What is GroovePages Review 2021 ClickFunnels Alternative

All businesses need whatever advantage they can get to remain competitive in the market. One way that businesses gain advantages is by using (or creating) different processes that improves their marketing efforts. A business funnel system was created for this purpose. A business funnel is a business marketing process that outlines (highlights) how consumers purchase products and services.

This process is used to provide an effective approach to reaching consumers with the things they want or need to buy. GrooveFunnel is the name of a marketing system that provides this service for business organizations. GroovePages are the main part of the GrooveFunnel system. The following GroovePages review will explain what this system is and how it works.

Understanding Funnels in the Business World

You already know that a business funnel is used to figure out how consumers purchase products. We’re going to briefly explain what a business funnel is because it will help you to better understand the purpose of GroovePages. A business funnel it technically called “sales funnel”. There are different ways for marketers to create business funnels. However, here is a basic outline of the process.

First there is the awareness phase. This is the stage where a consumer realizes that they need a product or service to fulfill a need. The next is the interest phrase where a consumer finds out about a product or service through some type of research. The process continues with the evaluation stage where a consumer has to examine and compare who has the best product or service they are trying to acquire. Finally, the purchase phase which is the last part of the process. This part of the sales funnel process requires the consumer to make a decision before making a purchase.

How does GrooveFunnel help this process? GrooveFunnel gives businesses the ability to create online pages that will be practical for guiding consumers through the purchasing phrase. GroovePages are the major parts of GrooveFunnel where the consumer buying process is presented and carried out. This is how GroovePages are beneficial to getting consumers to purchase products.

A Quick Overview of GroovePages

GroovePages serves these primary functions.

  • They are designed to get consumers to buy products or services.
  • They help businesses to improve their sales.
  • They help businesses to improve their brand in the marketplace.
  • GroovePages also helps businesses to educate consumers about the goods and services they provide.

GroovePages simply helps businesses to reach their sales potential. They do this by creating an online portal for consumers to quickly and efficiently discover their products and services. By the way, the internet is now a standard part of the business world. Any business (regardless of size) must have an internet presence if they want to be taken seriously in the modern market. Without an internet presence, a business will lose credibility in the market and they will seem less professional. In other words, they won’t be taken that seriously. Also, consumers will be quick to overlook an enterprise that doesn’t have an online presence.

Here is one more thing that must be stated. I know this is a lot but stay with me. GroovePages are able to improve a fledging business. Remember this service is designed to be more than just a mere website or blog. It is a full-blown sales funnel system that can help an enterprise to improve in every way imaginable. If you’re a private enterprise that is just getting started in the market, GroovePages can help you to quickly take off. Again, everybody needs an advantage when it comes to selling their goods and services. GroovePages is a great solution for making your business more effective.

How do you get GroovePages ?

In order to get GroovePages you will have to sign up for an account on their site. The basic account is free. However, if you want advance features you will have to pay a fee. We’ll discuss pricing in the next section. To complete the registration process you will have to fill out the online forms for GroovePages. You will need to follow the site’s instructions for completing the registration process. Once registration has been completed you will then be able to start using your account. You can complete the registration process by clicking-> https://groovefunnels.com/#checkout-form.

Pricing for GroovePages

The following is a basic summary of GrooveFunnels pricing. Remember that GroovePages are a part of the GrooveFunnel system. So, the prices listed here are for GrooveFunnel as a whole and not necessarily GroovePages.

GrooveFunnels basic plan is free. All a person needs to do is to sign up for the service. GrooveFunnels basic plan does not provide clients with all the extra benefits of the GrooveFunnel system. The Silver Plan will provide users with more perks and features but it will cost $99 a month. There is a gold plan that provides more advance features, and it costs $199 per month. Finally, there is the lifetime platinum plan. A person will pay $1,397 for a one time cost (or spread out in payments) and it will provide them with access to unlimited GrooveFunnel services.

Just so you will know, support is also a part of the GrooveFunnel system. Customer support is often necessary for helping users to better understand and use their services. This support is available for users regardless of the plan they choose. Users can upgrade their plans if they need to and they can also scale them down if that is necessary. The platinum plan can be deactivated if necessary but once it has been purchased it does last a lifetime.

