Is Home Cash Code a Scam?

Home Cash Code Scam

Is Home Cash Code a Scam? Does a bear s**t in the woods? One look at the web pages shows that it is one of those “Get Rich Quick” scams that we all have seen on the internet so many times. If it seems to good to be true and doesn't require any work then guess what? It is too good to be true and you will not only waste your time but you will also ruin your reputation! I'm not saying that I've never been scammed or that I've never fallen for a too good to be true “Opportunity” I believe that we all have at one time or another fallen victim to the gurus!  Earn $4,597.76 in just 24 hours!  Don't believe me?  View the YouTube video below!

This program even runs on auto-pilot, no experience necessary and you can work this program while still keeping your 9-5 job because it takes no time at all to earn $4,597.76 in just 24 hours!

Easy Cash Code, The Cash Code, Home Cash Code etc… Are they all the same program or has anyone else noticed the similarities?

The Cash Code is by Michael Jones and is said to be able to copy His Top Secret Blueprint that You can set up in just 2 hours and make $106,325 in just 29 days like He did!  The best part is that it will cost you almost nothing to get started with no BS, no hype and tens of thousands of dollar$ a month.

Would that type of money change your life?

Michael Jones has according to research earned quite a few dollars on ebay and with clickbank, Do you believe that He is going to share His Top Secret Blueprint with you, me and the rest of the world for almost nothing?

Me neither …….

View this other post on my website for a few sites that I do recommend, I must warn you tho they will take some time and some work and you won't earn $106,325 in just 29 days like you would if you joined the Cash Code 🙂

They say that there are only 10 licenses left and Robert Allan says that You have just won the lottery and your payments will come in a lump sump but every day for the rest of your lives. It all seems to revolve around binary options trading, Is that some sort of revenue sharing term?


Stop wasting time and start a legitimate home based business with your very own Free website along with Free hosting forever as well.  Affiliate Marketing is in my opinion one of the very best and most sustainable ways to earn an income from home that I have ever found and I've been earning an income online since 2009.


Maybe you'd rather copy His insider secrets and learn how to earn $4,597.76 in 24 Hours!

You could also play the lottery to have even better odds of making the thousands by tomorrow and they even claim to have already created many millionaires as well.

Me, I'm going to pass on this one and I recommend that you do as well!

My income disclaimer is that I am not some millionaire guru who will lead you to believe that you can copy my Top Secret Blueprint of how I made millions overnight.  I will however share with you my #1 recommended way to earn an income online by sharing what you are passionate about.  I will also be with you whenever you ask me to be and offer 1 on 1 assistance to all Friends who put forth an effort to truly learn and become involved with the amazing training and community.

273 thoughts on “Is Home Cash Code a Scam?”

  1. It’s incredible that people still put this kind of “offer” out there. The worse part is that a lot of people will fall for it. I agree, if it’s too good to be true it probably is. Earning any amount of money requires the right investments and a lot of hard work. But there are other “earning money online” opportunities out there that are worth our while. You just have to look in the right places. So let’s not get distracted and work on growing and getting serious.

  2. I will never fall for any get-rich-quick schemes. There is no easy way when it comes to success, you have to work hard and be ready to put in the hours. The dream of trying this product out doesn’t sound like a good idea because I know that there are many other options on the market with better reviews from people who actually tried them!

  3. I agree with you, Tony, for sure going to pass on this one. 

    You can tell right away from the ad with the smiling girl that they are not trying to appeal to your intelligence. Anything that starts off trying to advertise with that alone makes me suspicious.

    Have you heard of the 18 year old promoting automated youtube sites? Can you do an article on him?


  4. Another get rich quick scam, has anyone actually been successful with one of these. There is no golden ticket (unless you happen to win the lottery) You have to put in the work. Like market affiliation, it’s not an overnight thing. To be successful with anything you have to be prepared to graft and do your research.

    Thanks again Tony 

  5. Thanks for a very informative post – I felt like signing up and trying my luck but it is not worth it, so thanks for making that clear! I agree that affiliate marketing is a great way to rely on a regular income – probably because it is a lot f hard work, cheers!

  6. Hello and thaks for this post 

    I have personally come across these kinds of  cach code marketing strategies. Yes they really sound too good to be true andare. 

    One will end up losing lots of money in that stipulated time, not making any. The first steps one takes to register will lead to endless processes, while one is already losing big. 

    I agree 100 percent that affiliate marketing is the best option for making cash online, through self efforts, learning and hard work. 



  7. I love how this gets right to the point and points out the obvious right away. I’m sure this did rake in a few newbies but glad someone did a review of it to provide more clarity for others to not get involved with things that are too good to be true.. thanks

  8. There’s indeed something about the platform that screams like it is a scam though, offers are just too good to be true and I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone who’s looking to venture into anything on the internet. There are so many much more lucrative things to do out there rather than these platforms which offer crazy returns

  9. Here we go again! Yet another get rich quick scam and they really are trying their luck here because everything about it screams scam! It is impossible to make so much money while doing nothing , no efforts beforehand? The only way to make money online is to work hard and watch out for these thieves.

  10. Hi there, Home Cash Code definitely is a scam. There are so many similar scams online and they all totally deceiving programs and platforms that prey on internet marketing beginners.

    As you know, there are a lot of red-flags right on Home Cash Code front page so it’s clear that this product does not have much to offer besides false hope.

    It’s a classic scam and it will be easier to spot other scams and avoid wasting money on junk products.

    I think Home Cash Code is not worth time, this program is a complete scam and it exists only to make the owner money.

  11. I do believe it is an exceptionally grounded site, yet I really accept that you may add some additional substance some more branch goes along with, I had the choice to two or three associations that you have added. Regardless, all things considered it is particularly in general very easy to examine. Some more pictures would be better. It is outstandingly wonderful the way in which it is by the by I figure it would be more clear with additional photos. Or of course even some Video that you may add as well.

  12. The principal element of this article is the Home Cash Code Review. It’s really amazing that you covered this subject so well in your post. I have learned a lot from reading your post and gained a lot of knowledge about it. I like, Would that type of money change your life? of the points mentioned in your article. Your review is OK but for now, I don’t want to join this kind of cash code platform.


  13. Hi Tony,

    I totally agree with you that most “Get Rich Quick” narratives are spread by scammers. Am yet to find a legit platform that just generates your income on autopilot mode. How is that even possible? Anyway, Michael Jones knows better.   Glad you already shared this with us, Tony. Help us be safe in these unsafe online spaces 

    Thank you for this great article. I will definitely share your article with my friends!

    All the best,


  14. Home Cash Code a Scam by Michael Jones would be trusted by very few people because there is no way how you can make all that money with no effort needed. Thank you for sharing this review to use as away to avoid online scammers.In my opinion, I think if the program is legit, everybody would be running for that program that doesn’t require any work.

  15. I think the content and context is true and the saying, “If it sounds to good to be true, then it’s not” comes to mind. People are (especially in these uncertain times) more susceptible to being scammed, as we are all more involved in the Digital / Online life. With some loosing their incomes due to the pandemic, the possibility of falling onto these traps become even more real. 

    Make sure you read, research and understand what it is being “sold” to you before you jump in head first. Great page in my humble opinion.

  16. Hi,

    I do agree with you that this is an absolute scam. Like a miracle program, when you will wake up rich the next morning with no effort required.

    And I also agree, that affiliate marketing is one of the true options for making money online, as it actually requires a lot of work to start earning money.

    Thanks for bringing this up to our attention

  17. Yeah, I definitely agree with you that the Home Cash Code program is a scam. Thank you for talking about this! Hopefully, people will read your review so that they fall into a trap and buy this program. If it was so easy to earn thousands of dollars in just hours, this would be publicized all over the world and everyone would try to get a share.

  18. Hi

    I love the layout of the website. Systematically in order, the ads that pop up kind of pop up in the right places- not overlapping content. 

    The topic is a very interesting one and one that is very real. The way the sentences are structured are very engaging- good! Makes the reader want to read on. 

    And then you also discuss an alternative to the get-rich-quick scam, affiliate marketing.

    Overall, I will give you a five star rating for this article! *****

  19. What you say here is so true, and I have to admit when I first came online I too fell for all the BS that these fake gurus put online, I mean if you are new who would not want to make a lot of fast cash, it is what attracts most people to earning online in the first place.

    But we all have to learn that nothing is that easy, and you actually have to work for your money, thank you for sharing this with all our friends.

  20. Yep! I couldn’t agree more with you there Tony on the first bit there. One Glance for me put me off instantly. I’m a great beleiver in great products sell themselves and anyone who needs to sell a miracle product doesn’t quite add up. Always an interesting read nevertheless. Thanks Again!

  21. It always amazes me how some of these sites try to make crazy claims on making money overnight. Making money in any business takes true dedication and WORK. Glad to see that you are being honest and realistic! If it’s to good to be true it is….Time tested advice that never fails, but is often ignored. Great article Tony!

  22. I cannot say with utmost certainty that this is real but with your review here,I just think that a lot more can go into this and I will like to focus all my attention to making it more worthy for us all. This us really amazing for me to see out here. Thumbs up to you for sharing with us all. God bless you

  23. Hello sir Tony, 

    Another day of those crazy scams, it’s a blessing to see amazing people like you exposing companies and people who take advantage of people just looking for a genuine place to invest. This covid period has been crazy; I get calls every day from these scams only offering things or trying to get you to invest. It has become a pandemic more than the covid itself, and you have many people out there that are promoting untrue results so you can join them. These people who are promoting or support these movements are there temporarily for their gain, and then they jump to the next hot scam. I was a prospect to one of these house meetings where everyone would invest $5000, and you get entered into a monthly name draw to see who will get a % of the money, and you have to bring people. I learned a hard lesson from this practice myself and other things that involve online investment products. It’s great that you are exposing things like these out. Overall, Very informative. Evaluate experience is the best teacher, so thank you.

  24. I totally agree on this site and how it’s not legit. Like is mentioned, who in their right mind would give free information out like that. The fact that you have nothing to do as well would be a factor for me in seeing that it was probably a scam. There are so many different ways that scams can occur, it’s not funny. I had doubts with WA from the beginning, but I can not see how affil marketing is legit. 

  25. Hi Tony

    There are so many Get-rich-quick-schemes on the internet nowadays and its really annoying. People are ripping others off their hard earned cash it hurts. At the same time people do not want to work for money. That is why we get trapped into all these get rich quick schemes.

    Like you say, one look at Home Cash Code, it is just too good to be true. There are people out there who are promoting it like it is a good platform, but I am glad you have exposed the scam. Thank you

  26. Thank you for helping to bust the myth that you can really get something for nothing. If you’re going to be successful at anything it’s definitely going to cost you something, even if that something is a lot of your time, you have to invest in it. You said one of the best things ever, and I quote: “Affiliate Marketing is, in my opinion, one of the very best and most sustainable ways to earn an income from home”, you are so right, but, people have to understand that if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. 

