging and how to build a business from it. Your article about Wealthy Affiliate is very well explained and detailed, transparent. And the community here at Wealthy Affiliate are very helpful. Through blogging you can create trust as you market yourself too and this leads to more income.

  8. I started completely without any knowledge and previous experience with affiliate marketing, and I made a lot of progress in a month with the help of everything that Wealthy Affiliate has to offer. Of course, it depends on each individual how much time he is willing to invest in the process of creating a blog and online business, but the opportunities, support, and community of people here is unique and I warmly recommend to join everyone who is considering how to make money writing a blog.


  9. Fair one thing, the primary two passages have immersed “Digital Marketing” which (if you check the proper places) can corrupt your Google rankings (catchphrase substance investigation). Fair take a fast see and possibly drop two of them, I see three are repetitive. Perhaps alter the moment one (within the final portion of the moment sentence within the to begin with passage) to “online showcasing operations”, and drop the moment one within the to begin with sentence of the moment section, “online course” will work fine as DM is said prior. I started doing more research until I decided to try it out – even though I had no idea what affiliate marketing was, much less how to create a website.

  10. Your article ‘Blogging for beginners, learn how to make money writing a blog’ has been really insightful and I really enjoyed reading it. Wealthy affiliate is all you have said it is and more. I like that you gave à detailed history of wealthy affiliate and also explained all that there is to it. I think it’s a really great platform for earning through affiliate marketing. 

  11. As a beginner to blogging this is a really helpful resource I have found. An online digital marketing course is exactly what I think I need. The idea of building my skills as I go, is really appealing as it will give me the confidence in a step by step and consistent approach. Wealthy Affiliate sounds like a credible and effective way to learn.  How many years have you used their services?

  12. Powerful and insightful article. I was unaware of how much is actual involved in blogging. There seems like there is a whole host of things to learn about blogging that are important. 

    I have heard of Wealthy Affiliate before. It seems like a great deal. How make this platform better than the other platforms? 

    Best regards,


  13. Blogging is actually worthy and enjoyable if you are lucky to have the right oeole around you and you get the right guidance to get to the very top too. I like this and would really appreciate all you have shared too. Honestly, this is very too to be here. On the overall, this is very great too. I like your overview here too. Thumbs up to you too for sharing here

  14. Well I am one of the users in Wealthy Affiliate and I am still working on writing blogs, getting Google indexed and trying to write more product reviews on this platform. Actually, building a great website is a long journey. It takes months or even years for me to develop my online passive income system. Therefore, I am going to utilize most of my leisure time to write blogs and it is hoped that I will be able to develop a great passive income system in the future 

  15. Hi Tony, this is clearly the type of article that I would live to see Harry one and I am happy and with use freedom. As ever a very interesting article that does demonstrate that by writing quality articles, it is possible to make money from them.  Thanks for sharing your opinion

  16. I like how you offered a detailed explanation of the Wealthy Affiliate, which is a nice platform for blogging education, or how to earn money online. Quite a long read but a very helpful one, especially for a newbie like me who is currently navigating the online world, with an entrepreneurial mindset. Thank you for the ‘summary’, it feels like I’m having a refresher course, plus a birds-eye view of what’s to come (Bootcamp). Thanks and cheers!

  17. Yes, for me please.

    Wealthy Affiliate is a great way of increasing your income from home especially at a time where there is such uncertainty out in the labor market. 

    The community in WA is so helpful and there is such expertise to help you earn money and to promote your business. I enjoy reading others stories and I have learnt so much. Almost every topic is covered with so much training in here.

    I have not looked back and I am working hard as my understanding increases. So much training, bootcamps, individual teaches and classes on so many topics. Other people helping with the training gives such a great amount of help.

    I would highly recommend.

    Thank you


  18. Blogging is actually the source of having your say in the I ternet say and having your personal space where it is all about your opinions and what you feel is right. I really appreciate you for all you have shared here. It is simply immense and thank you so much for sharing it all here

  19. I spend a lot of time telling friends about a new way of making money that I’ve discovered. many of them really like to write and read a lot, their interests are great and I think they have the potential to choose a topic they could write about and so they can cash in on their knowledge. We are all beginners in something at some point but over time it becomes much easier and writing goes by itself. Thanks for the information that means a lot. Wealthy affiliate is a platform no 1.

