MOBE sued Wealthy Affiliate, are You next?

[yasr_overall_rating] Yes, the day before Christmas in 2015 just 6 months after I joined Wealthy Affiliate, they were taken to court by MOBE. (My Online Business Education – known previously as My Online Business Empire)

The very same MOBE that has recently been shutdown by the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) for being a Pyramid, Ponzi Scheme that has scammed many people in their time online sharing what they called an online education platform.

Why didn't I, right then and there cancel my membership at Wealthy Affiliate?

Wonderful that you asked, my answer is that I don't believe even a portion of what I read and/or see on the internet because I am a firm believer that the world wide web is the “Bathroom Walls of the 21st Century” and anyone can and most likely will write anything about others that may or may not even be remotely true.

How about you, do you believe everything that you read and/or see on the internet, consider it all as facts and that if it's on the internet, it must be true because it can't be on the internet if it's untrue?

To be completely honest with you, I don't even believe half of the negative reviews on the internet, even if they are shared by members of Wealthy Affiliate. I am not saying that they are being dishonest, I am merely saying that they, in most cases haven't even either signed up or showed up. You, me nor anyone can say with 100% certainty that something is a scam if they haven't even showed up, let alone signed up.

View the 32 second YouTube video below – Bonjour!


What is MOBE?

As stated above, M.O.B.E. is the acronym for My Online Business Education and was formerly known as My Online Business Empire and before that as My Top Tier Business. MOBE, Ltd is Now In Receivership and Has Been Declared to be Fraudulent By the Federal Trade Commission.

Known for many up sells and high ticket items, the $49 starting cost is dwarfed by the many thousands and thousands that according to past MOBE members was expected in order for them to keep growing their business. (I was never a member of MOBE) Also disclosed by many past members was that MOBE promotes itself as a program where you can have and grown any niche, the only training and education that was taught was geared towards learning how to promote MOBE.

There are many legitimate online opportunities to learn on the internet that are truly geared towards the promotion of any niche and not just the promotion of the “training” platform itself. My #1 Recommendation is here.

Wealthy Affiliate sued by MOBE

Wealthy Affiliate sued by MOBE, why?

MOBE sued Wealthy Affiliate(Kyle Loudon & Carson Lim), claiming that the Co-Owner Kyle Loudon wrote a fake review about their website calling it a scam, scheme, pyramid, ponzi etc….

While I must admit that there are indeed many members at WA who write reviews about sites and/or opportunities and give them the above tags, Kyle is a person who does indeed do his due diligence in reviewing sites impartially and fairly.

What I do find to be completely ridiculous and almost comical is that MOBE also blames the reviews written by others who aren't even a part of the Wealthy Affiliate community and never have been on WA and Kyle as well. The reviews in question were even written before Kyle wrote his and are by far more harsh and pointed. Sites like etc….

The Supreme Court of British Columbia not only dismissed the case and charges against Kyle, Carson and Wealthy Affiliate, they also awarded $130,000 to them. (Kyle, Carson and Wealthy Affiliate sent $65,000 of those dollars to the victims of MOBE who were scammed and ripped off) View the Court Order here.

Read Kyle's take on the almost 3 year journey to prevailing against MOBE's accusations by clicking here.

Was Wealthy Affiliate Stagnant during the 3 years?

Not only was WA not stagnant during the 3 years that they were going through the above process, they actually thrived!

The platform, although amazing when I joined in June 2015 is now even more amazing and so amazing that I never intend upon not being a member at Wealthy Affiliate.

Yes, it's that Amazing!

Even though I've been earning an income online since 2009 and all the while assisting friends in learning as well by growing and/or starting their own business, I learn something new at the WA platform every day.

In 2017 alone, there were over 250,000 who became members within the community, not all of them decided to stay but many did. As of now, since the year 2005 when WA first launched as a keyword tool site, there have been over 1.5 Million members worldwide …… That's a lot of people and much more join daily, 1,500,000 and growing = not hitting a plateau anytime soon.

Are You next?

Have I or anyone else who is a member at Wealthy Affiliate written a review of your opportunity that is less than flattering?

Are you going to claim that we are defaming you and/or making false claims, writing fake reviews etc…..

Has your opportunity ever been called a scam, scheme, ponzi, pyramid or the ever creating stigma MLM word?

Just to let you know that I'm not against Multi-Level companies and Direct Sales as I am a firm believer that most within the opportunities are wonderful people, it's just the few that make it tough on the rest of us.

I even share opportunities that some have written false/fake reviews about and I will list them below:

My Final Thoughts on WA being sued by MOBE

I knew it was a scam, I am not a millionaire yet

Anyone can be sued by anyone and in today's world, unfortunately there seem to be more and more people who want everything for nothing.

Just like the image above, many people sign up then never show up then put forth far more effort in calling something a scam than they ever did in sharing the opportunity and/or product/service with anyone.

Nothing is more sad for me than to witness a friend who is excited about something only to then not share with a soul and later to complain about the results that they didn't get with the work that they didn't do.

Everything that I share takes time and work, I welcome any and all friends who are truly willing to put forth the effort to utilize what I share and I am always here to assist friends who truly do want to win with their online business.

Thank you friends for reading and also for taking the time to comment at the bottom of this article with your thoughts, questions, feeling etc…..

195 thoughts on “MOBE sued Wealthy Affiliate, are You next?”

  1. MOBE is actually seeming like a disgrace to me these days considering how much they have scammed a lot of oeolel and have failed to pau their commissions too. This is so great to see here nd this is a great one to eeoxore here. Thanks so much for sharing here. Thanks so much for all that has been shared

  2. You are correct, there are many people who will gladly write anything about others that may or may not even be remotely true. I’ve been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for years now and I can personally vouch for Kyle and Carson.

    I consider them as good friends of mine, and I can comfortably say that their reviews are thoroughly researched, genuine, and most importantly… don’t have any bad intentions behind them.

    Thanks for the post bud!

  3. Your tag for this post got my attention! MOBE suing Wealthy Affiliate? Of course when I continued to read your article it became clear you were reporting on an old incident from 2015. Glad that Kyle and Carson came out ahead. I am certain that was a forgone conclusion. 

    This brings up the issue of any of us writing reviews being subject to a lawsuit if we call a program a scam when it clearly is not. There are many questionable and unethical programs out there that somehow are able to squeak inside the wall of legality. Hence, we need to be careful how we write our reviews. Honesty is always the best policy. Doing proper research is always the way to go. 

    Thanks for bringing up this amusing situation about MOBE. 



  4. Hello Tony! I never knew I was gonna see a review on this today. Before I signed up for wealthy affiliate few months ago, this lawsuit was one of what almost discouraged me when I saw it, Indeed WA’s members stood by them during that moment and I am sure everyone who didnt terminate their account then is enjoying today.

  5. Thank you for this you know I  had no idea that wealthy was ever sued this is definitely news to me, wealthy affiliate is one of the best platforms i have come across which teaches the best training out there. I think MOBE’s sueing of this platform was just driven by pure hate. This is the reason why they had to pile even the reviews that were not even done by Kyle

  6. My first time to know about this matter. I’m proud that Wealthy Affiliate not only prevailed, but thrived, and still conquering the online world up to these days.

    It is indeed irritating to read defaming, untrue, and destructive reviews against Wealthy Affiliate. But I always believe God is in control, and He avenges those who are falsely accused.

    I got curious about MOBE, so I checked it out, and found news dated June 11, 2018, about a court case filed against MOBE’s owners. This only shows that they reap what they sow.

    Thanks for informing us about this incident, Tony.

    God bless you,


  7. Hello,

    I do think that Kyle made a thorough review of MOBE based on facts. And MOBE’s arguments couldn’t even ake it at court, which is great. Also, now that FTC is investigating MOBE, I am wondering what they are thinking now! I don’t think that WA will be sued because they are open and we all know what is the opportunity.

    Thank for sharing this story, I didn’t know.


  8. Hi Tony,

    In your review, I think with my little understand on wealthy affiliate and with the structure and technology put in place, wealthy affiliate is one of the best online platform. Your article as opened my eyes to things I don’t know before now. MOBE Sue wealthy affiliate is an issue of protecting someone interest.

    Thank you.


  9. I was honestly intrigued by this text because I myself have been using the wealthy affiliate platform for some time now and I have complete confidence in it. I have a good experience and I did not think that it was possible that it was a fraud and that there could be legal problems. It is good that a person does not believe everything he reads, if something does not fit into his picture of reality, he should first check that information well in several places.

  10. Wealthy affiliate is a legit program, and the fact that they have thrived over a period of 15 years goes to prove that. After following the training at WA my take on the training is that you always give an honest opinion of the platforms that you review. If a program has its merits then you mention those, and if they have some weaker aspects then you mention those too. This is only fair and gives balance to your review and helps readers make their own minds up. No program or system is 100% perfect and that includes Wealthy Affiliate. 

    Sometimes come across a product that offers very poor value. If you were to say that the program is great and you should try it (whilst pocketing commissions) then this is when it is unethical. Equally, calling a program a scam when it clearly isn’t simply to promote Wealthy Affiliate then this is equally unethical. However Wealthy Affiliate absolutely do not teach this.

  11. That is an amazing story, how Wealthy Affiliate got sued and prevailed. I can’t believe that someone actually sued them. Wealthy Affiliate is a wonderful and legitimate platform. MOBE was obviously displeased with the review Kyle wrote, but – as you said – Kyle always does his indepth research, so MOBE had nothing to sue them about. I am glad the judge dismissed the charges. 

    A similar thing happened to my friend a few days ago. And this is a true story! He was incarcerated for a year and 2 months for a crime he did not commit. Last month the judge finally dismissed all charges against him, and a few days ago he was released. Justice does prevail!

  12. Seriously i had no idea about how Wealthy Affiliate was sued by MOBE. Now who does that, suing a legit company like WA. This is the first time i had to peruse through this article about this. I am glad they had to drop the charges against them, because i am okay and cool with Wealthy Affiliate and it’s community of affiliate marketers. They help you whatever case you are, and they also try to build you up to the peak of your ambition.

  13. That’s right, I remember this incident. I couldn’t remember the particulars until you mentioned them in the article, but what I do remember is concluding that the guy was full of it, the minute I realized what was going on. It’s unfortunate that there are so many unscrupulous wannabe “entrepreneurs” out there casting shade on what can otherwise be a very lucrative industry. What I try to remind people is that there are crooks everywhere, even operating brick and mortar businesses that we take for granted all the time. Look at all the counterfeit sports merchandise and phony brand name clothes that gets pumped out there by organized criminal syndicates. We don’t stop buying sports merch or clothes, just because there are some bad apples out there. Instead, we just become more selective and educate ourselves better, so that we can better recognize a scam when we see it.