  27. Hello Tony, another day and another blatant scam, it’s great that people like you expose them. There are too many people out there that promote untrue claims. The people who promote these products support the product for about a month and then they go onto the next scam. I suffered from this practice myself where product I purchased or the URL suddenly stopped working. Yes a scam and it’s great that you expose this.

  28. Hello Tony, thank you for this really good information about these business and I know some people must have fallen victim and it’s not good at all. I have lost  much money and so much time with it in the beginning.   Thank you very much for the exposure, its great!

  29. Hello tony sir am so happy to be there,scammers that takes advantage of people, there are so many out there that I understand why people struggle in this and some people fail. when there’s more scams and get rich quick lies than there are real helpful products. It’s been such a frustrating process but I’m pushing through. This is a wonderful idea tony

  30. Thank you so much for bringing attention to this scam. There are people out there that promote such outlandish claims, and the only ones who seem to be getting rich are them as they rake people’s money in. The people buying the product or system, never get anywhere close to what they “could” and what was advertised and then they start to see all online opportunities as scams. It’s good to weed out the good ones from the bad ones.

  31. Thank you so much for bringing attention to this scam. There are people out there that promote such outlandish claims, and the only ones who seem to be getting rich are them as they rake people’s money in. The people buying the product or system, never get anywhere close to what they “could” and what was advertised and then they start to see all online opportunities as scams. It’s good to weed out the good ones from the bad ones.

  32. Hello there Tony! In my opinion, Home cash code has just about all the warmings seen from other scams, definitely not worth one’s time. The program is all about you spending a a lot of money on it and the up-sell for little or no chance of making money on the internet through the program.

  33. Thanks for your Home Cash Code review, Tony! Glad you made a reference point that you have a recommended site for anyone that wants to make a great fortune in the online world. Just as you said, I found the cash code platform one of the get-rich-quick programs out there. 

    On my visiting its homepage, I saw the trait of a scam site in what it promises. How can someone earn hundreds of thousands of dollars overnight? I got scammed once or twice like that before I finally stumbled into Wealthy Affiliate, thank goodness. Thanks for your honest review!

  34. Thank You for reviewing Home Cash Code.  I, for one, always do a review check on google before I start any internet opportunity.  I have fallen for the scams before.  Luckily, I do not give money for the ones that say I can make “x” amount overnight or in two days or whatever they claim.  I do tend, however, to get caught up in the ones that say buy this info and I will guide you along the way.  This is not a get rich quick, this takes work – those I do check into and I have bought a few of those.  I still am searching for the exact one that will work.  I am not disappointed completely in the ones I have purchased.  I liken it to getting a college education.  If I spend 450.00 on a program where I am coached and I learn then even if I don’t make a lot of money at that particular system, I did learn something – I did meet some new people and I was able to move forward with a better understanding of what I am looking for next.  I truly appreciate that you took the time to review one of the “stay away from” sites and also led us to a site that is more reputable so that we can continue our search.  Thank You.  

  35. Nice review , I was looking for something like this online so I am glad that I stumbled upon your article.

    I think all offer like those are a scam pretty much but that is just my opinion.

    You really put in some great work writing this article and I can respect that.

    Keep doing like this and you will achieve great things.

    Your article was very informative and I want to thank you for that.

    Have an amazing day and wish you all the best in the future.

  36. Hello, thank you for warning people about scam sites like these. I know from my own experience trying to make money online that there is a lot of junk out there. Affiliate marketing really does seem to be the best way to go. 

    What would be your advice to someone who is just starting up an affiliate marketing website? How can you speed up the process of seeing results from your labors instead of waiting months to get anywhere?

  37. Hi Tony 

    Thanks for saving me all the time to research the topic “Is Home Cash Code a Scam”. It is unbelievable that in today’s age people still fall for “the too good to be true scams” out there. When there is so much information available like your post here. Thinking back when I was scammed I wanted to believe that it will work irrespective of all the red signals and bad feelings I got. I was desperate but you know what, I was even worts off after falling for the scam! 

    Tony, is it true that the success rate of Affiliate Marketing is as low as 5%? 

    All the best 

    Louis Munro 

  38. Hey tony lee hamilton, Thanks for sharing this amazing review on the home cash code, it is really nice i must say and i am firmly behind your opinion about the platform as well. your number one recommendation is really good and i would also recommend it as well for anyone too.

  39. Another scam that takes advantage of people, there are so many out there that I understand why people struggle in this and so many people fail. when there’s more scams and get rich quick lies than there are real helpful products. It’s been such a frustrating process but I’m pushing through. 

  40. Hello Tony, thank you for this really good piece of information about this business and I know some people must have fallen prey to scams and it’s not good at all. I have lost so much money and so much time with it in the beginning.  I am just glad that there are now many people out there like yourself warning people about them.  Thank you for the exposure. As always you did a very good job. Kudos. 

  41. Wow home cash clearly looks like a scam. It is too good to be true. How can you earn that much with zero to minimal work put in. 

    Sadly with sites like these many people are likely to get caught up in scams especially now that people are looking for other ways to earn. It’s so great there are website like this one to help identify scams and help people.

    Thanks for this useful information!

  42. Thanks for your review. When I first tried to learn how to build my own online business back in 2008, I kept getting scammed by sites like the one you reviewed. Home Cash Code preys on newbie internet marketers. People who are desperate to learn how to make money online. It’s true what you said. If it sounds too good to be true, it is. One of the things I love about WA is that it never says you’ll get rich overnight. In fact, they tell us it takes time. There’s nothing better than Wealthy Affiliate.  

  43. Yet another great review by Tony!  Hi Tony, thanks for your review on the home cash code “scam”.  There are way to many of these scammers out there and it is unfortunate that they take advantage of people the way they do.  It is nice to see that you take the time to explain how to recognize these scams for what they are.

  44. Thanks for sharing this important post about Home Cash Code. The world is facing covid-19 pandemic, which is taking lives and creating high unemployment, many companies are shutting down. It’s the best time to opt for online business and try to make a living but it’s most important not to fall for scams. There are many online investment companies which promise returns which seem too good to be true.

  45. Thanks a million times Tony for this wonderful post about this home cash vide a scam, the post as really been enlightening, although this is the first time am hearing about the home cash code, but it a wonderful opportunity to make extra cash while you still get to keep your monthly pay job with the auto-pilot.

  46. I myself got scammed multiple times by these programs that made me hesitate whenever a good opportunity comes so I guess what you wrote will help a lot of people including me to distinguish between a good program and a scammy one  thank you for the helpful content and I guess you should write more about other famous  worldwide scammy programs

  47. The review of home cash code is amazing to see and I honestly value it all in all the bits  that you have presented this here. I just imagine that a whole lot more can be and if we focus on what us to be and what will be too. Hence, this is amazing and I like this all here with us all. Thumbs up to you here

  48. Hi there,

    This definitely feels like a scam producvt. Just seeing the immediate coupon at the top with some model and a loptop just doesnt really instill any confidence in me as a consumer and would make me not want to buy. Thank you for the warning about this product – will not buy.

  49. It sounds so great but I’m not attracted to some of these amoral characters on the internet. I have been scammed on various platforms that preach greener pasture but turn out to be hell. The red flags are clear that they are not what they claimed to be. Despite the fact that they are preaching this autopiloting

  50. Hello Tony! God would keep blessing you for the beautiful work you do here to expose some of these scams. I have EXed out Home cash from my mind. I totally agree with all you said. Need Money? Go into a legitimate business and earn as much as you put in to earn

  51. Hi there! Nice review! Always a pleasure going through your articles! This was indeed very helpful to me. I learnt something as usual. Prior to this I knew nothing about home cash I do. thank you for sharing this.i will do well to share with my friends. Warm regardsm

  52. Very important article. With so many scam sites with only goal to drain money from normal people, honest and fair review can save multiple investors. Home Cash code program is obviously not reliable one and thank you for putting it clearly. I’m adding them to my black list. Thank you for warning! 

  53. Hello Tony, thank you for this really good information about these business and I know some people must have fallen victim and it’s not good at all. I have lost so much money and so much time with it in the beginning.  I am just glad that there are now many people out there like yourself warning people about them.  Thank you for the exposure 

  54. It is a good thing that you shared this article here, it is very nice and it is of great importance to me to have it hereit’s very thoughtful and generous of you to share this article here, I always look out for your articles because I’m always benefiting from them in a great way and this is no exceptions.

  55. Hello Tony, For me, Home Cash Code is not legitimate. Countless of people will fall for the juicy offers the platform have to offer. I will not recommend this for anyone. One have to do a lot of research when thinking of going into any of these. I will recommend one of the top affiliating sites, Wealthy Affiliate. Thanks for sharing this.

  56. I have heard about this home cash code before but I have never been able to tell if it is possible to be able to use this as a very good means. I find it very fascinating that you can tell us about this home cash code scam and how we should not become a part of it. Really nice

  57. These websites make me so sick.  I have lost so much money and so much time with it in the beginning.  I am just glad that there are now many people out there like yourself warning people about them.  They make it sound so easy to make money doing nothing that you start believing it.  If it was so easy everyone would be doing it.  Thanks for the information and keep exposing them!

  58. Is cash code a scam .  I don’t know if cash code is a scam or not.  I am glad you brought this topic up.  Will people give you free info for free.  I people could earn that kind of money in 2 hours or 29 days don’t you think everyone would click on that cash code.  Yes get involved with something you are passionate about and we know what that is.  Thank you.

  59. I really liked reading this review on the home cash code, I have heard so many opinions and rumors about the platform but I have never seen a well detailed review like this one. It was really simple, straight to the point and easy to understand. Thank you so much for this review , it really helps a lot

  60. Looks scammish to me. All the red flags are there – autopilot, blueprint secret, start making money in 24 hours – if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Guess what? I tried to open the link to the page and Google said “Not a secure site”. That tell a lot of what we’re looking at here.

  61. Yes Home Cash Code certainly seems to be to good to be true and therefore most likely a scam. I like yourself believe in affiliate marketing. Effort is most importantly a factor but that is also rewarding.  I’ve only just embarked on this journey but I certainly appreciate you bringing this particular opportunity to light. All the best to you!

  62. I have always wondered about the Home Cash Code being a scam, thank you for your honest opinion, You have helped me a lot to understand business online and making cash online. There are many opportunities for making money online that I have learned from you.                 

  63. Am so glad am privileged to read this article shared on your website, I have been frustrated over the years because of the failure on my involvement with affiliate marketing and trying joining online businesses to help me financially grow, bit thank God I have found further reasons to stay focused a determined being that you have helped me find the right track. I will also be that millionaire I have always dreamed of becoming. Affiliate marketing is is the main deal for me as far as am concern, and reading this kind of article you just share has energised me. Home cash code is one of the best platforms for anyone to involve himself with.

