Chew the Fat Off!

Update 2020:

CTFO is now known as Changing The Future Outcome & deals in CBD products for the most part!

There is actually a Health and Wellness Weight Loss Direct Marketing MLM Company named Chew the Fat Off of CTFO for short, CTFO according to the Urban Dictionary has a whole different meaning. The main selling point for Chew the Fat Off (CTFO) is that it is 100% Free with no catches, no gotchas and no purchase necessary and while that is technically true there is more to the story. In order to earn team residuals you must have a personal purchase order of at least $49.97 – Here is the Free Business Position PDF File

CTFO The management team includes:
Stuart Finger – Founder
Steve Finger – CEO & President
Michael Kahn – COO, Treasurer and Secretary
Steve Sakal – National Training Director
Meagan Harris – General Manager
Facebook – Twitter – Pinterest 

After doing just a little research I was able to uncover that the above Management Team has worked together before with a Health & Wellness Weight Loss MLM Company called GBG 10-in-One that went out of business in June of 2015 (Just a little over a year ago) Before that Stuart and Steven along with William “Lenny” Davis created International Teamworks Incorporated (ITI) in 1996 with low priced long distance, provided via Worldcom.  They also offered other services and products like internet access, domain names, wireless, pagers, satellite dishes, home security,a tax reduction program and an online mall that has a large number of companies affiliated with it.  Prior to launching ITI both Stuart and Steven were reps for Excel Communications.

There's also a Board of Directors with Chew the Fat Off CTFO:
Norm Winters – NRLA National Rural Lenders Association Board Member
Todd Lugli Pastor & Founder of Happy Kids International
Russell Lugli – Chairman of the Board & President of 6 Companies
Dan Gregory – Professional Land Surveyor Licensed in the State of California
Steve Finger  – Chief Executive Officer – Chew the Fat Off
Gordon KohutecKohutec Engineering & Testing, Inc.
Shules Hersh – Pastor Promiseland Church
Chew the Fat Off even has a Doctor – Dr. David Gilliam MD who wholeheartedly endorses and recommends the Chew the Fat Off products and program to anyone wishing to lose pounds and inches in a healthy, sustainable way.

I know what you're thinking, That's quite a list and I wonder how all of the above are compensated for their time and service?

Since you have now seen the presentation and know a little about the team behind CTFO let's take a look at the products.
There's the “Complete Business Builder's Package” that costs $299.97 per month and includes:

  • 2 ShakeOffs
  • 1 ChewOff
  • 3 Super7
  • 60 Super7 information cards to be given to prospective customers along with Free samples of Super 7
  • 1 DrinkOff
  • 1 CTFO Shaker Cup

The “Complete Get Fit Starter Package” that costs $239.97 per month and includes:

  • 1 ChewOff
  • 2 ShakeOffs
  • 1 Super7
  • 1 DrinkOff
  • 1 CTFO Shaker Cup

The “Complete Get Fit Package” that costs $219.97 per month and includes:

  • 1 ChewOff
  • 1 Super7
  • 2 ShakeOffs

The “Get Fit Starter Package” that costs $199.97 per month and includes:

  • 1 ChewOff
  • 2 ShakeOffs
  • 1 DrinkOff
  • 1 Shaker Cup

The “Get Fit Package” that costs $174.97 per month and includes:

  • 1 ChewOff
  • 2 ShakeOffs

The “Complete Stay Fit Package” that costs $144.97 and includes:

  • 1 ChewOff
  • 1 Super7
  • 1 ShakeOff

The “Stay Fit Package” that costs $99.97 per month and includes:

  • 1 ChewOff
  • 1 ShakeOff

The “Super 7 Business Builder's Package” that costs $99.97 per month and includes:

  • 3 Super7
  • 60 Super7 information cards to be given out with free samples to potential customers

The “ShakeOff” that costs $79.97 per month and includes:

  • 2 ShakeOffs

The “ChewOff” that costs $49.97 per month and includes:

  • 1 ChewOff

The “Super7” that costs $49.97 per month and includes:

  • 1 Super7

The “DrinkOff” that costs $29.97 per month and includes:

  • 1 DrinkOff

You can also purchase “ShakeOff Shaker Cups” for $1.97 each

ctfo shakeoff shaker cup

So which package will you be purchasing?

Remember in order to be qualified to earn any team residuals you must have $49.97 or more in sales every month prior to the weekly pay run when the checks are generated.

If you've read and viewed all of the above and still would like to become involved with Chew the Fat Off then here is the link for the Income Generating System with more videos and the “Become an Associate” tab.

I feel that I should let you know that I don't promote Chew the Fat Off and that the link above isn't an Affiliate Link of mine,

It just goes to CTFO corporate.

I'm not saying that Chew the Fat Off is good or bad just that it's not for me.

If you're wondering what I do promote, Here is my review of my #1 recommendation to anyone who would like to learn how to earn a legitimate income online from anywhere in the world.


ctfo residual team pay chart

The Power of 3 = $28,860.00 per month!

Chew the Fat Off, yes or no?

140 thoughts on “Chew the Fat Off!”

  1. These abbreviations in English are sometimes very confusing. CTFO can have so many meanings, that’s insane!
    I think the CTFO products might be good just like many other products of MLM companies, they often provide high-quality supplements, but often also at quite high price. However, I see the biggest problem in regarding this as an business opportunity. I think people have seen too many before and after pictures of weight-loss products and don’t believe in them as easy as they used to in the past. Now the advertising has to be more sophisticated and people rather believe in other people / gurus / brands than just MLM brands advertising their products. But that’s just my opinion. I have worked in MLM (Herbalife) and don’t want to be promoting any brands like that. I like affiliate marketing much more, you can promote various products from various brands based on your personal experience and it’s easier to earn money this way.

  2. I think that chew that fat has great products. And CBD products are gaining a good part of the market and they may just be easier to sell. Because that is also another problem in the sales business, the product must be of good quality for you to sell. And hope to great a big base of clientele that will be coming back for more.

    So, I will definitely recommend these products to my friends and family.


  3. This platform seems promising because it has products that it sells, unlike other platforms which do not but only rely on the money that subscribers pay by joining the platform. Any platform that do not offer service I will not go into. So the major reason I will consider chew that fat off is because it legit, at least this is what I feel.

  4. Hi Tony, I have heard of this product before and I know a couple of people who it helped. Seems like a really good thing based on what they told me. As a doctor, I cannot agree that only one product is important for weight loss and human health. I think that physical activity, diet regulation as well as daily bio rhythm have a large share in health. However, I certainly think that weight loss is a big problem for people and that it affects their quality of life. So why not try this product as well, it might help.

