Success Leaves Clues – Learn & Earn on the Internet


You read the title correctly!

Learn and earn on the internet & success does indeed leave clues!

Tony Lee Hamilton Internet Affiliate Marketing Veteran

This page is going to be a straight-forward and to the point place for You to be able to get started earning online right away!

Are You Ready?

Wonderful, then please keep reading and follow the instructions that I'm going to share with You.

When You follow the directions, not only will You be on the path to learning and earning on the internet, You will also have me as your mentor.

As your mentor, what You can expect from me is for me to answer your questions as long as you are indeed following the instructions and putting forth the effort to learn.

Me, nor anyone else can force You or anyone else to either learn or earn, You must be ready and willing to put forth the effort.  There is no time-frame or schedule, You determine your own speed and only You can motivate You to work towards your goals and/or destiny.

What I expect from You is also just as You read above.  Be ready to learn and earn at your own pace without expecting me to do it for You.  Only You can do that, I will share some great ways that may seem like things are done for you, picking up the handles of the wheelbarrow that I will fill up for You, will be your part.

SpongeBobSquarePants Secrets …..

No, what I'm going to share with You aren't necessarily secrets.

They will most likely be either something that You haven't yet heard of and/or something that others have claimed are scams, schemes, pyramids etc..

If You are one of those types of people who believe everything that You read at Google aka “The Bathroom Walls of the 21st Century”  Anyone is able to scribble anything about anything and/or anybody and many people believe that just because they read it on the internet, that it must be true.

Many times Google, Yahoo, Bing etc…… are completely full of $hit so the Bathroom Walls of the 21st Century, indeed they are!

Enough negativity, I much prefer to be positive, I just needed to let You know that we are both better off not worrying about what others claim to know.

Shiny Object Syndrome –

If You are already involved with another “Opportunity” and/or Business then that is fine and even wonderful, as the sites that I am going to share with You will absolutely assist You in growing your business, no matter what it is.

All that I ask is that You let me know up front so that we can properly integrate your learning and earning in order to maximize your current business without jeopardizing either one of us.

Do not, I repeat, Do not, join other companies while You and I are in the process of growing your online income without talking to me about it first out of mutual respect.

You are of course and adult and make up your own mind about what to do and what not to do, so I'm not saying that You absolutely can't.

What I am saying is that, I too am an adult and take my assisting Friends in learning and earning online very seriously.  Therefore, I also reserve the right to discontinue assisting anyone who doesn't show me the courtesy that I deserve.

Tony Lee Hamilton Digital Marketing Veteran Crushing it 10X Finish Line Network Wealthy Super Affiliate
Click my image above for my #1 Recommendation for all Business Friends!

My Top Recommendations:

Each of the above listed sites when clicked upon will open in a new tab and be a post from right here on this website.  You can also learn more about any of the above sites by conducting a search right here at  at the search area in the main menu area.

While the above are all Free to join, they do all also have an upgrade option.  Upgrading is totally up to You and your situation, I obviously recommend upgrading when You are able to as it will increase your earning abilities.

You can earn with all of the above as a Free Member as well, so no pressure, take action now!

Affiliate marketing Classes for Newbies
Click on the Banner Image above to Learn More!

Contact Me:

You can contact me anytime by simply filling out the form below, then we shall if we both agree, exchange email addresses, phone numbers etc……  The most common way that I assist Friends is thru email and/or right on the site that the question comes up about.  In rare cases, I do speak and/or text via cell phone upon request.

92 thoughts on “Success Leaves Clues – Learn & Earn on the Internet”

  1. Hi,

    Learning is key to success, learn and earn online what you learn if you can put it into practice then you will make it online, what you learn online can also make you to be a mentor, before you can earn there must be a sign of seriousness, if not you can succeed online

    Thank you.


  2. Over the years I have have discovered that there is more money on the internet that any where is the world and since then I have been trying my best to get as much as I can from it and Wealthy affiliate has really been my link to the internet as they are the best when it comes to lecturing people about affiliate and the give you everything you need to start..

  3. I do agree that motivation has to come from within. No one can make us achieve if we are not motivated. I chuckled when I saw this, “just because they read it on the internet, that it must be true,” because there is so much deception on the internet.