  64. Much obliged, Tony for uncovering this fairly clear incredibly questionable sounding chance. As you state a considerable lot of us succumb to tricks online nowadays It is a miserable demonstration of the weakness and naïveté of all that these frameworks clearly work else they would vanish. As you express it is conceivable to bring in cash and make a living on the web yet it takes work, exertion, time, and application. I will surely not be pursuing home money code. Best respects, Andy

  65. Hello there!

    You did a great job there providing a review on Home Cash Code.  The program appears as a mouth watering one, especially hearing that it runs on auto-pilot, which does not mandate experience. And one can work the program while still keeping other jobs because it takes no time at all to earn $4,597.76 in 24 hours! There is a need to be very sure if it’s scam or legit.


  66. Unfortunately, there are way too many of these types of scams still floating around the net and unfortunately, people still fall for them.

    I have been scammed in the past like you said I think everyone has at some point if you have tried to make any money online. Thanks for posting this article it may save someone from losing their hard-earned cash.

  67. Hello Tony,

    Thank you for your very honest review on this platform. I am very happy to see this article becuase the proper guide is always needed first before getting to invest your hard earned cash on some of these platforms. Although, It’s not a bad recommendation but I don’t think I will get on this platform. Thank you once again.

  68. Hello Tony Lee Hamilton, this is a very interesting and a very detailed article. I’m really glad I came across this. Learning about home cash code a scam or not sounds interesting. Truth be told is that I haven’t heard of this home cash code before. And thanks again Tony for exposing this scam platform 

  69. We quite often hear the saying that to err is human. However, the less common quote is that to be lazy is indeed human. Despite the fact that scams are all over places, especially in the online world, people quite often tend to believe that what’s too good to be true is indeed true. Or, they just deny their rational thinking because of the laziness tendency. Rather than work hard for money, why don’t do some easy tasks, like scamming others, to reap lots of fortune?

  70. Wow thank you for this article man! I know I’m just starting out, but man am I tired of all these scams… now I know why so many people fail in the online business scene, cuz they follow dumb scams like this. It’s so annoying to see, and I wish they didn’t exist. I’m happy to know I’m secure here at Wealthy Affiliate. 

  71. Thanks, Tony for exposing this rather obvious extremely dubious-sounding opportunity. As you say many of us fall for scams online these days  It is a sad testament to the vulnerability and gullibility of us all that these systems obviously work otherwise they would disappear. As you say it is possible to make money and make a living online but it takes work, effort, time, and application. I will certainly not be signing up for home cash code. Best regards, Andy 

  72. Hello there Tony! Home Cash Code is another one of those programs I haven’t heard of yet. Before I find myself getting involved with a program that isn’t worth my time and money, you are already one step ahead of me. Thank you so much for this detailed post on whether Home Cash Code is a legit program or not.

  73. Every part of the post office really has a lot of applications and games that are made by themselves to take people’s time and give nothing in return. This is probably the case as well. it is a very good topic and a good post on your website I wish you a lot of success in your further work.

  74. Yea the gurus are tempting and easy to succumb to if you don’t know any better.  That’s why I was hesitant to follow WA for a long time.  Once I saw the consistent numbers WA members were pulling though, it was hard to say no to at least trying it.  Affiliate marketing has led to a lot of opportunities working from home for me and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  Don’t be afraid to put the work in because results will show

  75. Hello Tony, thank you for the details and I feel so excited about all you have given here. honestly value it and I think that so much Kore could have been on for this. Making money online is never an easy thing especially if you have to worry about scams and all. I hope to see more of these wonderful contents here. 

  76. Hello there, going through this review it is very easy to understand what you are trying to say here as it all makes more sense to me now. It doesn’t seem right how someone will share their top secrets on how to make so much money within a short period of time and not ask for anything in return

  77. Reading through this review it is very easy to understand your points here as it all makes more sense to me now. I don’t see how someone will share their top secrets on how to make that much money within a short frame of time and all for nothing in return?. It just doesn’t sit well for me so i will avoid this platform 

  78. Hi again Tony! This is another very important article everyone should come across. I’ve never liked this get rich quick schemes, it has always sounded somehow to me so I don’t get involved with it. It’s strange that people would believe they can earn over $4,500 in less than an hour, I get that we are desperate but we aren’t this desperate. I’ll advise anyone trying to do this to not do it and look for a more legit business. Thank you 

  79. Thank you for sharing this and I will sa that to have shared this here, I honestly value it and I think that so much Kore could have been on for this. Making money online is never an easy thing especially if you have to worry about scams and all. So, having someone like you give interesting review like this is really encouraging for us all 

  80. Glad you came up with a detailed review of the Home Cash Code, Tony! One of the things that get me scared online is when a program sounds too good to be true. How can a huge amount of money be earned within a 24-hour period? Once a program sounds like a get rich quick scheme, a lot of people, who are already skeptical about online business, will definitely show no interest.

    Almost everyone, including myself, has got scammed at one time or the other, and these scam programs are still out there frustrating the people who are just coming into online business. It’s better to focus on affiliate marketing, though it takes time, effort, and resources. Thanks.


  81. There’s a lot of products that I’m not so happy with which is why I don’t always get to be so interested in them and I always make sure that Im very careful when it comes to me considering businesses that I’ll invest my money into ans that is why I’m always reading through product reviews online. Thanks

  82. This is a good one on this home cash code platform and I think you did justice to the information you have about it. On issues like this, I think that it is very important that we all should be able to understand how the home cash code works and we should try to read reviews online about how it works before going in for it.

  83. Another too good to be true product in Home Cash Code I see. Earning $4,597+ in just 24 hours sounds great, and a little too good to be true. I agree that he’s not going to share his blueprint for free, and that’s where the upsells sure come into play. Playing the lottery does sound like better odds than with Home Cash Code, so maybe I’ll go buy a scratch ticket instead, lol.

  84. That’s a very interesting and funny saying you have here Tony Lee Hamilton; does a bear s**t in the woods. Being a get rich quick scheme or looking like has greatly discredited the Home Cash Code, making it no less than a scam. Thanks for this review article on Home Cash Code. This will properly guide anyone that wants to join this platform.

  85. Yep, Tony, i’m going to pass on this one too. There are simply too many of these online gimmicks that promise fast cash with little or no effort. I agree that online affiliate marketing is still by far the best way to earn steady stream of income. It does need hard work and consistency but it’s a sure way to really see some results in the long haul. 

  86. I’ve been scammed many times so I’m usually careful about hypes like that. But I myself must admit as a newbie to online business then I’d click almost any YouTube videos or links that promises I’d make money easy and fast. I guess I was quite naive. But now, I have my own website and on my way to financial freedom

  87. It probably does work, but it gives you the false hope that it can happen overnight. Nothing will happen overnight without a little work, time, and effort. The important thing is to find one thing and stick with it and give it 110%. If you are doing that, the money will come. 

  88. hey Tony Lee Hamilton, thank you so much for this review on home cash code. Reviews like this are very good in times like this and also very helpful because these online platforms claiming to give out a lot of money are on the increase . Thanks for dissecting the platform and explaining in detail. I must say that I strongly agree with you and some things about this platform don’t sit well with me

  89. Some great advice here Tony especially around the ‘Home Cash Code’ type sites out there ( and there are many of them). Its helpful to get some pointers from someone who has been in the game for a long time as I have seen people I know fall for this BS before. I have recently started my own online venture which is still in its early stages but with a bit of hard graft Im sure it will pay off in the long-run.

  90. Yeahhh man! This screams scam big time, huh?! You’ve said something which I wish resounded with more individuals: if it seems to good to be true and doesn’t require work….you’re probably looking at a scam. If people would take a moment just to think – wait, why is the person trying to sell me this if they could be making all this money themselves?! When we are desperate, we are more likely to succumb to scams like this. :/ 

  91. As in real life there is no dirty secret that can make you so much money online in a day without any work. If there was everyone would know it already. These scams ride on people’s desperation to get their money and nothing else. And what is shocking is that with so many out there nowadays it means that  many people are actually believe in them which is a shame really.

  92. Hi Tony,

    Thank you for such an honest review on  Cash Code. There’s just so many get rich quick scams out there and it is so frustrating that people would want to take advantage of people in this day and age. I do agree with you that Affiliate marketing is a much better and safer way to do make money online. You ultimately drive your own success! 


  93. There are so many companies out there that just want to scam us out of our money!  I’ve been scammed a time or two as well (maybe even a time or three!) but you live and you learn right?  Unfortunately, a lot of these websites are really slick and it’s hard to tell what’s legit.  I’m thankful that you’re here to help, Tony!  You do a great job of drilling down deep to find the truth!  Keep up the good work!!

  94. I sometimes wonder why such scams still exist. I suppose there is still a substantial “market” where people still believe in these sort of things. Happy buyer, happy seller. I would certainly stay away from Home Cash Code. And usually I would not search for such get rich quick “opportunities” because the more you read, the more it gets into your head thinking that it works. 

  95. Hi Tony,

    I have to think about opportunities like these. There is someone out there making money off of this. It is not the people signing up for sure!

    I appreciate you doing research and helping others identify ones that could turn out to be not so helpful. I myself am sticking with Wealthy Affiliate! I have learned a lot from this platform and have a few websites working for me now to earn real, residual income! 



  96. Hmm, thanks for the review on this platform. I think whether something is scam or not we always have to be careful in online business. Today, there are many fraudsters who can make a profit in many ways. Before we invest in a business, we must always be well informed so that we do not lose money. I hope this text will be seen by a lot of people to know what to avoid.

  97. Thanks for this review article that has educated me on what Cash Code is all about. The claims of cash code sound too good to be true, making it seem like a get rich overnight scheme. And these are the type of platforms or schemes I have been warned to avoid. Well, I did learn more about such from this article.

  98. I have actually seen this Home Cash Code the past few days and I must admit that I am not really impressed. Everything about it seems to be a scam. Claiming that you could earn over 100 grand monthly sounds just so outright scam. And it seems that they have no particular product to offer and the whole business model relies on recruiting people which is like a Ponzi scheme. So, I dare say I am not seeing myself using this in the future.

  99. Yep, the home cash code really looks like a scam to me! Anything that sounds so good to be true is suspicious. Especially when they tell you that there will be NO efforts from you to make so much money… Making money online does require a little effort and creating your own website, for instance, is one of them but it is so worth it! I would recommend it to all newbies interested to earn money online. 

  100. Hello there, I’m not so sure home cash is a scam because one of it’s main priority is to generate recurring income for businesses and also serve as a means of marketing of business good. Thanks for sharing this awesome article I know it would be of great help to the public as it has been of help to me.

  101. Thank you very much sir Tony Lee for sharing this vital information with me. I almost fell for some of these scam few months ago and thank God I was wise enough to pull out on time. I will share this post with my friends who I know may likely fall for this scam so they can avoid this home cash code scam. It was worth the read.

