Facebook Marketing for Business Owners, be Original, be You!

There are many so called experts sharing how Facebook Marketing for Business Owners has to be done, would you agree? I am not going to claim to be some “Guru” or “Social Media Expert” as I m in the opinion that social media is an ever evolving market.  Training that anyone creates today was outdated yesterday, social media evolves faster than technology and the algorithms etc…. can't possibly be kept up with!

Under no circumstances should you purchase and/or pay for “training” that claims to be able to have the magical midas touch and assist you in being able to corner your market.

So, what do I advise?

I advise you to be You, an Original!

No one can ever become a better version of you so that is one way to insure that you stand out in the crowd of the others who are within your niche and attempting to attract the attention of your chosen audience.

Below I will share with you the ways in which I, “The Marketing Veteran – Tony Lee Hamilton” have been able to separate myself from others who are within the Internet Affiliate Marketing Niche as well as the Mentoring others online arena. Have you ever heard of me on the internet?  Google – “The Marketing Veteran” and see if I show up on page #1 of the Google search results.  When you do see my name there then also do me a favor, click on my link there.  This is of course one way that I can stay atop the search results for my brand as The Marketing Veteran, thank you for sharing & caring.

Facebook Business Groups

Facebook Business Page:

Creating, sharing and growing your Facebook Business Fan Page is an absolutely fabulous way to market yourself to the audience that you are focusing upon.  Remember that it's not all about selling and that you should first and foremost share value with your page, use the  2 & 1 rule.

Two posts of value without selling then 1 post focused upon selling, Gary Vaynerchuk better known as Gary Vee wrote a Best Selling Book about this method titled “Jab, Jab … Right Hook”  He is very well known as the #1 Social Media Marketing Icon in the World, View Gary's Facebook Page & Instagram Page to see why!

Also subscribe to Gary Vee's Youtube page but keep in mind that He doesn't have a language filter and drops more than a few F Bombs so don't say that I didn't warn you!

While not near as huge of a following at either Facebook or Instagram, here is The Marketing Veteran Facebook Page as well as the Instagram Page.

Instagram as you most likely know is owned by Facebook and you can link your Facebook Business Page with your Instagram Page so it's very handy in sharing your content with both platforms.  I also recommend that you share your website content onto your Facebook Business page then even create a screenshot and share onto Instragram as well.

Facebook Groups for Sharing Your Business:

What's the difference between a Fan Page and a Group on Facebook?

One of the main differences is that in most case there is more interaction within groups than within pages, groups and pages can now be linked as well so it's more powerful to be able to post onto the group as your page instead of with your personal Facebook Profile Page.

View the Facebook Groups Below to see how I share:

The first 2 groups above have been established for quite some time, Internet Affiliate Marketing Friends is for Friends to share websites, Blog Posts, Referral Links, Opportunities etc….. The Friends Sharing Inspiration is  not promotional group and is geared toward as the title suggests, sharing inspirational posts.

The IBOsocial / IBOtoolbox & Wealthy Affiliate Marketing Groups were just launched yesterday so there are currently under 1,000 members at each of them at the time of this post being written.

Facebook Group for Sharing Business Opportunities

Sharing Posts from Your Website:

One way that I have found to be able to grow my Facebook Business Page as well as my Website Traffic is to share a website post onto my Facebook Business Page then to embed that post back onto my website on a different post.  You can also embed a post from your Instagram account onto your website in order to grow your Instgram Following.

View the training that I created to be able to accomplish this:

You can also view some of my posts here within this TonyLeeHamilton.com in which I have utilized the embedding technique in order to market and grow my Facebook Page, Instagram Page and also my Website as well as my Brand!

Be Original, Create Your Brand!

I'm not even going to pretend that I know the secret sauce for you to be able to be you and for your to create your brand by being original. We are of course all original and there is only one of each of us, so that is our Super Power and when we utilize our super power, we create our original brand.

What are You known as on the internet?

Have you already started to grow your brand?