    I would have welcomed a bit of information on your choices. I guess you wanted us to click and find out. I went to CashJuice, but, I am still not so sure what it is about. It appears to be some social site for entrepreneurs, but I am not sure if the earning comes directly from them, or as a result of applying what we learn at the site.

    The same is true for Webtalk, so, I will have to go a do a bit of research. Are these sites the type where someone has to recommend you before you can become a member?

  4. Thanks for putting these links together so we can see what platforms you think are the best options when it comes to making money online. I love the fact that each of your recommendations offer a free membership. This I believe is essential because nobody wants to put money up front when they don’t really know what they are letting themselves in for. A free option allows time for everyone to get a good feel for what the platform is all about.

    It is so easy to fall into the trap of reaching out for shiny objects as you call them. They are tempting, because they appear to offer so much in such quick time. However ultimately you will almost certainly be let down.

  5. hey 

    I like the very fact that you simply are very always able to help people. this is often truly one among the qualities of a successful person. Nowadays especially during this Covid-19 period, many are forced to find out a skill online. But then, a newbie without a mentor are going to be very hard to succeed in his goal. once I first began online, i used to be very fortunate to urge a mentor and it’s been great thus far . i feel mentorship is simply the straightforward thanks to achieve whatever we do. Great job on your effort thus far .


  6. You can definately earn while learning on the internet big time. I am a member of at least 2 of your recommendations cbproads and wealthy affiliate. While I have not put much attention into cb pro ads I have with wealthy affiliate and not only am i learning new things everyday but I am also earning monthly commissions that are recurring.

  7. I agree 

    Making money online is not easy you need to put your efforts  to understand and learn  how to make money online.

    But I like that you offer your will help and be a personal coaches with any platforms,  I think it will help  make a life easier when it comes to make some decisions to any of these

    At least there is a help available it’s needed it’s great!

    Thank you Tony

  8. Thanks for being so precise and straight forward with your article. I am so glad i found affiliate marketing as a tool to assist me in earning consistent income online from the comfort of my home. It is a great deal for me because the earning potentials is incredible and endless, It’s just for you to put in the right effort and attitude to it.

  9. This is a motivational article for me, thanks for that! I have tried of the top recommendation that you have suggested to start online business and frankly, I’m still learning and hope to get more experience and knowledge to develop my online business. The idea is to get additional income first, and hopefully can rely for heavily on my online business.

  10. Making money online is not easy. You need to be very careful not to lose your money if you want to make money online. When I started doing this, no one ever told me anything useful about it, spoke, showed it, or gave me any specific advice on what to do and what to look out for. When you have mentors like Tony, everything is much easier and you should listen to their advice, because I think he is a pioneer in this business.

     Thank you Tony for the great information

  11. Well, I’m sure that you would make a great mentor as you look after your son, Vance, so well.  I’m sure he must absolutely cherish and look up to you.

    I had a look at the sites you mention here and I’m really interested in the Webfluential…it is very trendy.  And will continue trending for a long time – in fact we are just getting started in this particular niche of influencer marketing.

    You can expect that whole companies and industries will be birthed.  

    Thanks for sharing!

  12. I’m totally agreed with you, Tony. Most of the people today were skeptical about the online business, there are lots of gimmicks, scams, schemes like pyramids that you will find online. Well, it’s a fact that not everything on the search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo, or the Internet itself is true. But as you said Success leaves clues, there is no secret about that. Most of us were just too lazy to take the step or just too scared. All you need to do is search the clues, study, learn from it, and take action, learn again then earn from it eventually.

  13. I like the fact that you are very always ready to help people. This is truly one of the qualities of a successful person. Nowadays especially during this Covid-19 period, many are forced to learn a skill online. But then, a newbie without a mentor will be very hard to reach his goal. When I first started out online, I was very fortunate to get a mentor and it has been great so far. I think mentorship is just the easy way to succeed in whatever we do. Great job on your effort so far.

  14. It’s very true that success does in fact leave clues. It’s always best to learn from someone who is already successful and ad in your own flare instead of being a complete mimic. Then to continue the cycle of helping others and encouraging them to help others as well. As long as you can stay motivated and put forth the effort needed, you can be successful.

  15. Great list of resources and the platforms in question all seem stable and have been operating successfully for quite some time, so there is a better chance of success within any of these options.

