LeadFlow 247 is it a copycat of Global MoneyLine?

Update 1 September 2020 ~ Is Lead Flow 247 a Scam? Click here to open a new tab & read this review before wasting $100 per month!

There's a new so called list growing tool available that is in pre-launch mode & accepting founders into the system with only a limited 500 spots in LeadFlow 247. Leads & traffic are of course what we all want for our opportunities in order to attract team members, customers etc.. but at what cost? The founders special is for the 1st 500 who take action and the deal is a one-time $100 instead of the normal cost of $100 per month that everyone else will have to pay. Of the 500 founders, all will be included into a random drawing that will award 24 lucky members with $200 just 7 days after the launch.

What is GlobalMoneyLine? My Global MoneyLine Review! <- Click here to view the review here on this article. (Your click will open the article in a new tab saving your place here on this LeadFlow 247 article)

Who are the creators of LeadFlow 247?

Have you heard of John Valley and/or Donald McClendon?

They are the owners of Lead Flow 247 & also the owners of a site called Automated Income Systems that is shown in the video above. As you can see, the video above has comments disabled and although the video is less than 6 months old, it doesn't explain anything at all.

LeadFlow 247 Reviews

Because it's such a new program, I could only find 1 video uploaded to YouTube and I shared it above. It doesn't give much information, it just shows the back office of a person who signed up as a founder and is promoting the system. The system says that you will receive new email contacts every hour of every day forever. Also the compensation plan for sharing the program is 50% so when you do talk someone into signing up for the monthly $100 subscription, you'll receive $50.


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? #LeadFlow247 ? I am not a rep – read the review at TonyLeeHamilton.com ▶ There's a new so called list growing tool available that is in pre-launch mode & accepting founders into the system with only a limited 500 spots in LeadFlow 247. Leads & traffic are of course what we all want for our opportunities in order to attract team members, customers etc.. but at what cost? The founders special is for the 1st 500 who take action and the deal is a one-time $100 instead of the normal cost of $100 per month that everyone else will have to pay. Of the 500 founders, all will be included into a random drawing that will award 24 lucky members with $200 just 7 days after the launch. #LeadFlow247Review

A post shared by Digital Marketing Veteran ™ (@tony_lee_hamilton) on

Global MoneyLine Leads, Referrals, Traffic and Income from Tony Lee Hamilton on Vimeo.

What is Global MoneyLine?

Global MoneyLine is a system that is free to sign up at and you then are able to private message everyone within the system who joins after you even if you didn't refer them. What I like best about that is that no emails are exchanged, the only persons who receive your email are the admin and your referrer. Your email inbox will not be bombarded with continuous spam emails. MoneyLine does have upgrade options starting at $20 one time payment for the Bronze Membership and they go up from there. Learn more about GlobalMoneyLine here.


Final Thoughts

While LeadFlow 247 may end up being a great list building program, I will stay with and recommend Global MoneyLine that has been working great for me since their launch over 3 years ago. There are over 500,000 members and I am currently the #8 all time referrer with 2,119 personal referrals, many of whom have also earned thousands with the program.


173 thoughts on “LeadFlow 247 is it a copycat of Global MoneyLine?”

  1. Hi Tony. I am a member of the Wealthy Affiliate. I am pleased with my progress. However if I would choose one more thing I would choose Global MoneyLine. I think Global MoneyLine is better. I conclude this from your texts and many others. I believe in your recommendations and I think that the positive sides of Global MoneyLine are very good. Thanks for this insight into the platform.

  2. Thank you Tony,  from what I read from your article , it is pretty obvious that you preferred global money like to lead flow 247, I also got to know that lead flow247 doesn’t really have enough videos to justify what it really does. But on the other hand, Global money line is like the opposite of lead flow cash and then you have been using it yourself. Though, I am already into some affiliate marketing but if I was to choose, I would choose global money line.

  3. I think Global money line still remains the best considering the reviews we have read about it and recommendations from you with all the features and benefits. It’s better to go for a certain deal instead of settling for uncertainty and eventually regret. Thank you for sharing this with us on this platform.its appreciated

  4. Many thanks to you for comparing the two platforms. The first of these two platforms is Lead 247 which is known as Automated Income System and can easily generate income from here. The other is the Global Money Line platform through which those who want to start a new business can also come here and achieve success. Considering the overall aspect of these two platforms, I can say that the Global Money Line platform is the best.

  5. Well, I’m a member of MoneyLine and don’t intend living so soon. Lead Flow can promise whatever they like but I won’t bother signing up. When you pay a company for leads, there are many factors to consider. The most of them is that you can never know if those leads are of quality. But with MoneyLine, all users registered are real and legit, so you don’t need to worry about fake traffic or leads. And the best part is that it’s free to join.

  6. Hello Tony Lee Hamilton. Thank you very much for dropping this wonderful article. I’ve been looking forward to your article since and I’m happy I’m finally seeing one. I do believe that leadflow 247 is an amazing list building program, I have known about leadflow 247 quite some time now , although I had no much knowledge about what it’s all about then but with this great article I now understand what it is all about, all thanks to you Tony. 

  7. Hello there Tony, thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful piece of information here with us. There are many products out there that are just replicating the works of other vendors and this is really bad because they are always scamming people and taking their money without offering anything in return. I think this is really helpful as  it will tell people that leadflow is not a good product. Thanks for the heads up

  8. I checked the video out for leads 247 and it was not convincing enough for me to give it a trial. i also tried to check out for more videos online but i couldn’t find anyone. I am kind of skeptical about this platform as i think that money-line is working fine. but the one time fee is really cool though.

  9. Hello tony lee hamilton, this article on whether lead flow 247 is a copy cat of global moneyline is one i have always anticipated. Ever since i came across lead flow 247, i have always been unsure of what to think about it. thanks to your article i can now conclude that although lead flow 247 is a great program, i still prefer global moneyline to it. i am glad i came across this article

  10. I do believe that leadflow 247 is an amazing list building program, I have known about leadflow 247 quite some time now , although I had no much knowledge about what it’s all about then but with this great article I now understand what it is all about and I’m really glad I came across this article, it’s really an enlighten information and it was really helpful. Thank you for sharing.

  11. Hello Tony, thank you for sharing this vital information about LeadFlow. This is my first time hearing of the platform but I am glad that I came across it in your article cause now I know enough about it to avoid the platform because from what I have read I have to say that I’m not all for the platform. 