  20. Blogging is one of the most lucrative online business anyone can invest into because it is  a very trusted and legit way of income. It demands you to be dedicated and very focused  and it is always good to let people know it isn’t a get rich quick business, it takes time to pay.

  21. Hi Tony

    As ever a very interesting article that does demonstrate that by writing quality articles, it is possible to make money from them. I really like how you can do this with the help of Wealthy Affiliate as they provide to you the right training and also give to you the right tools in order to succeed. If you work hard and try hard then you will succeed. You help as ever is very much appreciated.



  22. Thanks for the article Tonny, I totally agree with you on the fact that wealthy affiliate  offers domain registration, keyword research tool, website security, hosting, and support. Furthermore it is encouraging to know that  this program  provides weekly webnars on different topics  that can help members to improve on their online business. All the above mentioned points are why Wealthy Affiliate is so outstanding compared to other affiliates platforms. 

  23. Hello there!
    That’s a very wonderful article you have there. I can as well say its a very helpful one. I’ve had a couple of friends who always wished to start blogging but they had to drop the idea because they lacked knowledge of the basic things they need to know to start blogging as a beginner. I will do well to refer them to this article cos I’m certain it will help them a great deal.

  24. Above all else, I compliment you on an elegantly composed and exact substance, you will make Kyle and Carsen glad!! nothing amiss with atta boys. I haven’t seen an intensive breakdown like yours anyplace else, and it approves your decision well.

    Only a certain something, the initial two passages have soaked “Computerized Marketing” which (on the off chance that you check the correct spots) can corrupt your Google rankings (catchphrase content investigation). Simply investigate and possibly drop two of them, I see three are excess. Possibly change the subsequent one (in the last piece of the second sentence in the main passage) to “web based showcasing tasks”, and drop the second one in the primary sentence of the subsequent section, “online course” will work fine as DM is referenced before.

    Keep doing awesome. I anticipate more from you with expectation. Besides, extraordinary Niche choice.

  25. Hi Tony,
    Thank you very much for such a wonderful article. I have to agree with you, WA is a great place to work and the resources are beyond what you could ever ask or imagine. The courses are simple, easy to follow and the community response is incomparable.

    One of the best things i love about the founders and our leading experts is our access to them.
    Candy Benn

  26. Learning digital skills and copywriting is a must to survive now days. With the onset of covid pandemic it is even more important than ever. Wealthy affiliate is one of the best courses out there to learn affiliate marketing. I have been a happy member with 3 websites for 2 years now.

  27. Awesome work Tony, you have made a great explanation of Wealthy Affiliate Platform. Everything is really well stated and very easy to understand. I really love this platform too. Beginning from the helpful training to super friendly community. . Thank you very much for highlighting it clearly and showing every details. That is really helpful to anyone looking to start their own online business buddy. keep up with the great work you always do.



  28. Thanks for this great review about Wealthy Affiliate and how to create a blog for beginners.

    I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate and I can say that their training really is top notch. I knew nothing about blogging, affiliate marketing, or how to write content before I joined them.

    Now I can write a thousand work article in a breeze and also make money from it. So everything you said is true.

    Thanks again for this awesome review sand I highly recommend anyone wanting go make money online to check WA out.

  29. I think blogging is a great idea to get behind especially during this time of lockdown where everyone is at home with enough time on their hand and I really appreciate you sharing this educative article that will surely, without a doubt be helpful to anyone who is thinking about giving blogging a go but has no idea how to start. 

  30. Digital skills has become one of the must-haves in terms of employability skills, and what an awesome choice of content for the article and an arranged order in placing procedures for developing these skills. I have been a brand manager and this has been a major challenge for most start ups, anyone that can put to work all the information specified in this article can full maximize the opportunity available in this field.

    I would really like to appreciate your effort in putting the article together.

  31. Hi and thanks for sharing this detailed walkthrough Wealthy Affiliate. 

    I have been with Wealthy Affiliate as a premium member for more than a year now though I only started applying the training in earnest in March of this year. I keep hearing and reading about how much better Wealthy Affiliate is than other competing programs but I have no way to know since I have never experienced any of the others. 

    Fortunately, it works for me so that is fine. I guess if there is one thing I keep finding it is how all-inclusive and comprehensive is the Wealthy Affiliate training and resources. Of course, how much you may need to do on your own will depend on the business model you adopt, and sometimes as a total newbie in this field, I find it is all too easy to get drawn away by so many bright shining online objects and dilute your focus. 