    I love that you offer your personal coaching and help with any of these platforms, so it will make life a little easier when it comes to making a decision on any of these, as at least there is help available for one if needed.

    Now the next thing to do is choose one that is closest to what you are looking for and try not to get too overwhelmed by joining too many to start off with.

  16. I love how you offer more then 1 way of “Learning and Earning’

    Trying new things are defiantly intimidating and could turn you away, nut with the support of the community and your help makes it just that much easier in getting the right guidance to success.

    Affiliate Marketing now-a-days are blowing up due to the amount of changes our world is going through with this COVID-19 world pandemic. Thousands of people are furloughed and are struggling to make ends meet towards those monthly bills to maintain a healthy calm home. 

    I do believe if you try at least 1 of the options Tony Lee supplied, is worth a try if you have nothing better to consume your time with and are desperate for some income. 

    Lets get on that ball before we become desperate. Prepare for the future and create that safety net!!! 

  17. Earning online has become a very big topic for quite a while now as both the young and the old are looking into making cash at the comfort of their home and this is always due to the effect of the outbreak. It is very good to learn how to deal with online businesses, as it’ll help you go through easily avoiding forms of threats.

  18. I totally agree with you here. I believe that if one takes online business seriously then there is so much to be able to enjoy online because the business is booming and everyone is beginning to be able to make so much online and it will be good as times go on. The internet has become a booming workplace for a lot of people.

  19. Tony, this is really a straightforward and down to earth way of seen things. An online business do requires focus and commitment. I have already been with WA for some work. So, I do know that it requires effort and hard work. 

    I will encourage some friends of mine to enter to your program. It is all about honesty and front-talk as you said. It depends on them to decide. 

  20. Hi Tony, 

    I love the straight talk and the direct approach. We see too much of beating around the bush nowadays. And this was cool. I also see that your recommendations are very sensible and include 5 of the biggest ones to join in order to make money. Great advice. 

    I am already learning at wealthy affiliate and maybe I will try the other ones a bit later. 

    Thank u for this.


  21. Hey Tony! If I continue to read more of your articles, I’m definitely going to be on Forbes list. Your articles are really enlightening and creates hope for me. Thank you very much. This particular article has opened my eyes to the fact that the internet is not just used for learning. Its more like, “who says you can’t earn while learning”. So I’m definitely going to grab this opportunity and learn as well earn on the internet. Thanks Tony!

  22. I think that you are on a great path but I’m just at the beginning stages of learning how to make money online its very tempting but I’m tryingvto get started with Wealthy Affiliates first.No Im kidding Its a great platform it’s very well put together.If I were not with Wealthy Affiliates I would definitely go for it.Your website is great.Wonderful work

  23. Thank you Tony for this truly insightful and educative article. My favourite thing about success stories is that there is always a recurring theme and that is how each person learnt a lot along the way. From their mistakes, the people around them and from the resources made available to them. This article has served as the third for some people. 

  24. You hit the nail on the head. This review hits home on so many different levels. I especially like this quote right of the bat..

    “This page is going to be a straight-forward and to the point place for You to be able to get started earning online right away!

    Are You Ready?”

    Your article is very insightful and clean cut to the point! I like how you laid out the information in clear and informational way. But now you go me thinking. which platform is better?

    Thank you for sharing this!

    Best Regards,


  25. Success leave clues definitely and I agree with you on this. Only for the indivudiaulas willing to follow through on what success has left beyond an that is the way and path to success and what can make it all.worth together here. Thank you for sharing here. I value all these information here honestly

  26. I know wealthy affiliate, but I do not know the other companies in your final list. I found that its easy to check them out.  Your article is certainly a challenge to anyone who is thinking that they need a primary income source or may just something extra to get by.  I am going to follow through and see what is appropriate for me.  

  27. This is one very interesting article and I really have say it’s true that success leaves clue internet for us all to we and if you are not well trained to we it you’ll miss lot a of chances to make money and you’ll be really sad about it. I had seen many that u missed Abe I am sad about it till date. 

  28. Hi Tony

    We remember indeed – The bathroom walls of 21st century. Genius!

    Agreed that you can not just believe what ever you read from the internet.  As you mentioned, we are an adult, and we should be able to make a decision, and responsible for that.  Focus, and determination is the key, as you mentioned, to build a success to earn on the internet.