  14. I had heard about the lawsuit against WA a few years ago but did not know much about it.  You have explained things. Like you, I do not believe the vast majority of the info. about any program pro or con.  When I read something new, I do my own research and then join and experience or leave the program alone.  It is good to know that WA prevailed in this lawsuit.

  15. When I first started surfing the web I thought that everything I read or saw here was true. I considered all the information to be factual and that anyone on the net was basically honest. Experience shattered that myth and more so when I got into the online business. I met unscrupulous people in more abundance than honest ones. They’s say anything to get you to pull out that credit card. So I lost some good money early on as a result. Now, I know to do my research. This does not guarantee that I may not be duped by companies like MOBE, but the chances has decreased greatly. 

  16. I am so glad I am able to read this post. I never knew that Wealthy Affiliate has been sued before. And the reason for suing is ridiculous. 

    But all these make me realise something. We have to be really careful and do our due diligence before we write a review. I must admit I have not yet done one myself, but I will want to learn more about the proper way to do this. I wonder where can I find such training on writing a product or services review. Do you teach such skills?

  17. Hi Tony,
    Another remarkable post. I really had no idea what MOBE sued Wealthy Affiliate was, but thanks to you I now know. I have seen many blog posts on this topic before, but I had no idea what it was. Thank you for such an instructive text and just keep it up.
    All the best,

  18. Talk about being touchy about being criticized.  Of course, MOBE thought they would win some easy money with this law suit.  I’m glad that they lost money instead.  They are fraudulent, but they think they can sue because people honestly call them out for it?  Wealthy Affiliate with a great platform and great people.  Anybody that calls Wealthy Affiliate a scam simply haven’t put the time or the effort in their business; they think just because they joined, money is going to roll out to them.  It doesn’t work that way.  Any legitimate site requires hard work and patience.

  19. This article rings so true. The internet is merely a place where people can practice free speech. And that usually entails plenty of opinions. Opinions are just that–one person’s take on an issue.

    I like that your site provides background and sharp details, rather than just opinion. It helps to sort the actual truth form someone’s opinion. Many articles on other sites state opinion as if it were fact. That is so misleading. And yes, I can understand some leading to slander.

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Definitely food for thought!

  20. Thanks for another post, Tony! I have seen some topics of reviews about MOBE sued Wealthy Affiliate, but have no ideas what’s it about. Now I known what’s going on. I knew MOBE was shut down by FTC because of Pyramid and Ponzi Scheme through your blogs. I usually don’t believe what I seen on internet until I check the fact by myself, because it’s a better way to find out the truth. And I can tell, Wealthy Affiliate is legitimate because based on my user experience. Affiliate Marketing is what you have to work with yourself, NOT like someone told you that you just sign up, set aside and do nothing. If you do nothing, of course you won’t make money, right?

  21. Wow, thanks for this article Tony. I had no idea WA had gotten sued but it doesn’t come to a surprise. I remember reading your article about MOBE and I’m glad the judge was able to drop the charges against Kyle and Carson. I think it was just an act of retaliation from MOBE because their sneaky pyramid scheme wasn’t working as they had intended.

  22. Wow. I didn’t know that wealthy affiliate was sued. It is ridiculous though. I have not seen any scam red flags about this platform. I have actually heard a lot of great reviews, this includes what you have said in several of your articles. I liked that you shared this. 

  23. In 2015 I wanted to be a member of WA, but at that time there were a lot of scam company messing around the internet. So I consider without much investigation that WA was a scam, which obviously is not.  I am happy to know that they prevailed back then.

    And now with your information about  MOBE and another article about them, their is no reason that MOBE´s leader might change their behavior.  It is great to see how at the correct time everything comes to light.

    Never thought how difficult it was for them (Kyle and Carson)  what  they went through.

  24. Hi Tony Lee Hamilton, thanks for sharing the posts on MOBE sued Wealthy Affiliate. Well, I am just getting to know about this. What some websites owners regularly do is to write reviews about other websites that offer similar or exact program as they but most of them are not sincere in their reviews. Some actually look for faults and write down others just to gain some cheap popularity and drive traffic to their website.

  25. I know it can be very annoyingly to hear that Mobe sued Wealthy affiliate, a lot of people are not always cool with the fact that you’re successful or what you have is, so they plot a kind of charade to bring you down. I find it funny and interesting because I’ve known Wealthy affiliate for a while.

  26. I do quite agree with you Tony Lee.

    For MOBE to make such claims that WA, is a scam may not only be untrue or farfetched, but may even smack of envy. Business rivalry is welcome because it yields competition, which yields challenge that is the basis of improvement. That is what can be condoned. But to misleadingly make people pay by unmerited up sales is what is ponzi. I appreciate your educating me on MOBE and also the pitfalls of MLMs. I do know one thing for sure though, WA is one training platform which takes the principle of paying forward seriously. The results of the help accorded in WA community are Evident in the growth of the beginners who are consistent, hardworking and focused. I also say no to the naysayers against WA. I know one thing for sure; WA is amongst if not the greatest platform to grow in, when we talk of online business.

    much regards


  27. Well, I don’t think that I want to be sued by any online plaform as it is so this one should just stay away because it wouldn’t be nice for me. Although I think that you really did good to put all this that you have written together because it has been a long whole that this happened. 

  28. I need to agree with you after you say that the net is the ‘bathroom divider of the 21st century’. There truly could be a whole lot of befuddling and out and out unessential stuff – you fair got to know where to spot the honest to goodness counsel and items. I nearly joined MOBE back within the day – something approximately their trade hones continuously turned me off in spite of the fact that. But I’m still a substantial part of WA to this day. I think that when individuals are doing they’re inquiring about almost an item online, they have to be constant and consider the lion’s share of audits. Since as we know, anybody can compose something negative and mortar it online.

  29. Hi there Tony, this is a very helpful and informative article. This is my first time hearing of MOBE suing wealthy affiliate and I’m really glad that it was from your article as I can trust the information in it because you always give a researched oriented and honest review. I’ll like to learn more about this and will be conducting my own research. 

  30. I love this article!  I love hearing how upset people get at “scam” companies when they haven’t put forth any effort at all.  Just because YOU didn’t make any money it MUST be a scam.  And I love your comment about how the internet is the “Bathroom Walls Of The 21st Century”, that’s such a good analogy.

    Kudos to Kyle and Carson for donating a lot of the money they won in the lawsuit to people that were scammed by MOBE.  Not a lot of people would do that for others.  It makes me proud to be part of WA!  Great Article!

  31. I’ve seen a lot of dissing on WA and a lot of praise, especially being here at WA. 🙂 I’m still going through the program and getting information and resources that I didn’t have before as well as having friends and real-life  people to talk to who know the platform and what it entails. 
    I have support options available 24/7 and assistance with anything I could think of. 

    Wealthy Affiliate is pretty awesome for the value, way more than I thought I was getting when I signed up. 

    I was involved with MonaVie back in 2013 and then I realized the stuff they were selling went against what they promoted.  Ingredients containing sodium benzoate and then claiming anti-cancer properties especially at Monavie 2.0 launch? Come on. 
    Some of the most honest and hardworking people I ever met.
    But…. they didn’t know, I assume. 

    Good article. 🙂 

  32. Hi there,

    I have read about MOBE’s fraudulent business before and today is the 2nd time I come across this business name through reading your blog about it. I am just glad that I did not know anything about them before nor I was solicited to join or sign up with them. I do hope that your article will help caution people to research an affiliate marketing entity before signing up to join and will protect themselves from being scammed. Thank you for doing a hard work researching and publishing your findings and sharing with the public. It will help a lot of people.  


  33. Thank you for providing all these details here. The fact that ironically move turned out to be the real scam makes this whole their issue very funny. This is really great to see and I am delighted to see all of these here. In all, this is very great and I wouldn’t mind getting myself into all of these now. Thank you so much for sharing here

  34. Thank you for this article. As we write reviews about any scheme or any product we need to be impartial and very fair. I have gone through the online entreprenuer certificate training at Wealthy Affiliate with the lessons done by Kyle. In my opinion and from the way he has conducted the training I think Kyle is fair and impartial. In the training he always insists that we must open our websites to help people, help solve peoples problems. That is the primary goal. The affiliate commission is secondary but the calling should be to help people by being honest, fair and impartial. Im surprised he got sued by MOBE. No wonder they lost the lawsuit. The whole point is in all our reviews let us be very fair, honest and impartial. Build trust with your audience and everything else will fall into place. Thats my piece Tony.

  35. Hi Tony,
    As usual, you are a fountain of knowledge. I have learned to spot scams online by doing research and following my instincts. That old saying applies, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” I also read reviews, yes I take into consideration what others are saying, not just their label of scam but their reason for saying so and I make my own call. Having said that a program that offers me free membership for a period or guarantees my money back within the first month if I am not satisfied is more likely to get my attention than those that promise the moon and stars.

    I am a member of WA and I am very satisfied. My only regret is that I couldn’t afford their premium membership before.

    Candy Benn

  36. Its really funny how anyone would use wealthy affiliate and how to get better with business when you’re not happy about the good ones other people are looking into to get better training. Knowing wealthy affiliate has a goof reputation I am sure they will not have to worry about all these things 

  37. What an irony life is. Move is actually well deserving enough to be sued and lockdown but getting to realise that they actually accused wealthy affiliate as an unworthy platform, I feel this is really funny on the overall. Thank you for sharing this here because it is so evident as we know who the scam is now

  38. I do believe that you can come to a good conclusion by comparing a lot of different reviews around the internet. And maybe not just reviews but looking into the BBB or other oversight organizations. I read good things about Wealthy Affiliate for about a year before I actually committed as a member and I’m glad I believed what I read because it is all true. One thing that seems to be a theme is Wealthy Affiliate members always say that success takes hard work and that rings true. 

  39. This is a very interesting article.Maybe because Wealthy Affiliate has been good to me due to tons of knowledge Im getting here, I just would never imagine that someone can sue it or regard it as a scam. I concur with you that the main reason people fail is that lack of consistency but not the platform itself.

  40. Wealthy affiliate is the best online platform I’ve seen and this isn’t for a little time, it has been around for a long time and they are increasing k standard and in order. Mobe sueing wealthy affiliate is just with empty claims and I don’t think it’s worth even the time they give to it.

  41. Thanks for sharing this piece of information with us. It is tough in the business. Such honest and trustworthy company like Wealthy Affiliate can be sued, simply because it gave true and honest review of the MOBE program. 

    It is hard to image that if my business am sued by someone or other companies. The impact of the lawsuit on my business can be huge. However, even though Lawsuits are never fun, but we may gain a lot of useful experience from them.