  5. Well, Chew the Fat Off seems like a product to try out for people that feels they want to burn their fat. While their product seems to be legit, I don’t think I will be interested in their MLM business. I’m not a fan of that. Though lots of people have experienced success with it. I will rather go for a business that I fully control.

  6. Chew the fat off caught my attention. I think it’s a good product based on this article. Having several qualified hands on a deal makes the deal a big one.i hope those in need of this product will embrace the opportunity and utilize for their good. The product is not for skinny people like me,there’s no excess to shake off. Thank you for the information

  7. Hello Tony, Honestly i have been following this company for some time now and getting to see how much they are increasing is very nice, with how they have gotten various packages and how an individual can earn some funds from them as an affiliate makes it all cool to get along with.

  8. Hello Tony, thanks for sharing this awesome article. When it come to losing body weight, it can be very tasking and time taking but with the help of some programs and products that are made to be effective in services like that, it can be an easy enough process to follow and goal to achieve if you desire to 

  9. Hello Tony! Thanks for sharing this awesome article. The fist time that I got to see that abbreviation if CTFO, I didn’t know the meaning but you have shown me here that it really means chew the fat off and I feel like it is something that I should be able to give a try seeing hoenitnisnale to make me some money from home too through selling products. Good stuff.

  10. We all have various reasons to be here and I have gotten what I came here for and its good. I love the fact that you promote great things and that really of a good use and some good articles on how to earn legitimately online in any part of the world, thank you for sharing this enlighten information. Thank you 

  11. Thank you so much for sharing with us an interesting informative article. The main content of this article is Health & Wellness MLM Company which helps in weight loss. One of my favorite DrinkOff this company for weight loss is the one I used a while ago to lose weight. Finally, I would like to publish such a beautiful health article on my social media so that everyone benefits.

  12. Hello Tony , I really enjoyed reading this amazing informative article, you made me know the full abbreviation of CTFO because this is the first time I’m actually hearing about it , and I love the fact that you promote great things and that really of a good use and some good articles on how to earn legitimately online in any part of the world, thank you for sharing this enlighten information.

  13. The fist time that I got to see that abbreviation if CTFO, I didn’t know the meaning but you have shown me here that it really means chew the fat off and I feel like it is something that I should be able to give a try seeing hoenitnisnale to make me some money from home too through selling products. Good stuff.

  14. Hello there,thank you for sharing this informative and resourceful article. This article is centered on CTFO- chew the fat off. this is my first time of seeing this product and it seem nice to me. thank you for bring this to our notice. i would surely try it out before recommending it to friends and family

  15. When  it come stop losing body weight, it can be very tasking and time taking but with the help of some programs and products tat are made to be effective in services like that  it’ll help a lot. Chew the fat off is a good product and I hope it does work like it has been said

  16. Good information you have provided here about the ctfo. Chew the fat off is one fo the very best platforms I work with when I came online because they actually were one of the few that started the vbd oil sales and it was booming then though I stopped working for them since I got a better offer. It still feels good to see this here in all honesty.thanks for sharing here with us. Thanks

  17. Mr. Lee Hamilton,

    I must say that this one does not convince me. As someone who enjoys exercise and who highly values health and fitness, anything that serves a purpose of unnaturally making you lose wait is a no-go for me. I’m not okay with it and it doesn’t convince me. I’m a supporter of exercise, nonetheless, for those who are unable to exercise, this may be a great option, otherwise, for me personally it’s a no no

  18. Thank you so much for sharing, Tony Lee Hamilton, my dearest friend.

    As always, I enjoy reading your article so very much. Such an in-depth and complete information is really invaluable to the internet community as a whole. 

    What you said is true and definitely right. We wish you every success and please write more articles. We are yearning to learn from your Great Wisdom.

    Thanks forever.

  19. Thank you for the information on Chew the Fat Off to shed fat. I agree with you that it is not for me either and I clicked on your number one recommendation which is Wealthy Affiliates and I totally agree with you. I think it is the best platform to undertake affiliate marketing and I am also on it, like you. Thank you for reaffirming me in my selection

  20. Hello,

    CTFO has all the characteristics of an MLM company. It seems it got its inspiration from other MLM like Herbalife. I would also taste all the products before selling them to my entourage. I think this would be a great opportunity for my sister because she enjoys selling to her family and friends. But as for me, I’ll stick to affiliate marketing!

  21. In line with the topic is amazing and straight, when I saw the topic I don’t know it as anything to do with health related issues. Chew the Fat Off is like burn the face. It is a nice topic and is residual income generator. I like the ways you nailed the different products plan they have. Thank you for sharing this article.


  22. Hello. Thank you a great review on ” Chew the fat off “. If you are doing some sort of online business or have a blog running in the health and wellness niche, then I think this could be a potential product/s to add to your affiliates. But this is niche specific !! From what I read in your review, the  company and the people in it seems legit, and it seems they will be around for some time. Hopefully their products are good too !! Thank you for sharing 

  23. Thank you Tony you never disappoint you always share with us honest and unbiased information. I have a friend of mine who has a huge appetite for these mlm businesses. I will talk to him and share with him this informative article and hear what he has to say about this. Do you think MLM is for everyone or its only for people who are great sales people?

  24. Thank you for this review about chew the fat off. It has some very interesting and informative information. It could very much help someone who is looking into this kind of business. Like you said for yourself. It is not for me and I hope that people who do need the information to make a wise decision can find your page and that it will be able to help them in theirs.

  25. Hi Tony, thanks for reviewing CTFO. My friend bought their products. It’s still a new purchase, so I didn’t know if the products really have a good effect as advertised or no. If it’s really good, I might be tempted to join their MLM business. The monthly cost to maintain our status as their seller is quite achievable, I think. Thanks for the article.

  26. CTFO sounds like one of the many MLM companies available today. You pointed out that the directors ahve worked together before in a company that went out of business. It is a bit difficult to trust people who have failed before in business. Do the products even work? You also pointed out the company is top heavy with a lot of other board members. I would also ask the same question how they compensate all these guys. I will not join this MLM even if they pay me to join. Thanks

  27. Another product from CTFO. Great. There are some people that dislike the idea of taking supplements for weight loss, but I’ll say because one doesn’t use it does not make it bad. Everybody have what work for them. Some can just be normal general exercise while some will go exercise plus supplements. So I’ll say, go for what work best for you. But I don’t think Chew the Fat Off is something for me because I’m not fat or have weight problems.