    More often than not I have found it best to just follow the training and apply the lessons as best I can. And keep going. 

    Thanks again and best regards, Andy

  32. Thank you for the in-depth guide to blogging for beginners and the very useful information on Wealthy Affiliate. I have been with Wealthy Affiliate for nearly a year now and have completed the Online Entrepreneur Course, but you have opened my eyes to all the tutorials and training that is available within the Bootcamp. 

    My biggest challenge is getting traffic to my website and it appears that the training in the bootcamp will assist me. 

  33. I enjoyed the Blogging for beginners article since I am a beginning blogger myself. I’ve enjoyed my short time with Wealthy Affiliate and reading your article confirms that joining WA was the right decision. I realize it will take hard work but I plan to stay committed and exhaust all avenues to make my online business successful. Thanks for the helpful review.

  34. I think making money writing a blog is one of the most legit businesses online that you can easily create. But it takes hardwork and patience and above all a lot of learning to make a successful blog. You will also need experts in that filled as well, that will take you through step by step. This is why wealthy affiliate comes in. The best in creating million dollar affiliate marketers all over the globe. Kyle and Carson are the great C.E.Os you could find. Wealthy affiliate having been found in 2005 has accomplished a lot in such a short time. It is the best platform for all the beginners and seniors looking for ways to earn money online. Thanks a lot for sharing

  35. Those who go into blogging is really a nice way to make money and I really love how you have explained the details of this article. I have a great interest in blogging and I hope to go a long way with it. I actually haven’t started making money from my blog and so after getting a clear understanding of this blogging to make money, I would put it into practice.

  36. hello tony, wow really am grateful for your works here, thanks alot for sharing such an important and educative post with us all, i am glad i really got to see these post, thanks a lot your website is plain and simple easy to navigate and understand, i really do fancy these posts a lot thanks i already saved these post so as much as to come back for future reference

  37. I have been a paid member of Wealthy Affiliate for about one month and joined only days before that. It is the best opportunity to build a business online. The training is great with small bite sized pieces of training. You get all the resources you need plus all the help and support you could need from the support or the community of members.

  38. Hi Tony, I’ve read your article “Blogging for beginners, learn how to make money writing a blog”.

    This is good and I’m happy that I am able to learn all this.

    Those who go into blogging is really a nice way to make money and I really love how you have explained the details of this article.

    Thanks for this thorough post!

    Good job! Keep going!

  39. The biggest challenge for me has always been how to get traffic. Your article recommends use of social media, but how far and wide does social media take my business? I am glad for these steps and it points me in a direction to create and run a successful online business. Whereas I used to think online business was about selling physical items, I am seeing the benefits of affiliate marketing and selling digital products. Thank you

  40. Blogging is one of the most beautiful and lucrative online business anyone can do but it also requires a you to be patient before you can make money from it and it takes a good work to get a good pay. Blogging needs you to have a website and it pay well if you’re serious about it.

  41. Those who go into blogging is really a nice way to make money and I really love how you have explained the details of this article. I have a great interest in blogging and I hope to go a long way with it. I actually haven’t started making money from my blog and so after getting a clear understanding of this blogging to make money, I would put it into practice. 

  42. Writing a blog is considered a very easy job but only most people do not know that it actually entails a lot more than just writing but it deals more with focusing on development and all. I like all you have shared here and might be worth trying out. Thumbs up to you for sharing out here

  43. Blogging is a make money opportunity that a whole number of people have been making a whole lot of money from and it is good that you can tip us off to how to be able to make some really good amount of money from it as well. This is good and I’m happy that I am able to learn all this. Great stuff.

  44. This is a great breakdown of the Wealthy Affiliate system! Everything is really well explained and easy to understand. I really love this program. From the helpful training to the extremely friendly community, there is really no stone left unturned when it comes to resources available. Thanks for highlighting this and showing the ins and outs. That is really helpful to anyone looking to start their own online business!

  45. Having the important parts of the Wealthy Affiliate program explained makes the whole reason for being a member more important.  When the proper marketing terms are applied to what we are doing, we appreciate being able to relate to what we read about being an online business person.  How we look at what we are doing can make the learning process take longer.  Most of the time it is because we don’t understand what we are doing. We often find that we are doing whatever the marketing gurus are talking about already, we just don’t call it by the same name.  Having articles describing it thoroughly help with this process.

