Referrals the Digital Marketing Veteran Way

Wealthy Affiliate
First of all, if You are not already a member of the Wealthy Affiliate Community then click this picture to become a member for Free

Once You are a member of Wealthy Affiliate post a picture and a profile write up about yourself. (Your picture and write can be edited at anytime later so don't worry if you don't have a lot to write at first) Also pick a UserName – The UserName can be changed once.

The Wealthy Affiliate Community once you create your username, post a picture and write a little about yourself is the most active and helpful community on the internet. If You have a website and business to promote or intend to then Wealthy Affiliate is by far the best place to do so.

Friends on Wealthy Affiliate will follow you and it is best to follow them back as well. You can also visit their profiles and thank them for the follow and they will also visit yours as well. The starter membership is free and you will have 7 days to try Wealthy Affiliate out to see if it is a fit for you. After the 7 days or anytime before you can upgrade to Premium for the 1st month for $19 (normally $49 per month) After the first month paying $19 or anytime you can upgrade to yearly and instead of $49 per month. Once you are at Wealthy Affiliate and active for 7 days you will see the value and upgrade to yearly. (I know because I did)

As a matter of fact I will give You a guarantee – When You sign up for Free at the sites that I list in this post and upgrade to Premium at Wealthy Affiliate – as long as you are active and attempt to make money you will & in the odd event that You don't I will refund You your $19 if you pay for the first month, are active and don't make a profit.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain – Click here to learn more & get started for Free now.

Affiliate Marketing
Sign up for Free with Wealthy Affiliate – Click here

List of 10 Best Traffic Exchange Sites for sharing your WA Affiliate Link and/or any other Affiliate Link for Referrals:
(All sites are clickable opening to a new window so that you won't lose your spot here on this post!)

1. CashJuice – The hottest new Traffic Exchange with a twist (Post Rotator & Community)
2. Global Money Line – Not a Traffic Exchange, still a great way to share your website(s) and or link(s)
3. 10Khits – Auto Traffic Exchange
4. LeadsLeap – Cutting edge Google Ads style way of sharing your posts
5. Easy Hits 4U – Typical Traffic Exchange
6. VIP Downline Builder – Banner and Text Ad Traffic Exchange + Downline Builder
7. TrafficG – Normal Traffic Exchange
8. TrafficAdBar – Traffic Exchange with the ability to add your Ad bar to other links
9. MyTrafficNetwork – Brand New Traffic Exchange.
10. LeadsLeap – Time Tested & Proven!

Traffic Exchange

213 thoughts on “Referrals the Digital Marketing Veteran Way”

  1. Hi there, Wealthy Affiliate is the best training platform for affiliate marketing business. They provide you business training, very helpful business community and tools to build your own business website and your business.

    If you have online business, you know that traffic is really important to earn money from your business. At Wealthy Affiliate platform you will learn all about the most current traffic techniques, SEO and how you can get relevant customers to your website.

    Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how you can turn your idea, hobby, interest, or knowledge into an online business.

    You don’t need any online business experience and product for starting your business Online.

  2. Hey Tony Lee Hamilton, this was so amazing, as an affiliate marketer, I know the importance of referrals in digital marketing and it can never be talked about so much. I really enjoyed this. I really look forward to getting articles on your site as they are very cool and also very reliable as well. I really appreciate this article a whole lot

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  4. Hello Tonny,

    This is why I never miss your articles. There is always a gem to take away. Creating a free website, interacting with members of the community, and learning modern online strategies is what made me enroll as a member on day one. Wealthy Affiliates is where you want your online business to grow if you are a newbie. Subscriptions are relatively fair with the premium membership starting at only $19.00 and you can also inspect the system for the whole 7 days. Awesome space for online startups

    Great article. I will definitely share with my friends!


  5. I agree that Wealthy Affiliate is one of the most active and helpful communities on the internet. From my experience, Wealthy Affiliate is definitely worth its price. It’s actually super cheap too if you upgrade to a yearly membership. All you need to do is make about $2 a day and your subscription is covered.

  6. Yes, it is true that once you Join wealthy affiliate, your given 7 days to check the whole system and send private messages to wealthy affiliate members. I have been wealthy affiliate premium member and I upgraded for only $19 first month. Also thank you for teaching people that after 7 days, they can still be free member.

  7. Really love how you are repping Wealthy Affiliate here 🙂  I once reffered someone to Wealthy Affiliate but for some reason I didn’t receive any form of payments or credits. Please Mr. Tony Lee Hamiton could you help me out with this. I would also need to check out those other traffic links though. Thank you.

  8. Joining Wealthy Affiliate and is one of the best decisions that I have ever made. The Starter Membership is a super deal. It makes it easy to start your own business online. After you have signed in you can start learning online strategies, create a free website and interact with the community. Plan to put your full attention on the program the first week so you can see the full potential of Wealthy Affiliate.

  9. This is basic information to set up a profile with Wealthy Affiliate. I started out over a year ago with basic information and later after felt comfortable written a better about me post to share with other members.  The Wealthy Affiliate community is a good way to overcome that shyness while meeting new people who have the same interest as us starting your own business in any niche.

  10. Getting it eight is always the best way to ensure success and seeing all of these in here, I think I am perfectly good enough to go for this and surely, I value all that has been ahred with us. Thumbs up to you for sharing it out here with us. Thumbs up to you. I will try all these to suit my needs

  11. I am very pleased to have joined the Wealthy Affiliate a few months ago. As a complete beginner, I started with training, which helped me take the first steps in setting up a website and guided me through the basics of how to build a successful website. Whenever I need any help or have a question, I always have the whole community at my disposal, ready to help with their experience and knowledge. A really wonderful platform that I warmly recommend.
    Thanks also for the links to other useful sites. I joined Global MoneyLine recently, and I’m still thinking about two, three sites that you share.

  12. Wealthy Affiliate is a nice platform to learn the art of making money online. They have millions of subscribers. A very helpful community. I did not build up my website just by going through the course alone. The community did help me. Even if you’re already experience you will get to meet people more experienced than you are on the platform. All your question about digital marketing would definitely get an answer. So I’m not leaving WA any time soon.

  13. This is a true testimony that WA is one of the best so far that I have encountered. I am still not utilizing the full power but know I will get there. thank you for your here once again. I keep learning from your site any day andy time.  Please don’t hate me for repeating my words all the time, i just love the site and how you share info. 

  14. Hello tony! Wealthy Affiliate because I really found a home there in 2019. I’ve never met a friendlier group of people and the help that I’ve had from members has been amazing. I like your offer of a refund on the $19. There really isn’t any reason for people to not try this great learning platform. Thanks!

  15. Hello Tony!Thanks for sharing another beautiful piece of information. It’s always a great pleasure coming across your articles because it is always very educative and informative. I actually love this one. In what’s over I am doing, I am doing it inthe digital marketing veteran ways. I respect you a lot Tony…Thank you for sharing this with me

  16. I have found a home with Wealthy Affiliate. The course is easy to follow. The community is so helpful. All you need to do is put n the effort and work hard. Such a wonderful program for even a person like me who knew nothing about online marketing before.

    What I am now interested in is CashJuice and Global MoneyLine. I have been hearing so much about it in the internet lately and I believe it can add a lot of value to my currently struggling website. What do you think?

  17. Thank you so much for having to bring this to light, WA has really made me believe in something as I have tried many other ways of trying to make money online, Following the training has taught me a valuable new skill as this was my goal since the pandemic has begun. The community is incredible I must say. 

  18. Amazing story and journey to 100% full time income online. I appreciate your dedication to wake up one hour early and go to bed one hour late just to work on your online business. Many people do not realize the type of hard work and dedication is takes to build a business. In addition, moving forward with your dream and vision despite the naysayers and critics shows true resilience.

  19. Amazing story and journey to 100% full time income online. I appreciate your dedication to wake up one hour early and go to bed one hour late just to work on your online business. Many people do not realize the type of hard work and dedication is takes to build a business. In addition, moving forward with your dream and vision despite the naysayers and critics shows true resilience.

  20. Hello there, Thanks alot for sharing another beautiful piece of information. It’s always a great pleasure coming across your articles because it is always very educative and informative. I actually love this one. In whatsover I am doing, I am doing it inthe digital marketing veteran ways. I respect you alot Tony.

