Could You pass this Test?

A Michigan State Trooper pulled a car over on I-75 about 2 miles south of Grand Blanc.

When the trooper asked the driver why he was speeding, the driver said he was a juggler and was on his way to do a show at the Shrine Circus in Auburn Hills.

He didn't want to be late. The trooper told the driver he was fascinated by juggling and said if the driver would do a little juggling for him then he wouldn't give him a ticket.

He told the trooper he had sent his equipment ahead and didn't have anything to juggle. The trooper said he had some flares in the trunk and asked if he could juggle them.

The juggler said he could, so the trooper got 5 flares, lit them and handed them to him. While the man was juggling, a car pulled in behind the patrol car.

A drunken good old boy traveling from Montrose got out, watched the performance, then went over to the patrol car, opened the rear door and got in.

The trooper observed him and went over to the patrol car, opened the door asking the drunk what he thought he was doing. The drunk replied, You might as well take my butt to jail, cause there ain't no way I can pass that test.

I hope that you enjoyed this joke and that it brought a smile to your face today.

Feel Free to share it to any of your Social Media sites with the link below,

Tony Lee Hamilton

207 thoughts on “Could You pass this Test?”

  1. Hi Tony

    Hahahaha. This is very funny indeed. I would give up as well. i would never pass the test as well. Oh my! I have laughed for much. I bet there were so many people who were passing by who were praying and hoping that they are not stopped as well. i am sure many of us would fail the test even when they are not drunk. Very funny joke I tell you. Thank you for making me laugh. 

  2. Laughing… Very very funny. What was the drunk driver thinking. I do not know what to call the state he was in, probably honesty due to being drink. Anyways, I personally wouldn’t have been able to pass such a test. I barely know how to joggle. Such a nice and funny story. Thanks for this cheerful and entertaining article.

  3. Hello there, Thanks alot for sharing another beautiful piece of information. It’s always a great pleasure coming across your articles because it is always very educative and informative. I actually laughed so hard. It’s really nice to mix up things with a little joke and hilariousness. I appreciate your efforts alot Tony.

  4. Hello there, Thanks alot for sharing another beautiful piece of information. It’s always a great pleasure coming across your articles because it is always very educative and informative. I actually laughed so hard. It’s really nice to mix up things with a little joke and hilariousness. I appreciate your efforts alot Tony.

  5. LMAO!!!! That was a good one! A welcome break from both my day job and my WA responsibilities. Sometimes we need a little humour to get us through the day and I appreciate that you slipped this one in, although it was a long time ago. Thanks for the laugh….like the drunk, I definitely couldn’t pass that test! Can’t even juggle two lemons lol 

  6. Hey Tony, Loved reading your post on “Could You Pass This Test?”. I’m quite sure that I couldn’t pass the test either drunk or sober. It’s great to discover someone with a good sense of humor. Humor is often sadly lacking in our lives – we seem to take ourselves too seriously most of the time.  I always love a good laugh. 

  7. Ha! Ha! I definitely could not pass that test. I’ve tried to juggle in the past with disastrous results. I was trying to impress this girl in college by telling her I could juggle just about anything. We were in her dorm room and she gave me a tennis ball, a stapler, and a cube of post-its to juggle. I started off doing fine. Then, things started to get away from me and I got out of balance. I misjudged trying to catch the stapler and it bounced off her desk before crashing through her computer monitor. She never went out with me. As a side note, Grand Blanc Michigan, where your story takes place, is about two hours from where I live.

  8. I would probably be like the drunk and get in the back of the patrol car. I definitely could NOT pass that test. You could also ask the clown why he left so late that he had to speed to make it to the show on time. I have found that if you have prepared for the journey properly then you will allow travel time with the knowledge that if something goes wrong you have a cushion of time to make it safely to your destination. How many passersby stopped to watch the performance? Did anyone take time to film the juggling performance?


  9. Another great post Tony. Thanks for making me smile today. No, I will never pass a juggling test. But won’t the guy be late now? since he is now held there juggling to the police instead of his audience. Or am I missing something? The drunk guy, why did he stop? The police was busy enjoying the juggling show! 

  10. Nice review , I was looking for something like this online so I am glad that I stumbled upon your article.

    You really put in some great work writing this article and I can respect that.

    Keep doing like this and you will achieve great things.

    Your article was very informative and I want to thank you for that.

    Have an amazing day and wish you all the best

  11. Hey, Tony!  I appreciate you brightening this space.  It is a nice way to begin the day.  Thanks for the laugh!  I live in Michigan and I can relate!  No kidding, our troopers are fabulous.  And, a very good reminder to all of us to make smart choices.  Like online marketing practices. . .

  12. At first, I found it funny. I thought I got it. I found myself smiling. But then I start to have more and more questions. I start to think, why the drunkard pulled up behind the patrol car on his own? Why didn’t he just drive past since the policeman was occupied with another citizen? Was the drunkard speeding as well?

    Argh, so confusing! Now I’m baffled!

  13. Oh my gosh, that is too funny!  Gave me a chuckle that I needed this morning.  No, I could definitely not pass that test, but I don’t ever plan to drive drunk either!  Thanks for the early morning laugh.  Love your articles.  They are always informative and useful.  And now, funny!

  14. Thank you.  That was enjoyable.  I had a good chuckle.

    At first I had no idea it was a joke and I was interested to find out how the juggler would fare! 

    Wonderful to have some light relief and very quick and easy reading.

    It is good to bring humor into writing as it makes the information easy to remember and to read.

    best wishes


  15. Hello Tony! Okay this is definitely so hilarious! Wasn’t expecting to see you telling a joke or some sort. I shared the joke with a friend and you actually need to see the look he had on his face, like really, lolz this is nice wow thank you for sharing this joke at least it made me laugh a little and feel a little bit relaxed. This is really nice. Thanks once again. 

  16. Hi Tony. Good one! I was quite surprised to see joke on your blog, but its great that sometimes we all can forget about earning money, business and all this stuff and just smile. We all need it in these weird times. Just to relax and have few minutes of good laugh

  17. Hello Tony, its been a great time to be here and I feel so happy about the protection I ha e gotten sugar. It does a great job in getting the nerves to calm down and take break from all the serious marketing and money making stuffs. I am really happy I came into wealthy affiliate and get to learn alot from Tony Lee Hamilton, my favorite affiliate marketer. Thank you so much 

  18. Hey there 

    that a really funny one you’ve got there, I can’t stop myself from laughing and falling of my bed, I shared the joke with a friend and you actually need to see the look he had on his face, like really, lolz this is nice wow thank you for sharing this joke at least it made me laugh a little and feel a little bit relaxed 

    the drunkard already thinks he will be given the same test I can’t stop laughing 

  19. Hahaha! This is Hilarious! Tony telling a joke? We love to see it. Thanks for this, really important to smile sometimes. Here I was already pumped to get another product review or platform review or scam. I am glad I came by this. All Seriousness with no play make Jack a dull boy, Lol

  20. Hello there!

    That is a very inspiring and beautiful article you have there. It is also quite funny but when I thought of it and put myself in the shoes of the driver, mehn I’m not sure I could have passed a test like that. He was really being smart and that helped him to overcome. I really love this piece.