    On the other hands, it is important for any business to prevent lawsuit from happening. We need to carry out our business  honestly, stand up for what is right and for principle. By the end, we should be fine no matter what happen to our business.

  42. I do remember following this one rather closely. MOBE was it seemed all over the internet and I was a member of warrior forum at the time also. Still am. I had not signed up with Wealthy Affiliate yet but I was very aware of them since they first started over 14 yrs ago. It was sad so many people got taken by MOBE but in a way it put the spotlight more on the legit platforms like Wealthy Affilaite itself. So glad when I did sign up to be a member of WA have not looked back since.

  43. So far all of the MLM’s and opportunities that I have been involved in were not scams. They are legitimate businesses that are still in business today. I never knew much about MOBE, well not until reading about it on your site, and I’m glad I  never got involved with them. WA is amazing. They even took half of the money paid out to them to help those people who were scammed on the MOBE platform. WA is very generous. This is why they are so successful.

  44. Wow this was an interesting article, I was not aware that wealthy affiliate was sued because of something that, quite honestly, is so petty. It really baffles me how much companies can take things up the a*s because all what they need to do is prove the negative arguments wrong. But no, instead they go into suing, and apparently WA prevailed from the looks of what I’ve read. This is all very interesting  

  45. This is a liberality of Kyle, Carson and Wealthy Affiliate sent $65,000 to the casualties of MOBE. That is given you that the thought behind the rich partner were to help the youthful online enterprising to bring in cash online . They are unique in relation to individuals that guarantee paradise and earth and offer only with affluent offshoot persistent is the way to progress and this isn’t the speedy method of bringing in cash on the web. Much obliged to you for this complete educative data. Keep the great work.

  46. Great article and nice to hear that Wealthy Affiliate prevailed. WA is perhaps one of the most valuable experiences I have ever participated in- the amount of resources and knowledge is incredible. I’m glad to see you’ve taken such a strong stand in supporting them- as I feel the same way. Kudos to the WA team for standing their ground and not backing down. 

  47. Wow, I never knew Wealthy Affiliate got sued. I joined about a year ago, so that explains it. Funny how MOBE pretty much proved Kyle’s article right when they got shut down.

    I’m glad that this case hasn’t seem to negatively affect Wealthy Affiliate. It’s been a great resource to me and I’ve learned a lot from its program and community.

  48. Good day Tony, I always enjoy coming across and reading your articles because I know whatever is in them is going to be profoundly helpful and insightful. Your reviews are always well detailed explanatory and research oriented and as such I can understand whatever product or platform you are talking about. Well done and keep up the good work 

  49. I love the tone of this article, in the latter half it’s almost politely saying: “come at me, bro!”

    I’m glad this case came to and end and seeing as MOBE was clearly a scam, that this also came to an end. But it does highlight Wealthy Affiliate’s desire to help people, even if one of the founders found himself the target of these people by telling the truth and not wanting people to get scammed. If WA wasn’t genuine, this probably wouldn’t have happened as they wouldn’t have cared to leave an honest review and start this in the first place. 

    It also brings home the fact that if any of us were to review what we thought was a scam, we could easily become the next target, and I say we bring it on! This is something I’ve found useful with your site: you’re always balanced but not afraid to call  something out of you believe it to be dodgy or a scam.

    Keep up the good work, people like you are helping others through educating them to make an income but also how to avoid these sharks!

    Good work as usual!


  50. As a newbie in the world of affiliate marketing I can say I am grateful that my first introduction to the world of affiliate marketing was through Wealthy Affiliate. Its disheartening to know that MOBE even attempted to sue them but then like you said not everything you read in the internet is true.I became a premium member within 8 days of joining Wealthy Affiliate, I couldn’t waste another minute of immersing myself in what I will deem one of the best online communities in the world. For the first time in my life I met a community of people who shared the same passion and were more than willing to help.

    I am also a firm believer that what put in is what you will get out.That is same message that I have heard over and over from Kyle and the rest of my Wealthy Affiliate family.Just like every venture you take in consistency and investment of your time matters.

  51. Thank you for sharing this.  We did not know the story.

    As you mentioned that you should not believe everything you read on “Bathroom Walls of 21st Century”.  

    Yes, we read some of the review about WA before we joined, but off course as a grown up person, you can value, and find out more by reading different review (You can not base solely only one review – you should turn every stone, as the wise man said).  And we find out that WA always try to find out what the problem was, and try to make it right.  It shows that they care, and really want to build their company and community. 

    We are happy, our business is growing, we learn a lot of things about building our online business, met incredible person such you that willing to help us to success.

    All the best

    Kalle & Marie 

  52. Hello there!

    That was a good one. It is not new that negative opinions about a successful brand, website or company are always seen in all corners of the internet. This does not mean these opinions are always true. I’ve enjoyed so many benefits from Wealthy Affiliate so this gives me enough reasons to consiner no negative thoughts about the company.


  53. Oh wow, I had no idea that Wealthy Affiliate was being sued before, that was way before I joined, I joined in 2018. It is funny that MOBE just got shut down by the FTC, they have the nerve to sue another company. What I learned in life is that the haters will always be a hater (they are trolls basically). I think this is something that you have to experience it for yourself if the information is just conflicting one another. For example, Keto Vs Low fat diet, lol. I think it is just all about you know what is your need in the product and service as well. Only you will know if the product or service is good for you or not, the same goes for Wealthy Affiliate. Try it for yourself and see.

  54. It’s funny how the company who sued WA got shut down for a pyramid scheme. People need to be careful about what they read and put their money into because it’s not hard at all to get caught up in all these promises and guarantees that companies make to only find out that you were played for your hard earned money. 

  55. I tend not to believe most things on the internet. Finding the truth for yourself through multiple sources or “showing up” as you said are better ways to truly discover information. I also find that many people do not review things positively, if they are happy, they are quiet, if they are unhappy, review and usually a very negative one. Your analogy about the bathroom walls is very clever, I never would have thought of it like that but it is very true. Honestly one of the reasons they tell you in school that Wikipedia is not an appropriate research source because anyone can write anything there when it comes to info and it may be false. 

  56. this is some real discovery but then i imagine that someone like me who just joined a couple of months back would know nothing about this lawsuit. i have enjoyed my time at the platform wealthy affiliate and if opportunity comes, i would recommend to some of my friends also. thank you for this facts

  57. I absolutely don’t believe everything I read online. The internet has provided us with a lot of freedom that almost anyone can write whatever that want. I do think some reviews being written on some websites accusing a particular program or business as scam is not justified but I think from what I read about MOBE the fact that they were shut down was well justified based on how the business was being run. I was never a member but I did come across some people that were. I think the owner of MOBE should have been taken to Jail and also forced to pay everyone that was scammed. Maybe with that justice would have been served.

  58. I absolutely love your quote, comparing the internet is Bathroom Walls of the 21st Century! How hilarious and true. I also found the very title of this post intriguing and quite disconcerting; I first thought “Oh no, has Wealthy Affiliate, the platform that I like so much, done something illegal…?!” So you got me completely there, haha! What a relief to read the rest of your article. Kyle and Carson have earned even more respect with me that they have already had. I’m so happy they won the lawsuit and very proud to be representing this amazing, honest platform!

  59. Wow, I never knew about the MOBE court case relating to WA. Thankfully people like those in Wealthy Affiliate are out there in abundance writing about and uncovering fraudulent sites such as this one and making people aware- if it wasn’t for them then so many more would become victim to their dishonesty. 
    Whilst it’s not applicable to this case, I do agree with your point about some people being too quick to label things as ‘scams’ when they haven’t done their research or haven’t bothered to put the work in first. There’s a balance to be struck

  60. hello dear, thanks alot for sharing such an amazing post with us all, i was actually doing some research online when i saw your post , and i really want to commend your effort in bringing up such an amazing site, your website is plain and simple easy to navigate and understand, i really do fancy these post a lot thanks i already saved these post 

  61. Thanks for the little history lesson! I am a recent member, within the last month, so always good to get some history. Like you I don’t blindly believe everything I see or hear online. It takes up some time but I like to look into things. So far am impressed and totally happy with WA. My opinion. I will keep on learning and giving reviews as I see it as I go along. Thanks again.

  62. Thanks so much Tony for sharing this article, the title got my attention and have to read it!

    As a member of Wealthy Affiliate for a few years, I remember I read something about this issue, but I really enjoyed reading your article! As you, I don’t believe everything I read on the internet either, but it’s good to have hones people like to you that shares good information so people can read what really happened!

    Kyle and Carson have created an awesome platform and training that helps many to create and build up an online business, it will depend on each member to work hard and smart to make it happen, but we can not blame them if our online business doesn’t start making money from us and it will take good work and time to grow good and strong.

    I really enjoy reading your articles!

  63. Wow, I never knew about the MOBE court case relating to WA. Thankfully people like those in Wealthy Affiliate are out there in abundance writing about and uncovering fraudulent sites such as this one and making people aware- if it wasn’t for them then so many more would become victim to their dishonesty. 

    Whilst it’s not applicable to this case, I do agree with your point about some people being too quick to label things as ‘scams’ when they haven’t done their research or haven’t bothered to put the work in first. There’s a balance to be struck with reviews such as these and I think pretty much all those I’ve seen from WA have hit the nail on the head every time! 

  64. Wow! Kyle and Carson are scrappers. I’m glad that Kyle fought back so vehemently. MOBE was proven by the BC Supreme Court to be a fraudulent organization that has taken people’s money for as long as they have existed it seems. I am so glad that the FTC has put them out of business. Their timing to file their lawsuit was also done to inflict emotional pain during the holidays of Kyle and Carson. I am happy to stand with both of them. They are the good guys.

  65. I really enjoyed reading this post. I had not heard until now  that mobe sued wealthy affiliate. It’s quite comical that a company accused of ripping people off constantly, attacks an honest and transparent company. It’s very gratifying that WA won the case and gave half of the money to the poor people who got involved with mobe I wouldn’t be surprised if a few of them turned up at WA.

  66. This has been a somewhat comical read Tony but as usual you drive the point home. So many conflicting reviews about products and services these days it makes sense to not believe everything that one reads on the internet and give them a go first. This of course doesn’t mean there aren’t any scams, that’s why I trust your reviews because the ones I have tried out at tour recommendation have proved to be legit this far. 

  67. Hi Tony

    It is a classical tale, Wealthy Affiliate  says one thing, MOBE gets upset and then Sues because they are sore losers and then losers because their writ is spurious. It does show that Carlson and Kyle are willing to stand up to the bullies and show them that they cannot be pushed around. It is do laughable that a company that has a dodgy past threatens another that has done nothing illegal. We live in a free society and we are entitle to say anything within the  law, so it is no surprise that they lost.