    Thank you for the tips.

    Kalle & Marie

  29. Yes and I totally agree with you that success does not pass without leaving its clue down on the ground noticeably for us to know and follow a just part. What you shared here is definitely worthy and I fund a lot of value here. It is always worthwhile to note that success Is a journey and understanding the path to it would always guarantee success. Thank you for sharing here

  30. From what I have read from your articles, you really know what you are talking about and give legit, mesmerizing information. I surely see myself sticking to your blog and engaging with you as I am a beginner in the internet business and already I have been applying some the information from your articles and I am seeing results. You are surely paving the way Tony!

  31. From all of the platforms mentioned in this article I can say that Wealthy Affiliate and WebTalk are the ones that I have seen the most potential from what they offer and the ease of using the platforms. Some of the others are more confusing and even though I have joined some of them, I get too frustrated when I can’t figure a service out within a time frame. So, for me, Wealthy Affiliate and WebTalk have to be the most beneficial learning and money-earning platforms thus far. Not to forget, having Tony as your mentor can truly be life changing. 

  32. Internet is a good place where you can learn and earn at the same time without being affected by the time you devote into them. I’m in to online businesses and I’ve been into it for a while now, everyday I learn a new thing that I incorporate into my business as it helps me expand it. 

  33. One more inspiring post from you. You make me over and over full of motivation for online business. They who are still in doubt whether to join online community should first go online on your website to read all your posts from your own experience. Making money online is now more possible and easier than ever. Thank you very much for all tips that you are sharing for free.

  34. Hi Tony. I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate, none of the others. I have looked at your other recommendations and will follow them up. I am a firm believer of working with somebody who is actually involved in doing the work on a daily basis. I have a mentor for my personal growth so there is great belief in having a mentor for work. I shall return. Thank you for sharing.

  35. I clicked on each of your recommendations, they all look very interesting and well worth investigating further.. I always like getting advice from people who are talking the talk and walking the walk. Having you as a mentor would be of great benefit to everyone. Success definitely does leave clues and you give amazing advice. This is a brilliant post. Thank you very much for sharing.

  36. Hi tony,

    Figuring out how to bring in cash online has numerous plans. Appears everybody, well at any rate a ton of ones have their own specific manner. I have discovered that achievement leaves hints and when they are left we should contemplate them well. Much obliged for the hints you leave about the Wealthy Affiliate zone.

    Figuring out how to believe your own senses added to some strong guidance, diligence and center will assist you with building your business. Tracking with the individuals who are doing admirably is the easy way out for me. Much obliged to you for your recommendations.

  37. Hi Tony

    Doing the early years of advertising, right at the time of the introduction of the internet, there wasn’t enough information given for anyone to learn about the business of marketing. It felt like we were all ‘on an island.’ Earning was the second part of the equation, the most important part. But just as important as the first. Yes, I strongly agree that many programs out there online that can teach us to be better marketers. Falling prey to scammers is the next issue that determined entrepreneurs must watch out for. 

  38. After quitting my job a few months ago, i decided to get into digital marketing and earn extra income from home. having a guide with proofs of success attained became the challenge. i am sure that if i had found you earlier, i would have been a step ahead right now. success really is a clue.

  39. Thank you . Success really leave clues. I believe anyone starting online  business should seek an authority like you for mentorship. In  fact everyone starting a business should seek a mentor but it is more crucial online because there are a lot of scams.

    I personally appreciate the free to join opportunity as its a chance to explore if the system is for you or not without loosing a cent . Keep up the good work of helping others 

  40. As the job market becomes too competitive, finding other income generating activities could save the day. Learning and earning on the internet is one of the best ways you could do that. Success leaves clues indeed not until you have solved a clue. Having a mentor like you on the internet indeed pays off. Great article, and thanks for sharing.

  41. Success Leaves Clues – Learn and earn on the internet was one of my favorite piece of work to read. You have proven yourself without any doubt that you are good at what you are doing and it is real the experience you have on the internet counts. After a class full of thought and knowledge base, I appreciated the earning part because mainly we want to improve our income. The content give some warnings that it is not all truth that is being posted in the internet, especially the google we trust – 21st century bathroom wall. I find that meaningful and resourceful, thank you so much. 

