NutriCellix Reviews, Page #1 Google, Facebook and YouTube

#NutriCellix #Nerium #Neora #PureNerium #NutriCellixReview

Have you heard about the new health & wellness MLM Direct Sales Network Marketing Company NutriCellix?

I am not a representative, ambassador and/or a customer for the company or any other healthy products organization.

They just launched on New Year's Day 1 January 2020 and the founders Roni & Bo Short who were leaders within the Pure Nerium Neora, the company that is being investigated by the (FTC) Federal Trade Commission.

Their main selling point is being able to analyze your DNA through a $100 swab test and customize a weight management system in order to achieve remarkable results.

I have 4 articles reviewing the products and opportunity on my website, Google “NutriCellix” without the ” ” to easily find them as they will be on page #1 of your search results.

Thank you for viewing, commenting and of course subscribing to this YouTube Channel.

Tony Lee Hamilton aka The Digital Marketing Veteran

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105 thoughts on “NutriCellix Reviews, Page #1 Google, Facebook and YouTube”

  1. I haven’t heard of NutriCellix before, but I do know some companies who are doing almost the same thing as they do – which you have your swab taken for DNA analysis, therefore you can check what would be the best lifestyle, diet for you.

    The cost seems to be okay – not as expensive as I thought it would be at $100. But why are the founders currently being investigated? 

    That kinda gives a red flag to people who wanted to join..

  2. Hi,

    In the review of this topic which am hearing for the very first time, the new health & wellness MLM Direct Sales Network Marketing Company NutriCellix, is a company that deal with multi level marketing and as to do with health. What they do is selling point is to analyze your DNA through a $100 swab test and customize a weight management system in order to achieve remarkable results.

    Thank you.


  3. Thank you Tony for the NutriCellix review. l really hate it when these MLM Gurus or so called leaders hop from one failed or sued MLM opportunity to another leaving their followers wandering like sheep without a sherphered. Now they are going to be leaders again in the new opportunity and all those following them will toil to feed them. This is not worth the time and the methods used to assess weight loss requirements sound fake an at worst a scamy. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Good day Tony,

    I must say, the purported availability of a swab test to analyse a client’s DNA and tailor a weight management program accordingly, is mouth-watering! Millions of people globally have been frustrated by working hard on methods that did not yield them results! Let’s just wait and see …

  5. I had the opportunity right from your blog to find out about nutriCellix and to read a lot of information that was useful to me. In addition to their advertisements on the Internet, you can also find testimonies from people who have had experience with it, and it is all interesting to read if you are pregnant. A very popular topic lately.

  6. I know about this program because you mentioned it, but I have never heard of NutriCellix. By your comments, I figure it’s one of those programs that promise you to customize a weight management program that will deliver miracles based on a DNA sample. This sounds very fishy to me and I will certainly skip any ad on this offer. Thanks again Tony for alerting us.

  7. I have been seeing this review on your site for some time now but I have been reluctant to check it out. One reason I will give it a try is because this one is all based on a weight management system that is apparently customized to your DNA, making it easier for you to lose weight.
    However what has brought on more structiny and as got me interested is there claims on it being the ‘1st of its kind’.

  8. Well, I liked how you got right to the point with what NutriCellix is. And, I was intrigued by the selling point of using DNA to determine weight loss goals. The icon located on the top center is classy. Some constructive criticism includes perhaps adding text to reach a minimin of 1,000 hours. You mixed pronouns of “I” and “They” I would remove “I am not a representative…” because the audience won’t care about that. Focus on the benefit to the reader and make the text more conversational. Add boldface font where appropriate to highlight important facts. Hope that helps, Friend.

  9. Well, I would have to say that I have never heard of nutriCellix, but it seems like a product that I would be interested in  trying after it was on the marketing for maybe 2-3 years more. I love the idea of a custom weight lost plan.  Because as someone who has tried lots of weight loss plans and diets over the years, its always a disappointment when the new “fad” doesn’t work for your body type. 

  10. Tony, first let me say congratulations.  I saw your reviews ranking in the #1 position for Nutricellix.  The audio on the video was a bit low though, so you may want to check that out for your next production.  Again congrats.  Your hard work is bearing fruit.  

    Can you share with us in an article the strategies you used to rank # 1?

  11. Thanks for providing lots of information about NutriCellix. I am nonetheless still of the opinion that the most effective way to good health is by following a calorie controlled diet along with moderate exercise. It’s difficult to know for sure if there really is so many benefits to health products such as these. I am naturally quite cynical so for now I will stick to what I know is healthy for me, Thanks for sharing.