    The only worry is what would happen if a weaker person was sued instead. They more likely would have capitulated. 



  68. I didn’t know about this story yet – thanks for sharing. What I know is that Wealthy Affiliate is certainly no scam and I am also a happy member since 2020. I am glad that Wealthy Affiliate could come out of this lawsuit without any issues and continues to be a great site for affiliate marketing training. I agree with you that there is new stuff to learn every day and it has been a great journey so far!

  69. I’m very surprised to see what this Mobe sued wealthy affiliate for. I’ve been a member of Wealthy affiliate for quite a while now and I know of how good the platform is , it’s teachings and online courses,  I don’t think it’s a good idea to sue a platform as good as that.

  70. When you see a scam sites I really doesn’t feel bad seeing people who write reviews about them eventually they will get exposed. Wealthy affiliate is indeed a great platform and it will always come out clean and that is one reason why you should have a good site that doesn’t scam  people to make money.  Thanks for sharing a really useful for all article 

  71. Wealthy Affiliate is not a scam. I joined and it takes hard work and you will have questions, but you will get the help you need to be successful. The image above about not being a millionaire yet sums up what some people think. The bottom line is as tony says…

    Anyone can sue you. 

    The point is; have they been found guilty. No WA wasn’t

    If something is a scam it should be outed. With regards to marketing  I get fed up hearing “Is…. a scam.” It isn’t and there is nothing to say it is, it is marketing technique and it is disgusting. It just makes it more difficult to find what really are scams.

  72. I’ve been looking over and over for Wealthy Affiliate for a long time.

    And let me tell you that I like to hear the opinion (finally!) Of someone who is INSIDE this platform.

    But it was quite shocking to see the photograph that these guys were reported! Incredible really. But I liked more to see that this is spoken within the platform, that is, they are real people, with real objectives to help people to have their business online (if I understand correctly)

    Wow! I keep reading and I can’t believe. The creators of Wealthy Affiliate themselves sent some of the money to the victims of MOBE? Unbelievable, that should speak highly of these guys!

    What a good review, I really see that this may be a possibility. Tony, in addition to the fact that this platform has courses, it also has some community and monthly live classes, with what’s new in internet marketing? That would be very interesting since it is important that the techniques are up to date.

    I’m going to take a look and be sure to try the free subscription to learn more!


  73. I totally agree with you: many times – maybe always – Wealthy Affiliate negative reviews are written by those that signed up and left. So it makes not much sense. I am not telling that Wealthy Affiliate is perfect, but it has a strength that others don’t have: its community – those who show up – is so committed to the project that fixes all the little problems the platform has. I am a full supporter and don’t care about the negative reviews, simply because I am really participating and knowing the platform. 

  74. This was an interesting read. I came across this information back in 2019 when I first joined WA, that WA once faced litigation filed against them by MOBE. I was pleased to learn that WA won the case in the end. It seems WA is a reputable business as it is founded on good values and principles and its leaders upholding such values. Not only that, but Kyle was honest on his review and did a thorough research about the company in question. What stands out was him refunding the victims of the same company that took him to court. In the end MOBE fell on its own sword. It is now closed down and WA is still standing. 

    Thank you for sharing this article. I totally agree with your thoughts on the topic.

  75. Oh wow, this is new to me. I wasn’t aware that WA was taken to court and honestly I have not seen any articles related to that so I might need to do a little more digging regarding that incident. It’s always hard whether or not to believe an internet post when you don’t know from the place that the person behind the computer screen has witnessed. Of course, there are scams that don’t even need to be pointed out but there are other platforms that run a legit business but people still talk badly about them but again, that’s based on their personal experience with the company. Now, if all the reviews you read are negative then there’s clearly something not right with that specific platform. 

  76. The works of WA is really great. So, the platform that sued wealthy affiliate back then has now been brutally shut down due to illegality and all about them. I really like this that I have see here and I would love to distance myself from them. Now wealthy affiliate is only growing by the day and will continue to grow too

    • This is an interesting read. I have come across such information about MOBE and Wealthy affiliate battle in court. I was still a new member a year (2019) ago when I read about this news and was pleased to learn that WA won the litigation. It goes to show what a reputable company WA is, as it is founded on good principles and values and its leaders upholding such values. What’s standing out is the fact that they payed the money to the victims of MOBE instead, Kyle was not forced to do that. It was purely an act of displaying humanity values. I’m glad to be part of WA members.
      Thanks for sharing your insights on this.

  77. The truth about this world is that no matter how good you are, there has to be someone somewhere who doesn’t like you for any good reason and this hate fest can go on for a very long time which in my own candid opinion can be really sad. This is the same thing that has happened with wealthy affiliate and mobe. All the same, wealthy affiliate is still standing today which is awesome.

  78. Interesting write up on MOBE. I heard of this program back in 2015 and didn’t really care to get involved. I need things to be simple and it looked to hyped up for me. I can’t say I am surprised. These types of platforms pop up all the time, there was one that has the word coffee in it that made me laugh. Everyone wants to be the top man on the totem pole but if you achieve it by scamming, the higher you go, the longer the fall. Because eventually, someone will topple that totem pole over. Great read. 

  79. Wow Tiny pretty interesting post and think it’s sad that companies like MOBE would do something in that nature. I do think that you have brought on some awareness about writing reviews. Its make you wonder, could a writer be facing a lawsuit. However, I’m glad to see Wealthy Affiliate still standing strong in the end. I glad to be a five year active member of wealthy affiliate Thanks again for sharing the eye opener post.

  80. Oh, this is the first time I ever heard about MOBE suing Wealthy Affiliate. I heard about a lot of positive reviews about the later. It seems that MOBE feels ‘threatened’ with Wealthy Affiliate. Good job for Kyle that successfully prevailing from the sue. This make me become even more interested to learn in Wealthy Affiliate, since they seem to be a highly trusted source for affiliate marketing. Thanks

  81. Much like many of your commentators, I had no idea WA ever endured such litigation. Interestingly, I found WA because I was actually researching another company that seemed to smell funny. I saw a review that promoted some tried-and-true online entrepreneur opportunities, and clicked the link. The rest will be history!! Thank you for sharing this, and thank you for giving an objective view of the topic.

  82. Wow~I never knew Wealthy Affiliate had experienced such a story before. This reminds me of other scams I fall in before I met Wealthy Affiliate. I wasted a lot of money and time, but no results. It wasn’t until I met Wealthy Affiliate that my internet career slowly improved. I am happy and proud of Wealthy Affiliate they won this case.

  83. I never knew this story. Very interesting read and I am very glad that Wealthy Affiliate won this case. I think it is so important to reveal scams online. I agree with you Tony that it takes time to build a solid foundation online for making money. Rome was not built in one day.  I will look into the opportunities you mention. Legendary marketer – who would you recommend this program for? I heard about it, but I have no Idea how it works. Is it free to start?

  84. I liked how right off the bat you said “the world wide web is the Bathroom Walls of the 21st Century” … lol isn’t that the truth?!  I enjoy how you present your information in a honest and raw fashion.  It’s unfortunate this happened to Wealthy Affiliate but the truth does prevail and I’m glad to hear justice was served.  

    And I agree, it takes time, work, and dedication to make your dreams a reality.  Unfortunately, some prefer the easy route which doesn’t always serve them.  

    Thanks for shedding light on what scammers can look like whose motives aren’t pure.

  85. You are right- only members who have not signed up or not shown up can write negative reviews about Wealthy Affiliates. It has proven itself over a period of more than 15 years and has helped a lot of people in building their online business. Anybody who has used the system has definitely experienced benefit out of it. Off course, this is not a get-rich-quick scheme and many people might get frustrated as this requires lot of effort to be put from their side as well. Without consistently putting effort and having patience, this does not work. That way,they are absolutely right. But, no legit scheme in the world would work that way. Any legit business takes time to mature and give returns. That is what is taught at Wealthy Affiliates which is absolutely logical.

    Great article to share with.

  86. Hi Tony,

    Great review of what I have learned from Kyle’s blog. One should do a thorough due diligence of any organization that they are writing review with all fairness and honesty which Kyle did. He took 3 years time to stand up what he did and he was rewarded. What I liked his generosity about paying back half of the money to the people who had lost money with this ponzi pyramid scheme.

    You are absolutely right in putting heart and soul to the projects you are committed. Do not call it a scam or not working without seriously trying for it.

  87. Hi Tony. This is the first time I have heard anything about this story. I am very glad that WA pulled through and as you say rather than being trodden down during the experience actually thrived and grew. I agree with you there is a cautionary angle to this for all of us. It is all too easy to label something a scam and thinking back there are comments I have written that have come to that conclusion regarding opportunities that I didn’t and wouldn’t ever sign up for. So, as you so rightly point out – how would I really know for sure? It is also a reflection of the fact that negative headlines grab attention more effectively than balanced ones. I mean which headline would likely get more readers

    XYZ product – don’t ever buy this  – EVER!!!


    XYZ product – sort of OK, on balance if you are into this sort of thing.

    I guess we should all be doing ourselves a favor and remember that we live in a litigious world and every so often we should pause, take a step back and reconsider before posting something that could be construed as defamatory.

    Disclaimer – the term XYZ is used generically to mean any product and not a product or service of any real company.

    Best regards, Andy

  88. My word, I must have been hiding under a rock. I joined Wealthy Affiliate in 2015 and I never even heard of them being sued by anyone until I read this article. It is just like Kyle and Carson to award some of the payouts to victims of the scheme, as that just shows the type of people that they are – good, honest, and decent.

    I am not surprised that Wealthy Affiliate has stood the test of time as far as internet businesses go, as they really care about their members and keep on adding more and more value to the member’s area without increasing the prices.

  89. MOBE sued Wealthy Affiliate, are You next? I believe every company or platform no matter how good they are, will have disgruntled peers, clients or competitors at some point, especially if they are a success and in contact with many people in the public eye. The best thing to do is to see the ratio of complaints versus the good ones. I would never leave a platform for only a single sue.

    Wealthy Affiliate was sued, they stood up for what they give to the world and prevailed! This is true industry leadership. Now MOBE is no more.

    So they sued, citing that Kyle called them a scam, ponzi, pyramid scheme, and now they are no more, why? This is an interesting one – MOBE was obviously scamming and was put in receivership! I have heard that when you point a finger at someone, please look and you will see that the rest of your fingers are pointing at you.

  90. Very interesting, Tony, and I’m glad that MOBE’s case was thrown out, and that it is now in receivership. One fewer scam for unsuspecting people to worry about. People like me who are searching for online business opportunities. It’s very easy to be seduced by promises of quick success, of lots of money. Companies like that prey on people’s dreams. The harsh reality – as I see it – is that if I’m going to earn money through an online business activity, it’s going to require lots of hard work from me. And support from a genuine online training forum, like Wealthy Affiliate.

