Is Click Clone Cash a Scam? According to Click Clone Reviews, Absolutely Yes!

There are numerous scams over the internet and particularly when it comes to the programs allegedly developed to assist people in earning online living. Just like in many areas of life, many individuals want to believe that there’s a shortcut to a successful life without a lot of hard work. However, that’s never the case in life, and you will always find some shysters over the internet ready to take advantage of you. Unfortunately, many people usually fall under such traps and end up unreasonably spending their hard-earned cash in hopes of becoming rich quickly online.

Today, we’ll be reviewing Click Clone Cash, a new system whose owner proclaims that he would like to teach you how you can make lots of money online even if you have no specialized knowledge or prior experience in affiliate marketing. We will discuss what Click Clone Cash is, who owns the system, and how the program works to help you determine if the income opportunity is legit or another online scam.

Click here to view the Top 10 Click Clone Cash YouTube Videos according to Google!

What is the Click Clone Cash System?

Click Clone Cash refers to an online system where the program owner promises to train members the most profitable programs that will enable them to make lots of money over the internet and become rich in a short time. He claims he’ll show you how you can install these useful programs on your laptop or computer and later use them whenever you want to make a huge amount of money that you’ve never imagined before.

Nonetheless, the main problem is to understand the magic that this guy will utilize to clone the program he gets on the internet without prior permission from their owners or the access codes. In my opinion, that is practically impossible. It’s a pure lie, just like the other many scams online systems found everywhere on the internet. Generally, many individuals pretend to be seasoned experts in the affiliate marketing industry for the main aim of ripping off unsuspecting newbies, who have no idea how this industry works.

In most cases, these kinds of individuals often say that they lead incredibly luxurious lives by showing images of big houses, luxury cars, and many other things that we dream of to lead a better life. However, many beginners in the affiliate marketing sector do not take their time to evaluate things before joining such online programs until later, when they realize that the dreams and illusions that they had bought were just scams.

Who is “Josh Owens” AKA Tim Atkinson?

When it comes to the individual known as Josh Owens, he is not the founder of this online program. Click Clone normally belongs to Tim Atkinson, a well-known creator of a couple of other fraudulent online products. The so-called Josh Owens that you see in the provided sales video of the Click Clone program is a paid actor who uses a fictitious name. He is paid to sell you the illusions as well as pushing you to spend your money unnecessarily. It’s usually a common practice utilized by malicious affiliate marketers who would like to become wealthy at the expense of unsuspecting and honest people; who are looking for legit ways to make a passive income or a living online.

How Click Clone Cash Works

In reality, Click Clone Cash is an affiliate marketing program that claims to teach people an effective and easy way to earn around $300 in one day. When going to the Click Clone members section, you will see the software, all the training, as well as everything you need to make that amount of money. The program is a collection of seven secret traffic techniques, ready-made software, and a website along with a step wise blueprint that illustrates how you can get a money-making website for free and use the software and seven secret traffic methods to send your target buyers to your online site.

That is a long sales pitch for a simple cloud hosting service. Click Clone Cash makes its profits from commissions. For every hosting package sold via the website, the hosting providers pay a certain percentage. That is quite common among the website hosting scams over the internet. The general business model entails getting individuals to join the online program by promising a luxurious lifestyle.

The program then advertises a certain web hosting provider with the best online services to make the dreams of the individuals come true. That is basically what Click Clone Cash does because the registration later sends you the Cloud Pro Hosting site, which provides cloud-based hosting services. Moreover, without buying in, it is impossible to get more information on how the system works its magic as well as how you can make a huge amount of money quickly.

In my opinion, the system doesn’t work at all. It’ll only trick you into purchasing a website hosting. When you finish watching the sales video, it’ll tell you that for the program to work; you’ll have to buy hosting. In reality, you are not buying an online system that will offer you a lot of cash by selecting the best systems on the internet and cloning them. There will be no cloning that will happen at all. You’ll be directed to an online hosting firm wherein you will have to purchase it for them to find the programs for you. Therefore, Click clone is just a cover to make you purchase a hosting package, and Tim, aka Josh Owen, will make a huge commission on every sale made.

How Much Does It Cost To Join Click Clone Cash?

Joining Click clone Cash is free because the platform does not charge anything when signing up. However, once you are done with your registration, the next thing you will see is the first upsell pop-up. The online program will immediately recommend a hosting service that claims to benefit your business. Besides, all we know is that those cloned sites should be hosted somewhere. Although Click clone Cash is not technically asking for the money, the cloud hosting company is, but these costs are also associated with Click clone. Here, you will get two purchase options. You can either subscribe to the $90 option for six months or $152 for 12 months. Again, you should be prepared for more upsells after buying the recommended hosting service.

Click Clone Complaints

The following are some of the red flags we can see in the Click clone Cash program.

• Using misleading techniques to market the online program

The Click clone Cash program promises a big secret to the users that will make them millionaires in record time. According to many users of the system, there is no big secret. All the online program does is simply promoting cloud hosting services. Generally, no marketing awareness assists people in understanding how to monetize or make some money through cloud space. In general, everything is usually automated so that the users pay the fees and then wait and reap the benefits

• Unrealistic income claims

The amount of cash you can potentially make is unrealistic, given the circumstances. There is no indication whatsoever as to the type of businesses this software application copies so you cannot make an income assessment. Apart from what you see in the sales video, no people are talking about the amount of money they have made by joining the Click clone online program and the hosting recommendation as well.

• You don’t get cloned websites

According to the company website, the first step entails purchasing cloud hosting. The main red flag, as pointed out by most of the program users, is that you are not getting a cloned website to go along with the recommended hosting service. The Click clone Cash online program is not the first automated online money-making service that shares limited information about what you will be getting in return after signing up. In this case, you are not even getting what you have paid for apart from the hosting service.

• The service is overpriced

It is pretty easy to see that the hosting services advertised through Click clone Cash are not worth the trouble. When it comes to cloud-based hosting, it is neither amazing nor cheap, especially in regard to perks. The other common complaint from the program users is that there are no beneficial packages on offer. You can only purchase the 12 months or six months hosting packages, a move that forces you to commit lots of resources up front. Again, the 6-month hosting package that goes for $90 is expensive, considering the average quality of the service.

• Dubious owner

Click clone Cash is allegedly the invention of Josh Owens. As we can see, this online entrepreneur tries to win individuals of average means through his long sales video. However, as many individuals point out, Click clone Cash is not the first venture that Josh has had in the online money niche. The name is usually associated with many other online marketing programs, which you might have undoubtedly come across or even bought into in the recent past. Whether you are familiar with the track record of Josh Owens or not, all you should know is that this character is not a trustworthy one in the affiliate marketing niche.