  12. Hello Tony, its a pleasure to be here and I have really be leaning towards being good at business. I can see that you have done very well with Global MoneyLine, and you only have good things to say about it. Because of your achievements on this platform with regards to referrals and leads, along with the success of your referrals. Cheers 

  13. It is both sad and sdisheartening that a platform would only set up to serve as a danger to another platform.which to me does not resonate well. For what is worth, what has been shared here is both great to see and also good to explore here. Surely a very worthy one to see here and well.worthy too. Thank you for this here

  14. Oh well, there’s always going to be platforms like this that just try to be what they’re not by trying to be what other people are but the truth remains like you aid here that they don’t usually work out. I’m really glad I could read this because I was almost going to join that copy cat.

  15. There are many products out there that are just replicating the works of other vendors and this is really bad because tywya re always scamming people and taking their money without offering anything in return. This is really helpful and it’ll tell people that leadflow is not a good product.

  16. Leadflow 247 seems like the best way to earn higher traffic for me currently. Although I might not have enough funds to join but this is such an incredible and wonderful opportunity to grow my online business. Thank you Tony for this review. I learnt a lot and I’m looking forward to learning more about this program.

  17. Hello Tony! for me, If you’ve been in digital marketing for a while, you’ll realize that it all boils down the ROI. As far as I’m concern, channeling a batch of random leads into a pre-built sales page isn’t going to give you high onversion rates. It all depends on luck, than a systematic approach of marketing.

  18. Hi,

    I like reading articles on lead flow because all of us online need lead flow and traffic for our websites, the compensation plan for sharing in the platform is 50%, when someone sign up under you with 100$, you will get 50$ for it. Leadflow 247 will be a great list building program.

    Thank you.


  19. Hi mr hamilton,

    Thank you for this article on Lead Flow 247. I always learn something new with your articles and I have broader horizon on what are the options out there.I have been on the hunt for a good list building platform. Leadflow247 is definitely not too worthy considering they are trying to copy global money line which I smote original and more better than them in every angle that I know of.

    Best regards

  20. I will only consider following a program if I know someone who has succeeded with it. That someone also has to be someone I trust. I can see that you have done very well with Global MoneyLine, and you only have good things to say about it. Because of your achievements on this platform with regards to referrals and leads, along with the success your referrals, I think this platform is worth trying out.

  21. It was interesting to read this text about Lead Flow 247. Thank you for explaining so well what it is about. There are a lot of similarities but this is not the first time that successful business models have been copied. Of course, nothing can be like the original, but everyone is looking for a way to make money and some people can’t do it. great article, great greetings.

  22. Yes, Global MoneyLine has been online for quit a while and has been a favorable platform for most digital marketer. Well, when something new come online like Lead Flow 247, we need to be careful and watch on how it will turn out in the nearest future especially where they may not be any much information or discussion about the program.

  23. Thank you for the information on LeadFlow 247 and the great comparison with the Global MoneyLine. It looks like the Global money line has a traceable track record and we cannot say the same about LeadFlow247. The gap in the subscription amount is also too big. These makes the Global MoneyLine an obvious and a wise choice.

  24. I have heard of Global Money Line but have not been using it to this point.  I do however need to stimulate some email traffic. I appreciate your frank review of LeadFlow 247.  The monthly membership fee is too much given the newness of the program and the lack of introductory information.  I will continue to look at Global Money Life and go from there.

  25. This article has been very eye opening as usual.You bring out the details in such a way that one can make a good decision.  This is the first time that I will read anything at all about this leadflow 24/7 and I feel that with all you have shared here. I have to say I didn’t know anything about Global MoneyLine and I found it very awesome.

    Thank you for putting this amazing review out.

  26. This is a big copy cat and this is becau I was able to go on to check it out myself and see it by myself and it is very sad how this platforms just think that they can come up to copy the other platforms that are out there because they want to be just like them. New moneyline is the only good one we know.

  27. Thanks Tony, your am fascinated by this piece of information. Reading through the article shows that 247 is a real copycat of money line. This becomes a little hard for beginners who are not able to read and sieve through the information to make a profitable and sound decision. Glad I am following your reviews 

  28. Globalmoneyline has been out there doing a lot of good to a lot of people, and it is very important to know of copycat products that are out there to replicate and scam people who are vulnerable of their money. Thanks for sharing this here, it’ll help people get away form leadflow or whatever it is called.

  29. Thank you for your post. It is useful for me. I started my online business for a while now and always want to enhance my email marketing, but my email leads are limited. I am looking for ways to extend my email marketing. Lead Flow 247 Program sounds an attractive tool. 

    Last few weeks, I tried Solo Ads. It was so easy to spend $100 dollars in one day, but I got few quality leads. This program costs $100 a month. There is potential to gain leads daily and to access the traffic rotator which allow us to get more traffic or email lead. I am going to have a serious look of this program and wish that I have effective email marketing tool.

  30. Hey Tony

    First of all, congratulations on being the 8the top referer on GlobalMoney Line. To be in the top 100 of any good platform is an accomplishment in itself but you did one better and are in the top 10.

    You provide a lot of alerts of these new “opportunities” that we should stay clear off. I think for now leadflow 247 is off the table and should be for many. With your experience in such platforms, taking your word for it is advisable.

    Solomon & Selina

  31. Savvy move to play it secure on this one. No have to be surge into anything, particularly once you don’t know the ins-and-outs however. It sounds like it’s a small bit as well modern to be bouncing the weapon. I would hold up, and grant it some time to see in the event that individuals are getting genuine comes about, and on the off chance that it could be a long-term sustainable profit-maker. No point in contributing in a bunch of time to form fair a small bit of benefits, and after that have the company closed down since it was debased. There are unused companies continually coming out, and most of them don’t make it long-term. So contributing your time in a company that’s been around for a longer time, with so numerous individuals getting the incredible comes about, may be a much more astute way to play it.

  32. Thank you for this article on Lead Flow 247, the fact their comments are disabled on their video speaks volumes. The potential compensation sounds good, but at what expense to one`s personal reputation if they sign up via you.  I have to say your recommendation to stick to Global Money Line, sounds wise.  Thank you for the advice.

  33. Hello there Tony, I really enjoyed reading and learning a lot from your article ‘LeadFlow 247 is it a copycat of Global MoneyLine?’. I have heard a lot about Global Moneyline but this is my first time hearing of LeadFlow 247. From reading this article, I have a gained an overview insight into all that it entails so I really appreciate you sharing this article. 

  34. Thanks for the article. I have never come across Leadflow 247 and Global Money Line.

    I always learn something new with your articles and I have broader horizon on what are the options out there.

    Great information on the product and I like the videos providing clear and easy to understand information.