  46. I love the fact that although Wealthy Affiliate is a program that is meant to help us create a second income, it’s also a platform to help others too through Affiliate Marketing. It makes me feel good to get messages from people appreciating the help, it’s those little positive things that really make the difference especially today.

  47. So I can make money with a blog writing about something that I love about. Honestly, I really like this area! I’ve seen affiliate marketing done with videos but not with writing! Or maybe I have but I wasn’t aware that it was affiliate marketing. Regardless, I love this idea and how it all works together. I appreciate the demo video of your page, the platform itself looks really user-friendly. Thanks for this thorough post!

  48. This post solidified my blogging project and goals. I am a new member of WA and was able to write at least 20 articles in my blog. But I am not yet ranked by the three search engine giants. Honestly speaking I am about to give up the idea of blogging for more because I’m not getting the result I want immediately. Thank you also for introducing me to WA boot camp. I haven’t tried the training. Your post inspired me to take the training. 

  49. Hello Tony, Thanks for sharing this insightful review article. There are people earning from blogging since sometime. It This post is centered on blogging for beginners and how to earn from it. I have little idea about writing or creating a blog. I’m so glad wealthy affiliate can help learn blogging. I hope to learning soon. Thanks God bless. I would share this Post around to friends and families across various platforms

  50. Great article, Tony. During this pandemic time, I tried to fill my time with blogging. I’m glad that we can actually make money from blogging. Previously, I thought that we need to become internet celebrity to make money online. I think I will try to check Wealthy Affiliate. It’s nice to know that they have free starter membership. Thanks

  51. Hello There, Thank you Tony Lee Hamilton for sharing this informative and educative review article. It really is helpful. This post is centered on blogging for beginners and how to earn from it. I have no idea about writing or creating a blog. I’m so glad wealthy affiliate can help learn blogging. I hope to learning soon. Thanks God bless. I would share this Post around to friends and families across various platforms

  52. Tony, I was a pure beginner when I started in 2015. Wealthy Affiliate thought me everything I know now. At one point I went back to my job on cruise ships, and this time was as a presenter, public speaker, marketing person. Even though stage feels like a second home for me, I could feel more comfortable in presenting something from the point of marketing, I am sure because of the Wealthy Affiliate. I could fee some confidence in myself. 

    Honestly, all the tools and training have such a great value. I recommend the Wealthy Affiliate to everyone who lands on your website! 

  53. Hello there,

    Most times, I have been blank and unknowing about exactly what to write about and in some a cases, I might know what to write but the right way to communicate it and to make the proper understanding for people may seem to elude me. Thanks for sharing this piece here though.

    Thanks a lot for sharing.

  54. Internet Business is one of the most powerful ways to make money. But there is one catch. It is not easy as people are thinking. These days, has never been easier to sell something from comfort of your home to people who are based on the other side on the planet. But first, you need to learn and then earn. And Wealthy Affiliate network is the best place for it! 🙂

  55. Writing a blog can really be a good thing as it actually is a business on its own. However, knowing what to write and how to get the right engagements on the website to really get the attention of google and other search engines is what truly defines the right success for people that just do it. What you have shared is really great to see here and thank you for your generosity with info.

  56. Big time opportunity comes our way so many time and it’s only lucky for those who makes use of its and just like you have brought another opportunity for small bloggers and newbies to get themselves doing better with their blogs from this article is very nice. There are some who are good enough write a blog but do not know how to monetize their blog and its goes like a waste. I hope they make the make the most of this chance 

  57. Wealthy does indeed help you learn blogging from the very beginning. The owners Kyle and Carson want all of the community to succeed. They went through the tough times getting everything set up for the members. The classes are first-rate and when followed can catapult a member far ahead of the competition. The videos show step by step how to do a task making it easier for a beginner to understand. 

    Wealthy Affiliate has so many pluses that it is hard to count them all. Even those who leave Wealthy Affiliate tend to come back because the training is so good and the support from the community is even better.


  58. Wealthy Affiliate is a very wonderful place to learn how to make money from blogging and here you have written with detail, all that is needed for a person to make money and also join the platform. That’s really nice of you. I wouldn’t mind joining in and learning all about it as well. This is a very nice job Tony. Good post.