  12. Tony, 

    I was unclear on the path forward on my weight loss strategies. I have been doing some research and still not positive about the nutricellix. 

    I will most likely stick to diet and exercise for now. I hope to at least stay where I am at. It would be nice to shed a few pounds though. 

    Something I did come across in searching through the links was an add for Wealthy Affiliate. I have discovered you can sign up for free. Once you are a starter member you have access to a learning platform where you can build a free website and learn how to add content to get your word out there on the web. 

    At the free level there are some limitations but you also have access to a community of countless people who are there to help. I have been messing around with this for a bit now and I think I am going Premium! I am building my own website on my own domain that I own. 

    Thanks for this chance at a better life!

  13. Hi Tony,
    That is Quite interesting. I never thought that having a business page on Facebook could assist me with ranking on Google. It does make me rethink what I am doing on my business page there now. I may have to focus a bit more on developing a better business page. This is great stuff. Thank you.
    Candy Benn

  14. I have read reviews about Nurticellex and while it does sound good, I do not know if it is practically possible to achieve what they say. Even if they do how can they scale. I do think that offering customized products to every single customer is too difficult and might be only possible in the future with the latest technologies.

  15. The article sounds extraordinary to me in any case, I am not intrigued, at any point not right now, in turning into an aspect of a MLM. I have never known about this organization. Obviously, this is all new to me. I do like your audits and as usual, I have an increase in knowledge on going through your work. Much thanks to you Tony.

  16. Honestly, nutrient products with MLM business model, are not a good combination. There are so many legit companies selling nutrients, supplements and the like to bother about on fake or scam companies. I read in a review that Nutricellix CEO has to clear his name for some obscure reason. 

    It is very interesting that you had several reviews about the topic mentioned above, and in position 1 in Google. That is an aspect that I never had thought about, making this kind of review and still be on the first page.

  17. These are really good and I like how you are able to tell me about all of these. You have shared the pages we can get the most important things about the platform from Google, Facebook and also from uothibe so we can also find ourselves, the review it nutricelix.

  18. There are lots of products in the market both online and also physically that are very fake, it is good to always read through reviews that contains people’s idea about these products and whether they are good for consumption. Thanks for this, it’ll help people know about nutricellix and it’s operations.

  19. NutriCellix Surveys can make a item curiously, or do absent with any intrigued at all. I discover that the thoughts of making a difference individuals with weight control through dissecting their DNA may be a bit modern age for me to require as a genuine way to work on my weight. Be that as it may, I may feel different once I see a few results by somebody I know. There’s likely a few great counsel within the examination of the DNA. I fair am not beyond any doubt approximately having my DNA in a capacity bank! I know that’s a senseless unmerited characteristic!

  20. Thanks for providing such a comprehensive review here Tony. I think any company that has been investigated by the FTC should be fully explored and ‘picked apart’ so to speak. You’ve done an amazing job with this post and I’ve learnt some things today. Their test to predict and potentially treat medical conditions is interesting for sure. I have my eye on this for the future. Cheers.

  21. Hello there Tony, this is without a doubt one of the best and most comprehensive articles I have read about NutriCellix and I’m really glad that I came across this article. Deducing from the review, the product appears to be a great one. Especially with their main selling point being targeted at helping to maintain some health management system in order to achieve impressive health results. 

  22. I learned something today I didn’t realise that a DNA profile could help workout the correct diet for an individual. Does that mean if your parents are over weight then their children will be. It is an interesting viewpoint looking at nature and nurture in relation to weight gain and weight control.

  23. Thanks for your review, Tony. If a company is being investigated by the (FTC) Federal Trade Commission, I will pay attention on it. I looked around about NutriCellix , and their plans sounds like very sketchy. Beside their brand, it’s running with MLM system. It’s worth for trying, but if you find something wrong, should quit and pay attention on it. It’s good to let people know about it.

  24. Your article and the video explain the concept of Nutricellix pretty thoroughly.  The unique thing is that they are using their test to predict and hopefully treat medical condition as opposed to establish family roots.  DNA has had many uses for many years.  Nurticellix is doing something that I think is unique.  I am going to do more research on the process, the medical proof behind what they are doing and the compensation.  Thanks for introducing this topic.