    Thanks and great work!

  35. Great information. List building is probably the most overlooked aspect of e-marketing.

    I have been on the hunt for a good list building platform.  Leadflow 247 seems like a viable option but you did mention Global MoneyLine. I followed your recommendation and went with Global MoneyLine and will be exploring both to see which one fits my overall needs.

    Best regards,


  36. Leadflow247 is definitely not too worthy considering they are trying to copy global money line which I smote original and more better than them in every angle that I know of. I like everything that you share here is really great Here. Thank you so much for all you have shared here and it is definitely well worthy 

  37. This comparison between Lead Flow 247 and Global MoneyLine is very interesting. It is not the first time I read about Lead Flow 247 on your website, and also the first time the impression was not so good. And this not because I think that Lead Flow 247 is a scam, but because I am not so convinced of the quality of their leads. For what concerns Global MoneyLine, I’m still working on deepening my knowledge about it! 🙂

  38. Hello Tony, I have to say I too have been confused with this two business and I have to say I have been really worried about how similar to each other they are and seeing this article have given me clarity and I really love how you have done justice with explanation in these two. Cheers

  39. Thanks so much Tony for sharing accurate information about new how to make money on the internet programs, it’s great to have you and your website to help anyone who is interested to work from home on an internet business to know if a program is legit and safe to try or not. This article will help many to stay safe from falling into a bad program, Thanks again!

  40. Hello Tony, thank you so much again for all your useful information about Lead Flow. It is very obviously a copycat of Global Moneyline and because of that, it may attract a lot of inexperienced people who are new in online business. It’s hard to say whether they could be classified as 100% scam, but I would personally stay away from them, as they don’t seem trustworthy – unlike the good old Global Moneyline, which you have recommended. Thank you for that!

  41. Well,I lacked the basic knowledge about this leadflow247 before but seeing the fact that they are offering it alongside money line can make a lot of difference for us. Honestly, what you shares here is massive and I love this well.  The fact that this money line is very good is giving me the go ahead to want to try this here too. Thanks

  42. Ita very good that you shared this article about leadflow, many times people fall victim of these things and they dont know how to go about it,nits always good for you to take time to research about offers that you’re taking online in order to be on the safe side.

  43. Let us be wary of those Ponzi scheme type of online business. From the reviews I read about LeadFlow 247, I personally think this is a Ponzi scheme business, and $100 is not worth spending on. We could find better online income source, my advise is to be wise in choosing income source platforms. I was a victim of Ponzi scheme marketing business which robbed me of money, time, and effort, and I have learnt my lessons the hard way. 

    Thank you, Tony, for another eye-opener.

    More blessings to you,


  44. I discover any organization that has “restricted positions” and ensured comes back to be outside the extent of my trust. This is upgraded by dubiousness in limited time recordings and proprietors who can’t be reached. The referral program is liberal, in fact, yet before I allude somebody to a program that costs cash, I need to be sure it merits their time and cash by righteousness of value. Does this program genuinely bring the guaranteed traffic? Also, on the off chance that it does, is it the sort of traffic that your site needs? Questions like this make me dubious. I’m not prepared for Lead Flow 247.

  45. Thanks for another informative review, Tony. I am interested in trying out this type of system to generate traffic, but I don’t think I would take my chances with a system that is so new and doesn’t have a lot of reviews yet. I am going to try Global MoneyLine first since it is more well-established and you can start for free.

  46. Thanks for the amazing review – LeadFlow 247 is it a copycat of Global MoneyLine?

    I have been in search of a list growing tool for a while now but didn’t know where to start from. 

    After reading your review, LeadFlow 247 looks fine and seems to do the job. But I am 100% interested in going with Global MoneyLine you have already been with them for 3 long years and are satisfied with them. This piece of information is enough for me to take the first step forward.

    Thanks a lot


  47. I’ve been looking into both of these companies. I was actually going to try LeadFlow 247 and I don’t think this article is saying they are a scam or anything, but that they are just too new to have built up a good reputation. I just don’t like that when I go to their website I can’t find out anymore about the program until I put in my e-mail address but I guess that’s pretty common in the industry. I’m still undecided but I’m thinking of trying Global now. Thanks.

  48. First of all, thank you for putting this amazing review out, I really enjoyed reading and learning a lot from it as this is my first time hearing of LeadFlow 247 but Global Moneyline I have heard of numerous times. It’s good to hear about all these good and bad businesses out and also learn a lot about them and all that they entail. 

  49. I checked the video out for leads 247 and it was not convincing enough to me. i also tried to source for more videos online but i could not find more. I am skeptical about this program as i think that moneyline is working fine. but the one time fee is awesome though. thank you for this review.

  50. Hi there Tony! 

    I had been checking the LeadFlow 247 program because I saw it in a video and this review was amazing! I have to say I didn’t know anything about Global MoneyLine and I found it very awesome that you were able to give me another solution! It was amazing reading this and I am going to go for Global MoneyLine!

    Thanks a lot!

  51. Thanks for your review on Lead Flow 24/7. Wow, Global Money Line has a new copy cat already! Why can’t people be more original. This screams a lot of red flags to me. It seems that the owners (another red flag) are just targeting the newbies and just make a quick buck and dash. I think I am gonna stay away.

  52. hello tony thanks alot for sharing such an amazing content with us all, i was actually doing some research online when i saw your post and i really must commend your effort in bringing up such an amazing article i believe these article will enlightened a lot of people, thanks alot for the info i really do fancy these post a lot.

  53. “The system says that you will receive new email contacts every hour of every day forever.” Uuuummmm isn’t that against FTC rules? You have to have permission to send email to people or it is spam. I know it is definitely against amazon’s rules. Maybe its ok because the people sign up agree to give their email….I don’t know. Sounds kinda scammy to me. 

  54. Thank you for sharing this here. This is the first time that I will read anything at all about this leadflow 24/7 and I feel that with all you have shared here, it seems they only want to mirror global money line and that does not seem to resonate well with me since I already join moneyline and I an building the right networks already. Thanks so much for sharing here

  55. This article has been very eye opening as usual. A great time saver from joining a programme that may appear better yet is actually a duplicate of an existing one. Thanks for empowering us with knowledge about this copycat Tony. You bring out the details in such a way that one can make a good decision.

  56. Hi Tony, I usually don´t see any video that start talking about an easy way to do things. They are certainly copycats, “an email contacting every hour” with comments disabled. That is an immediate red flag to me.

    This type of lazy way to set an online business it´s been a nightmare to most of the people who wants money right away. So it is very good to unmask this type of people. 

