Income School Project 24, is it Legit or a Scam?

The process of education is one of the biggest and most important aspects of modern life. People begin their education when they’re little kids and continue learning until they become adults. Once they become adults, they have the option of going to college. Some people don’t attend college, but they still want to learn and grow in knowledge. This is especially true for people that want to improve their income earning potential.

Income School is an internet-based learning system that teaches people how to make money by blogging and creating content through YouTube channels. They have a course called Project 24 that teaches people how to set-up and monetize passive income websites. This Income School Project 24 review will evaluate this money-making opportunity to see if is legit or a scam.

General Information about Income School Project 24

Project 24 is a course that is provided by Income School. This online money-making system was started in 2013 by two friends and entrepreneurs by the names of Ricky Kesler and Jim Harmer. These two bros have been making monetizing websites, presenting podcasts, and trying to launch a successful internet for many businesses.

According to Ricky and Jim their online business efforts got off to a very slow start. As a result, they decided to quit. They were going to sell their Income School business but they decided not to. They held out and changed their focus to presenting content on YouTube. Once they did, they started to make 7 figures from their effort.

Eventually, the duo created Project 24. Again, this is a course that teaches people how to set up and monetize passive income websites. They called this course Project 24 because they claim that it will take at least 24 months (2 years) to make an online venture profitable with the use of this course.

So, how does Project 24 work?

To access this course, you are going to visit the Income School website and sign up. Once you sign up on the site you will have to pay $449 for the course. By the way, that $449 price tag will be for the first year. If you remain with the program after the first year you will then pay $199 for each additional year that you are signed up with the program.

This is a steep price, but the course provides extreme detail about setting up your online business. Your Project 24 course will include a 60-step, 97-video training course broken down into 123 step-by-step lessons. The coursework is detailed, concise, and it helps to provide you with just about anything you need to know about online internet business.

Here is a breakdown of some of what the course has to offer:

  • Module 1: 60 Steps to a Successful Website – You will receive a detailed approached about how to create, design, and set up a site, blog, or web page. Users will also be given information about creating compelling content, SEO optimization, how to take pictures for your site, how to include links and videos, creating affiliate membership links, and much more.
  • Module 2: Search Analysis – The information in this section will show you how to rank high on search engine results. You will learn how to carry out this process by creating compelling content, keyword selection, and identifying the target audience for your business.
  • Module 3: Choosing Profitable Niches – Users will learn how to create a business around niche audiences. You will be given lots of information about the type of subjects that will fail or succeed.

There are other modules as well. Each of these different modules focuses on SEO rankings, how to direct traffic to your site, the ins and out of internet marketing, how the keyword golden ratio works, and how to find people to write dynamic content for your site if you need this service.

The course will discuss things such as internet marketing, how to take pics for websites, how to get feedback from your website, how to quickly produce content for your site, and the importance of monetizing your site. Finally, you will be given steps about how to be successful with this endeavor,

There is so much information available for users to comprehend and master. It will take some time but once you get through the modules, you’ll be wiser, more experienced, and more effective with earning an income through your online efforts.

Keep in mind that you are not guaranteed to make 7 figures just because you purchase and learn this course. You should also understand that you might not very much money at all once you complete this course. Since this is the reality of operating any business, the same rules apply to Project 24. The main thing you need to understand is that you will have the tools and knowledge you need to make your online opportunities more successful.

Do online business and marketing techniques offered by Project 24 really work?

Okay, we just stated that there is no guarantee that you are going to make 7 figures just because you take this course. Also, you might not make any money at all. This means you can purchase the program for $449, learn the material, and not make one cent. Again, this course puts you in the best position to succeed it doesn’t necessarily guarantee success.

If you are not committed to working hard or seriously trying to implement the knowledge you learned from this course, you will probably not be successful. Keep in mind that Project 24 founders had a rough time when they started their online business. They said they only received 2000 downloads per episode. It is not clear how they made their money from each of the downloads they received. Apparently, it wasn’t enough money for them to earn a living.