  25. Wow! This is really massive having your reviews to be on the face of everything. Having it at number one of google and all others too. This is actually great to sew and I would actually check them out. Your review is definitely much enough and very well.helpful too. Thank so much for your reviews

  26. The consistent #1 ranking is cool. How did you do that? Congratulations! I have heard of Nutricellix before (if I remember it right it’s your post too), and their marketing plan seems sketchy to me. As per Google, they are the “first-to-market weight management system by utilizing the most recent scientific discoveries in DNA research” which sounds so appealing. But having limited info about them plus reviews telling whether it’s a scam or not, makes it a lot more dubious, besides it’s an MLM company. Quite new, but perhaps worth the try. Thanks for introducing this.

  27. Hello Tony, in making this health products, a lot have been out into consideration and body system matters a lot and it’s really good. With the advancement of human biology the genes associated with obesity can be identified. It is possible to find specific diet to turn on and turn off the obesity genes, thus controlling weigh gains. Cheers

  28. It is no doubt that your genes, or your DNA, can determine how you store fat and how your body uses it. For most people, excess calories are turned into fat that is stored by the body to be used later. But, if you have certain genetic variants, eating certain dietary fats can affect your weight more than someone who doesn’t have these traits.

    It is a novel idea that using healthy weight loss diet based on on your specific DNA. With the advancement of human biology the genes associated with obesity can be identified. It is possible to find specific diet to turn on and turn off the obesity genes, thus controlling weigh gains.

    I wish that NutriCellix has solid scientific foundation for its product.

  29. It’s good to always read reviews whenever you are planning on getting mew products, that’s because you are going to be able to know what people feel about those products and you’ll able to know what you’re getting yourself into or rather using your hard earned to buy. This is very useful

  30. Your review about nutricellix here is really top notch to see. Honestly, the fact that they can offer so much more in the long run following the strict way to use them make them very lucrative and interesting for me to get into. I like all shared here so far and your review has enlightened me so much more about them. Thank you so much

  31. I wish i could try it not for weight loss per se but to understand how their weight loss program works and why is it dependent on my DNA a test

    Thank you for the the indepth insightful research that you continue to provide  your audience with on this product. I have read few of your articles on this and they bring me to a conclusive Not for me response .

  32. I have perused your different audits about NutriCellix and plan to remain far away from this item. I chose to peruse this one, to check whether it was an update. While it isn’t, it furnishes me with more data to impart to others as a notice to dodge this program, in any event for the present. I genuinely trust it will be demonstrated to be a trick, or practically one. I anticipate perusing the surveys by the FTC about them.

    A debt of gratitude is in order for keeping the data about the likely issues with the organization in the front line for anyone to view. In the event that their own locales were the main ones anybody saw, others may commit to all the more promptly, without the alerts that your surveys offer.

  33. How health is the most important aspect of our lives and this is why so much attention is paid to it.nutricellix is one platform that has proven to be reliable overtime. their MLM is one way to compensate their members. i think it is a bold move to come into play at this point into. thank you

  34. Interesting review. When NutriCellix launched at the beginning of the year, there was a lot of hype about them, and everyone it seemed was selling it, but the hype seems to have calmed down of late.

    The product looks great, but it must be difficult to sell these kinds of products when there are so many other similar ones out there, and I for one feel overwhelmed with all the choices out there. I no longer know which is the best anymore. I take my hat off to people who do well in this industry selling these products as I imagine it isn’t easy with all the competition.

  35. This is my first time hearing of NutriCellix but I really learnt a lot about it from reading your article. Thank you for sharing this insightful post. From reading your article, I think it’s prudent to stay away from them as they’re being investigated by the Federal Trade Commission and that certainly raises a lot of questions which need to be addressed 

  36. Thank you Hamilton, for this wonderful review you are always on point and you definitely open my eyes everytime i read them please continue the good work, i advise to stay away from them if they are being investigated you know how it is there is no smoke without fire kkk, I looking forward to more of your work 

  37. I would steer clear of this product if it is being investigated by Federal Trade Commision. Without their approval it doesn’t seem to be morally correct to gain financially from people having to pay $100 for a DNA analysis without adequate scientific research to prove the actual benefits of the product.

  38. Hello Hamilton!
    Deducing from the review, the product appears to be a great one. Especially with their main selling point being targeted at helping to maintain some health management system in order to achieve impressive health results. That target point is of utmost importance to people and that makes them deserve a patronage. Will patronize them for a taste of their amazing services.