  102. Thank you very much sir Tony for sharing this vital information with me. I almost fell for some of these scam few months ago and thank God I was wise enough to pull out on time. I will share this post with my friends who I know may likely fall for this scam so they can avoid this home cash code scam. Thanks!

  103. Is Home Cash Code a Scam? I think this looks and sounds too good to be true as your comment in your review and like you said he is hardly going to give his secrets anyway and had most likely broken all the rules in the book to get there so I think this is a good review that people should read.

    In Friendship


  104. Good Evening and thank you for making this post. As I am new with WA I feel this is vital for me to pay close attention to and not try any shortcuts. Nothing is easy but the rewards are worth it. Scams are everywhere and I thank you again for making me aware of this one. 



  105. On this beautiful piece of information with us. I must say I really did enjoy good going through your review as it contains valuable piece of information one needs to be aware of. I think home cash code is a scam and that people should be aware of this and stuff wasting their time and resources in it

  106. Hello there!

    That is a very nice review you provided there. I do not know about Home Cash Code before now and it was not possible to tell if they are scam or not. But having read through the review, I got to know about them and I’m impressed with the fact that the program runs on auto-pilot which does not mandate an experience, allowing one to work the program while still keeping his/her other jobs because it takes no time at all to earn $4,597.76 in just 24 hours!


  107. Hello there Tony Lee, thanks a lot for sharing this beautiful content here with us. I must say really did enjoyed going through your review as it contains valuable informations one needs to be aware of. Home Cash Code is a scam the fact that they suggest one to keep their job t me they are just saying, you will not see success with us.

  108. Thanks for this article Tony. you are right we fall victim to scams during our lifetime, so its great that people like yourself go out of your way to highlight them. I have to say, I think this is one of the more obvious ones to spot but the important message to get across is that making money online takes time and this shouldn’t be underestimated 

  109. Hi Tony, I wanted to open your link on the phrase: “View this other post on my website” but it does not show anything. I do not recommend this Home Cash Code as it is obviously a not-trustworthy site. I love siterubix hosting website as highly recommended for your blogging journey. As a bonus, we get free sites under this awesome hosting platform.

  110. Hello TonyLee Hamilton,
    Thank you for sharing another great piece of article. Home Cash Code is a scam for me and I will never recommend for anybody to be involved. I went through your review thoroughly and I think it is not worth it, I hope this really would be helpful to both newbies and those who get by__. Thanks, off to share this right away.

  111. When I see these types of websites, it ALWAYS gives me red flags. I appreciate your time and effort putting this in depth article together. Hopefully keep people from falling for these types of scams out there. Being consistent is what helps you build your success, not scams like this. Thanks for another great article! 

  112. Hey you’re so right! So many scams online these days! People thinking there is get rich quick schemes but they haven’t done their homework and so end up getting ripped off or losing their money. This does look so phoney and scammy looking and I wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole! 

    Like you say there are actual real and legitimate ways to make money online starting off for FREE.

    Great article!

  113. The new system of the present invention is to provide a method for manufacturing a lot of people who are not in the same way as the first time in the future and the other is a great way to get the best out of the way and I have to say that I am not a fan of the most important things to do in the future and the other is a great way to get the best out of the way and I have to say that I am not a fan of the most important things to try to get the best out of the way and I have to say that I am not a fan of the most important things to do in the future and the other is a great way to get the best out of the way and I have to say that I am not a fan of the most important things to.

    This is such a good job of well informed message.

  114. The thing “Get rich quick” has never sounded good to me, it only brings problems 🙂
    I’m so glad he shares his opinion on fast money. I carefully read what was written and to tell you, it is very educational especially for young people who want to get money easily. After this I will surely sit down once again and talk to my children at home that there is no easy earnings, only education and perseverance. Thanks again

  115. Thank you for informing us about home cash code Tony. It screams scam to me! As I was reading the information you wrote about home cash code, it is indeed an obvious scam. Who would really earn $4,597.76 in just 24 hours? I really hate people who are trying to sell programs to others by giving them fake promises just to earn money from people who work so hard just to be able to pay in the hope of earning some extra. Thank you for researching these programs and for sharing your finds to us. Keep them coming!

  116. The Home Cash Code is a clone of a variety of other scams.

    Someone is down there making and distributing different copies of scams everywhere, this mysterious entity or individual’s aim is to raise as much as possible $97.

    The entire aim of these scams is to get your money. After they get your money, they can contact you to see if they can take more from you. so it is a total scam.

  117. This is quite good as well and ok to start with. I’m not so sure home cash is a scam because one of it’s main priority is to generate recurring income for businesses and also serve as a means of marketing of business good. I’m really gonna try the sometime later to boost my business

  118. The home cash code is a new thing for me but since I love to work from home and make money online I quite interested to learn about it. Thanks for sharing and opening my mind. I will give it a time to learn about it then definitely can make the positive advice toward it. will let you know in case of any queries before joining the platform

  119. Thanks so much Mr Tony Hamilton.

    your candid opinion and this great review matters a whole lot! Thank you for taking your time to pull this great research up.i will be more careful when trying this,. Your research will be on my mind and I wouldn’t call a victim to what so ever there is out there Thank you 

  120. Thanks Tony, again another one that you have managed to steer me clear of. It’s not something I’ve heard of, but I sure have now and thanks to your post I’ll ‘ve avoiding it like the plague. I have fallen ill to a scam or 2 but fortunately it hasn’t really cost me much, well apart from time….which is actually quite dear.

    Thanks for sharing


  121. Hi Tony …thanks for sharing such wonderful article with us …I really did enjoy every bit of information passed out to us as it’s contains every bit of information one needs to hold on to especially in terms of online business ….now I have your professional opinion on this matter it would be easier for me to make my moves too …thanks 

  122. Your very first question is asking if it’s a scam.  I’ll tell you , the moment I see an image of a girl in that exact pose in front of a computer screen smiling and the red font looking like a coupon, I NORMALLY run the other way, unless something can prove otherwise.  I’ve fallen victim to gurus…one in particular got his network marketing company in the top 100 in the world according to Alexa and the company went bankrupt a few years later, and the guy totally lost it, you may know who i’m speaking of…not sure why I went off on that tangent, I guess cause you mentioned the possibllity of being scammed by gurus…you ask what kind of money would change my life?  The kind of money that would change my life is $2000 monthly in passive income…because if I can do it once, I can duplicate it.  At least that’s my thought process, but the hardest part is just doing it once.

  123. Hello there, thanks a lot for sharing this beautiful piece of information here with us. I must say i really did enjoyed going through your review as it contains valuable informations one needs to be aware of. I am going to pass on this prigram because it seems like a waste of time to me

  124. Am hearing about the home cash code for the very first time and happy to hear about this helpful post and how to boost once income passively from the comfort of my home little or no experience at all. I will love to try this out and tell a friend about it as soon as I start earning money on the platform. Thanks for sharing 

  125. I am glad I came across this post today. I heard about cash code few days back from a friend who introduced it to me and it sounded to good to be true as it required little or know work with a lot of returns. I just decided to do my research on it and I am happy I came across a well detailed reviews as yours. 

  126. With so many online platforms to make money, I expect people to apply more caution so as not to fall a victim to fraud. That is why this read is very insightful. It gives you heavy knowledge to filter scam from a legit platform. This read will stick with me forever. Thank you so much.

  127. I have seen so many online means to make money and I’m looking forward to exploring more and more by the day and so far this is one good idea. so nice for any entrepreneur online and most of them they tried to get rich quick without any effort and investment normally they end up to cry. so as you suggest  it’s better to put your effort

  128. There a re many scammers our therew that’s re kit concerned about what people feel but rather are just out there to get people’s money and get off. List for products are not credible, not worthy of our pennily so we should learn to read about products like home cause code before registration. Thanks

  129. Slow and steady wins the race. Becoming wealthy is never an overnight thing. It requires a step at a time. I love to read you reviews especially on financial aspect because they are transparent and practical not some magic things. This article has helped to understand that there are internet based legitimate and reliable businesses. Thank you for sharing

  130. Well, going by my previous experience I would say not to trust something like his platform herw and i would not want to get myself attached to them at least not yet based on my bad experience with companies like this. Thanks so much for all that has been shared here with all us

  131. Thank you Tony for this valuable information, personally I’m not closed with platform like Home cash code, get rich quick almost it sound so nice for any entrepreneur online and most of them they tried to get rich quick without any effort and investment normally they endup to cried. so as you suggest  it’s better to put your effort and time on something hard inoder to celebrate for the future.  thank you very much 

  132. I’ve heard about This home cash code before and I was thinking that it wasn’t a great place for me to join but looking at your i go now,I think the case is actually different and it would be good for me to join in as well. But just ass I read on, I learn something scary and I decide not to join in anymore. Thanks

  133. Ooooooooh sounds real dodgy and iffy!  If only it was that easy right?  Definitely agree with you, put in the hard work in whatever you choose to do, have patience and believe in yourself.  Work on your mindset and self-development also.  I believe doing all that will get you way further in the long run. 

  134. Hello there, thank you very much for sharing this wonderful piece of information with us. I really did enjoy going through it as it contains very important information one needs to hold on to, now that i have your professional stance on this subject matter, it would easier for me to know my next moves, at least i know which brand is really authentic now, thanks to you.

  135. Hi Tony, the system works on autopilot plus earns one four figures every day plus too good to be true, that says Sounds Like A Scam. 

    Anyone looking to be successful should wrap their mindset around the facts that it takes time to be wealthy, consistency is key, and putting endless effort is also a requirement. Home Cash Code is a scam the fact that they suggest one to keep their job t me they are just saying, you will not see success with us. Most people want to leave their 9-5 jobs and not the other way around.

  136. Wow, earn more than $4,500 in just 24 hours? Hahaha…I could laugh during the whole comment but unfortunately I don’t think that you’ll validate my comment! I am always very saddened to see that some companies dare to offer this kind of opportunities that are pure scams. But I guess that there will always be people to fall for them… I am also glad that your present safer alternatives for new Internet entrepreneurs. Thanks for educating us!

  137. Way to many scams out there these days its just absolutely unreal and people should be being fined for them at the very least. Thanks for telling me this and i will definitely be passing this link on to my buddies at work so they don’t make that mistake at all !

  138. I would not touch this one with a long stick, that much money is 24 hours it’s too good to be true, and running on autopilot without you have to put in any effort unbelievable. If he is making that much from it I highly doubt he’s willing to share his secret. Thank you once again for keeping us abreast of all the online entity out there. 

  139. Hey Tony Lee Hamilton! This is my first time of hearing about this platform and it sounds nothing less than a scam. Anything or anyone promising such lump of money over a short period of time online is regarded as a scam and its advisable to run from such platforms.

    Thanks for sharing this informative review as it will enable people differentiate platforms which are scam or not.