Earning an income is the primary goal of any online enterprise. People that cannot earn an income from their online business opportunity will probably end up abandoning it. Remember, Ricky and Jim were in the same position. They just wanted to throw the tile in and call it quits.

The whole point of what they’re doing through Project 24 is to make sure that online opportunity seekers have the knowledge they need to succeed. Having this information will help an entrepreneur to better understand what they need to do to succeed and grow their business.

Who can really benefit from Project 24?

Anybody that wants to start an online business, wants to monetize a current internet portal, and for people who want to create a podcast. Don’t forget that the competition for online opportunities is very stiff. Unless someone is an established online brand, personality, or internet guru; they will need to work very hard with this type of opportunity. This is especially true for people that plan on using the internet to earn a living.

The courses offered by Project 24 can help any entrepreneur to grow their business. However, a person must be committed to the process and have the drive to succeed. If a person thinks that this course will automatically give them instant achievement, they’re selling themselves short.

Statistics for online business opportunities inform us that it takes up to 3 years before most online businesses can turn a profit. They also reveal that it takes up to 10 years before they become successful. In other words, don’t quit your day job when you first start an online opportunity. Chances are you’re not going to explode of the gate making a lot of money. Most businesses don’t work that way.

Some entrepreneurs will be able to do this without a problem. For whatever reasons, some online entrepreneurs can put a website, sell a product or service, and have millions of people buy it. This is the exception and not the rule. Most people simply will not have this type of success from their work or effort.

The whole point of this section is to let you know that this coursework can help you to achieve your dream of online financial success. However, it doesn’t guarantee that you will have any success at all. You will have to work hard, put in time with your business, and know-how to position yourself in the best way possible to be highly profitable.

Are there any extra benefits and perks for the Project 24 coursework?

Yes, there are some perks for this coursework. You’ll receive access to a supportive community of Project 24 users who can help your business with specific problems and issues. You will also have the tools and resources you need to start your online opportunity or to improve the online portal you’re already utilizing to make money.

Project 24 and the YouTube Connection

Project 24 founders realized that YouTube was important to the overall success of Income School. While they had a podcast and website to promote their business, it was YouTube that allowed them to achieve. Jim and Ricky were able to get their videos up and running and it attracted lots of views. People downloaded their courses and the two began to make more cash than, they did in the past.

If you have a good idea, then YouTube is the place to present it. YouTube has the ability to get your material in front of a lot of people. If your content, product, or service is something that people want to purchase or listen to, chances are you will be successful.

People can make money from YouTube in various ways.

  • Setting up Affiliate Links
  • Become a Partner with YouTube content creators and promote ads
  • Get Funding from fans if you have a successful website
  • Master YouTube Search Engine Optimization to attract more viewers
  • Use your YouTube marketing funnel to get the most from your business
  • Become an Amazon Influencer
  • Check for extra viewers from YouTube Red

YouTube is designed for people to make money from their content. This is a primary way that YouTube is so profitable. Major advertisers will provide commercials for videos, channels, and content makers who are very successful at creating content and getting large audiences to follow them.

Rick and Jim provide instruction in their Project 24 course about how to create video content that sells. They also help people to figure out how to improve their channel. This is another great benefit. Once a person can monetize their YouTube channel, they should be able to improve their income-earning potential through this portal.

Digital Marketers can Also Benefit from this Program

Experienced internet marketers are able to maximize their marketing potential with this platform. Project 24 provides them expansive knowledge, resources, and tools to carry out this mission. They will be able to build up their brand or promote their content more effectively with this course.

Internet marketing is a business process that takes place online. This form of marketing is also called digital marketing. Online marketers create various ads that are digitized to attract customers. These ads can be pictures, various forms of content, links, landing pages, and other types of marketing tools.