GroovePages Features and Perks

What do you get inside GrooveFunnels? The following information will explain what you can get from your GrooveFunnel service.


Again, this is the heart of the GrooveFunnel system. This tool allows you to build landing pages, websites, and sales funnels. Here is something else you must know about online sales funnels. Landing pages are designed to send a person (consumer) to a page on the internet. This page is usually accessed through an optimized search result, a marketing email, an internet advertisement or through a marketing promotion. Once a person lands on the site they will then be introduced to a product or service related to their search or inquiry.


This feature allows a business to provide different gateways for payments. This means that consumers can provide payments for different merchandise and services through different means. It also helps businesses to sell different type of products whether they are digital, physical, subscriptions, or memberships.


The affiliate program offered by GrooveFunnel allows all members to receive 20% commission on people they get to sign up for the service.


This function allows users to provide various email marketing services for people.


Business owners can use this feature to manage their memberships and subscription services they offer to their customers.


This feature gives clients the ability to create and upload videos for use on their GroovePages. Videos are good for selling products and services.

These are the basic services that GrooveFunnels provide. Just keep in mind that many GroovePages utilize the features above for a business’s customers.

More GroovePages Features and Perks

GroovePages in particular also include these features.

  • Drag-And-Drop Editor

The drag-and-drop editor allows GrooveFunnel account holders to quickly build up GroovePages or even full websites.

  • Free Hosting

This allows users to register their GroovePages to a web hosting service provided through their GrooveFunnel service.

  • Popups

You can create your own popup advertisement with this nifty feature.

  • Countdown Timers & Progress Bars

A countdown timer and a progress bar make your clients feel like they have to take action now with purchasing your products and/or services. They also help to create sense of urgency and it helps to make them feel like they are getting more value for their effort. Not every business will need (or want) these features but they are available to help you to sell more services and goods.

  • Upsells, Downsells, and Order Bumps

Upselling and order bumps is how businesses increase their revenue. This feature can also be included on GroovePages to get customers to purchase more of your goods and services.

  • Device-Based Customization

This feature allows you to alter how your pages appear on tablets, smartphones, computers and other computer devices.

GroovePages also have code less drag-and-drop builder features, free hosting and bandwidth plan, mobile first indexing, mobile-friendly responsive design, fast page loading speeds, stable web hosting, and they also have the ability to be developed through HTML and JavaScript working. Clients can even important their websites or part of a website into the GrooveFunnel system. GrooveFunnel customers can also use this feature to build onto their existing sites instead of creating one from scratch or redesigning the whole thing.

GroovePages Page Building Process

There are many different ways that GrooveFunnel account holders can design GroovePages. No one has to follow a set pattern for making their pages. All GrooveFunnel account holders should understand the following features that are available for their page.

Your GroovePage editor will provide you with the ability to create headers, footers, boxes for product information, and picture frames. You can also add sub-headings, video boxes, and even links to your page. Some of the advance features such as timers or upsell boxes can also be included. There isn’t a set way to make the page, but you should design your page to get your customers to buy.

One of the best things about GroovePages is that you have the ability to adjust your pages to figure out which one works best. This means that your pages can constantly evolve until you have the perfect funnel presentation for your customers. In other words, you can constantly keep trying different things out until you can see (by the numbers) what is working to improve your bottom line.

GroovePages give you this freedom and flexibility to make your landing pages hard to ignore. However, customers will have to figure out how to put these elements together. They will also have to figure out how to create their content and arrange their information. Everything from the color of the pages, to the accent colors will factor into the presentation of a landing page. All these different factors will influence how a consumer responds to a page.

Thankfully, GroovePages can make these things happen for their clients. The business using the GrooveFunnel system will ultimately have to be responsible for making the most of their GrooveFunnel services. Again, if they present their funnel pages in the right way, they should be able to improve their bottom-line profit.

GroovePages Vs. Other Funnel Builders

Here’s the thing about GrooveFunnel. The funnel building site is quickly rising through the ranks of online funnel builders. Businesses and individuals are jumping on the funnel building bandwagon. As a result, they are now quickly signing up for this system. This in turn helps GrooveFunnels to dominate the market.