  39. The reviews here are well worthy and I can only say that it would get better with time. Well, I am just an affiliate marketer and I hope that they offer a way for affiliate marketers to actually earn well too. If not. Then it isn’t worthy of it in the first place. So, this is really valuable to see here.and thanks

  40. A very interesting new kid on the block in terms of MLM companies which has just started this year. I am not so sure about providing them with a DNA sample however there seems to be a lot of benefits in relation to the information you will get in return.   

    In terms of an opportunity its seems like you can make a good living promoting the products. 

    Thanks for sharing this informative post.

  41. Thank you for sharing this post. Your DNA is private and personal data . Why would someone want this to build my weight regime? When it comes on to using science, methods have to be tested using the scientific method which has stand the test of time.There are some services which can’t be provided by people who are not qualified to render such service if you do that you are not being fair to the customer you serve.

  42. While the concept and the marketing strategy is somewhat great and I like the idea behind it. I am not sold on the DNA to lose weight sounds to much like overblown hype to me. Any company that prys on peoples hope with peer reviewed scientific evidence is not going to last in this day and age. I am still watching the program but for now I will pass based on reviews such as yours and others.

  43. Hello Tony, after going through this product and seeing how good they are I am really looking forward to being an affiliate and start making good money from them in the process of it all. I am really interested in it as I see great potential in it and it will be really great to see how they will grow to be a really good competition in the nearest future indeed 

  44. Thank you for let us discover such useful information about NutrCellix! Your website is always an extremely good source of reliable reviews. I have read other of your reviews and I always find your work very precise and comprehensive. And it is very good to know about your results! I really discovered everything about Nutricellix and the story of the company through your articles!

  45. Another good review is what you have here on this nutricelix product and the platform too altogether because this is the first page on google Facebook and on YouTube as well and I really like all the review that they have on all this big internet giants here. This is some very good stuff and they really are worth it 

  46. Everything that one wants to know about nutricellix has all been written down here ad definitely I love what I have seen here. It is really great to see that a lot more has gibe into this nutricellix review. Though I have heard a lot about them but I have not really taken time to research into their operations here. thank you so much for sharing here

  47. Tony, I always learn something new every time I read your articles. I have not heard of Nutricellix, but it’s gonna be interesting to watch how this company manages to get people to give them a $100 to test a sample of their DNA in order to come up with a weight loss solution for them. Not sure about this one. However, there may be a lot of people interested. Personally, it sounds like Eddie Murphy’s The Nutty Professor all over again to me.

  48. Thank you so much for sharing this article about Nutricellix review in social media such as Facebook and YouTube, reviews are of utmost importance to me and creates an avenue where people who have been in contact with the product can make comments about it. I think Nutricellix is camouflaging under weight management.

  49. When it comes to MLM I try to stay clear of them because all of them seeming to be the seem. Bring people to sign them up and get them to buy the products and they in turn bring in others doing them seem also and the circle continues. I have been a part of a few of these systems and to be honest with you I have never had a good experience even though they promise their product will work along with you making a good living from promoting it. Thanks for sharing.

  50. Very informative and interesting stuff!! Actually intend to agree that not one size fits all when it comes to losing weight. If it was that easy and generic then no one would be obese today. So I suppose that this has come out at the right time when most of the population is suffering from obesity and struggling with weight loss. Thanks for the articles written, I’m going to check this out in-depth…

  51. Hey Tony!  

    I feel like I actually did hear about this Nutricellix company or something similar.  

    You’re saying it’s all a scam and they’re being investigated now?

    I’m not saying all MLM’s are NECESSARILY scams, but I think a lot of them are and can be a bit shady.  

    Thanks for the heads up and for looking out for consumers!

    Great video as well too, I found it to be quite helpful along with your article.  

    Thanks Tony!

  52. The video is very much appreciated by people like me who lose attention when reading haha. Don’t get me wrong, I read the article but having the video is there is just so much help. So thank you for that.. on the other hand I appreciate this thorough review about NutriCellix. It’s opened my eyes and I’ve officially learned more today 

  53. How interesting! 

    Every once and a while I feel as though we are living in such a futuristic world, sometimes for worse, but in this case for good.

    Being able to analyse DNA to help design a weight loss regime is so fascinating. I read recently that there is a company in China that will examine your DNA and tell what health issue you will likely suffer from in the future.

    I love this type of innovation. Thanks for sharing.