    I wish you all the best as you continue to give a helping hand in the internet circle.

  42. Hello Tony

    Success Leaves Clues – Learn and earn on the internet was one of my favorite piece of work to read. You have proven yourself without any doubt that you are good at what you are doing and it is real the experience you have on the internet counts. After a class full of thought and knowledge base, I appreciated the earning part because mainly we want to improve our income. The content give some warnings that it is not all truth that is being posted in the internet, especially the google we trust – 21st century bathroom wall. I find that meaningful and resourceful, thank you so much. 

    I wish you all the best as you continue to give a helping hand in the internet circle.

  43. Hello Tony

    You never disappoint your readers, you are always spot on with regard to content. It is so helpful and motivating as it contains the right stuff needed in each and every topic covered. Keep up with the good work.

  44. HI Tony, after having reviewed many of your other websites, all have relatively the same gist of direction in terms of digital marketing.  The hope is to have as many websites up and running such as you do.   Your message stays the same across all of your websites, which is that working from home can be achieved through effort.   

  45. This is a great and motivating website. I’m happy I found it. It gives an inspiring message that I believe most people need to hear right now. During the pandemic, I mean pandemic, a lot of people are losing their jobs and their minds. Many have no jobs and no fix in the future. This article can help many rise above the damage that has been caused by this virus and start building their new lives back up.  

  46. Hey Tony. This is some nice programs and platforms that you have recommended and as usual you have presented it in a detailed, well explained and in-depth article. These platforms you’ve suggested are sure to help anyone who is interested in making money online. I also find your advice invaluable and I’m grateful as I was able to learn from it. This is some good information to follow. 

  47. Hey Tony,

      Thank you for the recommendations on a few sites that we can work with. I have signed up for wealthy affiliate and immediately noticed that the website is great with the initial training videos they have posted. I have learned a lot of great information as being a person that has never done this type of business. I found that immediately I started to learn the best way to build my website, and how to build the correct content to help google find my website to drive more traffic to my site. 

    I highly recommend wealthy affiliate as an option to others for starting their own website.


  48. This is some good information to follow and like the top-recommended programs. There is only one program mentioned that I am not a member of and I will be joining the Global MoneyLine. These top programs you mentioned will surely help anyone make money online if they are willing to put the time and dedication into their work. I will be sharing this post with my social media followers.

  49. If you want to learn, it is very good, learning helps you acquire more knowledge and it makes you a very versatile person. When it comes to online business, you can’t know it of you don’t learn it or make findings about it. There are lots of things you can do to make success online.

  50. Hello Tony, it’s really nice seeing this article and I love how you have written it down to make us all understand it very well.. I really love to be successful and this is nice. What a valid point you have here, that success leaves clues. I am still searching to collect all the correct clues to create my own online success and definitely take on board advice from mentors and guru’s crossing my journey. 

  51. Nice post as always Tony, your article is always interesting and comprehensive, i learnt a lot by reading them always and i enjoy reading them, i have never heard of success leaves clue, but from the article i know that it is a good one, it is nice to know that this platform have great opportunities and potentials where you can learn and earn just like wealthy affiliate, i will also look into your recommendation..Thanks for sharing.

  52. It’s really great to see that there are at least these five platforms that offer honest opportunities to make money. It is certainly true that there are many lies on the internet, so it’s always wonderful to find something decent and true. Are all of these platforms you recommend apt for absolute beginners? 

    The most important thing is to be consistent and not to give in to the shiny object syndrome, like you mentioned. Each opportunity requires time and effort. Once you start, patience is the key, isn’t it?

  53. It is only left to us as individuals to pick the clues being left behind by success. Nobody get to the top by following the rocks, only the path that can only leave clues are takings JD for one to figure the clues out it would definitely spell success for one and I love everything you have shared here with us all. Thanks you so much for sharing here

  54. Well said! I read your articles often and I read many of your reviews. You are a good marketer, it goes without saying. So your tips are always very welcomed. Sometimes can be hard to deal with everything, and for what is my experience I always try to figure out what is good for me – and if I can handle with it – after a test, and decide if I want to go ahead with that platform or not. So far, I’m testing MoneyLine and Webtalk.

