Frequently asked questions FAQ

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Social Media Traffic Exchange




Below are the FAQ and can also be found on the FAQ page at the bottom of the
just launched on 24 July 210 Social Media Traffic exchange site!



1) Who is the founder of Social Media Traffic Exchange?

Hello Friends,

My name is Tony Lee Hamilton and I launched Social Media Traffic Exchange (SMTE) on 24 July 2016 in order to help Friends from around the world increase website traffic, referrals and revenue online.I am a 7 year Veteran of the United States Army, single Father to a teenage son. His Mom and I adopted Him at His birth in 2001 She passed away from breast cancer in 2013 and is now in Heaven.

I also worked in the moving industry for 20 years moving families across the country driving an 18 wheeler and carrying furniture. I am not some millionaire guru, I am an ordinary person who wants more out of life and helping friends do the same is my gift that I am to share.

I love helping Friends from around the world to grow their Social Media presence as well as their traffic to their websites increasing website traffic, referrals and revenue.

2) What are coins used for?

Coins are used for sharing your website(s) and/or social media pages here on Social Media Traffic Exchange.

When you add your website to the traffic exchange and/or any of the social media sites listed on the left you will then choose how many coins per view that you would like to spend.

Free members can offer up to 25 coins and Premium VIP members can offer up to 100 coins. The higher offered sites will be shown first so it is beneficial to choose as high of a number of coins that you can.

On the Traffic Exchange then number of coins offered affects the time that the viewer will spend on your website. The time is 2x the amount of coins offered. 24 coins equals 48 seconds, 90 coins equals 180 seconds etc ….

When registering you are given 1,000 coins to get started and you are also able to earn free coins by utilizing the Traffic Exchange and view other members websites and/or by clicking on the Social Media sites.

Coins can also be purchased if you would rather do that instead of taking the time to surf websites and Social Media sites.

3) Are my login passwords to my Social Media sites safe?

Yes your passwords are safe.

I don't have access to your passwords so they are completely safe.

Also no worries about your email address as I will never sell or share your email address with anyone.

4) What are the Terms of Service?

By registering at Social Media Traffic Exchange you are agreeing to the below Terms of Service:

– No porn, adult, or similar content or links, casino and gambling, med sales, hacking/cracking/warez or any pirate goods, race hate.

– Hijack scripts, frame-breakers, page rotators, pop-ups, pop-unders are not welcome here.

– We take no responsibility for any actions initiated by member or third party links, pages, social accounts or or advertising – Social Media Traffic Exchange has no control over their page content whether served directly or though our exchanges. Please ensure your anti-virus and anti-malware programs are active and updated regularly for safe browsing. We take no responsibility for any actions taken, or claims made against you by any third party as a result of your informed choice to use this exchange.

Social Media Traffic Exchange reviews website and social page content, advertising links, and other third party content provided by members and advertisers to ensure suitability for a general audience, the management of these sites is entirely outside of our control and we take no responsibility for any text, ideas, images, editorial comment or other views, products, services or other content contained therein, that are presented to members via our site. If you see something offensive, adult, illegal or deceptive please report it to us immediately so we can take action!

– Copyrighted Content, Piracy, Illegal Activities

By using this website/our service you accept full responsibility for any infringement of copyright or intellectual property rights of any audio, visual or written content contained within pages you have added, including any proceedings or claims for damages made against you by any third party as a result.

Social Media Traffic Exchange does not in any way support piracy – we will comply with any request from copyright owners to remove content which infringes their ownership rights.

We will remove any page or site or banner or link which we believe promotes pirated or counterfeit software, goods, audio or video, hacking or cracking of proprietary software or membership websites, publishing of registration unlock codes, or blatantly illegal activities etc.

– Misuse and Fraud

Unfortunately there are those who try and spoil it for the majority…

Malicious scripting, adult or sexy content, or cheating will get you and your pages immediately banned for life, with all coins and credits zero-ed.

Don't try registering multiple accounts with disposable emails and proxy servers – we will know if you do and accounts will be banned/deleted.

Don't use bots or macros, we will know if you do and you will be banned.

Don't try and cheat our affiliate scheme – we will know if you do and you will be banned.

– There are no guarantees that you will earn money with this site or any site as it all depends on you actions and the actions of others.

Social Media Traffic exchange is and will be a great place to increase website traffic, referrals and revenue but nothing is guaranteed and individual results will vary depending on many variables outside of our control.

– We reserve the right to change our terms at any time

We reserve the right to change our commission rates at any time

Our decision regarding pages, banners, memberships, affiliate sign-ups etc. is final.

5) Can I have more than 1 account?

No, We only allow one account per IP address to insure that our members are receiving quality views from different members.

We understand that some households have more than 1 person who would like to join our site but we must not allow it in order to keep the integrity of the site intact.

6) When do I receive credit for my referral?