  54. First time to come across with this product. However the mere mention of MLM sent shiver  down my spine. I have been conned few times by some sleazy marketer in the MLM industry, thus my reaction. Your reviews are very helpful to people like me with the tendency to jump with this brand new program without investigating diligently.

  55. The product sounds great to me however, I am not interested, at least not at this time, in becoming a part of an MLM.  I have never heard of the company or the product.  But of course, this is all new to me.  I do like your reviews and as always, I have an increase in knowledge because of reading your work.   Thank you.

  56. Thanks so much for this article Tony, I always get motivated from your article. I like how you put it, that no matter what carrier a person choose, he/she must still have to learn since he/she was not born with the knowledge of promoting product and services online.

    With all your years of experience, still you said you not a GURU, that really touch me.

    I got really motivated on one of the videos on how to make 1k per sale, just to let you know, I have join stage one and two of the form, and very soon i’ll join stage 3, since I want financial freedom for my family. thanks for this article.

  57. hey there Tony,

    Thank you for this amazing review. Nutricellix? First thing that came to my mine was a biscuit. And analyzing DNA? wow, must be very amazing. I would love to get know their products on a deeper level.Am not a fun of MLM companies but I find myself joining due to the great products they have.

    Best regards,


  58. Hello there! This is an amazing review you have got here. I am sure excited you had time to give a review on nutricellix, providing vital Info’s about them. Though I still need a proper research to get the breakdown of the benefits of their products.

    Thanks for sharing this with me.

  59. Hi Tony. I have followed this story from many of your posts on this subject. Setting the subject matter of NutriCellix aside for the moment, you have turned this episode into a very interesting learning experience of how to dominate the top rankings in Google on the subject of NutriCellix even pushing whatever may be their own promotional material to one side. I watched the video and subscribed to your channel. It is worth going back and putting the pieces together to understand how you achieved this. Thanks for this and my very best wishes to you. Andy

  60. Thanks for your review ,it is the first time that i am hearing about Nutricellix and i will be researching more about it. This is a well written review and the way that this article is written keeps my interest keen that i want to learn more Instead. Congratulations on a good job!

  61. Hello Tony Lee Hamilton, thank you for sharing this informative and educative review article.  This post is centered on NutriCellix.  I have come across the product NutriCellix quite a number of times in different platform.  Personally I can’t get the product neither can I advise my friends or family to get it either.  I would go through the links of review you posted and also share it around.

  62. Wow! Good one to see here and I must say that the way you have simplified the analysis of this post has made things quite a lot more easier for me to see. Tough I know quite a few things about nutricellix before but not as comprehensive as the information you have shared here. Thumbs up to you and God bless you

  63. The wellness and health niches is a really big one and it’s really nice to see how much they have been growing online and getting to see some really good business lien coming from it is wonderful actually. Nutricellix is great means of making money of you ask me and for an MLM company I really believe in how good their product is and that’s why the reviews are good 

  64. NutriCellix Reviews, Page #1 Google, Facebook and YouTube Can you please help and tell how the money is actually made on platforms like these Oh wow, to be honest with you this is the first time I am hearing about Downline builder Grow your business with VIP Downline Builder and the reviews are very precise and very useful and and I have learnt so much from the 

  65. Thank you so much for sharing us an interesting and informative article. The main theme of this article is Network Marketing Company NutriCellix. It is really laudable that you have illustrated this topic so well in your article. I have learned a lot by reading your article and gained a lot of cognition about it. Of the points mentioned in your article, I like your YouTube Channel. You will benefit from using the products of this platform which I am saying from my experience.
    Finally I have read and enjoyed your article so I want to share the subject of your article in my Facebook group so that everyone can know about this NutriCellix platform.

  66. This could be a very interesting – and indeed rather new – opportunity for marketers to share more in the health industry. As I understand, not many companies offer weight-loss management programs based upon genetics, and as the field of epigenetics continues to increase, and so does our understanding of how nutrition and lifestyle constantly change the way our DNA works for us, there’s huge potential here! Great review, thanks for sharing. 🙂

  67. Hello 

    Thank you for sharing your review on NutriCellix with us, I didn’t know a lot about but it obviously interests me when DNA information is invited, I had to send a swab of my DNA off and in less than three months I have the results back I have been following  NutriCellix for a pretty long time Thanks again for sharing that with us.

  68. Oh this is a very good review you have here on this nutricelix product. I’m happy to be able to read what you have written about it here as well. Doesn’t looks so much like a bad product time and swing from what has been written about it from different popular online platforms, it’s safe to say that one can go ahead them.