• They do not offer customer support

One of the major red flags in every online business is the absence of customer service. Many users of the program complain that they have not been able to contact anybody in regard to their investments in the Click clone Cash platform. If you would like information on Click clone, the cloning strategies, or anything else associated with the money-making opportunity, you have no one to email or call. Worse still, there is no way you can realize the issue until you finish the registration process and get access to the member’s area.

Is Click Clone a Scam?

Click Clone is one of those online systems that promise to make you a huge profit through cloning other successful online businesses. It’s a web hosting scam program that’s advertised for free, although it will later trick you into buying a mandatory web hosting service that is not refundable at all. The sales video of this online program features Josh Owen, who’s Tim Atkinson. The guy talks for more than half an hour about his wealth and successes from the system.

Everyone who wants to make some money online should know how to build a good website, develop a business model, and also direct traffic to the website. But Click Clone claims to be an online program that bypasses all that which is a major red flag. In reality, cloning a business that belongs to someone else may be or not worth it, depending on the business. However, getting inspiration from proven and successful business models is usually one thing, but copying it and attempting to compete is entirely something else.

Making more than $19,000 every day from cloning an online business is unrealistic. While Click Clone might not be doing anything illegal, it does not mean that it’ll make you some money. The only certain thing is that before you can dream of reaching the numbers given in the provided sales pitch, you need to invest some money. That is a scam that does not even try a lot to cover up its dubious business model. Nevertheless, you are told that you should use a hosting service from another online company to begin making money at the end of the sales video.

Following the arguments that I have put forward about this online program along with this detailed review, it is clear that Click Clone system is an online scam that you should avoid if you don’t want to waste your hard-earned money unnecessarily. In contradiction to the false statements presented by its owner, it’s a program that’ll never allow you to make money over the internet to live the life that he makes people dream of. The only goal of the owner is to raise a lot of money from unsuspecting newbies in the network marketing field before disappearing into thin air.


To know the truth behind the magical system presented by Josh, you will have to endure an hour-long sales video full of unbelievable promises, bad acting, and bad lies. But when you get to the end of the sales pitch, he finally discloses the true nature of this online program. It’s a scheme which is common on the internet known as Web Hosting Scam. Generally, that is all there is to the Click Clone system. The owner wants you to register for the program so that he can get a huge affiliate amount from the web hosting company.

In my opinion, Click Clone is an outright scam that does not need a group of scientists to figure that out. The program promises wealth and success that is too good to be true, especially from cloning proven and successful businesses, which is not even possible in real sense. We all know that there’s no magical program that copies business models, installs them on your laptop, and automatically sends big checks to you in the long run. Click Clone is an outright online scam, and that is probably the main reason why their website doesn’t exist anymore.

One of the best lessons to retain from systems like Click Clone is that there are no shortcuts or easy ways to making money over the internet. Affiliate marketing is full of numerous opportunities, but if you would like to make it your main source of income, then you should take ample time to learn the ins and outs of this industry just like any other profession out there. It’s when you’ll have mastered all the main aspects of the industry that you can launch your online business, choose to market the products and services of your preferred niche, and eventually earn a full-time income online. That is the procedure utilized by any successful affiliate marketer out there, and you should do the same to succeed in affiliate marketing.

138 thoughts on “Is Click Clone Cash a Scam? According to Click Clone Reviews, Absolutely Yes!”

  1. Thanks Tony for sharing this amazing article, I’ve read a lot of different review but his is a really good ow and it has really been a blessing to me, many products are just out there to take our money and good without rendering or offering anything in return, thanks for this eye opening review.

  2. Thanks Tony for showing us this post that talks to us about this click clone and also about this other I formation too on hat one. I wouldn’t have a very happy birthday and many other people to join you for em right here my lm know if but like VL know old SMS wow what items em to join you for.

  3. As I read your title Is Click Clone Cash a Scam I immediately thought What is Click Clone Cash?! It sounds very scammy tho and as a cover for the hosting, they try to sell you I really believe it actually is. 

    $90 is way too much for a program like this. 

    I am wondering how these people creating scams are still around?! 

  4. It sounds like a complete scam to me, it’s just an easy way for this guy to make affiliate commissions of people who are looking to make money online. Instead, they lose their hard-earned cash … On the other hand, I would never buy a program that promoted cloned websites. Why would anyone want to use cloned websites unless they are ok with doing fishy online stuff … ? Well, that’s just what I think. I hate to think that anyone would clone a website that is owned by someone else and who put in months and even years of work into it …

  5. Hello Hamilton!  Thank you very much for sharing this with me, if I hadn’t read your review,  I would immediately signed up for the site as there commission and claims are super intriguing and exciting.  I have already saved this post,  I will send it to my friends who I think will value this info. 

  6. Hello tony thanks for introducing this guy Tim Atkinson to us, actually today anything which are sound too real to be truth is probably not truth. scammers are getting increasingly sophisticated in their attempt to get our money or personal detail my self before I decide which one company to work with I went to the deep research, asked question to various site and many tactics I use to discover something real or not.

    Thank you for sharing

  7. Thanks for your honest Click Clone Cash review, Tony! One of the things I do not subscribe to is programs that promise getting rich overnight or making a lot of money from simple tasks online. To my understanding, it takes 3 years or longer to build an affiliate marketing business and there’s no exception to that regardless of your niche. Though with some less-competitive niches you can achieve affiliate marketing success earlier, you will not spend less than 2 years of building it to achieve your success.

  8. I just can’t believe that scams like this still exist. These things are very suspicious especially if the owner is someone who is known for more suspicious things. I hope that this text will reach as many people as possible to know what to pay attention to. I hope that the number of scams will decrease soon

  9. Great review Tony,

    I’ve had my doubts about the Click Clone Cash the first I heard about it’s name but after reading your in depth review, you’ve confirmed my suspicions. Very risky program, especially when the owner himself has many other scams that he runs, and especially the website clone part. Maybe it’s just me but do you think its wise to clone sites SEO-wise?

  10. When you see anyone touting their fancy homes and cars and promising a lavish lifestyle without doing any work, run! Run the other way! There is no magic bullet. What’s more, cloning someone else won’t bring you what you are looking for. You have to start out with something real, that reflects who you are. Build a business with trust and others will follow you.

  11. Reading your article about Click Clone Cash and another one you provide YouTube reviews of other people with their opinion or experience with this company, I’m sure this is not something I would like to be involved in. You are absolutely right that there are no shortcuts in the online world, there’s nothing like getting rich quickly. One has to learn a lot of skills, have persistence and perseverance, and be prepared to do what’s necessary for several years, that’s for sure. However, I’m convinced that everyone can succeed. Everyone can learn affiliate marketing and ensure a better future for themselves and their families. 