    Thanks again to spot those red flags in online businesses.

  57. Awesome Tony, this is my first time to hear about lead flow 24/7 but I have heard a lot about global money line and to be honest, I am so glad now to know all these bad and good programs out there. I value all you have shared here and honestly, I am more focused on developing my network and also getting the right people to visit my blog. Thank you so much for sharing and God bless you as always.



  58. Hello there, you have do well to have put this article out just at the right time and that have been a couple of people who make mistake of going into this business. Leadflow 247 is really a copycat looking at the way it organized it procedures, and I think it’ll be advisable to stay away from such offers. I feel really happy getting this information for here 

  59. Lead Flow 247 was sounding like something I would be interested in. Global MoneyLine, however, gives a lot more information upfront and does not fill up your inbox and those are GREAT points when it comes to leads and traffic! Having a blogging site, I know how important it is to have both! I would most definitely will look closely into Global!

     Thank you!

  60. After hearing about global, I would not be interested in the Lead flow. I am a bit suspicious of schemes that have very little information. It might work well for some people, but the big turn off for me would be the excessive email bombardment. No matter how great the returns, i couldn’t deal with that. Thank you for this review , one of the many honest ones I have read from you

  61. It is normal for some small platforms to try to copy the bigger ones that have attained success at what they do and this is probably the case with this lead flow  and global money line platform that you have shared here. I think it is good to learn this and also to see that this one is in it’s relaunch stage and looking to fire on.

  62. It’s very good that you posted this, so many people are out there trying to sell clowned products to people without consider what could be their loss at doing that. Leadflow is really a copycat looking at the way it organized it procedures, and I think it’ll be advisable to stay away from such offers.

  63. This is the first time I would be hearing about lead flow 24/7 but I have heard a lot about global money line and to be honest, this is really worthy t see here. I value all you have shared here and honestly, I am more focused on developing my network and also getting the right people to visit my blog. Thank you so much for sharing

  64. Hey Tony,

    Great article and very informative. I found it by actually researching leadflow 247 reviews after I saw someone promoting it on Facebook.  I have been involved with Internet marketing for a few years now and have been burned a few times, especially with solo ads.

    This seems legit, but I would have to try out for a month or so first to test the leads. For $100 it is definitely worth a shot. Just hoping that that offer is still on the table for founders?

    Let me know mate and I will for sure think more seriously about getting involved.



  65. This is another excellent article. It is good to see an article showing that all lead programs are not equal. I have joined numerous schemes like this and they either bombard you with offers from other members or they are leads that have come from some dubious source. It looks as though global money line is an opportunity worth joining if you need leads.

  66. I read your review on Global MoneyLine Tony, so it is very interesting to get your view on Lead Flow 247 as well. I hadn’t heard of either of these platforms before but for a newbie like me who is looking to build traffic to her website, both of these platforms look amazing. I shall be researching a bit more and as mentioned have bookmarked your blog to keep updated with the latest amazing content you have to offer!

  67. Nice one Mr. Tony, i love your articles, they are always comprehensive, informative and interesting.I have never heard of Lead flow 247, but it seems to have similar features with Global moneyline although i prefer to work with Global moneyline since i have known them much longer and i feel more comfortable with it, i will also recommend Global moneyline because i know them better, the idea of getting leads every hour is cool but i will stick with moneyline, although i dont think Lead flow 247 is just a copycat, it is still cool..Thanks Mr. Tony.

  68. Lead Flow 247 and GlobalMoneyLine seem to work on similar concepts when viewed  from a distance. However, there are differences to it. It is great that you bring out an in-depth review comparing both Lead Flow 247 and GlobalMoneyLine to better understand the differences.

    The gifts coming from LeadFlow 247 in its launching phase is the first big difference but I guess this is only to advertise the launch. In the long run, the value provided by each of the program must be evaluated.

    GlobalMoneyLine has many other advantages in the long run. Also it has proven itself over the years. While the subscription plan of GlobalMoneyLine is cheaper, Lead FLow 247 provides a better compensation. This is quite logical as the subscription earnings goes into compensation plan.

    As of now, I am using GlobalMoneyLine and would continue doing so. Lead Flow 247 is a new system and I will wait to get more reviews before trying it out.

  69. As a newbie, this is mostly over my head, but I do appreciate the heads up. I am not ready for either program but I will certainly be cautious after reading your review when I am.

    Your description of the program Leadflow 247 sent some red flags with the fact that they turned off comments and that there is no real information.

  70. Although i love the idea of receiving leads every hour, There is not much information available about the actual product itself, which is rather concerning. Also what type of leads are they talking about? Any traffic and leads for any type of niche? It would be nice to have more information about leadflow 247. Thanks for the recommendation though,


  71. Some more amazing information! I recently joined Global moneyline and it is good and the price to join is great, and seem like a great way for traffic on my website. Thats the great thing about marketing online, its so many different ways to do it and get great results! With great marketing skills and a good work ethic anything is possible!

  72. A very informative topic informing you about another system that is copied from the Global MoneyLine. The system has not any productive information for the product found on the copied Moneyline and this provides the after for the users of online money making the only best online money making is an affiliate

  73. Hello Tony Lee Hamilton, thank you for sharing this informative and resourceful review article . This article is centered on whether lead flow 247 is a copycat of globalmoneyline .  The video content provided quite explains what this platform is about.  Personally I don’t feel convinced to dive into it.  Everything about the platform is not really glaring.  Nothing else apart from a YouTube videos  I don’t think it is safe to venture into it yet  

  74. This sounds very alarming to me. All the tell tale signs of scam are present. No enough information about the creator, just one YT video,comments disabled and it doesn’t explain anything about the product.

    Referring people to this product make me cringe. Your post sounded the alarm to stay away from this product. 

  75. A very informative topic informing you about another system which is copied from Global MoneyLine. Not only is there great information about the two products there is also video content that is excellent. The video content is great at explaining about what this program is all about.

    There is always something old and something new on the internet theses days so its positive to see that there are a few people exposing the copycat systems for what they are. (good & Bad)

    As always people will find the value in something that works for them. MoneyLine works for me as well as using Wealthy Affiliate as a honest starting point. There isn’t many reviews with the level of content in video format as you have included so great job and a very worthwhile review by yourself.

  76. It amaze me how programs are copied, my point of view  on this   subject is that if you are with GML and it is working , why switch to Leadflow247?  Wh every marketer needs is result sand if a program is woking , perhaps you can leverage from the new program, but should not leave the one that is working. It is important for new marketers that being consistent with a strategy can be more beneficial than continue to try every new program. There are many programs that are effective,, but people give up because they do not see result overnight. Work with the program you have, be persistent and make it work, changing programs would not improve you chances if you will give up without putting any effort. 