In order to receive credit for your referral your referral must complete 100 exchanges within this site. An exchange can be a website view thru the traffic exchange, a Facebook Like, Twitter follow or any other activity available here on Social media Traffic Exchange.

Upon your referral achieving the 100 exchanges you will:

– Have 1,0000 coins added to your account

– Have .50 added to your account

– Be qualifies to earn 40% of that referrals purchases within the system forever.

7) How will I be paid?

– Payments will be made via Paypal

– You must be registered for a minimum of 30 days here on the site.

– Payments will be made within 72 hours of request

– Minimum payment will be at $10

– Referral commissions will be available once your referral has achieved the 100 exchanges on the site and is a registered member for at least 30 days.

– Submit requests for payment via the contact us tab

8) How do I add my website to receive traffic

On the left side click “add page” and then click the arrow and scroll down to where it says “Traffic Exchange” and add your site(s) there

Place your website there and repeat as many times as you would like if you want to share different posts for example:
I would submit each of the 4 above separately on the Traffic Exchange

As a free member you can assign up to 24 coins per view that the other member will earn when they view your site.

The higher the coins the longer that the other member stays on your site, for example if you assign 10 coins then the other member will view your site for 20 seconds and if you assign 20 credits to your site the other member would view your site for 40 seconds.

You can also view other member's sites on the traffic exchange as well by clicking on the words “Traffic Exchange” tab near the bottom left.

9) Can I earn referrals to other sites with Social Media Traffic Exchange?


As a matter of fact I encourage you to share on the Traffic Exchange as many affiliate links from the opportunity sites that you are a part of on the internet.

Just go to the “Add Page” tab and insert your link there.

An example of an Affiliate link would be something like:

Just to name a few that I share here at Social Media Exchange and at other sites on the internet.

10) Can I share a Banner on this Social Media Traffic Exchange platform?

Yes Absolutely

On the left side click on “Banner Ads” then choose your package.

Banner ad packages for each banner are paid for by time and are available as follows:

14 days – $1.00

30 days – $2.00

60 days – $3.50

90 days – $5.00

120 days – $6.00

180 days – $7.00

365 days – $10.00

There are no maximum amount of banners ad packages that you can purchase and each will have separate billing.

No guarantees are made for your conversion rate as some banners and opportunities will convert better than others. The cost for a banner is so minimal that the Return on investment should be very nice.

Thank you Friends for viewing the Frequently asked questions page.

Any questions that you have can be emailed to me at and I will do my best to answer them and maybe even add them to the FAQ page.

All of our continued success is my daily Prayer,

Social Media Traffic Exchange


25 thoughts on “Frequently asked questions FAQ”

  1. Hi Tony, thanks for providing me with a wealth of information about your Social Media Traffic Exchange. I have recently joined and I am very excited about leading more traffic to my business websites . It truly shows how much you care about helping other people become successful. Thanks for being you!

  2. Woo Hoo! You are so awesome my friend. It truly is exciting to see a friend making his dreams come true. I love the Frequently Asked Questions page. Talk about customer service! Nothing turns me off more than a company with bad customer service. I will leave or never frequent a place again if I get bad service.

    I have already joined Social Media Traffic Exchange and I am so looking forward to getting started and support this great company that you have launched.

    • Sweet Suzette!

      Thank you for joining the Social media Traffic Exchange site my Friend.

      I will do all within my power to give the best customer service as well as great traffic from our members to our members to everyone’s website(s) and/or social media pages to help all members to increase website traffic, referrals and revenue!

      Talk with you soon my Friend,


  3. This Is a great page to have because people will and have a lot of questions when they are asked to join something and usually they do not get the answers they are looking for but here you have taken this to a whole new level and created a whole page for it .I think what you are doing is very admiral and you deserve all the success that will come to you .I will check your site out and see if it will benefit my type of business . If it does then I will be happy to join all the best
    David F.Snodgrass aka Forever Gamer

    • Thank you David,

      Yes this platform just launched on 24 July 2016 so the questions are still arriving and I will add them as needed going forward. The Social Media Traffic Exchange now has 114 members and is growing daily. I look forward to helping many Friends get real traffic to their websites and social media pages and that will also grow daily.

      Talk with you soon David,


  4. Dear Tony,

    Thank you very much for this post. I think it’s cool how you’ve created a site to help other people’s websites! We need more sites like these! My website could use more traffic, so I will sign up! Thank you.

    • You are welcome Grace,

      It is my pleasure to help Friends increase website views, referrals and revenue as well as their social media presence.

      I will see you there my Friend and thank you for accepting my invitation,


  5. Thanks for this extremely helpful FAQ page Tony,

    It’s made my life a little simpler today following your overview and answers to some of the questions I had. I don’t need to ask them now, which is a time saver.

    Frequently asked questions should be included on all websites, in my opinion, but many times the site owners neglect this all too important page.