  21. Lol… Thanks a lot Tony for that wonderful joke, its been a long day and having a chance to smile is really a nice thing. I bet the trooper just solve two problems at once get  to know if the man was telling the truth as to why he was over speed and solve drunk driving case at the same time it’s clever.

  22. I have never cracked myself this much, having such a long and stressful day, this I must say is the most suiting article I have read throughout today, thank you so much for sharing this article, I never would have gotten this relaxed if I had not read this your article, from today I will definitely ensure that I constantly follow your website to get more of this hilarious jokes, thank you so much.

  23. Hey Tony Lee Hamilton, I really liked your story and how you used the illustration it was really top notch. Coming across your article has always been a blessing I must say,. I have always seen you ad an icon right from day one up until today because of how well you write and how successful you are in the field

  24. Thanks so much for sharing this article, it is a really nice one and I really love the idea of you making it very understandable and simple. If is good to read, I’d love to see more of this and Its interesting to read through, and also I lie the variety. It is very thoughtful of you to share this information here, it is very resourceful and it’ll be very useful

  25. Hello Tony,

    Thank you so much for this hilarious article. It does a great job in getting the nerves to calm down and take break from all the serious marketing and money making stuffs. I am really happy I came into wealthy affiliate and get to learn alot from Tony Lee Hamilton, my favorite affiliate marketer. Keep up the good work Tony.

  26. I am not sure I can attempt this and pass it easily considering all hat has bee shared here. I prefer what has been shred and the overview of everything else. I personally tink that some things are just amazing to see and I will try my best to see if I can gain access to something like this.  Thanks

  27. Hi Tony, haha, thanks for a laugh. I will keep this bookmarked to pass forwards on social media to bring a smile on somebodies face. I loved reading your joke, and yes, it makes me laugh, so thank you. Keep sharing jokes and spreading good vibes; we all need it and appreciate it a lot.

    Have a wonderful week and a happy new year.


  28. Ah, this is very funny and I strongly doubt that I would even be able to deal with this test instead of just passing it. It’s really good you can tell me about this and also go on to let us know just how it works as well. Really nicely written post office and then banks is very good and it makes that u need j used n be able m u I might not be.

  29. Thanks for making me smile Tony.  Wow! That was a nice joke!. It is important to take a little break sometimes and just laugh out the tensions to succeed in business. I have seen a plethora of your articles already in a short space of time and are still very much hungry to see and learn from more of them.

  30. As a regular visitor to your site, I was expecting some good advise but that was a great joke well told. It’s nice to have some fun now again, especially just now! 

    Thanks for putting a smile on my face today,


    PS – I would have got into the police car too as my juggling skills are not great

  31. Could I pass this test to juggle 5 flares?  I believe I would have to come clean to the officer and giggle a little explaining that at least I gave it a shot and he should give me credit for creativity.  It would depend on his good heartedness if I would receive a ticket or not. Officers don’t seem to be as forgiving as they used to be in years past. At least that’s my experience.  I always have hope though!  All the best to you!

  32. Haha thanks for the article my guy! LOL that was a pretty good joke Mr. Tony Lee. I think my favorite part about it was when the trooper went to get the five flares, as I was anticipating something ridiculous to happen XD Keep up with the good jokes! It’s a nice way to mix it up from all the talk about Digital Marketing. 

  33. Hey Tony, thank you for writing this funny article. Laughing is what all of us need in these hard times, so I will definitely share this on my Social media, with my friends and family. I wouldn’t pass that test, lol.                                                                                                                              

  34. All book no play make Jack a dull boy you wowed me with this piece I waiting in anticipation what will happen at the end turns out mind blowing. I want to let you know this was fascinating and am excited you made my day with this joke . thanks for sharing this here I will definitely share for others to feel good. 

  35. This is a slyness one and I can say that I am not generally acquainted with all these here I felelt cap so much Kore should be possible for me and I am exceptionally pleased that you have sqred here for me.I feel that so much Kore should be possible to accomplish the best of these here. Much appreciated such a huge amount for the sum total of what that has been shred with us all of us

  36. Dear Tony, I really enjoyed this joke in this funny story, I really laughed at the end and still smiling while writing this comment. I wouldn’t do that test either, sober.
    You made this moment very beautiful for me with this joke, a really great idea to entertain your readers a bit. Thanks!
    Friendly greeting,

  37. Lol. 

    Definitely enjoyed the joke and very applicable for the “festive season” that is in full swing over here. It is summertime and beach time. Over here the municipality built cement barbeque stands next to the road which are normally packed with many people, with a roadblock a few hundred meters away. 

    Q: What did the bartender say after a book walked into the bar? 

    A: “Please, no stories!”

    All the best 

    Louis Munro 

  38. That is a very funny story, I was not sure what it was all about at first and then bam, the punch line. Well done I might just have to remember that one.

    Thanks for putting a smile on my dial today, we could all use some laughter in our lives. Life is too short not to have a laugh and you have made me laugh today, thankyou.

    Did you hear about the one that…

  39. lol. Thank you for sharing and I don’t know I could pass it. It actually made my day, though at first, I wasn’t expecting it to be a joke and was curious about what could happen in the end. The drunk sat in the car because he knows that no matter what, he already in trouble.

    Nice one!!!!! 

  40. HI Tony, 

    Thank you for dropping this very interesting article. I love this article because of the sense of humor you used in it. I have not stopped laughing becuase it is just very funny. I love the fact that you have removed our heads from affiliate marketing a little bit. A little joke is always great for the minds.

  41. You made my day Tony. What a joke. l will certainly not pass the juggling test and would be happy to get arrested by the officer or get away with a ticket if l am lucky. Reminds me of an officer who told me to follow the white line on the road to test if l was drunk. Well, l crisscrossed the line several times and a friend was ordered to drive the car while l was relegated to the passage seat. Thank you for the laughs, it’s the best medicine for sure.

  42. Hello there, thank you so much for sharing this. this is a very awesome piece and a very detailed one. I’m really happy I came across this. Reading is article just made me laugh irrespective of my stressed state. Though I love driving but I won’t even think of passing this test. This you very much sir for sharing this article 

  43. And I love to drive fast, I wouldn’t pass this test, especially if I was drunk. The hall is beautiful, I’m delighted, I am very impressive and interesting. I wish you a lot of success in your further work on the Internet. I would like you to publish more interesting stories like this: = ))

  44. Well, Tony your post just made my night. Sometimes such jokes are needed just to offload any weight from your shoulders and have a moment of joy and smile. I like what the drunken boy did, according to me, he used his own intelligence to pass the test and I would still want to know what the trooper did about him. Anyway, thanks for sharing this fantastic post, it’s truly amazing and enjoyable.

  45. I’ve been so stressed out lately trying to combine various jobs to make multiple income both online and offline but this post made me laugh so much that I forgot about my problems. It’s nice to see that you add both fun and seriousness to your work and it makes coming to your website very interesting for everyone. Thanks for this good laugh Tony 

  46. I love funny stories and jokes like this, I definitely brought a smile to my face and a little giggle. I was not expecting to read such a post from you but so happy that you decided to share.  Shows your good sense of humour.  Thanks for sharing, much appreciated. I love a good story. 