  12. Click Clone Cash, however, is another illegitimate, scam platform. There don’t appear to be numerous genuine cash making locales out there. On the off chance that something sounds as well great to be genuine, it likely is. It guarantees a part of cash, and quick. That’s a ruddy hail there. They tear the money off you, make themselves wealthy, and when that one gets closed down, they fair make another. These individuals for Tap Clone ought to be in imprison for being a false trade. It’s best to accept that it takes time to produce great results than to seek shortcuts that are not there and get scammed. 

  13. This are great reviews about Click Clone cash, that basically and directly points out that clicl clone cash is a scam. Following the reviews, one would not have to think twice to come to the conclusion that indeed, click clone cash is a scam and one of those get rich quick concept.

  14. Hey Tony Lee Hamilton, I always love reading your reviews, because online platforms that claim to be profitable to people are on the increase and articles such are these help us understand them better as they shed more light on the platform. I have come across this platform before, I was skeptical because of the way they operate. This review just solidified my negative impression about it

  15. Dont be Fooled
    Do not trust any one. The worst thing is you’ll get trapped and have nothing to loose. This is the essence of being fooled by a fraud. It will make you feel like it happens to someone else and later found out to be the case for you.
    No one is perfect, but learn to judge from experience. If it’s too good to be true,

  16. Your headline to this page speaks volumes.  Thank you for being so frank and upfront. This saves me wasting a lot of time looking further into this opportunity.  Why are there so many scams on the internet?  Its infuriating! Click Clone reviews have stated it clearly. Dubious owner, overpriced service, says it all. & no customer support.  Its definitely not for me.  Thank you for your advice.

  17. A system that promises earning money without hard work is definitely a scam. The owner is known for programs that are ficticiuos and now has fo use a camoflag of some one else’s name. This are all indication of suspicious packages. If it is straight forward and rewarding, the mastermind will be bold and stand on it l. 

  18. Click clone cash, I have never and will never believe in this platform because the promises are too much on how to earn money but the way to actualize is impossible. The platform is an online system where the program owner promises to train members  in which the training will enable them to make lots of money over the internet and become rich in a short time. He claims he’ll show you how you can install these useful programs on your laptop. But I do not believe in these because they are all lies.

  19. Thank you so much for the click clone review. It is very important for us to be careful cause there is a countless number of scams out there that are wanting to take your money and leave you stranded. This platform has got a lot of shortcomings and I think people should avoid it.Thank you again

  20. Thank you Tony for another great article/review and bringing awareness to those that are searching and susseptible to falling into the wrong place. You bring to light the good, the bad and the ugly of what is awaiting us on the internet. You are appreciated for your honesty and knowledge of such internet scams as Click Cash Clone.

    I personally had not ever heard of this one, but have been around a few in my time. It ends to make one really leary, even when the good ones do show up. I do not think I would trust anything with a name like that anyway.

  21. Thank you for the information. Even the name ClickClone cash is speaking. Online business is reliable if the foundation is not faulty. Your article are full of facts. This is an alert for those who have come in contact with them so as not to fall into their traps. Thank you for sharing this alarming and detailed information here for us to benefit from.

  22. Hello there Tony! You helped us to answer the question, haha. When there’s a platform and they come up with a name that has the words click or cash and most especially the word clone, it is easy to tell that they are not actually good platforms that will lay but a simple hoax that looks to rip a person off of their money. It is definitely a scam

  23. Click Clone Cash is a scam, and they can not be trusted. I personally have not used them but there are lots of bad review about them. This is an in depth review about them. But still yet it’s a pity that some will still be scammed by them. I’m glad you were able to come up with a full review about them.

  24. Thanks a lot Tony for creating this awareness about this program. It’s true your can be an affiliate pro with having any knowledge on it. But then it all requires series of training and practice. It’s such a shame that the program doesn’t even work. There are other platforms like this click clone cash that only want you to buy hosting and at the end of the day you end not learning anything from them. Thanks for this review it was really helpful.

  25. Hello Tony, thank you for sharing your article ‘Is Click Clone Cash a Scam? According to Click Clone Reviews, Absolutely Yes’. It has really taught me a lot about the platform and i’m sure it will be helpful to a lot of people and I’ll be happy to share it. It’s important as an affiliate marketer, to know which platforms can be trusted. 

  26. There are many packs of similar products online and it makes it very difficult for anyone to know the legit product from the counterfeit one. I don’t like advertising products that i don’t know a thing about because it can seem to be something very bad and I don’t want to affect anyone with my laxity. Thanks for putting this through.

  27. Presently now , there are numerous scams over the internet , especially programs that deals with helping people in earning some income online, I love the fact that you’re reviewing click clone cash , it is actually a new system which the owner proclaims he would teach you how you can make lots of money online even if you have no experience at in affiliate marketing.  I really enjoyed reading this review, it was very informative and quite helpful, it will really be of a good good help. 

  28. Hi tony lee hamilton, thank you for sharing this informative and resourceful  review article which is centered on whether click clone is a scam or not. It is so sad to know that this is just another MLM. i really do wonder why people would create platforms to mislead and scam people. i implore people to be careful

  29. Hi Tony,

    From my research online click clone cash is an outright online scam, and that is probably the main reason why their website doesn’t exist anymore, one of the best lessons to retain from systems like Click Clone is that there are no shortcuts or easy ways to making money over the internet. They are scam and can made away with your earn money.

    Thank you.


  30. Hello Tony, it’s a pleasure to be here, I really hard been meaning to get this information and I’m happy to see it here. In regards to how it really works as well as the ways to differentiate between what is helpful and what is not when it comes to choosing and investing time and money in an online business,

  31. When I read these reviews about systems that turn out to be a scam, I often wonder – did the owners create this system with the intention of misleading people? Did they think well in the beginning and want to help people, but in the end, the system fails and does not achieve its purpose? Well, if the owners were honest, they would shut down the site and disable the system from continuing to mislead. Can a man really enjoy the profit he makes at the expense of people’s naivety? Some of my thoughts on this post…

  32. I have read many of these website organisations promising a way of making money fast.

    As usual, this one is no exception. Click Clone Cash is a scam. It promises a way to get rich quick.

    When will these people learn? How do they sleep at night?

    Even though it is supposed to be free I believe there are hidden costs involved that Josh Owens has not disclosed.

    Is it a Scam? Yes I believe it is. 

  33. When there’s a platform and they come up with a name that has the words click or cash and most especially the word clone, it is easy to tell that they are not actually good platforms that will lay but a simple hoax that looks to rip a person off of their money. Better not join this as you have confirmed that it is a scam.

  34. Good to see this here and honestly it makes complete sense considering all the information you have included in this write up. Seriously, I value everything shared here and it simply makes a lot of sense in all. I will consider giving a trial to this and see how everything pan out to be. Just being positive and hoping for the best

  35. Thank you so much for the click clone review. I first learned about this platform today that I was not aware of before. But after reading your article I realized that this is a system of mine where anyone without any previous experience has the opportunity to make passive income. But I’m disappointed with your feedback that it doesn’t work properly which only sells hosting.