  91. Hello and thank you about this article about MOBE suing Wealthy Affiliate. I honestly never heard of this that a company bold and without shame, obviously scamming would sue another who is just telling the truth. 

    But then I am glad they become oblivious due to karma. 

    While everyone should be responsible and take everything in the internet with a grain of salt, there are still honest to goodness bloggers/sites that just simply loves their passion and sharing their wealth of knowledge and experiences for free to help others.

  92. Oh wow I had no idea that MOB sued the Wealthy Affiliate. I bet they lost. 
    Well 100% agreeing with what you said about people believing in whatever they read online because as you said it wouldn’t be online if it wasn’t true lol

    Very interesting. Now I also found several articles talking about the Wealthy Affiliate as a scam and was surprised that someone has so many complaints and yet some other people simply see and experience only success being members of the Wealthy Affiliate. 

    What’s the catch? Often that they actually use every opportunity to get people to sign up and check whether is true or not what those negative reviews talk about. 

  93. Hello Tony, thank you for sharing this informative and educative review article. This Post is centered on My online business education sueing wealthy affiliate. Permit me to say that they’re jealous of the success and achievements of wealthy affiliate. MOBE have been scamming and I’m glad karma caught up with them real fast.

  94. Hi Tony, thank you for sharing another great article. I actually was not aware Wealthy Affiliate was suited previously by Mobe. Thank you for sharing this story and giving its clarity as well. I very much agree with the statements you make in your article saying that a lot on the internet is written but most definitely not all is true. 

    Everybody can write a story on the internet but we should be should do careful research and use common sense to judge which information is true or false. 

    I am a member with Wealthy Affiliate myself and no matter what other people would say, my own judgement has always been that membership with Wealthy Affiliate is great value for your money for people who are serious about building an online business. I am pretty sure there is no greater opportunity anywhere online than signing up for Wealthy Affiliate.

    All tools to succeed are just on your fingertips and the community and support is nothing short of amazing.

    Best wishes to you.


  95. It’s amazing how some of these scammers are so brazen that they will sue someone for telling the truth about them when the truth is bound to come out at some point.

    Perhaps they feel that in so doing they may be giving themselves some credibility by adopting the noble position of victims defending their position against attacks from the competition.

    I was invited to join MOBE, or to ‘graduate’ into it via it’s ‘little brother’ MTTB (My Top Tier Business). I’m so glad I didn’t and the reason for it was it’s eye watering costs. It’d already been caught out by Empower Network and wasn’t ready to be suckered again!

    Like you, I’m with Wealthy Affiliate and I can 100% vouch for it’s quality both as an online learning resource and a solid community of like minded people. 

    What I feel can reflect badly on it, unfairly as it’s down to certain individuals rather than WA itself, is those members who write ‘scam or legit’ reviews without doing their due diligence. When they run down another program simply to plug Wealthy Affiliate, it does Wealthy Affiliate a dis-service by default, even if the program they’re reviewing genuinely isn’t a good one. 

    If something is a scam, say why and back it up with facts and figures , don’t just come across as having your own agenda. It seems like that’s something we both agree on, and which a minority of WA’ers need to take on board.

    I was aware of the lawsuit by MOBE against Wealthy Affiliate, but I must admit I didn’t know that Kyle and Carson had donated half of their legal compensation to the victims of the MOBE scam.

    That really is the mark of both Men and the integrity and generosity of spirit that they consistently show.

  96. Hello Tony Lee Hamilton, thank you for sharing this informative and educative review article. This Post is centered on My online business education sueing wealthy affiliate. Permit me to say that they’re jealous of the success and achievements of wealthy affiliate. MOBE have been scamming and I’m glad karma caught up with them real fast.

  97. Hello, 

    I clicked on this link because I knew nothing about this event. 

    It was an interesting read and you did a great job explaining it in simple terms. 

    I loved that the compensation claim money was shared amongst the MOBE victims.

    This would have restored their faith in humanity as it would have been easy for Kyle & Carson to just keep the money for themselves.

    Best wishes, 


  98. Being sued often indicates a company, like WEALTHY AFFILIATE, has become very successful. Certain companies, like MOBE, believe publicity (true or false) will bring them success. 

    Thanks Tony for your review. I have been a member of WealthyAffiliate for 4+ years and will continue for years to come because of the excellent, continually upgraded training, helpful peers, and an active, trustworthy leadership.  I have met and am still receiving benefits that I could get nowhere else.

  99. Hello Tony, Now I seem to understand the whole issue better now and that is the beauty of making research before jumping into conclusions about the anythingyou see on the internet. I have been seeing a lot of news about MOBE seeing Wealthy affiliate and I really wanted to get a clear reason for it, thank you Tony. Wealthy affiliate is a great platform and have been really good at what they do and it’s nice to see them clean.thanks for sharing

  100. Well! It is a good thing that karma caught up with mobe having been scamming people for long. The thought that they actually sued a platform as this wealthy affiliate who are doing the right things to ensure the success of our website is great to see here. Thanks so much for sharing all you have shared here. 

  101. This is kind of funny that a company sued WA and now is shutdown by the FTC. This shows you that you can trust WA, as they are a legitimate business that helps people run a successful business. WA teaches you how to research companies for investing your hard-earned money into them and write reviews sharing your experiences.  I surely appreciate WA and what they have taught me over the past 10 months.

  102. This is very enlightening! I’ve heard a few things about that, but never ventured to ask questions because I’m familiar with the people who run Wealthy Affiliate. Integrity isn’t the loudest voice, but it’s the most patient and that patience paid off in the long run. 

    Thanks for the clarity on those issues. I’m sure a lot of people are glad to hear your perspective. 


  103. Now I seem to understand the whole issue better now and that is the beauty of making research before jumping into conclusions about anything you see on the internet. I have been seeing a lot of news about MOBE seeing Wealthy affiliate and I really wanted to get a clear reason for it, thank you Tony. Wealthy affiliate is a great platform and have been really good at what they do and it’s nice to see them clean 

  104. Hello there,

    Thank you for updating us with this wonderful article.

    I sincerely had no idea about wealthy affiliate being sued. MOBE whatever it is seems indeed a scam by just name. It was obvious that it was threatened by wealthy affiliate all along, and the last thing that would definitely put them off was a review from the CEO’s of a company that knows what it is doing. I am as well skeptical about online money making themes on the internet.

    I have been with wealthy affiliate for a good time now and all I know it authentic. It is the only site I know that I would recommend someone serious about making money.

    Lots of signs of insecurities MOBE showed that would let any reasonable person know that it is indeed a scam. It was a good act of kindness Kyle and Carson showed to the people who had lost their money.

    Thank you for sharing, it was a great post



  105. I didn’t know about this but it doesn’t surprise me that fraudulent companies feel threatened by wealthy affiliate. I have been a member of WA for years and don’t have a bad word to say about how it operates. Sure, there are members who don’t get it and will abuse the process, but that doesn’t come from the platform itself. Justice in the end. 

  106. It is really a shame that companies like MOBE exist…or at least did. First of all, if you are that insecure about your own product, maybe that should tell you something. I feel like they got called out, didn’t want people to know so that they could continue to scam money out of them, so they sued. How ridiculous! It seems the courts felt that way too! Good on Kyle and Carson for donating that money to those who got duped. That’s awesome!

  107. I really didn’t know about this lawsuit against Wealthy Affiliate. I did hear about MOBE’s ship sinking and all the claims against it as being a scam and a really bad one.

    But it makes me happy to see that justice was made in the lawsuit and the full round was completed with MOBE going out of business 3 years later.

  108. You see, if you compare WA with other legit courses on the market, you’ll see what I’m about to tell you right now. Wealthy Affiliate is the only one that can throw in almost everything there is into one package.If you want to make a few thousand dollars a month within a year then affiliate marketing is definitely worth doing. When I first started everything was confusing but I didn’t stop, but today with the help from Kyle iam enjoying everything about Wealthy Affiliate. I will advise everyone to sign up for wealthy affiliate program, don’t miss this opportunity 

  109. I have to agree with you when you say that the web is the ‘bathroom wall of the 21st century’. There really is a whole lot of confusing and downright irrelevant stuff – you just have to know where to spot the genuine advice and products.

    I almost joined MOBE back in the day – something about their business practices always turned me off though. But I’m still a content member of WA to this day.

    I think that when people are doing their research about a product online, they have to be diligent and consider the majority of reviews. Because as we know, anyone can write something negative and plaster it online.

  110. It’s a community, of course there are some money going around from all of us WA members, it doesn’t automatically be categorized as SCAM. Of course not all members will be winning , some are just very unlucky or maybe they lack the hard work. 

    I like your article as well, it seems to be unbiased to WA even you’re a member. This is fair reporting as its finest.

  111. Hello Tony, I am a also member of a wealthy affiliate I agree with you. Some people don’t even work hard enough to create an online business and an online business is not something you can create quickly and there’s a lot of people like to throw Some negative  comment I totally agree with you

  112. Thank you so much for sharing with us a wonderful and informative article. The main theme of this article is about the mob sued and wealthy affiliate. It is truly incredible that you have illustrated this topic so well in your article. I have learned a lot by reading your article and gained a lot of knowledge about this two platforms. Of the points mentioned in your article, I like wealthy affiliate. I am an affiliate marketer who joined Wealthy Affiliate a while ago and after training there I will also earn money from affiliate marketing. I am in the second level of training from Wealthy Affiliate from where I learned to build my website

    Finally, I will read your article and enjoy it so I want to share this article with my social media group so that everyone knows about these two platforms, joins Wealth Affiliate, and gets training soon.

  113. I had heard that Wealthy Affiliate was sued, but it didn’t stop Kyle from continuing to do his job of pointing out scams and other schemes that do little more than separate people from their money. I joined Wealthy Affiliate two years ago and I have said this before and will say it again, “It is the best money I ever spent!”

  114. Hi Tony!

    I am also a Wealthy Affiliate member and I have to say that I didn’t know they were actually sued! That was really impressive!

    I have to say that you are totally right! Usually people expect to have instant results when they don’t even work hard enough to get them. Developing an online business takes time and most of the people who throw negative comments at Wealthy Affiliate gave up and didn’t put all their efforts in it.

    Thanks for such an informative post!

  115. You are very right, some people don’t even sign up for a platform themselves before they go around and start calling it a scam and this is why we shouldn’t believe eveey single thing that we see on the internet. It’s actually funny that a platform like mobe could use wealthy affiliate. Ironically, now they’re shut down and wealthy affiliate still remains till today. How life works. Lol.