  77. Every day I’m amazed at the number of dishonest people and scams there are on the internet. Affiliate marketing seems to be one of the trending targets of scammers. People are desperate to make some money, and some entities are interested in taking what little their targets may have to try and make it with their program. You have given good advice. If seekers would look to what seems to be working with a ton of affiliates and where the ratings are great, then perhaps Wealthy Affiliate would be a good option for them. 

    Thanks for the review and insight! 


  78. Hello Tony, I have seen so many businesses online that seem like they copied another but they nwd up being a really good company on their own and that is something that applied to Leadflow 247 which I really like. Nevertheless with so much work they need to do on their services and from your conclusion on this article, I would just stay with Global Moneyline that I am aware of

  79. Leadflow 247 looks like  the best way to get higher traffic for me right now. Although I might not have enough money to join but this is such an incredible opportunity to grow my online business. Thank you Tony for this review I really learnt a lot and I’m looking forward to learning more about this program.

  80. Having perused through all you have written here, I must say that I really like what you have shared. Honestly, this leadflow 247 is not too thrilling andi feel that I needed to stay off it a bit. This moneyline overview here that you have showed expliajed that it is really good but this leadflow 247 is good to see too though. Thanks

  81. Hi Tony,  I am still working on Global Money Line and will focus on using them.  This Leadflow does sound very familiar, but as you say you have had much success with GlobalMoneyLine, why change or get something new that is just a copy cat.  I agree with your review.  Great job as usual.

  82. Thank you so much for sharing with us an interesting and research article. The main subject of this article is lead flow 247 is it a copycat of the global Moneyline. It is truly commendable that you have demonstrated this topic so well in your article. I have learned a lot by reading your article and gained a lot of cognition about lead flow 247. Of the points mentioned in your article, I like the global Moneyline.I joined the Global Money Line Platform a while ago and seeing its various benefits I am very inspired to get people to join here so that they too can get such benefits.

    Finally, I will say that I have read your article, I have enjoyed it, I have read your previous posts, I have realized that it is easy to make money online through Global Money Line, which you have seen step by step.

  83. Hey Tony,

    After reading your review of LeadFlow 247, immediately  l visited their landing page. It seems their introduction video is very convincing, but the membership plan has increased to USD997 per year or USD100 per month which is tad experience for me as a newbIe. 

    I personally don’t think you can make money with it although they have a referral program until they have testimonials to prove it. However, Scamadviser reviewed LeadFlow 247 has a trust score of 71 which means people are jumping into this program.

    As at now, l will stick to Wealthy Affiliate to grow my online business.

    Thank you for alert this new platform so people don’t fall into the trap.


  84. Looks very similar but only very recent. You know I was just contemplating joining the money line platform that you shared here on your website and it’s a very good one all round. This one just seems like a copy cat. Now that I understand that you have been in money line and it has worked for so many people, I think I should just jump on to that one.

  85. Sticking to a program that has been confirmed to be a good and reliable source of income will be a very good decision to make, not disputing the fact that Leadflow 247 had the tendencies of being a good means too but it’s still in prelaunch yet to be unveiled. Thanks for your recommendation.

  86. Hi thank you for opening my eyes, I have decided to try after receiving numerous emails promising stars and moon.

    I have been a victim to some of these amoral characters on many occasion and I promised not to be a victim any longer. Thank God for Wealthy Affiliate. I have now seen the light where to learn and grow my own business

  87. Hi, Tony.

    Yet another scam program brought out of the shadows. It’s like a new one pops up every day, now it’s clear to see why. This business model is so easy to replicate and people keep falling for it, giving them more reason to copy the formula.

    How would I even know the email addresses they have are legit and how exactly are they farming these contacts? This business is about as shady as it gets.

  88. Really? Though I have never heard about this leadflow 247 before but if it actually copies money line, then that will mean they also offer something great enough then. I am a big fan of money line and seeing this here will really make it a lot more easier for me to get rolling with. Thumbs up to you for sharing all.of these out here with us all. Thanks so much for sharing it here. I will definitely try my vest to share out too that money line is a lot better

  89. In this short article, the writer is talking about 247, which doesn’t seem to have substance in it at all.  I don’t know how you’re supposed make money just by referring people.  I wouldn’t want to be involved in this company at all. It’s ripping people off.  I’m glad I found Wealthy Affiliates, it is a gem sitting in the mountain of crap most everywhere else.

  90. LeadFlow 247 sounds very interesting, but if it’s really that similar to Global MoneyLine, I don’t know if I’d want to get involved when I already trust the latter more. I understand that LeadFlow is in the early stages, though, so I’ll wait for them to gain more traction before I reevaluate. I just think that for the time being, it doesn’t really fall into my list of priorities. Thank you for the fantastic review, though!

  91. I remember seeing a few more ads about Lead Flow 247 but I didn’t give it much importance. Reading your article and all this well-explained review I can say that it is worth trying. Having a website I think would help me a lot to increase my traffic here and automatically increase my profit related to my online business.
    Hope to see many reviews about such useful platforms. Good luck!

  92. So, basically you’ll be paying $100 every month just to get an unknown list of emails per hour that may not even be legit as to having an actual user on the receiver end? A little risky I might say especially since it’s a new platform. How did they even gather all of those emails? Has anyone actually made any type of income with this platform? 

  93. Lead Flow 247 may be a very legitimate opportunity.  But, especially in the pre-launch phase, they need to work extremely hard in establishing a strong trust factor. Quality customers only buy from those they trust.  In order to attract the kind of entrepreneurs they will need to form a firm business foundation, they need to be flooding the internet with videos — now. Plenty of good solid decision making information needs to be out there. I think their success will hinge on this.

  94. I guess these guys are new which is why they probably don’t have a lot of videos on people reviewing the platform so it is going to be a great risk for anyone thinking about joining but maybe it would be probably worth it especially because of the one-time payment for its founding members. It seems there is no way to get back one’s money as a sought of warranty because I could not find it anywhere on this post. It would have been great if they did as if anyone is not very pleased then they probably would be able to get back their money.

  95. I guess the debate is still out on email marketing and the relationship you have with your potential consumers. What is that relationship and is it is going to be clear enough in a list as consumers look for relationship and loyalty? Does this help build your brand?  However many people who don’t have a list say they wish they had one! I wonder if youtube is taking this are ahead on in being able build a relationship which then devilers a transaction? What do you think of youtube as a lead generator? 