  36. It is very important for us to be careful cos there are countless number of scams out there that are wanting to take your money and  leave you stranded. Thanks for sharing this here about click clone  if is undoubtedly a scam and people should be careful around it as it is not good.

  37. This is a very useful website for all who are looking for valuable information on affiliate marketing. In regards to how it really works as well as the ways to differentiate between what is helpful and what is not when it comes to choosing and investing time and money in an online business, this is the website I will always go to

  38. Hello Tony! thank you for this sincere review. This platforms has got alot of shortcoming; It does not even give  the copious conversation to you as the site owner, It lacks the cookie monitoring and to make it more effective monetary wise, it requires you to have thousands of visitors.

  39. Thanks to our hero for revealing the truth. Many of us owe it to your help.

    As always, I enjoy reading your article so very much. Such an in-depth and complete information is really invaluable to the internet community as a whole.

    What you said is true and definitely right. We wish you every success and please write more articles. We are yearning to learn from your Great Wisdom.

  40. Great review, Tony. When I saw their website, I also immediately thought that they are just another scam. I’m checking your article here just to make sure, and I was right. There are just a lot of suspicious things about them. Also, I really don’t like their non-refundable policy and lack of customer supports. Thanks for writing about them.

  41. After reading your review about whether Click Clone Cash is a scam, I feel utterly disgusted at the people who create such programs with the intention of tricking people to buy into a lie and rob them of their money?  Shouldn’t there be an official online body to expose and investigate and ban these fraudsters from coming up with one scam after another? I’m thankful for reviews such as this one that are doing just that.  My concern is more for the new online venturers who are so taken in by these shiny objects and false promises, that they do not even think of doing their due diligence in their over enthusiasm, and end up as unfortunate victims.  I know only too well and even so, sometimes the sales promo is so well crafted, you still have to be very careful.  There is no such thing as push button money!  Please don’t waste time and hard-earned money.  Find a legitimate business model with proper support, take your time to learn, take recommendation from trusted entrepreneurs, that way you will be safe and provided you put in the work, you will succeed.  

  42. honestly by the very name of Click Clone Cash I immediately thought it was a scam but I just wanted to read the whole review to see what it was about. I’ve been interested in making money online for a while now and all the ways I can cash in on my time spent online, and I really like that you help me avoid anything MLM or scam.

  43. Thanks Tony for researching this program. From what you are saying it sounds like you are paying a lot to get web hosting, and not only that you are made to think you are getting a business opportunity when you aren’t. If you’re saying this is true then I will be staying well away.

    When big claims about making great income without any work are made, it is always best to be sceptical.

  44. I absolutely despise the scams found on the internet. The only way to earn a decent living is by working hard. I was taken many times by the so-called gurus, that promised me I would make money in 30 to 60 days without too much effort. This program Click Clone Cash promises that I would be a millionaire in no time, and these are the kind of lies that we find all over the net. It’s a shame that these bad scammers are still prowling for gullible people to take their hard-earned money.

  45. It is so important like you said Tony evaluate things before joining online programs. Companies like click clones should be investigated and shut down, I am weary of companies that advertises one thing different form the results that buyers get with whatever product or service Thank you for making it clear and a firm warning that this is just a scam, hope your article will save someone , time and money.

  46. I really see no reason to deceive people who want to do something online for profit. Only now, reading your post, can I say that we are not aware of how little we know and it is a great thing to have someone like you who will guide us in everything.

    Luckily I haven’t used the Clone Cash platform so far because there are a lot of unrealistic things about it.

    Thanks on this valuable information .

  47. Thanks for telling us about Click Clone Cash.  It is obviously a scam as it promises riches quickly.  To get from no experience to making $300 per day takes hard work and time.  So it is definitely hard to believe.

    We need more people like you telling us about scams like these.  There are very many of them and if it were not for the fact that I have personally been scammed time and time again, I would not know the difference between a good product offer and a bad one.

    Thanks for sharing!

  48. Hello Tony Lee Hamilton, You listed here so much red flag about Click Clone Cash that I keep note to stay away from it. To be honest, I did not hear before about it, but many other similar companies send emails in my inbox, trying to sell their programs to me. Thanks to you and similar reviews like this, I’ve learned how to protect myself. I’m learning new things and helpful information reading posts from your site.



  49. Hi,
    Well, the need to put someone else’s face and false name on your brand would certainly alarm anyone. First red flag for me. Being scammed int helping people to earn a commission is really low. It’s sad that people are being caught and duped out of their hard-earned cash.

    Those complaints are alarming particularly the one hosting price. Hosting is so much cheaper generally and after that to not even have customer support. That is ridiculous.
    Candy Benn

  50. wow, they don’t even offer customer support. To think I nearly fell for one of these scams last year, you get to the part where you gotta start paying out and go ‘hang on, if I had that kind’a money I wouldn’t be here.’ Thank god for people like yourself who expose these scams.

    It’s true what you say about the unrealistic money claims, the big houses, luxury cars and better lives, I have seen so many of these adverts and now they just make me sad because some people are so desperate to fix their world that they fall for these dreams when really it should be setting off an alarm in our minds that’s shouting SCAM, run away.

  51. Hi! this is a stunning audit you have here. Now and then I can’t help thinking about what these individuals gain for misleading people and furthermore building up the cases of their platform.

    Thanks much for imparting this to me, I accept this will save all those who have read through this article and assist us with seeing how these tricks work.

  52. Thanks for the good work Tony, exposing another potential scam will be of assistance to newbies who are yet to find their ways around how to know a scam. This is really nice of you, we should be careful about our dealings as these scammers aren’t resting. I’ll share this around.

  53. Click Clone, yet another scam.  There don’t seem to be many real money making sites out there.  One of them is Wealthy Affiliate.  If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.  It promises a lot of money, and fast.  That is a red flag there.  They rip the money off you, make themselves rich, and when that one gets shut down, they just create another.  These people for Click Clone should be in jail for being a fraudulent business.

  54. From the name alone, it is eady to see why this one cannot actually be a real thing. And personally, I wouldn’t recommend this to other people to use because of how it works. Your review did well to highlight everything about the platform itself and also give us a good conclusion as to why this is not really recommended.

  55. Thanks for the interesting article about Click Clone.  Looks like you did an enormous amount of research!   I’m glad to know that it’s a scam, so I won’t fall for it. No wonder their website doesn’t exist any more.

    As you said, the best way that a newbie like myself can investigate Affiliate Marketing is to take ample time to learn the ins and outs of this industry.

  56. Hello there Tony, I’m really glad that I came across your article ‘Is Click Clone Cash a Scam? According to Click Clone Reviews, Absolutely Yes’. Fortunately I have never come across Click Clone Cash neither have I heard about it before now but knowing what I now know, I’ll be sure to avoid the platform. It’s sad that there are sites like these out there. 