  21. Thank you so much for sharing, Wealthy Affiliate has really made me believe in something as I have tried many other ways of trying to make money online, Following the training has taught me a valuable new skill as this was my goal since the pandemic has begun. The community is fantastic and the pay it forward mindset is what makes this such a successful program.

  22. Hi there tony Thanks for taking time to share this detailed and informative review on affiliate marketing. It was an awesome experience glancing through it. This explanations are very easy to comprehend and newbies wouldnt encounter issues after going through this.this is a nice platform. I will definitely share this with friends.

  23. Thanks for sharing, Wealthy Affiliate has changed my life, there are some things I could literally do to school and pay money to learn but I got them on wealthy affliate. Don’t get me wrong school is important but am just giving the side of my thought. I affordable and there are a lot of people to help you if you need anything.  

  24. It was great to hear you speak so highly of Wealthy Affiliate because I really found a home there in 2019. I’ve never met a friendlier group of people and the help that I’ve had from members has been amazing. The best is they gave me the confidence to learn all about the internet, create a website, and start making some money.

    I like your offer of a refund on the $19. There really isn’t any reason for people to not try this great learning platform.

  25. Thanks for the awesome post, Tony! I found Wealthy Affiliate some years ago on a content exchange forum network. I first got to know about it on one of the blogs I commented on and was captivated by the possibility to earn $10000+ in monthly recurring commissions. So I decided to give it a go. Not later than two months, I joined and got started with the online entrepreneur certification courses.

    Today, I’m building websites and heading towards financial freedom. How I wish I knew about these traffic exchange sites early enough! I should be smiling to the bank every month now. I’ve checked out Cashjuice, Traffic Ad Bar, and EasyHits4U and will do a check on the remaining sites as well. Thanks.


  26. Getting quality referrals to your site is the most difficult task as far as Affiliate marketing is concern and at the same time the best thing that will ever happen to every affiliate marketer.
    But in Wealthy Affiliate you get all to catapult your referrals. The community is also awesome. Thank you for another piece of article for your audience

  27. Hey Tony, 

    You have absolutely helped me grow my business online. I have signed up at WA and have been learning so much in the last year it is amazing. I have learned through the process to identify how you are funneling multiple avenues through one website. I hope someday to be to that point with my sites. 

    Through Wealthy Affiliate, I have done everything you have said could happen and continue to work on growing my business. If people would just start and look into the other sites you have suggested the possibilities are endless. 

    Thanks man!


  28. Hello Tony Thanks a lot for taking your time to write about the the digital marketing referral. Referral has been one of the most difficult things that amarketer encounters this days, but going through the post I figured there are a lot of ways to get referral from social media sites and to boost one marketing skills.

  29. Hey Tony. What a great offer. I already heard about wealth affiliated but never had enough time (or motivation) to register. But with your referral program its to tempting not to try, especially that there is nothing to loose. I’m just beginning my adventure with digital marketing and this seems as great starting point.

  30. Hi there. You know I am a big fan of Wealthy Affiliate. But I like the way, at the end of your article, you incorporated other links as a way to get traffic back to Wealthy Affiliate. Honestly, I’m not really a fan of traffic exchange websites though.  You just don’t know the quality of the traffic you’re going to get. At least, with Wealthy Affiliate (WA) I know that I’m going to get relevant traffic. 

  31. Thanks a lot for this post Tony. It’s very insightful.

    I discovered new ways of getting referrals.  I’m used to getting referrals the old school way on Facebook but this post really comes in helpful and I’ll sure try out your recommendations.

    I like your statement about wealthy affiliate and I’ll sure take you up on that seeing I just upgraded to premium.

    Many thanks

  32. Hi there!  Thanks for taking time to share this detailed and informative review on affiliate marketing. It was an awesome experience going through it. This explanations are very easy to comprehend and newbies wouldnt encounter issues after going through this.this is a nice platform. I will definitely share this with friends. 

  33. I totally agree Tony!  Wealthy Affiliate works and being a premium member is the only way to go for sure.  I have made money, not tons yet.  But I will get there with you as an example for sure.  Thanks for all your great information.  Your posts have been very helpful to me.

  34. Very informative website. Well structured and understandable. I noticed the promise you made to give the $19 back if they’re not earning. I know it’s not lots of money to return, and maybe it can happen in less than 37 days. When I started  I understood that you can start earning anywhere from 3 to 6 months.

    overall it’s a great website and I’m going to some of those traffic sites.

     Best wishes,


  35. Hello Tony, Thank you for such a great post, it certainly opened my eyes regarding. Lately here there has been a huge buzz about this program, there are people on Facebook, YouTube, and everywhere you look raving about how good Legendary Marketer is…. People are making claims that they are making tens of thousands of dollars per month, but is this true?

  36. Hello there!

    That is a very unique piece you have there. This unique review has just made me understand a lot of things about Wealthy Affiliate which I didn’t understand properly before. This is really an helpful article and I’m glad I got to see this. Henceforth, I will start following friends back and appreciate them just as this article have taught me.


  37. Great article and thank you for sharing a brief insight about wealthy affiliate. It’s one of the best place for beginner’s in affiliate marketing cause the community is mostly welcoming and friendly. With a simplified step by step on how you can start hosting your website and build upon it. Although its dependent on how much work force you put in, for you to start generating income. I say its worth it cause its a genuine website.

  38. Good day Mr. Hamilton, I am pleased to meet you once again. This is a very good information information and guidance for starting and signing up for wealthy affiliate online business. I am very happy and I must thank you for all the important information you are always sharing. Thank you so much for the sites you shared which will be helpful for attracting traffic to my website. 

  39. I like how you mention and potentially remind your visitors of the benefits of joining Wealthy Affiliate and what you can do within the program as far a business and social contacts are concerned. I also appreciate how you leave it up to the visitor which of the ten websites below they want to check out. Yes, it is up to the visitor to determine if the program (or any program for that manner) is the right fit.

    However, you could elaborate a bit more on the benefits — it won’t be too much of a good thing!


  40. Hello there, Tony! I am currently using wealthy affiliate and the experience has been amazing. I am recently beginning to see the importance of generating traffic lately and you provided just that with your top 10 best traffic exchanges. I am currently using 3 of the ones you suggested but will check out a few more. Thanks for this informative post!

  41. . It is very thoughtful of you to share this information here, it is very resourceful and it’ll be very useful, am so delighted to have comes across such am amazing work.Thanks so much for sharing this article, it is a really nice one and I really love the idea of you making it very understandable and simple

  42. Thank you for sharing this here and I think it is even more worthy to consider this here. I believe that wealthy affiliate and getting referrals generally can be the best thing anyone can do and the way you have presented this can be amazing for us all. Thumbs up to you for sharing this here and I think this is worthy enough or me to try out. Thanks for the overview here too. Thanks

  43. Wealthy affiliate is indeed a great platform that I will recommend for anyone to go through. It is now like a community. I also liked the compilation you did for those who are in need of traffic. I know how important that thing is and it can never be overestimated. I had to save the page so I can carefully go through all of them

  44. about this one is a very good post on the platform and I think that it would be a good idea to have a very good one and then I don’t have to be a good one and the one I have to go and watch them to know More. This is just what lost people who need help with business are looking out for and it means a lot to me. Thank you for the help so far. 

  45. Interesting article and thanks for the traffic generating options. I trust these links are all legitimate and I can benefit from them. I would like to know a little bit more of how they work and how much traffic I can possibly generate using each link. Can you expand a little bit more on each link in a post following on from this one. I’m interested to know and I’m sure others are too.

    Thanks TonyLee.

  46. Hi!
    I agree with you after surfing the internet and been burnt and lost money, I still have not made any money but the will soon change. I joined WA 5 years ago and then dropped out of the training and joined Click Funnels also good the training is very extensive and I learnt a lot. The let down was the traffic and the basic tools we need to drive traffic to our website was all extra. I have since then come back to WA and to my delight Traffic and Keyword search is part of the premium package that I now know is so important to driving traffic to my website.