  116. Hi Tony, Thanks for the post. I am a also member of wealthy affiliate so i absolutely agree with you. The fact that there are a lot of learning opportunities here is pretty amazing. I like the fact that you stayed and trusted the community. Also, i like the details in your post. It was really engaging.

  117. Hello there! this is an amazing review you have got here. I saw those negative review of wealthy affiliate, it was even the main reason I delayed my payment to upgrade the acct, but as soon as I found out it was all false, I instantly upgraded to my premium membership for one year. I love WA!

  118. This is the first time I’m hearing about MOBE suing Wealthy affiliate, I love your approach towards it then. It’s very true that anybody can just wake up one day and post unreasonable things about you or your business online just to defame you or spoil your image. MOBE right from time hasn’t been a good company that was why it was shutdown.

  119. Wow, it’s stories like this that make me admire the people in Wealthy Affiliate even more. 

    I am so impressed that they gave their payout to the victims of MOBE. It is sad but true that these type of scammers are obviously just out for money, and not to help people. The complete opposite of WA. Thank you for sharing this, as I was unaware! 

  120. What an irony of life that move has finally fallen and been shut down while wealthy affiliate is still standing tall and working just fine and growing ever better. To be very honest, move actually never really convinced me and though my friends joined, I never got the. Right conviction about it and I never got he urge to change my position about them till they shut down. This is really great and interesting to read

  121. Wow. So Wealthy Affiliates is subject to lawsuits and such business challenges. I am glad to read about this because it makes me even more comfortable with Wealthy Affiliates. You might not like one or two of the rules, but the support and resolutions show that the platform can stand up to any scrutiny. I was in a shady scheme when I saw a review about it and acted on the recommendation to join WA. I am so glad I did.

  122. Not everything we read in the newspaper is true, and that goes for the internet as well. Newspapers often publish sensational articles to get the attention, but it is not necessarily truthful. 

    This comes as news to me that WA was sued by MOBE, but then it does sound as if MOBE was clutching at straws, probably feeling guilty that the review had revealed their true colors. 

  123. My Online Business Education and was formerly known as My Online Business Empire and earlier as My Top Tier Business. i believe it has been declared fraudulent and insincere. Imagine them suing a company like Wealthy Affiliate which is the epitome of genuine business and commitment. I am a member of WA and i find it is awesome. It has training material which would probably be the best in the industry. Up up WA !


  124. Hello, 

    Thanks for writing this article. I am glad to know that Wealthy Affiliate will fight for what is right. It solidifies its credibility as a great all-in-one  affiliate platform. I’ve been doing affiliate marketing for years now and I’ve seen dozens of sites that promises people that they will help them build a profitable affiliate marketing business. I guess some of them are legit but my only complain is its rediculous price tag. I honeslty believe Wealthy Affiliate is one of the best in its industry. 

    You mentioned that WA got sued for writing a review against MOBE. This just to show that this affiliate marketing business that we are doing is not just for fun. It is a serious business and if we are going to write a review against other companies then we must make sure that we did our research and say what is honest and right. 

    John Greg  

  125. Interesting information.  Guess everyone gets muddied by talk from time to time.  I have found that many reviews are a bit harsh, with scam accusations, some situations are just that, a scam.  

    However, I do think that as a professional, that when giving a review on my site, I need to stay within the guidelines of a good review.

    There are so many ways of making money online that some seem to borderline fraud to me but are perfectly legit to others.  The history was interesting.

  126. This is news to me. I never knew that W.A. was sued. I joined W.A October of last year and I’m happy with the results so far. MOBE was also unknown to me. I’m glad that I’m not with a shady company. We all are trying to improve our lives by learning new stuffs. The last thing we need is a company taking our hard earned investment money and in return deliver us garbage that will lead to being unsuccessful. If MOBE was a shady company, then it deserves the death sentence.

  127. Tony,

    I did not know that Wealthy Affiliate was sued. I also have never heard about MOBE. It is not surprising that Wealthy Affiliate won and MOBE is now out of business. Really no surprise there from what you have shared. In my experience, Wealthy Affiliate is a very legitimate and well-established company, around for over 15 years and with over 2M members. I do not see them going anywhere and I intend to continue referring and promoting them and the community.

    Thank you for sharing.


  128. WOW! I never knew that Wealthy Affiliate was sued before, even as a member. This is so interesting to me. Honestly, almost half of the reviews on programs for online income are defamation cases waiting to happen. Nice of MOBE to sue whoever could give them the most money, though. I’m glad WA won. Kyle is a great guy as proven by him donating half of the court award to people who were scammed. I couldn’t be more proud of being a WA member after reading this.

  129. Hi there Tony!

    I do ppreciate your initiative to write this article and brought this issue out of WA community because people outside WA ( especially those who were brainwashed by some other competitors aside from MOBE ) need to read this to realize that WA is NOT a scam but with a KIND HEART AND GENUINE INTENTION TO HELP PEOPLE and this has has been proven by Kyle and Carson in this battle alone as they even donaoutside ted half of the money ( from MOBE for winning the case ) to all the victims.

    Another thing is – people who read your article will be saved from the ligit scammers around the net who wear masks and use tactics to hide their really bad intentions.

    I myself has been saved from these scammers and so thankful because the one that saved me is WA!

    Tony, you are saving lots of people thru this article!

    Thank you for sharing this.

    Be safe always!


  130. Hi there Tony!

    I do ppreciate your initiative to write this article and brought this issue out of WA community because people outside WA ( especially those who were brainwashed by some other competitors aside from MOBE ) need to read this to realize that WA is NOT a scam but with a KIND HEART AND GENUINE INTENTION TO HELP PEOPLE and this has has been proven by Kyle and Carson in this battle alone as they even donated half of the money ( from MOBE for winning the case ) to all the victims.

    Another thing is – people who read your article will be saved from the ligit scammers around the net who wear masks and use tactics to hide their really bad intentions.

    I myself has been saved from these scammers and so thankful because the one that saved me is WA!

    Tony, you are saving lots of people thru this article!

    Thank you for sharing this.

    Be safe always!


  131. Hi Tony Lee,

    Loved your article on MOBE suing Wealthy Affiliate.  I read about that the other day on the WA website that Carson had posted.  What blew me away as I read the post was how long and drawn out it was.  It’s amazing to me how long the court systems works.  Plus the fact that it’s kind of scary that a company like MOBE can make others jump through so many legal hoops.  Talk about a waste of time and money.

    The other part that’s a bit frightening to me is that from a common sense standpoint it seems completely baseless.  But for whatever reason the court system allows a company like MOBE to continue down the path for their “legal right”.  In any case, it’s wonderful to see that WA prevailed.  Thanks for the great article.

    Mat A.  

    • Hi Mat A.,

      yes my friend, I do agree that it is amazing in such a wrong way that the court system works in such a long and drawn out way.  Imagine all of the tax dollars wasted for such a baseless and frivolous reason as a company like MOB suing anyone. let alone Wealthy Affiliate.

      It is indeed wonderful that Wealthy Affiliate prevailed and that justice was finally reached, it has to be such a weight off of the shoulders for Kyle, Carson and WA to have this behind them.  Hopefully this will also set a precedence and serve as notice to anyone else who even thinks about wrongly accusing others, including but not limited to great companies like Wealthy Affiliate.

      You are welcome Mat A. & thank you my friend, you are welcome here anytime.


  132. Hi Tony, thank you for sharing this.  I  have  never heard of MOBE, it was only until  I joined Wealthy Affiliate, that I became aware of it.  This just proves to me how amazing the owners of Wealthy Affiliate are, that Kyle and Carson gave money to the victims of MOBE is truly amazing.  I am so glad to be a part of such a wonderful  community that is Wealthy Affiliate.  I was a complete beginner when I joined in March of this year, and have learned so much, and am still learning.  The community is filled with  people who want others to succeed, it really is a great platform.

    • Thank you Jenny for your great thoughts about the wonderful Wealthy Affiliate community my friend.

      Yes, the fact that Kyle and Carson decided to assist the victims of the MOBE scam to regain at least some of their money that they were swindled out of is such an amazing testament to their true feelings about the internet marketing arena.

      I appreciate you taking the time to read it and comment here as well, you are welcome here anytime.


  133. That’s so unfortunate that the founders of WA had to go through all that hassle and stress the last few year. Luckily, they prevailed! That’s awesome that they gave some of the money they were awarded to some of the victims of MOBE. Thank you for summarizing what has been going on the last few years and the outcome–I’m glad that WA prevailed!

    • Awesome Holly!

      You are welcome and thank you my friend for taking the time to read and comment.


  134. Thanks Tony for sharing this inspiring story. It goes to show that if you do the right thing, fight for what’s right. and don’t give up, anything is truly possible.

    Kyle and Carson are no doubt two of the most resilient individuals I have ever come across. I am looking forward to sharing your article with friends to give them a better perspective on the reviews they read online.

    It is so important to do your due diligence when navigating through the online world.

    Appreciate you taking the time to share this story of true justice.

    – Jay S. 

  135. Hello Tony,

    Thanks for this information and sharing it with us. Since I am relatively new to Wealthy Affiliate; I was not aware of this lawsuit. 

    Glad I did not see it while looking at this opportunity; initially, it might have caused me to change my mind before getting started. This group of people has been the best thing I have seen from the internet by far!

    Lawsuits from these types of business make me sick to my stomach; it’s good to hear that there is still people out there who are willing to stand there ground. 

    Three years is a long time to be tied up in a lawsuit, that speaks to the character of Kyle and Carson for fighting the good fight! They have earned some respect in my eyes.

    I totally agree with your comments at the end of your post; recently finding out for myself, just how much work is involved with building a business online, it’s a lot! And it does take time and energy to do this…

    Thanks for taking the time, it is appreciated!

    Have a great day!


    • Hello Chad,

      I completely understand my friend and there have been friends who didn’t join WA in the past 3 years because of the legal battle being fought because of MOBE’s false allegations.

      Now that the verdict has been rightly brought out, I am looking forward to sharing the Wealthy Affiliate Platform with the most amazing community, training, support and leadership with friends even more.

      Have a great day as well Chad and you are welcome back here anytime my friend,


  136. Hi Tony, thanks for the very engaging topic. Sadly no one is safe from false allegations against them, be that a dishonest review or a lawsuit. But in my own humble view, the genuine article always comes through. Be truthful and have integrity in what you do and you can achieve great things. I also believe WealthyAffiliare is the strongest platform for online success I have come across in years. Thanks, Kenny 

    • Hi Kenny,

      I absolutely love your beliefs my friend, truthfulness, integrity and being genuine comes through and always prevails in the end.

      Thank you Kenny for sharing & caring,


  137. Hi, 

    The Question that you are Asking: Are You Next? 