  47. Hello Tony, Sometimes we feel that everything we are juggling is on fire and we are just ready to kick it in the bucket. It is both a humorous joke and a funny reminder of our own humanity. It’s really good to get to laugh even when you have been stressed and all and it means a lot to me all that you have done here, and I have learned a few things from this joke. Thank you 

  48. Wow, you have so much content in you Tony. I had no idea you were this funny. I’m actually having a bad day but this article snapped me out of it. I really enjoy how your blog posts are all different and very interesting! thank you for sharing your knowledge and making me laugh! You’ll always remain my mentor 

  49. This is a trickery one and I can say that I am not really familiar with all these here I felelt hat so much Kore could be done for me and I am very delighted that you have sqred here for me.I feel that so much Kore can be done to achieve the best of these here. Thanks so much for all that has been shred with us all

  50. It is very thoughtful of you to share this article here, if is very nice and interesting one to read through, , it is very interesting to read through tests activities like this, keeps the midn busy and also is a good way to get engaged online, the test is kinda challenging which is why I really like this.

  51. That’s a pretty amazing joke, what’s more amazing is that you had to take your time to write it as an article on your site for us to enjoy it together. And I’ve been thinking how I could pass the test if I was in that situation, I couldn’t find any answer. Well, I guess it’s good luck to the drunk

  52. Ah, this is a really hard one for you to throw at me really but it’s still really good and I would be looking to give it a go. I’m happy to be able to get this that you shared and I would be looking to give it a swipe. Thank you so much for all the information that you have shared.

  53. I love your mix of serious scam-discussions and light-heartened content like this; thanks for that! You definitely got me with this one haha! On a serious note, this does feel a bit like business sometimes, right?! Sometimes we feel that everything we are juggling is on fire and we are just ready to kick it in the bucket. It is both a humorous joke and a funny reminder of our own humanity. 🙂 

  54. Without being drunk I would woefully fail this test. (Laughs). What a very interesting and funny situation we have here. If only the drunken good old boy knew what he was getting himself into. But I admire his sincerity though, and have been wondering if is was due to the fact that he was drunk.

  55. Hey tony lee Hamilton the digital marketing veteran, thank you so much for sharing this joke. It really cracked me up because I never expected it. I really needed this because I have been drained from working for a long time and I really needed this. I also shared it with my family and friends as well

  56. Haha, that is a great joke, thank you for sharing. It’s important to find humor in life during this stressful time. I couldn’t pass the test, i could never juggle. I lack the hand eye coordination to do so. I’d probably be like the drunk who got into the car haha. Thank you for sharing and giving me a laugh

  57. common lol.  I didn’t expect this to be a joke.  Hahahahhaaha.  Got me ..This situation right here is a reflection of how life plays on us. I mean that drunk guy wont be in that situation if first of all he tried to ask first the cop what punishment he would received. Making conclusions without evidence is really bad.  Nice pinch of comedy.  Great.  

  58. Ok, that was awesome! LOL! Thank you for the laugh and making me smile today!  I really enjoy how your blog posts are all different and very interesting! thank you for sharing your knowledge and making me laugh!  Where did you get that joke from?
    Sadly, I have no jokes to relay to you!


  59. A very funny and light hearted joke which gives your website a unique touch which is great. I most admit that i have not thought about adding humour/ jokes to my pages in order to gain more traffic. A really nice post to stumble across and the joke is very funny. Anything to do with the circus act is always a winner with me.

  60. Hi Tony,

    What a way to start the day. Thank you for a wonderful joke. It was activating till the punch line. it was unexpected. I can only imagine what went through the old drunkard’s mind when he stopped behind the trooper’s car. An decided to hand himself over.

    Thank you, very much, and have a great day.


  61. 🤣🤣 Tony nice one. Honestly I was not expecting this story to end that way LOL. I really like it. The way I see it is it reminds me of people who are scared to take new paths, people who are scared to do something new, something they have never done before. But, They prefer to give up. Haha well done I love this 

  62. It’s great to see a refreshing joke every now and then while searching through sites for business purposes.  I definitely could not pass that test but I think I’d wanna give it a go just for the heck of it.  I sill have yet to be pulled over for any kind of traffic violation so I’ll keep my fingers crossed moving forward.  Thanks for sharing

  63. Tommy Lee this was a nice switch form what we always or mostly see from you, this was great sense of humor and I love it, nice little twist putting a smile on your readers face, may be you will do a lot for someone having a bad day at work, home or just having a bad day, good way to even start the day with a little joke, Bless up Tommy.

  64. Great story and so funny. I wonder if it was true. Humour like that will definitely gain a following of visitors to your website and hopefully create and following and lead to plenty of traffic. I certainly loved the story and think I’ve heard something similar before but nevertheless it was great. Please write more like this.

  65. This is great! I guess that’s an alternative way to see if someone is driving under the influence and still has their balance still intact. Nice enough of the guy that came from behind to turn himself in. I guess he still has great judgment and knows his limits while under the influence. Perhaps they might let him off easier for his honesty.

  66. Hello there! This is really a lovely joke and it actually made me smile today. I believe that anyone going through certain problems will be elevated after reading this write up,most especially the part of the drunken old boy and how he opened the rear door and got in. I never knew you could tell jokes like this, I feel good about it. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  67. Hello there! This is a beautiful joke and it actually made me smile today. I believe that anyone going through certain problems will be elevated after reading this write up,most especially the part of the drunken old boy and how he opened the rear door and got in.

    thanks for Sharing!

  68. This is a great jokes. Who could pass such difficult test? Every day we have some kind of test to pass. We have to prepare for it. Tests are sometimes easy, sometimes difficult.

    I am so happy to see that the drunk guy was so honest. What I don’t understand is why he came to police himself. He could simple drive away, instead of coming to police. There ares so many stupid guys in the world.

    It is indeed enjoable to come back to website. This is something surprise to me.

  69. Ha, ha, this joke is a good one, it’s good to find a good article on the internet to make us smile for a moment and take a break from other things we have in our mind. I don’t know how to joggle, but I would love to try to learn how to do it, maybe a couple of good videos to watch where I can get some tips about how to do it. Thanks so much Tony for sharing a good story to read today.

  70. I loved this little joke. It’s a good way to wake up. It’s something I can definitely pass along in the family too especially since it’s full of current and retired officers. My mother would also get a kick out of this joke. I hope you have a good day and continue on in your success.

  71. Hello there!

    That was really hilarious. I really enjoyed reading through the joke you have there. Well, the drunker was right though, I would have done same too because there was no way I could pass the test too. This article really brought a smile to my face and lifted my mood.

    Thanks. I hope to see more of this on your website.

  72. Thank you so much for sharing this post. It brings a smile into our face. 

    I liked the part that the juggler didn’t get any fine due to his honesty by saying the truth despite he broke the law.

    The part which made me laugh was that the drunk man did not want to face the police because of the fear that he will be asked to do juggling as well.

    Good stuff!