  140. It’s amazing how some people still fall for the very obvious scams that are online. Just do a google search and you’ll be able to weed out the very obvious ones. I agree that some might not be that obvious, and here is where we have to use our judgment.

    Some are not scams, but are promoted in such an unbelievable, over-the-top way. For example, there are apps out there that pay you a little bit of money to do some tasks, fill in surveys and stuff, and they are legit, but to listen to some people on YouTube promoting these sites, you would think you’ll make hundreds of dollars in a day! 

    Anyway, good job in confirming that this is a scam. Keep it up! 

  141. We can make make $106,325 in just 29 days? Wow some scam programs try to hide overpromising on those numbers when they try to clickbait innocent people but this Home Cash Code on the other hand, is going at full speed ahead regardless of what people think. 

    What got me laughing even more is the insider’s secret that can make an money of $4,597.76 in 24 Hours lol, definitely a clear scam this one.

  142. If options like the ones offered by Cash Code and all the other Get Rich Quick promotions were real, there would be a huge number of millionaires succeeding on the internet today. Unfortunately, there are no quick earnings. The formula is still such that you have to work and slowly build your business before the results come.

  143. Wow, imagine if it did take no time at all to earn $4,597.76 in just 24 hours? We would all be doing it and we would all be rich. If anyone promises you this, then you must know that it just sounds too good to be true.

    However, it is possible to earn $4,597.76 in just 24 hours, but this only works for people who have been building up their businesses and online presence on the internet for years, and all the hard work that they have done over the years does eventually pay them back. It just doesn’t happen with programs like the Home Cash Code.

  144. Thank you for your honest and straightforward. I love to read your review since you always present us with right information. I agree with you that for any program you need to take some time and some efforts in order to see the positive outcome. It is simple not true that you will ean $106,325 in just 29 days.

    I like your number 1 recommendation, the Wealthy Affiliate, which provides all tools you need to run a successful affiliate marketing business. With the powerful tools, you are on the right path to move your business forward. If you want to start your own online business, Wealthy Affliate is the program for you to join.

  145. Thank you Tony for this valuable information, personally I’m not closed with platform like Home cash code, get rich quick almost it sound so nice for any entrepreneur online and most of them they tried to get rich quick without any effort and investment normally they endup to cried. so as you suggest  it’s better to put your effort and time on something hard inoder to celebrate for the future.

    Thank you for sharing this review

  146. Thanks for pointing out another flat out scam site to us Tony. While that may jump out to a lot of us who have been on the internet for a while as a scam, people who don’t have as much experience may not necessarily know the difference right away. That’s why it is so fantastic that you share these articles with us so we can share them with friends and family looking to make a livable income online so they don’t fall for one of these money traps.

  147. You had me laughing at sentence one lol!  🙂

    Yes Home Cash Code immediately looks and sounds like a scam. Much as I’d love to get paid that kind of money for not doing a lot, sites that promise effortless high earnings are always scams in my experience.

    Thankfully you have recommended some much better sites and resources elsewhere on your site that I’ve had good experiences with, like Wealthy Affiliate, which I use all the time.

  148. This is the first time I’m learning about this come cash code business platform but after reading it, I understand that I don’t want to join in on it at all as it doesn’t seem like a way for me to be able to make any money at all. I don’t want to lose our hard-earned money as It’s probably not worth it. I think going into digital marketing will really help in generating passive income. I value all you have shared here and it is very worthy to see in all. How long have these people been around though? Thank you very much for sharing, cheers.

  149. Does bear s**t in the woods, what a funny saying. Just you have rightly said, the website of Home Cash Code is enough to convince one that Home Cash Code is a scam. The unfortunate thing about all these online scam and so called get rich quick platform is that people keep falling for them. Most people hardly read between the lines before joining all these platforms. Well thanks to people of your kind who keep giving out guides and warnings about scams.

  150. Buyer beware, do your due diligence and if it’s too good to be true, then it probably is.  Are all quotes that should be inside one’s mind whenever they are presented with outrageous claims such as Home Cash Code is presenting in their site.  I also like “Show me the money!” by Jerry McGuire.  Anything less is a scam!  Don’t fall for the get-rich-quick type of tactics.  Tony gave you a warning, it is up to you now to decide. 

  151. The system works on autopilot plus earns one four figures every day plus too good to be true, that says HELLO COME LET ME SCAM YOU. Anyone looking to be successful should wrap their mindset around the facts that it takes time to be wealthy, consistency is key, and putting endless effort is also a requirement. Home Cash Code is a scam the fact that they suggest one to keep their job t me they are just saying, you will not see success with us. People want to leave their 9-5 jobs and not the other way around. 

  152. Hi Tony,

    If it is too true to be true then it is not true. This is purely a scam. Earning over 400p USD without a skill is not true. I am an affiliate marketer with little experience but I know that such scheme will not add any value to you. Rather they will take away your money. People should learn to develop skill and then make money 

  153. Hey Tony lee Hamilton thanks for sharing this article, get rich quick schemes are always suspicious to me because it’s just too good to be true. Affiliate marketing is one of the best online businesses to ever venture in, I just joined some couple of months ago and I’m already seeing results, it is something I will never regret 

  154. Good day Tony,

    Thanks for the review. Some things are simply too good to ever be true!

    Surely if these wonderful and efficient phenomena did work, then many people would not need to work?

    Congratulations to those who are at the stage of looking for some online venture to embark upon, because you have provided them with alternatives that you are already a part of and can speak authoritatively on.

    Cheers Tony.

  155. I like your article.yes Home Cash Code is a scam and it’s obvious because it’s another too good to be true BS. $4,597.76 in 24 hours? that doesn’t sound possible at all, if you see that sh*t, stay to f*ck away from it or else you’ll regret what you’re going to do. but there’s one thing I don’t agree in this article, playing lottery, it’s not good because the house always wins.

  156. There is a saying, once bitten, twice shy. The best of us at one time or another fell for a too good to be true money making opportunity. When we found out we were caught in a scam, that was the signal to pass any too good to be true money making opportunities. 

    Nevertheless there are some folks who never give up on these scams. They have the lottery mentality. Deep in their minds I am sure they feel the odds are against them. Since the cost of entry is usually so low or nothing, they feel they have nothing to loose and try them anyway. And if it doesn’t work out, it’s on to the next scam. 

    Let’s face it, that these scam artists prey on those who do not want to work hard to create assets that will pay them over and over again. They know it will take time and hard work that they do not want to do. Hence, they much rather keep playing one lottery after another.



  157. Hey,Tony,Thank you for shedding light on this scam.I have been following your articles and it has really helped me in spotting out these scam.This scheme sounds too good to be true. Fortunately, so far i haven’t fell for any scam.There is no magical blueprint that will work the same for everyone. And there is no way to make money online without putting in any hard work and time.So,Join 2 With us,You will win.

  158. Hi tony, thank you for texts like this when you try to draw our attention to possible scams. I can’t believe that someone can deal with it and how can anyone think of that . At a time of pandemic when many people have lost their jobs, many will look for online jobs. Thank you for directing us not to let such platforms deceive us. I hope that things like this will disappear soon. This tells us that we need to be careful when choosing a job online

  159. Thank you Tony for this article, without even opening the article, I already figured that it seems too good to be true, the graphics alone makes it look so fake, because it seems too appealing to the eyes. My issue here is with people who get scammed every minute by the same site. Never will I ever engage in this kind of platform not even in my dreams!

  160. I just cannot believe that these sorts of scams still exist. Anyone with half a brain cell must surely be able to tell that you don’t get ought for nowt. If you want money apart from winning the lottery, You are not going to get anything without working for it. I like many others have fallen for this type of thing one time. It is great that you bring this sort of thing to peoples attention.

  161. LOL, I like that you don’t hold back what you really feel about Home Cash Code. I tend to agree, if it looks too good to be true, then it probably is! 

    As much as it would be great to find a workable get rich quick option, it’s great to work towards something more reliable and steady. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Home Cash Code and your favorite alternate option for earning money online.

  162. Interesting read. I have never seen these advertisements or heard of any of these companies you describe here, but it definitely sounds very fishy. They look very alike. I would never believed it or jumped on something like this just because it sounds too good to be true. I will rather play the lottery. And I agree with you. I do not think the founder will reveal any top secrets with anyone. It is just a hook. These kind of programs are made to exploit desperate people in need of quick cash.I do not know enough about binary options trading but I am monthly approached by a numerous binary options traders and Cash forex traders that you have mentioned in earlier reviews on your site. Not for me.

  163. Hi Tony, I prefer to follow your other recommendations site to start a legitimate business from home then investing my money in a similar program like Cash Code. It is much safer and less risky to work hard and create a legitimate site and online business that will secure my financial freedom shortly.
    Thanks for sharing this helpful information.
    Have a great time.

  164. This sounds like a scam to me!

    There is no magical blueprint that will work the same for everyone. And there is no way to make money online without putting in any hard work and time.

    This is a bait for newcomers in the online world who think that money can be made online without any work.

    Thanks for sharing!

  165. I really don’t like the way the site is even advertised. It looks like something straight out of the 80’s or 90’s.

    I know from experience that when someone says something like ‘there are only 10 spots left’, or this offer will be gone in 24 hours’, to stay away from it. Maybe people that are new to the internet won’t see it that way?

    I think it’s great that you are offering 1 on 1 help. Especially when you size it down to people who want to learn,and who are willing to actually put forth the effort, instead of wanting something handed to them.

  166. First red flag for any scheme is big promises in short time! This scheme sounds too good to be true. Fortunately, so far i haven’t fell for any scam. I always like to do my research before even giving my email address to anyone. 

    It is ironic that people like to make a huge promises and trap poor people who are genuinely looking to make money. And internet is full of scammers with different scheme. I guess as a consumer, we have to do our research before being victim of the scam. Thank you for bringing that to my attention!

  167. Thank you Tony. There are a lot of get rich quick scam out there these day and personally I have fallen prey more than once. I have been following your articles and it has really helped me in spotting out these scam. So far you have pointed out how legitimate affiliate marketing is and I think I will look more into that.

  168. These get rich quick scams have flooded the internet.  I completely agree this is a scam and it makes me sad that people will get caught up in it, spending their hard earned money on something that provides no return in investment.  Honestly, the advertisement looks like a porno ad at first glance.  Always a bad sign, however effective it may be for the company. Lol. Anyone who believes making money comes without some hard work is bound to get caught up in scams like these

    . Thankfully, tony is here to save the day! 

    good looking out, bud

  169. Tony,
    Thank you for shedding light on this scam. Like we always state, if it sounds too good to be true, it not only usually is, but it IS! Beware of so many scams out there. I appreciate the follow through you give on your work. I know it takes a lot of research to do this but it is well received by the general public when we have to make an informed decision and trusting you becomes second nature. Thanks!