  55. There is no one who doesn’t want to be successful and the truth is that I find the name of this one a very catchy one. I am definitely going to give this a try and I will also make sure that I take the success clues wherever I find them. As I have said before. This is a very good post and I will make sure I also do well by sharing it too.

  56. I will definitely explore your recommendations. I am already a Wealthy Affiliate member so I know this is a good affiliate program and marketing training. I will look more into the global moneyline. I still have not figured out how it really works. What happens if I sign up on a free trial there. How do I earn money? And how much time do you need to use on this to do well? 

  57. Hi Tony, thanks a lot for another excellent review. I always like to read your reviews, they are honest and full of suggestions. It is great to have a person reviewing all this online make money opportunities as there are so many, it can be hard to choose the ones which are legit.

    What a valid point you have here, that success leaves clues. I am still searching to collect all the correct clues to create my own online success and definitely take on board advice from mentors and guru’s crossing my journey.

    Best wishes,


  58. Oh you are so right that success leaves clues and we can all learn from the successful people to see what they are doing. There are so many possibilities to earn online these days, but unfortunately so many of them are scams. 

    So it is good to find legitimate ways of learning and earning online. And I agree that it is best to stick to one program or platform to start with when you are a beginner, so that you can master it and not get distracted. 

  59. Hi Tony, thanks for giving heads up about this. Yes, I also want to become successful. I agree that we should focus on one company, especially if we’re still a beginner. I follow you on Wealthy Affiliate and really hope to get more knowledge about affiliate and internet marketing to become as successful as you. Thanks 

  60. Hello there! this is an amazing review you have got here. I am very sure this review will help others who come across it as its helping me at the moment. I will love it if you tell me more about CB Pro Ads as I will love to sign up for it as soon as I get the whole breakdown of how it works.


  61. Hello Tony, Thanks for this insightful article. i learned many things after reading this post. Truly success leaves clue. There is not a way that anyone makes success by just neglecting all the cues and ideas it gives. ever since i joined wealthy affiliate i have been learning i hope to continue. i love WA. thanks, God bless

  62. Hi, Tony.
    Thanks for sharing your views on how success leaves the clues for success . you have been very much correct as learning on the internet is taken very seriously by the new users. They often consider that whatever is given on the internet is correct. Soon after seasoning of experience, the truth is revealed. Your article has given a great insight into this aspect. Tony, I am ready to follow your instructions and work to increase my business on the internet. I have already joined global Moneyline and learning about it.
    Warm Regards,                                                                                                                    
    Gaurav Gaurs

  63. Yes, success does leave clues. All I have to do is follow the clue and find my own success. It would be great if the person who left the clue is alongside with me and helps me to achieve the success. It would be difficult if I follow two ways or clues at the same time, it is absolutely counter productive. Thanks for your article.

    Have a great day.

  64. Google is “The bathroom walls of the 21st century” 😀 

    Omg I AGREE 100% with this! I’ve been trying to explain to everyone that ANYBODY can write about ANYTHING and using the right keywords to get on top of Google. 

    During the past couple of years, the online business became very popular and I think that its expansion is yet to come because of the world’s pandemic. Everyone is turning to online business research and trying to figure out the best and secure ways to make money online. 

    As I mentioned before, you are a true guru for online business ideas. Tony plus Wealthy Affiliate and that’s it, look no further! 

    Anyways, Tony, I am on my way to write reviews and I will have to try all the business ideas, I already bookmarked 2 of your pages and this will be the third one. Thanks and expect me to sign up through your links. 

    Bless you, Tony! 

  65. Hello Tony Lee Hamilton. Thank you for this informative and educative article. i have been enlightened on certain things after reading this post. Truly success leaves clue. ever since i joined wealthy affliate i have been learning and earning simultaneously and i hope to continue. i love WA. thanks, God bless

  66. There is not a way that anyone makes success by just neglecting all the cues and ideas it gives. Success definitely leaves the clues and approaches to follow to get to the top of the ladder and though it is often available to all, not everyone makers the decisions to really go for it.what you shared here is great. Identifying with what works for someone and blending it to suit our own demands for success

  67. Thank you for this article where you share many different ways that we can earn money. The information here is really straight forward and to the point as you quite rightly stated at the beginning. Learning from other is really important which is why I really like Wealthy Affiliate having been a member for about 3 months now. I find it important in whatever you do that you understand the company you are a member of so that your hard work pays off for you. The reason I like wealthy affiliate is because I enjoy helping others and I like the community spirit.

