What Not to Do in Your First Year of Launching Your Affiliate Website

Melissa Glidden with GivingAssistant.org sharing – What Not to Do in Your First Year of Launching Your Affiliate Website

Giving Assistant

Creating an affiliate website is an exciting venture that can lead to many financial and personal benefits. However, any new business launch can be daunting and it’s important to know what mistakes to avoid in your first year. If you’re already familiar with affiliate websites, skip over the next section and read our best advice for a great first year.

What is an Affiliate Website?

Affiliate websites make money by placing links to other websites on their page—typically business websites, such as those advertising a product. For example, an affiliate website may display a link to BestBuy.com. If a user clicks this link, then purchases something from BestBuy, the affiliate website owner receives a small sales commission.

To see an affiliate website in action, check out GivingAssistant.org. Giving Assistant is a very complex type of affiliate website. In addition to earning money by selling brand advertising space on their site, the coupon codes they offer online shoppers also result in sales commissions for Giving Assistant. When shoppers click the coupon code, they are carried to the retailer's site. Any purchases they make result in commissions for Giving Assistant.

1. Don’t Expect to Get Rich Quick

Your affiliate website definitely has the potential to be a financially rewarding business venture. However, if you expect to be making thousands of dollars overnight you should prepare to be disappointed. There is likely a lot of work ahead of you as well as a learning curve. Therefore, it will take some time to make affiliate deals, create content, and drive traffic to your site.

be patient. Use your time to learn more about affiliate marketing and the best ways to increase your success. If you identify a problem, commit to taking a solutions-based approach to dealing with the obstacle. Don’t just give up! There are a ton of online resources available to help you revise your tactics.

2. Don’t Break Affiliate Terms of Service

If you want to have a long-lasting affiliate website, you’ll have to sign and uphold the affiliate terms of service. These are not suggested guidelines but rather hard and fast rules. You should understand what you are agreeing to in any business deal. Take the time to read through the agreement before signing off.

If you have questions, ask for clarification. The last problem you want is an affiliate who won’t work with you because you have not only broken the terms but also their confidence in your business relationship.

3. Don’t Create Inauthentic Content

Spamming customers and writing overly “salesy” content simply doesn’t work in affiliate marketing. Think about yourself as a consumer. Would you trust a website that feels like a gimmick, or one that doesn’t offer you any unique content but is ready for you to empty your wallet? Probably not.

Find a niche that works for you and dedicate your site to creating engaging and useful content in addition to the affiliate links. You will be much more likely to find an audience and to have them return on more than one occasion. Creating solid content will also build trust with your readers.

Trust is the key to successful affiliate marketing. Build an audience of customers who have faith in you and your reviews. They will be much more likely to click your links and to follow through with a purchase.

Overall, affiliate websites are an exciting, new way to make money online by taking advantage of existing products and companies. If you don’t want your first year to be your last, avoid the mistakes above and you’ll be well on your way to success

Guest Blogger at Tony Lee Hamilton Digital Marketing Veteran




70 thoughts on “What Not to Do in Your First Year of Launching Your Affiliate Website”

  1. Hello there Tony, I think your article ‘What Not to Do in Your First Year of Launching Your Affiliate Website’ is very helpful to anyone who is just starting in affiliate marketing as I’m sure was your intention and can also be used as a vital training tool in order for them to familiarize themselves with what is required in having an affiliate website. 

  2. You are so right with what you have said, though this business is a great business to get into there are some things we should now and some rules we should follow so as not to get into trouble. This line of work is not a get rich quick business but once you stick with it the rewards are there.

  3. Wow! Usually truly genuine in spite of the fact that since I have fair opened my trade site for partner promoting nd seeing things like this here is truly empowering and great. In spite of the fact that we don’t continuously see things like this each time but it truly is nice and thanks o much for sharing this out here. I really just like the truth that you just have given so much diagram to all of these and I will tey all my beat to guarantee that I will not go out of these.