  69. It’s very good to read reviews about products before buying them or even investing in it, it’ll let you know what people who are familiar and has gone in contact with it feels about it and it’s mode of operations. Nutricellix has been criticized a lot online and it’s kinda confusing what people think buy mostly it’s about them being a DNA test company, lol.

  70. Another top quality review here Tony, I love that you’re not an ambassador for some of these dodgy companies out there, but you’re also not afraid to stick your neck on the line when you believe in a quality product. We can always trust you to sort us with the most accurate reviews.

  71. Congratulations for hitting the first pages with the NutriCellix reviews, Tony – I have checked it for fun and you were there indeed! 🙂 This is a highly interesting topic for me. I once got conned by a company who promised to train me as a nutritionist and instead got me to purchase a mountain of protein powder (I couldn’t find my flat under all those mega-jars, there were hundreds of them!) and bother all my friends and family to buy it off me..! (Nobody did, by the way) So, NutriCellix doesn’t seem to be based on this model, but I would feel rather uneasy about sending my DNA anywhere, even to the ancestors-tree (family history) lab..! If I wanted to optimise my weight, I would go with programs that don’t require anything like this, and just create your menus without requiring anything else from you. Like ‘Losers Welcome’, a company that appeals to me, because they follow a NASA-derived technology to create optimally nutritious meal plans. I’ve also read checked your review (the one of the first page of Google). It is incredibly thoroughly researched – you’re doing a great favour to any potential customers of NutriCellix who may regret having sent their DNA to them soon after, to end up in some kind of Black Mirror scenario..! Thanks for your fascinating article, Tony, I look forward to more posts from you.

  72. Wow! This is a very good review of nuticelix. Though I have heard a lot about it before but this is the very first time that I will be reading about it and I must say that it was quite worthy it. Seeing that your review has actually enjoyed the very top on all platforms says a lot about you and the quality of the information you have supplied about the product in this review here. thanks so much

  73. Pretty amazing that they got to number 1 on google which no doubt is why they are successful.It really does emphasize how getting to that first page is vitally important. The youtube channel is a great addition which does a great deal of explaining which is helpful.

    Having said that I am dubious of the claims and it is not the product for me as I am very much down to basics and letting  the human body do what it does best, with a few exceptions of course!

  74. NutriCellix Reviews can make a product interesting, or do away with any interest at all.  I find that the ideas of helping people with weight control through analysing their DNA is a bit new age for me to take as a serious way to work on my weight.  However, I may feel different once I see some results by someone I know.  There is probably some good advice in the analysis of the DNA.  I just am not sure about having my DNA in a storage bank!  I know that is a silly baseless quirk!

    That was fun news to see that your listing had reached # 1.  That is truly a great accomplishment!  Maybe more beneficial at this point than a weight loss plan!  (Yes, that is tongue-in-cheek)

  75. I had no idea what is Nutricellix and never knew it existed. Thank you for the great review and for sharing the helpful information. I have learned the power of ranking yourself using the most popular sites or products. Your brief review as well as the power of video channel is a good way to share information. 

  76. Thanks for the heads up regarding the NutriCellix MLM Reviews which I will take a look at. But it already sounds suspect lol especially since there is a FTC investigation going on. I believe whole heartedly that your DNA is directly related to your weight among other things but have never had a test to find out. 

    These guys could be onto something so sure I will go over and read your articles!



  77. I have never heard about this but it could be quite helpful to find out how your DNA can aid in weightloss. I have tried the bloodgroup diet before and that worked pretty well for me, so I can see that this could also work. It is just expensive, I dont have that kind of money for the swab but considering the cost of other weightloss solutions and supplements its not that pricey. Would love to read reviews and see before and after pics of people who tried this. 

  78. Hey there,

    Something great about you is that you always provide information on new programs on the market. I love that, you’re always up to date..

    regarding the Nutricellix, the idea is good from the owners, but it’s an MLM, so I’m gonna have to pass it, I’m not into MLM companies.

    As I always say, I hate the fact of making money only by “recruiting” people !

    Thanks again for the information.


  79. Concerned to NutriCellix Reviews feels me so excited seeing ranked in Google, Bing, Yahoo. And NutriCellix products are frequently used by users to keep their body healthy Your reviews help others to gain additional knowledge and assure them to go ahead about using the products. 

    I hope it is a good job and useful for others.