  73. Haha…thanks for the early morning belly laugh!  Here’s my favorite:

    One foggy night, a Yankee fan was heading north from New York, and a Red Sox fan was driving south from Boston. While crossing a narrow bridge, they hit each other head-on, mangling both cars. The Yankee fan manages to climb out of his car and survey the damage. He looks at his twisted car and says “Man, I’m lucky to be alive!” Likewise, the Red Sox fan gets out of his car uninjured, he too feeling fortunate enough to survive. The Red Sox fan walks over to the Yankee fan and says “Hey man, I think this is a sign that we should put away our petty differences and live as friends instead of being rivals.” The Yankee fan thinks for a moment and says “Ya know, you’re absolutely right! We should be friends!” The Red Sox fan then pops open his trunk and removes a full and undamaged bottle of Jack Daniels. He says to the Yankee fan, “I think we should toast to our newfound friendship”. The Yankee fan agrees and grabs the bottle. After sucking down a good belt, he hands it back to the Red Sox fan and says “Your turn!”  The Red Sox fan calmly twists the cap back on the bottle and throws the rest of the bottle over the bridge into the river, and says “Nah, I think I’ll just wait for the cops to show up”.

  74. Good day Tony Lee Hamilton. This is a very funny situation you have portrayed in this article. You seem to have a great sense of humor. Now to the question about passing this test; I do not know how to joggle, so I definitely won’t be able to pass this test. (Smiling).

  75. I am still in tears of laughter right now. What an amazing joke and I just want to thank you for lightening up my day a little bit. This has truly been amazing and i just want to say that i really love all your content and your website. You teach me a lot and I really would recommend your number 1 recommendation to anyone .

  76. Thank you Tony, this did put a smile on my face, but I also think that without knowing it, there could be a deeper meaning in this story. We all do juggling act every day, it’s part of life: job, kids, relationships and so on. But when you think that your juggling act becomes to much, it’s time to look around you and watch other individuals trying to juggle their lives. If you have been observing them for some time, you might realize that your act is doable. Thanks for sharing, John. 

  77. Hello Tony! Thank you for sharing this article on could you pass this test. I will surely share this. The stories are hilarious. Smile or laughter does not cost a thing. Smile eases tension and makes a person have a sweet look and healthy look. A lot has been happening lately and a comic relief is really needed. Thanks T

  78. Hey Tony, I have to say in answer to the question no I cannot pass this test either. I like jokes and this was very funny.
    It does kind of make it think about whether a state trooper would ever give you a chance to get out of a ticket with something similar to this.
    But I guess stranger things happen, right? It’s funny that the trunk put himself in the back of the car. But I love good jokes and I am going to forward this to some people I know who also like jokes.

  79. Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece of information resource. I must say I really did enjoy going through your review as it contains valuable information one needs to be aware of. This was really hilarious I can’t even imagine the dumb drunk boy thinking how it was going to pass that test

  80. Great laugh Tony, I don’t think I would pass the test. It was a fun read. We all need those at times. It’s funny to see how others would react to this situation. Would love to read more fun stuff like this spreading your great attitude. I will keep an eye out. Thanks for the read. 

  81. Hello Tony Lee Hamilton, Thank you for showing another golden opportunity. I watched all the videos and i must say you have done a very great job in carefully explaining … Such a very interesting and yet educative piece from you. I will do well to share with my friends. Thank you once again. Lol I tried this, I couldn’t pass this test, very hilarious. Great one you pulled off here

  82. LOL!! I couldn’t pass the test either. That is hilarious, I needed that laugh and I will be posting to my social media page. What a smart drunk, most would have kept on trucking, trying to avoid that ticket. At least he got off the road. Hahaha thanks for that!

  83. Ahahhahaahaha. A very funny story. I always love when I read or hear something funny. I will tell this to others to laugh. I don’t think I would pass the test: D I think this is a good lesson that not everything in life really is as it seems and that sometimes we have to wait before we react.

  84. It was a good laugh at the end, you might be talking about me for sure I will be the guy in the back of the patrol. There is no way I could pass the same test. I could even brought more people to be arrested because none of my friend are very coordinated individuals.

  85. hahaha, what a very funny story! I was concerned that the juggler is going to be late for his show since he is juggling for the trooper. If a trooper will ever stop me for overspeeding or other traffic offense and asks me to juggle to spare me from getting a ticket, i will surely be like the drunk man, no way to pass the test. I’ll get my fine right away and say sorry to the husband and ask him to pay.:)

  86. Hello there! Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful piece of information. I’ve gone through it and it’s a really detailed one. I find it very helpful because it contains valuable information everyone should hold on to. It’s been a taught week for me already but this high really brighten me up, and I must say am cheered already after reading through this post. I must say you quite have a good sense of humour even in your writing.

  87. Thank you so much Tony Hamilton for this great article. The famous saying that all work without play makes for a dull boy is especially true as it always important to bring in a little bit of pleasure and entertainment into the work that you do and your article has achieved exactly that effect as it will definitely cheer a lot of people. 

  88. Thanks Tony for exposing us to this like this. I am opportuned to know you. This article opened my eye to a lot that happens out there.  I can’t really say if he’d pass the test or not but I will like to know more tho. I will share this with my friends to see their take on this 

  89. Hii Tony ….. thank you very much for sharing this wonderful article with well detailed information and we’ll explained…I’m happy I got to read such an amazing article from you. I find it really amazing cause it contains detailed information which people should take note of and also hold on to 

  90. Thank you so much Tony Hamilton for this great article.

    many years ago, I experienced a fatal accident hat condition the way I perceive speed. I hope we all stay safe out there. The juggler on his way to a show could end up missing the show if the worse happens. Let us stay safe and drive safe too

  91. Hello there! Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful piece of information. I’ve gone through it and it’s a really detailed one. I find it very helpful because it contains valuable information everyone should hold on to.  I’ve been having a bad day and voila this joke came in to make my day the best because this is the best laugh I’ve had in a while. Super excited about this, thanks a lot. 

  92. I will surely share this. The stories are hilarious. Smile or laughter does not cost a thing. Smile eases tension and makes a person have a sweet look and healthy look. I have a lady at my place of work who rarely smile. I have not seen how funny a word, sentence, situation or circumstance may be, you’ll never see her teeth outside and people now segregate her as someone who doesn’t belong to the organization. Always on her own

  93. Thanks for the kind of art you brought to our stable today, it is a very interesting article and it is quite entertaining too, many people don’t get to read completely this kind d of articles and this is what help me a lit. I’d love to get more of this kind of articles and it’ll be very delighted to use it.

  94. This is funny. I think you had jokes in you. Sometimes it is nice to relax and laugh. I really needed this laugh. Hoping to see more post of this kind. It won’t be a bad idea. Everyone right now is stressed and a little laugh here and there is always needed.

  95. Thanks for throwing a little light-hearted humor our way Tony. I think a lot of us really need it with everything that is going on in the world right now. Sometimes a nice laugh is enough to help us clear our heads, put is in a better mood, and help kick-off the good ‘ol motivation so we can get some serious work done for our online businesses.

  96. Hello Tony, it’s really fun to be seeing such wonderful information online and you have given us here and it mean a lot to all. I didn’t expect this post to be like this especially after seeing what the name is, it just made me thing you were doing so well baout it. Thank you for me tmd also for you for writing plus me for taking my time to read. Cheers

  97. Thank you for giving me this really amazing laugh. I haven’t had one in a while now. Been down with some body pains and reading this was just so therapeutic. You always dish out amazing contents be it reviews or personal thoughts on matters. Would love to see more of these kinds of contents. Thanks once again.