Marketers also use links, buttons, banners, and other types of digital content to get people to purchase a product or service. Project 24 is all about marketing. The courses work toward this end. They will help digital marketers to make some of the best marketing schemes that they can create. Once they put their marketing schemes into action, they could end up improving their brand and their bottom line.

Income School Project 24, is it Legit or a Scam?

Income School Project 24 is not a scam. It is actually a legitimate online course. Some people claim that it works, and others are skeptical. People who claim that the course doesn’t work, state that they could not make any money from following the content. They also state the course isn’t as effective as the founders make it out to be.

While Project 24 goes into a lot of detail about internet marketing, it might too much for some people to learn. Some people are not good at conducting business online and in the real world. Since they’re not, they might be overwhelmed by what Project 24 teaches. After buying this course they might believe that they will become instant internet marketers. This is not true.

Remember, there is always a learning curve for anyone trying something new. This is just the way it is for just about anything a person does. If a person never practiced the fundamentals of cooking, they can’t just expect to become a highly praised chef after making a few meals. If a person never played football, they shouldn’t expect to become a starter. There are exceptions to this rule. However, most people don’t come out of the gate, becoming something special or great within a short amount of time.

The same is true for Project 24 users. Users just can’t expect to become instantly wealthy or automatically known through this site. So, if a person believes that will happen, they will end up selling themselves short.

Some of the reviews about members not being successful are legitimate. However, it would be hard to say that Project 24 system is the reason why they failed. Remember, there are a lot of reasons why an online business opportunity is not successful. A business owner can be doing everything right and still come up short. This is just a natural part of doing business.

A few people who purchased the program believe that it cost too much. They claim that the steep price isn’t fair even though they do get a lot for their money. We’ll you’re probably wondering why are they complaining about it if they purchased the coursework? Don’t forget that many people buy into these online programs because they think they will instantly make them wealthy.

When they finally realize that the program isn’t going to work out as they expected, they start to get mad. They then want their money back. By the way, Income School Project 24 doesn’t give refunds. The founder claimed that they used to give refunds in the past, but this created a problem.

When Income school first began, some people would purchase the program only to get the material. Once they got the material they needed, they would quickly return the program for a refund. At first, Ricky and Jim didn’t realize this but after a while, they discovered that people were ripping them off for their information.

Also, the program used to cost $349 before its current $449 price. One of the reasons why the founders hiked the prices up was to discourage any fraudulent or crooked people from exploiting their system. They didn’t like the idea of people taking their information and then asking for a refund. They refuse to allow crooks to come into their community, take valuable information, and then get their money back in return. So, if a person is not committed or truly convinced by this course, they should not purchase it.

A few people who used this system also said that they don’t like it because it’s too in-depth. Remember, the coursework has been designed for easy learning. While it doesn’t require any specialized knowledge, the content is extensive, and some people just don’t have the patience to sit through it.

Now, we’ll discuss some things about positive reviews that people have about this program. Some people claim that Project 24 is every bit as good as they claim. They say that they do make money, and some have said they have become rich.

Many people say the coursework is not hard to master. They believe that it is a good thing because it shows them how to set up effective websites that make money. This is a huge benefit for many online entrepreneurs. They want to make money and get in on the billions of dollars that is available on the internet.

Some people even claim that they have made money in less than 2 years with this program. This is important to understand because the program can make this type of situation possible. Again, it will be highly unlikely to happen, but that doesn’t mean that it won’t happen at all. Some people really like the fact that they have signed up with this site and that it has proven to be legit.

Finally, Income School Project 24 has legitimate contact information. They have a physical address in a real building. Their building is located at 124 N. Seneca Springs Way, Suite A, Star, Idaho 83669. They also have press contact information at Of course, their website is This type of transparency is important for any online opportunity. It helps to establish that a business is legit and not trying to scam people. Jim and Ricky also provide lots of information about themselves online. In closing, Project 24 is a legitimate marketing program that has the ability to make people money and grow their business.

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