  4. Knowing what not to be done and what to be done can really make the whole difference for all. To know what to focus on and what to not get engaged with would help keep the seriousness and get us to the very peak and focus more on achieving the dream of living the dream life

  5. Hello there, thanks for this tips. A lot of us will fail to get it and that is why I have to say you are kind. Especially the ones about not expecting to get rich quick, this was certainly helpful and I appreciate the info. Affiliate marketing is a real thing and it works, but, nothing good comes easy, you have to work, and work patiently to see the work pay off.

  6. Some really helpful and pragmatic advice.  For anybody new to Affiliate Marketing getting the balance right between enthusiasm, consitency and web site development, is not as easy as it first appears. Being honest about your website content seems to me to be critical to build up a credible reputation.  When we are in our own world`s behind our computer screens, it is sometimes easy to forget that we are writing for an audience.  Our potential customers, so being ethical, honest and accurate is essential.  Thank you for highlighting these points.  Can you suggest others, so as to avoid pitholes?

  7. It’s good to always seek out for advice from experts or rather professionals who are into the business long before you are and knows one or two things that you don’t, it makes it easier for you to deal with your business especially when  it’s wealthy affiliate, here are things you should do and you shouldn’t.

  8. Thank you for these tips! Especially the ones about not expecting to get rich quick, this was certainly helpful and I appreciate the info. Affiliate marketing is a real thing and it works, but, nothing good comes easy, you have to work, and work patiently to see the work pay off. Eventually, with authenticity and patience, you will thrive, choose the right niche and you’ll see how successful it can be for you.

  9. Having the sight knowledge about what to do and what ought not to be dome in affiliate marketing within the first year can serve to be the undoing or the path to success for any marketer. Thank you so much for all the information you shared here and it is very valuable for newbies like me here

  10. Greetings Tony Lee Hamilton! 

    I hope that this comment finds you well. I am waiting for your site to load so I might review it, but unfortunately, it is taking an inordinately long time to load. That can spell disaster for rankings. I am not sure of the cause, but after waiting, I got a notice telling me that your page isn’t loading.

    I am a little bummed, I am still in my first year of affiliate marketing so I am eager to learn of the things that I should NOT do. When you get this worked out, let me know and i would be happy to review again!


  11. Much obliged such a great amount for sharing those tips to maintain a strategic distance from in offshoot showcasing.

    With regards to subsidiary showcasing, individuals will in general deal with it like a pyramid scheme… I’ve seen a ton doing that and that is so shocking.

    Individuals don’t understand that it isn’t so natural to bring in cash on the web, it requires time, and difficult work…

    Likewise, doing an associate business implies making an automated revenue. Furthermore, an automated revenue requires significant investment, however it’s justified, despite all the trouble.

    In this way, I truly urge individuals to take as much time as necessary, and show restraint. Achievement will come.

    Much obliged again for sharing this. Individuals need to peruse those tips

    Good wishes

  12. The best thing anyone can do on the first year into digital online marketing is to use time to learn more about affiliate marketing and the best ways to increase success. availability of authentic content is another major so as to bring the readers back to your website. thank you for this.

  13. That is right Tony, affiliate marketing is very big online industry itself and it can be very profitable to any one who willing to put in time and do the work. Thank you for sharing this amazing article. It will for sure be very helpful to anyone willing to start their own affiliate marketing business soon. Great job putting it together.



  14. Hi

    I think all the tips given are very valid, as you do not want to upset the cart and either annoy  the companies your are affiliated with or the readers who think that you are going for the hard sell. You likely to more successful if you are genuine and hardworking. The search engine will reward your hard work and your readers will too, if you are trying to be helpful and not be too preachy or to all knowing.  I think once you have developed a method, you must be  consistent and this will bring the rewards.  



  15. We hear so much about what we must do or should do, that it is refreshing to get information about what not to do in your first year of launching your affiliate website. Affiliate marketing is not as easy as many people would want you to believe and I had to lower my expectations after realizing that it takes much longer to build traffic and get success, than I had expected. Thank you for the useful tips on what not to do. 