  28. I totally agree with your article when you say that it is just not for you. It isn’t for me either honestly. I have a sister-in-law that used to sell Herbalife shakes. Those went well for a little while she had a good income and then it STOPPED. Once you have sold those products to everyone you know in your family or friends circle, then there you go: done.

    Also, I agree that there are so many other ways to make money, like affiliate marketing.

    thanks for this clear update!

    best regards,


  29. Thanks for sharing another money making opportunity with us Tony, even if not all of them are to your personal tastes. I know MLMs are not for everyone, but for those who have a really nice salesperson attitude then they’re pretty great work from home business models. Anyone in the weight loss niche may find this information very useful. 

  30. Nice job explaining the program, but, I do not think that this is something for me. Sorry but I will not be giving this product a try. I think that I will continue to search for another way to lose weight. Rather then take suppliments to aid in my weight loss. I will look for an exercise program that will be more benificial to me in the long run, as well as less expensive.

  31. Thanks for this another review, Tony! I am really impressed on the amount of effort and knowledge you put to this article. Learning that it is a multilevel company, I am still intrigued on their efficiency and effectivity as a whole. I wanted to try them in the future and hopes I will not be swindled. I like their promos especially the team residuals where you need to spend roughly $50. I guess that it is fair enough since the things you buy from them gets actually goes to you. So it is a win-win situation.

  32. Right off I would say that the products on offer look good although I would have to do some more research to find out what is contained in it. The pricing is a bit testing but again, it depends on contents of the product. I appreciate though, their effort to make it available to the smallest wallet even though the products are reduced accordingly. To promote and or use, since I am in this niche, I would need to do that additional research.

  33. Having read the Chew The Fat off product prices, I feel it is too expensive.  Because people still need to buy food to eat.  This product comes across as a luxury item.  I think the main thing that people also have to remember is the importance of being taught how to change their eating habits and also change what they eat for more natural unprocessed foods.

    The way food is cooked is also important as well.  Soup made without cream, rather with a tomato base is way more slimming that otherwise.  Roasting food til it is browned is also fattening as well.

    I find that the easiest way to lose weight and keep it off is to walk every day and eat less calories than you burn.  This normally entails reducing portions.  Eating fresh vegetables with lunch and dinner meals is also way better than cooking vegetables til they are soft and soggy.

  34. I think that chew the fat off is a fantastic name for a weight loss company. It’s very funny as well 😂 After reading your post I don’t think this opportunity is for me. The fact the last business they were involved in went bust is not a good recommendation. It’s very hard to trust this sort of company until they have been around for a few years. Thank you for sharing.

  35. Thank you for sharing this opportunity with me, I will consider joining as an associate as earning a 20% commission on sales while 20% is higher than what you will find from many affiliate marketing companies its a rare opportunity I will not want to miss for anything in the world.

  36. I’m not a fat person so I don’t have a weight problem. I want to say that even if I had similar problems, I don’t know how much I would believe in such products. I have never used weight loss shakes I think everything goes from the head and it takes strong will and energy to lose excess weight through exercise. This strengthens your body.

    Maybe people can try Chew The Fat Off (CTFO). They have nothing to lose but weight.

    This is a good information from you Tony

  37. Tony,

    As always your articles give me lots of food for thought which is quiet apt for this post of yours. This would definitely NOT be something that I could sell or endorse as I do not believe things like shakes can be healthy for us from a full term perspective. This is mainly due to the fact that I promote healthy eating and exercise not just for weight loss but also for many health benefits. I just think that you might lose the weight in 8 weeks but put twice the amount back on again after. To me the products also seem expensive for what you are getting. 

    Hopefully it is lucrative for some.

    Thank you 

  38. Thank you for your another review, Tony. Chew The Fat Off (CTFO) seems legitimate company which provides losing weight / health products. I’m using shakes to loss weight and as a meal replacement also, plus it provides chance to make money online, I think I will give it a try.

  39. I do not really believe in products that help me reducing fat in general, even products like diet chips, diet soda etc. I think working out having control over your food are some of the things that help us keep fit. I guess products like these exist for those who want to lose weight without having to put in the effort. 

  40. “Chew the fat off”. After seeing that, I was intrigued and had to read this article. The company seems to have good product options and a solid management team. That being said, I don’t think it is for me.

    This was a well put together article. You gave a solid insight into what the company was about and what they had to offer.

  41. I have not made use of CTFO product, however I can give an overall observation to you from my own understanding.

    CBD oil is another specialty, with CBD oil organizations launching everyday, and guidelines delayed to receive, implies that yes… there are cowboys out there. Notwithstanding that. Results can vary from harvest to harvest. So past outcomes don’t mean the same for future.

    When taking a look at a brand there are two main approaches to pass judgment on them.

    The nature of the item.
    Cultivating and Harvesting measure. Full range, cold pressed and so on…
    The quality of the item
    conveying oil utilized and what different ingredients are included and why
    Nature of their testing cycle
    They ought to have certificates of analysis on their site
    Can look for details around their testing process

  42. Well, CBD sure is becoming a household word these days. It looks like you have done a lot of research on this company, thanks for that! Yep, I can see its a MLM when you have to be spending almost $50 a month in order to earn any team residuals and their monthly packages are not cheap. My jaw almost hit the floor when I saw the first one.

    But, you know there are a lot of overweight Americans who have the money to throw away.

    I appreciate you giving us the scoop on this one up front!

  43. Weight loss is something a lot of people are willing to pay any amount of money for even when they are not sure how good or effective the product is but considering that we all want that summer young body. Chew the fat off is a good idea but the fact that it models after the MLM companies, I don’t like it.

  44. Very informative, but I am not attracted to such options and I am not thinking of becoming involved with Chew the Fat Off or Changing The Future Outcome. However, I am happy to read such reviews to broaden my horizons. There are many opportunities online, and it makes sense that some attract us and some don’t.
    I admire your way of delving into companies and products and providing us with comprehensive information.

  45. Never seen this CTFO before and seeing that this post is actually an update to one that you have written before makes me see that I must have been in the dark for a long time about this platform. I think on my part, it is sad especially since they sell CBD products, something that I have recently grown keen to learn more about.

  46. MLM companies are not bad. But can be very bad for newbies that wants go for it ONLY because of the money aspect. Why? It will be very difficult to promote because of how saturated the health niche may be. It’s fine for professional marketers but not beginners. As for me, I will just purchase their product and forget about the marketing aspect.