  47. Thanks a lot for taking your time to write about the the digital marketing referral. Referral as been one of the most difficult thing for a marketer this days, but going through the post I figured there are a lot of ways to get referral from social media sites and to boost one marketing skills.

  48. Good referrals for me to get a job in house and I think it is very good one for you have fun haha I’m up stz I think she z a very happy ze a while ztz y people u r us a good day you  Issue yessir ys hai hai nam just have to be able to make it to the next week or two about it and also to see man is a good thing that you can tell us y l.

  49. This is a nice post to recruit newbies, and those seeking o be independent of slave work, to sign up with a wealthy affiliate. It is always good to offer an honest approach for people who want to try something new but are just kind of hesitant or nervous, guaranty their first-month refund. That is how I joined WA, just buy trying it out for free, and then I found out how great it is to become a premium member without anyone offering me a refund. Awesome article and thank you for sharing.

  50. You are very correct Tony! Referrals is great. I already have a few referrals already. I am going to do my best to get more and more referrals so I can qualify to be selected to make the Las Vegas trip this year. Thanks for sharing this! It reminds me of the importance of referrals.

  51. Thank you for your post. I have difficulties in getting referrals to Wealthy Affiliate. I have been trying free media ads and the outcome is not satisfactory. Your list of 10 best traffic exchange sites can be useful for me or anyone who is interested in promoting their business.

    I just had a look of LeadsLeap, which is a nice program. It is free to join and provides not only free promtion of your business or anything you want to promote, but also provides free list management service, which generally cost a lot of money. I will certainly give this a try.

  52. Just pure value in this post. I never knew that are so many places to promote Wealth Affiliate. Thank you so much on providing us with these platforms that we can place our affiliate links and make some money. I would encourage everybody that would like to make money online to join Wealth Affiliate.

  53. One of the best, if not the best program I have ever joined so far. The package that comes with this is just insane, just thinking about people that are missing out on this makes me really sad honestly. I mean, I wasn’t even a newbie when I joined, and yet I have learned so much!

  54. I really enjoyed reading this and it’s exciting , but I have a question. Do people actually make money this way? Any good examples that this program really works. There is a lot of scams online and those whom have fallen for those will be skeptical. As someone whom has spent quite a bit on other ways to make money like with drop shipping and such I also feel skeptical.

  55. Thank you for sharing this post, Wealthy Affiliate is an amazing platform. Everybody should hear more information about this platform and all the opportunities they have. It is great because starter pack is totally FREE and anyone can join to Wealthy Affiliate, create they own site and make money online.

  56. Wealthy Affiliate is one of the beneficial platforms you anyone would ever join, am so fortunate to fine this platform, in spite of the challenging nature of staying up and daily online to be able to meet up with your daily responsibility that will make you either gain knowledge or earn income, am glad to find this platform.

  57. You’re so right on this! Wealthy Affiliate is the place to be! I have been here for about 2 months and loving every day to be in such a great place where others are so helpful to me, being here for this long I have told my friends about this place and one of them is looking into joining this site to make money as I have. 

    Great post, Tony, thank you for being the one I go to for more on this site 🙂 I will keep telling others about WA because it’s like a big family that is to help newbies out like me. 

    I look forward to reading more from you. 


  58. Wealthy Affiliate is definitely the best place to be when it comes to affiliate marketing. l joined the platform in 2014 and l have not looked back. Thank you for sharing the list of traffic exchange sites on which one can promote Wealthy Affiliate without reservation. l also like traffic exchange platforms because they are not as strict and overcontrolled when it comes to affiliate links.

  59. Hello there, thank you so much for sharing this. this is a very awesome piece and a very detailed one. I’m really happy I came across this.  Reading about referral the digital marketing veteran way sounds very interesting. I feel lucky and opportuned to be on this platform. Referral is actually nice and it’s help you earn extra cash

  60. I agree Wealthy Affiliate is definitely the best value for money around and the community there is awesome, I am part of it. I would challenge anyone to find a better platform.

    Thanks for posting the info about traffic exchange I will look into this no one can have enough traffic, I appreciate the articles.

    All the Best


  61. I remember being surprised at how great this community is. Even now after 3 -4 months of working with everyone I still love hoe much the community engages with each other It is really motivating. Truly a group that is out to help one another. I have never once regretted taking the plunge of becoming premium, it was so worth it.

  62. So much have been said about wealthy affiliate and I have seen so many reviews that said a lot of things that I like about them as well. I agree with you that Wealthy Affiliate is about the most upfront and honest online operation in its area of business. I very much appreciate the soft-sell and the extensive information available on Wealthy Affiliate. Great. Information 

  63. Hi TonyLee,

    Hats up for another great piece of work from my best affiliate marketer showing us that wealthy affiliate is the absolute best way making money online. I feel so lucky and opportuned joining the wealthy affiliate family. And I feel more blessed getting to see your articles more often. I honestly think that referrals and getting good downlines is the best way to reach one’s goal. Point is: refer as much as possible. Thanks for the inspiration Sir Tony

  64. Good to know that Wealthy Affiliate profiles and the community are the most active on the internet. I’m surprised that the other programs you list are also all free to sign up for. Leadsleap seems like a great one. Does it work like Google Ads? I’m asking because I am going to cancel Google Ads and I want to replace it with something else, so I thought that Leadsleap could be a good option. 

  65. I’m already in wealthy affiliate and I like everything on that platform, just to upgrade my own site a bit and google approve my adsense so that it allows me ads from partner companies and affiliates, I have amazon. I can’t wait to start earning after a certain period, so at least 1 dollar, but I see that the work paid off slowly and slowly to move towards success. Every honor on the chosen topic.

  66. It seems referrals can be a big deal in Wealthy affiliate, i am still learning about how it all works though as i am new to it. These traffic exchange site can really come in handy and helps a lot when sharing links. I have tried using cash juice as i have seen it from your post before and it has been working fine for me

  67. Wealthy affiliate has to be the best affiliate marketing platform ever. To be honest, I’m not sure any other platform can come close. I definitely agree with you that Wealthy Affiliate is about the most upfront and honest online operation in its area of business. I very much appreciate the soft-sell and the extensive information available on Wealthy Affiliate before you are required to pay any money. Thanks for this 

  68. The fact that you can have the first full week for Free with Wealthy Affiliate is a big benefit and the best invitation to find out for yourself about this program. Also, it is without any commitment to the person trying. What more do you want? I have reviewed a lot of such money making programs and not one of them offered an experience for free. They all want your money right from the start and most of them turn out to be scammers. Not so with Wealthy Affiliate!

  69. It is a good idea to be able to refer people to businesses that you are very sure about, it’ll hel then to be able to be able to make money online, there are lots of way by which you can get to earn money online as referrals is one of it ,not everyone knows how to persuade people really but it’s nice.

  70. Getting a referral has always been a difficulty for me over time. As much as I have been willing to engage in a lot of things, I just lack the basic skills to earn diligently and worthy. Hence, I am willing to put in so much more to ensure I can make what is worth out of all these here. What has been shared here is good to see and thanks for sharing here.

  71. It’s interesting to see how many affiliate programs are out there and workable but I’ve got to say Wealthy Affiliate is the best in my experience.  Their options and training are unparalleled as well as the community tools you get access to.  I’m glad they don’t have any kind of monopoly though however because things need to stay interesting

  72. I totally agree that making use of referrals us a very good way to be able to make so much from being a digital marketer and it is also something that I am personally looking to try myself. I’m happy that you can give us all this information here too. I would surely be looking to use referrals to make out something from digital marketing.

  73. Thanks for sharing this wonderful tip on how to get referrals. This method of yours sounds so effective and I would love to utilize this method to get referrals for myself. I have really gotten to learn a lot from your articles tony Lee, and I hope to read more of your articles and learn more.

  74. Yes, i can resonate with everything you said being a premium member of the WA community. One thing you need to do for sure is to go through the ENTIRE training and it does take some time before you can see any results, a minimum of at least 3 months for sure. Still very good post promoting WA in this blog. Appreciated. 

  75. hey tony lee hamilton the digital marketing veteran, thank you so much for sharing this masterpiece of information here, as a digital marketer, i know that the importance of traffic can never be overemphasized, so I found this article really enlightening and interesting as well, I also had to share with my other friends who are digital marketers also

  76. Expecting to make money in the first month is a little presumptuous I think. You have to factor in how long it takes Google to index your site, you have to build an audience and create trust. And don’t forget about all the time it takes to write. No doubt you can make money but I think it takes at least three months to see money coming through. 