  80. Wow! This is really a good thing to see that your reviews about nutricelix is really the best about it out there. From google to other platforms, there are enough information’s that you have provided that can help anyone to truly make the best decision about it. Well! I have my mind firmly fixed on the quality of the products and surely worth going for

  81. I am a little cautious about MLM companies, as most reviewers consider them scams. After reading your review might have to check into the NutriCellix product concerning the weight management aspect. As everyone should be looking out for their health and well-being. Also, like your detailed reviews on your website and how you help your readers making sound decisions.

  82. Forgive my skepticism but having a DNA swab just so I can get a custom weight plan looks a bit overboard to me. And given that it’s an MLM it just feels a bit off. Thank you for shedding light on it especially the part about the founders. Although their idea is revolutionary, their history and their techniques are obvious red flags for me.

  83. This was really helpful. I had never thought of creating a Facebook review page, though I can definitely see the benefit of doing so now. I haven’t heard of Nutricellix before this article and unfortunately (because the owner’s don’t seem honest) I can see how their program would easily get customers and sales reps.

    How did you hear about Nutricellix? I think it’s such a good idea to review brand new products/businesses.

  84. Thank you for your review on NutriCellix. I do not like the fact that owners are being investigated by the FTC and also this company is very new. I can appreciate the fact that our genes does have some factor with the way we store fat and we maybe perform better with certain diet. But this is too far fetched for me the just a swap and boom a promising diet plan for you.

    The idea may work in the future but I think we are not there yet. I doubt that it will work. 

  85. I have always liked reading your reviews because I know I am always getting lots of great info and I am getting an unbiased review.
    I would not be going anywhere near NutriCellix.  There are way too many uncertanties and way to many red flags.

    I am not anywhere near what you would call a fan of MLM but if I was going to be it wouldnt be for NutriCellix

    Thanks for another great review

  86. I have read your other reviews about NutriCellix and plan to stay far away from this product. I decided to read this one, to see if it was an update. While it is not, it does provide me with more information to share with others as a warning to avoid this program, at least for the time being. I truly believe it will be shown to be a scam, or very nearly one. I look forward to reading the reviews by the FTC about them.

    Thanks for keeping the information about the potential problems with the company in the forefront for everyone to see. If their own sites were the only ones anyone saw, others might jump on board more readily, without the cautions that your reviews offer.

  87. I never used this technique while trying to rank number one on search engines. This short video on how you ranked first on Google and Youtube, with the Nutricellix reviews you did, is really helpful. But I did not get the name of the second website you visited to check your positions on Google, Bing, and Yahoo. What was it? Is it a free Search Engine Optimization tool or a paying one? Do we need to write up to four reviews to rank first on search engine?

    I know I’m asking a lot of questions but just awakened my curiosity by touching this topic which is somehow one of my dreams “to be ranked number one on search engines while helping people and making some cash aside”

  88. I would be very wary of a company where the owners are or have been investigated by the FDA. It is like a red flag to me not to trust the product or what the company claims the prodcut can do. 

    To devise a weight management program according to the results of a DNA swab test, sounds outrageous to me, but maybe it is possible, although I have serious doubts about it. 

  89. I am far from a confident technology person, but it definitely interests me when DNA information is invited. My current topic of vast interest is looking into my ancestory. I had to send a swab of my DNA off and in less than two months I got the results back.

    They confirmed what I had already researched! Thus, knowing these facts and using Nutri Calling, the course is as unique as your DNA, it is going to be accurately and on course for you!

  90. This is a very informative review on NutriCellix. Using a swab test to customize a weight management system sounds a little outrageous but remarkable indeed. The information you shared on how the scientists at NutriCellix’s approach weight management and weight loss is very interesting and advanced. This can be good in affiliate marketing.

  91. Thanks for this unbiased review on NutriCellix, for me I think this is big move by NutriCellix to wonder into the DNA part of the human anatomy….I have been following NutriCellix for a very long time now and I support them in what ever steps that they take…I pray that this moves pays of well.

  92. I definitely think that any product related to DNA analysis is incredibly interesting. This, combined with the buzzword of “weight loss”, has enormous potential for revenue through any means of affiliation with the company. I see a lot of promise here.

    In terms of NutriCellix specifically, I’m optimistic due to its leadership already being experienced within the industry. This builds a very stable base for the business. I see that it’s a brand new company, which would be risky to invest into MLM with if not for the founders’ experience with the product. I enjoyed your video review (also, cute cat!) and will now read your “Is NutriCellix a Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan or DNA Hoax?” article. I’m very intrigued with the product itself, haha!