  57. I wish for everyone who is interested in making money online to learn intensively about it. Because they will find out that there is no magical program that you will install and make you instant cash or money with no work at all.

    Once this is a public knowledge scam like click clone cash system will never exist anymore. Because this is just a lie to steal from beginners who do not know much about making money online.


  58. Thank you for all the information. You have provided a lot more about this click clone cash here and I feel that it might not be worth it to me. The fact that they offer very little and the fact that I cannot ascertain their legitimacy makes me very skeptical about them. So, I’d rather prefer to stay on the byline for this. Thanks

  59. Thanks for the warning Tony. I hadn’t heard about Click Clone Cash before, but thanks to your post I will be staying far away. I have been scammed so many times in the past with such dubious and deceptive claims that having someone like you exposing these scams is a godsend. I wish I had come across your blog before, but better late than never!

  60. Click clone cash is another new one.Thank you for sharing with us another great article Tony. You are right when you say there are numerous scams over the internet and particularly when it comes to the programs allegedly developed to assist people in earning online living. Just like in many areas of life, many individuals want believe that there’s a shortcut to a successful life without a lot of hard work. These scamists have mastered the art of targeting dedesperate people and I would love to thank you for bringing them to our attention.

  61. The moment I hear or read “install programs”, I definitely do not waste my time acquiring such as many algorithms gets updated to weigh out scammers and leaving such a non-profitable program. The only big secret to success is dedication, hard work, consistency, endless appropriate information acquiring and a great execution.   

  62. There are many clones of products online and it makes it very hard for you to know the original product from the fake one. I don’t like going for sharing about products that i don’t know about because it can turn out to be something very dangerous and I don’t want to affect anybody with my carelessness.

  63. Hello Tony, it’s really not to visit your site and get business information and I really like this one. I have learned a lot by reading your article and gained a lot of knowledge about Click Clone Cash. Of the points mentioned in your article, I like How Click Clone Cash Works. I hope to keep getting more here

  64. After reading your post, I totally agree with you that this is a scam. These people with their pretend big houses and flashy cars are a big red flag to start off with. Once you delve deeper into the workings of these so called success programs the flags begin to wave at you furiously.always do your research before entering into anything of this kind. You work hard to earn money. Don’t fall for the scams.

  65. A very detailed review. I do guess there are a lot of factors that determine whether a product is a scam or not. I do think that you have covered most of the factors, like the owners, the potential of making money etc. Though I did not read your entire article I was able to easily capture a good picture of what you were trying to say. 

  66. Well, it all depends on everybody’s take on what is scam to them but to me, this Click Clone Cash is actually a scam. A lot more details are all pointing to this that it should be avoided and though I don’t lack the full potential knowledge about it but I would never get myself into something like this, ever. 

  67. Thank you for your post. It is useful for me. I started my online business for a while now and am constantly looking for money-making opportunities. Program like Click Clone Cash can be a target I pursue.

    Your review on the program is honest and straightforward. I particularly like your description on Conclusion. You give clear advice to us that Click Clone Cash is an absolutely scam and don’t touch it if possible.

    Your suggestion saves us a lot of time, efforts, and money. I will never touch program like this.

  68. Hey, thanks for uncovering this scam for us! There’s loads of low downs that’ll do what they can for a buck, it’s good to see some light show and watch the bugs scatter.

    Is this one of the worst scames you’ve came across? If not, what was it and how did it work?

    I wonder if a lot of these scam online ‘businesses’ or from overseas?

  69. Hey, thanks for uncovering this scam for us! There’s loads of low downs that’ll do what they can for a buck, it’s good to see some light show and watch the bugs scatter.

    Is this one of the worst scames you’ve came across? If not, what was it and how did it work?

    I wonder if a lot of these scam online ‘businesses’ or from overseas?

  70. Much obliged to you for your article,

    I was shocked to peruse this data as I might suspect it gives the online business a terrible name so I am satisfied to the point that you are sharing this. It is genuinely terrible that this individual Josh Owens is pulling off this and once in a while it is extremely hard for individuals to discover great real organizations out there.

    I am so satisfied to be an individual from the Wealthy Affiliate program as it is extremely veritable with no bogus cases. The best thing are the individuals in this network who are available to help other people. In any case, I was exhausted and did the preliminary and afterward squandered a year as I was excessively frightened. I am presently so satisfied I ventured out with all the extraordinary preparing and data to assist me with building my business.

    I despise tricks like Click Clone Cash as it truly does a crooked support of people groups knowledge.

    Value you sharing.

  71. Thank you so much for this well researched and detailed article. I am a 53 year old woman who is very much in need of a good income. I am also homeless, and in need of a good job that will help me get back into a home. My health is in serious condition, and the problem is not getting a good income that will sustain me. Thank you so much for your time in writing this article. I don’t think I could handle getting ripped off again this month, I’m still trying to recover from getting ripped off last month.
    Good health and happiness to you.
    C.Yvette Benton

  72. Beginning entrepreneurs now-a-day, have to beware of the ‘evil lurking around every corner,’ when it comes to internet marketing. A lot of promises from companies, but no honest and fair deliveries. This is where scammers prey on the novice, the unsuspecting and the in-experienced. It’s so hard to get warnings from anyone ahead of time. They must do their homework. Indulge in diligent research to avoid getting ‘ripped off.’ Years ago, when online marketing was just getting started it appeared to be pretty honest, until folks later came and learned how to manipulate the system. Then the trust went down the toilet.    

  73. Whenever i hear the name Click clone cash, the first thing that comes to my mind is scam. i have a colleague who lost a lot to this platform. i wonder if there is a way to permanently close platforms like this before they cause so much harm to a large number of people. thank you for this insight.

  74. Hello Tony

    It was good for me to view your work in the page, you gave me an insight towards affiliate programs and the fact that you have had enough time research about some of those websites promising lucrative payments yet they are not. Anyone who will visit your website will get the much needed information. I personally believe, this is a well balanced content and relevant to any internet user as it touches on challenges and give amicable solution at the same time. Obviously, that gives trust to the readers and it can be easily shared among others. 

  75. Hi Tony, thank you for the heads-up about this scam program.  I have never heard of this Josh Owens” AKA Tim Atkinson but now thanks to you, will know better. This is a very informative article and I am sure that your review will prevent people from falling victim to this scam.  

  76. Well I am actually not too thrilled to sign up for any platform like this right now since I know that a lot more is involved than to just go ahead and download it. However this is actually interesting enough for me to want to dive into a little. Thank you so much for shading this out here with us all and definitely well worth reading. Thanks so much

  77. Hello Tony, this is my first time hearing of click clone cash and I really appreciate you giving a very analytical and comprehensive review in this article about. I have really learnt a lot from it. Based on what I’ve read. Click clone cash is definitely something I should and will stay away from. It’s so sad that there are many scammers out there these days that don’t offer anything worthy. 