    A number of people will really benefit from this information.

    Thanks again

  68. Hi Tony!

    What a great post! 

    What caught my attention the most was the title “success leaves clues” that is something I’m really aware and when I saw it on your post I got really interested! I just want to say thanks because all of your posts are an inspiration for beginners like me.

    Keep up the good work, thanks a lot!

  69. Awesome Tony, It is so nice to see how the world has come with new ways to making money online every single day, week, month and year. I thank God for the Internet and the electronics like the computers. The Internet  has indeed played a very significant role in helping a lot of business people both online and offline get what they need to be successful in business. Taking a look at your recommendation, I have read quite a lot about this platform, and wealthy affiliate is one of the few I really find great to make money online when you follow the right steps given to you by the trainer. Thank you for the great article Tony, I enjoyed reading it.

  70. Thanks for being so straight forward, precise and to the point with your article – Success Leaves Clues – Learn & Earn on the Internet

    Your article can be of great help to anyone looking to make money online, especially with your top recommendations. 

    Thankfully, I am already with Wealthy Affiliate for 18 months now and enjoying every bit of it.   


  71. I believe that great success can be achieved to earn a passive income on the internet. But unfortunately there are so many scams out there that leave people skeptical of any opportunity to earn online. I am so glad I found affiliate marketing as a tool to assist me with my online business. The earning potential is insane and the possibilities endless. YOU CAN EARN ONLINE. It is possible! You should just find the right opportunity and put in the work and effort. 

  72. Hello there, I must say a very big thank you for giving us these recommendations for growing online business! The only one I am familiar with on that list is Wealthy Affiliate as I must say they are the best , so I will need to do the suggested further research on the others. What is really nice is that all of these programs have a free membership level so that you can try it out before taking that next step…Keep up the Good work Sir

  73. Great article Tony!

    You’ve raised some excellent points. And you are definitely right when you say success leaves clues.

    I must admit, I’ve been one of those people suckered in by ‘shiny objects’ in the past. It can be so hard to focus on one thing when we are constantly bombarded by the latest craze or fad. That being said, I’ve made it my goal to focus on one business venture at a time moving forward.

    Thanks for your solid recommendations. It’s really appreciated.


  74. It’s wonderful how the world works with every day new ways to making money I’m the Internet has played and is still playing a very significant role in helping a lot of us get what we need to be successful. Taking a look at your recommendation, I have read quite a lot about this platform, and wealthy affiliate is one of the few I really find great to make money online when you follow the right steps given to you by the trainer. I hope to keep getting the clues the internet provides. 

  75. Learning (knowledge and experience) is definitely the most important tool for us to make money no matter what platform. The internet has been selling us about this financial freedom and have someone work for you and the easy money scheme. The reality is that it takes time and discipline to be successful in anything. There is no free lunch after all like freedman said. 

    I will check out all 5 recommendations. 

  76. For a number of years now, I have made the internet my stop to learn all I need to know for a while now but all in all I can tell very much that it has been a very wonderful ride for me because I have been able to learn so much about everything. I will give the platforms you have shared a go and see how well it works for me. Great work Tony.

  77. Thank you for sharing a lovely, informative article with us. The chief item of this article is Learn & Earn on the Internet. It is truly amazing that you covered this subject so well in your post. I’ve learned a lot from reading your post and gained a lot of knowledge about it. I like Wealthy Affiliate of the points in your article.
    Wealthy Affiliate is a great example of acknowledging the income that can be made so I like your article to talk about Wealthy Affiliate and I would like to share this on my Facebook group if you allow me.

  78. The best and most vast place to learn is the internet, and it’s been of s very great advantage toner online business owners and people who are willing to venture into it. There are couple of sites that teaches a lot being successful online and the one I know of is wealthy affiliate program, very reliable and trustworthy.

  79. Definitely sure is this post and I really appreciate this post out here. To be honest, I really fancy this post because you have addressed a very interesting topic here. Well! Success definitely always leaves the right clues and if one can figure it out and know how to follow it justly, then one is set us for success too.  Learning and earning is the goal. Thanks

  80. Thanks for the recommendations for growing online business! The only one I am familiar with on that list is Wealthy Affiliate, so I will need to do the suggested further research on the others. What is really nice is that all of these programs have a free membership level so that you can try it out before taking that next step. I think that is extremely important for someone like me, who is not so fond of taking big risks right off the bat.