  47. Dear Tony. It is a job well done!

    Chew the fat off is an interesting topic covering a variety of products as they are reviewed in terms of their usage. I can say this review was so helpful to me because it was a first time to hear about it. I am pretty sure that the content will benefit all visitors into the page. I also appreciated the breakdown in the affiliate program, it make sense that people can purchase these products for their personal use and resell. At the same time, the business side of it can empower those who are jobless – #MLM The Power of Three and recruitment process.


  48. Hi, Tony,

    I tend to stay away from MLM companies since I had a bad experience with one when I lived abroad. When looking up alternative ways of generating income, I have come across several companies like this one and I’ve read mixed reviews.

    I might be interested in giving it a try. I’ve tried tons of diets and weight loss products, all with varying results. It doesn’t sound like this is a scam, but you never know.

    If indeed the product works, I would be willing to go and sell it. I don’t like to sell things that don’t work.

    Thanks for typing this up. I’ll bookmark it for future reference.

  49. Hi Tony. We think we have mentioned before in one of our comments that we tend to stay away from MLM companies simply because we haven’t had the time to dive into them.

    We are learning bit by bit by reading your posts regarding them and how to succeed with them. Chew the fat off is not our cup of coffee either but we might know of people who would love this.

    If the products work, it’s a bonus for the seller and user who have the same weight goals in mind as well as financial goals from a product that delivers.

    Solomon & Selina

  50. Thank you Tony for your article ‘Chew The Fat Off!’. As you mentioned ‘Change The Future Outcome’ was the only CTFO I knew of but hearing about this one has changed that. However, I hold reservations towards CTFO on account of it being an MLM company. Due to past experiences with them, I tend to be very wary where they are involved. 

  51. Hi Tony I’ve seen some other articles/previews of yours and you never fail to engage me with your original style and more 🙂 To tell you the truth personally I was kind of raising an eyebrow to the name of this ‘Home Biz’ – don’t mean nothing bad it’s just how it resonated with me! Then again all the people involved, I just had to raise the other eyebrow! As I said, I personally am not interested in CTFO – Chew The Fat Off, but guess it might work for some if they know how to master it. I prefer to work my way slowly but surely into a great online marketing opportunity that in fact is recommended in your link. These schemes are not my thing but I am always looking out for new stuff, just in case, so thank for your informative post! 

  52. Hmm the CTFO seems like it is pretty expensive with so many add ons for the first month, or am I mistaken? I’m interested in CTFO but since the pandemic I need to be smart and safe with my money. Can you tell me how much risk is involved with getting started in CTFO? Thanks I really appreciate it.

  53. Chew the fat off or CTFO is actually Avery great company that offer the very best of almost everything good here. In all honesty, i see all you have shared and I can resonate so well with you here. It makes a ton of sense actually to be able to do it all without having to fall back to nothing. I thank you for all you have shared here well worthy to see now. Thanks

  54. Tony, 

    I am 6′-6″ and 137 pounds, I would be afraid to try this program but man I tell you it looks to be an outstanding pyramid thing! Looks like there are a lot of high profile people engaged in this promotion. Too bad their first business failed! 

    If I gained anything out of this site, it would be the one link at the bottom of the article that leads me to a site that has some good information on online marketing! 

    You sure are the tricky one!

  55. Hello there, dealing with fat can really be stressful and so much have been put into it by those affected and it’s really good to see a means we’re you can get off the fat in such an easy way and I’m happy to see it. I have a couple of friends who would love it so much. Its nice to be here 

  56. I never really thought of CBD as a weight loss supplement.I guess it probably has a ton of uses that I never realized. I’ve personally never tried it, but I’ve heard a lot about it. There are plenty of mixed reviews. This seems like a decent company to work for. I imagine if you could market the product well enough it wouldn’t be hard to reach the minimum threshold before payout. Again, I’m not the best salesperson when it comes to pushing products at people. I think I will stick with what I know although this would be a great opportunity for some!

  57. How do these people get away with such things? You only have to look at their front page to see where it is going. You investigation into the team behind this says it all. They certainly have a chequered past and that’s putting it mildly. I am also not one to judge, however, being a fan of your page i presume that this is not the course for me and not bother looking into it any further. I look forward to reading more of your articles in the future.

  58. Chew The Fat Off seems to be a legit product. I personally believe in organic food, well-balanced diet and a well constructed fitness training workout program to effectively gain results and lose/ cut fat rather than to take shortcuts and face side effects from consuming the product. I can say this is a great, informative article as I am starting to think there are products out there that give results without having to hit the gym. 

  59. It’s very true that a lot of people are into weight loss and this is because they want have a very stunning shape and look all sexy, this is good, to be in a good shape, not too fat, it’ll make you happy and live a good life. CTFO is a nice one and I’ve read enjoyed reading about it.

  60. Chew the fat off is a definitely a platform that I have heard a lot about and the fact that they offer so much more. It feels so good being here right now and I value all you have shared with us all. Honestly, what you shared here epitomises the whole truth about them. I think they are legit too on the overall.

  61. Hi, Tony
    Thanks for this informative review about Chew the Fat Off. To be honest I never heard of the company before reading your post. However, the products are a little too expensive for the starter package products. Overall based on your review this is not for me. Thanks for sharing this information.

  62. When it comes to losing weight, you can find many MLM companies with great marketing of their products and online campaigns that swearing if you buy their product before and after results will be significantly different. I can see how many offers and packages Chew the Fat off has, but l don’t think that it can be the right choice for me, I’ll try to train hard for first and if there will be no results l will consider their offer again.

  63. Hi again, Tony.  

    Wow, I thought the blog would be about CBD but I guess Chew The Fat Off uses CBD in their weight loss formula.  It is hard to choose which package to pick as it is too many and also not sure what exactly how each product works.  How does it help you lose weight.  I have to say the products are not for me.  I like to eat whole fruits to avoid gaining weight.  I think I will research the CTFO further and read more about products and testimonials.  Thank you for sharing!


  64. On perusing your synopsis and considering these items and costs I’m very upbeat that I focussed on partner showcasing as opposed to mlm. I was associated with mlm before and I think it has much more letting it all out than numerous individuals give it kudos for, however partner advertising such a large number of numerous points of interest, for me in any case. Much obliged for the overview and update.