  170. Tony,
    I never heard of this but anyone that can promise you a lump sum of money in short time span. It is a scam. I wish I could make not even that much just a little to be comfortable amount. They try to get people whom is either desperate and need it or someone that is just greedy and should know better. But I don’t know anyone’s situation. I just want to be comfortable. Seeing that advertisement before what I know now I would have thought, wow, really let me see??? But now if it sounds too good to be true, then it is.

    Good post!

  171. Scammers are every where and it is obvious that they will make you a lot of promises like, making thousands of dollars in just a few hours, to me is basically unrealistic and only new people will fall for this scam. first of all i do believe that the proportion of work-done leads to the level of the outcome you get. Thank you for putting this through Tony.

  172. Indeed any program that seems too good to be true most of the times ends up being being a complete waste of time and this one is of no different. There is no way anyone can make such huge amount of money within that short period of time without having to do anything. This program is indeed a total waste of time and I wouldn’t advise anyone to invest his time and money on it. 

  173. Although I have not researched this program, at first glance, I agree with your assessment.  The likelyhood of making $24,000+in 24 hours is as improbable as making $100,000 + in the time frame given.  Programs that are only based on payment and earning without product, in my opinion, as usually frauds.  I share you opinion on this program but intend to research a bit more.

  174. When there’s something called “instant cash”, “quick money” or there’s a sentence “start earning money today” etc., I’m always wary. It is absolutely possible to earn money on the internet, and much bigger money than many people imagine, but there’s always work, patience, and persistence behind it.
    Nothing is easy and nothing is for free. It is also often necessary to invest a bit into self-education, some helpful software, etc. before you start earning. But the mentality of people is “I want money now”. That’s why so many scammers thrive and will continue to. 

  175. It’s important these days to gain precursory and massive knowledge about a platform or company before joining so as to avoid being robbed of your money which is a sad thing as it shows the lack of accountability that comes with digital marketing but its good that you’re sharing informative articles like this one. 

  176. You are very right. This is the most reliable, confident, productive business. It’s a great way of earning while sitting at the comfort of my home, it’s not affecting other work. And it will enable me to have multiple source of income which will help in footing the bills that’s already rising above  incomes. Thank you for adopting the idea and for sharing with us here.

  177. Hello Tony Lee Hamilton, thank you for sharing this informative review article on whether home cash code is a scam not. This is my first time of hearing of this platform.Many people would have been scammed by this platform and Much more other platforms while trying to make online. People should take time to gather information about the platform before they get into it

  178. Hi,

    From my research this system claims to be something that can provide you with a limitless amount of cash on complete auto-pilot. This Cash Code system it’s merely another dodgy binary system put together to do nothing more than part you with your money. Home cash code is a scam.

    Thanj you.


  179. Hello Tony, I have seen many ways at which people can grow their business and you’ve made things clear to us all. Many people have been scammed because of this. A company promising you a huge amount of money in a very short time with little or no effort should be looked into critically. We don’t want to loose our hard earned money.

  180. Yeah… Make over 100k in 29 days just like he did. All you need to do is cut, paste, and rename an obsolete scam and voila!

    I’m surprised that many of these types of scams are still in existence after all these years and after all of the people who have lost their shirts. Good job with the article, and thanks for being diligent against these types of programs that give the few and far between honest programs a bad name. 

  181. This is the first time I’m learning about this come cash code business platform but after reading it, I understand that I don’t want to join in on it at all as it doesn’t seem like a way for me to be able to make any money at all. Your post really gives good info on all I need to know about it and I’ll be sure not to give it a try at all.

  182. the urge at which people are desperate in making money online has cost them lots like time and money. Many people have been scammed because of this. A company promising you a huge amount of money in a very short time with little or no effort should be looked into critically. We don’t want to loose our hard earned money. I think going into digital marketing will really help on generating passive income.

  183. I was not fully aware of this home cash code. Reading your article, I can understand about home cash code. I don’t know yet if it is a scam but since you have given a nice review join the platform at the bridge will reveal the real secret. Many thanks to you for sharing with us a beautiful review article.

  184. I wouldn’t exactly be thrilled to join something of this nature but I still would not be willing to call it a total scam. It is always better to know how to maintain the balance between what is right and not at all. For what you have shared here, I value it all and it makes a lot of sense being make the best use for this here. thanks

  185. Hello Tony , thanks for this wonderful review, it’s always good to find this kind of an advice. To me home cash code doesn’t sound like a workable way to earn money,it seems too good to be true, and I think it’s yet another scheme that uses ghosting and deception to get your money and again thanks for taking your time to share this wonderful review, keep up the great work.

  186. I’m not always good with all these shady businesses be Available mostly online nowadays because they are all scams and they just want to make money off people without offering anything back. It’s very thoughtful of you to share your opinion about home cash code, it’ll be of great help.

  187. Tony, thanks for reviewing the Home Cash Code. Personally, I feel skeptical about this program because I rarely heard about them in the online marketing community. However, I’ll try to sign up just to make sure if they have some red flags. Is it free to join? Also, I’ll be sure to check your number one recommendation. Thanks

  188. LOL I always say “if there is “cash” in the title of a program, buyer beware. It’s probably not worth it. And this is just one more of them. I agree, everyone has probably tried something at one time or another that made big promises that simply weren’t true. I’m glad you’ve taken the time to expose them a little bit.

  189. There are too many sites that offer wealth overnight with little effort. We need to be aware that such a thing does not exist. Fairy tales are for children! For every dollar you need to work, you need to invest a certain amount of time and energy. Thank you for pointing us to Home Cash Code a scam.

  190. You never cease to amaze me Tony.  How do you find all of these different schemes.  You are inspirational! The description of the bear had me laughing my socks off!  I am quite sure, I will not be signing up to Home Cash Code after seeing that warning. Such scams really do so much to undermine the credibility of the internet and online working.  I have to say the bear is firmly in my mind on this one, or in this case, in the garden! But what these scams do have the effect of doing is to highlight how good WA is.  Thank you for this review.

  191. Its sad to say but I fell for this Home cash code scam someday though I didn’t loose much but I was really sad. Thank God I saw wealthy affiliate program on time as I was almost giving up on affiliate marketing.

    Hope I can send you an email because I want a direct training and mentoring.

  192. Oh, Home Cash Code, that’s actually the first time I’m seeing this. Figures they would show a woman’s full form from the side on the ad. Tell me that doesn’t get a man’s attention to begin with. Maybe that’s the first time our spidey tingly sense should be warning us!

    Yes, I would rather go with something like affiliate marketing where you are sharing with people products that you have tried or products that you trust. I want to be able to look my customer in the eyes with no regrets.

    Good luck, sir!

  193. It’s always funny how some opportunities are gonna promise you thousands of dollars in just a day even without doing anything that’s worth it, it is all a scam and it is just out there to Rio you off your money, you should be careful when it does to being a part of home cash code as it’s not good 

  194. I can see why you would say that this one doesn’t work at all and really it is very understandable. I wouldn’t want to go for this one personally because there is so much that I see that is wrong with it. It would be a much better idea for me to just go to bed and not go for this because there are other better things to spend my money on.

  195. Much appreciated for your article Tony. I like so numerous others have been taken in by over the best claims such as these some time recently – when I was fair beginning out and I can’t tell you the sum of time and cash i squandered indiscriminately taking after ‘fake advice’ attempting to chase a dream that had no substance and was, when all is said and done, a total con. Individuals fair beginning out on their online commerce travel require more articles such as this to halt them from falling prey to tricks like this one. If you don’t mind keep up the great work!

  196. I have been taught that if it is too good to be true, it is probably not true. I will approach this one with caution . I have definitely fallen for some of these, I guess I have matured over the years to not even look at these kind. I will advise anyone to stop wasting money and time but to go for proven methods of making money,even if they take time.

  197. Hi there Tony, I really enjoyed reading your article ‘Is Home Cash Code a Scam?’. Fortunately this is my first time hearing of home cash code so I’m really glad that I cam across this article from which I have gained a myriad of information about the platform and its inner workings before I have the chance to register as now I can do so with utmost caution. 

  198. I feel we all can desonate well that this is not worthy of anything than just another good sales presentation that is meant to only enrich the owners and not the people that will get honestly, I value all you have shared here and it is very worthy to see in all. Thank you so much for all you shared here

  199. Hello Tony scam business are much today and I really feels at for those would go into it without a seeing the review and they are bound to lose money at the ends of it all. I am really pleased to we that this is a get rich quick schemes and I will clearly stay away from it and everything else related to it. 

  200. There are lots of things online that one should be very careful with and take time to decide whenever you want to register for a new job offer as it’ll enable you to know better about what you’re going into. Thanks for enlightening me and giving room for more knowledge to be passed out

  201. Tony,

    I really like your review and truly appreciate your openness and your honesty. It is fair to say that just by looking at this advert to make lots of money that it is does not seem legit so I am pleased you have backed this up.

    Whilst everyone is looking for easy and big wins it is safe to say that hard work and believing in what you do to help others is far more important and will genuinely make you a better person.

    It is great to see you are sharing this as you have such a wealth of so many products and can truly help us all.

    Another enjoyable read.

    Greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

  202. Very informative article about is it the Home cash code maybe potentially scam. we all hope to find the right platform, program, and way to make us money from home, but often along the way we come across dubious programs in which we can invest and lose a lot of money and time without any results. thank you for keeping us informed.

  203. Home Cash Code really does seem like a scam. Sites like Wealthy Affiliate deliver so much compounded value over and over it’s hard to believe that sites like this can even continue. I hate how they make it so legit too. There are so many legitimate ways to earn money online- I think people need to do the due diligence to figure out which ones are good and which ones fall under.. RUN! many are the latter- not enough legit companies doing the right thing. How long have these people been around?

  204. Well to be very honest, I do not see this as a scam actually but taking a proper look at the overall post that you have given here reviewing the essentials of this site I would say that they are really not that worthy to be giving the whole here. I value all you shared so far and definitely an interesting take here. Thanks

  205. This system sounds like a scam from the very start, especially from its name. Please if this was the kind of business that could make you that kind of many in that less of time then why am I working so hard seeking to build my online business. It takes time to make that kind of money, it does not happen overnight nor in a few days or weeks. This program is just another scam to get people’s hard-earned dollars.

  206. Well pointed out Tony. Unfortunately as soon as you enter anything in a search engine about home to make money you get bombarded with similar scams.

     You summed it up in the first paragraph. There is no such thing as a get rich quick scheme where you make tons of money doing absolutely nothing.

    I am afraid there are literally thousands of vulnerable people all over the world falling for such scams. If only we could have them regulated and shut down before people lose their money.