  16. Affiliate marketing is a good venture but yes, it requires a lot of patience, and if you don’t have enough of it, you may end up a very frustrated individual. Before I started my first site, I had heard of many stories of people making lots of money with affiliate sites, and I started mine with that mindset. Let’s just say I was disappointed! There was a lot to learn and implement that I just had to lower my expectations and forge on. Thanks for preparing us with these tips.

  17. Thanks for this awesome post. I have found that people starting in the affiliate marketing business are looking to make money quickly like magic. This is not happening any time soon, this kind of niche requires time to take shape and you will need also to establish yourself as the authority of the content you will be sharing. You need to provide value before you see the first dollar. People do not fall for scams that quickly, and they won’t let their hard money leave their pockets right away. Those people that think that they are setting up a website and make money right away are in for a rude awakening.

  18. I have found that people starting in the affiliate marketing business are looking to make money quickly like magic. This is not happening any time soon, this kind of niche requires time to take shape and you will need also to establish yourself as the authority of the content you will be sharing. You need to provide value before you see the first dollar. People do not fall for scams that quickly, and they won’t let their hard money leave their pockets right away. Those people that think that they are setting up a website and make money right away are in for a rude awakening.

  19. Affiliate marketing as a business is very lucrative and it is of a large profit to those who are willing to take time out to do it as it is due. It’s very nice of you to share this amazing article and it will be very helpful to those who are willing to launch their affiliate marketing website soon

  20. This is a pretty helpful article and it definitely has some truth to it. I’ve been really getting into developing my affiliate website and there certainly a lot of work to be done. Especially with coming up with new ideas for content. I still have a long way to go, but I already knew I shouldn’t be expecting instant results and even with that I’m still gonna be working with all I got to make this a success.

  21. Your article helped me quickly understand what Not to do in my First Year of Launching my Affiliate Website.

    Content is the most difficult part for me, and I had an idea to make inauthentic Content. Because it’s the easiest way to make content, and can get traffic that uses the most attractive and inauthentic content.

    And your article helps me it’s not a good way.
    I will definitely share out with all my friends.

  22. Good day Tony. These are some invaluable tips you’ve given about starting an affiliate website. It’s beneficial especially to people who are interested in going into this business but have no experience in the field. This type of business is extremely lucrative and successful and more people are learning about it and you have helped increase their knowledge with this article 

  23. Hi Tony, 

    I’ve read your article “What Not to Do in Your First Year of Launching Your Affiliate Website”.

    Thanks for writing about what not to do in affiliate marketing.

    Amazing post. I think this type of online business isn’t very known to so many people and as such it’s a really great way to start becoming financially independent.

    Thank you for sharing your post, this is a reminder for a beginner doing affiliate website.

  24. I have just started working my affiliate marketing business and I have seen a lot of advice about what to do and what to expect. This article about what not to do is also very important because as they are listed, I see somethings that I would have thought ok if I did not see your advice. thank you for this information.

  25. Well, thanks for writing about what not to do in affiliate marketing. Since learning about it, I’ve seen numerous articles about how we should do it, but this is the first time I’ve read about what we should not do. I think it’s valid that we shouldn’t expect to get rich quick with affiliate marketing, but I hope I can fulfill my daily need from affiliate income in the first year.

  26. Amazing post. Super informative. I think this type of online business isn’t very known to so many people and as such it’s a really great way to start becoming financially independent. I think all the points you raised are valid and hopefully everyone embarking in this type of business can follow through. Thanks!

  27. Hello Tony, business is very good when you have the right ideas and tips on how to run it and make good progress all the way. You have mentioned a lot that needs to be looked closely at. One of the cautions you gave was that affiliate website owners should stick to the terms of the service because the violation is very consequently. Thanks for sharing 

  28. Many a time, I have seen people close their business online in the first year of opening it and I can say that most of the things that you have counted as the do not were the things that most of them got engaged into. So, I am not really shocked seeing all of them listed out here. Thanks for this post

  29. Tony, as always, this is an excellent article, short but loaded and powerful. Your article on “What to do in your first year of launching your affiliate website, has a lot of advice, insight, wisdom, caution, and resources for every affiliate business owner. Melissa Glidden, on the giving assistant, is an invaluable resource, that she provided.

