Network Marketing Business Plan for 2018

Are you in a Network Marketing Home Based Business, Do You have a Network Marketing Business Plan for 2018?

network marketing business planNo matter what type of business you're in you'll need a business plan.  Even with a Home Based Business a marketing plan will increase your chances of not only becoming successful, you'll also improve the likelihood of becoming one of the top earners in your network.

Becoming one of the top earners in your network marketing opportunity is achieved by those who have a plan to succeed.  Failing to plan is planning to fail, right?

So, now you know that you need a plan in order to succeed within your business.  Knowing that and taking action is such an important step so congratulations on finding this article and taking the time to learn what I highly recommend.

Before I share with you ways that I recommend in order to take your business to the next level, I'll also share a little bit about my history in the Network Marketing industry as well as my journey of finding the better way to earn an income and 100% from home.

About Tony Lee Hamilton – The Marketing VeteranPaul Orberson Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing

My first experience with network marketing was in 2007 and was with a wonderful company called Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing that was founded in 2001 by Excel communication's “Million Dollar a Month” man Paul Orberson.  $1,000,000 per Month!

FHTM as it was called, was located in Lexington Kentucky and promoted Health & Wellness products thru True Essentials, Cellular Phones and Plans, Satelite TV, Internet, Beauty Products, Amusement Pack, Travel Plans, Home Security, Websoite Builder, Workout Videos, Medical Cards, Prescription Plans, Identashield and a Rewards Mall with many Big Name Stores like Bass Pro Shops, Best Buy, Red Lobster, Gift Cards plus over 1,200 other stores.

As you can see from above, FHTM had quite a bit to offer and for us to promote.  Even tho that sounds like a for sure benefit, it was also a determent because it caused lots of confusion and many questions.

So, as in many companies there were some independent representatives that promoted FHTM in a very bad way and as you can imagine, it wasn't long before the FTC got involved.  That was in 2013 and FHTM went out of business being labled as a Pyramid Scheme and Scam.

Not long afterwards Paul Orberson passed away from cancer at the young age of 56, he was an amazing man with a heart of gold and I will always be thankful that I was able to meet him.

Now it's 2013 and the company that I loved was gone and so was the amazing founder, my heart was broken and I decided not to take the route that many friends did by going to different companies.  I took a break from network marketing and just worked my regular job of being a mover, moving families from their current home to their new home.

As you can imagine, it didn't take very long for me to start missing the extra income and also the great feeling of earning according to my efforts and not by the hour.  I have never been good at working by the hour, 7 years in the United States Army then 12 years as an Owner Operator/Mover moving Families across the Country earning by the job conditioned me that way.

September 2013 was when I went in search of an opportunity for my next earn not by the hour mission and I started earning with sites like eBay, Amazon etc….  I earned some money but it was very time consuming buying, selling, shipping, answering questions etc…..

Fast forward to June 2015 and I was surfing one of my favorite Traffic Exchanges and I came upon what I now share as my #1 recommendation to all Friends and Family who want to learn how to earn a legitimate income online from anywhere in the world.  I also knew that I would want to be able to promote the #1 recommendation to Friends that I knew online more than to my Family & Friends in my own hometown.

That is when I rejoined an Internet Community that is built for sharing Network Marketing, Multi-Level, Direct Sales and Affiliate Marketing companies.  Learn about it by viewing this post on this website.  I am still a member at both of the communities that I mentioned here and never plan not to be, all Positive Friends are welcome as well.

Old School Ways to share your Network Marketing Opportunity:

I'll share the outdated ways that many still use, I'm not saying that the ways mentioned below can't and/or won't work.  I am simply sharing a better way in my humble opinion.

  • Make a list of at least 100 Friends & Family and don't pre-judge wether or not if you think that they will or won't be interested in what you're sharing.
  • Don't share on the phone with your Family Member or Friend that You call, simply tell them and tell them that you have something to share with them and that you'll be right over.
  • Play the DVD or share the opportunity with the person who you drove over out of the blue to see.
  • Have a 3rd party edification call with your upline to be able to answer the questions that your prospect has and/or edify the business model hoping to close the deal.
  • Repeat the step above with everyone on your list of over 100 Friends & Family as quick as possible hoping to get to them prior to someone else getting to them and/or telling each other what you're up to.
  • Create momentum by leveraging friends and/or family members who are ready to sign up or need a nudge by telling them that you'll place the new person under them and that whomever gets started first gets in at the top.
  • Drip on friends and family who are on the fence even if they already said no and especially if they said maybe.
  • Attend local weekly hotel meetings and invite those that you have already shared with and even some of them that you haven't already shared with.
  • Super Saturdays are usually once a month events within an 8 hour drive and you are expected to attend those within that distance from your home & more importantly make sure that your entire downline as well as potential prospects fill your vehicle as well as everyone else's vehicles.
  • Purchase as much promotional materials, products and/or services that you can afford and also ask those that have said no to the opportunity to become your customer.
  • When someone does join your team, go thru all of the above with them while still accomplishing the list above yourself as well.  (Great Upline Leaders will be available to help)

I could add much to the list above but don't want to go on and on as this post is more about what to do to create a successful network marketing plan in the year 2018 and that is what we will now talk about!