  207. Extremely fascinating article. I can hardly imagine how. waaw one day gaining 4597 dollars. I love and enjoyed. Impressive. Unquestionably I attempt this. multi day’s profit 106325 dollars meander full. Presently I joined money code. Much obliged fortha instructive article. What’s more, thank god. I need more your articles and counsel. God favor you

  208. $4,597.76 in just 24 hours just sounds so unreal and untrue. It is the exact opposite of what I have just read a couple of minutes back about GaryVee, wherein he reminds people that you have to work towards success! The Cash Code ads look so trashy and look like a portal for a scamming site. Even the name of the CEO/founder Michael Jones is too common. I would be wary just by seeing those red flags. Thanks for this info, one more “brand” to remember to never click! Cheers, A

  209. Thank you Tony, for sharing the information about Home Cash Code. I have not heard of this one but am pretty sure it will appear at some point.

    I agree with you, if something sounds too good to be true then it probably is. At least this one says it takes a couple of hours to set up. Most now say, ‘3 clicks and its done, 5 minutes max to be up and running.’

    If you look at many of these instant riches things they seem to have a pattern. It is very good that you investigate such scams and let others know.

  210. scammers are every where and it is obvious that cash code is also a scam. all indications confirm it. first of i do believe that the proportion of work done leads to the level of the outcome. making thousands of dollars in just a few hours is unrealistic and only new people will fall for that.

  211. This is my first time hearing of home cash code so it was a really bonus reading your article ‘8svHome Cash Code à Sam’. I appreciate the effort and time you put into expressively explaining all that it is about and also your in-depth review of home cash code as it has given me an idea of its purpose and what to expect if signing up for it 

  212. All those scam sites are the same, aren’t they? Trying to make you believe that you can earn thousands of dollars in just a few hours and the “secret” will be revealed for free. Once you click, “free” turns out to convert into upsell after upsell … I believe that many sites have been reported and taken down, but not near enough. People keep on getting scammed and those guys still seem to get away with it. It is important to do research about any company, read reviews,etc. Your website provides great information, to help us stay away from those scam sites. 

  213. Tony, I’ve just got dun studying one of these to get rich quick platforms 30-minute workday if you’re curious I’ve done the same with it you’re post is second to nun always informative and educational you will help many people to get their dreams answered with a very lucrative online business going online. thank you Tonnie always looking for you’re post’s 

  214. I have to say, I love how specific this particular one gets with the numbers. Even stating 29 days instead of the more expected 30 days. I have to wonder, do they think a crazy number different from the typical round number, like 10,000, makes them seem more credible? I think there’s some psychology behind behind that, like we’ve all been trained by now to distrust round numbers, so specific, unexpected numbers feel more trustworthy, or something. Anyway, this was a fun read, highlighting just how absurd these particular claims are.

  215. If a bear shits in the woods, and there is no one there to smell it, does it still stink?  I appreciate the information and your articles describing wealthy affiliates looked interesting.  Can you tell me more about the commission structure?  Building and designing websites sounds daunting to me.  Do they have training for newbies?  How much could I expect to earn?  What would I have to pay?  Thank you for any feedback.

  216. When something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. And that especially applies to money-making schemes.

    I haven’t heard of this one yet, but whenever a site insists I take action now and there are only so many spots left, I run away. But I imagine that they do find many who opt-in. If not, why would they still be using the promotion? 

    Your recommendation of affiliate marketing is, in my opinion, quite right. While it’s doubtful you will earn thousands in your first money (as the home cash code implies) it is likely you can build a solid business over time. 

    Thanks for the heads up about the home cash code scheme. I’ll stick with affiliate marketing.

  217. It can be hard to determine what is legit and what is a scam.  My first rule is if it looks easy and promises huge payoffs assume it isn’t legit.  My second rule is don’t rush into anything read good and bad reviews from multiple people and resources to get a better picture of the opportunity.  Thirdly understand who is sharing information with you on it – do they have an incentive for you to like it or are they actually a neutral objective opinion.

  218. You are right there is no such easy way to earn such a big amount! Cash Code is just deceiving people to get into the bait, There are so many scams going on in online business that we should be aware. Thank you for sharing and giving us warning all the time to all Online scammers.

  219. Hello Tony, 

    Home Cash Code and all the other modes of that genre seem to be scams. Its great that you have done some research on it. Thanks for the warning on this one, Tony. This is why I love coming to your site when I’m doing my research on whether or not some sites are a good option or not. The landing page already seemed ‘scammy’ but I think I’ve officially made my decision and will be looking into something else like Wealthy Affiliate like you’ve mentioned in other articles. Actually in the online world, affiliate marketing does work. And pretty much nothing else works as good too. 


  220. Thanks for this article. Stop wasting time and start a legitimate home based business with your very own Free website along with Free hosting forever as well.  Affiliate Marketing is in my opinion one of the very best and most sustainable ways to earn an income from home that I have ever found and I’ve been earning an income online since 2009.

  221. Thanks for the warning on this one, Tony. This is why I love coming to your site when I’m doing my research on whether or not some sites are a good option or not. The landing page already seemed so ‘scammy’ but I think I’ve officially made my decision and will be looking into something else like Wealthy Affiliate like you’ve mentioned in other articles. It is a lot more trustworthy and it definitely does not appear as scammy as this one seems haha. Thanks Tony, I can always count on you for the valuable advice.

  222. “Home cash code” the name itself sound spooky. The description of the product “earn $4,597.76 in just 24 hours!”, also sent me automatically into doubting about the program. There is no quick money skim up there. We need to earn money, not have it miraculously expand by a program that will make us keep our 9 to 5 jobs while it works by itself.

    Thank you for the review. I have had the email; Claim your spot” add, received and ignored immediately. 

  223. There are lots and lots of products like home cash code, this factor has made it really hard for people who are online to know which one is legit and which one is bad, thanks to people like you who takes out time to make research and provide us with valuable information about their products.

  224. Hello Tony, scam sites are fond of making promises that can’t be achieved by songs all the work possible in a day and still people fail to notice this and fall for it in the end. I feel sad seeing any online business that is a scam because it defaces online business in general. Such articles and more would help us more and more know more scam business. Thanks for sharing 

  225. You are so right Tony, if somethings seems to be too good to be true, then it is, otherwise everybody would be doing it. I had not come across Home Cash Code before, but then the name in itself sounds scammy to me. 

    It is so sad that many people do fall for this type of hype about a product that only makes money for the creator, and not for the unfortunate ones that fall for the scam.

  226. The name of the platform alone already goes a long way to show that it is not worth it and that I should not try it out but when I decided to enter the website, it just seemed really disgusting because it looked like another website where I was almost scammed before but interestingly you already made a list where you spoke about how to catch a scam platform which I read too.

  227. Thank you for sharing this here. Well! I would be shocked seeing the fact that we still have a lot of people that are still falling victim to platforms like this online. I actually fancy all you have shared here about this home cash code and just so I can confirm my suspicion is the reason I decided to join the platform here to read the review here. thanks

  228. Tony its always great reading your posts! I didn’t know about Home Cash, but thanks for your honest review. You do say it as it is, which is extremely refreshing. These get rich quick schemes just try and sell you dreams! Any promise of wealth with no effort is a false promise. I will definitely stay clear!

  229. Once again, I don’t know the product you are reviewing, so always thanks for your work! This said, I want to share my opinion with you after reading your article: this product looks worthy of any magician scammer we find on Facebook or on other platform. Making money quickly is almost always a false promise. Especially if the promise is that you don’t need any effort. 

  230. You certainly keep them coming Tony and kudos for that. It’s terrific that your website is consistently bringing to our attention legit businesses and scams. There are people who are still falling prey to these scams because of the catchy get rich quick tags that are marketed to them. Please keep up the good job of opening our minds and eyes to see that some things are really too good to be true. 

  231. Wow, home cash code has all the buyer beware signals. Where did they come up with that exact number of $4,597.76 to make in 24hrs? Some study that says people like exact numbers? Just like anything in life, you need to put effort in to have it pay off, not these type of get rich quick no effort schemes. Thank you for bringing this one to light. And thank you for the link to Wealthy Affiliate, your #1 recommended way to earn income online. Earn-yes earn, now that is something I can get behind.

  232. Thanks for your article Tony. I love that so many other people have been accepted by top propositions like this – when I first started, I couldn’t tell you the time and money I wasted blindly in trying to chase others by following “fake advice”. Dreams have no substance. When everything is said, it is a complete scam. People who are just starting their online business journey need more articles like this to prevent them from falling prey to such scams. Please keep in good working condition!

  233. The crappy part is there were outrageous scammy sites 10 years ago and here we go today with pretty much the same sight just with a little lipstick put on it and obviously they must still be working or these people would have gone away a long time ago.

    However its blog posts like this one that do save many many people from making a bad decision.  I sure wish these reviews were around when I got started in the business.

    Thanks for another great article Tony

  234. That is an outrageous claim and anyone who’s been here in the internet marketing space knows that this claim is impossible. You cannot make $4,500 in just 24 hours unless you’re selling something that’s hot at around $500 and the owner of the product promised that you will earn a 90% commission which is next to impossible these days.

    You’re right. People should pass on this, and I know you my friend, that if an opportunity is good, you are grabbing it. But this time, I will also pass on this too. Nice review and this will certainly help others take back their sanity.

  235. Hey Tony Lee

    What a novel way to market your page, pointing out scams like this is essential for people on the net. Who would not want to makeover 4K in 24 hours?  That all by itself screams scam! Wealth affiliate seems to good to be true, but it is that good. The catch is you need to put in the work.

  236. No company that claims that you’ll earn more than $500  an hour is worth snooping in, much less one that claims that you can make over $4k in less than 24 hours. If it was that easy then wouldn’t we all be millionaires by now? No experience required not working agenda in place truly seems like everyone’s dream so claims like this are so misleading especially for those who are desperate to earn some money. 

  237. Hello Tony!!!

    I loved your post sooo much! There is absolutely NO “get rich fast online” tool that is not a scam. Truth is in the internet, you always need to commit and work very hard to be successful. Thank you so much for showing us all of these scams so that we do not fall into their trap! People may always get attracted by the money and invest in things that are for sure a scam!


  238. Hello Tony,

    Thank you for sharing this amazing article. Your services are authentic and would gladly recommend anyone out there figuring out how to make money on their own. It’s amazing how creative scammers can become. As they stay in the industry of scam longer, it seems people are fade up of their techniques hence they have to pimp up their game as well. But with you, I have no doubt that you will expose every bit of scam.

  239. Thanks for your article Tony. I like so many others have been taken in by over the top claims such as these before – when I was just starting out and I can’t tell you the amount of time and money i wasted blindly following ‘fake advice’ trying to chase a dream that had no substance and was, when all is said and done, a complete con. People just starting out on their online business journey need more articles such as this to stop them from falling prey to scams like this one. Please keep up the good work! 

  240. Hi Tony 

    It never ceases to amazes me how scammers  can make such ludicrous  claims  that often promise to deliver much for such little effort. If I read  such as this, I would  click away as soon as possible because I know it is ridiculous. I am amazed that people will fall for it, as it sounds too good to be true.  I wish people would read reviews like yours before making any decisions.  It is always better to be safe than sorry, especially  when they make such bold statements like this.