  59. Anything you have ever feared when trying to work online is answered inside Wealthy Affiliate.  This review tells you so much about the platform we know as Wealthy Affiliate.  However, until you become a member you cant even realise the opportunity you would be missing if you walked away.

    Like Tony said you can join for free with no credit card so I see no reason to not get signed up and see exactly what Wealthy Affiliate is all about.

  60. Blogging for beginners, and learning how to make money writing a blog is the single most searched item on Google right now.  It has to be too, cause everyone is sitting home due to COVID and all they have are their mobiles and computers to pass time. A great introduction on blogging and Wealthy Affiliate too. i read the whole article and liked it immensely. You are one man with a mission.

    Thank u Tony.


  61. For those who are interested in starting a blog Wealthy affiliate is the place to get the kind of training to have success. I have been with this platform for a few years now and have learned so many things when it comes to starting a blog for success with your website that they also teach you how to build. Just follow the training and in time you can become a professional blogger making a good income from your home on your computer.

  62. Thank you so much for sharing with us a beautiful and informative article. The main content of this article is to learn how to make money writing a blog. It is truly remarkable that you have presented this topic so well in your article. I have learned a lot by reading your article and gained a lot of knowledge about wealthy affiliate. Of the points mentioned in your article, I like Efficiently write content.
    without Wealthy Affiliate, You will not be able to go to the stage of earning by creating and creating blogging so easily on any other platform that we understand by reading your article. Finally, I would like to share your article on my social media account that everyone can know how to make money with wealthy affiliate blogging.

  63. What makes blogging difficult for some people is that they don’t have the background knowledge of how to make money from it. How to get traffic to your website is a very important aspect of blogging, you’re not writing for yourself so you need people to see what you’ve written, so traffic is very essential. This article will help beginners know how to go about being a successful blogger.

  64. Wealthy Affiliate really is a great community, I joined years ago and didn’t stick with, not because of the platform or the community but because I was too busy (too lazy) with other things in life. I have recently decided to try my hand at it again and I am pursuing goals to become a 100% online entrepreneur. 

    Just like any other endeavor this is going to take hard work. Tony does a great job in the article and throughout his posts being straight up about the work that is involved to become successful. It is no cakewalk.

  65. Knowing what to write and how to conveniently write it to pass across to all is really invaluable to any blogger. Most times, I have been blank and unknowing about exactly what to feed out and in some a cases, I might know what to write but the right way to communicate it and to make the proper understanding for people may seem to elude me. Thanks for sharing this piece here though. A great help it is

  66. Personally, I’m a huge believer of the Wealthy Affiliate program. I believe it’s the greatest place where to sort of base your operations around. It’s like a great, awesome, strong backbone for any online entrepreneurial endeavor.

    I loved the breakdown of lessons. I think it shows quite well how comprehensive the training is. Granted, it may not go as deep on certain topics as I would have preferred, however, the base knowledge and idea of things it does an amazing job in providing.

    Other than that, I absolutely agree. Finishing the training is one thing, building a successful business a completely another. There is truly no reason it will not work for someone. Unless, of course, they are not willing to do the work. In which case, there is no such program that will get you results. It all comes down to focused, consistent hard work.


  67. After only one month in as being a WA platinum member, I can truly say I’ve enjoyed the learning and creating. It’s hard work blogging (nobody said it would be easy) and its not a get rich fast money scheme. The community at WA is so helpful and supportive, its like my success is everyone’s success too. 

    I’ve completed the WA OEC training and have one site set up in my niche market. I wonder if I should now do the bootcamp training. Or is it one or the other? What would you recommend? 

  68. I really like your in depth review of one of the sites that help beginning bloggers. As someone that has recently taken the plunge and started looking into Wealthy Affiliate, I appreciate the depth of your research to really spell out what is offered. Sometimes it is hard to make a good decision when there is so much competition out there. I really like how involved the founders seem to be in the business, speaks good things to the product.

  69. I have to agree with you Tony.  I’ve never seen a training program like Wealthy Affiliate.  I’m a member and I certainly recommend it.  I like your detailed explanation of the two choices in training.  Affiliate Boot camp and Online Entrepreneur Certification.  I believe this is something that makes Wealthy Affiliate  unique.  It’s not just a one size fits all training. Thanks again for that excellent detailed explanation.