  65. Good day Tony, thank you for sharing this information about Chew The Fat Off in your article. I appreciate your in-depth review and honest opinion on the subject. For me, I don’t think investing in such a platform or product will yield beneficial profits as I’m a bit skeptic about these sort of things, therefore I’m a little bit hesitant about it. It just doesn’t seem promising. 

  66. Hi Tony

    When I first saw your name and opened the page, I thought your article would be based on some type of digital products or service. (I know that’s your specialty.) That’s why as I read through, I saw it was based on a different subject….weight loss! This is good timing with you coming out with this type of product. More and more people are barricaded and on lock down inside their home. So all they can do is eat and drink. You could’ve written a page on alcoholism. It would of have touched many folks as well. But after this pandemic, they’ll be a lot of folks looking for any type of weight loss program. 

  67. Just the name ‘Chew the Fat Off’ makes one wonder if this product really works. I am always dubious when it comes to weight loss products, because unless you change your diet choices for the better overall, any products you take will only help you lose weight temporarily, and once you stop the weight will come back if you go back to your own eating habits.

    To keep buying weight loss products over time can be really expensive, so I think it is easier and cheaper to buy natural, whole and unprocessed food, as this is the best way to stay healthy and keep your weight down.

  68. Oh wow, this is the first that I heard of Chew the Fat Off. I have heard and tried the cbd of the other CTFO which was ok but never this. Thanks for your review on chew the fat off. There are many packages. I personally do not believe in the diet shakes because I like to eat fresh food so I think this is not for me either also it is expensive! 

  69. so much great tips on how to burn our fat and i think my cousin needs to see this. Thank you very much for sharing this. The first thing that i noticed when i opened this page is the beauty of this website. I am sure you have put much time and energy into creating this article and the details are really clear.

  70. Hi Tony,

    Thank you for reviewing Chew The Fat Off.

    We are not made for MLM.  We have been trying different MLM companies, but we do not think it is fit to our business profile.  However, there is one MLM company that we used the products for more than 20 years.  We simply like their products lines.

    Best Regards

    Kalle & Marie

  71. Hey Tony Lee; 

    ‘Chew the Fat Off’ might be a good fit for many who are overweight as well as it can be another one of those imitation weight loss product that is nothing more than a money squeezer in a bottle.

     Many of these products that claim weight loss status have no such power whatsoever. Because everyone metabolic process works not the same, some people might have loose bowels the first time they consume a product does not mean it is a weight loss product.


  72. Hi  thank you for the information. 

    But honestly, this is not my kind of business because I don’t really like MLM type of business because I’ve suffered in the hands of MLM in the past. 

    Besides, I have some friends out there that are good when it comes MLM. They may be interested so I will share it with them. 

    Thank you. 

  73. Thank you for the information regarding chew the fat off Tony.  I am with you.  I don’t think having to invest in an affiliate opportunity is a great deal.  There are other CBD companies out there that will let you affiliate for free.  And regarding weight loss, I prefer the time proven method of diet and exercise to taking medications in an attempt to chew my fat off, lol.  Of course, that diet often takes a back seat to collard greens and cornbread and that exercise bike is growing spiderwebs right now, so maybe I need a new method.  Nice article.

  74. Tony,

    Thanks for the information on Chew The Fat Off.  I am in a similar boat and don’t really see this as a good opportunity for me either.  

    The cost seems to be pretty high and the fact they had a failed Multi-Level Marketing company prior to this doesn’t give me a very high comfort level.  

  75. Like other MLM products, they may be good quality, but they do cost quite a bit. Investing in your health is always a good idea, but I can’t help thinking there is a more affordable way to do it.

    If you are passionate about a product and really believe in it then I think you will always be able to sell it. However I personally don’t like the MLM business model, and prefer to make money with affiliate marketing. Thanks for sharing. 

  76. hello admin, thanks alot for sharing such an amazing content with us all, i was actually doing some research online when i saw your post and i really must say it’s amazing seeing such an amazing post here, i really do fancy these posts a lot,i see you have written a thorough article here, these has been one of the most thorough and laid down article i’ve read.

  77. The title of this review caught my undivided attention and I could not wait to dive into the information.  This is a good review as always coming from you.  It sounds promising but requires commitment to get other to get involved.  That is where most people run into problems.  This may be good for those who are interested in MLM.   Thanks for your honest review of the company and the opportunity.

  78. There have been so many MLM companies that sell such products that is ridiculous. Having extensive knowledge from one of the bigger and more known ones in the same field what can i say is that usually their products are more expensive making it hard to find enough clients needed. As for their quality for many of them it’s questionable how effective they are so I would be extra careful of using them.

  79. Hello,

    As of my knowledge, CTFO company is selling CBD products for arthritis pain also, body lotions, creams, products for dogs and cats. And all these products are working fine for me ( I recently did order some of them). I do not really believe Super 7 works for everyone ideally but worth trying if the price will drop a little bit down. And, if the price is too high for me for the product I am not sure it is working OK, why should I promote it?

    Thanks for the review, though.

  80. Thanks again for a review of a possible online business. This sounds workable if you can find the customers to grow your business. I am not a fan of multi-level marketing. I have been involved in more than one scheme and found that after I had sold to persons close to me, I had a hard time finding new buyers who would purchase regularly even though the product might be good. This can be a challenge especially if there is a minimum that has to be made each month. 

  81. CBD products are all the rage, That can make them a higher risk than some other companies. MLM products are usually more expensive than the same. I would have concerns about the stability of a company like this. many new MLM companies seem to collapse in the early days. I may be wrong, buyer beware.

  82. This kind of business model is a MML, so it doesn’t interest me at all. I have been on several of them, not was a great idea. It looks fine though, but is not engaging.  

    I thought to myself why are you promoting this, but you cleared it out.  But, anyway it is well promoted and an opportunity for those who may want to try it.

  83. The fact that CTFO is a very good weight loss company doesn’t make it good for business, this is because if the fact that it is operating on the MLM model and it makes it really hard for people to make money from doing business with them. I wouldn’t recommend this

  84. Well, this one is certainly different!  I almost wish I needed to lose a lot of weight.  Twenty pounds would fix me up fine.  What a great idea — join for free and then buy products and sell them.  I think he’s come up with a great solution and for an MLM, an easy-to-move product.  

    He’s a fine example, as the product has definitely worked for him.  That’s probably as good as any other advertising he could utilize.  People can see by his example what the product can do.  This is one to remember.  Thanks for showing it to us.

  85. I am always impressed by companies that offer both a product and a reward. This way you can always have a double benefit using the products only or using and promoting them. This sounds like an interesting venture and I wouldn’t mind trying out the products myself. That way I can also sell with confidence!