  241. What a novel way to market your page, pointing out scams like this is essential for people on the net. there are still some people who do not realise if it is to good to be true it probably is as you get nothing without some work. For example, Wealth affiliate seems to good to be true, but it is that good. The catch is you need to put in the work.

  242. Who would not want to make over 4K in 24 hours.  That all by itself screams scam!  Well, as you say, just taking a look at the website tells the story.  Something I definitely will stay clear of.  Anything really that offers an income like that is always not what it appears.  Thanks for the heads up Tony!

  243. Anytime I see an advertisement for a scheme that will earn so much in very little time, I don’t even bother to investigate further. This Home Cash Code also waves a red flag for me. I am so suspicious of any scheme that requires no work. I am am not saying that it can’t work, I just think that any such arrangement is too much of a high risk, whatever the method of operation. Yes I agree, Wealthy Affiliate is one to work with and it offers so many different ways to earn. I still have lots of work to develop what I want, but it is working and I value the endorsement of a successful veteran. Thank you for this information.

  244. I loved this post! 

    It was so funny and engaging yet scary for everyone who believed in the company you wore about. The Home Cash Code sounds like a scam indeed. 

    I can’t remember the name of the company that scammed me in early 2015, before I joined the Wealthy Affiliate. I remember, that the moment I realized that my (as far as I remember) around $100 is gone I started calling all the phones I could find. Didn’t want to let them take it. But the deal sounded so good, this guy who was my mentor was on the phone with me at one point, and I couldn’t get a hold on him anymore. Anyways, somehow I got my money back, I think that I got my bank involved. 

    I run away from all the “You don’t have to do anything, just click here to make a million” opportunities. Even though my scammer who got my money wasn’t that generous, he thought me a lesson. 

  245. There is no need wanting to get involved with a get rich quick platform if not for lack of orientation about scam sites that tea all over the place and that is one way to identify them easily. I have been invited to some and I have lost money to lots of them in the past and I not making that mistake again. Thank you for sharing such wonderful article.

  246. Ha, thanks. It’s just a joke isn’t it. Easy Cash Code, The Cash Code, Home Cash Code aghhh, total scam. 

    It makes me sad and angry that people are in a position where they feel something like this is their only option. 

    There are real ways of positively contributing to the world and making a good living for you and your family too.

  247. Hi,
    I am new and “stupid” when it comes to those who say they will help me. I always consider something scammy because of desperation, but then your words come into my head. “If it seems too good to be true and doesn’t require any work then guess what? It is too good to be true and you will not only waste your time but you will also ruin your reputation!”

    And you are right. Nobody is going to give away a top secret money making scheme. I am a food blogger, and I have never given up my BEST SECRET recipe. Mama would be mad at me.

    But why do we do these things? I don’t want to make a million, I just want to make my first sale. Can you see how the newbies get sucked into scams like this?

    Thank you for this article. I personally appreciate a review like this from someone who knows.

    Great article.

  248. Hello, Just seen your post on “Is Home Cash Code a Scam?”  You have written an amazing review on the subject.
    Many people would have been scammed by this people. I hope this review will help people to understand about such on time because their claims is something anyone can’t resist. 



  249. Hello tony lee hamilton, thank you for sharing this informative review article about Home Cash Mode. thank you for bringing to our knowledge that it is truly scam. personally my gut told me it was scam when i came across it few days back. now i am certain that it is truly scam. i would share this post to save others from being scammed

  250. The promise of making $4,597.76 alone in one day, turns me away from the program. There is no way to earn that much money unless you do it illegally. I heard of the Case Code before from another review where they claim the system works well but no provided proof. If you really want to make money, the best way is through affiliate marketing. Get rich schemes does not work, only works for the site owner who promises such riches.

  251. Hello there, I must say I nearly fell for this and I would have been really bad for me, Now that I know better, I think it would just be better for me to stay away and also inform others about how this people are nothing but a total scam. It’s a good thing to learn something like this from your website. Thanks alot for sharing

  252. I have always found interesting how this type of story has made these scammers so much money. I feel it’s illogical. If all this would have been making so much money, why would he want to share it with me in exchange for 30 bucks? But over and over again, people continue to fall for these “quite obvious” scams.

  253. Lol! I could not help but laugh when I visited this website because it was like on of the former websites that I had visited and got scammed before so, I was damn sure I wouldn’t be falling for it. However, making my research too wouldn’t hut and seeing your sentiments on it , I appreciate the honesty here and thank you so much for sharing here. 

  254. You’ve saved me a bit of embarrassment Tony. I had contemplated Home Cash Code quite recently. As you’ve demonstrated, it’s quite obviously a scam.

    I really appreciate you taking the time to deconstruct this business. And in the future, if something appears ‘too good to be true’, I think I’ll just give it a wide berth.

    Cheers for the review.

  255. I also believe in that saying as well, if it is too good to be true, most of the time it is. Home Cash Code target market is definitely those who are new to making money online and just want to make easy money. We all know it takes time and discipline to be making money online. Knowledge is power, so if you want to make money online, I suggest that you get yourself educated first. Start with SEO. The done it all for you is just a scam in my opinion. 

  256. One established fact about online business is the fact that it is not a kind of business to expect profits in a day, when I say profits I mean tangible amount of money to sustain you. Get rich quick scams are many out there, they sugar-coat offers so that greedy investors too will fall victim. It’s good to understand the concept of online businesses before checking offers like Home cash code.

  257. Well it’s good that I did not go for a cash code. I always wonder why people make these claims as they will be found out.

     I know it seems obvious but who would restrict such licences on a business where they’re trying to make money! This is taking the scarcity model to a whole new unbelievable level. Thanks for pointing this out about the cash code as I am sure many people just fall for the hype. It’s good you offer a more sensible way to earn money online.

  258. Wow, unbelievable that I almost fell for this home cash code and didn’t know that it was nothing but a scam. Now that I know better, I think it would just be better for me to stay away and also inform others about how this people are nothing but a total scam. It’s a good thing to learn something like this from your website. Thanks!

  259. Hello there! this is an amazing review you have got here on Home Cash Code.  I wonder how many people would have been scammed by this people. I just hope this review go round and stop others from signing in on time because their claims is something anyone can’t resist. 

    Thanks for sharing.

  260. Thank you so much for this review and eye opener on Home Cash Code.  You are so right.  Who is going to give away such a secret?  I am a little wiser now therefore I do not fall for scams as easily as I use too. The idea of making $4,000 dollars plus in 24 hours really sounds too good to be true.   Thank you for exposing this SCAM and thank you for revealing real opportunities to earn money in time.   Thanks for the report of  work at home SCAMs to avoid.

  261. You are absolutely correct about the screenshot of the site. I have seen hundreds of these and nothing screams louder than the credit card info slot right up front. Most instant money making blueprint sites are scams and should heralded as such as often as they are found.  You are also correct in promoting the alternative of finding a way to monetize one of your passions. That way it won’t seem like work and why not get paid for something you would ordinarily do as a hobby. 

    Thanks for pointing this out so we can all avoid this scam.

  262. Wow. Wow. I mean, wow. Yeah… $4.6k in just 24 hours sounds beyond, way beyond too good to be true. It takes no time and no experience to do that. I mean, I must be a dumbass busting my butt every day to make $1k a month happen online. And here is this guy who promises $4.6k in a month with no effort. I mean, I must have wasted the last couple of years of my life, haha.

    I mean, you can’t not love the absurdity of those claims. And yeah, yeah, of course, he is willing to give away that secret/program/whatever for $47. There’s nothing suspicious about that. I mean, isn’t like everyone promising that kind of profits with very little to none effort these days and charging so less?

    Definitely going to pass on this one, Tony! Cheers.

  263. Thanks so much for sharing a beautiful, informative article with us. The principal element of this article is the Home Cash Code Review. It’s really amazing that you covered this subject so well in your post. I have learned a lot from reading your post and gained a lot of knowledge about it. I like, Would that type of money change your life? of the points mentioned in your article. Your review is OK but for now, I don’t want to join this kind of cash code platform.

    I’ve read your article and enjoyed it and I’d like to share it with my friends by posting it in the Facebook community so that everyone knows about your article and gets to know it.

  264. Lmao!

    That’s a great way to start a scam review, Tony. Straight to the point about why programs like these are to be avoided at all costs!

    I know way too many people that have gone down the wrong path and followed bad courses like this only to end up in a worse position than when they start

  265. Thanks for this review here and I must say that I am a tad more disappointed in all these online scams. Truly, a platform like this had scammed me in the past by promising me bogusly and lesser work. But I have learnt my lessons the hard way. This home cash code is definitely not worth trying out at all and should be avoided if one can. Thanks

  266. This is awesome, its amazing how your article turns out, it is nice and comprehensive, though it is kind of disappointing but also kinda funny, your post is an eye-opener, most people has been scammed through online marketing, i will be sure to do a detailed research on websites before doing it..thanks

  267. well said, bro!! I personally do not like those get rich quick scheme things anyway. The best part is the journey and not the destination what is the point of getting rich fast without effort. Like you said affiliate marketing is a very legitimate way to make money online. People just want to get everything so quickly nowadays.

  268. “Does a bear s**t in the woods?” Tony, your reviews Crack Me Up!!! You’re a card. Thanks for bringing some humor to such disappointing information. It is true, though, nothing that has ever promised to be easy has been worthwhile. The best things in life take hard work and usually don’t come on a straight path. Thanks for exposing another scam. You’re helping so many people with these reviews!

  269. I couldn’t have put it better myself when you said if it sounds to good to be true it probably is. It’s starting to be intolerable of how many people are just down right been taken advantage of out there . So thank you for bringing this to everyone’s attention. It’s platforms like that that Detour people from the really good one’s .

  270. Very worrying the amount of scamming going on, people will go to great lengths

    dont forgot to do your research and read reviews on a few different website to avoid getting scammed. 

    you will see some legitimate website but they are in a sea of scammers and fakes. Be vigilant and safe guys

  271. I cannot but be amazed at how this kind of scamming platforms succeeds in scamming people of their money just because of the level of ignorance displayed by people towards them like this. I really appreciate you review and seeing the fact that what they claim is unreal is just so stupid to see. Thumbs up to you

  272. Very interesting article. I can’t believe that one day earning 4597 dollars. I love and liked. Very impressive. Definitely i try this. 29 day’s earnings 106325 dollars wander full. Now i joined cash code. Thanks for the informational article. And thank god. I need more your articles and advice. God bless you 

  273. Very interesting article. I can’t believe that. waaw one day earning 4597 dollars. I love and liked. Very impressive. Definitely i try this. 29 day’s earnings 106325 dollars wander full. Now i joined cash code. Thanks fortha informational article. And thank god. I need more your articles and advice. God bless you


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