  70. Hi Tony,

    Thank you so much for sharing this post about blogging and introducing Wealthy Affiliate.

    Writing a blog is something that I am still learning to like. It hasn’t been my cup of tea, but as we chose a niche that we are passionate about, it should be easier. And knowing we can actually make money from blogging, that’s a good enough reason to keep at it. 

    I really appreciate your thorough explanations about Wealthy Affiliate. They seem to be a reliable platform for a newbie like me learning about building a money-making website. What’s more, affiliate marketing seems to be intimidating for me at first, but after reading your post, it sounds like a gold mine I need to dig deeper. 🙂


  71. Hi Tony, I am a frim believer in WA. I have been a member since 2/2020. I’m on level 3 and have two affiliates and one website. I have found the WA community to be the best online affiliate marketing program. Kyle knows how to connect with the members in a way that is honest, transparent and true.

     The program is easy to follow and gives you all information you need to succeed. Everyone in this community is willing to help when you have questions or just need advise. I’ve had a couple of tech issues and tech support has been right there with the answer. In a nutshell I liked your review.

    James B    

  72. Getting started blogging is always an easy task but knowing when to write and what to write can really prove to be very difficult and challenging. This is a Greta post here and thanks so much for sharing this here. I actually like the idea of learning the basics all over again about writing blogs rather than following the templates I had developed. This is really great. Thanks

  73. Great review Tony, and it is great to read these reviews as it reminds me why I am still a member of Wealthy Affiliate. I just received my 5-year badge from them, and even though I have been doing it very part-time, over the last five years I have managed to start and grow eight websites within the platform, and they are all earning me money each and every month. I hope to grow this to a full-time income by the time I retire, but in the meantime, I am enjoying my time building my online business and making a passive income on the side.

    For anyone starting out, I highly recommend starting a website about a hobby or something you are passionate about as this makes the process of building your business painless.

  74. This is such a great review, so much depth and precision and the videos make it really interactive and understandable, thanks! I have used Wealthy Affiliate myself and I do believe the service and training they offer is really competitive when compared to other hosting, name buying and website building services out there. For sure one of the best options on the market today.

  75. I loved your review about digital marketing snd the best platform for training at WA. I’m a member there to what a coincidence and find it really cool for meeting new entrepreneurs and chatting at will. Your review is really effective and I love your font it really stands out something I work on a lot of late. Thanks for showing us how it’s done.

  76. I am so with you on this one Tony, it is important to make use of a good training course when it comes to blogging. I know so many people that start off blogging and do so in the dark then wonder why they are not making any money or getting any traffic to their website. I’m also a huge fan of Wealthy Affiliate – the amount of training and resources you receive to create your online business is priceless but it comes with a very reasonable and affordable price!

  77. Hello there! this is an amazing review you have got here. At the moment blogging is making waves because there is a lot to write about especially in this pandemic and at such it will be unwise of us not to earn from it. As a blogger, my blog started paying off in this season and I am happy about that.

  78. I first came to know about Wealthy Affiliate when I was doing some research about some legit survey sites. I found an article of someone describing their journey with this platform and how much it had improved their lives. I started doing more research until I decided to try it out – even though I had no idea what affiliate marketing was, much less how to create a website. For my surprise, I finished the first training module in about 3 days and after that I immediately upgraded to the premium membership to unlock all of the necessary tools to build my website. I have been using this platform since September 2019 and I surely have no regrets whatsoever. 

  79. I’m actually a current Wealthy Affiliate user, though fairly new. I’ve recently upgraded to premium and secured a domain. I must say, the training is absolutely superb. Although I’m progressing rather slowly through the training and am only on Stage Two, I know that it’s possible to go through it a lot faster. I don’t know much about affiliate marketing, but everything I need to know is here on Wealthy Affiliate and on your site, Tony. You and Wealthy Affiliate make it so easy and encourage me and others to keep moving forward. I will personally vouch that Wealthy Affiliate is worth the investment! Best wishes!

  80. Thanks for your very informative and helpful article on how to make money from blogging. I have been blogging for a couple of years now and only recently in the last couple of months have I started making an income. While my traffic has increased x 4, I am stuck on around 200 visits a day. Your tips have given me the boost I need to concentrate on areas that I have been neglecting. Thanks!