    I have not heard of the two options you mention so I will look at this option more closely. Leadflow 247 does have some definitive benefits and security is key of course. Thanks for sharing.

  96. Hey,

    I’ve heard of LeadFlow 247 from a friend of mine but I had no clue what it was really about.

    Now I’ve been enlightened by your review, thanks.

    It really seems interesting, and it’s true that the money is in the list.

    That said, I might give it a shot.

    Thanks again for sharing


  97. Interesting article. This is actually the first I have heard of LeadFlow 247 so it definitely peaked my interest. Also, with that introductory deal is really good! But I would have to agree that going with the option that is tried and true is always a good choice and often a better choice. 

    Any updates on LeadFlow 247? Have they got the 500 initial members?

  98. MoneyLine is a very interesting platform to generate real traffic to your website and also create your network. I have been reading your information about this to see what are the best practices to follow before getting into the Moneyline platform. I finally decided to get in and give it a try after reading all the information you have about it on this post. 

    Even though It may be hard to get into it, you have provided me with enough information to be success in this platform and make sure to make money.


  99. Well! I know of the abilities of the moneyline and how efficient it worked for me so if I see such a thing as this leadflow, I believe it should be worth an interest to pay attention to it. However, since it is still in the earliest period of prelaunch, I believeit is only okay to have my fingers crossed and see it coming to live first. Thanks for the poat

  100. This demonstrates why you cannot just take people’s word for it but do their own research. It also shows the value of reviews like yours, for it helps the newbie to make the right decision and not get scammed by online crooks. I only heard about Lead Flow 247 here but for me, the startup invitation is not one that I will easily jump on. Unless the owner has a successful reputation, I wait to see.

  101. Thanks much for this interesting article. This does look like a great way to dispatch $100 off on a wing and a prayer.  As you so rightly say there are very few details on how the system will work. There is no definite launch date, so you could be waiting for years for it to get off the ground. Even assuming that it does work would you have any guarantee at all that the leads would be quality leads with an actual human being on the other side. Thanks much for sharing but I think I will watch this one from the sidelines. Best regards

  102. Hi Tony,

    I’m glad I read to the end and saw the conclusion you came to – ‘While Lead Flow 247 may end up being a great list building program, I will stay with and recommend Global MoneyLine that has been working great for me since their launch over 3 years ago.’ I think that says it all really. Since joining MoneyLine it has obviously worked a treat for you is there any advantage to going to Lead Flow 247?

  103. Hey Tony Lee,

    Well, becoming a founder of this program for a one-time $100 payment sounds like a screaming deal.  If it were up and running, I think $100 per month is a bit steep. If you could find two referrals a month, your fee would be paid, but I think you could spend a lot of time looking for those referrals.  Sometimes you need to take the wrapping off a package to see what is really inside.

    Have you joined? If so, do you feel you will get enough good leads for your money?  It certainly is the time to join if it’s something you want.  I hope I don’t regret not snapping this one up.  Will be watching to see how they do.



  104. Thank you for the heads up on LeadFlow 247 – sounds like a great concept but still not much info on it if its worth the investment. You say to stick with MoneyLine which is free to join. How does it work and what’s the catch there if it is free? I’m a newbie here to this online business model so still lots to learn. Thank you teaching me something new today. 

  105. I think a person should stick to global moneyline and stay away from leadflow 247. There are many scam sites that just want your money and don’t care about people. I think when a person is checking out a new system, they should find other people that are involved with it and find out if it is legitimate or not. Too many times people get burned because they jump right in before finding out more about the true intentions of the people involved.

  106. I’m not sure I understand the concept of this program. It does seem like such a new site, but without enough information for me to decide to invest. I hope that you will update us when there is more available. For now, I’m going to take a “sit back and watch” approach, rather than investing in something that might just be a money grab.

    Thank you for bringing the program to my attention.

  107. As you say Tony, there is not a lot that you could find about Leadflow 247 and what is there, does not actually sound particularly good. If you are buying leads, they might not be the type of leads that are good for your niche. 

    I would prefer to stick with your recommendation of Global Moneyline which is free to join. 

  108. Hello Tony, this is another nice one and this article would help alot of persons as it has been of help to me..I have always wanted to try this product out  but I just needed some reviews on them and I think I have all I need. Thanks alot for sharing this awesome article

  109. Hello there! This is an amazing review you’ve got here. I’m gradually getting more confidence in your reviews on any platform as the sincerity is second to none. For me, I’ll also prefer global Moneyline as the features are way better than that of Leadflow. Thanks for sharing this with me.

  110. There is so little information available about this opportunity and what little there is does not sound good. I’m all for growing my list but I want to have leads that are interested in what I have to offer and I don’t want to pay for leads forever since those leads that keep on coming are probably not the type of red hot leads I’m looking for. 

  111. I am always interested in finding ways to build lists especially as I am no real expert so I read your article with great interest. I am always dubious about new businesses especially when there are not too many reviews so I think that this review from yourself will be really useful. I like the way that you have explained the business operation and compared it to GlobalMoneyLine. At least this information will enable people who are interested to look into a little more detail as I certainly will be but it does look good enough for me to find out a little more.

    Full of useful information and links to find out more.

    Thank you 

  112. Well, becoming a founder of this program for a one-time $100 payment sounds like a screaming deal.  If it were up and running, I think $100 per month is a bit steep. If you could find two referrals a month, your fee would be paid, but I think you could spend a lot of time looking for those referrals.  Sometimes you need to take the wrapping off a package to see what is really inside.

    Have you joined? If so, do you feel you will get enough good leads for your money?  It certainly is the time to join if it’s something you want.  I hope I don’t regret not snapping this one up.  Will be watching to see how they do.

  113. Hey there Tony. I have been looking for information about LeadFlow and before your post I had found nothing. I’m glad you wrote this article.

    The compensation plan is attractive and receiving and email contact every hour forever sounds even better. I’d like to give these guys a try. They are new but they could be a good opportunity.

  114. This traffic producer seems almost too good to be true. What is the track record of these founders and can they show that they will deliver on their promises? There are SOOO many programmes popping up left right and centre nowadays asking for you to sign up with “crazy discounts”, is this just another one of them or actually something worth it?

  115. hi dont know what to say about the topic is satan right or wrong  to receive money for life just like that. if it was that easy then all of us would be nice. As for me i dont trust fee things i would like to work for it and see what i built just to be an old school way. if you anyone gets those free money feel free to tell me. it is still under construction with less is known and only limited spot of 500. if it true tell us about .  