    One of the cautions you gave was that affiliate website owners should stick to the terms of the service because the violation is very consequential to their business. You also cautioned about creating an authentic content., and that affiliate marketing is about building trust. The visitors on the site need to be sure of what they are committing to by trusting your reviews through your content. And I like the encouragement giving to your readers, the beginners to affiliate marketing to do it with patience, by persevering, and not be expecting quick or instant returns. I think that line is very encouraging and reassuring to people who are struggling to breakthrough. 

    For the Assistant Giving site, I will need to revisit it and to see which affiliate to join.

    Thanks, Tony for always digging deeper and providing your readers with invaluable information and resources.

  30. These are very interesting things that one really needs to note and I know a whole lot of people who must’ve made this kinds of mistakes but since I am new to the whole thing, I am going to make sure that I heed your advice and make sure that I don’t make this mistake that I have seen here. Really good stuff Tony.

  31. Hi.Tony, I just came across your article. 

    You mentioned some key points that most beginners think about is getting rich. I glad this was one of what not to do in your first year of launching an affiliate website. Sadly, people think that they’re going to get richer. Your advice was straight to the point and powerful. 

    Thanks for this post.

  32. Hello Tony, Just read your article “What not to do in your first year of affiliate marketing”. I can understand the point you mentioned Don’t Expect to Get Rich Quick. In fact all the points you mentioned. Short yet very important advice! But, as I started this affiliate marketing journey with very small investment, I am expecting a very small revenue from affiliate marketing that too after three months. Am I over expecting ?

  33. Short yet very important advice! It is nearly impossible to start earning a consistent income from starting your affiliate business your first year, and even your second. It’s a rewarding feeling when you make your first sale and that alone pushes you to better your skills and improve your tactics. Just like any business, it takes patience and time. 

  34. I am so excited when I joined Affiliate Marketing and create my affiliate website. Thinking that I will earn so fast and creating content is so easy to do. As days goes by my performance getting slow then I realize it is not easy. It takes a lot of courage and patient to do the business.

    Thank you for sharing your post, this is a reminder for a beginner doing affiliate website. 

  35. Thanks for the warning Tony, in fact, I went there firsthand. In my first few months, I didn’t have a clear idea on my blog, and I concentrated on product roundups without going to the bottom of the reviews. Nothing more wrong! Now I’m focusing on one product at a time, I try to get to know it well to make a useful review to the reader, not to me. And paradoxically it is a practice that suits me the most.

  36. Excellent advice for an affiliate’s first year. There are a lot of “DOs”, but the list of “DON’Ts” often gets overlooked. Coming from a place of experience as you are, a new affiliate would be wise to follow your layout in regards to avoiding the pitfalls that discourage so many newbies. I kind of see it like this: experience is learning slowly by trial and error and making many mistakes, whereas wisdom is learning quickly from the experience of others. 

    Thanks for the information you share. It is very helpful!


  37. Hi Tony and thanks for sharing this. I am still early in my first year of affiliate marketing. I am still learning a lot and I feel I have much to learn. I do feel I know a lot of the theory but I am not sure that I am putting it all into practice. On one point that you make I have absolutely no problem with – I don’t think I have a hard-selling bone in my body or certainly not in my vocabulary so none of my content has any “selling” at all. I include the reviews I have done as well where I always give pros and cons and my conclusion is pretty much take it or leave it. But also because of the niche I am in those companies do not have affiliate programs anyway. I have to think though that there is much more to this game than just patience. In the meantime, I will keep plugging away. Thanks again and best regards, Andy

  38. Thank you for this information. This is my first year in affiliate marketing and there is most definitely a learning curve. The three points that you made were slow but sure realizations within the first few months. Appreciate the confirmation and advice on how to keep on the right track. 