  98. Hello Tony,

    Thank you for sharing this joking actually you have change my mind and boost my mood, myself i like joking most of the time when i feel bored I”m going into youtube and finding various joking that are burst my energy and refresh my mind. I will share this joking to  friends of mine.

  99. Hello there, thanks a lot for sharing this beautiful piece of information here with us. I must say i really did enjoyed going through your review as it contains valuable informations one needs to be aware of.  it’s strange to see that I couldn’t pass this test at first trail. I’m going to give it others trials and see if I can pass it, thanks Tony .

  100. The very good joke, I laughed so my stomach curved. The world of human thought is always amazing, and sometimes you can’t wonder how people think. Such jokes are always welcome.If you still have something like this to share, I am always ready to read it.Thanks for making me feel good all day.

  101. This is a very funny thing you shared here Tony because I didn’t expect this post to be like this especially after seeing what the name is, it just made me thing you were doing so well baout it. Thank you for me tmd also for you for writing plus me for taking my time to read.

  102. I believe this requires a high level of thinking to actually focus and be able to decipher the real.message behind this. If the message is gitten, then to solve the riddle becomes much more of an easier task. What you shqred here is really great to see here and I honestly value this here. What you shared is great here and thanks so much for sharing here with us

  103. Hahaha! That is a very good one Tony. You do got me thinking here though. How did I come across your site looking for ways to learn about digital marketing. Oh! I get it now. The lesson is that : Do not jump to hasty conclusions too quickly, even if what you see is incomprehensible. Make your own investigations first and find out about the underlying truth! Cheers!

  104. I enjoyed the story and yes it did bring a smile to my face. I also read your top recommendation for making money. Your knowledge and experience in this niche make you trustworthy. Anyone looking for alternative ways to make money would benefit from this site. The objective reviews on the other sites gives the person options on other opportunities. Legendary Marketer seems like a good opportunity and would leave the visitor with wanting to learn more.  

    Good job.

  105. I always like reading through your articles as they are always very helpful to me and they are very interesting to read through. Always filled with useful information that’ll be helpful to me and my online business. Thanks for sharing about this test, it is a very interesting one and a lot fun than I expected m

  106. Yes it did. It put a smile on my face on this Sunday morning, while it is raining outside. The whole of life is made up of series of tests. Some we fail and some we pass. While we are going through the hard ones , we have to keep our focus and remember that this experience will soon pass and  Whether we pass or fail, life goes on and in the end we will succeed. Thanks for lightening up my morning.

  107. Hahah Tony nice one. Honestly I was not expecting this story to end that way LOL. I really like it. The way I see it is it reminds me of people who are scared to take new paths, people who are scared to do something new, something they have never done before. But, They prefer to give up. This should be a lesson Tony. Haha well done

  108. Hi Tony-Lee; this may be only a joke to some people but there is a lesson to be learnt in the whole scenario. There is a saying that goes like this “fools make mack at sin” There will always be consequences for every miss-deed.

     Let’s hope that the lesson in this action is learnt by all who will read.


  109. Hahahahah love it! I didn’t expect this turnaround and I love the refreshment you gave us through this joke! I would definitely not be able to juggle as well. But imagine, if all the troopers were this creative, the world would definitely become a better place for everyone. Hahaha making people demonstrate their skills. At least once a day. 

    Thanks for the joke 🙂 

  110. That was a good joke. I really thought he had to do this so he wouldn’t get a ticket. I would have tried it too to be honest. I would mostly do something to get out of a ticket. I needed that.  Sometimes your need a good laugh. I should think about adding something into one of my articles. 

  111. Hahaha, that’s a good one. Imagine having to pass a test like that one, no one would drive drunk anymore 😉 I can just imagine the drunk guy’s face when he saw the juggler juggling those flares 😉 

    This was the first post I saw today and what a great way to start the day. Thanks for making me laugh 🙂

  112. I had to admit I was a bit slow and had to read it 3 times. Thought it was some quiz as the URL states “Could you pass this test”… lol. This is so funny! So the drunken boy thought the juggler was drunk too perhaps. Or perhaps he genuinely did not believe he could juggle those flares. But honestly, I’m not sure if I really got the joke right… 

  113. I love a good joke that’s clean and funny at the same time. Too many jokes today are crass or gross. A good since of humor is hard to find. It’s either completely idiotic or vulgar. Thanks for sharing something funny and something I could share with my nieces and with my mom. 

  114. That is a funny story, Tony. I don´t think I could pass that test either, but I can handle three. I am not kidding.

     When is was a teenager I decided that I wanted to learn to juggle. I started with one ball, just to get acquainted with the motion of juggling. Then I added one ball, a total of two, and learned to juggle with both hands, and with only one hand.

    After some time, I got used to it, and got very good at it. And then after about a week could easily juggle three balls with both hands and just one hand.

    It all shows that everything is possible if you just put your mind to it and keeping your focus on your ultimate goal. This applies in all aspect and phases of life. The magic word is “I Can!”


  115. That’s a great story.  The funniest police story I have is from years ago riding with my mother.  We were going to see an aunt so mom had a plate of cookies.  Not too far from home she got a speeding ticket.  On her way again, upset a few miles away she was pulled over again.  When asked for the registration, by mistake she gave the cop her last ticket.  she got another one.  Believe it or not this happened a 3rd time.  She was told that she would have to find a phone and call someone to pick us up.  Crying, she offered the cookies to the officer because since she wasn’t going to get to my aunts house.  The policeman laughed and let her go.

  116. Hello Tony! Thanks for sharing this little joke with me, it is said that all works and no play makes Jack a dull boy: This actually took my attention from the loads of work I have been doing and still have to do. Moreover, I learnt something from this short story . Thank you 

  117. Appreciate you a lot for at least making me laugh a bit or perhaps for creating a moment of fun, Tony! At first, when I opened this post, I almost taught I was going to read something else, but felt excited at making it seem like anyone can make fun blogging. You aren’t, of course, an exception. You have just done it here. Much excited!

  118. Hahahahaha, that’s a great joke… I might have to steal that one from you if I ever need a PG-friendly joke!

    Do you have any other good go-to jokes that are good for a mixed audience (all ages, beliefs, demographics, etc)? Laughter is great medicine and can soothe all kinds of tense moments as well. These are great tools to have in a pinch!

  119. Hello,

    Okay you’ve got me! I really thought that your post would be serious when I opened it. And I enjoy a good joke as I am generally a good client. I laugh quite easily even when someone says “fork”. And your joke really soothed my soul as sometimes we are not just here to work. We can also play!

    Thanks for taking the time to relax us with a good laugh!


  120. Which just goes to show that things are never just as they seem. Great joke, but it serves to remind us that what you see isn’t always what it looks like, and too many people like to jump to conclusions when they see something out of the ordinary happening.

    With anything in life, keep your eyes open, ask lots of questions, and always keep an open mind. Things are not always as they seem.

  121. Oh my! I am still laughing from this one, Tony!

    Thanks for giving me a good laugh as I begin my morning routine of computer work. So many days begin with some friendly emails and many more that are informative (or not) but not much humor. 

    This little humor just brightened my day!

  122. Ha Ha! Thanks, Tony.

    That was definitely good for a laugh! I got another one for you that my dad used to tell me when I was a kid.