  77. Thank you so much  for writing this articles to share with us your tips on how to get referrals and where seems to be the best online community to get referrals, I am a premium member and this your article has helped me indeed. It has opened my eyes to possibilities and now I see that wealthy affiliate has much more to offer.  

  78. This sounds like a great opportunity. Wealthy Affiliate seems like a welcoming place with family. The cost for all I will be getting seems more than reasonable. Your picture shows young kids as well. How old should you be to join?

    I am looking forward to being part of the wealthy affiliate family. 



  79. Definitely, wealthy affiliate is the best. It’s a family on it’s own. Everyone always ready to come to your aid.

    Although, I just started but I’ve absolutely enjoyed it. I know as long as I keep working hard, then I’d definitely reap the benefits and make as much money on wealthy affiliate. All that’s required on my side is hard work

  80. I love wealthy affiliate! Even if you’re not an affiliate marketer, the training on how to drive traffic to your sites is invaluable. The community is always ready to help you, as well. Whether you’re a blogger, marketer, an influencer, or a hybrid of these things, i’d recommend them! The fact that you don’t have to pay for the most basic features is pretty dope, too. Especially if you’re just getting started and strapped for cash. 

  81. Yep!  I agree with you that wealthy affiliate is a good opportunity for everyone.  Thanks for sharing the information.  I am sure many will find it convincing and will sign up for the program.  Who could resist such a great offer when you are guaranteeing a full refund for the first month payment?  Thank you for sharing.

  82. Hi Tony, I most definitely agree with you that Wealthy Affiliate is about the most upfront and honest online operation in its area of business. I very much appreciate the soft-sell and the extensive information available on Wealthy Affiliate before you are required to pay any money. To be completely honest I am not even sure there is anything else out there that compares with Wealthy Affiliate. Maybe others have tried other competing services and could give a better sense of how Wealthy Affiliate stacks up against similar services than I can. Best regards, Andy 

  83. Wow! wealthy affiliate is surely a great deal to be part of and I would advise anyone out there interested in seting uo a real online business to join. It took me over 2weeks to purchase premium reason being I was still collecting capital. The business takes some time before you start earning but the wait is always worth it.

  84. I joined Wealthy Affiliate last year – well, this week is my 1-year WA anniversary actually (better check the bank statements haha!). I think the biggest issue for me committing was sorting through the endless onslaught of “opportunities” that creep around online – and trying to separate the scams and legitimate systems. While I’ll admit that I haven’t used WA to its fullest, 2020 has been a crappy year and I’ll chunk it on my 2021 personal improvement list! 

  85. Hi there I have a few family members that are interested in joining Wealthy affiliates to grow their online businesses will definitely send through this page it’s so informative. Having the direct link to sign up is also so efficient. thank you .List of 10 incorporating the best Traffic Exchange Sites for sharing your WA Affiliate Link and/or any other Affiliate Link is also so resourceful

  86. Cool stuff. It would be nice to know a bit more about why one should be interested in Wealthy Affiliate and how it can benefit and help before being told click somewhere and sign up. The straight-forwardness is nice but I recommend warming the reader up a bit more to WA before redirecting.

    Looks like youre doing great 🙂

  87. One thing I can say is that Wealthy affiliate is reliable in teaching you the way of digital affiliate marketing. Totally hands down to its coachings and materials, really helpful if you are either a beginner or an experienced one. And I usually share affiliate links to Cashjuice. It just felt more smooth and I did not run to any problems so far. More power.

  88. Hello Tony!, this a great  recommendation of Wealthy Affiliate, which is a really great site. One of the best experiences  I wish to have with Wealthy Affiliate is to make my first sale. The moment I said to myself, you know what, this actually works, that day I will be so grateful.
    I’m still with Wealthy Affiliate now and working towards my financial dreams every day.

  89. Another recommendation of Wealthy Affiliate, which is a really great site. One of the best experiences I had with Wealthy Affiliate was making my first sale. The moment I said to myself, you know what, this actually works.

    I’m still with Wealthy Affiliate now and working towards my financial dreams every day.

  90. Thanks for sharing this post it is very brilliant, insightful and shares more knowledge on wealth affiliate, it makes me know a better part of wealth affiliate by showing how to make use of wealth affiliate to help grow business  performance, I will love to refer my friends to wealth affiliate and urge them to be a member. i hope this awesome article helps other too.

  91. Wealthy Affiliate is a great place to learn about affiliate marketing, make new business connections and meet some great people!  Everyone is super friendly and helpful, as willing to help you get ahead in your business. I’ve been a member for over a year and I wouldn’t give it up,  Even with a premium membership, all the tools, resources, training and support I have access to makes it worth every penny.  I’ve also had some good networking using EasyHits4U.

  92. Hi there Tony! I personally feel that Wealthy Affiliate is the best online community that can truly teach people the ropes of making a living online while creating the opportunity to do so without having to deal with the tons of scams out there. Referrals holds a very high ground on online businesses as it can help you earn as much as you can earn and WA gives you that opportunity. 

  93. I must say I would love to adopt the digital marketing veteran way as it would definitely prove to be the best way to get more referral to wealthy Affiliate , Not just to make a commission but also to get people to really understand and also make money from wealthy affiliate.

  94. Tony,

    You do not have to convince me about Wealthy Affiliate. From reading some of your past posts and commenting on them, I know and trust you are a very thoughtful, thorough and professional marketer. I have read a lot of comments from posts of other marketers and will only comment if I can make a positive one. I’ve never once had  a problem making a positive comment on one of your posts.

  95. this is a very tempting read for anyone looking to get started in the world of affiliate marketing and I like the way the author ha presented the wealthy affiliate offer in a very conversational manner!

    I think your readers would benefit from more of the great writing you are offering here.

    I like this list at the bottom also, lists always make for easy reading and I would guess the readers will be actively looking at the promotions offered here!

    Many thanks for creating a great site!

    Keep up the great work!


  96. Hello Tony Lee Hamilton, Thank you for another great piece of work from my best affiliate marketer showing us that wealthy affiliate is the absolute best way making money online. I feel so lucky and opportuned joining the wealthy affiliate family. I honestly think that referrals and getting good downlines is the best way to reach one’s goal.

  97. Hello there!

    Thats a great guide you have there for beginners in Wealthy Affiliate. Wealthy Affiliate is truly one of the most active and helpful website on the internet and I am extremely excited about the privilege I got to become a member of this wonderful community. This article will help starters know more about Wealthy Affiliate and how it helps one grow his/her business


  98. Wow great article! I definitely agree, and I’m so glad I ended up taking the chance on WA. The community has shown me nothing but love ever since I signed up, and I truly believe they are set up as the best affiliate marketing community. I wanted to make money online, and Im happy to say I will be doing so with the help of Wealthy Affiliate. 

  99. That is an awesome list of traffic exchanges and one that I have bookmarked for future use. I have never been a big fan of traffic exchanges as it takes a long time commitment. I do have a pro account at leadleap so I dont have to worry about time. Is there any other good ways besides traffic exchanges that actually work for traffic.

  100. Amazing Post. This post is useful for both, those who are existing members of Wealthy Affiliate and also those who have not yet joined the Wealthy Affiliate platform. 

    Since I read your post quite frequently, so I am aware of some of the platforms listed by you and I am glad that I got a list of all these legit platforms in a single list. 

    Thanks a lot for sharing this valuable post. I look forward to checking them out.

  101. Hi, thanks alot for yet another interesting piece and I have learnt a few things for it.Once You are a member of Wealthy Affiliate post a picture and a profile write up about yourself. sustaining and eventually scaling an online business, having a secure & reputable downline builder is the in my humble opinion the best way to achieve that goal.