  81. I like what you said about even if we have a marketing group we still need to have a working knowledge on everything about the business we run and that is very true in affiliate marketing. 

    I plan to hire writes for my website but the fact is that not all of them would have the knowledge I need which means they would also need to be trained and I think this platform you talked about here can help with that. 

    I would also benefit from going through its lessons as it would make be better prepared to make sure my writers are doing the right thing.

    I hope those that come across this write up realize that they can never have all the knowledge as it is imperative to get new information on building a better blog which is one thing wealthy affiliate is famous for.

  82. Hey Tony,

    This is a great article about how to make money writing a blog. I am new to Wealthy Affiliate and in the midst of building up my website.  And your article just comes in time, as you have laid all the steps on how to make money. But one of weaknesses, l am not very fluent in content writing, and l do a lot of practicing. Do you know any good course which teaches copywriting?

    Thank you for sharing your experience.


  83. Hi Tony,

    Nice review on WA, glad you were able to give an honest and open reflection! As someone who has also used the platform, I can say your review is spot on in terms of what you get as a member. It’s not often you get a one-stop-shop for your online business these days. I definitely think that my success would have accelerated if I had found WA a bit sooner!

  84. Hey there, thank you for detailing what we can do to earn money blogging. It would sound like an idle tail 20 years ago but today it’s completely logical to work from home writing posts and make a living.

     I was checking the two different types of membership at Wealthy Affiliate and I’m glad you gave us some insight of what’s in the paid membership. Thanks.

  85. Thanks a lot Tony I think this is what I need I have been looking a well structure article that would give all I need to be successful in blogging in a whole chunk and I think this is a I would ever need I would learn the rest as I go …thanks for sharing once again I hope it helps others too.

  86. Being a Blogger myself, this post is of particular interest to me. And making money – who is not interested?

    I am a fellow member at Wealthy Affiliate and already appreciate the benefits I enjoy here. I back all that you have put up here regarding Wealthy Affiliates. Kyle and Carson have been great and sometimes I wonder the amount of time they still invest to help people succeed. And that too at a little investment of money to join as members but always encouraging to keep putting you efforts to succeed in your niche area.

    Surely, I can personally vouch that Wealthy Affiliate is a 100% legit business and is great for any newbie to start a successful online business.

  87. As an affiliate of Wealthy Affiliates, I can testify to the truthfulness of this post.  Wealthy Affiliates is a fantastic site that provides a lot of tools, assistance, web site and so.  Furthermore, the writer did a fantastic job at summing up Wealthy Affiliates as a superior Affiliate site.  Hats off to both the writer, and wealthy affiliates!

  88. I have always wanted to make money from home and have been considering blogging as one of my options. Thanks for you amazing review on Wealthy Affiliate. I love the fact that the company has been around for many years and the courses are perfect for a beginner like myself. The recurring commission is a plus as well. I am going to check the affiliate bootcamp out. 

  89. Being a member of the WA program, I love the detail that you have gone in to. Before I joined, I paid to be a member of another program, however (luckily) I realised there were a lot of hidden costs and so I left before spending unnecessary money. Blogs like yours offer newbies invaluable insight into affiliate programs, before they join. This makes them very important. The detail you have included in the article is brilliant and very in-depth. Thank you and keep up the great work.

  90. Great looking page for starters.  As a member of Wealthy Affiliate I have to agree it is a great platform and I believe the community is it’s great asset.  I have read lots of pages on different reviews of affiliate programs including WA that being said I would say your has them all beat in both detail and honesty.  I look forward to reading more of your articles in the very near future.  

  91. Hi Tony

    First of all, I congratulate you on a well written and accurate content, you will make Kyle and Carsen proud!! nothing wrong with brownie points. I haven’t seen a thorough breakdown like yours anywhere else, and it validates your conclusion well. 

    Just one thing, the first two paragraphs have saturated “Digital Marketing” which (if you check the right places) can degrade your Google rankings (keyword content analysis). Just take a quick look and maybe drop two of them, I see three are redundant. Maybe change the second one (in the last part of the second sentence in the first paragraph) to “online marketing operations”, and drop the second one in the first sentence of the second paragraph, “online course” will work fine as DM is mentioned earlier. 

    Keep up the good work. I look forward to more from you with anticipation. Plus, great Niche selection.



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