Internet Affiliate Marketing Veteran welcomes You to

 Internet Affiliate Marketing Veteran Tony Lee Hamilton

Welcome Friends to

I am Tony Lee Hamilton and known as The Internet Affiliate Marketing Veteran

My Dad & I - 1988
My Dad & I – 1988

I served in the United States Army from 1984-1991 and now since 2009 I share with Friends ways to increase website traffic, referrals and revenue online from anywhere in the World!

In between that time I moved Families across the Country carrying furniture and driving the 18 wheeler trucks.

Thank God for the internet and the ability to earn an income online without having to do all of the physical things that I used to be able to do!

I have been earning an income online since 2009 and help Friends to Increase Website Traffic, Referrals, Social Media Presence and revenue online from anywhere in the World!

I have an awesome Son named Vance who is 15 years old

( His Mom and I adopted Him at His birth in 2001, She went to Heaven in 2013 )

 He and I have plans to travel upon His graduation in June 2019 and we will start off in New Zealand then Australia and from their go where our hearts and souls guide us!

I love fishing, baseball, affiliate marketing, Social Media, Internet Marketing, Jesus, God, Family & Friends.

I also served in the United States Army for 7 years from 1984 – 1991

After serving in the United States Army for 7 years I attended College at Eastern Michigan University.

Then 20 years working in the Moving and Storage industry moving Families across the Country, as a Dispatcher, Quality Control Manager, Move Consultant and Owner Operator.

I am honored and humbled that God has gifted me with the ability to help Friends earn an income online from anywhere in the World.

Creating LeadsIncreasing Website TrafficSocial Media Marketing and Affiliate Marketing are all areas where I specialize and share with Friends the sites that I highly recommend for working from home and being able to travel the World.

Below I will share some Internal links to some of my posts here on my website that I feel you may find very helpful, Click on any of the Highlighted links below to learn more.  (It will open up to a new tab so you won't lose your spot here.




Global MoneyLine

Global MoneyLine 

A fairly new site that I got started with about 5 weeks ago and absolutely love – It allows us to build a list and to communicate within the MoneyLine platform without sharing any personal information unless we would like to (The Admin does receive your email but only for registration purposes, I have never been spammed by them)





IBOsocial / IBOtoolbox

Wonderful advertising community platform that I have been involved with since 18 June 2015 and an Amazing place for us all to share any website.  There are also very helpful tools, training and many helpful Friends there. Immediately after you register for Free you will receive many “Associate Requests”  They are just like connection requests at LinkedIn, Follows at Twitter or Friend requests at Facebook. ( My Official Internet Affiliate Marketing Veteran Facebook Page)

Once you complete your profile page at IBO you will be awarded 500 advertising credits that you can use to create banner and/or text ads to promote your website(s) and/or opportunities.  Every page at IBO has a “Section Assistance” area near the bottom right as well as the “Market with Kris” videos to help with most questions.

One other thing is that when filling out your profile there is no need to place your phone number – You can view my Profile at to see what I share there – Also update your email settings so that you won't be bombarded with emails as well.




Wealthy Affiliate 

#1 Ranked Online Affiliate Business Community in the World!  WA has helped over 500,000 Friends learn and earn with Affiliate Marketing since 2005 and is even better today.

I have been with WA since 18 June 2015 and even though I have been earning an income online since 2009 I credit WA and the amazing WA Community with why my business has taken a whole new level.

When you register for Free, about 30 minutes later you will receive an automated message from me upon your profile page.  Then about 30 minutes after that you will receive a message from Kyle and/or Carson (The Creators/Founders of WA who are very active within the community)

Completing your profile on WA is the key to actually learning how awesome the community is because once you complete your profile you will start to see Friends at WA “Following” you.

Similar to what I mentioned above “Following” isn't a bad thing. 🙂 You can view my Profile at to see what I share there – Also update your email settings so that you won't be bombarded with emails as well.




Cash Downline Builder

Cash Downline Builder

A downline building system where you can add up to 5 of your own sites that you would like to promote

(I added WA, IBO, GML, SMTE & Jaaxy)

There are also over 25 other sites built in that you can build downlines with if you choose to, I am not a member of all of them so You don't have to be either.

If you are already a member at any of the 25+ sites then you simply plug in your referral ID name or number.

When you share your Cash Downline Builder link and a Friend joins they then have the option to join the 5 that you recommend along with the other 25 if they desire to.

Many of the sites within the system have been around for many years and are tried, tested and proven to help increase website traffic, referrals and revenue!

Although it is not required to join all of the sites and also not required to upgrade at many of the sites, Imagine when you have a referral Friend join Cash Downline Builder and then He/She starts joining and upgrading at the sites!

Your Paypal account will light up and grow exponentially, I know this to be true as I receive many emails from Paypal that say “You've got Money!” and it never gets old getting those emails as well as helping Friends receive them as well!



For Friends who are on Facebook and would like an Excellent Facebook Group to share your Opportunities and/or websites onto here is one that I have created and it now has over 3,330 Friends – Internet Affiliate Marketing Friends 

Below here You will see what Social Media sites that I share my Pages and Posts from this website upon, You can also connect with me on Social sites by clicking on any of the tabs in the Top Right corner of this website.