If you don't yet have answers to the above questions and/or answered no, don't worry as you can right now get started in growing your brand by creating a Facebook Business Page, Facebook Group and/or Instagram Page.

Below I will share embeded posts from my Facebook and Instagram Business pages to show you what is not only possible but very achieveable. When you trust that you know your audience and how to share value with them in order to assist them in overcoming and obstacle and/or finding a solution for their needs or wants.

Marketing Veteran on Instagram:

Marketing Veteran on Facebook:

Thank You Friends:

In closing, I would like to thank you for stopping by and reading this post.  I also thank you for taking the time to comment below with your thoughts, ideas, praise, complaints etc….

Most of all, I would love for you to share below how the above has helped you to grow your Business, your Facebook Page, your Facebook Group, your Instagram Page and/or your Brand on the internet with my Facebook Marketing for Business Owners post that I shared above.

All of our continued success is my daily Prayer.

Updated:  28 October 2018

I must admit and apologize that I have now found out that, yes indeed IBOtoolbox/IBOsocial is a scam and a total waste of time.

I have many friends at IBO and that is the only reason that I have yet to write a full article on this and also why I have waited until now to update this post.

To the friends who I have in the past referred to IBO, I sincerely apologize and am now asking for your forgiveness.

I didn't know that the traffic at IBO was almost all entirely fake, now I do know!

How did I find out?

As a past Club IBO member ($19.95 per month) I created a banner ad and pointed the traffic to my website specifying only one platform within IBO to share it on.  I also uploaded a few YouTube videos and had my website there as well.

Much to my surprise, my traffic shot up!

At first I was excited but then I saw that the time spent on my site along with my bounce rate were negatively affected.  Not only that but I was getting traffic from all of the other IBO sites as well.  


Yes, that confused me as well, how did my banners and/or YouTube videos get seen on those other IBO sites.  

I then had an idea …… I uploaded more random YouTube videos and pointed the link to my own IBOsocial Profile page.

Guess what happened?

Overnight, I became the #1 traffic leader at the site, so I loaded more and yes I remained easily the traffic leader by far.

I also did the same thing with 2 separate profiles and had the same results, it was so easy.

What happened?

I am so glad that you asked, it has become so obvious that IBO utilizes BOTS on their sites.  I am so amazed that they haven't been found out by Google Adsense as the fake traffic should be against their terms of service…… then again, Google probably doesn't care as long as they are being paid by their advertisers.

Are you reading this and are a member at IBO?  Send me a message if you want more details on the sharing of YouTube while having the learn more link directed to your IBOsocial Profile page.  Any YouTube video 🙂 Load about 13 of them and you'll see that within 24 hours you'll be a traffic leader.  

OK, I am usually not a negative person and that is why I haven't openly disclosed this information until now but I must now share so that more friends don't fall for the IBOtoolbox/IBOsocial scam, especially Kris Karafotas who is either the owner and/or the owner trusts her to run the show there. 

Terrible support & leadership is also part of the IBO scam, the community of friends is the only reason why I stayed a member as long as I did.  Please disregard all of the content below as it was written back when I had no idea that IBO was a scam.

IBOsocial is a scam

30 thoughts on “Facebook Marketing for Business Owners, be Original, be You!”

  1. Hi,

    Great article on how to use Facebook for business. 

    Nowadays, social networking sites play a major role in connecting prospective customers for any kind of product or service. 

    But the main point is how to present your company or product in Facebook is the most crucial task. 

    A proper strategy should be followed in this regard. 

    Your post is really helpful for me as I learned many important things about growing business through facebook. 

    Thank you

    • Hi Himbru,

      Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on this post my Friend.

      Facebook is indeed a great place to promote and grow our businesses and I also love utilizing Instagram as well.

      You are welcome back anytime my Friend, talk with you soon.


  2. Tony,

    Thanks for the informative information offered here on your page.

    I was truly shocked to see you come up as the number one search result out of 59 million results.

    I do hope that one day I reach your level.