  86. What caught my attention was the wide range of monthly packages dedicated to weight loss. I assume that if one only used the lowest cost option, there would be very little change. It appears that for the best results it would be necessary to use the higher priced options. 

    Those would make pretty good profits for residual income 

    Looking at the prices in general, I feel they are overpriced. I shall not be getting involved. Thanks for the review though. 



  87. Hi Tony,

    thanks for sharing this review with us. So, if I understand correctly, then a person has to buy a product worth at least $49.97 and afterwards potentially could start promoting the products from this company? 

    Do they reveal how much commission they pay, etc. and do you know if there are any other “hidden” cost?

    Thank you.


  88. Looks like an interesting company for my niche health and wellbeing weight loss is a pretty big market in its self love all the useful information you have given on this company Chew the fat off.. I’ll definitely be looking into this a bit more many thanks I also love your article about wealthy affiliate as your top recommendation, I totally agree and love Wealthy affiliate.

  89. Thanks a lot for the review of Chew the fat Off – it is certainly a very memorable name, hehe! I once joined a company that was based on training other people to become nutritionists. However, they seemed to be concealing something, and in the end, I found out I had to invest a massive amount of money into purchasing my starter kit, which involved literally a mountain of protein powder. I wasn’t happy with their approach and lack of transparency from the beginning. This is different, however. You can choose very clearly from the start if you want to go on with this scheme. In fact, I rather like it, and although it’s not for me at the moment, it is on my radar in case I decide to follow a similar direction at one point.

  90. The fact that CTFO is a very good weight loss company doesn’t make it good for business, this is because if the fact that it is operating on the MLM model and it makes it really hard for people to make money from doing business with them. I wouldn’t recommend this

  91. Hello Tony, I have been really filling this company for a long time now and getting to see how much they are growing is very nice with how they have various packages and how one can make money from them as an affiliate makes it all interesting to deal with. I love how simple they have made each packages and how we can easily get one for house uses as well. 

  92. Chew the fat off or shortened as CTFO is one of the very best companies that deals with mlm business because I have a lot of friend s who works with them and none has ever comoamined that they have experienced bad this with them before. This is really good to see here. Thumbs up for your review

  93. Thanks for the article on CTFO I became a member after they went mainly to cbd products and changed the name from Chew The Fat Off to what it is now. The products in my opinion are much better than before. However saying that it is still very much a MLM and with the many changes taking place with the feds and lack of transparency within the company I do not see them having staying power beyond 2 more years.

  94. Chew the fat off! What a name. I have been involved in a lot of MLM’s in the past and I got nowhere with all of them. Well, I did lose weight with one of them, but the business side of it just wasn’t my gig. This one seems pretty tempting to try and I won’t say I will never try it. You just never know what could change your life. Now, your top recommendation I like quite a bit. Affiliate Marketing is definitely a great way to build a business. Living that laptop lifestyle is pretty amazing and very rewarding when done properly.

  95. I have heard of CTFO before but I didn’t know what the meaning of the company actually is. Now that you have written this, it really is good because I will be able to do so much more with this. I will also be able to make some money and still try the products that this company has to offer. This is good stuff. Thanks!

  96. Thanks for sharing Tony. I hadn’t heard of Chew of Fat before so definitely an interesting read. Never been a fan of MLM myself, but this weight loss product does seem to be something one could get behind. That being said, I am also a Wealthy Affiliate member and I couldn’t agree with you more that its an amazing program. I am a newbie so only been with WA for a week now, but the experience has been excellent.

  97. Very interesting review! another product I didn’t know! It is always good to learn something new reading your articles. It looks like a good opportunity, commissions are quite unusual indeed. But this is not my field and, as I said many times, I don’t love this kind of business models. And above all, as many users highlighted, it is extremely important to associate a good lifestyle to these products!

  98. What an interesting corporation to begin with. I have heard of the company’s name before but I can’t piece together where exactly I read about them so I’m a little conflicted regarding whether it can be a good idea to join their program. Some of the products are a little pricey for my liking but I guess you’ll never really know until you actually try them out. 

  99. Hey Tony, Thanks for this enjoyable and informative article. I gotta say Is good to know that we can use this acronym CTFO instead of any of the two phrases that I learned of today, I won’t be able to forget it. That was hilarious! I do however want to focus my comment on the importance of maintaining a healthy diet plan. I enjoyed the setting of how the “daily meal plan” is advertised and it gives me the impression of being completely doable and effective. But I am skeptical about one thing, the taste. Is it possible to obtain a free “chewable” and/or “shake” as sample for taste purposes?

    If it tastes as good as it sounds, then I am certainly all the way IN! It’s exactly what I need. I am one that is unknowingly on the “Sumo Wrestling Training” camp as well, and need to turn off my appetite switch. It appears that CTFO actually focuses on that topic and understands my urges as I do. I need something light, like shakes and chewables (a protein bar, etc.). Is there a chart available where I can calculate a certain number of weight, and the amount of time this will take me to achieve the weight I aim to loose? I’m sure it does, but I’ve must’ve missed it. But I’ll definitely be reviewing more of this diet plan. 

    Water! This is the key. Thank you for that video Tony. I was able to find a way to increase my metabolism for 3 hours, by 30% which is by drinking 17 ounces of water in 10 minutes. I will definitely try that! And thanks for the GBG video. Network marketing is definitely one of the best options to be truly successful in having an online business. I highly recommend it, from experience.

  100. Hey Tony I like your research on chew the fat off , the multi level marketing company from the look of things is very interesting and worth trying, your research is very much appreciated and gives clear insight on the multi level marketing company…I have always and will always look forward to your articles 

  101. This looks to be an interesting MLM company. The product line seems very comprehensive. The products and their applications were well explained and marketed appropriately. I have learned a lot from reading this post. This post also shows company would be a good opportunity for individuals interested in being involved in MLM.

  102. I did not see the 100% free Home biz here. With all the amount mentioned in your review I think that their banner ad is misleading people. All the packages are recurring payment monthly. I hope that people would really investigate first before jumping into this kind of opportunity. Your review is a wallet protector. Thank you for writing this.

  103. While I don´t really doubt the effectiveness of CBD products, I am sceptical about any scheme that requires you to buy a package of the product upfront and then find customers that also buy a certain amount of products upfront. That is of course one of the characteristics of an MLM. This seems to be exactly what “Chew the Fat Off” requires you to do. While there might be lots of people who do well with an MLM scheme, it is just not for me. If you want to succeed with any of these schemes it means that there is a sacrifice, which are your personal relationships. I personally don´t feel comfortable selling to my friends and hence is a sacrifice I am not willing to make. 