  78. Hey Tony, thank you for this review of Click Clone Cash. It is always good to make additional research when you hear of a product, so I landed on your article. Your website is always a good place to find good info.  

    Good to know that also you made your research to provide us with such an informative article – you always give info that are not easy to find elsewhere.

  79. It is horrible to know that there are still scammers like that out there. Playing on people’s emotions using hyped up tactics of luxury living, which they are not living themselves, just to make a buck. I’m glad Click Clone Cash is no longer around, but I’m sure they are setting up their next scam. Beware! Once a scammer always a scammer! Check the track record.

  80. I’m so glad I didn’t fall for Click Clone thanks to your review, Tony, if I had come across that previously. As you say, the lack of customer service is alarming, and the promises about so much money for business cloning is totally unrealistic. The bad acting of Josh would probably alert me in the first place, but who knows, maybe the shiny object he’s presenting would have worked their magic into my naive head! Thanks for revealing another outrageous scam.

  81. Hello Tony, Click clone cash have been a name I have heard a lot of times and then I choose to make my own finishing findings. Thanks for such great review. I almost fell for this one before I read your article just now. Whenever I see an offer that I may be interested in, I always do some research before jumping in because as you said, there are tons of scammers out there to steal your money, and I we all end up wasting time and money

  82. Thank you for pointing out that this is just another scam that is geared towards reaping my money without offering anything worthy in return. Thank you so much for sharing this post here. Well, I would never consider to join a platform like this after all I have read here . how. Much you have saved me from being falling victim to platforms like this. Thanks

  83. There are some businesses that should be kept out of sight because of the way they operate, when I discover that there is something fishy and suspicious about a product, I take my time to check through its reviews and details before proceeding. I don’t subscribe to click clone cash.

  84. Tony, 

    Thanks again for yet another great review. I almost fell for this one before I read your article just now. Whenever I see an offer that I may be interested in, I always do some research before jumping in because as you said, there are tons of scammers out there to steal your money, and I don’t have money to waste, so thank you for saving me yet again. You would think that I should know by now that if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

  85. I’m all too familiar with everyone else hearing about these get rich quick schemes. But I have never heard of Click Clone, after doing some more research on it. I have never heard of this program or “Josh Owens” but now I do. I’m curious to know where these ads are most prominent for Click Clone because usually I come across these ads on YouTube but they are never for anything called Click Clone. 

  86. For me, once there is anything like the word clone in the name of the platform, then it is only a big red flag to show me that it is nothing but a very big scam that I shouldn’t be giving a go at all. After checking this review I know now that the owners don’t know what they are doing and only want to rip people off of their money.

  87. This îs a very useful website for all who are looking for some valuable information about affiliate marketing, about how it really works as well as the ways to discern between what it helpful and what îs not when it comes about choosing and investing time and money în an online business. 

  88. I don’t understand why this person keeps creating fake platforms just to scam people who are looking for a way to live a financially free life. There is no way that any company will be willing to teach you how to make that insane amount of money in just one day without any experience or knowledge; that’s just unrealistic. Thank God reviews like this one exist to show us what to keep our eyes open for. 

  89. Great article, straight to the point and honest. It does take hard work and perseverance to make it in the affiliate business, it’s not a quick way to make fast cash, it’s putting in the hard work and reaping the rewards long into the future. I appreciate your candor when describing how Click Clone Cash is a complete scam.

    People should know the truth and be well informed. Thanks for making is easy to decide to pass on a hook such as this.

  90. I like the very straight forward way of busting this scam. From the very title you already revealed the money making scheme of these people. I agree with you about the proper way of making money online. It’s not a get rich quick scheme. One must really put hard work and a lot of patience to earn money using the internet.

    Your review makes it easy for us seekers of ways to make money online to know which is legit and scam. Great post.

  91. Another article by Tony to show if it is too good to be true it probably is. If you want success you still need to work for it. But if you choose a good programme such as wealth affiliate you can have success. You can get the tools and the training all in one place.

  92. This article has been very enlightening and this review is a very good, honest and on-your-face kinda review. it is really good and upfront. i haven’t tried Click Clone Cash a Scam? According to Click Clone services and it sure is not tempting now.

    i really like your website and how informative and nice it is!
    than you for this amazing article!

  93. Hello Tony, i’m so glad i read it as i was nearly one of the people falling for it! it’s disgusting the lengths that people will go through to make a quick buck. Another great review and thank you for this insightful post, i’m sure you just saved a lot of people money and time!

  94. Nothing more heartwarming than a selfish opportunist that uses the vulnerabilities of people seeking to make a better life for themselves to only make a better life for themselves as manipulators that deceive at their duped student’s expense. Thanks for the article. I have never researched this product, but I am an online marketer and I’ve seen more than my share of scams. The programs that promise that you will work hard and invest a little money quite a while before you start making money are the ones I would start with. That’s the honest truth. Dishonesty works in the short run and has dire results for any individual that operates in such a way, but by being honest and forthcoming about what to expect as a newbie online, a person can be given hope and a realistic way to pursue their dreams.

    Thanks again for the info! It was very informative and well-written.


  95. Hello Tony, thank you for yet another review. This article is really informative.Thank you for the information on Click Clone Cash. This is my first time of hearing about it . I feel so sorry for those that might have fallen victim of their scam and those that are yet to be Victims.

  96. Cloning any business of company is a bad idea and that should make their who plan on going into business with click clone stay away from getting to see it’s the wrong style of business. I really like how you have spelled it out to an all and from where we stand now it’s best we all stay clear from any similar business. A get rich quick business is always a bad idea 

  97. another great review and i’m so glad i read it as i was nearly one of the people falling for it! it’s disgusting the lengths that people will go through to make a quick buck.

    thank you for this educational post, i’m sure you just saved a lot of people money and time!

  98. Click Clone seems like a scam from the onset. Unlike a program that I use (Wealthy Affiliate), it doesn’t look like it offers real training and a step-by-step approach. I am always wary of a program that seems sketchy before you even join, and Click Clone truly does seem sketchy. I’ll stick with WA which is more of a “tried and true” type program.

  99. Thank you so much for sharing with us a beautiful and informative article. The main content of this article is Click Clone Cash Reviews. It is truly remarkable that you have presented this topic so well in your article. I have learned a lot by reading your article and gained a lot of knowledge about Click Clone Cash. Of the points mentioned in your article, I like How Click Clone Cash Works.
    Lastly, I really enjoyed reading your article, so I would like to share the subject of your article about Click Clone Cash in my Facebook group if you allow me.

  100. Thanks for sharing such invaluable information. This helps others understand and do research before jointing a program that would not deliver or make false promises. I’m glad that you have taken the time to do great research on this particular topic as there is many programs that are legit and the bad apples create a bad reputation for others. 