  102. Very good article It is something that I have been interested in for some time now. In your experience does it take long before you could earn a full time living from it. I understand everyone is different but on average if someone was to follow the training how long would it take  

  103. Thanks for this wonderful article on the seven wonders for this calendar to see if I have to do it again but I am who is this the best of the world is one program to set up for a little while ago with my cousin be small but I am not a newbie I have been sleeping Ur own o clock is not available in the last time we will talk to u so na night

  104. Thanks for sharing this beautiful piece of information with us. I must say I really did enjoy going through your review as it contains valuable information one needs to be aware of. Refferals on the Wealthy Affiliate is a very easy and smooth way to make money. It is one of the most important thing in a business

  105. It’s true that wealthy affiliate’s community is as welcoming and helpful as you described. I’d never thought about using traffic exchange services, like CashJuice or Global Money Line, since they didn’t seem like very legit sources but are they working for you? A lot of traffic sources that I’ve used in the past only delivered fake views.

  106. Thanks for sharing this post it is very brilliant, insightful and shares more knowledge on wealth affiliate, it makes me know a better part of wealth affiliate by showing how to make use of wealth affiliate to improve business performance, I will love to refer my friends to wealth affiliate and urge them to be a member.

  107. Hello, this is a very awesome piece and a very detailed one. I’m really happy I came across this as the information I’m getting from here is standard. Thank you so much for this platform it make me happy anytime I lean here you give me inspire me to be independent in all way am proud to be in dis platform.

  108. Thank you for sharing this. This information is very correct and accurate. I personally feel that Wealthy Affiliate is the best online community that can truly teach people the ropes of making a living online while creating the opportunity to do so without having to deal with the tons of scams out there that promise so much and offer very little 

  109. Thank you for sharing this. This information is very correct and accurate. I personally feel that Wealthy Affiliate is the best online community that can truly teach people the ropes of making a living online while creating the opportunity to do so without having to deal with the tons of scams out there that promise so much and offer very little 

  110. Thanks for writing the article about Wealthy Affiliate. I am still new to the platform but the word community is what really makes WA stand out from any other programme out their. The video’s and step by step training are extremely helpful alongside the 24/7 support. 

    It would be good to get your views on why you have listed cash juice as the best traffic exchange site? I hear a lot of mixed views about cash juice, so its interesting that you have this as number 1. 

  111. Thank you Mr Hamilton for this article. I must say as a newbie here, I am having a wonderful time here already. My dreams of becoming a very successful Affliate marketer is coming to fruition but by bit. Thank you a whole lot Tony I owe it to you and Wealthy Affiliate

  112. Hi Tony,

    It seems you will now have to update this article in order to include the brand-new  Wealthy Affiliate Premium Plus Membership!

    I must say I haven’t felt like I could meet the rush to upgrade from my current Premium Membership, to Premium +. I am happy with what I have been able to achieve with just the Premium Membership. It’s mindboggling how much I have grown in 8 months. I am actually yet to find out what the Premium + entails. Maybe I will feel the need to upgrade, later.

    What I could not wait any longer to do, was to join Global MoneyLine under you. I have done that straight away because it was one of my assignments for today.

    So, see you on that platform!

  113. Hello there! Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful piece of information. I’ve gone through it and it’s a really detailed one. I find it very helpful because it contains valuable information everyone should hold on to.  a friend of mine that referred me to WA told me of how great it works and the high commission you get in return for having a referral. I’m really excited about this. 

  114. Interesting information, Tony, thanks for sharing. I’m already a member of WA and quite happily so. It’s a very solid program and has recently undergone some impressive updates, as you know.

    However, I was quite interested in the links you posted on your article. Some I’ve heard of and have already joined. But you have a couple that I am not yet familiar with, including MyTrafficNetwork and LeadsLeap. I need to go back through these and see if they are something I can use for my business.

    Thanks for always bringing the up-to-date information!

  115. Thank you for sharing this. This information is very correct and intact. It’s s platform that ones you join, you start receiving  more follows and as they follow, referrals is the digital marketing veteran way. Anything that is good will surely receive referrals from all sides. This is for everyone. Thank you for sharing this

  116. Referrals holds a very high ground on online businessea as it can help you earn as much as you can earn which is a good reason for you to promote products that are very trustworthy like this, I love to read through articles like this as they are always having something very tangible to offer me.

  117. Wow, wow, wow, I definitely loved really this. So many things to take from here. However, I would not tell anyone to hurriedly just sign up for all the platforms at once, it is imperative to take your well deserved time first. Really excited for reading this. I promise that I will embark on my own research on this. Thanks lee Hamilton.

  118. It’s very good to see what you have written here won’t and I have to admit that this is very good with all that I have seen .There are so many people that are experiencing online success with this platform. I would encourage anyone to become a part of this community that makes a big difference in so many lives.

  119. Thanks for this article.  I personally feel that Wealthy Affiliate is the best online community that can truly teach people the ropes of making a living online without having to deal with the tons of scams out there that promise so much and offer very little.  That’s a great offer you’re giving new members to refund the $19 fee if they don’t see any results even by putting in full effort.

  120. Thanks for always helping us carry out very important tasks that makes our venture into making money online so simple and profitable. Though I wouldn’t advise anyone to just sign up for all the platforms at once, i would suggest you tak you time to understand each platform before registration. You wouldn’t want to be disappointed for not making as much as you want just because of too many platforms requirements you’d have to keep up to.

  121. Even though many are not scams, they may be very difficult to embrace for a variety of reasons. Global Moneyline, Wealthy Affiliate seems to be outstanding platforms. I agree with you here with this one that you have just said about how to use referrals to make some very good money online. It’s very true  and I’m happy you’re addressing it 

  122. Thanks for sharing this here. Knowing how to really get the referrals and being able to get them in massive ways like the veterans will always make us get to a good start and get us right on course to get to your every top soon. Thanks so much for sharing here with us all for all these details here

  123. I agree with you here with this one that you have just said about how to use referrals to make some very good money online. It is something I would do myself and thanks for this information on it. I will be looking to use this to become a veteran at this here. It’s shows you know so much about this here.

  124. Hello,

    It’s nice to see that referrals depend almost exclusively on being social everywhere, including on a platform. I like the fact that you also point out that all you need is just to create a profile and make friends…almost like everyone does on Facebook. And also to thank them and be polite…it’s alsayw a pleasure! Cheers.

  125. Hi there! Wealthy affiliate is one of the best platform out there for affiliate marketing. They have a large community for you to network with people of like minds. Personally I have made a lot of friends from wealthy affiliate. You can also earn a lot of money by becoming a premium member on wealthy affiliate. 

  126. Perfect timing with this article! I was just thinking I needed to get more high quality traffic through my site and all these are now on the ” do more research” list. Is there one of these platforms that outshines the others as far as bang for bucks goes? Thanks again for this and I look forward to more!

  127. Wealthy Affiliate is truly amazing, when you look at the training, the tools, and the support from the community you know that you are in the right place to have online success. There are so many people that are experiencing online success with this platform. I would encourage anyone to become a part of this community that makes a big difference in so many lives.

  128. No doubt about it, Tony! WA has come to help many people create online businesses through a conducive atmosphere that encourages regular posting of articles, engagement building, money-making, and blogging for success. I could remember I updated my WA account profile first, then upgraded to premium the same day I joined the community. This was very possible for me to do because I was able to visualize the future and profit potentiality of online business.

  129. Wealthy Affiliate is an honest company. With so many scams on the internet, it was not easy to find a trusting company. They go above and beyond to help anyone who is willing to trust and give back.WA is a place we can stand tall and stand firm because the future is bright. 

    I personally thank them for freely giving their time and knowledge. Thanks

  130. Tony,

    I totally agree that Wealthy Affiliate is the best place to learn now to create an online business to market anything. Your offer to reimburse your referrals if they try and fail to make money is a bold one. It does take time to make that transition from student to income earner and I hope that your referrals will realise that. This is not a get rich quick scheme. 

    Thanks for showing some innovation in this referral process.



  131. As a fellow member of the Wealthy Affiliate community, I can definitely attest to just how wonderful and supportive the community there is. Not to mention all the training and insanely useful resources that Wealthy Affiliate provides to all its members.

    I started there as a free member but then decided to upgrade my membership to premium sometime within my first 7 days. That was definitely the right decision as it opened so many more resources and opportunities up for. Don’t get me wrong, the free membership is better than anything else like it on the web today, but it’s definitely advisable to upgrade as soon as possible. Thanks for sharing, Tony. Wishing you much success on WA.