    Thanks Tony


    • You are welcome Jimbo,

      It’s my pleasure to share the FAQ page so that Friends are more familiar with the Social Media Traffic Exchange that I just launched on 24 July 2016

      I appreciate you stopping by my Friend and welcome you to exchange website views as well as build your social media presence with the platform.

      Talk with you soon Jimbo,


  6. Hello Tony, Wow. This looks very interesting and fun! I am just getting started with internet marketing and can see what a helpful tool this is going to be for everyone who participates. Oh yeah, I joined already so going back to start reading! Cheers.

  7. I’ve just recently started to get into social media about ten months ago, so I still have a long way to go with figuring all this different stuff out. I like the concept that you are doing and will need to take some more time to check out how the whole thing works and how it will work for my situation.

  8. Hi Big Tony,

    This sounds like a great way to increase traffic to my relatively new website. ( 4 months old )

    I’ve never heard of this company before but what you have explained it may just be worth my while to test this service for myself!

    Have you dealt with Traffic Exchange or are you just advertising this company?

    Like to see if it has given you more traffic to your websites?

    Adios 🙂

    • Hi Benjamin,

      I just launched the Social Media Traffic Exchange site on 24 July 2016 and it is going very well so far.

      I have always enjoyed traffic exchanges but with some I questioned if the views were actually from real people or not.

      I have done my best to make sure that this traffic site is indeed real views from real people.

      I’ll see you there my Friend,


  9. It’s interesting that you were in the army. Do you think it changed you much as a person? Are you a disciplinarian with your son? Do you order him to clean his room, and when he refuses you tell him to drop and give you 20? Then if he refuses to do that do you scream in his face? I’m just curious to know whether the military style of behaviour overflows into normal life. But I once worked with someone who was in the British Army for something like 20 years, and he wasn’t like that at all. He was a bit of a joker, though.

    Anyway, it’s great that you created the social media traffic exchange. Social media is something that I have still yet to master for my internet marketing purposes. So far I have mainly focused on SEO and the website side of things. Maybe SMTE will help give my social media campaigns a kick start?

    • Hi Marcus,

      No I’m not a strict disciplinarian. My Son is a wonderful young man so it makes it easy for me to be laid back.

      Thank you for taking the time to view my site and you are welcome anytime my Friend.

      Talk with you soon Marcus,


  10. Hi Tony,

    Really excited for you and I congratulate you on the launch of your new company! That’s awesome. I hope all is going well for you.

    The concept seems really interesting. So if I am not mistaken it is a social media sharing site in which you can offer up a certain number of coins in exchange for social media exposure? Seems like a very interesting concept.

    Best of luck to you sir and wishing you all the success in the future!

    • Hi Alec,

      Thank you my Friend. Yes it is the Social media Exchange with a Traffic Exchange as well and I am making sure that everyone on the site are real people so that the website views and Social Media exposure is real and beneficial.

      Thank you Alec for stopping by and for commenting my Friend,


  11. Thanks for this frequently asked questions page Tony.
    I have previously heard of The Social Media Traffic page, but I was unsure of what it was all about, but this page has answered all of my doubts and many more questions that I hadn’t even considered.
    It looks like you have put together a very useful program here that will offer a lot of value to a lot of people!
    Well done! 🙂

    • Thank you John,

      I actually just launched the Social Media Traffic Exchange site on 24 July 2016 so it has only been in existence for a little over a week now.

      I created the site to help Friends to receive real traffic to their websites and also grow their Social Media presence.

      Thank you John for viewing and commenting my Friend,


  12. Hi,

    Wow, what a great idea. These services are absolutely wonderful. I did have a couple quick question to ask you about them though. So exactly how will we get people to our page. Once we have coins to post our pages, how does the views work? Does it just pop up as people browse the site, or does it actually get sent out to people? I also wanted to know how are the results? It is a slow build up to get engagement, or is it pretty quick. I really want to sign up for this as soon as I finish my website. I think It’s a brilliant idea. Thanks for the information.


    • Hi Dee,

      When you sign up for free at the site your will be awarded 1,000 Free coins to share any website link that you would like to share including your WA referral link.

      Don’t wait until your website is finished to sign up for free at the site as you could literally be building your views to your site with every post.

      On the site simply scroll to the “Add site” tab and add your website link and/or your WA referral link or any other link that you would like. Then you assign the amount of coins that the viewer will earn from viewing your site. Since you have 1,000 free coins that would equal 40 views completely free.

      To earn more coins you would simply scroll to the bottom left and click “Traffic Exchange” to view other sites and earn more free coins.

      Don’t wait Dee, sign up for Free at Social Media Traffic Exchange today,


      • Hi Tony,
        Okay, and thank you so much for the rapid response. I will go and sign up right away. Again, thank you so much for your wonderful services.


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