  101. I have falling many times before for platforms like this that promises heaven on earth and ended up scamming us of our time and money. Hence, seeing your review about this click clone here really delights me. Thank you for pointing them out as a scam and also for enlightening me better on the indicators to look out for when checking out for scams equal to this kind of platform too.

    thank you

  102. Hi Tony

    It always frustrates me that a program  asks for so much money and delivers nothing of substance. It looks costly, having nothing of any practical  use. It is a wolf dressed in sheep clothing. I think that the name itself tells you a lot about the program, as I do not believe you get what you want by cloning others  but by learning from others and then adapting it to you own needs.

    I really appreciate your efforts in these reviews and  without it you do not know if you are wasting your time or not.



  103. It never ceases to amaze me how companies prey on people who are just trying to better themselves. It truly breaks my heart. These reviews are so helpful to people searching for a way to make money online. Sadly people just need to do there homework and come across posts like this one.

    A paid actor still is so unbelievable.  They really think people are stupid.  Great job and good review.

  104. Wow! is about all I can say. I learned the hard way like so many people have that the only way to make money is to do the work. How long does he expect to stay online without being fined or going to jail? 

    Some of the things that I took away from reading is that it is very close to bait and switch. If it were any closer there would be serious legal considerations to face. The second thing I noticed was that you own absolutely nothing, it is all cloud hosted. I found several other things as well but I would advise others to steer clear of this shiny object and others like it.


  105. Anything online that has the word clone in it is usually either a scam or is very very shady. I actually had to learn this the hard way but I don’t think that I can make that same mistake twice any more. The click clone is just very similar to what I am here learning. This is a good post with the read. Thanks.

  106. It’s very true that many individuals wants to believe that there’s a shortcut to making money online and that’s a totally wrong idea to keep, for people with the mindset of get rich quick, online business isn’t for them. Thanks for sharing this review of click clone, it’s the first time I read about it and it’s been interesting.

  107. Hello Tony, this is another great article that will help people know what to keep away. Honestly, there is no magic to earn money online and it is definitely not without putting time and effort. Like any business online, every business takes time to make profit and effort to earn profits and trust. Such scummy products just take advantage of a people with no knowledge of how it is done but  desire to get rich within days or weeks.

  108. I am so glad a saw this article before I decided not to subscribe to this site. There are so many scam sites out there nowadays which promise you so much for so little, I would highly recommend that anyone fully does their research before signing up to any of these sites, as more often than not, they’re scams.

  109. Man, you hate to see another scam. There are way too many out there, and I think it’s time for people to start shutting them down for good. Too many people get hurt with these. How sad that they can’t even play their titular role of cloning websites properly at Click Clone Cash. I’ll be steering clear. Thanks for the info!

  110. Hi, Tony

    Whoah, man. Tim Atkins is at it again. It’s amazing how low people will go when it comes to taking advantage of desperate people trying to better their situation. I’m glad I found this article and I am planning to share it with many others that have spoken to me about Click Clone Cash. It needs to be avoided.

  111. Lol! 

    This is really a scam site and I am really delighted that my instinct not to subscribe to this yet actually pays out. 

    The fact that I was already considering getting started with this platform before actually baffles me. 

    I would have wasted both my time and energy here. Thank you for bring such a review about this platform with proofs. 


  112. Hi,

    There are lots of programs allegedly developed to assist people in earning online living.  Just like in many areas of life, many individuals especially  young people wants to believe that there’s a shortcut to a successful life without a lot of hard work. However, that’s not the real life.

    Unfortunately, many people usually fall under such traps and end up unreasonably spending their hard-earned cash in hopes of becoming rich within one night online. Click Clone Cash System is one example only.

    Thank you for showing and explaining about online scams.

    Best Regards


  113. From the word go this program leaves a nasty taste in the mouth. Cloning sites is not new but also not always legal, especially money or make money sites. You can clone someone’s system for promoting these sites but if that were the case then why hide behind a fake name? Plain and simple, money doesn’t grow on freaking trees. Nobody outside a Rap Video goes around e-mailing you free cash, and a BUSINESS will ALWAYS require WORK.

  114. Thank you for the information on Click Clone Cash. This is definitely another scam that I will avoid. I am so tired of hearing how I can make thousands of dollars a day doing nothing! I know that many people probably join groups like this in the hope that they will make this kind of money. About the only ones that make this kind of money are the owners who are laughing all the way to the bank!

  115. Hi, Tony.
    Thanks for sharing your honest reviews on ‘Click-Clone-Cash’ system to earn money. As this page appeared during my research to earn money, red flags started flashing with the title of the program itself. I moved ahead to read the entire article and my sixth sense happened to be true. Thanks once again for saving a lot of my time and resources.
    Warm Regards,
    Gaurav Gaur

  116. Based on your revelations, it is clear that they are fooling people. It’s a scam and these guys should be sued or hunted by the FTC for the protection of consumers. Is that possible? To let the authorities know about this scheme?

    And the concept itself, even if it is true, I don’t like the concept. I don’t like copying other people’s online businesses. Besides, Google hates that kind of business and you will be penalized if you copy someone else’s website. Also, you will get in trouble with plagiarism.

    I think a couple of my online friends have mentioned this, they sent me the link via Messenger asking my opinion about this program. It’s a good thing you blogged about this program here and completely revealing its misleading business practice. I will let those friends know that the program they’re wanting to join is scam. I will share this post to them.

  117. Hi Tony, another great post that will help people know what to avoid. Probably the only person earning $300 is the owner of this scam. And honestly, there is no trick to earn money and it is definitely not effortless. Like any business online business takes time and effort to earn profits and trust. Such scammy products just take advantage of a person’s lack of knowledge and desire to get rich.   

  118. Click Clone Cash, just the name sounds scammy. After reading your review, I now know another affiliate program to ignore. Not being able to contact anybody to get customer service is a big no-no as there’s no one there to help you to get through the program. Thanks for your review, hopefully, other people read this and know not to fall for this program that promises $300 a day.

  119. Hi again Tony

    Before I get into it, I completely agree with you. Many people come online expecting to be successful overnight without even putting in much effort. Scams such as Click Clone Cash take advantage of this fact and end up ripping off a ton of people before they get shut down.

    Tim Atkinsons sounds like a terrible opportunistic and a quite sneaky individual. Selling hosting and promising the golden goose is just underhanded. The claims the system makes of $300 in one day by just installing some software should be alarming enough in itself and deter people from continuing further. If it doesn’t, I hope they perform their due diligence by researching and come across your post.

    Solomon & Selina

  120. This type of product is targeting for people with not so much experience and knowledge in the online opportunities. They also target  basic human emotions as a way of getting into the heads of potential victims.

    Even if they provided what they really offer, it still wouldn’t be compliant to Google algorhytm and the owner of such websites would be penalized for taking a cloned website.