  116. Hi Tony

    Can you tell/confirm if either of these systems give you the opportunity to register leads directly on a funnel that has emails strategy already in place? In other words, I want to have them opted into my own funnel.
    Does my question make sense?
    Thanks for your help.

  117. It seems that LeadFlow 247 is still in its early days but from what you have found it seems like they have the potential to be good. In particular the referral program of 50 percent is awesome. But also with leads being the focus and with me wanting for my business it has interested me.

    I guess we will have watch this space and I would be interested in hearing what some of the first users have to say as that will help me decide if they are legit.

    Will you be updating this review in the future Tony?



    • Hi Josh,

      yes my friend I do agree and will absolutely look at updating this review as soon as there is new information. 

      You are welcome and thank you Josh,


  118. Hi, I’ve heard about leadflow in the past and didn’t think much of it. But your article explains it very well. I also get suspicious when there is not much information or reviews on a product, and leadflow247 gives very little information about how they operate. Disabling comments is always a red flag!  But it will be interesting to see over time it shows to be legit or a scam. Thank you for writing a informative review

  119. Wow did you create your own videos and are you in the process of creating this traffic generator yourself or are you an affiliate? I would like to know more about these traffic producers and if there  are any cons to this automation and service. That is very motivational and you have definitely been successful in your website design.

  120. I like your explanation of lead flow with videos. This is my first time hearing about lead flow and has questions concerning the fees. $100 is a bit pricing for this type of service, don’t you think. Also believe comments are disabled, cause the founders are possibly misleading. I would have to research lead flow bit more before committing to purchase this service. 

  121. Hello there thanks for putting out this article it would be of great help to the public as it has been of help to me.i have used global moneyline in the past and it didn’t go too well and I think this one leadflow 247wont be any different from the other once…so I won’t advice anyone to try it out.

  122. It is always a red flag when there are several uncertainties and unknowns in an online business opportunity. The creators of LeadFlow 247 might not be fully aware of this, but it does them no good by disabling the comments on a video that is supposed to throw more light on the workings and legitimacy of the program. 

    But then, what do I know?

    As per your recommendation, Global MoneyLine is surely a better option given that you’ve actually been using it without any headaches and btw, incredible achievement you have under your belt.

    I’ll be sure to checkout more of your posts and hopefully, learn a thing or two.

    Thanks for sharing.

  123. Oh this is very nice. I have to say that it is really beautiful to see you give such awesome information about this platform that you say is relatively low. I was introduced to it by an old friend. He didn’t mention though that the leadflow 247 is a new one. Thanks for giving a better option to go in for

  124. Hello, I really want to first appreciate your effort in putting this great website together and writing this article. this is the second time i am hearing about lead flow. the first time was from a friend who tried to refer me to the platform but i was skeptical about it. your review has brought more insight

  125. Thanks for this great review of LeadFlow

    By means of the Internet we have the chance to connect millions of people from around the world. And this number is increasing as far as people discover the comfort and need of the Internet in today’s world, where the success in the business largely depends on information technology.

     Organizations have found the Internet an opportune place to promote their products and services. They use the strategy known as bulk email marketing, or bulk email sending, or sending advertisements and promotional letters to email users. i found this article very useful and I agree with you that even though Leadflow is not a scam, it isn’t the best in this field.

  126. I have never heard of the founders of this company before. I wonder why the video has comments disabled … perhaps there were too many negative comments?

    So, at first I thought that this was going to be another scam, but I am glad that this time it is a legit and apparently good company. It seems to be working. It still looks easy though, and that sometimes sounds the alarm with me. Perhaps I have gotten too suspicious with all the internet scams going on. It’s good to know that LeadFlow is for real!

  127.  hi, smart move to play it safe on this one. No need to rush into anything, especially when you don’t know the ins-and-outs yet. It sounds like it’s a little bit too new to be jumping the gun. I would wait, and give it some time to see if people are getting actual results, and if it is a long-term sustainable profit-maker. No point in investing in a bunch of time to make just a little bit of profits, and then have the company shut down because it was corrupted. There are new companies constantly coming out, and most of them do not make it long-term. So investing your time in a company that’s been around for a longer time, with so many people getting the great results, is a much smarter way to play it.

  128. Nice review. I honestly thought it was a scam, but seems super legit. Lead flow If you’re getting traffic, and quality traffic – well that’s a nice trick. I’m going to check them out, I appreciate your honest review. 

    Getting quality leads is a super big challenge in the online world. And there’s always the saying, the money is in the list.

  129. Hi Tony, thanks for your review about Leadflow. I’m glad this one is a legit system, because I was also referred to join this from my friend. I honestly just heard about Global MoneyLine. What do you think make it better compared to Leadflow other than it has been around much longer? Thanks for your opinion

    • Hi Alblue,

      you are welcome & thank you my friend.

      the #1 thing that I like about Global MoneyLine compared to LeadFlow 247 = all communication is within the platform and not via email.

      Thank you for the question,


  130. Post about earnings through messaging and upgrades. I like that it can progress in business. With one click, a person can send 50 advertisements. work is good. It’s a good job with mail advertising. It’s good that the business is only in its infancy and has only started to develop.

  131. Hi Tony,

    The lead flow 247 seems to me as a scam but I might be wrong.

    I am sorry, it is hard for me to see the connection between these two programs.

    For the global money line, one signs up free and you private message anyone who joins after you. 

    I am wondering what kind of message does one send privately?

    How do people make money out of this?. It is not entirely clear. 

    A bit of clarification will help me consider signing up for this.

  132. I have been looking into lead, traffic and referral programs, but I am a bit weary about the programs. There are a great bit of scams out there in the world. Every now and then you have to just take life by the horns and dive in, with much research of course. This is a solid review. I knew people paid money for leads and traffic, but I did not know that people charge a $100 a pop. I’m glad I came across your review. I will surely check out the company your recommended.

  133. I have not heard of Leadflow 247 until now but I suppose that is what blog posts like this are for. Is the messaging system for the purposes of finding leads that others have got or for something else? I am glad you have had results with Global MoneyLine and it makes me think about trying it myself.

    • Great!

      Yes you are sharing opportunities etc…..  with leadflow 247 it’s via the email that they provide while at Global MoneyLine it’s all done within the platform. 

      Thank you Jon,


  134. I do not have a good feeling about LeadFlow 247 because it reminds me a lot of another money making opportunity called OnPassive. 

    There have been many complaints about OnPassive and like LeadFlow 247 they are in Pre Launch (for almost 2 years running), have a founders program, have no real retail products so you need to recruit, and they say those words “Done For You” which are a big red flag for me.