    Do not find standing with me, Because I am reading your article the question is directed to me. 

    I am Saying that like MOBE anyone who are feeling threatened because he/she have something to hide will turn to a lawsuit to seek cover from the truth.

     Because they know that the wrongdoer is sometimes the one who get the benefit in the court of Law. People like MOBE will seek to use might to beat right by heading to a Lawsuit.

     Of course, just as how some of us would judge an article while it is sealed in a box, just so some of us judge a company without even researching it or signing up into it. 

    If I have an issue with a member of WA, maybe a Lawsuit could be considered. 

    But, with Wealthy Affiliate, NO! WA is a help to the people of the world. Therefore, the founders should be given the fresh Air to continue the development for the benefit of all people. Even if they are wrong with you.

    Are you a member of all the companies that you have Listed? 

    Are you afraid of being sued? Ha ha


    • Hi DorcasW,

      as I stated in the article, yes my friend, I am indeed a member of all of the companies listed there as well as others.

      The question, “Are You Next” is directed towards all of the other companies etc…. who may or may not be thinking of trying to sue anyone or any company.  Sadly, we live in a sue happy time of our existence.

      I also don’t condone anyone judging anyone and/or anything else either and especially without any true facts.

      Thank you DorcasW for reading and sharing my friend.


  138. Hi Tony,

    I’m also extremely skeptical about what anyone posts on the internet. The “Bathroom Walls on the 21st Century” is a great way of putting it. There will always be those filng lawsuits without any real basis in the hopes of getting lucky. This is why we have such a litigious society and also why many people – including me – have become so paranoid about even posting something that might get me sued.

    I’ve been a member of wealthy Affiliate for three years now and can vouch for the fact that they are 100% legitimate as far as my dealings with them. The price to be a premium member is extremely reasonable and I’ve never been hit with an up-sell. The types of activities they’ve been accused of sound ridiculous and I’m glad that this was confirmed by the court decision. 

    • Hi LynnSamuelson,

      thank you my friend for sharing your experience as a member at Wealthy Affiliate for the past 3 years.

      I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment here on this article as well as share your thoughts.


  139. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story on how WA was sued by MOBE in 2015.

    I am happy that instead of being punished WA was rewarded. 

    I know i have made a nice choice when i chose WA as my platform to make online money. 

    From this point, many people are doing reviews on many online companies, it is very important that they must do a deep research before writing any review especially newbies so am I.

    Scams  are everywhere and it is our duties to help people not fall in their tricks but we must be careful in what we do.

    I liked the story

    • You are welcome Julienne,

      WA has endured and prevailed my friend as was the correct outcome in this matter.

      There are indeed scams all around us all and with the internet we are exposed to them daily and much more frequently than in the past but it’s my opinion that who are we to judge, we have our opinions.

      Thank you Julienne for taking the time to read and comment on this story with such a happy ending my friend.


  140. Well I hope I’m not next. I don’t really see how mobe could sue someone for having a bad opinion about them anyway. We do have a thing called freedom of speech. It looks like the claims must have been legitimate if they got shut down by the ftc.

    I think there are some legitimate make money online companies out there. What gets a lot of people is that they just want to get rich quick. Well if you want to get rich quick then play the lottery and good luck with that. An online business takes A LOT of time, dedication, passion, and patience.

    Do you have any tips on how not to get sued?

    • Tips on how not to ever get sued ……. Do nothing, say nothing, stand for nothing and/or be nothing!

      In other words my friend, I don’t have any tips on how to never be sued because anyone who ever does anything, says anything, stands for anything and is anything is fair game for the crazies of the world.

      In my honest opinion, all that we can do is be the best person that we can and always do what we believe to be right no matter the circumstances.

      Thank you Travis for your question and thoughts my friend,


  141. I love this article.  You really hit the nail on the head.  I read about the lawsuit and was stunned that Wealthy Affiliate would be sued.  Disclaimer:  I have recently joined Wealthy Affiliate and find the community to be amazing!  

    Thank you for this article and thank you for your service.

    • Awesome my friend and thank you for sharing your feelings as well as for your compliments.

      Welcome to the Wealthy Affiliate Community,


  142. Crazy, I thought that i heard something about this. The FTC shutdown MOBE because it was operating as a ponzi-scheme.

    Thanks for the info Tony, appreciate you looking out and giving us some actual info about the darker side of DM. It’s not always peaches and cream. Great read. I assume the allegations never fell through as Wealthy Affiliates is still up and running.

    • McqueenKoby,

      what is DM my friend?

      Is it Digital Marketing?

      The charges of Defamation that MOBE had brought against WA were indeed dismissed and were found to be untrue so yes, Wealthy Affiliate is indeed still running and even more smoothly than before.

      Thank you for your time and communication,


  143. I never even knew about this case until recently. It’s awesome that Wealthy Affiliate was vindicated in the end. It sucks that there will probably still be some people that will lump WA in a group with something like MOBE and then label them all scams without any research or reference. It’s ironic that we live in the information age and yet misinformation seems to be more prevalent than truth nowadays.

    • True Ryan,

      some people will always blindly label anything as a scam, scheme or illegal no matter what my friend.

      Cynics are even worse than sceptics as sceptics will at least in many cases at least be open minded, cynics will be negative no matter what.

      Thank you for your thoughts Ryan,


  144. Hey Tony!  Thank you for your service!  Great website!  That whole Mobe thing actually scared me a little, to tell you the truth.  I would not have had the thousands and thousands of dollars Wealthy Affiliate had to defend the suit, so something like this could put me out of business.  I may not do any negative reviews and only just promote programs I find worthwhile.  That way I don’t have to worry about some angry company coming after me like that.  Thanks for the update.

    • Hey Babsie,

      I agree with you my friend.

      I also don’t have many millions of dollars to fight a Big Dog in court so if someone does attempt to sue me then I will make sure to win. 🙂

      I also appreciate your compliment of my service and website Babsie, you are welcome here anytime.


  145. Everything I seem to read about Wealthy Affiliate screams solid and a diamond in the mud!  It’s kind of interesting to have  contact with a company to the point of personally finding out that there are NO hidden fees and/ or catches, then to hear of another similar company lashing out at WA throwing law suites. I guess MOBE is familiar with law suites!  Looks like the similarity ends with the industry.

    • Thank you for your thoughts Suzette, 

      I appreciate your time and communication my friend.

      Upsells aren’t a bad thing in my opinion as long as we are getting what we pay for and as you say that they aren’t hidden and/or with catches…..

      Talk with you soon Suzette,


  146. Hi Tony, how are you? I was also surprised when I read the whole story that Kyle published about the lawsuit. It’s incredible but true, nowadays anyone can sue you.

    I loved the image, I was very funny but that is the same reaction that most people have, they try a few days, some maximum a month, and if they do not see results, they already say it is a scam.People must learn to work for something to see the results.Pao.

    • Hi Pao, 

      I am wonderful my friend, any better and there would need to be 2 or 3 more of me.

      Thank you for your love of the image, it’s funny yet not funny at the same time & even sad.

      Working to achieve results is what the answer is, no work = no results!

      Thank you Pao for your thoughts,


  147. Trying to sue someone for simply giving their opinion about your business says a lot about MOBE. I never heard of them before this article, but looks like they definitely got what they deserved. And you’re right, it’s hard to know what to trust on the internet with how easy it is for anyone to put something up as “the truth”. Usually, if you keep digging deep enough the actual truth will be uncovered, exposing the fake content. Thanks for sharing and standing up for WA!

  148. Hi Tony, 

    Interesting, I must admit I’ve never heard of MOBE but good to know WA prevailed and were proven right in the court of law!

    I’m pretty new to WA, you mention how the platform has becomes better over the years, what for you has been the most valuable change made since you joined a few years back?



    • Hi Nathan,

      There are a few other articles here on this site that I have written as well as when you Google “MOBE FTC” and/or “MOBE Federal Trade Commission” without the “Quotations” then you will find more of my posts as well as others written by members of WA as well as others on the internet.

      As far as improvements at WA in the past 3+ years that I’ve been a member, I will share a few.

      Jaaxy Lite becoming a part of the Premium Membership is one thing that has greatly improved.  Although I have been an upgraded Jaaxy Pro member for quite some time, it’s nice to have friends who I refer to WA to have the ability to have Jaaxy Lite right away.

      The entire User Experience has improved as the platform has just a few months ago gotten a complete facelift bringing it to the elite of the 21st Century.

      WA has also added the 100% free over 1,000,000 royalty free images within the site content platform as well as the site content writing platform itself.

      Nathan, I could go on and on about the things that have improved in the past 3+ years that I have been a member at Wealthy Affiliate but I won’t.

      Thank you for the question my friend,


  149. Tony, thank you for sharing your honest opinion about ‘internet news’.  

    Although MOBE are now under due to fraudulence, we should also be aware that there are hidden gems in the internet world, Wealthy Affiliate being one of them. Obviously the court case seemed to be about a big fish bullying a smaller fish until it got itself being swallowed up by a whale.  In other words the FTC.

    Through  your article (and I hope you heavily promote it) people will see the difference between an internet shark and an internet dolphin..Wealthy Affiliate are very much on the side of the masses and the masses are firmly behind them.

    This  is where favour is accrued.

    Tony, more grease to your elbows!

    • Such a great visual that you have provided us with Stella, thank you my friend!

      I love how you have painted the picture for us and how you show Wealthy Affiliate as a dolphin as dolphins are highly intelligent as well as very powerful in their own right.  All the while they are messengers to us all and share their beauty with others.

      With over 1.5 million members worldwide, WA is now a force itself and has grown quite well since launching in 2005 and in 2017 more than 250,000 friends joined Wealthy Affiliate.

      Thank you Stella for your thoughts on this issue that we all have witnessed in the past 3 years.


  150. That was an insight an interestingly different take on the MOBE scandal. I wasn’t doing anything online at the time,after being taken to the cleaners a few times myself from other programs I was taking a break for a bit. I did read about MOBE a few times I believe it was on the warrior forum.It was enough to keep me away from any online ventures until recently when I decided to try again. That was when I decided to finally join Wealthy Affiliate  I knew they had been around for many years 13 to be exact, I really wish now that I had joined when first running accross them…that was 8 yrs ago. I can only imagine where I would be today. 🙂 🙂  It is refreshing to be apart of an ethical honest company!!

    • It’s great that you have now joined Wealthy Affiliate Cathy, welcome my friend!

      We can’t turn back time and who knows, if you had joined WA back 8 years ago things may or may not have turned out better.

      It does never cease to amaze me that I either didn’t see WA and/or didn’t pay attention to the amazing platform sooner than I did 3 years ago based on the fact that I have been earning and assisting friends in earning online since 2007 just 2 years after WA launched.