Updated:  28 October 2018

I must admit and apologize that I have now found out that, yes indeed IBOtoolbox/IBOsocial is a scam and a total waste of time.

I have many friends at IBO and that is the only reason that I have yet to write a full article on this and also why I have waited until now to update this post.

To the friends who I have in the past referred to IBO, I sincerely apologize and am now asking for your forgiveness.

I didn't know that the traffic at IBO was almost all entirely fake, now I do know!

How did I find out?

As a past Club IBO member ($19.95 per month) I created a banner ad and pointed the traffic to my website specifying only one platform within IBO to share it on.  I also uploaded a few YouTube videos and had my website there as well.

Much to my surprise, my traffic shot up!

At first I was excited but then I saw that the time spent on my site along with my bounce rate were negatively affected.  Not only that but I was getting traffic from all of the other IBO sites as well.  


Yes, that confused me as well, how did my banners and/or YouTube videos get seen on those other IBO sites.  

I then had an idea …… I uploaded more random YouTube videos and pointed the link to my own IBOsocial Profile page.

Guess what happened?

Overnight, I became the #1 traffic leader at the site, so I loaded more and yes I remained easily the traffic leader by far.

I also did the same thing with 2 separate profiles and had the same results, it was so easy.

What happened?

I am so glad that you asked, it has become so obvious that IBO utilizes BOTS on their sites.  I am so amazed that they haven't been found out by Google Adsense as the fake traffic should be against their terms of service…… then again, Google probably doesn't care as long as they are being paid by their advertisers.

Are you reading this and are a member at IBO?  Send me a message if you want more details on the sharing of YouTube while having the learn more link directed to your IBOsocial Profile page.  Any YouTube video 🙂 Load about 13 of them and you'll see that within 24 hours you'll be a traffic leader.  

OK, I am usually not a negative person and that is why I haven't openly disclosed this information until now but I must now share so that more friends don't fall for the IBOtoolbox/IBOsocial scam, especially Kris Karafotas who is either the owner and/or the owner trusts her to run the show there. 

Terrible support & leadership is also part of the IBO scam, the community of friends is the only reason why I stayed a member as long as I did.  Please disregard all of the content below as it was written back when I had no idea that IBO was a scam.

IBOsocial is a scam

2018 Successful Network Marketing Plan Strategy

  • If you are not already a part of Social Media sites like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc.. then I highly advice you to pick at least 1 of those sites and create a Business Page geared toward sharing value with your opportunity.
  • Join these 2 non mainstream Social Media sites – Most people have no idea about these – WAIBO (both are free to sign up to and no credit card is needed for either) (I will also be available to help you at both sites)
  • Absolutely do listen to your upline because as long as you have a leader in your network marketing opportunity then that person and/or those people will have great advice within your chosen niche.
  • Work on your self improvement by listening to YouTube videos from leaders like Eric Worre, Gary Vaynerchuk, (better known as Gary Vee) etc..
  • Also available on YouTube are the Movie, The Secret and the Audio book, Think & Grow Rich – Listen to each of them once a week while surfing the internet.
  • Go to bed 1 hour later and set your alarm for one hour earlier, utilize the morning hour for sharing your opportunity on the IBO site shared above and the night time hour for the training at WA 5 days a week.
  • Set goals and actually write them down, place 1 copy in your wallet/purse, one at your desk in front of your place that you sit so that you can see it and one under the remote control for your TV.  (as a reminder to spend more time on your self development than on watching the television)
  • On your commute to work listen to cd's from your company and/or industry leaders past or present like Jim Rohn, Les Brown, Eric Worre, Gary Vee etc….instead of music and/or talk shows.
  • Become a student of your network marketing company's compensation plan as well as the products and or services that you are promoting and become a product of the product.
  • Share the above with your downline that join your team and stay focused on your goals as well as your plan to accomplish your goals.

Affiliate Marketing Classes

Closing statement

I'm actually not a part of any direct marketing / Network Marketing company in the traditional way, 90% of my over 2,700 personal referrals who have joined one or more of the opportunities that I share I have never met in person.  I am more into Internet Affiliate Marketing which isn't a whole lot different from Network Marketing.  Learn about the differences here!



22 thoughts on “Network Marketing Business Plan for 2018”

  1. Hello Tony,

    You are a light on my learning journey. Although my mothertongue is not English, you have the ability to write in a manner I understand and which is all the way moving.
    Since 6 months at Wealthy Affiliate I learn so much, but only focussed on the training plan.
    So now I know I have to make a plan, a business plan, so to speak, which is not so easy because I am not a business woman.
    I noticed your points and will think it over. You see first of all I am over 50 and in Europe. So I don’t know if those models also function in our areas. But I will make a list of 100 people, have a look at one Social Media and listen to Eric Worre and Gary Waynerchuk.

    Many thanks for your support.

    Kind regards,

    • Hello Anne,

      I am honored that you have taken the time to not only read my post but also to comment on it my Friend.

      Yes, the advice that I give above does indeed work worldwide Anne.  I have many referral Friends throughout the world and they utilize the above to grow their businesses.