  39. Thanks Tony, some really useful advice for anyone just starting out in affiliate marketing and a bit of a must-read. I think creating authentic, original content is key to creating trust – people are becoming much better at weeding out what is real and what is fake, and as affiliate marketers at WA we are definitely taught the right way. Looking forward to more of your posts!

  40. Thank u for the great tips Tony. I agree that you cannot just copy or write cheesy content. It pays to set up a website with substantial quality content. Let us hope we all are able to do just that. The most important thing to also realize that we are not going to get rich quick.  

    Its a great learning to read your articles. Stay safe and happy.


  41. This is really good, and something most beginners on affiliate has to see, i wished i saw this earlier before starting, well this article is really useful and an eye-opener, i have gained lots of insight from it, the problem many affiliate marketers has is being impatient, they just want to earn immediately, most of them really lack patient, you really pointed out really important point, i will share this to some beginners i know..Thanks for this great insight

  42. Thank you for sharing this here. Knowing how to get started and really focusing on how to really achieve it all is everything that has to do with making money online. The tips you have shared are the very major things that most of us end of doing and I can really sha I am guilty too. Being able to know what to do and what not to do can prove to be pivotal in the long run. Thank you

  43. Hi Tony,

    Thanks for highlighting in detail the top 3 of what not to do in the first year of launching affiliate website. I believe that the last 2 are relevant anytime not just in the first year. Content needs to add value without which readers are not going to stick to it. Besides, violating any affiliate terms is strictly prohibited – never ever to try any deviation.

    For the first point, it is true that it takes effort and patience to build an affiliate website. A lot of learning things here. But there are numerous opportunities available to correct yourself and by the end of first year, you are all set to make money online if your have put in the right effort consistently.

    Once again thanks for sharing this very pertinent post.

  44. These are great tips for anyone who is just setting out as an affiliate marketer. You hit on really important points like being patient, and not expecting quick financial results. Making money with an affiliate website is a marathon and not a sprint, and should be looked upon in this way to avoid disappointment. Having great affiliate relationships is of course is a must, so breaching any rules is definitely a no no. 

    Writing content is also such an important component of building your website, so learning how to do original and engaging content is vital. It does take practice, but with patience you will get better. What you of course mustn’t do is try to get round this by copying the content of others, which is self defeating anyway as your website simply wont rank. Thanks for sharing these valuable tips.

  45. hello awesome review you have here As someone who has been in this market for less than 2 weeks, I really appreciate the time taken into this article to help keep me on track! Even if it was a guest blogger, I’m glad you share these views too. I have to keep reminding myself, it’s not an overnight process. No one gets rich quick off of this. It’s about the time and effort you put into it. Thank for you the reminder!! 

    Content uniqueness is also important like you mentioned. I created a page on an old blog in which I put a store and way too many affiliate links without taking the take to provide valuable content. It was way to salesy and was not the way to go!

  46. Hi Tony

    Your advice is sound. It is advice that should be listened to and followed religiously particularly by newbies. But many not-so newbies, like me, should pay attention if they have been struggling in the business.

    I’m speaking from experience, having been in this business for some time now. Though financially, I have not achieved much, I have learned where I made my mistakes. So, my time and money were not wasted – I received some benefits.

    The temptation is high to pursue shiny objects in this business which is a disaster waiting to happen. This is why I like your post and encourage newbies in particular to follow it. Good luck


  47. Thanks for the sound advice regarding launching my affiliate web site. It was very helpful to me. If you have helpful articles about how to get traffic… I’ll be a faithful subscriber!  As I’m sure you know the number 1 task is traffic. You can’t even determine if your site is capable of converting to sales if you have no traffic.  Good job on your site.