  132. Hey Tony, thanks so much for this great information. As a member of wealthy affiliate I am always looking to get more traffic and he seem to be some great sites to get traffic.

    The more traffic that I can get the better my sales are going to be. I’ve never heard of these websites before but I sure am glad that I came across your article as I am going to look into them as soon as I can and hope that they help me.
    Thank you so much for sharing!

  133. Thanks for this great informative post. I have been looking a wealthy affiliate for a while now and im glad to hear theres a few things you can do with the free membership to start off with.  Building a online business has always been a dream and i just cant wait to get started !

  134. Many people go wrong and start to look for ways to make $10.000 a month, and of them haven’t even made their first dollar online! Start small, but grow with time is what I have to recommend to all referrals on the internet.

    Great article btw, I had a blast reading it! 

  135. I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate. I am working on my affiliate membership activity because it presents many possibilities that I have not taken advantage of. This platform really provides a lot of support, especially for people like me who never saw herself as being able in the digital world. It really is not bad at all. I need to work on more income though, for me to survive. Thank you

  136. Solid advice here for getting started on wealthy affiliate. It could be easy to get bogged down in a rabbit hole of creating a profile when you first get started, but as you point out, the profile text (and username) can be updated at any time. Don’t let that minutiae slow down the momentum, rather keep moving forward with your blog plan.

  137. Thanks, Tony for this list. I definitely needed something like this as I believe that for the online business traffic we need to go further than FB, IG, and well-known social networks. I am still reviewing the CasjJuice. The GlobalMOneyLine and the ClickBank are pending. I signed up for all of them through your links I believe so it will be fun to see you there as a fellow and a mentor 🙂 

    Thanks again, Tony.

  138. Wealthy Affiliate is a great platform for anyone who is interested to work from home and build an affiliate marketing website, you can find all the training you need and the best online community to give you a hand to help you to create and build up your online business. 

  139. Hello Tony

    Wealthy affiliate is the community where any one can earn  money, The best of this community, is so suitable for completely beginners to starup their journey and being professional online with a success, the first time I joined into WA I didn’t know the value of this affiliate program until I was participated in the community and learned many topics to online business, much thank you for the founders of WA kyle and carson

  140. Tony, 

    I enjoy reading your articles and information on a regular basis to see what is new . I happened upon this article about my favorite platform and thought I would take a look to see what you had to say.

    I couldn’t agree more. Anyone looking to get into the affiliate marketing world should start here. The community is so helpful and the training is the best I have found.

    I will also take a look at the other links you have provided. Thank you for the continued resources and knowledge.

  141. I am a member, premium member, at wealthy affiliate. I have really benefited a lot by joining the wealthy affiliate community. Thanks a lot for writing this articles to share with us your tips on how to get referrals and where seems to be the best online community to get referrals. I have really learnt a great way I can build up my wealthy affiliate referrals.

  142. The Wealthy Affiliate platform is really user friendly. Once you sign up you will be directed to the next task and next training. Signing up for Wealthy Affiliate is a decision you will not regret. I like your offer of a $19 refund if one is not successful. You definitely have confidence in Wealthy Affiliate. Well we all do. Thanks

  143. Definitely a platform we all should get on board on Tony, 

    I’ve been a member for 5 years now and I’ve never been more relieved that I’m here! The community is actually very welcoming and though everyone is from all over the world, they all have their minds set on achieving one goal of growing their online business while helping each other and that harmony is what will help us succeed. Highly recommended!

  144. This is true. Online business is the future. I have been at WA since recently and I am very pleased with my progress. Traffic is iportant for site and that is why I think that these platforms additionally help us to develop and progress. I personally tried GlobalMoney Line. I would recommend to everyone.

  145. Thank you thank you thank you tony! I did make a profile, using a pic and detailed description when I first joined wa.  I complef d the training and build the separate sites.  However, I felt like I hit a wall after all the hard work input in, finding it hard to get my content read.  I know it isn’t half bad, it’s just tough to get it to catch on and find the correct audience.  I will try all of these suggestions to see if they help.  Thanks

  146. It’s always great to interact with members of the Wealthy Affiliate community by following them back. You will be surprised by how fruitful the information on their profile blogs is. Also, a great way to gain more advancing information to improve one’s online business. Wealthy Affiliate really comes at a cutting edge price considering that you do not pay extra for website hosting. Great recommendation. 

  147. As a member of Wealthy Affiliate you go through all the training to help you succeed in getting referrals. Sharing your link on other traffic platforms and social media are a great way to get more referrals. When I first joined Wealthy Affiliate I got stuck on writing my bio, and it was only much later that I learnt that I could change and add to my bio, so it is good to see that you mention it here.

  148. I found this article to be helpful and very informative in learning how to get referrals. As a member of WA, they lay out all the details you need to be successful in getting referrals. The WA community is very supporting of everyone and is a great place to be apart of. Great article! 

  149. Hi Tony,

    I love the way you put it, you promise refund if your sign up don’t make cash at wealthy affiliate. Yes, it is guaranteed. If any one signs up on wealthy affiliate and follow a good mentor like you, the way is sure. Wealthy affiliate has a well built training that guides you to making money on line easily. The community at wealthy affiliate is highly supportive. Good system

  150. Great article Tony! You’re highlighting all of the best things about Wealthy Affiliate imaginable. I didn’t know about being able to change my username once feature, so I’ll have to keep that in mind. I don’t see that being an issue for me but who knows what the future holds. You did remind me that I should be updating my bio soon. It is important to stay up to date with bio’s and current viewpoints on social sites so you will remain current and can promote yourself authentically.

  151. Hi Tony. Liked this as it pretty much sums up in a nutshell what to do when you’re a newbie to WA in a short & easy to read way. I think this fills a need for potential WA candidate’s.

    The list of traffic generating sites is great – for for me (as a relative newcomer) anyway but as a complete beginner, I wonder if some would actually understand what these actually were. You also miss out the cost of the yearly membership as opposed to the monthly one, but other than these two points, I think the page is great.

  152. Tony, there is not a better online place to begin building your affiliate marketing business than Wealthy Affiliate. All of the other sites can tie into your efforts at WA as you begin to build something real and interesting for your future. Bottom line is you can not build an affiliate marketing business on a base of nothing – Wealthy Affiliates gives you that base so that people can begin to know like and trust you.

  153. I want to say that I appreciate so much, and I’m sure that it will especially be beneficial for many people, how you took the time to present this post. wealthy affiliate is really a fantastic forum for affiliate marketing training and I would strongly recommend it to those trying to make money online as it provides several advantages.

  154. This one time deal of having the opportunity to join Wealthy Affiliate, expand your knowledge and abilities and at the same time have Tony as your mentor is truly a no brainer when making a decision on whether to join this platform or not (which you must definitely should). Every recommendation this man provides us is well worth giving it a try. You’d be surprised with the amount of opportunities you’ll get yourself into. 

  155. It is great to know how the Wealthy affiliate works, the process involved in setting up WA account to be  able to start earning. Most of the things listed was what I did, I uploaded a picture , said a little thing about myself and I linked myself to Facebook. Thank you sir, when I am fully fully acquainted with the whole processes properly, the site will be filled with the people I will be referring.

  156. Nice post!

    Many people get overwhelmed when they are on WA for the first time, not knowing exactly what to do. So having the process laid down simply like this will help them.

    I remember my first time, I went directly to the training and I did not even understand the order in which they are organized. So, I took the PPC training first, yet I did not have a website yet.

    Thanks for sharing!

  157. Thank you so much Tony, Wealthy affiliate is indeed a very amazing platform, I have been registered for up to a month, and with the offers the starter package provided, I was moved to go premium, and I can definitely say that they’re are no regrets. I found this your article helpful because generating traffic is very essential on the platform. Wealthy affiliate is indeed very nice 

  158. Wealthy Affiliate is indeed a great platform to learn affiliate marketing as well as community supporting each other. Your article is very informative on how to get referrals. I also read Cash Juice post and it looks like a great site for getting traffic and referrals. I am wondering is Cash Juice site a niche specific or any one can join?