    However, I would like to ask what you recommend for those of us who want to build our brand but want to do it under a pseudonym?

    Should we create a separate FaceBook / Instagram / Twitter page to build up our brand?

    Or is it even possible to accomplish when you aren’t willing to associate it with your personal life?

    Thanks again,

    Erin T.

    • Hi Erin,

      Thank you so much for stopping by my Friend and for the wonderful compliment.

      To answer your question about building a brand thru a pseudonym, Yes Erin that is absolutely fine and You will be able to keep your personal and business life separate.

      Thank you for the great question Erin, You are welcome back anytime my Friend.


  3. Tony,
    Although I am having a Facebook fan page and Instagram page, unfortunately, I am not able to gain many followers to these pages. 

    Your post has got great knowledge resource and I have copied all the relevant links to give a detailed study. Embedding Facebook and Instagram post on the website seems to be a new technique to me.

    Thanks for a helpful post.

    • Wonderful Prabakaran,

      you are welcome and thank you my Friend for letting me know that this post is indeed helpful nd has shown you a new technique for sharing and growing your Facebook page.

      Talk with you soon,


  4. Hi Tony and thanks for this valuable post.

    I try my best on social media, also Facebook but so far not very successful.

    I need to make a business page too I think. the two rules you mention are good to know and start with. 

    Maybe I will promote even less in the beginning to start earning the trust of my friends before adding products.

    Are product reviews also helpful content if they are not built like a sales page?

    • Hi Stefan,

      yes my Friend product reviews are also indeed helpful.

      Social Media does take some time to learn and grow into, also a very great Return on Investment of Time so I highly recommend that you keep learning my Friend.

      Talk with you soon,


  5. This some great information my friend!
    I have bookmarked this post so I can read it again and absorb it more.
    I also clicked around and all the other wonderful information you have there as well.
    I am just starting out in my affiliate marketing journey and I’m just so excited I can’t stop thinking of the possibilities that are going to come my way.
    With the information you have provided us all here on your site it’s a great wealth of information.
    Thank you!

    • Wonderful Sabrina!

      Thank you my Friend for the compliment my Friend and also for taking the time to read and comment here as well.

      You are welcome back anytime and yes the possibilities are indeed endless Sabrina.

      Talk with you soon,


  6. Hi Tony, 

    You have a very interesting site, I need to spend a few hour reading all your posts because I know I will find more great value here. 

    I am sure I could be doing so much more to use Facebook to sell. 

    At the moment I post the odd page. 

    Should I separate my personal page from my business page? 

    At the moment I post to my personal page. 

    I am not very knowledgeable at this.



    • Hi Sharon,

      thank you so much my Friend & you are welcome back anytime.

      You can post to both your personal and business pages Sharon, they are both great places to share your website posts and/or referral links.

      Talk with you soon Sharon,


  7. Hallo there,

    Your post has been a real eye opener for me. I have always been taking social as a place to go and post a link of my new post and add a few lines after it and leave.

    And this really explains why I don’t get any comments or likes, which is something I have really been craving for. I will be looking further into the 2 and 1 rule as it really defines the whole importance of social media. Thanks for the insights.

    • Wonderful Dave,

      You are welcome my Friend and thank you for letting me know that this post has been an eye opener for you my Friend.

      I look forward to hearing about your success utilizing the 2 and 1 rue very soon Dave.

      Talk with you soon,


  8. Hi Tony,

    That was a really good article. You provided some really good tips and resources. This is my first time coming across the 2 & 1 rule and the more I think about it the more it makes sense.

    I’m still relatively new to online marketing and I haven’t used Facebook as much as I should. I had one question, how often do you recommend that we post on Facebook?

    Thanks for sharing,

    • Hi Tej,

      You are welcome my Friend.

      Thank you for stopping by, reading, commenting and for your question as well.

      I recommend posting onto your Facebook page at least 1 time per day and even 3 times a day if you are able to share quality content.