Other funnel building organizations realizes that GrooveFunnel is presenting some serious competition. For example, Karta is a funnel building platform. If GroovePages vs. Karta took place in a head-to-head battle, GrooveFunnel would probably win out. GrooveFunnel is just that good. The program does have its flaws. Truthfully, no program is absolutely perfect. Still, it is a highly rated platform.

Many enterprises will be amazed at its efficiency and its practicality. They can quickly create, organize, and present funnels to the public. Once the funnels are up and running, they usually provide immediate results. Keep in mind that results will vary by organization, effort, and the type of products and services that you have. Still, GrooveFunnel works.

GroovePages have their own unique style. They stand out from the competition. This difference provides GroovePage users with an advantage against the competition. This advantage can even be effective against other business’s that use GrooveFunnels to market their products within the same field as you. Yes, there are competing businesses that use GrooveFunnels to attract customers. They could even offer the same products and services on through their own unique business.

The business that puts together the best funnel page or provides the best content will probably win this competition. GroovePages are just that effective. They provide so much for the clients that if they are used right, they will ensure success for an enterprise. This is an important benefit for any business organization.

Will GroovePages make my business successful?

No. Groovepages can’t make any business successful and it can’t cause any business to fail. Groovepages can help your business to improve and to enjoy success. However, it is not guaranteed that this will happen. Groovepages are a tool for an organization to use to improve or to increase their chances of success.

Most enterprises will fail for different reasons. Honestly, their funnel landing pages are usually not the culprit for a business’s success or failure. The funnel page provides an avenue for their sales revenue. Unless you intentionally put together a bizarre landing page that purposely drives customers away, this portal will not ruin your business or even cause its success.

Business failure usually happens from lack of money, lack of leadership, or the lack of customers. A sales funnel program simply does not make or break a company. They can add to the success or take away from it, but a major underlying issue is why a business fails or succeed.

Is GroovePages a scam?

Is there such a thing as GroovePages scam? The answer is no. Groovepages is a legit funnel page builder. This service is not a scam. Some people might believe that and that is fine. You cannot convince everyone about the validity of everything. However, Groovepages is not a scam. Many clients have reported about its effectiveness as a funnel page builder.

Some GroovePages reviews state the funnel builder is a great tool for building their organization. Others say that this funnel building portal has been important for improving their overall business success. Some customers have stated they find some flaws with the program. Again, none are perfect. However, they choose to continue to stay with GroovePages because of the positives outweigh the negatives.

GrooveFunnel is worth its service. It ensures that clients are getting robust functions that are effective and practical for improving funnel pages. This process is not a scam because they are not ripping people off by selling them a fake or inferior type of service. It can be verified through customers who use the platform and by the success these customers have been enjoying since implementing this program.

The Cons of GroovePages (GrooveFunnel)

While GroovePages are extremely beneficial for business clients they still have some problems worth mentioning. Remember, no funnel system is 100% perfect including GrooveFunnels. So, here is a list of the potential problems that are inherent with GroovePages.

The portal is presented in a beta version. It has been expected to be upgraded to a normal program in the future. This is expected to take place sometime in 2021. However, not all the features might be upgraded at the same time. Users should keep that in mind when using the site. By the way, a beta version is a program that is still being tested out. Even though GroovePages are in this stage it still is an effective program.

GroovePages has a learning curve that is more complex than many other funnel building sites. You have to learn how the features really work to get the most out of the program. You can also create issues by not properly using the features included for building the pages. If you do, you will start to create problems for your pages. This is something that you simply do not want to do.

Some people claim GroovePages are missing some key block features for the page building program. If these builders are not in place it could ruin the funnel page. However, this is a minor setback that appeals to advance developers or people who understand what coding can do. While GroovePages has some limitations for page building it still provides enough features to make effective landing pages. Even with all its flaws, GroovePages is still an effective landing page platform.

The Final Verdict about GroovePages

GroovePages can provide a business (or individual) with the services they need to make dynamic sales funnels. The more advance features that a business uses, the more features they will have for acquiring more customers and money. Groovepages has an easy to operate navigation design that allows users to make pages that are efficient, practical, meaningful, and useful. This service is quickly gaining popularity in the market and many businesses are learning more about it. Ultimately, GroovePages is expected to emerge as one of the top sales funnel builders in the world.

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