  159. Hello Tony,

    Thank you for sharing your website. It is good to know that these sources in which people could refer to, exists. Specially in this times of Pandemic everyone may be seeking to work from home. The package which has been offered makes a lot sense for the price everyone pay prior to joining. 

    Online business is getting massive day by day. Better chances of work for people, better engagement and results better income which is awesome.

    Thank you very much for sharing,

    Good luck!

  160. I like the fact that yhe training teaches you how to build an online business in ANY niche. Some people, like myself, are interested in the “Make Money Online” niche… wheter you promote the Wealthy Affiliate platform itself, or other methods of creating a new online income stream, the training and tools are there to make it happen. But some people have other interests… whether it be building an online busines around your love for pets, cooking, parenting, sailing… you name it… again, the training and tools are there to build your own success.

  161. Hey Tony, yes Wealthy Affiliate is a great platform, and thanks to this article we have a lot of information about the best places for referrals. I also read your article about Cash Juice and it seems a great site to exchange and gets traffic and referrals. I send a request at your cash juice group on Facebook. 



  162. I’ve been so careful when it comes to online offerings like this one.  I am aware of many scam sites online. But I can personally attest that Wealthy Affiliate is not one of those.  It is one of the best places to learn online business. Within the Wealth Affiliate is a helpful community who are helping each other to reach the same goal of being successful online.  
    The support of the community helps to make learning easier and fun even for newbies.

  163. I absolutely agree with this. My time on wealthy affiliate has been incredibly educational and informational. I’ve received fantastical amounts of support and along being with the program for just a few days, I’ve also been able to confidently share my support to the newer members. I feel like this is where massive business can come in through, and soon a lot more people will be doing it. 

  164. Hello there, thanks for sharing this wonderful piece of information here with us. I must say i really did enjoyed going through your review as it contains valuable informations one can hold on to. I have been a member for some time now and i must say i am really enjoying this website a lot

  165. Wealth Affiliate is one of the best affiliate marketing program out there.  In just a couple of days, I knew right away that this program was for me.  Website creation, domain hosting, affiliate marketing tips and strategies, content creation, community help, top notch site support.  This program has it all!  Tony is super confident that you will make money and will refund your initial investment of $19 of you don’t.  Now that’s a sweet guarantee if you ask me.  

  166. Thank you very much for taking the time Tony to share this important article.It’s very interesting, I’ll take a look at it. In order for us to be successful online we need to be persistent and Hard working.  Being  a member of Wealthy Affiliate is a great start. The wealthy affiliate platform is one I will thoroughly encourage everyone and anyone to register on because it really is a great site for affiliate marketing training and also earning money online

  167. Thank you very much for taking the time Tony to share this important article.It’s very interesting, I’ll take a look at it.To achieve success in online is dynamic and requires a little effort, and it does not only depend on one thing.Giving good recommendations on how to go about the journey to greatness is your thing.It’s a community that ensures a steady network and communication with lots of people to learn from.It’s very interesting, I’ll take a look at it.

  168. Thank you very much for taking the time Tony to share this important article. In order for us to be successful online we need to be persistent and Hard working.  Being  a member of Wealthy Affiliate is a great start. We also need other sources to be able to help others to join us. I have joined a couple that you have recommended. Just need to spend a bit of time getting them set up now.

  169. Thank you Tony for this exclusive educating article. To achieve success in online is dynamic and requires a little effort, and it does not only depend on one thing. It is great to know that, after being a member of Wealthy Affiliate you have to use other helpful sites to enhance your success with Wealthy Affiliate. I will have to book mark this article and check it out later on.

  170. Wow. Growing and at the same time encouraging others to grow. Thank you for sharing this wonderful article. Giving good recommendations on how to go about the journey to greatness is your thing. Though I don’t have an online business yet but with your articles and guide, I will try one soon. You remain a leader per excellence

  171. The wealthy affiliate platform is one I will thoroughly encourage everyone and anyone to register on because it really is a great site for affiliate marketing training and also earning money online. It’s a community that ensures a steady network and communication with lots of people to learn from. Thank you for sharing this article 

  172. Wealthy Affiliate is a nice platform that one can learn the art of making money online. I’ve been a member for some time now so I know right. What I love about the platform is the community. I was brand new to digital marketing and know nothing about it. But the community of affiliate marketers helped me until I was up and running. So personally, I’ll recommend it.

  173. Wealthy affiliate is a great platform with lots of realy useful tools to build with. This is the only place where you’ll get everything it describes and more. The referral program is a great way to earn a  recurring passive income. Realy enjoyed the article tony keep up the good work 

    All the best ,


  174. Hello Tony, thank you for this really good article and I really like how you have shared this article. It is also great that you can join for free and look around, this fact made me join because I was afraid of scams and many of them ask for your credit card number straight away, even if they offer to join for $1 or something like that.

  175. Thanks for giving a starting out tips, Tony. I’m still a newbie in this online marketing business. I haven’t set up my profile in Wealthy Affiliate properly, so I will fix it as soon as possible. I’m glad to join this program and I hope to bring more referrals soon since the program seems to be good for anyone who never touched online marketing at all.

  176. Hello Tony Lee Hamilton, I enjoyed reading this amazing article, which is highly informative and quite interesting ,to be honest I’m glad  to be part of the wealthy affiliate community, and I love the fact that in wealthy affiliate I get to advertise my businesses and likewise promote my website and here’s the best place to do so , thank you for sharing this enlighten information.

  177. Hi, I am also a member of Wealthy Affiliate and I have upgraded before 1 week, because of the structured training and great community. I would strongly recommend Wealthy Affiliate to anyone that is interested in Affiliate marketing. Thank you for the extensive list that you have put together – do you use their services? I will check it out and use it as added bonus to my (Wealthy) Affiliate page.

  178. I am a premium member in Wealthy Affiliate so I am 100% clear on the benefits of being a starter member with the benefit of 10 lessons on affiliate marketing. So, while in training I was able to build my site, which I did and after the 7 days I went Premium.  So glad to stumble into your site, and seeing someone from the community helping out people with the desire to keep on moving to build a site for financial freedom.

  179. Hello Tony, thank you for sharing this informative article. This article is centered on “Referrals the Digital Marketing Veteran Way”.Thank you for sharing Traffic Exchange Sites for sharing  WA Affiliate Link and/or any other Affiliate Link for Referrals. The links would be very useful with getting much referals. God bless you

  180. I have been a member of the Wealthy Affiliate platform and I still remember how amazed I was with the amount of training, knowledge, and the community when I joined. It is also great that you can join for free and look around, this fact made me join because I was afraid of scams and many of them ask for your credit card number straight away, even if they offer to join for $1 or something like that. To be able to join for free, I thought I had nothing to lose. When I saw all the benefits, I became a premium member in the first week and I’ve never regretted it. I would recommend it to everyone.

  181. True, there’s no better way for a person to get here online and make money if it’s not for the different referrals that one can get. Personally, I am really looking forward to ways by which I would be able to give it a shot. The different ideas you have out up is really good and I’d like to try it out. Thank you!

  182. I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for over five years and it is one membership that I won’t give up on. Many people on the platform have been there for years which just goes to show the value that people are getting here. 

    I love that you have given options that can be used to promote the platform here as well as your generous offer of $19 if not happy with your choice.  I am sure many of your referrals love having you as their sponsor.

  183. Wealthy Affiliates is an amazing programme. When Tony describes it he makes it sound very easy. It is easy. You get great training and all the resources you need to succeed in any Niche; plus you get great support from the community of members. The one thing you have to provide is consistency and hard work.

  184. Oh! This is really good to learn the secret that can help to gain the right amount of referal that will help to boost our bsuienss and get us starwyd with our fgiliate journey here. I value all hat has been shared and this makes a lot of sense to see here. thank you for all that has been shared here for us. Surely worthy ad massive to see here. thanks

  185. I love the fact that Wealthy Affiliate offers a free membership to start out and kick the tires before deciding to upgrade into a full fledged affiliate marketer with the premium membership of only $49 per month. That is outstanding and less than the price of a cup of coffee daily. The discount of 59% for the first month if joining within the first 7 days is also awesome! This Company has an amazing platform with excellent training!