  93. This is a great review Tony, well done. There is lots of information on your review of the product and what it is all about. The videos add a lot of information that people need to make inform decisions on this product, and you have even given a good writeup on those who run the business listing their names and what they do in this Company. I for one may even look into this NuriCelix to see if it would work for me. I like trying new things out to see how it works. Great job keep up the good work. Deborah

  94. Hey,

    before visiting this site i really wanted to know about NutriCellix and it provided me with all the information that i needed and it really helped me. i m really thankful to this site for giving me all the infortmation that i needed 

    this website looks very sorted and clean. i really liked the way there and pictures and videos given that make it even better. i would recommend everyone to go through this site once if anyone has any problems regarding Nutricellix.



  95. I like it! I have never heard about NutriCellix but it sounds great. Congrats for your review, I am sure that it is going to be helping a lot of people. I am going to subscribe to your Youtube Channel because the info that you provide is very interesting.

    Thanks for the info! Well done. 

  96. Hello;  Thumbs up to you with your review on Google first page. This personality is hellbent on MLM products as a leader. From Nerium, to Neora, to Pure Nerium, unto Nutricellix. which all I believe is the same thing! My doubt is: there must be a reason for FTC to shut down his earlier Brand Names, The product might be good, but I would not support buying it because of his business names journey.


  97. Well done,

    Congratulations for getting to Google Rank 1 with your review on NutriCellix which is truly deserved on the depth of information that your article has gone into with this company.

    I really dislike companies taking people for fools as it feels like with NutriCellic so I am so pleased that your review is going to be helping so many people. I really hope they look into this in more detail so they understand what the problem is with this type of DNA testing for weight loss. 

    Keep up the great work

  98. I have actually heard of NutriCellix. I recall it being a dietary supplement. One thing I can’t embrace is the MLM aspect of anything. I’ve been ripped off and sucked in and I can’t bring myself to even consider recruiting someone else into such a scheme. There are so many less intimidating and less risky ways to present a useful and delightful product to the world. I wish NutriCellix would utilize such a method.

  99. I remember Nerium. A friend of mine used to sell for them, swore to heaven and earth how wonderful their products were, but Nerium is no longer around now … So, I’m not sure what his opinion about it is at this moment …

    Congratulations on having your reviews featured on Google’s first page! That must mean that many people are reading your review, and want to find out more about Nutricellix. It’s a good thing that reviews such as yours are here. To me, it sounds like Nutricellix promises too much, and the DNA swab test just doesn’t convince me. I don’t believe that they can create products based on every person’s DNA. It is probably possible, but it is also too time consuming and personalized, and for a big MLM company this is just not convenient … So, I’m not sure that I would want to spend the money for a DNA test with them.

  100. Hi Tony! I had heard about this launch and there was expectation concerning it. DNA analysis has always been an interesting topic for me and I would also like to join an opportunity like this. I’ll certainly keep on reading about NutriCellix. As you suggested, I’ll go to Google and type NutriCellix in the search bar. Thanks for this intro here. 

  101. Honestly, a lot of these products in the market and the majority of them in the name of MLM are not clinical, their emphasis is on building a marketing team and not on developing and improving products. Like you pointed out the concentration in on volume point based on your buyer status(retailer or ambassador) is another thing to worry about.

  102. Hi, so this company does a $100 DNA swab test. That’s pretty interesting. It is a unique idea at least. I haven’t heard that one for an MLM company. I guess that’s also pretty interesting that they are being investigated. I wonder if there was some unhappy customers or something like that.

  103. Nutricellix approaches weight loss from a very unique angle. Robert is no doubt a big name in the industry but I have to say, the stigma from his exploits with Neora apparently puts Nutricellix in a bad light. A month has gone by now since their official launch. Perhaps you can post an update on any recent findings. 


  104. Hello Tony, I recently know about Nutricellix. That’s the reason I reach on your blog for more updates. While reading I know their main selling point is being able to analyze our DNA through a $100 swab test and customize a weight management system in order to achieve remarkable results. I noticed that company is work fine at this stage. I will give it a try now.

  105. Hey Tony, I heard about Nuticelix many time from you. I visit your site in our day to day life to find the best review from your side. I know you are doing your review with proper research. That’s the reason I like your website very much. 

    Congrats for your post coming in number one. You have done a grate work. Trusted review work every time. I like your all review. Keep them up for all every time.


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