  48. As someone who has been in this market for less than 2 weeks, I really appreciate the time taken into this article to help keep me on track! Even if it was a guest blogger, I’m glad you share these views too. I have to keep reminding myself, it’s not an overnight process. No one gets rich quick off of this. It’s about the time and effort you put into it. Thank for you the reminder!! 

    Content uniqueness is also important like you mentioned. I created a page on an old blog in which I put a store and way too many affiliate links without taking the take to provide valuable content. It was way to salesy and was not the way to go!

  49. I totally agree with you, I think so many people are under the illusion that making money online is fast and easy with not much work involved and that is simply not true. It takes time to set up an affiliate website and to start making money through affiliate sales.thanks a lot for sharing this awesome article as this tips would really help one in growing a standard affiliate website.

  50. I enjoyed reading your website’s details about affiliate marketing.With such guidance, anyone would stay at the peak of their business and would keep being there for a long time. Thank you for bringing to our notice things we should not do.You have given just the best advice and I too will stand by it with business for growth to come

  51. With such guidance, anyone would stay at the peak of their business and would keep being there for a long time. These days there are such a little number of people who are willing to stay and work for their money and not expect to get rich quick. However, as an affiliate is best you get that thought out of your bead and focus more and taking baby steps till you finally have the breakthrough. You have given just the best advice and I too will stand by it with business for growth to come m

  52. I enjoyed reading your website’s details about affiliate marketing. I have over 80 posts on my website and I’m still aware that it will take me more time even though I’m six months in. I believe that our mission as affiliates is to achieve more in less time but with utter patience. Your review is really good in the way it mentions the need to drive traffic to our websites but given time and energy we must be patient and improve on a daily basis.

    In Friendship


  53. To learn a wonderful tip like this from someone who has been doing this for a very long time, I think it’s nothing short of a big blessing for me.  I have just started affiliate marketing and learning the fonts at a very early stage is going to hasten my success and make it even easier for me to go and even longer way on the platform. This is a very good post. Thanks a bunch for sharing it.

  54. This is an excellent article on how to be a good affiliate marketer.  Your advice (i.e. don’t expect to get rich quick, don’t break the affiliate terms of service, and don’t create inauthentic content) are bang-on.  To be sustainable, you have to put in the work and continuously publish content that will be of help to your readers instead of focusing on selling.  If you do this, the selling part becomes a natural consequence.

  55. Hi Tony, You seem to know a know about affiliate marketing! You have years of experience and it is great that you are offering the help and introspection that you do. It is helpful to know not what to do! I have an organic skin care site. I also give advice on health aspects and natural ingredients. I review products that I have used or that I believe to be awesome based on research. I think after 40 some years of experience I do have some advice to offer. I hope that giving my own advice and product recommendation that it will help others in their search for answers to their problems. 

  56. This is good to see.  I am not a fan of just having links and trying to get sales.
    Reading your post, I feel that affiliate marketers should have at their highest priority to help readers with what they are looking for.  For any newbies this is a great listing of what not to do.  It is important to hear these things because some people might come into affiliate marketing with the wrong mindset, like how can I make money fast.  So your article helps to frame those expectations and focus more on providing value and quality content.
    This takes time and skill.

  57. Affiliate marketing I a business that require patience, it takes time to yield depending on the amount of efforts pit into it, so it’s not proper to have a quick money making mindset towards it. These “not to dos” are really important to be known by affiliate marketing newbies who ate willing to be successful, it’ll help them channel their efforts rightly. Thanks

  58. Thank you so much for sharing a beautiful and insightful article with us. The prime element of this article is about affiliate website. It is truly impressive that you covered this subject so well in your post. I’ve learned a lot from reading your article and developed a lot of knowledge about the affiliate website. I like Don’t Create Inauthentic Content of the points mentioned in your article.Because authentic content will make your website unique.If you can’t create authentic content, you will never succeed in creating an affiliate website.
    I’ve read your article and enjoyed it. so I’d like to share it with my friends by sharing it in the Facebook community so that everyone knows about your article and gets to know the affiliate website.