  104. It looks like this company is improving. They have improved a lot since the last time it was offered to me by a friend when the company was just new and only have a few products. Today, it surprises me to see that they have added more products and of course, more packages to choose from.

    If anyone is looking for a legit MLM opportunity with good products that are packaged attractively, this CTFO company is a sure winner, not to say they are now stable knowing they’ve been in business for years now. Only few companies are able to withstand the test of time and it looks like CTFO have done that.

  105. Hi Tony!

    This was quite interesting and for sure it would be great for people who like to work with MLM’s (not really my preference if I may say)… Anyway, This post was really great and informative and I learned of a new product I hadn’t heard before so thanks. This program does sound really interesting!

    Take care.

  106. Thank you for this in depth review on Chew the fat off. the name is interesting . It looks like the founders have good background on the health and wellness industry, which simply mean that their product can be trusted to be legit and safe .i see as a good opportunity for those interested in the wellness industry. I share your sentiments it is also not for me.

  107. You have said a lot in This article and I feel really good about it. Some time you see a lot of people who are willing to lose weight online but there is always something missing and they need to get it in place to feel good about themselves as it for on.  I too would love to lose some weight and have this comfort actually. Thanks for sharing 

  108. I must admit that Chew the Fat Off wouldn’t be for me either. I don’t feel the MLM marketing anymore. I used to be involved in it and got tired. It’s good because you are your own boss, but still.. you depend of your network below your position while getting a push from your supervisor, and that’s what I can’t deal with. 

    The program itself sounds interesting as per your article. I ended up paying some pills around that price so I can’t say it’s too expensive. 

    I would like to comment on your link which recommends the Number 1 online business. And sure it is the Wealthy Affiliate. As a member, I fully agree it’s number 1. 

  109. Thanks so much for sharing a beautiful, informative article with us. The principal element of this article is to Chew the Fat Off. It’s really amazing that you covered this subject so well in your post. I have learned a lot from reading your post and gained a lot of knowledge about it. I like ShakeOff Shaker Cups of the points mentioned in your article. People like me who are having problems with weight can buy this product because I have benefited a lot by purchasing it.

  110. CTFO is definitely a good company. Thank you for doing this about them and giving the overview about them and what they stand for. Actually, I see them as a very legit company with a very legit product and that to me so superb to see. Hank you so much for sharing so much details about them and thank you for sharing here

  111. Hello, Weight loss industry is growing tremendously, There are plenty of products and ways to
    lose weight and maintain the weight without paying an enormous monthly fee. I am sure this will show the way to some as weight loss. You have choosen an evergreen niche. This business model which you mentioned works well on internet. Good work.



  112. Hi Tony, thanks for sharing what looks like a legit product line. The products do look somewhat similar to many of the other weightloss product lines out there. I guess perhaps the main difference here is they are attempting this with an MLM business model. I wonder how successful that can be especially in light of the very extensive advertising and celebrity endorsement that many of the other brand names that dominate this niche enjoy. I guess what is unique about this offering is the CBD angle, which is also extensively marketed through MLM models. So maybe this has a chance of working. It does look as if it requires a substantial investment to get involved though just in buying the products themselves. I think it will be interesting to see how this takes. Clearly there is already a well-established market for CBD products that are now accustomed to MLM. Though of course, most MLM enterprises seem to come and go. Thanks again for sharing. Best regards, Andy

  113. The weight loss industry has grown, yet I can think of a lot of ways to lose weight and maintain the weight without paying an enormous monthly fee for products I probably wouldn’t use.  I am sure this would work for some as weight loss, but to me you if you have the will power, you can loose the weight without a monthly expense.

  114. Thanks for providing an evaluation for the product (Chew the Fat Off!) and providing a background to the product. I really appreciate for the detail information of the different packages that has been elaborated in the article. 

    I, myself, have been struggling with weight issue throughout my adult life. I have gone up and down throughout the years. Last year in 2019 I have managed to reduce around 12 lbs, however I have been stagnant since the lock-down in March this year. It is discouraging, but I’m still determined to have a healthier life and reduce my weight further more.

    The article has given me information to consider and I think the business side of this program is very interesting. I will definitely look more closely and see whether it matches with my needs right now. Thank you again!

  115. hello awesome post you have here  i have been for a product like this and i think this is going to help me out cause i have been looking for a way to get rid of fat for a very long time i have tried so many other product but all to no avail so i really think ctfo is going to help me get rid of fat easily 

    thanks for sharing this important information with us 

  116. In my experience if a person believes that they will make money or lose weight with a product for that matter, then it will be so.  Any doubt or doing it for the wrong reasons will not work.   

    Therefore, if product is enough to get get you super exited, then you have your winner.   I would not consider this for me as mother nature provides all the goodness we need. 

  117. I enjoyed reading your review and I have been researching about the weight loss niche and it seems to be an ever green niche. That means that it’s no seasonal and there’s a lot of people buying products.

    However, when it comes to Chew the Fat Off, I also think this is not a product I would promote. Thanks for helping me take a well informed decision.

  118. Although CTFO is not for me, I always appreciate learning about different products and different income producing engines. Thank you. I immediately clicked onto your “#1 recommendation” for earning legitimate income online. I love the idea that anyone can learn and earn via Wealthy Affiliate, from beginners to experts. The step by step, do as we do approach, and the 24/7 access are very appealing. Thank you for this information.

  119. Chew The Fat Off primarily market weight loss products, with their flagship product being ShakeOff. Shake0ff meal replacement shakes are different. I must tell you, They are delicious, which is important because when you like something you will naturally keep taking it – even if it is good for you.I have been using these products and I would lik u to try them

  120. On reading your article and  considering the prices for this product,I doubt chew the fat off (CTFO) is something I’d resort to. Well to be honest,I must the name is quite catchy which would make most people want to give it a try in order to chew off their body fat. I will recommend people should join this platform and try out few other products.

  121. I found this article interesting but it probably won’t be something I’ll pursue. I tend to shy away from weight loss programs like these as they strike me as a “quick-fix,” not that you’re saying it is, but I honestly think too many people see these, try them, don’t get results, blame the product and move on the next one.

    I do enjoy the rest of your content so will focus on your other stuff.