      Gary Vee is famous for his ability to master social media and I also love his Jab, Jab, Right Hook 2 – 1 philosophy.

      Talk with you soon Tej, you are welcome back anytime my Friend.


  9. I think it’s very essential that people connect with you with your story in term of why should they listen to you and why should I care. 

    By inspiring them that what you accomplish can be achieved and not impossible while educating them where you should start your first move just do it and don’t be paralyzed by over analyzing it. 

    Get out of your head and into your greatness.

    • Thank you Erick for stopping y and for sharing your thoughts on this topic my Friend.

      You are welcome back anytime Erick,


  10. I have been in the online business for a while and all I do is the Wealthy affiliate. 

    I never knew facebook was a good way of bringing in income for me. 

    I know about facebook traffic but not to this extent. 

    Thanks for the article I will look deeper and try something out soon.

    • Wonderful John!

      You are welcome anytime my Friend and also check out some of the recent Facebook Training that I have created by going here John.

      Talk with you soon my Friend,


  11. This is great! 

    I didn’t even think about putting the link in the comments to grow more followers. 

    Thanks for the easy to follow videos as well. 

    Do you always put a link of your Facebook or Instagram post in an article to gain followers? 

    Do you screenshot your post and then link it back?

    • Hi Traci,

      thank you for stopping by and for your questions my Friend.

      I don’t always place a link to my Facebook and/or Instagram Post into my articles, it all depends upon what I am sharing and I switch it up from time to time.

      I do indeed utilize screenshots for my posts and then link them back when I do use the link within the post Traci.

      You are welcome back anytime Traci, talk with you soon my Friend.


  12. I am new to the concept of Affiliate marketing and I am still learning. 

    I learned so much from your post here, especially about the part where I need to focus more on helping and less on selling. 

    I used to own a shop and that’s exactly what I did, even if I had to refer my customers to other places where they could buy what they were looking for. 

    As a result, the customers still came back to me because of how I helped them. 

    It makes total sense to do this for my website readers as well. 

    I also want to ask theoretically; if I happen to have affiliate links in all my blog posts, is that going to hurt my rankings?

    • Hi Reyhana,

      as long as you keep the Affiliate links to an average of 1 per 500 words then no they don’t adversely affect rankings.

      Thank you for taking the time to read and respond to this article my Friend, you are welcome back anytime.


  13. Hi Tony!

    Solid post!. 

    I was thinking how to use facebook or other social media to grow my website. 

    Since I am new, I will be checking your training on the matter. 

    I also like the approach of Gary V in how to manage the ratio content posts/selling posts. 

    My actual ratio is 2/1 but I think that I will try the 3/1 and see what happens to the conversions.

    Keep the great work!

    • Hi Ben!

      Thank you for the compliments my Friend and for taking the time to read this article about Facebook Marketing.

      Talk with you soon Ben,


  14. Hey there,

    I have to say I am so glad I stumbled upon your post. I have never heard of the 2 and 1 rule and how successful it has been through the years.

    I have been in the online business industry for a good while now and I have always thought you should keep it business throughout, which is why I have failed multiple times on social.

    Your perspective on being social makes so much sense. I will try it out and see the change it brings, but I can already feel it’s going to work. Thanks heaps for the tip.

    • You are welcome and thank you Dave for letting me know that the 2 and 1 rule is beneficial for you my Friend.

      I look forward to hearing about your success with this technique very soon Dave, contact me anytime.

      Talk with you soon my Friend,


  15. Hi Tony,

    Very well written! I totally agree with being yourself! Tell your story and use Social Media for what it’s meant for; to socialize.

    I’m guilty of not socializing enough. Lately I’ve been searching for hashtags related to my niche to answer questions being asked. What do you think about it?


    • Hi Eric,

      Thank you so much my Friend.

      I appreciate your compliment and your question as well as your taking the time to read this post.

      I’m not sure about the use of hashtags to answer questions Eric, that is an interesting approach and I am looking forward to hearing more about your experiences with that technique.

      Talk with you soon Eric,



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