    Two good old boys were driving around drinking all day when all of the sudden they ran into a DUI checkpoint. The passenger looked over at his buddy in the driver’s seat, and said, “What are we going to do? There’s no way we’re getting passed that checkpoint without going to jail!”

    The driver looked over at his buddy, and said, “Don’t you worry man, I got us a plan that’s sure to get us out of this one. All we got to do is just peel the labels off our Bud Light bottles, and then slap em on our arms, just be sure not to tear em.”

    After a couple of minutes of waiting in line, they finally pulled up to the checkpoint and the officer asked them if they had been drinking. To that, the driver immediately says, “Well, hell no officer! Can’t you see we’re on the patch!”

    Ha Ha! Hope that you get a laugh out of that.


  123. I love a good joke! It can be easy to get all serious and focussed when you are building an online business and juggling other responsibilities at the same time. It’s good to have a bit of lightheartedness along the way. I would certainly not even attempt to take that test. My juggling coordination leaves a lot to be desired lol!

  124. Now that was funny! I needed a good laugh today and really enjoyed it! I could not pass that test of juggling. I think it is so funny since he had also been drinking! Great story that I will repeat over and over again to others so they too can get a good chuckle! Thanks Tony!

  125. That is absolutely hilarious. That really made my day thank you ! No i do not think i could pass that test but i would at least give it a try if it was actually a real thing. Tony always has some great content on his website i appreciate reading it when it comes across my laptop. Have a awesome day !

  126. LOL! If I was under the influence of alcohol and see someone stopped by a policeman with that kind of test, I’d go straight to the police car and turn myself in! There’s no way I can pass that test too! I recently saw a video of another drunken driver stopped by the police and his test was dancing. 

    He almost fooled the policewoman until she asked him, “are you a dancer?”

    He said, “No, I dance good when I’m drunk. OH dagnammit!” 

  127. Haha. That’s really funny! Thank you so much for sharing this yoke. I have to laugh so hard. If I have to pass this test, I wouldn’t, for sure. Haha. It is great to see that you have this humor and share it with us. That shows your character. Lovely!

  128. I enjoyed the joke Tony, it was very good.

    I actually thought it was something that had happened at first, a real life police stop.Was surprised they would make him juggle to avoid a ticket. The penny started to drop when the flares were lit.

    Made me laugh when the drunk driver said he couldn’t pass the test, take him to jail.

    Very amusing, thank you for the laugh.

  129. Hilarious. If this is the test I will be going through I believe I will fail miserably. Anyway your post is breath of fresh air. I never thought that a marketer will post something like this. I learned that sometimes you need to break away  from the usual stuff you are doing to break the monotony. I like your joke man.  

  130. Good one!  Did you hear the one about the golf player that got arrested for DUI?  He should’ve picked a better driver.  Or the wealthy lady that got pulled over?  She said, “Officer, my speech is not slurred, I’m just talking in cursive!”   We appreciate the humor and a little time off from working to the bones with our website.  Thanks for sharing.

  131. Most certainly a funny joke!  Just the idea of juggling five lit flares is scary.  This joke brought a smile to my face.  The writing was very engaging and I could feel as if I was the main character of the story.  You did a great job writing this joke.

  132. Hello, 

    Sorry but I’m not sure I understood the joke. The drunk thought that he had to jug also and pass a test in juggling?

    Or the alcohol test? Also the Trooper was abusing his power. Asking the juggler to perform something for him. He was also late. 

    I shared this joke on my Facebook page, maybe someone will understand it and explain it to me.

  133. What a great sense of humor you have Tony Lee Hamilton. The story is indeed funny. Come to think of it, can I actually pass such test? Well, the answer is NO! Whether I am drunk or not, I can easily know if I can pass such a test or not, just like the drunk boy did. Kudos to you Tony Lee Hamilton for cheering us up a little. So thoughtful of you.

  134. Wow, that was a really nice one, it really elevated me whole body I must say the joke was really good, my most exciting part was the part where the drunken man had to go and sit at the back of the patrol car because he thought that was the test for defaulters.

  135. Hello Tony

    You are asking for experience

    I have been and seen many people pulled over before. Also, because of personal interests, cops ask people they pulled over to perform some stunt. I had never been asked to perform any stunt by a cop before.

    Many times people complying with the demand of the cops go through it successfully but hardly those who had much to drink, going through sobriety tests.

    I know, particularly recently, some cops, instead of asking for a song from somebody rushing to a concert to sing, will rather shoot the person. However, the good-hearted cop will always find a way to see the situation from the eye of the speeding offender. Once, I saw a cop escorting a man flagged for speeding, to the hospital because the wife was ready to give birth to a baby.

  136. Haha, that was certainly not what I expected.

    Definitely got a chuckle out of me this evening so thank you, I shall remember it to pass along to others. It’s nice to see levity in times like these and it reminds me of those old jokes my dad used to tell years ago.



  137. Lol! What a wonder joke indeed. This review is very funny and the fact that it maked me laugh out so loud is that I haven’t heard a joke so interesting as this one. I appreciate your reviews Tony as they make me feel happy even if I am sad and relieves my pain and sorrows. Thank you! 

  138. On man, I was wondering where this story was going and wow that is really a funny joke, it is amazing of what you will hear that will put a smile on your face but hey this is just what we need because of all the sad news that we hear in this world it is good to get a laugh as much and whenever you can. Thanks so much for sharing this joke and I hope that others find it as funny as me.

  139. Yeah It’s good to joke a little about your job that makes you happy. We always take jobs, we take it seriously and sweat it out. We come to our families nervously and rather than spend a good period with them, we fail. Today, you gave me a smile. Thanks for the funny story Tony.

  140. I laughed so loud!!

    He was so drunk that he did not bother to know exactly why the juggling was done. That is so insane!

    I guess we should all take time to analyze a situation before jumping to a conclusion. And we need to think without any other influence, be calm, and take the time to get an unbiased decision. As an entrepreneur, I got discouraged a lot, people gave me many examples of people who failed. But I got to think calmly and took the opportunity presented to me and today I am working toward my success.

    Thanks for sharing!

  141. Oh this is very funny and it certainly put a smile on my face first thing in the morning. I also know there is no way that I can pass this test of juggling with five flares. I can juggle work and family, but not flares! I did wonder if the juggler ended up being in time for for his show, or if it was just an excuse. At least the drunk knew that he was in no state to fool the trooper.

  142. Lol, i literally laughed out loud, i enjoyed the joke, your web pages are always full of content, these jokes are very necessary to cool off stress after so much work, i just shared it across all my platforms also, thank you Tony for being an inspiration to me and i definitely you’ve inspired others as well

  143. hahaha thank you so much for bringing a smile to my face with this joke haha. Your website is certainly always so interesting to read and look at. I love everything you put. You don’t only put helpful content to inform people on certain topics, but also funny content like this. Thank you for this, i had a great laugh indeed 

  144. The story is funny indeed but to me it is incomplete. What really happen with the juggler later. What did the Trooper do with the drunk? If you can add more to this story my answering the two questions then it will be great. However, the story is funny indeed.

  145. Hahahaha, Tony Lee, you got me on this one, I never knew you got this funny side of you. Like this piece is entertaining. You made my day Tony, like I was so glued to the story that I didn’t really know it was going to be a joke. I was thinking the drunken guy was going to cause issue or do something different from what he did. Thank you Tony for this joke.