    Unfortunately, this kind of scam is very common on the Internet. The story is almost the same. Easy money – no investment. People keep falling for that because it is a human nature.

    You are doing a good deed exposing them.


  121. Nice post as usual Tony, there are many online business now especially now that everyone is at home, also there are a lot of scam out there most time many people don’t even know it and most people falls victim of them, its really nice to know that click clone cash is scam, i don’t need to make any further research about it, and i will share it to avoid other people falling victim to it…Thanks for sharing

  122. Hi Tony, Thanks for this article exposing Click Clone Cash for the scam that it obviously is. This is a very important service you are providing helping new inexperienced would-be affiliate marketers spot and avoid all the online scams out there. I guess these kinds of scammy operations have to come and go quickly because sites like yours find them out and expose them. Thanks again and best regards, Andy

  123. Hello there! this is an amazing review you have got here. Sometimes I wonder what these people gain for scamming people and also hyping the claims of their platforms.

     Thank you very much for sharing this with me, I believe this will save us all who came across these review and help us understand how these scams operate. 

  124. I have heard of this program before and it is a complete scam by unethical people trying to seperate people from their cash. They almost all the time use paid actors to sell their programs to the public. The owners are usually unaccounted for because it is a fly by night operation and once it runs it’s course, can be shut down and emerge under a different name. People that run these kind of scams need to be shut down and fined very large sums of money.

  125. Knowing fully well that this platform belongs to a scammy creator ordinarily is a turn off and I believe that I will not be dumb enough to fall for this cheap scam or allow anyone I know fall into the ditch of something like this. Wow! I never thought such scams still existed. Thanks for your review of this click clone and I will definitely share it out to people. Thumbs up

  126. Thanks Tony for this informative article on Click Clone Cash. There was of information on here and I was even ‘googling’ some of the terminology on here while reading the article to make sure I’m following everything, like ‘upselling’ and the part about the certain percentage that hosting providers would pay. But just the name itself is really throwing me off when it says “Click Clone Cash”, and advertising that an individual needs absolutely no experience at all. 

    But what really irks me is the lack of customer support, because I’m the type of person who was questions before I sign up for anything that seems too good to be true, and I definitely want to know about it before it’s too late.

    Thanks for the helpful article


  127. Oh dear the good old scam of using a paid actor from Fiverr or some other website to make a fake video for an amazing product that will miraculously make you rich on autopilot with no hard work and no previous knowledge about working online. And the true owner is a serial scammer… these guys make me sick. 

  128. Well, Tony! 

    I MUST begin by saying “thank you” to you for revealing yet another make money online scam. There is no other word for me to describe this but scam.

    I guess with 4 billion people in the space, the internet is full of these kinds of things. These people skirt that thin line of legitimacy. While not illegal, in my onion, it is a way of dishonestly getting innocent and ignorant people to part with their money.

    Not at all encouraging.

    A well researched and written article.

    Thank you


  129. There is no easy way to make money quickly. It is shocking how scammers are constantly coming out with new ways of tricking people. And how they target the vulnerable ones. 

    And so often they portray this lifestyle of luxury cars, exotic holidays and castle like homes, just to make others think it is for real. Thank you for warning me about this Click Clone scam and saving me wasting my time. 

  130. Hey

    You are so right Tony. There is no easy way to make you rich in an online business, hard work and time is what it takes to have a successful online business. So many people get caught and loose so much money because they want a quick fix. I am glad that your Digital Marketing blog is exposing these scammers, for who they really are. I love how you have incorporated videos to show how much of a scam this really is. Click Clone I don’t even like the name so would not even try to find out what this is all about. Good job in relating this and warning people about this scam. Your website is well put together and very useful to those wanting to read reviews on this scam. Top job.

  131. Well first off thank you for saving me from a hour long scam video that I probably would have bought just to get it to stop.

    It is great that there are people like you out there that arent afraid of doing the work to expose bad systems which in turn hopefully helps others before they get online and spend their hard earned money on nothing other than garbage.

    it would appear that Click Clone Clash is one of the almighty scams.  Once again thank you

  132. I knew it that this people where a very bad scam thanks God I was a ble to avoid them maybe I would have lost all my money and all the time that I would have invested into it…. nowadays the rate of scam on the internet has really really increased and we all have to very watchful…not all that glitter are Gold.

  133. You are so right Tony. There is no easy way to make you rich in an online business, hard work and time is what it takes to have a successful online business. So many people get caught and loose so much money because they want a quick fix. I am glad that your Digital Marketing blog is exposing these scammers, for who they really are. I love how you have incorporated videos to show how much of a scam this really is. Click Clone I don’t even like the name so would not even try to find out what this is all about. Good job in relating this and warning people about this scam. Your website is well put together and very useful to those wanting to read reviews on this scam. Top job. Deborah

  134. Thank you for your review on click clone cash. I know I am one of those people too that I want to find the shortcut and make lots of money quick but I learned from my mistake that is why I am here on your site doing my due diligent on this program. When the owner is a paid actor that is a red flag for me. And no customer support? Is this even a real business? I am going to pass. 

  135. Thanks for warning us concerning these guys. I don’t like it when sites come with misleading statements (and some legit sites do that too). But what really makes me run away from a site is when you do not know who’s the owner (who’s hiding behind the site and why is he hiding).

  136. Thank you so much for writing this post. I’m sorry, but when I read that the so-called owner of the program isn’t actually a real person, I got frustrated. I can’t stand how these people continually try to scam people out of their money. I can’t imagine making money off of other people in such a dishonest way. Is it illegal to do this? How are the people behind these scams not completely shut down or in prison? Thank you for the work you are doing in keeping people from making terrible mistakes for the promise of wealth!

  137. I love it! I agree with this article because if you want to reach success, you need to be a hardworking person, but if you are not, you must improve your skills and develop knowledge about your business. Truly, many people hope to gain money without effort and that’s why they fall in scams.

    Click Clone Cash sounds a scam because nobody becomes rich in a short time without training, knowledge, and practice. If you say that Josh Ownes is not the founder of this online program, just an actor, I think that this affiliate marketing program is an awful lie. I will share this article for other people not to continue falling into this fraud. 

     Thanks for the info! well done.

  138. Thank you for your article,

    I was horrified to read this information as I think it gives the online industry a bad name so I am so pleased that you are sharing this. It is truly awful that this person Josh Owens is getting away with all this and sometimes it is really difficult for people to find good legitimate businesses out there.

    I am so pleased to be a member of the Wealthy Affiliate program as it is really genuine with no false claims. The best thing are the people in this community who are on hand to help others. However, I was weary and did the trial and then wasted a year as I was too scared. I am now so pleased I took the plunge with all the great training and information to help me build my business. 

    I dislike scams like Click Clone Cash as it really does an unjust service to peoples intelligence.

    Appreciate you sharing.


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