      Now that we do know what we have, we can be thankful that we do indeed have a legitimate place to learn and earn every day that gets better and better.

      Thank you Cathy for sharing & caring,


  151. What a great way to show support for Wealthy Affiliate and to endorse the sound and true characters of Kyle and Carson!

    The point that got my attention was the reason Kyle and Carson pursued the matter until it was solved.

    Kyle mentions that they also wanted to help those who have been scammed by many companies out there on the internet, especially those who cannot afford to go through the legal process.  So by pursuing this legal battle for a long time, and coming out and winning the battle, they have helped to prove that the truth will prevail and scammers will be found guilty.

    During this legal battle, one of the pertinent factors was that Kyle and Carson protected the data of all members of Wealthy Affiliate and didn’t budge when MOBE requested data information from Wealthy Affiliate.

    From my point of view, Kyle and Carson, have shifted the mindset of many companies in the industry who think they can continue to scam their way to wherever they think they might end up!  In the case of MOBE, shut down.

    Thank you for challenging us to think carefully about everything that is put out there on the internet and to test everything to make sure the truth is known.


    • Sweet Edu!

      thank you my friend for sharing your thoughts on this very important issue and for pointing out that Kyle and Carson did indeed not only protect our data, they also contributed to those who were scammed out of money by MOBE.

      Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone truly did what was right and didn’t try to deceive each other?

      What a perfect world that would be ….. Of course, this world will never be perfect but we can all still make an effort to do our part in doing the right thing.

      Thank you for taking the time to read and comment Edu, you are welcome anytime my friend.


  152. LOL I really like your bathroom graffiti analogy about the internet and not to believe everything you read until you really do your research, or trust your own experience. 

    I am glad you didn’t cancel your WA membership on account of MOBE starting some $hit because Wealthy Affiliate is obviously a legit company with lots, and lots of people backing it up. Most people who want to give any credit to MOBE need to consider that they were shut down by the federal trade commission so um, yeah that says alot about them!

    What I learned from this article and what really made me happy to hear is how Kyle and Carson donated a considerable amount of their court winnings to the victims of MOBE who were scammed and ripped off. This is why WA is a successful company because they have integrity, values and morals which is something you also don’t find in the internet. My analogy of the internet is that its a very ghetto “hood” where all kinds of people are on the corner slanging things, you gotta be very mindful what you check out or consider because you don’t really know the source. A common sense thing to do is look at the general consensus , is everyone else buying from this ice cream man? Yeah? well then he might be legit!  and that also goes for WA and the scores of positive reviews that are on the internet only prove the validity of this company, thats all I’m saying

    • Awesome Sophia!

      I appreciate your time and communication my friend as Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle, Carson and the Community are amazing and I realize just how amazing every day.

      What a wonderful, legitimate and caring community where we can all learn and earn while sharing with each other as well.

      You are welcome here at this website anytime Sophia, I absolutely love your mindset my friend.

      Talk with you soon,


  153. We do live in a time when anyone can say just about anything on the internet and get away with it. It does take a lawsuit sometimes to get people to stop hurting your business with unfounded reviews and such. The problem is that when people talk bad about you on the internet what they are saying about you has to actually be false. That was not the case in the case with Wealthy Affiliate. Also it shows a lot of character to not just bend or break under the pressure and financial strain it takes to win a case like this. A lot of businesses would have just removed the comments even though they are true just to not have the financial burden of having to prove that the truth is the truth. It goes to show that Wealthy Affiliate was trying to be a good neighbor to everyone else on the internet. Worth taking a look into! 

    • Absolutely D.W. Mann!

      Taking on the system as well as not backing down did indeed show what Wealthy Affiliate is all about and is a testament to the quality leadership.  One very important factor when joining any opportunity, site, community etc…. You are welcome anytime my friend.

      Talk with you soon D.W. Mann,


  154. The truth will come out in the end, MOBE was one of the first programs I joined, I am glad I am not a man of means otherwise they probably would have cleaned me out. My so called ‘coach’ even suggested I take out a loan for the upsells!! I remember when the court initially went in favour of MOBE, Mr LLoyd was gloating on Facebook and suggested that Wealthy Affiliate may have to pay a substantial amount to them for damages.This is why real honest reviews are required, to help people falling for get rich quick schemes and outright scams.

    • Wow Mihaj!

      Thank you for sharing your experience with MOBE my friend!

      Taking out a loan?

      I wonder if Mr. Lloyd is gloating on Facebook or anywhere else now 🙂 most likely not!

      I appreciate your time and communication Minhaj,


  155. I think it is hilarious that MOBE was suing for Defamation. The fact is, there has to be false claims for defamation to exist is one thing that I have learned in my business law classes. The fact that what being said about MOBE has fact in them should have not let this court case go as long as it did for the last 3 years. The facts were even coming from people who have personally invested their money with them too. I guess that is the perks of living in a sue happy society. Everyone wants a piece of your money especially when you have a large piece of pie like Kyle and Carson have. The fact that they were getting blamed for other peoples reviews whom they weren’t associate with also shows how desperate MOBE was.

    • I agree Jessie, it shows how much the system loves to have the money coming in as well, 3 years?

      They could have and should have concluded this case way sooner than 1 year, let alone 3 years.

      MOBE is indeed facing many challenges and maybe the karma is coming back to them all now.

      I am saddened by the friends who got involved who did and do actually care about each other as I am quite sure that it was the majority.

      It only takes a few bad apples to spoil the whole bunch ….

      Thank you for stopping by to read and comment Jessie,


  156. This is a generosity of Kyle, Carson and Wealthy Affiliate sent $65,000 to the victims of MOBE.  That is shown you that the idea behind the wealthy affiliate were to help the young online entrepreneurial to make money online . They are different from people that promise heaven and earth and offer nothing but with wealthy affiliate patient is the key to success and this is not the quick way of making money online. Thank you for this comprehensive educative information. Keep the good work.

  157. Another amazing post Tony I do agree on every point you talked about especially when some label an opportunity a scam, pyramid scheme, MLM, and all those negative names you hear. One thing that did stand out in your article is the fact you said you don’t believe anything on the internet because it is like the 21st centuries bathroom wall. That commercial I remember seeing and I do agree with it and it is a comical commercial but sad at the same time.

    Now to that question do I believe everything from the positive to the negative reviews online or really anything? To be honest nope I don’t believe anything online, I have always believed in this quote “believe none of what you hear and half of what you see”

    Me personally I am not against any type of opportunity yeah are there opportunities online that are sub-par and probably not worth your time? Yeah of course there is but just because one system isn’t the best doesn’t mean another opportunity in the same type of business model isn’t legit. 

    The thing is with MOBE I never actually got into that I actually got into DA, back in mid 2017 from someone on IG then I got involved but right when I was about to put down the money for Rise ($2,500), they got shut down by the FTC in Feb of 2018 I only lost about a few hundred bucks.

    I just think it is crazy how easy it is for someone to sue you even if the review is actually truth you know? 

    I did my research into MOBE when I heard about it but I never said it was a scam because I never invested in it. I have always believed like you had mentioned you shouldn’t call something a scam from just reviews on the internet because most if not all are crazy biased because they are trying to get you into their program. Or they are trying to do a bait and switch where they label it a scam and switch it up to tell you to sign up for their #1 opportunity.

    I am just happy WA beat MOBE and thrived in the case over the three years they were in the case for it is just sad to know people will do what they can to get you and scare you into getting rid of in their eyes “false Info”.

    Thanks for this and sharing your knowledge with everyone 


    • Awesome Matt!

      I am blown away by your thorough comment and research my friend, you are truly a person who I want with me on the team and no matter what we do!

      Thank you so much for not only taking the time to completely read this article but also share your experience and expertise with us all as well.

      Talk with you soon Matt, you are always welcome here my friend.


  158. It sounds so scary to be sued for telling th truth. Honestly, after a case like this going public, someone should just try it out and realise it’s a scam. Though, I didn’t join MOBE – thankfully – so it might not have been so easy to prove this. They scammed lots of people so I guess they planned this well… 

    Hopefully, most people took their money back.

    • Thank you for sharing Jenny,

      MOBE is still as far as I know, being investigated by the Federal Trade Commission and this article is about them bringing charges against Wealthy Affiliate and losing.

      Kind of ironic, isn’t it?

      MOBE being shut down and now losing their case in trying to sue WA for defamation.

      Anytime being taken to court is involved worries me as you never know what the “Big Brother” government will decide ….. 🙂

      Thank you for your time and communication Jenny,


  159. Excellent article Tony.  

    I, for one am very careful about throwing around the word scam.  

    I think many of us would agree there are many businesses that make claims that are unbelievable but I still stay clear of the word scam unless I can absolutely prove what I am talking about.  

    I may do reviews where I recommend not signing up or buying a product but that is simply a recommendation.  

    I think people may see a lot more of what Kyle and Carson went through.  

    However if you stick to your guns and have strong beliefs in what you are doing then in most cases we should prevail.

    • Thank you Dale,

      yes my friend, I am with you my friend and don’t throw the scam word around either.

      Honesty is always the best policy and standing up for what we believe in wins every time in the end.


  160. I had no idea that Kyle, Carson and Wealthy Affiliate had sent $65,000 to the victims of MOBE.  That is absolutely amazing, and that shows you that they are in it too help others and not just for a quick buck like all those scammers out there.

    If it requires time and effort on your part then it most likely isn’t a scam.  If it claims that you can make soooo much money within such a short amount of time then it most likely is a scam.

    Success means learning then implementing what you learn(work).

    • Absolutely Shy!

      I do so agree my friend, Kyle & Carson along with the Wealthy Affiliate Community are absolutely amazing and walk the walk for all of us.

      Work is how it is accomplished indeed!

      Thank you Shy for stopping by to read and comment with your thoughts,


  161. Hi Tony, how are you? Man, I enjoyed reading that post of Kyle about the court case involving MOBE and be victorious after three years of stress for them.

    As a member of WA and knowing Kyle and Carson as good and honest people, I never doubted that they will lose the case. But you know what? Before I knew WA, I saw MOBE and thought it was a good opportunity to earn money online.

    I joined them, but when they started with their ridiculous upsells, I canceled my subscription and asked for a refund which I never got.

    Anyway, I enjoyed reading this article of yours.
    Take care!

    • Hi Nicolaas,

      I am doing wonderfully my friend and how are you?

      You aren’t the only one who joined MOBE in believing that it was a good opportunity to learn and earn money online as the number is Huge!

      I appreciate you taking the time to read this article and your compliments as well as sharing your experience Nicolaas.

      You are always welcome here my friend, anytime.



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