      Thank you so much Anne and you are welcome back anytime my Friend,


  2. Very informative article and I would agree planning is very important for you business.

    I try to mix up my network marketing by attending various groups on meetup dot com, as working from home can be a challenge.

    it is also good to have face to face contact to share your personal experiences and help bounce ideas off one another. 

    I guess I still like some of the old school approaches to marketing. 

    I have signed with IBO tools and I need to spend a bit more time in using it. 

    I was not comfortable with social media however I have overcome this because we do need to be using it as a method of bringing visitors to our website.

    Whilst the online business industry is growing so is the marketplace and finding your spot takes time and effort.

    I prefer Affiliate marketing myself but even if you just focus on that you still need to have a plan of action.

    • Wonderful Katie,

      thank you for stopping by and for commenting my Friend.

      Yes, I do agree that getting more into IBO will be a very good thing Katie as the increased traffic to our websites is wonderful from there.

      I do prefer affiliate marketing as well Katie,


  3. This is some very good information for network marketing today. You said you mostly do affiliate marketing, but how do you incorporate social media into your business? I am having trouble with it and didn’t know if you could provide any insights into that area. My marketing strategy needs a lot of work, but I think I am getting on the right track.


  4. Hi Tony
    I see this as a good all round recommendation to a very important cog in the online marketing wheel.

    It is critically important to have a plan in place, this year more than ever before.

    Building a vibrant network is a sure fire route to continuing success


    • Hi Terry,

      thank you for stopping by to read and comment my Friend and you are welcome back anytime.


  5. Hi Tonly,
    Thanks for sharing this great article on network marketing.
    As more people is getting interested to learn to build up an online business, it’s important to know how to do it the right way.
    By working with someone who already did it and know what steps to follow will save time and many headaches.
    it’s great to stop to visit your website and find you’re sharing valuable information to help others to build up their dream, work from home!

    • Hi Alejandra,

      thank you my Friend and you are welcome back anytime.

      I am always willing to share with Friends my experiences and what I have found to work when growing our online businesses from home.

      Talk with you soon Alejandra,


  6. Hey Tony!

    You’re right internet affiliate marketing isn’t much different than network marketing. But I prefer affiliate marketing overall.

    Planning is the number one job of an entrepreneur regardless to the field of work you pursue. I think that its important to know with online entrepreneurs. We still have to plan.

    • Thank you Jamie,

      Yes my Friend I also prefer Affiliate Marketing and we do all need to have a plan to succeed.

      Thank you for stopping by to read and comment Jamie, you are welcome back anytime.


  7. Tony, thank you ever so much for sharing so much information on how to build a successful network marketing plan for this year.
    As you may be aware (I have been following your sites and you personally on social media), I am trying to build my home based online business, and I can do with all the help I can get in learning to market my business.
    I can relay very well to your advice to dedicate a couple of hours every day to work on your rising business. To me those hours are at the end of the day, rather than first thing in the morning.
    I have not yet joined IBO, but I am definitely looking into this, as I hear great things about its ability to get you to network and to attract visitors and potential conversions to your website not only from you but from other sources too.
    With that in mind, you really gave me lot to think about. I am rolling up my sleeves and I am going to work!!!

    • Wonderful Giulia!

      You are welcome anytime my Friend and thank you for the compliment of following me.

      IBO is indeed a great community to grow any Business and especially an Online Home Based Business.

      I look forward to hearing about and witnessing your success Giulia, stop back by and let me know how everything is going my Friend.

      Talk with you soon Giulia,


  8. This article brought back so many memories for me. Not all good memories lol.
    It was very well written and I feel you absolutely nailed the network marketing routine and the best ways to be successful in that arena. I’m also still learning the affiliate marketing game so I’m just gonna stop by here very often. I really enjoyed reading this post and look forward to reading and learning more.

    • Thank you Flizzy,

      You are welcome back anytime my Friend and yes the Network Marketing industry as well as the Affiliate Marketing industry have both evolved in many ways.

      Talk with you soon Flizzy,


  9. hi there
    Thank you for that informative post it is super and detailed and helpful i believe network marketing can do wonders for any website out there.
    i always have a hard time designing a marketing strategy that is comprehensive and even more following it through so i was whether there is a service that can do that for my website that is already up and running if there is which one?

    • Hi Dave,

      Each business is unique my Friend and I have laid out the basic Network Marketing Business Plan for any business in 2018 so follow those steps to success.

      Talk with you soon Dave,


  10. Thanks for your post Tony!

    This is some good guidance for network marketing in the present day. I know you said you mostly work with affiliate marketing, but I was wondering if you’ve found social media to really help you out with this business.

    What are some ways that you’ve racked up some likes, shares, and attention for your social media presence?? Thanks!

    • You are welcome Jordan and thank you my Friend.

      Yes, I absolutely do utilize Social Media very much to increase my Business.

      Social Media is very much a part of my ways to earn an income online Jordan and I use Facebook as well as Instagram the most but others as well, view my Profile here.

      Thank you for stopping by to read, comment and ask questions my Friend and you are welcome back anytime.



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