  146. You made my day with this joke! I thought the drunkard is planning of driving the patrol car away.  
    Well, I actually laughed. Thank you. People need a bit of this kind of joke from time to time, especially with what we are going through right now due to Pandemic.  

  147. Hi Tony, I admit it that you got me in until the last paragraph. Great one, but I guess not my jokes. We just have different taste, not your fault. But yeah, maybe I can share this to one of my friend. But let me get this clear, the joke is the drunken guy was too drunk that is why no matter what the trooper ask he can’t pass the test right?

  148. There is no way i could pass this test, sober or inebriated. i can juggle with 3 items but i have not progressed to 5 yet. I think this is a great joke to remember. I’m sure if i shared it on social media it would bring a smile to many peoples faces. Thanks for sharing and bringing a smile to mine.

  149. Tony, the story I really needed and enjoyed at the moment. You made me laugh and thank you for that. I am a supporter of good halls, and I think that we should always be positive and radiate good energy, but we should definitely be careful when driving. 

    Please share more of this content, I like it when I see it. It makes my day.

  150. What a nice joke to remember, again and again, Tony! Though I might strive to pass this test if I
    were in the same situation, it could be hard to achieve sometimes. Getting drunk could cause more possibilities to fail. I believe the drunkard wouldn’t have found himself in that situation if he had found out first what penalty he would be subjected to for failing. But he rather decided to imitate the other guy that has no origin. It’s a funny joke, no doubt about it.



  151. Hi Tony Lee Hamilton, 😂😂😂😂

    Thanks very much for this short and sweet thing! I am reading the it a short while after Lunch and was feeling the usual post-Lunch drowsiness. But booom, the drowsiness has vanished!

    Don’t we sometimes trouble ourselves with things that are not any of our business? 🤣🤣🤣

  152. Hi Tony, yes, it is a funny story, and thanks for sharing. I also share this post from my Facebook account. It is not only about the story, but your site is a place where everyone can learn a lot, and I think that sharing is the best thing to do.

    Be blessed 


  153. That made me laugh! I could almost see the face of the drunken man watching the state tropper with the juggler performing his art and thinking: what the f…? Lol. Thanks for sharing this joke, Tony. If I ever happen to be in Michigan, I’m sure I will remember this joke. Great one.

  154. Oh my god! That is really hilarious. I did not expect the joke at the end. Well, if I were in the same situation as his, surely I would failed the test too. And being drunk would really make it a lot more impossible. This situation right here is a reflection of how life plays on us. I mean that drunk guy wont be in that situation if first of all he tried to ask first the cop what punishment he would received. But instead he assumed that he has to do what the other guy is doing which comes from no where. Concluding without enough evidence is not good. But overall, nice joke!

  155. Yes, that definitely put a smile on my face and gave me a good chuckle. Thank you.

    On a more serious note, its nice to read something light hearted about the police for a change. Yes there are a few bad eggs, but I think for the most part they do a tough job extremely well. Sadly, those 1 or 2 incidents that are perpetrated by the bad eggs get picked up by social media which then fuel the flames and escalate the negative sentiment further. What about the thousands of “juggling” incidents that I am sure happen every week across the country, why aren’t they filmed and played to the masses? 

  156. Haha! This brightened my day! I was thinking to myself “there’s no way I’d be able to pass that test either man.” Did you come up with this or did you find it somewhere? Either way I’d love to see more where this came from. I don’t think I could personally come up with anything this extensive for sure.

  157. Hello there Tony, thanks for sharing this wonderful content here with us. I must say i really did enjoyed going through this review of yours. I am not surprised that it turned out this beautiful as you are the one that wrote it. This is really  is an amusing article and it made me laugh, will be sharing with a couple of friends

  158. Hello Tony! Thank you very much for dropping this beautiful article. I’m not surprised that it turned out this beautiful as you’re the one that wrote it. And for a change, this is an amusing article and it made me laugh. I was having a really bad day before coming across this article but I’m really happy now. Thanks for putting a smile on my face. 

  159. Hello Tony Lee Hamilton, thank you for sharing this informative ,interesting and funny aticle. This article is centered on the question whether or not one could past the the test illustrated in the article.this is very funny. I was having a pretty rough day until I read this article. Thank you for putting a smile on my face

  160. An amusing story, Tony Lee. It’s nice to have a little laughter with your article, that will get you feeling great. We often let work overwhelm us, we become too serious and stressed over time. We get to the house feeling nervous to our loved once and instead of having quality time with them, we get into misunderstanding. You made me smile. Well thanks for that.

  161. What a terrific story and joke Tony.  It certainly made me smile.  I can just see the face of the Michigan State Trooper when it happened! That poor drunk.  Of course I will share this on social media, as you have given me a smile to lighten my day.  Thanks so much Tony.

  162. I guess I needed that. It is Tuseday evening here in Ceylon , but I was feeling worked up by the day and the week ahead already. I would also like to bring some people faces today.I think all People should read this comedy article.Thank you for sharing this funny but educative information. This is hilarious. Overspending may be disastrous as the unexpected may happen.There is one thing I like about your site, it’s the honest way you come to us. Thanks for the hilarious joke.Thanks for being a roll model for me.

  163. Haha!  This was a great a joke!  Thanks for sharing Toni.  You made my day much brighter with this.  

    To answer the question no I would not pass that test.  I can how ever juggle 3 to 4 tennis balls, nothing bigger then that, and I have to be standing close to a wall otherwise i move around a lot and it looks ridiculous!  

    Have a blessed day! 


  164. Ha, Ha! That was a good one. I do not think I could pass that test, but I would definitely tried to convince the trooper not to give me a fine. Lol.It is about being creative and use what you know and can in different situations in life. About not giving up when you meet resistance. I got a good laugh Tony!

  165. What a hilarious joke! It had me bawling. I really enjoyed reading this short post and I would say it brought a smile to my face. I’m really glad that you provided a link for it shared , I would also like to bring a  smile to some people faces. I loved the joke very much and it really did make me smile Tony, this is a little break from all the make money talk.

  166. That was a good one Tony, I was in such suspense wondering what was about to happen (lol). I’d have to get in the back seat with the drunk because there is no way I could pass that test either! Thanks for the humor us hardworking bloggers need that from time to time. So, the juggler got off without out a ticket right 😊.

  167. What a joke. Lol, he did not wait to be proven guilty, he handed himself over. On a serious note, I hope such does to happen in reality whereby a trooper offers a task in exh=change for freedom. If one breaks the law, they must be punished not given a getaway alternative. That on it’s own will build momentum for the person to break more rules.

  168. Hello Tony Lee Hamilton, I really enjoyed reading this short post and I would say it brought a smile to my face. The joke made me stop for a while before starting work again. A little humor goes a long way with a lot of people as you don’t know what struggles they might be going through. Thank you very much

  169. Seriously Tony, a joke! Well, that’s interesting. It’s a good joke and all, but as an article, it sure is different. The sheer randomness and hilarity of this post are great. I’m definitely going to be telling this joke to my friends! In fact, I almost rolled over when I read it … ha haha.

    Thank u for this somewhat surprising bit here Tony. 

    U definitely do things differently, don’t you!