  81. I think this a great blog post that goes directly to the heart of the matter. if you want to learn something really bad and you are willing to be mentored, you are right on the spot regarding being serious about it.

    You have also provided several opportunities which offer real opportunities to start your business online, which is great. I am currently learning from Wealthy Affiliate and will complete my training with them, before exploring some of the other options you have listed. I am always eager to learn.

  82. Not too long ago I was gullible enough to believe websites that told me I could make quick and easy money online.  But, like you say, it is important to be able to follow instructions and put effort into learning.  And all this requires patience and commitment – a sure way to reach your online financial goals.  I agree with you that WE determine our own speed and only WE can motivate ourselves towards reaching our goals/destiny.  Personally, I am with Wealthy Affiliate and I am completely satisfied with their commitment to encourage, train and advise, as much as I need. Thanks for a good website.

  83. Thank you for those links, Tony. I have been exploring for a number of years how to create and grow a business that is aligned to my passions. 

    I feel like I’m picking up clues from many different sources, and looking into them. One thing I’ve learnt recently, is that I’m more successful if I create a schedule! Something that suits my lifestyle and allows me to be flexible.

    Best wishes

  84. First of all, LOVE the Spongebob Quote. Hilarious. Thank you for the wise words and recommended programs here. I love how they all have free options before upgrading. To me, that’s the sign of a quality business. I already use Wealthy Affiliate as a premium member but haven’t had the pleasure of trying out the others you’ve listed. I’ll be looking into it now 🙂

  85. Learning to make money online has many recipes.  Seems everyone, well at least a lot of ones have their own way.  I have found that success leaves clues and when they are left we should study them well.  Thanks for the clues you leave about the Wealthy Affiliate area.  

    Learning to trust your own instincts added to some solid instruction, persistence and focus will help you with building your business.  Following along with those who are doing well is the path of least resistance for me.  Thank you for your suggestions.

  86. I really appreciate your straight forward, no nonsense approach to earning money.  The information and instructions you give are very easy to understand and follow.  I commend you for being honest with your readers on your expectations from them if they choose to participate in the learn while you earn opportunity.  Great information and I really believe this one will be a winner.

  87. I have just read your article about learning and earning on the internet and the way the information is sent across to the reader is very powerful. You made it very engaging as even I read every word of that article. The only slight criticism I have is that there are quite a few links on the right hand site of the article. I don’t particularly like links as they can be a bit distracting and it can make a site look messy too. Categorising them will help to solve this problem. Other than this minor issue I think your website is great and this can definitely go a long way 

  88. There is very good advice here. I like the way you have approached the topic about success. And it definitely leaves clues. It’s not something that happens randomly and that’s a good thing because we can learn about others success.

    First time I hear about this syndrome called “The shiny object” and I think I’m guilty even though I didn’t know it was a syndrome.

  89. Knowing what to do and how best to do it to achieve the best possible result is not what a lot of people know about. However, knowing about it and knowing how best to achieve the best is the best way to becoming independent and accepting the fact that a lot more can always be achieved. Thanks so much for sharing this post out here. Thumbs up to you for sharing this

  90. The Shiny Object Syndrome – something that so many people get sucked into and spend all their time chasing instead of building their own online business. Thanks for sharing your tried and test recommendations. I am only a member of Wealthy Affiliate so I cannot comment on any of the others, but Wealthy Affiliate is fantastic and a great way to learn how to build your own business and make money from it. 

  91. Hey Tony; 

    Many people are out there searching for somewhere to start a business online, but with the many fake opportunities and passed scam experiences they have they don’t know where to start.

     The listing here less Wealthy Affiliate seems to be your own businesses. So then one should take you at your word. As you are strong enough for any eventuality regarding your business.! Keep an eye open to see me I will be checking them out one by one.



  92. Thanks a lot Tony for taking out time to put this out I hope it still work as I would like to give it a try and I know it would be of great help to the public as it has been of help to me… earning on the internet has never been better and with this I know a lot of persons would get it right.


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