  59. Wow! This is really serious though because I have just opened my business website for affiliate marketing nd seeing things like this here is really encouraging and good. Though we don’t always see things like this every time but it really is good and thanks o much for sharing this out here. I actually like the fact that you have given so much overview to all of these and I will tey all my beat to ensure that I will not go out of these.

  60. It is funny to me when people ask questions about things like “Do I need an affiliate disclosure” , “Can I have more than one affiliate program on the same site?” etc. It is very simple. READ YOUR AGREEMENTS. Also, find out things like whether or not you are allowed to use the pictures from whoever you are referring people to for business. I am really glad you brought the affiliate terms of service up and the fact it isn’t a suggestion. 

  61. So glad i came across this post, i have been doing one or two  of the things to avoid! now i can change them and hopefully my business will be overall stronger due to the changes.

    its great to see real honest advice for affiliates when there is so much fake or unrealistic promises out there.


  62. Hey,

    Thanks so much for sharing those tips to avoid in affiliate marketing.

    When it comes to affiliate marketing, people tend to treat it like a get-rich-quick scheme… I’ve seen a lot doing that and that’s so unfortunate.

    People don’t realize that it’s not that easy to make money online, it requires time, and hard work…

    Also, doing an affiliate business means creating a passive income. And a passive income takes time, but it’s worth it.

    So, I really encourage people to take their time, and be patient. Success will come.

    Thanks again for sharing this. People need to read those tips


  63. These are fantastic tips and I totally agree with them. I think so many people are under the illusion that making money online is fast and easy with not much work involved and that is simply not true. It takes time to set up an affiliate website and to start making money through affiliate sales. I also love what you said about paying attention to the affiliate terms of service. I have seen so many affiliates breaking terms of service and this could result in being removed from the affiliate program which would be such a pity after all the hard work that goes into building an affiliate website.

  64. I have been learning about the different ways of making money online and after having read many many posts (a lot of them from your own site) I can conclude that the best way is affiliate marketing. Since I’m planing to start this journey, this post has come at a very timely moment.

    Always publishing authentic content is may biggest takeaway.

  65. Wow! Thank you for these helpful guidelines that can really prove to be very pivotal in the long run of things. You see, most people get it wrongly when we get started with affiliate marketing and the development of our website. We get to go over the board and want to get to the top within a jiffy without proper efforts. This is a great post

  66. That’s cool to have a guest blogger on your site – that was free for you to do and you both gained traffic. Great idea! Curious – do you respond to your comments?  I can imagine that you get so many.

    As a newbie to this online business world, what Melissa wrote in her article is all on point. This is not a get rich overnight thing – takes a lot to read and learn about affiliate marketing. You have to keep creating authentic content to be successful. And be patient – money doesn’t come rolling in until 3 to 6 months from now if you’re lucky. So enjoy the journey!

  67. Nice, to have a guest blogger.  That’s helpful for you, isn’t it?

    These were good suggestions.  This blog is a good one for folks to read who are just starting out.  The advice is sound, especially letting folks know that this business is not a get-rich-quick idea, but one that will stand up over the passage of time.  Build carefully and soundly, as with any structure, and you will have something that lasts.

  68. This is clearly a post about becoming an affiliate.  To be an affiliate you have to realized that you put work into it, and you have to have patience.  You won’t get rich overnight, and you can’t break the rules.  I have been learning this the hard way.  I’m over a month into it, and haven’t made a dime.  I was told to expect that, and to continue expect it over the next 3-6 months.  It is like any job, but the difference, once you start making money you don’t have to worry about a boss or losing your job.  You also get a feeling of freedom and time to yourself.  This was well written and convincing.  I agree completely with the author on this one.

  69. Before signing up with Wealthy Affiliate myself I saw a lot of complaints from people that didn’t want to wait to make money. They whined about not getting their money back, when they should have known how to leave the program correctly.

    You are the only one I’ve read that brings up a very important point. Read the fine print in business contracts.

    Thank you for such a pleasant read.


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