    Kind Regards,


  122. On reading your summary and considering these products and prices I’m actually really happy that I focussed on affiliate marketing rather than mlm. I was involved with mlm in the past and I think it has a lot more going for it than many people give it credit for, but affiliate marketing has so many advantages, for me anyway. Thanks for the rundown and reminder. 

  123. I have seen “CTFO” somewhere before but I didn’t know the meaning of that was chew the fat off which is in my opinion a very mouth watering and eye catchy name. I’m sure that name is what made so many people go in for the program and also have that belief that they can get their body fat away. I think more people should join this platform and give it a try as well. They have really good products worth the try.

  124. What a surprise to learn that there is actually a Health and Wellness Weight Loss Direct Marketing Multi Level marketing Company named Chew the Fat Off. Interesting times we live in. Well, you gotta catch the customers attention, by any means, gimmickry included. I am not a big fan of the multi level marketing business plan as it is very difficult to make money without continually recruiting people into your team and building a down line. Its definitely not easy work

  125. While it certainly sounds enticing to “chew the fat off” this seems to me like nothing more than another Multi-Level Marketing scheme that inevitably produces more losers than winners. Plus, from what I see in the video, you can only hope for real results by combing all there products and then still following a strict diet and exercise routine. Why do I still need their products if I’m doing that? It’s crazy.

    I’d never heard of it before coming across this article. Thanks again Tony

  126. I really don’t get the whole diet industry. I think we know it’s the psychology that can really help and if you don’t work with the subconscious programs that are running your conscious part of the brain mind will lose. In the battle of the conscious mind and the subconscious mind that latter will always win. I think it’s why the diet industry is so rich because people have to keep going back 🙂 I am a champion of calories in calories out.

    I agree with the other MLM comments which is a shame but the model has got a bad name. Always interesting to read though thanks.

  127. What an eye-catching name, Chew the Fat Off. 

    I have not heard of them before, but the name certainly conjured up some interesting images in my mind. 

    I am not a of the multi level marketing business plan as it is very difficult to make money without continuously recruiting more people into your team and building a down line. 

    Their plans do seem to be very highly priced. I will not pursue a business opportunity with them. 

  128. Chew the fat off! 

    Nice and catchy headline. so when I saw this in the search I had to click to read.

    OK, now on a serious note I see this is CTFO or change the future outcome which is a company I have seen advertised a lot, so have always been curious with exactly what is CTFO about.  For some reason I thought this was CBD oils only but they have weight loss too and other health and wellness which is no surprise. Nice to hear their history from the failed GBG 10-in-One, that is a nice red flag that I’ll stay away from.

    There is a LOT of competition in health and wellness direct selling companies.  So this is a No for me, I’ve already got trusted products from the industry leader, USANA Health Sciences.

  129. Weight loss is a good business to invest in but it becomes a threat of the company offering the opportunity operates on the MLM business model, it’s known that MLM establishments are not of good news and they are not for everyone. Thanks for sharing this review, it’s really helpful and interesting, I’ve learned from it.

  130. Hi Tony

    In UK English, chew the fat means to have an informal chat with someone and wondering if they are basing the name on this or it may be a total coincidence. I know that there are people desperate  to lose weight and there is an opportunity  to do so but why do they exist on going down the MLM route that often has such a bad reputation. There have been so many MMLM scams that it has become difficult to separate the sheep from the goats. Your review had helped in this regard but MLM are not for me.



  131. Well, that is interesting. I have never heard of such a thing. The big question in my mind is does it really work? I guess its like all other diet plans; it works if you stick by all the rules. Which most people can’t. then there is the profit side of it. you must sell at least $50 bucks every month. that might not be hard if you really work at it. 

    My final thought is that I would have to see it work first, to be sure. Nice job with the post. it was well organized.

    thanks for the tip. Hope I don’t need it.

  132. This is a good one Mr. Tony Lee, your reviews are always helpful and useful, i love reading them, they are usually comprehensive and most times a lots, when i saw the name chew it off, i curious about it, building a good base for business is not easy but it’s nice and good for business, it often yield lots of income, MLM is good but most people are scared of being scammed, and for some there are lots of word and small income.. thanks for sharing

  133. Chew the fat off is actually a very legit company because I have a lot of friends that actually works with them and they have not complained to me yet that they have issues with them. Their compensation and all are actually good and the fact that they offer a very good products line is a Greta thing which gives them the edge above everyone else though. Thanks so much for sharing this out here

  134. Hi tony grade review. business owners have realized that building a good base is important a dependable income. it is 100% Free with no catches, no gotchas and no purchase necessary its benefits for customers. They also offered other services and products like internet access, domain names, wireless, pagers, satellite dishes, home security,a tax reduction program. Its a grade benefit for members. Thanks for sharing 

  135. Hi Tony, great review. Business owners have realized that building a good base is important a dependable income. it is 100% Free with no catches, no gotchas and no purchase necessary its benefits for customers. They also offered other services and products like internet access, domain names, wireless, pagers, satellite dishes, home security,a tax reduction program. Its a grade benefit for members. Thanks for sharing

  136. With a name like Chew The Fat Off I just had to click on the link!  I am not interested in an MLM at this time.  I know some do well and I am glad for them.  Fortunately in online businesses, we have many ways to work and earn income.

    While the quick earnings that are still promoted on some sites still make the heart quicken, I think wannabe business owners have realized that building a good base is important a dependable income.  I was glad to find some solid ground, even though I didn’t always want to do it things the way Wealthy Affiliate taught me, I lost some time going my own route, but getting back on track has proved the better route.  Thanks for the warning.  Catchy names aren’t always all they are cracked up to be!

  137. CTFO is a Greta platform and I can resonate with what you have written here because I have personal link with people that are engaged with ctfo and they are making their money an doing very fine with it. This is really great platform too. Thanks so much for sharing this out here

  138. Hi Tony!

    Another great review! I do enjoy the in depth reviews you give on the MLM companies. Many of them seem legitimate but unless you can generates some big sales and get your team below to do the same, it is not a long lasting business plan. Maybe a side hustle if you’re good at it. 

    I agree with you though that MLM is not for me. Too much work for very little reward.

    • Hi Richard,

      I don’t have anything against MLM’s although the ones that I do recommend are more in the way of Traffic Exchanges and sites that earn me referrals and revenue with Wealthy Affiliate and IBOsocial which are my top 2 sites that I recommend to any and all Family and Friends who woud like to earn a legit income online from anywhere in the World!

      Thank you for stopping by and for commenting my Friend,



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