    So I too would not recommend that anyone go starting with LeadFlow 247 until more is known. 

    However the Global MoneyLine sounds interesting and perhaps it is worth trying. 

    You say that you have made money with them for three years now? 

    It would seem that that is a good enough reason to try them out, especially if they are free to join. 

    Can you send affiliate links to the people you Private Message and promote to them your affiliate offers?

    • Hi Robert,

      Yes my friend I do agree with your that OnPassive / GoFounders is not recommended at all!  

      Time will tell with lead Flow 247

      Global MoneyLine has indeed been my #1 earner in the past 3 years Robert & private messaging affiliate offers makes for even more earnings from the links shared. 

      Thank you Robert for taking the time to thoroughly read the article, watch the videos and comment with questions.

      You are of course welcome back here anytime my friend,


  135. I’ve signed up for the Global Money Line system. I will tell you how it goes and my results after 7 days. So far I’ve noticed after 30min of signing up, I have no one under me in my down line. They claim people are signing up frequently, within few mins or second from each other. I do think it is  a great system if it actually works. I will let you know my results soon.

    • Wonderful my friend, welcome to your MoneyLine, I look forward to hearing about your success.


  136. Hey, I found LeadFlow 247 being a great list building program. I will also go with your recommendation to grow my business. I learn from you post that Global MoneyLine that has been working great for all since their launch over 3 years ago. I see your performance is awesome in Global money line. You are doing awesome work. Keep it up.

  137. I find any company that has “limited positions” and guaranteed returns to be outside the scope of my trust. This is enhanced by vagueness in promotional videos and owners who can’t be contacted. The referral program is very generous, indeed, but before I refer someone to a program that costs money, I want to be certain it is worth their time and money by virtue of usefulness. Does this program truly bring the promised traffic? And if it does, is it the kind of traffic that your website needs? Questions like this make me suspicious. I’m not ready for Lead Flow 247.

    Thank you for making us aware of it.

    • You are welcome Cathy Allen, I agree my friend!

      The $100 one time Founder cost doesn’t sound bad at  all if the email leads are good ….. but I doubt that they are.  

      For someone who isn’t 1 of the 500 founders, the $100 per month cost is much less attractive & I don’t foresee many taking part unless the  leads are gold!

      Thank you Cathy Allen,


  138. I bookmarked your post. I want to investigate Global Moneyline a little further. I am interested in finding new leads. I suppose I need more information because it seems like and affiliate or referral program. It sounds that LeadFlow 247 is over promising and since there isn’t much information it is hard to tell if it is legitimate or something that at least borders on a scam. 

  139. I had heard of this platform and tool so I decided to do some research to see whether Lead Flow 247 is worth investing any time and money into or if it is yet another product that promises much but delivers little. I am a bit leery these days as most products like this are underwhelming or are outright scams.

    Like you, I could not find much information nor reviews that really explain what it is all about. For that reason, it seems to me that I had better hold off until we see some results of users and also more reviews. The alternative platform you mention I am aware of, it seems you are quite active on that. Thanks and I will have a look at it.

  140. If the business model works well it’s natural for the funders of the initial project to found a second one. Someone else could also do that.

    Definitely, if there’s one well know option among two of them, the known one should be the preferred one to follow. The good thing about these programs is that, by the nature of the subscription, all members are actually interested to receive a certain type of information and are (as ourselves) potential consumers of a specific type of product.

    Thank you for your review!

  141. My biggest question would be about the quality of these leads. Have you run across any numbers on conversion rates for any of these lead sources?

    It seems that most of the information I see from lead sources has to do with how inexpensive the leads are, not on the ROI. I would be interested in knowing the kinds of success people are having with these programs.

    • Awesome Truth Bob!

      I agree my friend & I never trust leads that are not organically acquired, thank you for sharing. 


  142. So I guess this sounds like a pyramid scheme, all the message in the video is just about ‘share the number’ . And the ‘package’ is quite similar to a service that I came across recently called My Lead Gen Secret, which is buying email addresses with a lower cost than solo ads. And it pays members that refers more members into the system. 

    The video sounds so scammy. How can you expect to make money from just sharing a number, yes money can be made, but for long term basis, I doubt it. And are the emails acquired really permission based I wonder. 

    Well, your post enticed me to find out more about Global Money Line though, I wonder if this is another pyramid scheme or MLM mode type of business? I guess I will have to read your other post here in your website. 

  143. Hi Tony,

    Thanks for the helpful review and I got helpful insights on Lead Flow 247.

    After reading your review I decided to focus on Global MoneyLine instead of Lead Flow 247. I have already signed up to the free membership of GML many months ago but the sad part is… I am not using it. You might be surprised, I joined GML after reading your GML review and I am your referral.

    However it’s been months, so I am going to go through your GML review again and going to implement what I learn from your GML review and use the system.

    • Hi Paul,

      It’s never too late to get started and/or restarted my friend! 

      Contact me anytime and I will be more than happy to assist you.


  144. I hate it when new programs tend to twist is here and there without actually telling us in depth what we really need to know about them. This is exactly what the founders of LeadFlow 247 have been doing. It may eventually turn out to be an awesome lead generation system by the way just as you have said. I’m on the lookout for any new updates. I know global moneyline and it’s really nice to be a member there.


  145. Terrific review, I really appreciated your honest opinion as I am very cautious about all these lead generating programs.  I respect that some are legitimate and some are scams. Perhaps not always intentional. Trying to extract money from the innocent. 

    You made some great points that the only video was by someone trying to promote it, not by the owners and that comments were disconnected. That would make me nervous. 

    Thanks for the illumination.

    Lily 😊🎵

  146. Thanks a lot for such an amazing review of Lead Flow 247 and explanations are given.

    I have read many articles that say that LeadFlow 247 has copied other companies, but I do not think so, it may have just been inspired :). A very good article with some useful information.

    Thanks again for this post. If you don’t mind, I will share this article on my social media account.

  147. Getting good leads for your business is the primary target for the website. Still, most of the websites do not fulfill the requirements for their owners and resultantly fails to fulfill the expectations. Getting good leads is a procedure, which includes the concentration to some of the very important topics.  I recommend Global MoneyLine! 

  148. Thanks a lot for such an amazing review of Lead Flow 247 and explanations are given.

    I have been searching for an article for a long time, but I did not find much on the internet and if I found it very poorly explained. 

    When I came to this article on your site I found everything I needed

    Thanks again for this post, f you don’t mind, I will share this article on your social media account.


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