  170. Hahahahaaaaa. Thank you for the laughter. I guess I needed that. It is Monday morning here in South Africa , but I was feeling worked up by the day and the week ahead already.  Lol i guess I would just join the drunk man in the car, getting ourselves ready for jail because, I wouldn’t pass the test also .

  171. Lol this is a funny one I’ve never heard that one before this is a good read with good humor I always enjoy reading short story’s like this it definitely is good for the soul to have a good laugh throughout the Day it makes the day go by so much  smoother and gives you a positive outlook on things I think we all need to laugh more and not take so many things in life so seriously like someone told me one time don’t take life so seriously it’s not like you’re getting out alive so have fun and enjoy it while your here I really liked this one Tony it gave me a good little laugh to start my my morning with 

  172. Hello Tony Lee Hamilton, I really enjoyed reading this short post and I would say it brought a smile to my face today, and I’m really glad that you provided a link for it shared , I would also like to bring smile to some people faces today , this article is hilarious, over speeding is one of the major causes of road accidents, I think all drivers should read this comedy article. Thank you for sharing this funny post, it was really helpful.

  173. Hey Tony,

    The drunk cannot pass the juggling test in any way. He is a smart dunk,  who knew he served a ticket. Although I faulted the trooper too. He neglected his duty for his interest juggling. Top of it, thanks to the laptop lifestyle giving us opportunity to leave our dream and interest. Thanks for this break

  174. This is hilarious. Overspending may be disastrous as the unexpected may happen. It is one of the causes of road accident. Thank you for sharing this funny but educative information. Avoid overspeeding not only because of you but because of other road users. All drivers must read this comedy piece. I like the post because its targeted at putting smile on our face

  175. There is one thing I like about your site, it’s the honest way you come to us. You state your own opinion. You present what you feel and are not afraid to say I don’t like this or I do like this a lot”. But above all, you’re genuine. Thanks for the hilarious joke. Thanks for being a roll model for me. I’m just starting off my business but I need this type of example!

  176. The drunken good old boy traveling could as well drive past the trooper and the juggler but instead due to his drunkenness highlighted from his care and went into the troopers’. Very funny. He taught he must wait for his own turn of test or something of that nature. I wonder how the trooper felt when he said, “You might as well take my butt to jail, cause there ain’t no way I can pass that test.” Crazy.

  177. Hello Tony, I’ve learned a lot from you and it’s really pleasing to be here. As I could understand, I can earn money through exchanging ads or clicks using those platform, can you let me know are they all legitimate and which one you recommend to start with if I have limited time. Thank you 

  178. Hahahah I have to say that I love that story! The drunk driver was hilarious. It made me think of this comedian, Fluffy too that he got his way out of the ticket because he made the patrol cops laughed, not sure if it is true or not but it is funny. I will be sure to share this to all my friends. 

  179. You wrote this so well and I feel like I would be very good at this especially after I was able to aoss the test you gave me here. It’s all good stuff to see you write what you shared in this place. I loved the joke very much an it really did make me smile Tony, this is a little break from all the make money talk.

  180. I love the joke. It reminded me of my time in the police and some of the comical situations you find yourself in when dealing with the public and criminals. It came at a good time, I was busy working on my online business and started to get a headache. The joke made me stop for a while before starting work again. Thanks, Tony.

  181. Thank you so much for sharing a story with us. The main theme of this story is whether one can pass in a test. Of course, I can’t pass this test because it is very complicated and difficult. Those who fast in all these tests are very efficient and prudent. Finally I have read and enjoyed your article so would like to share about the article in my social media group if you allow me.

  182. Hi,

    From your article this topic is interesting and I will like to read it over and over again, could you pass this test, at the end of the topic I discovered it was a joke about a state trooper that pulled a car over, in which the driver was speeding and the trooper as why and he said is a juggler and gave him a task, when a drunk boy driving his car saw them and parked and said he can not pass this test.

    Thank you.


  183. I was not expecting this; at all! I’m so glad to see some positive things as well as funny ones on the internet during these troubled times that we’re going through. I’m still laughing at the response of the person who was drunk to the officer lol. This truly brightened up my night so thank you for that. 

  184. Thanks for this funny story to brighten up my day on Friday. I would be like the drunk man because I know I can’t juggle.

    Can you juggle or have a skill that’s similar to it? Also do you think anything like this has happened in really life?

    I also think it was nice of the police officer to request him to this rather than give a ticket.

  185. Interesting one to see here and I value the time that you have spent on creating such a great content as this here. The test is not as easy as it appears though it was difficult but I would share this with my firensd and be back with the answer that we have reached as a conclusion. Great one. Here

  186. LOL I don’t even know what to say to that! Except no I couldn’t pass the test either. I guess we could see this as some kind of life lesson, since many jokes have that in them. But I guess my preference would be to leave it as it is – a little humor to lighten the day!

  187. Awe!  This is awesome.  And yes, it did make me laugh.   The morale of the story for me is do not assume you know what is happening.  Get the facts.  Thank you for sharing and for extending an invitation for readers to share if they like.  You are truly a role model for the on-line world.  Again, thank you.

  188. It is really good that you shared this with us here, it is a very interesting one I’ve really enjoyed reading every bit of it and I’m looking forward to seeing more of it. This kind of tests are really interesting and important for our intellectual growth and development. I’ll share it around

  189. Well, thanks for the nice joke, Tony. As a non-English native reader, I need a few minutes to really understand what’s so funny from this story. After I get what is the meaning of ‘passing this test’, I laugh so hard. Such a poor juggler. I hope he is still alive and well to perform in the circus later 🙂 Thank you again for making my day brighter with the joke.

  190. Hi Tony,

    After visiting your website, it gives me more confident in starting online working mode. Seems a lot of opportunities out there. As I could understand, I can earn money through exchanging ads or clicks using those platform, can you let me know are they all legitimate and which one you recommend to start with if I have limited time (by the way I already join cashjucie, is that good choice?)? 

    Also, you mention in “About Me” people may fail because they take things personally. Why did this happen, is it due to haters or cyberbully? 

    Good days. 

  191. Never in a million years could I ever hope to pass that test! I have heard that juggling is a task that takes amazing amounts of hand eye coordination! Though I would probably never speed or drive drunk in my life either, so I wouldn’t have to put it to the test myself 🙂 funny story though!

  192. I thought this article was funny and interesting. I could not pass the test either way to hard especially while the flares were lit. This kept me reading till the end and made me a good laugh today 🙂 

    I liked how you kept the article going and wanting us to read more.

  193. Very funny story, Tony Lee. It’s nice to have a little laughter with your work that will keep you cheerful. We often let work take us, we become serious and stressed. We come home nervous to our family and instead of spending quality time with them, we get into quarrels. You brought a smile to my face today.

  194. Hey Tony,

    OH, my goodness…what a fun little story and a cool joke. Put a smile on my face to be sure.

    I used to teach defensive driving for the Arizona courts and THIS would have been a good ice breaker for the touch audience all there because they had received a citation.

    Have a beautiful day!


  195. OH, my goodness…what a fun little story and a cool joke. Put a smile on my face to be sure.

    I used to teach defensive driving for the Arizona courts and THIS would have been a good ice breaker for the touch audience all there because they had received a citation.

    Have a beautiful day!



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