  186. It’s a good thing to get to know about this article, digital marketing is a very good idea to have when it comes to online business and it is very profitting. I love the fact that you’re able to make a lot of referrals, I’m always Happy whenever I come across your articles because they are always of great help.

  187. Thank you very much for discussing in detail the money that can be earned through referrals. One such platform is Wealthy Affiliate where there is an opportunity to earn more by affiliate marketing. I myself am an affiliate marketer that is a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate. Anyone like me can easily make money by affiliate here.  those who are new can easily earn a lot of money by joining and referring to this oil affiliate platform.

  188. This is a most helpful post describing how referrals are the key to success with Affiliate Marketing. Your guarantee that you offer in this post is also an honest approach for people who want to try WA but are just kind of nervous.  Has this strategy worked well for you?  How many people have signed up and then not succeeded and asked you for the $19 refund? I really like that approach, but as you say people have to be active.  They can`t let the mountain come to them, they have to go the the mountain!  i.e. put the effort in! Thank you, I really liked this post.

  189. This is great info .  I saw the value of Wealthy affiliate too and upgraded. Not regretted it a single day. Love that Traffic exchange list you provided. It is really helpful for new and old members. AS you say you need multiple sources of income and traffic. I use cashjuice, Global moneyline, Downlinebuilder Trafficadbar at the time being, but I will definitely look into the other options as well. 

  190. Thank u Tony for the straight and simple facts about Wealthy Affiliate. It’s a great program, and I feel really sad when I see people wasting their hard-earned money on the internet on Ponzi schemes that could well have been avoided.

    I have come to the conclusion that you have to spend money and take a leap of faith when u want to succeed online. All the free stuff online is almost always Ponzi and therefore worthless. In fact, you will lose money to scammers.


  191. Hey Tony, i can’t thank you enough for posting this article, it feels like over these past couple of days my favorites list is almost bursting with your posts, I’m starting to finally understand why you’re a digital marketing veteran. You know a lot and have been in the game for a long time. THANK YOU.

  192. Good information about different MMO. I never heard of CashJuice. tony Hamilton you always have good information about your website. It is concise to the point. I also like how you have Wealthy Affiliate over the page to show that the reader can also do this.

    Good Job!  I like how you have the two pages connected to take your readers to the page about Cash Juice.

  193. Hey Tony, I didn’t know you could only change your username once. However, I did know as a WA member, you are more likely to get more engagement within the community when you set up your profile and add a photo. Once you are a member at WA  the only thing that can stop you is you! The sky is the limit as long as you follow the training and take action!

  194. I’m new at Wealthy Affiliate and for now I am very interested and motivated. It seems to be different from other platforms that offer online earnings. The system is very well organized with equal chances for everyone to make money. Anyone who puts in the effort will pay off. It is also useful for gaining knowledge about online trading. 

  195. For the first time when I heard about Wealthy Affiliate, I was a bit skeptical, but my wife forced me to join. After many discussions, in the end, I joined as a free member. Once I am inside, it blew away my mind. Within a few days, I understood that success on my internet entrepreneurship journey needs a support system like WA. If you are reading this, then you must join the wealthy affiliate without any hesitation.

  196. I have heard a lot about Wealthy Affiliate but still debating whether I should join or not because of covid-19 I have to wach my spending and Wealthy Affiliate is a subscription program. But from what you said it is free to try on your link, so I am just going to check it out and take it From there

  197. When they first explained to me how I got referrals it seemed easy. When I started trying to get my own referrals I discovered it wasn’t as easy as I originally thought. But now that you’re sharing your secrets concerning how you get referrals I am eager to give it a try. I had no idea that all these platforms could be use to help us.

  198. Here we have a post about Wealthy Affiliate.  It is a great, safe place to go for those to looking for a business that is legitimate.  It is a good simple message, laying out what it takes to join Wealthy Affiliate.  It only took me two days to decide to join Wealthy Affiliate.  I have seen, heard, and experienced a lot of what it’s like to work with Wealthy Affiliate.  The write up here couldn’t be an easier to understand for even the least computer savvy. 

  199. This article makes a good. one-two punch.  I read your encouraging article on Wealthy Affiliate in general.  After reading that people will want to know how to get started.  This  article on the free trial and discounted premium month answers their questions.  I have been with WA for several years and recommend the program to everyone.

  200. For sure clicking on the free Wealthy affiliate member link provided by Tony will be a great choice.

    With tons of experience and solid all-rounder technical skills, Tony’s guidance will prove to be invaluable to beginners, intermediate newbies to internet marketing.

    Straight to the point and thorough coverage of the issue. I would not expect anything less from Tony. Another home run, buddy.

  201. Hi Tony, I certainly agree with you that Wealthy Affiliate is a great platform and program that provides you with world class training on affiliate marketing. I have being a member of Wealthy Affiliate for about eighteen months, and it is as you say, it can become a bit addictive. I am still completing some of the training modules and find that I am learning something new every now and then.

  202. Hey Tony 

    Thank you Tony for this education. I am learning online success is dynamic, does not only depend on one thing . It is great to realize after joining Wealthy Affiliate you used other helpful sites to enhance your success with Wealthy Affiliate . I will bookmark the article and explore the recommended sites.

  203. I just want to say that I really appreciate how you have taken your time to put this article out here and I’m sure it will be especially helpful to a lot of people. Wealthy affiliate really is a great platform for affiliate marketing training and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in making money online as it holds a lot of benefits. 

  204. Quite an interesting one to see here and to be able to actually resonate better with you on the aspect of referring to actually network the right way with some opportunities that comes up for network marketing in marketing in general. Networking Is growing well and it is only left to us to get on board with it to gain to the very best thanks

  205. I just wanted to say that I really appreciate how yoi have taken your time to put this together, it’s very true that wealthy affiliate also pays you for the referral you make as it is the commission you get for every subscription those people you referred make, it’s good and it’ll be helpful.

  206. I’m a big fan of Wealthy Affiliate after a friend recommended it to me earlier in the year. I joined initially with the free version and then decided to upgrade to premium to unlock more of the support and training. I’ve never looked back. I find the training and the supportive community particularly helpful.

  207. I saw global online one of the best traffic exchange sites I joined long back ago and forgot about it but now since I‘m in this business for sure I will need to go back and start to work on it. I will have to work on re-learning it because I kinda forgot how it works but I’m sure that I will figure it out quick as I did last time. thank you for the well written and detailed content

  208. Hi Tony,

    I like your article because it talks about wealthy affiliate (WA), the article explain how to become a member of wealthy affiliate, what to do and after doing it and you become a member, if you have a website to promote wealthy affiliate is the best place to do that, you start following people / memeber and they will start following you back, the training on Wealthy Affiliate is superb, the materials are the best.

    Thamk you.


  209. Thanks for sharing too, I’m in the same platform and I really enjoy the community help, training and experience from others. I love the platform and you can not compare with other platform. I joined since 2018, I love working online and it is my plan to make my living through online ( blogging). I wish you all the best because you are doing the great job to educate people and help them to chose the right way. Actually I saw global online one of the best traffic exchange site I joined long back a go and forgot about it but now since I ‘m in this business for sure i will need to go back and start to work on it. I will remember you for this because I completely forgot about that platform but I’m sure this is the right time for me to continue working there so that I can build my traffic too. Be blessed 

  210. Hello there, I must say you really did a great job on this awesome article i have been with wealthy affiliate for a very long time and it has really been a sweet ride as they have really been of great help to my life as everything I know today has been from their tutorship

  211. Wealthy affiliate is something that changed my life radically. I didn’t know anything about making websites or anything related to it. Step by step, my site was built slowly and now I’m just perfecting it. Whatever I need people at WA are there to help me quickly. I recommend it to all my friends, to try themselves in the world of the internet and to make a passive income for themselves and live through their passions.

  212. This is very true, anyone who is going to make money online as a digital marketer has to try to make sure they are good at the art of convincing. I’m really happy because you shared this good info. I will make sure that I use what I have lwrnt here, it’s very good stuff

  213. Wealthy affiliate is a great platform to learn about affiliate marketing and most people are looking forward to getting the knowledge and that’s really nice. I really appreciate the way they operate and I really like the use of videos which is easier to understand and everyone can be carried along. 


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