Thank you Friends,

Tony Lee HamiltonInternet Affiliate Marketing Veteran

Internet Affiliate Marketing Veteran Tony Lee Hamilton

20 thoughts on “Internet Affiliate Marketing Veteran welcomes You to”

  1. I truly enjoyed spending time on your informative website with recommendations I certainly would like to explore. You have a pleasant style of writing and a great story to tell. I agree with you about thanking God for the internet and ability to be able to earn income online without having to do all the physical things, been there done that too. I hope you have a great vacation with your son as planned 🙂

    • Thank you so much my Friend, It is my pleasure to share with Friends that ways that I have found to legitimately earn an income online and I am Blessed to be able to share.

      You are welcome anytime and thank you for stopping by and commenting,


  2. Great post and great website, you explain things very easily and your links look very professional. Earning money online is new for me and as yet have not earned anything but I am still learning. There are some links on this page that I am going to look into also. You have a wealth of experience and I am so glad you are sharing it.

    • Thank you Helen for the wonderful compliment my Friend, I do enjoy sharing with Friends around the world the ways that I have found to increase website traffic, referrals and revenue online.

      Thank you for stopping by and for commenting Helen, You are welcome back anytime my Friend,


  3. Your Home page is great….and thank you for your service!! We get to see who your are as a person and an online business owner. Like the additional about your affiliates all on one page. Love the flag counter and I have added to my site. Really good info and keep it coming!

    • You are welcome Connie & thank you so much my Friend,

      I love sharing ways to increase website traffic, referrals and revenue with Friends from all over the world online.

      I started using the Flag Counter since 12 October as it says on the top and so far I love it and have had lots of fun with it.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting Connie, You are welcome back anytime my Friend.


  4. Tony,

    What a wonderful website. Thank you so much for the invite. You know, I used to work for a moving company and I used to love it. We primarily stayed inside the state but occasionally we made trips across the country. Which were fun and we’ll paid, but I missed home tremendously. I’m looking to start making a living from home, and I’ve been working online for a couple months shy of a year.

    • Awesome Jonathan!

      Working from home sure beats working any job my Friend. Moving Families across did pay pretty well but took a toll on my body and my Family life as well.

      Thank you for stopping by and taking a look at my website Jonathan and you are welcome anytime,


  5. Hi Tony

    At last, I get a chance to meet you. Your web page certainly got my attention. No doubt about it, you want to tell the world about Wealthy Affiliate and you were not afraid to say so. You offer great insight into the world of internet marketing and the help you willing give newbies is awesome. Your page is clean with no frills and whistles.
    A great read – Heres to your success


    • Hi Richard,

      Thank you so much for the wonderful compliments my Friend!

      I do love telling the World about Wealthy Affiliate and am confident that WA is the greatest Affiliate Marketing Business Community on the Internet!

      Thank you for stopping by and for commenting Richard,


  6. Hi Tony,
    I read about you and your story and i liked it! Now you have your own business hosted online and that is my goal too! I like your website, the aspect, the writing, everything! Congratulations for believing in Wealthy Affiliate! I hope you and your son will have a good time after his graduation!

    • Hi Rubi,

      Thank you my Friend for visiting my website and for reading my story.

      I do love Wealthy Affiliate and am so very much looking forward to when my son graduate so that we can travel the World!

      Stop back by anytime Rubi and thank you my Friend for liking and commenting,


  7. Hey Tony. I can see this is a very helpful website full of great info for affiliate marketers. I have been with Wealthy Affiliate for over a year now, enjoying my time there and making some real progress on my new site. I will come back here for some much needed help with social media marketing as that is something I am struggling with.

    • Awesome Hanna!

      You are welcome back anytime my Friend, I appreciate you taking the time to stop by.

      I have been at Wealthy Affiliate for just over 16 months having joined on 18 June 2015 and I agree with you that it is very enjoyable and helpful for creating our websites and monetizing online.

      Thank you Hanna for viewing and commenting my Friend,


  8. Excellent and informative post. I am bookmarking it to refer back to and spend more time on. I have also forwarded it to a couple of friends. I am already a Wealthy Affiliate Premium member. I have been around on the internet for quite a few years no an Wealthy Affiliate is the best site I have ever seen for building an online business. I just wish I could convince more people of that before they lose money on other sites.

    • Excellent Margaret,

      You are welcome back anytime my Friend!

      Thank you for sharing Margaret and yes I completely agree that Wealthy Affiliate is the best site on the internet for Affiliate Marketing my Friend.

      Thank you for stopping by and for commenting Margaret,


  9. I definitely like the look and layout of your site.
    I do like your program recommendations and your different ideas and ways to make money online.

    The biggest thing that I like to try and find and look for is ways to get more traffic to my links and affiliate products etc. If you could possibly dedicate an article or recommend some ways to get better traffic to links, that would be awesome.

    Nice site

  10. Hi Tony,

    It is great that you can work from anywhere in the world with your internet marketing business, and this affords you the opportunity to go traveling with your son when he has graduated to wherever you like, and you can continue to work by just travelling with your laptop.

    In your opinion, what is the best program on your list that has helped you get to where you are today?

    • Hi Michel,

      Thank you for viewing and for the question. In my opinion the best program for Affiliate Marketing is Wealthy Affiliate, The best program for Advertising is IBOtoolbox / IBOsocial and the best program for increasing website traffic and leads is Global MoneyLine.

      When all 3 are utilized the results are amazing and can be seen by taking a look at the Flag Counter and Feedjit Live Traffic Feed over to the right side in the widget area.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting Michel,



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